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FESK Arden 03.png
Artwork of Arden from Genealogy of the Holy War.

An armored knight from Chalphy. Dreams of fighting on the front lines, but is often assigned to castle defense.






Grannvalean (Chalphy)


Knight of Chalphy

Starting class
Voiced by


Sigh.. I've trained hard to get as strong as I am, but everyone still just teases me.
— Arden

Arden (Japanese: アーダン Arden) was a knight in the service of Grannvale's House Chalphy. When the Grannvale army went to war with Isaach, Arden was one of its few knights left behind, remaining in Chalphy with Sigurd.


Arden was present in Chalphy when they received word of the Verdane attack on Yngvi Castle. At Alec's suggestion, Arden was tasked with remaining at Chalphy to guard the castle in this initial skirmish. Arden subsequently accompanied Sigurd's army on the campaigns in Verdane and Agustria, in exile in Silesse, and presumably in being executed by the mages of Velthomer in the Battle of Belhalla.

Fire Emblem: Genealogy of the Holy War


Arden is a playable character during the first generation. He is avalaible from the start of the Prologue up until the end of Chapter 5.

Starting stats and growth rates

Portrait arden fe04.png
Ma snes02 sword armor playable.gif Sword Armor
Level 3
Holy Blood --
Movement 5
Recruitment: Prologue, automatically from the start

Stats Growth Rates

Inventory Skills
Iron Sword
2,000 Gold
Weapon Levels
Swords B Lances -- Axes -- Bows -- Staves --
Fire magic -- Thunder magic -- FE4RankWind.png -- Light magic -- Dark magic --

Promotion stat gains

Class HP Str Mag Skill Spd Lck Def Res Mov Skills Weapon level
General +0 +1 +0 +1 +2 +0 +2 +3 +0 Pavise Swords A Lances A Axes B Bows B

Love growths and events

Portrait arden fe04.png
Sword Armor
Ma snes02 priest female playable.gif
Initial: 0
Per turn: +2
Ma snes02 sword fighter female playable.gif
Initial: 0
Per turn: +2
Ma snes02 princess playable.gif
Initial: 50
Per turn: +2
Ma snes02 dancer playable.gif
Initial: 0
Per turn: +3
Ma snes02 pegasus knight playable.gif
Initial: 50
Per turn: +2
Ma snes02 pegasus knight playable.gif
Initial: 50
Per turn: +2
Ma snes02 sniper female playable.gif
Initial: 50
Per turn: +4
Ma snes02 thunder mage female playable.gif
Initial: 120
Per turn: +3
[[File:Ma snes02 {{{class8}}} playable.gif|link={{{class8}}}]]
Initial: {{{initialpoints8}}}
Per turn: +
[[File:Ma snes02 {{{class9}}} playable.gif|link={{{class9}}}]]
Initial: {{{initialpoints9}}}
Per turn: +
[[File:Ma snes02 {{{class10}}} playable.gif|link={{{class10}}}]]
Initial: {{{initialpoints10}}}
Per turn: +
[[File:Ma snes02 {{{class11}}} playable.gif|link={{{class11}}}]]
Initial: {{{initialpoints11}}}
Per turn: +
[[File:Ma snes02 {{{class12}}} playable.gif|link={{{class12}}}]]
Initial: {{{initialpoints12}}}
Per turn: +
[[File:Ma snes02 {{{class13}}} playable.gif|link={{{class13}}}]]
Initial: {{{initialpoints13}}}
Per turn: +
See love for more details on the love system.
  • In Chapter 2, if Arden is not married, he can received a Follow-Up Ring if he waits on a tile on the sandy peninsula south of Heirhein Castle.
  • In Chapter 5, if Arden is married, he can receive a +5 Skill boost if he waits on a tile located on a cliff overlooking Phinora Castle, directly south from a village.
  • In Chapter 5, if they are lovers, Ayra or Erinys can talk to Arden. This conversation gives no reward.


This character analysis section may not be accurate to every player's experience.

Arden is one of the game's weaker units. While his combat is not terrible, he has a poor 5 movement in the game with the largest maps in the franchise. In multiple cases, slowing down for him to catch up is not a reasonable option due to the numerous times that villages are under attack. Arden's low movement and strong defense incline him to defending castles; however, there are very few cases where a player will need to defend a castle.

Fortunately, if he manages to get into a fight, he can hold his own. Arden's high defense means he can be relatively safe against physical enemies while Vantage is active, though he will be vulnerable to magic users, and may be healed out of Vantage range when guarding a castle. Once promoted, Arden receives a large boost in his weapon levels and the Pavise skill to increase his durability; however, promotion does not increase his movement, and has only a minor impact on his performance outside the arena. His offense is also problematic without Follow-Up.

In an event in Chapter 2, Arden gains the unique Follow-Up Ring, a very valuable and useful item. While it can be given to other units, him getting it for free means that he can use it without needing 40,000 gold and he can sell it to get a lot of gold. Though his speed is low, Arden is still fast enough to double many enemies with axes or lances, as swords have very little weight; with the Brave Sword, Arden can potentially attack four times in a single round of combat. With or without the Follow-Up Ring, Arden can find use in Chapter 3, as he can safely block the pirates off at the bridge north of Madino even at base level, preventing them from attacking the castle. If Arden is to see significant use, he will likely need the Follow-Up Ring, the Brave Sword, and the Leg Ring (which increases his very low movement); however, all of these items are much more useful on other units.

As a father, Arden provides Vantage and high strength and defense; he can be a decent father to a number of children, but most or all have better options. Arden can make a decent husband for Brigid or Silvia, as their children appreciate Vantage, as when combined with the Sleep Sword it means they can always clear the arena. Still, they can receive similar bonuses from Lex, or other bonuses from other fathers (such as Dew passing Bargain, or Claud passing staves to Coirpre). Additionally, keeping Silvia near Arden to ensure they fall in love can impede her ability to dance for other units. Arden can provide Lachesis's or Edain's children high strength and weapons to their sons, but he cannot pass Follow-Up and lacks events that grant love points or unique items.

Fire Emblem Awakening

Arden is playable as a SpotPass character, released in the Genealogy of the Holy War first-generation character set.

Arden also appears as an enemy unit in two DLC episodes—Lost Bloodlines 1 and 3—and as a NPC in a further one episode, Lost Bloodlines 2.

Starting stats and growth rates

Small portrait spotpass arden fe13.png
Ma 3ds01 knight playable.gif Knight
Level 12
Movement 4
Recruitment: SpotPass, hire him for 3,900 gold or defeat him in a skirmish

Stats Growth Rates Cap Modifiers

Inventory Skills
Steel Lance* Defense +2
Indoor Fighter
Weapon Levels
Swords -- Lances C Axes --
Bows -- Tomes -- Staves --

Reclassing options

Small portrait spotpass arden fe13.png
Base classes:*
Knight General
Great Knight
Reclass options:
This unit can reclass to any male class available through reclassing.
See reclass for more details on the reclassing system.

Growth rates when reclassed

Tactician/Grandmaster Cavalier Paladin Great Knight General Barbarian/Berserker Fighter/Warrior Mercenary/Hero Bow Knight Archer Sniper

Class HP Str Mag Skill Spd Lck Def Res
Tactician/Grandmaster 80% 50% 50% 40% 50% 60% 50% 35%

Myrmidon Swordmaster Assassin Thief Trickster Wyvern Rider/Wyvern Lord Griffon Rider Priest War Monk Mage/Sage Dark Mage Dark Knight Sorcerer Dread Fighter

Class HP Str Mag Skill Spd Lck Def Res
Myrmidon 80% 55% 35% 50% 60% 60% 45% 30%

Promotion stat gains

Archer Barbarian Cavalier Dark Mage Wyvern Rider Fighter Knight Mage Mercenary Myrmidon Priest Tactician Thief

Class HP Str Mag Skill Spd Lck Def Res Mov Weapon level
Sniper +4 +2 +1 +4 +3 +0 +5 +3 +1 --
Bow Knight +8 +3 +0 +2 +4 +0 +1 +2 +3 Swords E

Skill set

Like all male bonus units in Awakening, Arden has access to all base class and advanced class skills available to standard male units.

Fire Emblem Engage


Arden appears as an equippable Bond Ring. He can be summoned using Sigurd's Emblem Ring.

Bond Ring data

Small portrait arden fe17.png
Stat modifiers
Ring level HP Str Def
Is ns02 bond ring c.png C +0 +1 +0
Is ns02 bond ring b.png B +0 +1 +1
Is ns02 bond ring a.png A +2 +1 +1
Is ns02 bond ring s.png S +2 +2 +1

Fire Emblem Heroes


Arden is one of the characters added to the game in the World of Holy War update, and was made available to players in the fifth edition of the Tempest Trials, "Genealogy of Light", which initially ran from October 23, 2017, to November 6, 2017.

Arden: Strong and Tough

Starting stats

★★★★ ★★★★★

Portrait arden strong and tough feh.png
Rarity ★★★★
Weapon type Is feh sword.png
Movement type Armor

Initial Stats Level 40 Stats

Maximum HP 23/24/25
Attack 9/10/11 Speed 1/2/3
Defense 12/13/14 Resistance 1/2/3

Note: This unit requires the usage of Trait Fruit to access any flaws and assets.

Weapon Brave Sword
Assist --
Special Buckler

Skill set

Skill set
Skill Unlock Auto-unlock SP cost
Is feh skill weapon.png Iron Sword ★★★★ ★★★★ 50
Is feh skill weapon.png Steel Sword ★★★★ ★★★★ 100
Is feh skill weapon.png Brave Sword ★★★★ ★★★★ 200
Is feh skill weapon.png Brave Sword+ ★★★★★ ★★★★★ 300
Is feh skill weapon.png Arden's Blade ★★★★★ 400
Is feh skill special.png Buckler ★★★★ ★★★★ 100
Is feh skill special.png Pavise ★★★★ 200
Is feh follow-up ring.pngB Follow-Up Ring ★★★★★ 200
Is feh spur def 1.pngC Spur Def 1 ★★★★ 50
Is feh drive def 1.pngC Drive Def 1 ★★★★ 120
Is feh drive def 2.pngC Drive Def 2 ★★★★ 240


Arden is rather slow, both physically and mentally, but very strong and reliable. While these traits make him an ideal heavy-armored knight, they also earn him the mockery of his comrades, particularly Alec,[1] and he often laments that he is ill-suited for fighting out on the field like his fellow knights and as such is overlooked by Sigurd.[2] Despite the mockery, Arden nonetheless respects Alec and wishes he were more like him.[3] Upon marrying and having a child, Arden feels that their welfare is his top priority.[4] His Einherjar incarnation in the Outrealms states that he has a similar lack of presence problem to Kellam.[5]


Genealogy of the Holy War

Arden, a knight of Chalphy...


Battle quotes

I'm strong and reliable, but...
— Arden's SpotPass parley quote in Awakening.
...Don't call me "lumbering"!
— Arden's SpotPass battle quote in Awakening.
*sigh* It's not easy being me.
— Arden's SpotPass recruitment quote in Awakening.
Who are you? And why have you come to this land?
— Arden, as an enemy in Lost Bloodlines 1 in Awakening.
Ah, so you have that problem, too? And here I thought I was the only...Wait, why are we talking? Fight me!
— Arden against Kellam, as an enemy in Lost Bloodlines 1 in Awakening.
However noble you think your purpose, it won't stop you from losing.
— Arden, as an enemy in Lost Bloodlines 3 in Awakening.
Was it now? Pah! Do your worst!
— Arden against Kellam, as an enemy in Lost Bloodlines 3 in Awakening.

Death quote

Lord Sigurd... My life was yours... I don’t regret a thing...
— Arden, in Genealogy of the Holy War.
How did you dent my...armor?
— Arden, as an enemy in Lost Bloodlines 1 in Awakening.
Damn...I've been bested... Next time I'll come better prepared...
— Arden, as a NPC in Lost Bloodlines 2 in Awakening.
This blasted armor...slows me...rrgh...
— Arden, as an enemy in Lost Bloodlines 3 in Awakening.

Heroes quotes

Main article: Arden/Quotes (Heroes)

Other appearances

Fire Emblem Cipher

Arden is featured on four cards in Fire Emblem Cipher.

Fire Emblem Cipher data for Arden
TCGCipher S08-004ST.png Castle Guardsman, Arden



"But you have to bring me with you at least once!"
Attack: 30 Support: 10 Range: 1 Deploy Cost: 1
Class: Sword Armor Tier: Base Class Change Cost: --
"Sturdy!!": [Always] If this unit is attacked by a non-Tome unit, this unit gains +20 attack.
Defend Support Defense Emblem: [Support] Until the end of this combat, your defending unit gains +20 attack.
Card #S08-004ST • Artist: Akihiro Mibuta
TCGCipher P06-003PR.png Sturdy! Strong! Slow!, Arden



"Pah... I'm strong and tough, I know, but you really don't need to call me slow!"
Attack: 50 Support: 10 Range: 1 Deploy Cost: 3
Class: General Tier: Advanced Class Change Cost: 2
"STURDY!!": [Always] If this unit is attacked by a non-Tome unit, this unit gains +20 attack.
"STRONG!!": [Always] During your turn, this unit gains +20 Attack.
"SLOW!!": [Always] During your turn, this unit cannot be moved.
Card #P06-003PR • Artist: Akihiro Mibuta

Normal Promo Pack 19

TCGCipher B17-099N.png

Immovable Armored Knight, Arden



"Don't have anyone else to defend the castle, do you? Alright, alright... I'll hold down the fort for the moment."
"Sigh... Oh, woe is me. It just doesn't matter how strong or tough I am... It's just not easy, being a bloke.
Attack: 30 Support: 10 Range: 1 Deploy Cost: 1
Class: Sword Armor Tier: Base Class Change Cost: --
Steel Sword: [Activate] [Flip one bond card] Until the end of the turn, this unit gains +10 attack.
Armor Expertise: [Always] If this unit is being attacked by a non-Tome, this unit gains +20 attack.
Defend Support Defense Emblem: [Support] Until the end of this combat, your defending unit gains +20 attack.
Card #B17-099N, B17-099ST, P19-005PR • Artist: Ippei Soeda
TCGCipher B19-057R.png Tough! Strong! Brave!, Arden



"I'll show you just how strong I am!"
Attack: 60 Support: 10 Range: 1 Deploy Cost: 4
Class: General Tier: Advanced Class Change Cost: 3
Follow-Up Ring: [Trigger] [Once per turn] When this unit's attack destroys your opponent's lord, untap this unit.
Resounding Strength: [Trigger] [Flip one bond card] When this unit is attacking, you may pay the cost and if you do: Until the end of this combat, this unit gains +20 attack.
Sturdy!: [Always] If this unit is being attacked by a non-Tome, this unit gains +20 attack.
Card #B19-057R • Artist: Ippei Soeda
Some card information translation provided by Serenes Forest.
For more detailed strategic information on these cards, see their TCG wiki article on Arden .

Flavor text

Game Text
Hero from beyond Elyos who served
under Sigurd as an armored knight.

Member of the Grünritter order of
the Knights of Chalphy.

Known by allies as strong and tough,
but unfortunately slow.

Appears in Genealogy of the
Holy War.



An armored knight from Chalphy. Dreams of
fighting on the front lines, but is often assigned
to castle defense. Appears in Fire Emblem:
Genealogy of the Holy War.
(登場:『ファイアーエムブレム 聖戦の系譜』)

Meet some of the Heroes entries

Arden: Strong and Tough
FEH mth Arden Strong and Tough 01.png FEH mth Arden Strong and Tough 02.png FEH mth Arden Strong and Tough 03.png FEH mth Arden Strong and Tough 04.png
A number of stalwart knights serve Chalphy, the duchy governed by the descendants of the crusader Baldr. This time, I'll be introducing Arden, one of the knights of Chalphy! Arden's allies often poke fun at him for being slow because he's weighed down by his heavy armor, but his unshakeable tenacity and fearsome swordsmanship make him the core of Chalphy's defenses! When the neighboring duchy of Yngvi came under invasion, Sigurd led a force from Chalphy to come to its aid. This left a shortage of manpower at the castle, but it was in good hands with Arden assigned to keep the place safe! So you can see that people rely on Arden a lot already, but he's got lofty goals for himself—he wants to be able to pull off flashy flurries of attacks and impress the love of his life, whoever she may be! I'm rooting for you, Arden!
Closely Associated Characters
Sigurd Alec {{{Related_name3}}} {{{Related_name4}}} {{{Related_name5}}}
Heir to Chalphy, descendant of the crusader Baldr, and Seliph's father. He's courageous and has a strong sense of justice. Arden's lord. A knight of Chalphy in service to Duke Sigurd. He has a cheerful, breezy personality. Fought alongside Arden. {{{Related_blurb3}}} {{{Related_blurb4}}} {{{Related_blurb5}}}

Choose Your Legends placement history

Round Placement Character Votes
Portrait arden fe04 cyl.png
Genealogy of the Holy War
Portrait arden fe04 cyl.png
Genealogy of the Holy War
Portrait arden fe04 cyl.png
Genealogy of the Holy War
Portrait arden fe04 cyl.png
Genealogy of the Holy War
Portrait arden fe04 cyl.png
Genealogy of the Holy War
Portrait arden fe04 cyl.png
Genealogy of the Holy War
Portrait arden fe04 cyl.png
Genealogy of the Holy War
Total results This character has 8 entries across all Choose Your Legends polls. 5,453


Etymology and other languages

Names, etymology, and in other regions
Language Name Definition, etymology, and notes


As of Fire Emblem Awakening. From Arden, a surname of English origin most commonly associated with the Arden family, a British family of extensive lineage.



Used in the Reparation version of the Genealogy of the Holy War fan translation.



Officially romanized as Arden; as above. Romanized instead as Ardan in the Super Tactics Book.



As above.



As above.



As above.



As above.



As above.




Simplified Chinese



Traditional Chinese




Sprite Gallery
Portrait arden fe04.png Sword Armor Ma snes02 sword armor playable.gif General Ma snes02 general playable.gif
Bs fe04 arden sword armor sword.png
(Iron Sword)
Bs fe04 arden general sword.png
(Iron Sword or Blade)
Bs fe04 arden general lance.png
(Iron Lance)
Bs fe04 arden general axe.png
(Iron Axe)
Bs fe04 arden general bow.png
(Iron Bow)

Official artwork


Heroes artwork

Character artwork

Meet some of the Heroes artwork

Other artwork

Cipher artwork


  1. "Sturdy as a brick wall! Strong as an ox! Slow as a turtle! Face it, Arden, you were born for guard duty! Haha!" — Alec in the Prologue, Fire Emblem: Genealogy of the Holy War
  2. "Sigh... Fine, I'll do it. But you have to bring me with you at least once! I don't want to be left out of the action." — Arden in the Prologue, Fire Emblem: Genealogy of the Holy War
  3. "...Sigh. I don't get it. No matter how hard I train or how strong I get, I'm still the butt of every joke 'round here. Maybe if I were more like Alec, with how he can attack twice... That'd be all I need to get a bit of respect, methinks... and maybe a cute lass while I'm at it... Hee hee. But I'm still just me..." — Arden in Chapter 2, Fire Emblem: Genealogy of the Holy War
  4. "Heh, who knew? Even I've got myself a wife and kids! Certainly can't go dying now, not without leaving anything behind for them..." — Arden in Chapter 5, Fire Emblem: Genealogy of the Holy War
  5. "Ah, so you have that problem, too? And here I thought I was the only...Wait, why are we talking? Fight me!" — Arden in Lost Bloodlines 1, Fire Emblem Awakening
Project Characters.png This article is part of Project Characters, a project focused on writing articles for every character present in the Fire Emblem series.
Fire Emblem: Genealogy of the Holy War
Playable characters First gen. AlecArdenAyraAzelleBeowolfBrigidChulainnClaudDeirdreDewEdainErinysEthlynFinnJamkeLachesisLewynLexMidirNaoiseQuanSigurdSilviaTailtiu
Second gen. AltenaAresArthur/AmidCed/HawkCoirpre/CharlotDiarmuid/TristanFebail/AsaelloFee/HerminaFinnHannibalIucharIucharbaJuliaLana/MuirneLarcei/CreidneLeifLene/LayleaLester/DeimneNanna/JeanneOifeyPatty/DaisyScáthach/DalvinSeliphShannanTine/Linda
Non-playable characters First gen. AidaAlvaAnnandArvisAzmurBatuByronCalfCigyunEldiganEthniaEvaEveFilatGrahnyeImcaKurthManananMariccleOifeyLahnaRingShannanTravantVictor
Second gen. AnnaFelipeJakeLewynPalmarch
Bosses First gen. AndreyBeowolfBordeauxChagallCimbaethClementCuvuliDaccarDiMaggioDíthorbaDonovanDuvallElliotEldiganErinysGerrardJacobiJamkeLamiaLombardMacbethMagornMyosMunnirPamelaPapilioPhilipPizareReptorSandimaSlayderVajaWaltzZane
Second gen. AltenaAnguillaArionArvisBanbaBaranBlegBloomBovisBoyceBramselBrianCanisCoulterDagonDanannDistlerDracoEquusEriuFisherFotlaGallusHannibalHaroldHildaIshtarIshtoreIucharIucharbaJavarroJudahJuliaJuliusJuphielKanatzKutuzovLepusLizaMabelManfroyMaykovMengMorriganMuhammadMusMusarOvisOvoPorcusRiddellRobertoRodanSchmidtScipioSimiaTine/LindaTigrisTravantZagam
Background characters BaldrBragiCedDáinnFjalarGairHeimHoðrForsetiLoptousMaeraNagaNálNjörunOdSalamanderThrudUllr
Holy Weapons BalmungForsetiGáe BolgGungnirHelswathLoptousMjölnirMystletainnNagaTyrfingValflameValkyrieYewfelle
Chapters First gen. P: Birth of a Holy Knight • 1: Lady of the Forest • 2: Crisis in Agustria • 3: Eldigan, the Lionheart • 4: Dance in the Skies • 5: Doorway to Destiny
Second gen. 6: Inheritors of Light • 7: Beyond the Desert • 8: The Wyvern Knights of Thracia • 9: For Whose Sake • 10: Light and DarkE: End of the Holy War
Locations JugdralAed Desert (Dahna) • Agustria (Bragi TowerNordionOrgahil) • Grannvale (BelhallaChalphyDozelEddaFriegeVelthomerYngvi) • Isaach (Tirnanog) • Munster District (ConnachtLeonsterMunsterUlster) • MiletosSilesseThraciaVerdane
Groups, objects and events 12 crusadersAed MassacreBattle of BelhallaChild huntsCross KnightsFall of LeonsterFinal Holy WarHoly BloodHoly WarKnight brigades of GrannvaleLanceritterLoptr Church (DeadlordsLoptrian Empire) • Miracle of DahnaQuintessence
Lists ChaptersCharactersClasses (Class change) • Hidden map eventsItemsScriptsSkillsWeapons
Related topics TreasureGenealogy of the Holy War ExceedŌsawa manga adaptationFujimori manga adaptationSuzuki novelizationHeir of LightName chart • Other games (Mystery of the EmblemThracia 776Awakening) • Timeline
Fire Emblem Awakening
Playable characters AnnaAversaBasilioBradyChercheChromCordeliaCynthiaDonnelEmmerynFlaviaFrederickGaiusGangrelGeromeGregorHenryInigoKellamKjelleLaurentLibraLissaLon'quLucinaMaribelleMirielMorganNahNoireNowiOliviaOwainPannePriamRickenRobinSay'riSeveraStahlSullySumiaTharjaTikiVaikeVirionWalhartYarneYen'fay
Non-playable characters HollandMaidenNagaOld HubbaPhila
Bosses AlgolAnguillaArdriAversaBovisCampariCanisCassiusCervantesChalardDalenDaltonDracoEquusExcellusEzraFarberGallusGangrelGarrickGeckoGrimaGyralIgnatiusJamilLepusMarthMorristanMusMustafaNelsonNombryOrtonOvisPherosPorcusPriamRaimiRisen ChiefRoddickRugerSimiaTigrisValidarVastoVictorVincentWalhartXalbadorYen'fayZanth
Background characters First exaltKe'riMarthShanty Pete
DLC characters AlmCatriaCelicaEirikaEldiganElinciaEphraimEstIkeKatarinaLeifLynPrince MarthMicaiahPallaRoySeliph
SpotPass characters Shadow Dragon CaedaGharnefLindeMerricMinervaNavarreNynaOgmaPrince MarthTiki
Gaiden AlmBoeyCelicaClairCliveDeenLuthierMycenNomahValbar
Mystery of the Emblem AthenaCatriaEtzelHardinHoraceKatarinaKing MarthLegionMaliceNorne
Genealogy of the Holy War G1 ArdenArvisAyraDeirdreEthlynJamkeLewynQuanRaquesisSigurd
Genealogy of the Holy War G2 AltenaAresArthurCedFeeJuliaJuliusLarceiSeliphUlster
Thracia 776 DagdarEyvelFinnLeifMareetaNannaOlwenRaydrikSaiasSalem
Binding Blade CeciliaLilinaLughPercevalRaighRoyShannaSophiaWoltZephiel
Fire Emblem EliwoodFlorinaHectorJaffarKarelLynMatthewNergalNinoSerra
Sacred Stones AmeliaEirikaEphraimInnesL'ArachelLuteLyonMarisaMoulderSeth
Path of Radiance AshnardElinciaGeoffreyIkeLuciaMiaMistSorenTitaniaZihark
Radiant Dawn Black KnightBromEdwardLeonardoMicaiahNepheneeSanakiSephiranSigrunSothe
Others CamusIshtarLinusLloydNarcianOliverPetrineSelenaTravantUrsula
Regalia and personal weapons AmatsuArmadsBalmungBook of NagaDouble BowExcaliburFalchion (Exalted FalchionParallel Falchion) • ForsetiGáe BolgGoddess StaffGoetiaGradivusGrima's TruthGungnirHauteclereHelswathMercuriusMissiletainnMjölnirMystletainnNidhoggNoble RapierParthiaRagnellRapierSol KattiTyrfingValflameWolf BergYewfelle
Chapters Main story Pm: Invisible Ties • P: The Verge of History • 1: Unwelcome Change • 2: Shepherds • 3: Warrior Realm • 4: Two Falchions • 5: The Exalt and the King • 6: Foreseer • 7: Incursion • 8: The Grimleal • 9: Emmeryn • 10: Renewal • 11: Mad King Gangrel • 12: The Seacomers • 13: Of Sacred Blood • 14: Flames on the Blue • 15: Smoldering Resistance • 16: Naga's Voice • 17: Inexorable Death • 18: Sibling Blades • 19: The Conqueror • 20: The Sword or the Knee • 21: Five Gemstones • 22: An Ill Presage • 23: Invisible Ties • 24: Awakening • 25: To Slay a GodE: Grima
Paralogues 1: Sickle to Sword • 2: The Secret Seller • 3: A Strangled Peace • 4: Anna the Merchant • 5: Scion of Legend • 6: A Man for Flowers • 7: Noble Lineage • 8: A Duel Disgraced • 9: Wings of Justice • 10: Ambivalence • 11: Twin Wyverns • 12: Disowned by Time • 13: Rival Bands • 14: Shadow in the Sands • 15: A Shot from the Dark • 16: Daughter to Dragons • 17: The Threat of Silence • 18: The Dead King's Lament • 19: Irreconcilable Paths • 20: A Hard Miracle • 21: Ghost of a Blade • 22: The Wellspring of Truth • 23: The Radiant Hero
Xenologues Champions of Yore 1Champions of Yore 2Champions of Yore 3The Golden GaffeEXPonential GrowthInfinite RegaliaLost Bloodlines 1Lost Bloodlines 2Lost Bloodlines 3Smash Brethren 1Smash Brethren 2Smash Brethren 3Rogues & Redeemers 1Rogues & Redeemers 2Rogues & Redeemers 3Death's EmbraceFive-Anna FirefightRoster RescueHarvest ScrambleSummer ScrambleHot-Spring ScrambleThe Future Past 1The Future Past 2The Future Past 3Apotheosis
Locations YlisseFerox (Arena Ferox) • Outrealm Gate (Outrealms) • Plegia (Dragon's Table) • YlisseValmChon'sinRosanneValm
Groups, objects, and concepts AwakeningEinherjarFire EmblemGrimleal (Deadlords) • RisenShepherds
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Fire Emblem Heroes
Characters Heroes AlfonseAnnaAshAskrBaldrBrunoDagrEikþyrnirEirEitrEitriElmEmblaFáfnirFehFehnixFjormFreyjaFreyrGanglötGinnungagapGullveigGunnthráGustavHeiðrHeiðrúnHelHelbindiHenrietteHöðrHræsvelgrHrídKiranKvasirLaegjarnLæraðrLaevateinLetiziaLífLokiMirabilisMúspellNerþuzNiðavellirNíðhöggrNiflNjörðrNóttÓtrPeonyPlumeriaRatatoskrReginnRuneSeiðrSharenaSurtrÞjaziThórrThrasirTriandraVeronicaYlgrYmir
SDatBoL, MotE, NMotE AbelArlenAstramAthenaBantuBarstCaedaCainCamusCastorCatriaClarisseDarrosDraugEliceEremiyaEstGharnefGordinHardinJagenJeorgeJulianKatarinaKrisLegionLenaLindeLukeMaliceMarthMariaMatthisMedeusMerricMichalisMinervaNagaNagiNavarreNorneNynaOgmaPallaPhinaRickardRoderickRosheaSedgarSheenaSiriusTikiVylandWolfWrysXaneYuliya
Shadows of Valentia AlmAtlasBerkutBoeyBrigand BossCatriaCelicaClairCliveConradDeenDeltheaDumaFayeFernandForsythGennyGrayHestiaKamuiKliffLeonLukasLuthierMaeMarlaMathildaMilaMycenPallaPythonRineaRudolfSaberSilqueSonyaTatianaTobinValbarZeke
Genealogy of the Holy War AltenaAnnandArdenAresArionArthurArvisAyraAzelleBrigidCedDeirdreDíthorbaEldiganErinysEthlynFebailFeeHildaIshtarJamkeJuliaJuliusLachesisLarceiLeneLewynLexPattyQuanScáthachSeliphShannanSigurdSilviaTailtiuTineTravantUllr
Thracia 776 AsbelAugustEyvelFinnGalzusKarinKempfLaraLeifLifisMareetaMirandaNannaOlwenOsianPerneReinhardtRonanSafySaiasSalemSaraTanyaTinaVeld
The Binding Blade BartreBorsBrunnyaCathCeciliaChadClarineDieckDorothyEchidnaElffinElimineFaeFirGalleGeeseGonzalezGuinivereGwendolynHughIdunnIgreneJunoKleinLarumLilinaLughMeladyMerlinusMurdockNarcianNiimeNoahOgierPercevalRaighRoyRutgerSaulShannaSophiaSueTheaWoltZelotZeissZephiel
The Blazing Blade BramimondCanasDorcasEliwoodErkFargusFarinaFioraFlorinaGuyHarkenHawkeyeHeathHectorIsadoraJaffarKarelKarlaKentLegaultLeilaLimstellaLinusLloydLouiseLuciusLynMarkMatthewNergalNilsNinianNinoOswinPentPriscillaRathRavenRebeccaSainSerraSoniaUrsulaUtherVaidaWilZephiel
The Sacred Stones AmeliaArturCaellachColmCormagDozlaDuesselEirikaEphraimEwanFomortiisFordeGerikGilliamGlenInnesJoshuaKnollKyleL'ArachelLuteLyonMarisaMyrrhNatashaNeimiOrsonRennacRievRossSalehSelenaSethSyreneTanaTethysValterVanessaVigarde
Path of Radiance AshnardAstridBertramBlack KnightBoydElinciaGatrieGreilIkeIlyanaJillMarciaMiaMistNepheneeOscarPetrineRolfSanakiSephiranShinonSigrunSorenTanithTitaniaVolkeZihark
Radiant Dawn AltinaAsheraBastianCaineghisDheginseaEdwardElinciaEnaGeoffreyHaarHeatherIkeJarodJorgeKurthnagaKyzaLeanneLeonardoLetheLuciaLudveckLyreMiaMicaiahMordecaiMuarimNaesalaNailahNolanOliverPelleasRafielRanulfReysonRhysSanakiSotheTibarnTormodVikaYuneZelgius
Awakening AnnaAversaBasilioBradyChercheChromCordeliaCynthiaDonnelEmmerynFlaviaFrederickGaiusGangrelGeromeGregorHenryInigoKellamKjelleLaurentLibraLissaLon'quLucinaMaribelle"Marth"MorganMustafaMirielNagaNahNoireNowiOliviaOwainPannePhilaPriamRickenRobinSay'riSeveraStahlSullySumiaTharjaTikiVaikeValidarVirionWalhartYarneYen'fay
Fates AnankosAreteArthurAzamaAzuraBennyBerukaCaeldoriCamillaCandaceCharlotteCorrinDwyerEffieEliseFeliciaFloraForrestFugaGaronGunterHanaHansHayatoHinataHinokaIagoJakobKadenKageroKanaKazeKeatonKiragiLaslowLeoLilithMidoriMikotoMozuNilesNinaNyxOboroOdinOpheliaOrochiPeriReinaRhajatRinkahRyomaSakuraSaizoSelenaSelkieSetsunaShigureShiroSiegbertSilasSoleilSubakiTakumiVelouriaXanderYukimura
Three Houses, Warriors: Three Hopes AelfricAnnetteArvalAsheBalthusBernadettaBylethCasparCatherineClaudeConstanceCorneliaCyrilDeath KnightDedueDimitriDorotheaEdelgardFelixFerdinandFlame EmperorFlaynGatekeeperHapiHildaHolstHubertIgnatzIngridJeraltKronyaLeonieLinhardtLorenzLysitheaManuelaMarianneMercedesMetodeyMonicaNemesisPetraRaphaelRheaSeirosSetethShamirShezSolonSothisSylvainYuri
Engage AlcrystAlearAlfredCélineChloéCitrinneClanneDiamantEtieFogadoFrammeGoldmaryHortensiaIvyKagetsuLapisLumeraMarniMarthMauvierMerrinNelPandreoPanetteRosadoSeadallTimerraVeyleYunakaZephia
Tokyo Mirage Sessions ♯FE Encore EleonoraItsukiKiriaMamoriTsubasa
Story Maps Book I PrefaceP: World of Zenith • 1: World of Mystery • 2: World of Conquest • 3: World of Binding • 4: World of Awakening • 5: Back to Mystery • 6: World of Birthright • 7: World of Blazing • 8: Back to Awakening • 9: Heroes Invade • 10: World of Radiance • 11: Rite of Shadows • 12: Bitter Enemies • 13: Diabolical BloodlineI: A Power AwakensI: The Rite of Blades
Book II 1: The Flame • 2: Princess of Ice • 3: Guided by a Dream • 4: Fiery Resolve • 5: Blood and Snow • 6: The True Quarry • 7: Snow and Ash • 8: Rite of Frost • 9: Hellfire • 10: The King's Demise • 11: Prince of Ice • 12: Seeping Poison • 13: A Way Home
Book III 1: Death • 2: The Dread Gate • 3: Countdown • 4: A King's Worth • 5: A Father's Legacy • 6: Realm of the Dead • 7: A Home Unknown • 8: Truth of a Name • 9: Cohort of the Dead • 10: Omnicidal Witch • 11: Where It Began • 12: Lethal Swordsman • 13: Marvelous Dream
Book IV 1: The Dream • 2: Missing You • 3: Gullinkambi • 4: On Dark Wings • 5: Twisted Reality • 6: Dreaming Reality • 7: Steeped in Twilight • 8: Wallowing in Love • 9: Violent Fantasies • 10: Lack • 11: Plumeria's Dream • 12: Triandra's Dream • 13: Reality
Book V 1: Machine Dominion • 2: Kingsbrother • 3: Forest of the Sage • 4: The Vital Blade • 5: Night and Day • 6: Treachery • 7: Bound Elsewhere • 8: Serpent's Whispers • 9: Echoes of Truth • 10: Howling Descent • 11: Deceit • 12: What Remains • 13: Specter of Niðavellir
Book VI 1: Darkness • 2: Curse Directive • 3: Calling of Blood • 4: Princess Alone • 5: Evil Ways • 6: Revealing Lies • 7: To Be Emperor • 8: Closing In • 9: Opening a Way • 10: God of Openness • 11: One Last Chance • 12: Princess and Prince • 13: Askr and Embla
Book VII 13: Time • 5: Divine Foretelling • 6: King of Light • 7: Goddess Reunion • 8: Seeing the Present • 2: World of the Past • 3: Within Wheels • 4: Ouroboros • 9: The Innocent • 10: Light's Fading • 11: Without Limits • 12: Seer of the Past • 1: Golden Seer
Book VIII 1: Healing • 2: Traitor • 3: Bait • 4: Imperial Blood • 5: A Royal Target • 6: Hand Reveal • 7: Ceremony Day • 8: The World-Tree • 9: Healing Nectar • 10: Trading Lives • 11: Quieting Blade • 12: Quieting Dose • 13: Healing Heart
Book IX 1: Heavenly Realm • 2: Mortal Verdict
Paralogues X1: Detached Princess • 1: Family Bonds • 2: Sibling Bonds • 3: Blazing Shadows • 4: Spring Festival • 5: World of Shadows • 6: Bridal Blessings • X2: The Brink of Chaos • 7: Echoes of Mystery • 8: Ylissean Summer • 9: Nohrian Summer • 10: The Sacred World • 11: Brave Heroes • 12: Performing Arts • 13: World of Holy War • 14: Trick or Defeat! • 15: Farfetched Heroes • 16: Winter's Envoy • 17: Happy New Year! • X3: The People's Hero • 18: Love Abounds • 19: Hares at the Fair • 20: Bridal Bloom • 21: Summer's Arrival • 22: A Sketchy Summer • 23: Festival in Hoshido • 24: Arrival of the Brave • 25: The Land's Bounty • 26: Brave Redux • 27: Adrift • X4: Whispers of Death • 28: Gifts of Winter • 29: New Year's Wish • 30: Hostile Springs • 31: Greil's Devoted • 32: Regal Rabbits • 33: A Season for Picnics • 34: Bridal Belonging • 35: Summer Returns • 36: Summer Refreshes • 37: Brave Echoes • 38: A Splendid Soiree • 39: Treat Fiends • X5: Heavenly Witness • 40: Glorious Gifts • 41: Renewed Spirit • 42: A Star Is Born • 43: Lovely Gifts • 44: Familial Festivities • 45: The Start of It All • 46: Bridal Beloveds • 47: Summer Passing • 48: Overseas Memories • 49: Pirate's Pride • 50: To Stay Dreaming • 51: Dragons Harvest • 52: In the Moment • 53: A Festival Miracle • 54: Beyond Dreaming • 55: Dark Desert Rituals • 56: Love of a King • 57: Willful Rabbits • 58: Childhood Encounter • 59: Bridal Grace • 60: Summer Vibrance • 61: Summer's Dream • 62: Perilous Seas • 63: Scions of Twelve • 64: Shared Bounty • 65: Ninja Training • 66: Winter Dreamland • 67: Like Clockwork • 68: Of Lost Kingdoms • 69: Here with Me • 70: Hop-and-Go-Seek • 71: Unlikely Friends • 72: Bridal Blossoms • 73: Summer Vacation • 74: Taken by the Tide • 75: Risk and Reward • 76: Bite of Flame • 77: Divine Harvest • 78: Wyvern Ninja • 79: Holiday Handoff • 80: Gods Renewed • 81: Sage of Khadein? • 82: A Special Gift • 83: Spring Eternal • 84: No Matter Where • 85: Bridal Dreams • 86: Summer Longing • 87: Summer Firsts • 88: Invitation to Tea • 89: Winds Offered • 90: Merchant's Harvest • 91: Our Path Ahead • 92: Holiday Lessons • 93: Ring In the Year • 94: Nabata's Shield • 95: May This Last • 96: A Place to Rest • 97: Double Vision • 98: Brides to Be • 99: Flush Summer • 100: Loving Sea • 101: Timidity Trials
Locations The Sacred WorldWorld of AwakeningWorld of BindingWorld of BirthrightWorld of BlazingWorld of ConquestWorld of CrestsWorld of DawnWorld of Holy WarWorld of MysteryWorld of Mystery RenewedWorld of OriginWorld of RadianceWorld of ShadowsWorld of Thracia • World of Zenith (Askran KingdomDökkálfheimrEmblian EmpireHelJötunheimrLjósálfheimrMúspellNiflNiðavellirVanaheimrYggdrasill)
Groups, objects, and concepts BreidablikCurse DirectiveQuieting HandsOrbOrder of HeroesRaritySummoning (summoning events)
Game modes Aether Raids (Aether Resort) • Affinity Auto-BattlesBinding WorldsBlessed GardensChain ChallengeColiseum (Allegiance BattleArena AssaultArena DuelsResonant BattleSummoner Duels) • Forging BondsFrontline PhalanxGrand ConquestsHall of FormsHeroes JourneyHeroic OrdealsLost LoreMjölnir's StrikePawns of LokiRøkkr SiegesSeer's SnareSpecial Maps (Bound Hero BattlesEmblem Hero BattlesEvent MapsGrand Hero BattlesHero BattlesLegendary Hero BattlesLimited Hero BattlesMythic Hero BattlesRelay DefenseRival DomainsSpecial Training MapsTrial Maps) • Squad AssaultTactics DrillsTap BattleTempest TrialsTraining TowerUnited WarfrontVoting Gauntlet
Related topics A Hero RisesAncient LettersAnniversary Illustrations‎Artists (0–9, A–LM–Z) • CalendarsChoose Your LegendsDivine VeinFeh PassEvent calendarsFind & Vote Heroes!A Day in the LifeMini Acrylic Figure CollectionList of status effectsList of version differences (Name chart) • Meet some of the HeroesPre-release information (Unused content) • Voting Jubilee