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From Fire Emblem Wiki, your source on Fire Emblem information. By fans, for fans.

FETH Rhea 02.png
Artwork of Rhea from Three Houses.








11th of the Guardian Moon (January 11th)


Sothis (mother)

Starting class


Voiced by


We cannot ignore those who harbor ill will towards the church, especially if they are frequenting Garreg Mach.
— Rhea, to Seteth.

Rhea (pronounced /⁠'ɹeɪə⁠/[key]; Japanese: レア Rhea) is a character appearing in Fire Emblem: Three Houses. She is the archbishop of the Church of Seiros, and has served in this role since Jeralt's days as a knight. Her true identity is Seiros (pronounced /⁠'sɛɹoʊs⁠/[key]; Japanese: セイロス Seiros), the slayer of Nemesis in Imperial Year 91, revered as a saint in the Church of Seiros.


Rhea, born Seiros, was one of the last Children of the Goddess born from Sothis's own blood, and lived among her kin at Zanado in ancient Fódlan. Nemesis—the "King of Liberation", who had stolen Sothis's remains and used them to acquire the Crest of Flames and forge the Sword of the Creator—invaded Zanado with an army to harvest the bodies of goddess's children for power; save Seiros, all of the Children of the Goddess at Zanado were killed. Seeking revenge, she founded the Church of Seiros,[2] and helped Wilhelm Paul Hresvelg establish the Adrestian Empire; Seiros recruited fellow Children of the Goddess Cethleann, Cichol, Indech, and Macuil to form the Four Saints, and they gifted their blood to Wilhelm's allies—whose families would become the Adrestian nobility—amassing enough soldiers to battle Nemesis.[3] War began between Seiros's and Nemesis's forces in Imperial year 46, starting with a battle at Gronder Field that the Adrestian Empire won.[4] During this time, Seiros pushed the narrative that she was a prophet sent from the Goddess Sothis[5] and the Crests and Heroes' Relics were divine blessings gifted to Nemesis and his allies to defeat evil before they became corrupted,[6][7] intending to hide the origin of the powers Nemesis's allies—and now Wilhelm and the Adrestian elite—obtained,[8] and to persuade her human allies to wage war against them given their good reputation,[9] with only Wilhelm being aware of the deception.[10] During the war, Seiros assumed her draconic form many times to support the Empire, which she framed in such a way it was seen as a separate entity also sent by the Goddess herself, which came to be known as the Immaculate One.[11][12] In a battle at the Tailtean Plains, Seiros killed Nemesis in the year 91[13] and retrieved her mother's bones. Within the next 7 years, she ensured the 10 Elites were hunted down, their Heroes' Relics were seized, and their clans were assimilated into the Empire.[14] Given Nemesis's resources and knowledge about Crests and Sothis's children, Seiros suspected he had received external help and raised an investigation to uncover his collaborator's identity, which ultimately led nowhere.[15] After the war, Seiros had the bones and Crest Stones of her fallen kin concealed in the Holy Tomb.[16]

Over the course of the next millennium, Seiros attempted to bring Sothis back to life. During Garreg Mach's construction, she recruited the Four Apostles, mythical individuals bearing four rare Crests. In Imperial year 185, Rhea had the Four Apostles pour their blood into the Chalice of Beginnings in an undisclosed location along with Sothis's remains, hoping the experiment would resurrect her.[17] The result of the ceremony was an Umbral Beast[18] which quickly began to rampage, forcing Seiros to put it down; the Four Saints later disbanded. After recovering the Sword of the Creator, Seiros faked her death, assumed the alias of "Rhea" and had her supposed corpse—in reality, the Sword of the Creator but without Sothis's Crest stone—buried and sealed in the Holy Mausoleum. From this point onwards, Rhea began crafting human vessels and planting Sothis's Crest stone within their bodies before giving them life, hoping one of them would inherit her consciousness, though none were successful;[19] during this time, she also interfered any human attempts to uncover the truth behind the Heroes' Relics,[20] and delayed or halted Fódlan's technological and medical progress.[21][22]

By Imperial year 1159, Rhea had publicly become the Archbishop of the Church of Seiros once more. Her twelfth failed vessel, Sitri, fell in love with the captain of the Knights of Seiros, Jeralt—whom Rhea had previously saved through a blood transfusion that gave him her Crest[23][24]—and had a child named Byleth. However, the child was stillborn, and Rhea, at Sitri's request, transferred Sothis's Crest Stone to Byleth and saved them at the cost of Sitri's life.[25] Byleth was unnaturally silent and had no heartbeat, leading the terrified Jeralt to fake the child's death and flee Garreg Mach Monastery with them.[26]

In 1175, Rhea took on Shamir, a mercenary and survivor of the Dagda and Brigid War, who in turn became one of her Knights of Seiros as a way to repay her debt.[27] In 1176, Rhea provided asylum to Cassandra, a previous Officers Academy alumni, who became a criminal in the Kingdom of Faerghus because she was falsely accused of plotting to kill King Lambert.[28] Moved by the archbishop's gesture, Cassandra assumed the name "Catherine" and became a Knights of Seiros, pledging her loyalty to Rhea.[28]

In 1180, Jeralt and Byleth are caught up in an attack on Officers Academy students Edelgard, Dimitri, and Claude, leading the amnesiac Sothis to awaken within Byleth's soul. Jeralt returns to Garreg Mach, where Rhea reinstates Jeralt as a Knight of Seiros and gives Byleth a teaching position at the Academy in the hopes that Sothis can be resurrected through Byleth's body.[29] Over the course of the next year, Rhea oversees the education of the students of the Officers Academy and assigns missions to Byleth and the other professors. Eventually, Jeralt is murdered by an assassin and Byleth is drawn into a trap in an attempt to avenge him. Byleth fuses with Sothis and gains all of her powers, leading Rhea to believe her long struggle has finally succeeded. She takes them to the Holy Tomb beneath the monastery in the hopes of having them commune with Sothis, but Edelgard attacks the tomb with her soldiers. Byleth defeats her, but Edelgard escapes, accuses the Church of being corrupt and stagnating humanity, and declares war on the Church. Byleth can either remain loyal to the Church or defect to the Empire; in either case, Edelgard attacks Garreg Mach. Rhea leads Church forces in battle, but is defeated.

On all routes other than Crimson Flower, where Byleth remains loyal to the Church, Rhea is captured by Imperial forces after the battle and is imprisoned in the Imperial capital Enbarr for the next five years so that Edelgard can use her as insurance against those who slither in the dark.[30] After Byleth awakens from a coma, rallies an army, and kills Edelgard, they rescue Rhea. On the Azure Moon route, she passes the title of Archbishop on to Byleth and peacefully retires to Zanado. On the Silver Snow and Verdant Wind routes, Edelgard's vassal Hubert reveals the existence of the true threat to Fódlan, a cult known as those who slither in the dark, and directs Byleth to their stronghold at Shambhala. Rhea recounts some of her personal history to Byleth and accompanies them to Shambhala, where she transforms into the Immaculate One in order to protect Byleth from those who slither in the dark's javelins of light. Severely injured, Rhea is returned to Garreg Mach Monastery. On the Silver Snow route, she recounts her experiments to resurrect Sothis, but suddenly suffers from draconic degeneration, transforms into the Immaculate One, and goes berserk; Byleth is forced to defeat her. If Rhea and Byleth did not unlock their A support, Rhea dies in Byleth's arms; while if they did unlock their A support, she barely survives and manages to make a full recovery. On the Verdant Wind route, when those who slither in the dark resurrect Nemesis in a final attack on Fódlan, Rhea recounts the rest of her history to Byleth. She is not seen afterwards, and presumably succumbs to her wounds and dies offscreen.

On the Crimson Flower route, where Byleth defects to the Empire, their betrayal causes Rhea to suffer a total psychotic breakdown. After the Battle of Garreg Mach, Rhea retreats to the Faerghus capital of Fhirdiad, and Dimitri ascends the throne and allies with her. Rhea spends the next five years in a stalemate with the Empire, until Byleth awakens from their coma and tips the war in Adrestia's favor. Rhea leads Church forces in an attack on the monastery, but despite killing Adrestian commanders Randolph and Ladislava, is defeated and forced to retreat. Retaking the name Seiros, she and Dimitri confront the Imperial army at the Tailtean Plains, but Dimitri is killed and Seiros is again driven off. Seiros returns to Fhirdiad, takes control of the Kingdom, orders Fhirdiad burned to the ground, and transforms into the Immaculate One; she faces Edelgard and Byleth in battle at Fhirdiad, but is slain.

Fire Emblem: Three Houses


Rhea is an NPC for one paralogue and Chapter 12 on all routes other than Crimson Flower. She is the primary antagonist and a recurring boss on the Crimson Flower route and the final boss of both Crimson Flower and Silver Snow.


Neutral - Chapter 12

See also: The Battle of Garreg Mach (other routes)

Normal Hard Maddening

Small portrait rhea fe16.png
Ma ns01 archbishop other.gif Archbishop
Level 25
Movement -
Crest Is ns01 crest of seiros.png
Max HP 49 Luck 18
Strength 22 Defense 16
Magic 24 Resistance 24
Dexterity 18 Charm 31+10
Speed 16
Inventory Abilities
Sword of Seiros
Seiros Shield
Sacred Power
Terrain Resistance
Combat arts Spells Battalion
-- Fire
Agnea's Arrow
Indech Sword Fighters Lv 3
Skill Levels
Swords Lances Axes Bows Brawling Reason Faith Authority Heavy Armor Riding Flying Class mastery
A D E E B A A A E E E FE16ClassMasteryEmpty.png

Enemy - Black Eagles Chapter 12

See also: The Battle of Garreg Mach (Black Eagles)

Normal Hard Maddening

Neutral - Falling Short of Heaven

See also: Falling Short of Heaven

Normal/Hard Maddening

Small portrait rhea fe16.png
Ma ns01 archbishop other.gif Archbishop
Level 10
Movement -
Crest Is ns01 crest of seiros.png
Max HP 37 Luck 12
Strength 19 Defense 16
Magic 16 Resistance 17
Dexterity 14 Charm 19+10
Speed 14
Inventory Abilities
Seiros Shield Sacred Power
Terrain Resistance
Faith Lv 3
Combat arts Spells Battalion
-- Agnea's Arrow
Indech Sword Fighters Lv 3
Skill Levels
Swords Lances Axes Bows Brawling Reason Faith Authority Heavy Armor Riding Flying Class mastery
A D E E B A A A E E E FE16ClassMasteryEmpty.png

Enemy - Silver Snow Chapter 21

See also: The Final Battle
First form

This section is missing stats, calculations, or growth rates which may be currently unknown. If this information is available, please help improve the page by adding it.

Normal Hard Maddening

Small portrait the immaculate one 02 fe16.png
Ma ns01 the immaculate one enemy.gif The Immaculate One
Level 44
Movement -
Crest Is ns01 crest of seiros.png
Max HP 60/60/?/? Luck 26
Strength 18 Defense 12
Magic 18 Resistance 18
Dexterity 17 Charm 34
Speed 17
Inventory Abilities
Crest Stone of Seiros Sacred Power
Ancient Dragonskin
Dragon-Scale Wall
Vital Defense
Divine Dragon Horn
Miracle Latent; active starting from health bar 2
Defiant Str Latent; active starting from health bar 3
Vantage Latent; active starting from health bar 4
Staggering Blow Spells Battalion
Hoarfrost -- --
Skill Levels
Swords Lances Axes Bows Brawling Reason Faith Authority Heavy Armor Riding Flying Class mastery
E E E E E E E E E E E FE16ClassMasteryEmpty.png
Second form

Normal Hard Maddening

Enemy - Crimson Flower Chapter 17

See also: Combat at Tailtean Plains

Normal Hard Maddening

Enemy - Crimson Flower Chapter 18

See also: The Fight for Fhirdiad

Normal Hard Maddening

Fire Emblem Heroes

Four variations of Rhea and one variation of Seiros are available in Heroes.

As Rhea, she was first made available between the period of October 7, 2021 through November 7, 2021 in a special Halloween variation as part of the Shared Bounty update; prior to this, she appeared as part of the Duo Unit Byleth: Fell Star's Duo. A fallen variation of Rhea, based on her appearance as the final boss of the Silver Snow route, was first made available to players on May 10, 2022 as part of the summoning event surrounding the launch of the To Be Emperor update. The normal variant of Rhea was added in the World of the Past update, and was first available to summon from April 17 to May 8 of 2023. A Valentine's variation of Rhea—a duo hero paired with Sothis and based on her appearance on the cover of the Three Houses soundtrack album—was added on February 6, 2025, and was first available to summon from then to March 6, 2025.

As Seiros, she is the game's eighteenth Mythic Hero, and was added to the game in a dedicated Mythic Hero update, made available for summoning as part of a summoning event released on January 28, 2021; Seiros notably breaks a string of six straight Heroes-original Mythic Heroes, the last non-Heroes-original Mythic Hero being Mila in May 2020.

All versions of Rhea and Seiros use the Immaculate One as their dragon transformation.

Rhea: Witch of Creation

Starting stats

Rhea: Witch of Creation is only available at 5★ rarity.
Portrait rhea witch of creation feh.png
Rarity ★★★★★
Weapon type Is feh green breath.png
Movement type Infantry

Initial Stats Level 40 Stats

Maximum HP 17/18/19
Attack 9/10/11 Speed 4/5/6
Defense 8/9/10 Resistance 11/12/13
Weapon Witch Breath
Assist --
Special Chilling Wind

Skill set

Skill set
Skill Unlock Auto-unlock SP cost
Is feh skill weapon.png Fire Breath ★★★★★ ★★★★★ 50
Is feh skill weapon.png Fire Breath+ ★★★★★ ★★★★★ 100
Is feh skill weapon.png Flametongue ★★★★★ ★★★★★ 200
Is feh skill weapon.png Witch Breath ★★★★★ ★★★★★ 400
Is feh skill special.png Chilling Wind ★★★★★ ★★★★★ 100
Is feh skill special.png Iceberg ★★★★★ 200
Is feh atk res bond 1.pngA Atk/Res Bond 1 ★★★★★ 60
Is feh atk res bond 2.pngA Atk/Res Bond 2 ★★★★★ 120
Is feh atk res bond 3.pngA Atk/Res Bond 3 ★★★★★ 240
Is feh atk res unity.pngA Atk/Res Unity ★★★★★ 300
Is feh dragon wall 1.pngB Dragon Wall 1 ★★★★★ 60
Is feh dragon wall 2.pngB Dragon Wall 2 ★★★★★ 120
Is feh dragon wall 3.pngB Dragon Wall 3 ★★★★★ 240

Rhea: Immaculate One

Starting stats

Rhea: Immaculate One is only available at 5★ rarity.
Portrait rhea immaculate one feh.png
Rarity ★★★★★
Weapon type Is feh colorless breath.png
Movement type Armor

Initial Stats Level 40 Stats

Maximum HP 19/20/21
Attack 12/13/14 Speed 4/5/6
Defense 9/10/11 Resistance 9/10/11
Weapon Ruinous Frost
Assist --
Special Night Sky

Skill set

Skill set
Skill Unlock Auto-unlock SP cost
Is feh skill weapon.png Fire Breath ★★★★★ ★★★★★ 50
Is feh skill weapon.png Fire Breath+ ★★★★★ ★★★★★ 100
Is feh skill weapon.png Flametongue ★★★★★ ★★★★★ 200
Is feh skill weapon.png Ruinous Frost ★★★★★ ★★★★★ 400
Is feh skill special.png Night Sky ★★★★★ ★★★★★ 100
Is feh skill special.png Glimmer ★★★★★ 200
Is feh warding stance 1.pngA Warding Stance 1 ★★★★★ 50
Is feh bracing stance 1.pngA Bracing Stance 1 ★★★★★ 120
Is feh bracing stance 2.pngA Bracing Stance 2 ★★★★★ 240
Is feh bracing stance 3.pngA Bracing Stance 3 ★★★★★ 300
Is feh true dragon wall.pngB True Dragon Wall ★★★★★ 300
Is feh d r near save 1.pngC D/R Near Save 1 ★★★★★ 100
Is feh d r near save 2.pngC D/R Near Save 2 ★★★★★ 200
Is feh d r near save 3.pngC D/R Near Save 3 ★★★★★ 300

Rhea: Loving Matriarch

Starting stats

Rhea: Loving Matriarch is only available at 5★ rarity.
Portrait rhea loving matriarch feh.png
Rarity ★★★★★
Weapon type Is feh colorless breath.png
Movement type Infantry

Initial Stats Level 40 Stats

Maximum HP 17/18/19
Attack 10/11/12 Speed 2/3/4
Defense 6/7/8 Resistance 15/16/17
Weapon Revealing Breath
Assist --
Special Night Sky

Skill set

Skill set
Skill Unlock Auto-unlock SP cost
Is feh skill weapon.png Fire Breath ★★★★★ ★★★★★ 50
Is feh skill weapon.png Fire Breath+ ★★★★★ ★★★★★ 100
Is feh skill weapon.png Flametongue ★★★★★ ★★★★★ 200
Is feh skill weapon.png Revealing Breath ★★★★★ ★★★★★ 400
Is feh skill special.png Night Sky ★★★★★ ★★★★★ 100
Is feh skill special.png Glimmer ★★★★★ 200
Is feh atk res scowl 1.pngA Atk/Res Scowl 1 ★★★★★ 60
Is feh atk res scowl 2.pngA Atk/Res Scowl 2 ★★★★★ 120
Is feh atk res scowl 3.pngA Atk/Res Scowl 3 ★★★★★ 240
Is feh atk res scowl 4.pngA Atk/Res Scowl 4 ★★★★★ 300
Is feh true dragon wall.pngB True Dragon Wall ★★★★★ 300

Rhea: Aura of Love

Starting stats

Rhea: Aura of Love is only available at 5★ rarity.
Portrait rhea aura of love feh.png
Rarity ★★★★★
Weapon type Is feh colorless breath.png
Movement type armor
Duo Hero
Is feh duo skill.png

Initial Stats Level 40 Stats

Maximum HP 19/20/21
Attack 12/13/14 Speed 3/4/5
Defense 12/13/14 Resistance 10/11/12
Weapon Devoted Breath
Assist --
Special Chilling Wind

Skill set

Skill set
Skill Unlock Auto-unlock SP cost
Is feh skill weapon.png Fire Breath ★★★★★ ★★★★★ 50
Is feh skill weapon.png Fire Breath+ ★★★★★ ★★★★★ 100
Is feh skill weapon.png Flametongue ★★★★★ ★★★★★ 200
Is feh skill weapon.png Devoted Breath ★★★★★ ★★★★★ 400
Is feh skill special.png Chilling Wind ★★★★★ ★★★★★ 100
Is feh skill special.png Iceberg ★★★★★ 200
Is feh skill special.png Dragon's Roar ★★★★★ 500
Is feh def res scowl 1.pngA Def/Res Scowl 1 ★★★★★ 60
Is feh def res scowl 2.pngA Def/Res Scowl 2 ★★★★★ 120
Is feh def res scowl 3.pngA Def/Res Scowl 3 ★★★★★ 240
Is feh def res scowl 4.pngA Def/Res Scowl 4 ★★★★★ 300
Is feh pure dragon wall.pngB Pure Dragon Wall ★★★★★ 300
Is feh close guard 1.pngC Close Guard 1 ★★★★★ 60
Is feh close guard 2.pngC Close Guard 2 ★★★★★ 120
Is feh close guard 3.pngC Close Guard 3 ★★★★★ 240
Is feh lower ground.pngC Lower Ground ★★★★★ 300

Seiros: Saint of Legend

Starting stats

Seiros: Saint of Legend is only available at 5★ rarity.
Portrait seiros saint of legend feh.png
Rarity ★★★★★
Weapon type Is feh blue breath.png
Movement type Infantry
Mythic Hero
Anima Attack 2

Initial Stats Level 40 Stats

Maximum HP 17/18/19
Attack 8/9/10 Speed 4/5/6
Defense 8/9/10 Resistance 11/12/13
Weapon Aurora Breath
Assist --
Special Chilling Wind

Skill set

Skill set
Skill Unlock Auto-unlock SP cost
Is feh skill weapon.png Fire Breath ★★★★★ ★★★★★ 50
Is feh skill weapon.png Fire Breath+ ★★★★★ ★★★★★ 100
Is feh skill weapon.png Flametongue ★★★★★ ★★★★★ 200
Is feh skill weapon.png Aurora Breath ★★★★★ ★★★★★ 400
Is feh skill special.png Chilling Wind ★★★★★ ★★★★★ 100
Is feh skill special.png Glacies ★★★★★ 200
Is feh warding blow 1.pngA Warding Blow 1 ★★★★★ 50
Is feh mirror strike 1.pngA Mirror Strike 1 ★★★★★ 120
Is feh mirror strike 2.pngA Mirror Strike 2 ★★★★★ 240
Is feh mirror impact.pngA Mirror Impact ★★★★★ 300
Is feh atk res scowl 1.pngA Atk/Res Scowl 1 ★★★★★ 60
Is feh atk res scowl 2.pngA Atk/Res Scowl 2 ★★★★★ 120
Is feh atk res scowl 3.pngA Atk/Res Scowl 3 ★★★★★ 240
Is feh atk res scowl 4.pngA Atk/Res Scowl 4 ★★★★★ 300
Is feh dragon wall 1.pngB Dragon Wall 1 ★★★★★ 60
Is feh dragon wall 2.pngB Dragon Wall 2 ★★★★★ 120
Is feh dragon wall 3.pngB Dragon Wall 3 ★★★★★ 240
Is feh wings of light.pngC Wings of Light ★★★★★ 300
Is feh wings of light+.pngC Wings of Light+ ★★★★★ 300

Fire Emblem Warriors: Three Hopes

Starting stats and growth rates


Small portrait rhea 02 fewa2.png
Level 50
Movement 5
Crest Is ns01 crest of seiros.png
Recruitment: Spend 60 renown at the Personal Quarters after completing the final chapter on any route

Base Stats Stat Growths Max Stats

Max HP 7225 Luck 46
Strength 51 Defense 46+5
Magic 55 Resistance 41
Dexterity 35 Charm 55
Speed 42
Inventory Abilities
Sword of Seiros
Seiros Shield
Purifying Rain Lv 1
Power of the Saints Lv 1
Merciful Auspices Lv 1
Terrain Resistance
Axe Buster Lv 5
Sword Prowess Lv 3
Mercenary's Ploy
Boost Critical
Apex Sword
Combat arts/spells Battalion
Finesse Blade
Skill Levels
Swords Y Lances X Axes X
Bows X Brawling X Tomes X Authority A

Rhea can reclass to numerous classes in addition to her signature Saint class. She also possesses the following abilities and combat arts, which can be equipped at the player's choice:

Enemy - Scarlet Blaze Chapter 4

Main article: The Struggle Commences/The Battle of Garreg Mach

This section has been marked as a stub. Please help improve the page by adding information.

Enemy - Scarlet Blaze Chapter 17

Main article: A Path Forward

Easy Normal Hard Maddening

Small portrait rhea 02 fewa2.png
Ma fewa2 saint seiros enemy.gif Saint
Level 52
Movement 8
Crest Is ns01 crest of seiros.png
Max HP 10813 Luck 48
Strength 54 Defense 43+10
Magic 58 Resistance 29
Dexterity 36 Charm 46
Speed 36
Inventory Abilities
Sword of Seiros+20
Seiros Shield
Terrain Resistance
Axe Buster Lv 5
Skill Levels
Swords Lances Axes
Bows Brawling Tomes
  • Once Rhea's HP reaches 60% for the first time, she transforms into the Immaculate One

Easy Normal Hard Maddening

Small portrait the immaculate one fewa2.png
Ma fewa2 the immaculate one enemy.gif Immaculate One
Level 52
Movement -
Crest Is ns01 crest of seiros.png
Max HP 7223/7223/7223/7223 Luck 76
Strength 154 Defense 43
Magic 149 Resistance 46
Dexterity 37 Charm 66
Speed 34
Inventory Abilities
Crest Stone of Seiros Ancient Dragonskin
Ancient Dragon Wrath
Immune Status
Skill Levels
Swords Lances Axes
Bows Brawling Tomes
  • Once Rhea is defeated as the Immaculate One, she transforms back into her human self at full HP

Neutral - Azure Gleam Chapter 4

Small portrait rhea fewa2.png
Level 9
Movement 8
Crest Is ns01 crest of seiros.png
Max HP 4419 Luck 17
Strength 20 Defense 21
Magic 21 Resistance 15
Dexterity 14 Charm 20
Speed 14
Inventory Abilities
Sword of Seiros
Seiros Shield
Terrain Resistance
Axe Buster Lv 5
Skill Levels
Swords Lances Axes
Bows Brawling Tomes


This section has been marked as a stub. Please help improve the page by adding information.

Rhea connects with people like a calm, affectionate mother, yet dispenses strict judgement on opponents of the Church.


Main article: Rhea/Supports


Rhea can only be S-Supported with Byleth on the Silver Snow route; otherwise she has no ending.

Byleth, Wandering Flame & Rhea
After finally saving both Fódlan and Rhea from crisis, Byleth ascended the throne as the first leader of the United Kingdom of Fódlan. From his/her temporary residence at Garreg Mach Monastery, he endeavored to restore and develop Fódlan. Having narrowly escaped death, Rhea took time to recover her strength before returning to her role as archbishop. Upon her return, she applied herself to rehabilitating the church and helping those who had suffered because of the war. Thereafter, the two worked closely to forge new policies and achieve progress for Fódlan. The pair's collective work came to be thought of as nothing short of miraculous.


Battle quotes

So you have sullied yourself by joining the rebels? I hope you came prepared to breathe your last.
— Rhea, as a boss in Black Eagles Chapter 12.
You... How dare you betray me... You worthless piece of garbage... I will punish you myself!
— Rhea, as a boss fighting Byleth in Black Eagles Chapter 12.
Rhea: No matter your reasons, I cannot permit you to go on living any longer!
Edelgard: The feeling is mutual. I must put a stop to your reign of tyranny!
Rhea: You must know what a fool you are. The greatest of sins is to make an enemy of the goddess herself!
Edelgard: I have only made an enemy of the church, not of the faith.

— Rhea, as a boss fighting Edelgard in Black Eagles Chapter 12.
You are all damned, with no hope of salvation. For the sin of insurgency, you shall be consigned to hell!
— Rhea, as an enemy in Crimson Flower Chapter 17.
I once walked this world as Seiros, the warrior... and defeated the Fell King Nemesis. Now, here I stand, facing one who wields the same sword as he... The fate you have chosen is also the same as his... To die in torment upon my sword, as the very lifeblood you have forsaken spills onto the earth!
— Rhea, as an enemy fighting Byleth in Crimson Flower Chapter 17.
Rhea: An ancestor of the Hresvelgs, who became Adrestia's first emperor... He saved me. Supported me. Gave his all to the cause of defeating Nemesis. That I should find myself here at Tailtean, striking down his scion...
Edelgard: I don't advise presumptions, Rhea. I will not die by your hand.

— Rhea, as an enemy fighting Edelgard in Crimson Flower Chapter 17.
I see that the years have not cured humanity of its folly... You still wish to hurt and betray my mother and myself!
— The Immaculate One, as an enemy in Crimson Flower Chapter 18.
Give her back... Give back my mother! Gaaaaaah!
— The Immaculate One, as an enemy fighting Byleth in Crimson Flower Chapter 18.
Edelgard: So it's true. You don't value human life at all. Isn't that right, Immaculate One?
The Immaculate One: Nonsense! Fools who do not accept their own sins are undeserving of salvation! You humans are the ones who betrayed! You betrayed me, and you betrayed my mother!
Edelgard: I did not betray you or her. I never believed in you from the beginning.

— The Immaculate One, as an enemy fighting Edelgard in Crimson Flower Chapter 18.
— The Immaculate One's battle quote in Chapter 21 of Silver Snow.

Critical quotes

In the name of the goddess.
— Rhea in Part I
You have been judged.
— Rhea in Part I
Eternity awaits!
— Rhea in Part I
Know your place.
— Rhea in Part I
You must be purified!
— Rhea in Part II
It is your time!
— Rhea in Part II
Suffer for eternity!
— Rhea in Part II
— Rhea in Part II

Staggering Blow quotes

I will tear you down!
— The Immaculate One
This will be your end!
— The Immaculate One
Vanish into the abyss!
— The Immaculate One
You will not be forgiven!
— The Immaculate One

Defeat quotes

How can this be?
— Rhea's retreat quote as an NPC in Falling Short of Heaven.
— Rhea's retreat quote as an enemy in Black Eagles Chapter 12.
— The Immaculate One's defeat quote in Chapter 21 of Silver Snow.
Rhea: How can this be? I lost to that thief?! Unacceptable!
Knight of Seiros: Watch out, Lady Rhea! Please retreat!
Rhea: Gyhh!
Dimitri: The Church of Seiros has fallen back, but we have no such luxury. Everyone, fight for your lives! Victory to Faerghus!

— Rhea's defeat quote in Crimson Flower Chapter 17.

Other quotes

Main article: Rhea/Quotes

Heroes quotes

Main article: Rhea/Quotes (Heroes)

Other appearances

Super Smash Bros. Ultimate

Rhea makes a cameo appearance in Super Smash Bros. Ultimate at Garreg Mach Monastery, alongside Seteth and Flayn when the stage changes to the cathedral. Rhea additionally appears as an Ace neutral-type spirit using her artwork from Fire Emblem: Three Houses. When equipped to an AI character, Rhea grants the giant status. When equipped to a player character, she grants increased magic attack power.

SSBU Spirit Rhea.png #664
Fire Emblem Series
Type: SSBU spirit type icon neutral.png Neutral
Rank: ★★★
Number of support spirit slots: ⬣⬣⬣
Trait: Magic Attack ↑
Slightly increases the power of magic attacks.
Level 1 stats:

Attack: 1566
Defense: 1205
Power: 2937

Level 99 stats:

Attack: 4698
Defense: 3617
Power: 8813

Fire Emblem Cipher

Rhea is featured on three cards in Fire Emblem Cipher: one as Rhea, one as The Immaculate One, and one as Seiros.

Fire Emblem Cipher data for Rhea, The Immaculate One, and Seiros
TCGCipher B19-045HN.png Archbishop of the Church of Seiros, Rhea


"The goddess is always watching over Fódlan from her kingdom above."
Attack: 60 Support: 20 Range: 1-2 Deploy Cost: 5
Class: Archbishop Tier: Advanced Class Change Cost: 4
"I ask that you guide them.": [Activate] [Tap this unit] [Flip one bond card] Choose 1 Fódlan card with a deployment cost of 4 or lower from your Retreat Area, and deploy it. Once you do, add this unit to your deck, and then shuffle your deck.
Crest Power "May your souls return to the goddess's side.": [Hand] [Activate] Your opponent adds all cards in their Retreat Area to their deck. Then, they shuffle their deck. ([Hand] is only usable while this card is in your hand.)
Card #B19-045HN • Artist: Ayaka Kato
TCGCipher B19-048HN.png Offspring Born of Divine Lineage, The Immaculate One



"If we do nothing, Fódlan will be destroyed by a rampaging Immaculate One and these "children" of hers."
Attack: 80 Support: 0 Range: 1-3 Deploy Cost: 7
Class: The Immaculate One Tier: Base Class Change Cost: --
Hoarfrost of Ruin: [Activate] [Tap this unit] Destroy all enemies and allies, other than this unit and main characters.
Rampage of Divine Power: [Trigger] At the end of your turn, choose 1 of your orbs, and destroy it.
Card #B19-048HN • Artist: Yoneko
TCGCipher B19-102HR.png Saint Given the Word of the Goddess, Seiros


"Tell me, Nemesis. Do you recall the Red Canyon? You took... everything that I loved!"
Attack: 80 Support: 20 Range: 1 Deploy Cost: 6
Class: Saint Tier: Advanced Class Change Cost: 5
Sin-Severing Blade: [Trigger] When you deploy this unit, you may choose 1 non-main character enemy, and destroy them.
Revelation from the Goddess: [Activate] [Once per turn] [Flip three bond cards] If you have 4 or fewer orbs, add the topmost card of your deck to your orbs.
Card #B19-102HR • Artist: Homare
Some card information translation provided by Serenes Forest.
For more detailed strategic information on these cards, see their TCG wiki article on Rhea as well as Immaculate_One and Seiros.

Flavor text

Game Text
(Seiros: Saint of Legend)
Founding saint of the Church of Seiros. Stern
but gentle, she guides the people of Fódlan
and defends them from danger. Appears in
Fire Emblem: Three Houses.
(登場:『ファイアーエムブレム 風花雪月』)
(Rhea: Witch of Creation)
Archbishop who guides the Church of Seiros.
Donning a witch costume, she has come to
enjoy all Askr's harvest festival has to offer.
Appears in Fire Emblem: Three Houses.
(登場:『ファイアーエムブレム 風花雪月』)
(Rhea: Immaculate One)
Child of the progenitor god Sothis. Unable to
control the power coursing through her, she
takes on a draconic form. Appears in Fire
Emblem: Three Houses.
(登場:『ファイアーエムブレム 風花雪月』)
(Rhea: Loving Matriarch)
Archbishop who guides the Church of Seiros.
Watches over her students with the calm air
of a caring mother. Appears in Fire Emblem:
Three Houses.
(登場:『ファイアーエムブレム 風花雪月』)
(Rhea: Aura of Love)
Archbishop who guides the Church of Seiros.
She bestows love in equal measure unto all who
celebrate the festival, including her mother,
Sothis, who joins her. They appear in Fire
Emblem: Three Houses.
(登場:『ファイアーエムブレム 風花雪月』)

Meet some of the Heroes entries

Seiros: Saint of Legend Witch of Creation Immaculate One Loving Matriarch Aura of Love Byleth: Fell Star's Duo

Seiros: Saint of Legend
FEH mth Seiros Saint of Legend 01.png FEH mth Seiros Saint of Legend 02.png FEH mth Seiros Saint of Legend 03.png FEH mth Seiros Saint of Legend 04.png
Seiros is an ancient saint who is inseparable from the history of Fódlan! She's also the founder of the Church of Seiros, which itself has guided the continent for centuries. It's said that the Church was founded after Seiros received a divine revelation from the goddess watching over Fódlan. The Adrestian Empire was later established to honor her presence in the area. Some time later, war broke out in Fódlan when Nemesis, the King of Liberation, challenged Seiros. It was on the Tailtean Plains that Seiros battled and triumphed over Nemesis. Seiros was a saint, pure of heart and loving toward her people, but she was also an accomplished warrior. And now, she's lending her incredible powers to the Order of Heroes! With her on our side, there's no way we can lose!
Closely Associated Characters
Nemesis {{{Related_name2}}} {{{Related_name3}}} {{{Related_name4}}} {{{Related_name5}}}
A king who faced Seiros in mortal combat long ago, commanding the Ten Elites and wielding the Sword of the Creator. {{{Related_blurb2}}} {{{Related_blurb3}}} {{{Related_blurb4}}} {{{Related_blurb5}}}

Choose Your Legends placement history

Round Placement Character Votes
31 Portrait rhea fe16a cyl.png
Three Houses (Academy arc)
49 Portrait seiros fe16w cyl.png
Three Houses (War arc)
Portrait rhea fe16a cyl.png
Three Houses (Academy arc)
Portrait seiros fe16w cyl.png
Three Houses (War arc)
Portrait rhea fe16a cyl.png
Three Houses (Academy arc)
Portrait seiros fe16w cyl.png
Three Houses (War arc)
Portrait rhea fe16a cyl.png
Three Houses (Academy arc)
Portrait seiros fe16w cyl.png
Three Houses (War arc)
Portrait rhea fe16a cyl.png
Three Houses (Academy arc)
Portrait seiros fe16w cyl.png
Three Houses (War arc)
Portrait rhea fe16a cyl.png
Three Houses (Academy arc)
Portrait seiros fe16w cyl.png
Three Houses (War arc)
Total results This character has 12 entries across all Choose Your Legends polls. 23,799


Seiros shown without blood coating the sword and her hands.
  • The version of the Seiros versus Nemesis cutscene shown at E3 2018 omitted blood from the scene.
  • Counting her four health bars in total, Rhea has the highest HP total of any single enemy unit in the main Fire Emblem series, with 640 as the final boss of Silver Snow on Maddening mode.
    • As the final boss of Silver Snow on Maddening, Rhea's second form's final health bar has the highest raw stat total of any unit in the Fire Emblem series if movement is not included, with 525. If all four health bars are counted together, Rhea reaches a grand total of 966.
  • Rhea is the only non-playable character in the Fire Emblem series to have C, B, and A support conversations with a playable character.
    • Additionally, Rhea is the only character with whom Byleth can obtain an A support before Part II (not counting the ability to buy back support levels in New Game +).
  • As a boss in Crimson Flower Chapter 17, Rhea's map sprite depicts her as an archbishop even when using her Saint Seiros garb for that particular battle.
    • Despite this, there are sprites in the game's code that depict her in the Saint class, though these are left unused for unknown reasons.
  • Rhea's S-Rank illustration was off-model in the initial release, as it depicted her with an incorrect design on her outfit and Byleth's hand as a solid color. This was fixed in Version 1.0.2.

Etymology and other languages


Names, etymology, and in other regions
Language Name Definition, etymology, and notes


Rhea was the name of a Greek titan that was the daughter of the goddess Gaia and the god Uranus. There is also a moon of Saturn named for Rhea.






As above.



As above.



As above.



As above.



Used in Super Smash Bros. Ultimate.



Used in Heroes.



Rea; Rhea is usually rendered as "Рея" in Cyrillic text. Used in Super Smash Bros. Ultimate.




Simplified Chinese



Traditional Chinese




Names, etymology, and in other regions
Language Name Definition, etymology, and notes


Seiros may be derived from the Ancient Greek σείριος seírios,[31] which means scorching or destructive, and is the origin of the name of the star Sirius (which is a latinization of the Ancient Greek Σείριος Seírios). The star Sirius is also the origin of Sothis's name.



Seiros, as above.



As above.



As above.



As above.



As above.



Used in Heroes.




Simplified Chinese



Traditional Chinese




Main article: Rhea/Gallery


  1. 1.0 1.1 Credits
  2. "Saint Seiros appeared in the land of Enbarr and, through the many unfathomable miracles she performed, spread light across the land. In doing so, she joined the shattered hearts of the purest people of Fódlan, who went on to form the Holy Church of Seiros." — 41 Years Before the Founding of the Adrestian Empire in The History of Fódlan, Part I from the Library of Garreg Mach Monastery, Fire Emblem: Three Houses
  3. "I am the last child of the progenitor god. [...] The children who stayed behind built a settlement in Zanado to protect the Holy Tomb as they quietly lived out their lives. But then...Nemesis appeared, bringing tragedy along with him. Even now I cannot forget the sight...of that massive canyon, painted red with blood... I was never able to forgive those who proudly wielded weapons crafted from the corpses of my brethren. I was the only survivor of Zanado, and all I could do was wander across Fódlan clinging to my desperate desire for revenge. I called myself Seiros, fostered the founding of the Empire, and prepared to oppose Nemesis and his followers. [...] I put Zanado behind me to gather the remaining children who were scattered across Fódlan..." — Rhea in Verdant Wind Chapter 22, Fire Emblem: Three Houses
  4. "An intense battle erupted on Gronder Field, where the houses that were allied with Nemesis and the Imperial forces of the Adrestian Empire clashed. There, the Imperial forces emerged victorious." — Imperial Year 46: The Battle of Gronder in The History of Fódlan, Part I from the Library of Garreg Mach Monastery, Fire Emblem: Three Houses
  5. "She who was graced with the holy word of the divine goddess, who bore witness to her magnificence, is the one called Seiros. She is the messenger of the heavens, the bridge between the lands above and below, and her blessings shall bring tidings of peace to all." — The Book of Seiros, Part I in the Library of Garreg Mach Monastery, Fire Emblem: Three Houses
  6. "[Nemesis] is an ancient king of mankind who was defeated by Seiros over a thousand years ago. When Fódlan was attacked by wicked gods, it is said that the goddess gifted Nemesis with the Sword of the Creator. Nemesis used that sword to defeat the wicked gods, saving all of Fódlan. Henceforth he was dubbed the King of Liberation. However, his power began to corrupt him until he, himself, turned to the darkness. Saint Seiros was forced to destroy him." — Seteth in Chapter 4, Fire Emblem: Three Houses
  7. "All was well until darkness descended from the north...a darkness that devoured the earth, desecrated the heavens, and threw the world and its inhabitants into a state of chaos.
    To face this evil force, the goddess created a new well of power. She gifted certain chosen individuals with sacred blood, allowing them to wield mystical weapons, that they may prevail against the darkness. These souls, buoyed by their divine gifts, conquered the evil ones and drove them back to the north. They came to be known as Heroes. [...]
    The descendants of the Heroes sought their ancestor's power, and thusly their blood. In time, they amassed Crests, Relics, land, and wealth, using all to set the land aflame with war. The goddess's power, intended to stem the flow of evil, became a tool of destruction, all because of the greed of humanity.
    " — The Book of Seiros, Part II in the Library of Garreg Mach Monastery, Fire Emblem: Three Houses
  8. "You must not allow Fódlan's bloody history... the Red Canyon repeat itself..." — Silver Snow/Verdant Wind Chapter 19/20, Fire Emblem: Three Houses
  9. "Why did Seiros (Lady Rhea) appropriate Nemesis and the Ten Elites as heroes in her history?
    Kusakihara: Because from humanity's perspective, Nemesis and the Ten Elites were thought of as heroes. She can't create a history that completely ignores the feelings of humans upon ruling over humanity. So while preserving them as heroes, she was able to rewrite other parts of history to her advantage."
    Nintendo Dream May 2020 Issue, translated by Nintendo Everything, Published: April 12, 2020, Retrieved: February 19, 2022
  10. "Edelgard: Professor... Do you know the true story behind the legend? The Relics were created by the hands of mankind. Seiros collected them after killing the 10 Elites. Seiros manipulated the people of the world and defeated the all-powerful King Nemesis.
    Byleth: I thought he was corrupted by his power?
    Edelgard: That's the history the Church of Seiros maintains. In reality, it was little more than a simple dispute. Should the one leading the people of the world be someone with humanity or a creature that can merely masquerade as a human at will? In the end, Seiros was victorious. The Immaculate One and her family then took control of Fódlan. I know this because that knowledge is passed down from emperor to emperor. And that is because the first emperor is the human who cooperated with Seiros, allowing humanity to be controlled in secret.
    " — Crimson Flower Chapter 14, Fire Emblem: Three Houses
  11. "Some believe that high in the sky above Seiros, the Immaculate One's mighty wings are what powered the strong winds carrying the guardian and her forces into battle." — Chapter 10's intoductory narration, Fire Emblem: Three Houses
  12. "That creature is called the Immaculate One, who was supposedly sent by the goddess to save the followers of Seiros." — Claude in Golden Deer Chapter 8, Fire Emblem: Three Houses
  13. "The houses that were allied with Nemesis once again faced off against the Imperial forces, this time at Tailtean Plains. There, the evil Nemesis finally fell and the Empire secured a momentous victory." — Imperial Year 91: The Battle of Tailtean in The History of Fódlan, Part I from the Library of Garreg Mach Monastery, Fire Emblem: Three Houses
  14. "I somehow escaped with my life, but I fear the end is near. Most of my clan has already surrendered to the Empire. To my surprise, I am told their safety was guaranteed. I, however, am a different matter. My life, along with my sacred weapon, will unquestionably be forfeit. [...]
    Why does Seiros despise us so? What did King Nemesis do to incur such unyielding wrath? Perhaps it was a mistake to accept his offer. In any case, that is all in the distant past now...
    " — One of the 10 Elites in Fragments of a Forgotten Memoir from the Shadow Library of Abyss, Fire Emblem: Three Houses
  15. "Rhea: I do not know how Nemesis obtained the sword, or why he appeared in Zanado. [...] From their corpses he gained even more power, and brought war to Fódlan... A mere bandit like Nemesis would not have been capable of anything so monstrous on his own...
    Seteth: It was surmised that someone was collaborating with Nemesis, and there was a massive investigation to uncover who it was. But the truth was never discovered.
    " — Silver Snow Chapter 19, Fire Emblem: Three Houses
  16. "Are you surprised, Professor? This is the Holy Tomb. [...] This is where the goddess who created this world was laid to rest, along with her children." — Rhea in Chapter 11, Fire Emblem: Three Houses
  17. "In Imperial year 185, the construction of Garreg Mach was completed. Saint Seiros held a sacred ritual to honor the occasion.
    Four Saints, known as the Four Apostles, were led to a tranquil place to perform the ritual. They poured their holy essences into the Chalice of Beginnings—a gift from the Goddess herself—in hopes of bringing about her second coming. Alas, the rite of rising failed.
    Bearing the blame for the ritual's failure. The Four Apostles left the monastery.
    " — Cindered Shadows Chapter 1's introductory narration, Fire Emblem: Three Houses
  18. "So I see... It is just as the last time the ritual was performed." — Rhea after seeing Aelfric's unsuccessful resurrection of Sitri fusing both into an Umbral Beast, in Cindered Shadows Chapter 7, Fire Emblem: Three Houses
  19. "And so I tried to bring her back by creating a body, and then burying a Crest Stone within it. A young woman I twelfth try after much heartache...was a failure." — Rhea in Silver Snow Chapter 21, Fire Emblem: Three Houses
  20. "It is beyond question that Crest Stones supply their associated Relic with power of some kind. And the impetus of said power is clearly related to the Crests that certain humans possess...
    ...Based on the composition of___it can be surmised that______likely a massive creature akin to a wyvern. However___strength is beyond compare to that of wyvern bones. [...]
    ...Heroes' Relics have been found that are not linked to the 10 Elites. ______the 10 Elites______ Could it be that others were gifted this power by the goddess as well? Perhaps the disturbing___that the Relics were not gifts from the goddess___ [...]
    The time has come. I must discard______I daresay the goddess would not wish for me to learn more than I already have.
    " — The Truth of the Heroes' Relics from the Shadow Library of Abyss, Fire Emblem: Three Houses
  21. "Distance Viewer (Based on Glasses) [...]
    Crafting such a tool was forbidden by decree of the archbishop for the following reasons: 1. The ease of locating enemy camps would escalate wartime violence. 2. It would be too easy to snipe from afar. 3. It would lessen the mystery of the goddess, who watches from above.
    Flammable Black Water [...]
    The use of this wicked substance was forbidden by decree of the archbishop for the following reasons: 1. Misuse could result in accidental death. 2. It could be used tactically by those lacking magical ability. 3. Competition for it could cause strife.
    Metal-Mold Printing Machine [...]
    the archbishop deemed it taboo for many reasons, particularly the following: 1. Risk of mass circulation of misinformation and malevolent rumors. 2. It is useless to illiterate commoners. 3. Risk of intensifying disparity between church branches.
    Human Autopsies (Especially Involving Head or Chest Incisions) [...]
    Though it is widely believed that this is medically relevant, such actions upon a corpse are considered desecration of the dead. [...]A notable cardinal asserted that if medical science were to excel over faith-based white magic, it would destabilize the foundation of the church.
    " — Encyclopedia of Fódlan's Insects from the Shadow Library of Abyss, Fire Emblem: Three Houses
  22. "Kusakihara: [...] And as it says in the Shadow Library, she even restricted the growth of civilization when it began progressing too quickly for her."Nintendo Dream May 2020 Issue, translated by Nintendo Everything, Published: April 12, 2020, Retrieved: February 19, 2022
  23. "On one fateful occasion, the band of mercenaries [Jeralt] belonged to fought alongside the Knights of Seiros. I was traveling with the knights at the time, and Jeralt jumped in front of an attack meant for me. He was gravely wounded. On the verge of death. I tended to his wounds in a desperate attempt to save his life. Thankfully, my efforts were not in vain. Jeralt managed to escape a seemingly certain death. I made arrangements for him to receive further care at Garreg Mach. The moment he was deemed fully recovered, I invited him to join the knights." — Rhea in her C support with Byleth, Fire Emblem: Three Houses
  24. "We spoke before about how Jeralt never seemed to age, right? Once, when he was drunk, he let the secret slip. He said he'd had an infusion of Crest-bearing blood, and it had greatly extended his life." — Alois to Byleth in their B support, Fire Emblem: Three Houses
  25. "[Sitri] grew up lacking the conscience of the progenitor god and fell in love with the captain of the Knights of Seiros. In time, she became pregnant...but she and the child were not able to survive the birth. The child she bore was not breathing, and she herself was in grave danger. The new mother pleaded with me to take the Crest Stone of the progenitor god from her own body and place it within the baby. If I had done nothing, both mother and child would have died. And so I granted her final wish." — Rhea in Silver Snow Chapter 21, Fire Emblem: Three Houses
  26. "And still, the child she traded her life for doesn't make a sound. [...] The baby doesn't laugh or cry. Not ever. Lady Rhea says not to worry, but a baby that doesn't cry...isn't natural. I had a doctor examine the child in secret. He said the pulse is normal, but there's no heartbeat. No heartbeat! [...] I feel I must take the child and leave. [...] I used to think the world of Lady Rhea. Now I'm terrified of her. [...] I used the fire that broke out last night to fake the child's death. Lady Rhea is in a state over the news. But I can't change what I've done. I've got to take the child and leave..." — Jeralt's diary in Chapter 9, Fire Emblem: Three Houses
  27. "I don't believe in the Church of Seiros. It makes me a bit of an anomaly among the knights. Rhea took me in, so I became a knight to repay my debt to her." — Shamir to Byleth in their C support, Fire Emblem: Three Houses
  28. 28.0 28.1 "Catherine: It's thanks to [Rhea's] kindness that I'm here today. I was an outlaw in Faerghus [...]. They used to call me Thunderstrike Cassandra. I was implicated in a plot to kill the king. It was a totally false accusation, of course. I had to flee the Kingdom, and the archbishop took me in.
    Byleth: Why did you come to the monastery?
    Catherine: I used to be a student at the academy, so I knew I'd be safe here. Lady Rhea saved me once when I was a student, you know. [...] Since then, Lady Rhea has been my inspiration. I will always serve her, protect her... Love her.
    " — Catherine to Byleth in their A support, Fire Emblem: Three Houses
  29. "In an effort to fill the hole left by that solitude, I took up the challenge of reviving the progenitor god... I wished for you to become the progenitor god... I wished desperately to be held in my mother's arms once more..." — Rhea to Byleth in their S support, Fire Emblem: Three Houses
  30. "I've got a message for ya... from a dead man. The emperor was keeping the archbishop alive as insurance against those who slither in the dark." — A thief found in Abyss during Silver Snow/Verdant Wind's Chapter 20/21, Fire Emblem: Three Houses
  31. wiktionary:Σείριος#Ancient Greek

External links

Project Characters.png This article is part of Project Characters, a project focused on writing articles for every character present in the Fire Emblem series.
Fire Emblem: Three Houses
Playable characters Black Eagles BernadettaCasparDorotheaEdelgardFerdinandHubertLinhardtPetra
Blue Lions AnnetteAsheDedueDimitriFelixIngridMercedesSylvain
Golden Deer ClaudeHildaIgnatzLeonieLorenzLysitheaMarianneRaphael
Other AloisAnnaDLCBylethCatherineCyrilFlaynGilbertHannemanJeritzaManuelaSetethShamir
Ashen WolvesDLC BalthusConstanceHapiYuri
Non-playable characters AbysskeeperDLCDuke AegirFlecheGatekeeperDuke GerthIonius IXJeraltJudithLadislavaNaderRandolphRheaRodrigueSothis
Bosses AcheronAelfricDLCAloisLord ArundelBiasBlaiddydCasparCatherineCharonChilonClaudeCorneliaDaphnelDedueDeath KnightDimitriDominicBaron DominicEdelgardFelixFerdinandFlame EmperorFlaynFraldariusGautierGloucesterGonerilGwendalHubertIngridThe Immaculate OneThe ImmovableJudithKostasKronyaLadislavaLamineLinhardtLonatoLorenzMercedesMetodeyMiklanMysonNaderNemesisBaron OchsDLCOdessePallardóPittacusRandolphRheaRieganRodrigueSetethShamirSolonSylvainThalesWandering BeastThe Wind Caller
Background characters Lord ArundelCount BergliezCorneliaMargrave GautierGlennCount GloucesterCount HevringHolstLambertMonicaPatriciaRufusSeirosSitriTomasTianaCount Varley
Personal weapons and regalia Aegis ShieldAreadbharAsclepiusAthameAxe of UkonvasaraAymrBlutgangCaduceus StaffCirce StaffCrusherFailnaughtFetters of DromiFreikugelThe InexhaustibleLance of RuinLúinOchain ShieldRafail GemScythe of SarielSeiros ShieldSpear of AssalSword of BegaltaSword of MoraltaSword of SeirosSword of the CreatorTathlum BowThunderbrandThyrsusVajra-Mushti
Chapters Part I
White Clouds
P: An Inevitable Encounter • 1: Three Houses • 2: Familiar Scenery • 3: Mutiny in the Mist • 4: The Goddess's Rite of Rebirth • 5: Tower of Black Winds • 6: Rumors of a Reaper • 7: Field of the Eagle and Lion • 8: The Flame in the Darkness • 9: The Cause of Sorrow • 10: Where the Goddess Dwells • 11: Throne of Knowledge • 12: To War Black Eagles, if Byleth sides against EdelgardBlue LionsGolden Deer / Outset of a Power Struggle Black Eagles, if Byleth sides with Edelgard
Part II Silver Snow
Silver Snow
13: Reunion at Dawn • 14: A King Without a Kingdom • 15: Valley of Torment • 16: The Rose-Colored River • 17: The Impregnable Fortress • 18: The Chaos of War • 19: Conclusion of the Crossing Roads • 20: The City Without Light • 21: Following a Dream
Azure Moon
Azure Moon
13: Reunion at Dawn • 14: The Delusional Prince • 15: Valley of Torment • 16: The Rose-Colored River • 17: Blood of the Eagle and Lion • 18: The King's Triumphant Return • 19: The Golden Deer's Plea • 20: The Impregnable Fortress • 21: Our Chosen Paths • 22: Oath of the Dagger
Verdant Wind
Verdant Wind
13: Reunion at Dawn • 14: The Alliance Leader's Ambitions • 15: Valley of Torment • 16: The Rose-Colored River • 17: Blood of the Eagle and Lion • 18: The Golden Scheme • 19: The Chaos of War • 20: Conclusion of the Crossing Roads • 21: The City Without Light • 22: Fódlan's New Dawn
Crimson Flower
Crimson Flower
13: Beyond Escape • 14: The Master Tactician • 15: Tempest of Swords and Shields • 16: Lady of Deceit • 17: Field of Revenge • 18: To the End of a Dream
Paralogues Paralogues Part I Black Market SchemeDLCA Cursed RelicDLCDeath TollDividing the World Black Eagles, if Byleth sides against EdelgardBlue LionsGolden DeerFalling Short of HeavenThe ForgottenLand of the Golden DeerAn Ocean ViewOil and WaterRumored NuptialsThe Secret MerchantDLC Blue LionsGolden DeerSword and Shield of SeirosTales of the Red CanyonTrue ChivalryWar for the Weak Blue Lions
Part II Darkness Beneath the Earth Crimson FlowerDividing the World Silver SnowAzure MoonVerdant WindEternal Guardian Silver SnowAzure MoonVerdant WindThe Face Beneath Silver SnowAzure MoonVerdant WindForeign Land and SkyForgotten HeroInsurmountable Crimson FlowerLegend of the LakeRetribution Silver SnowAzure MoonVerdant WindThe Secret MerchantDLC Crimson FlowerThe Silver Maiden Azure MoonThe Sleeping Sand Legend Verdant WindWeathervanes of Fódlan Azure Moon
Cindered Shadows
Cindered Shadows
1: The Fourth House • 2: What Lies Beneath • 3: The Rite of Rising • 4: Danger in the Dark • 5: Betrayal • 6: Return to Me • 7: Wolf Pack
Locations FódlanAdrestiaFaerghusGarreg Mach Monastery (Abyss) • LeicesterAlmyraBrigidDagdaSrengZahras
Groups, objects and concepts 10 ElitesAshen WolvesBlack Eagles (Black Eagle Strike Force) • Blue LionsCalendarChildren of the GoddessChurch of Seiros (Knights of Seiros) • Crests (Crest Stone) • Divine PulseGolden DeerHeroes' RelicsInsurrection of the SevenMonstersThose who slither in the darkTragedy of DuscurWar of Heroes
Lists AbilitiesChaptersCharactersClasses (Class change) • Hidden treasureItems (Monastery items) • QuestsScriptsSupportsWeapons
Related topics Class masteryDownloadable contentMovie GalleryMusic LibraryName chart • Other games (Warriors: Three Hopes) • Pre-release information (Unused content) • Timeline
Fire Emblem Heroes
Characters Heroes AlfonseAnnaAshAskrBaldrBrunoDagrEikþyrnirEirEitrEitriElmEmblaFáfnirFehFehnixFjormFreyjaFreyrGanglötGinnungagapGullveigGunnthráGustavHeiðrHeiðrúnHelHelbindiHenrietteHöðrHræsvelgrHrídKiranKvasirLaegjarnLæraðrLaevateinLetiziaLífLokiMirabilisMúspellNerþuzNiðavellirNíðhöggrNiflNjörðrNóttÓtrPeonyPlumeriaRatatoskrReginnRuneSeiðrSharenaSurtrÞjaziThórrThrasirTriandraVeronicaYlgrYmir
SDatBoL, MotE, NMotE AbelArlenAstramAthenaBantuBarstCaedaCainCamusCastorCatriaClarisseDarrosDraugEliceEremiyaEstGharnefGordinHardinJagenJeorgeJulianKatarinaKrisLegionLenaLindeLukeMaliceMarthMariaMatthisMedeusMerricMichalisMinervaNagaNagiNavarreNorneNynaOgmaPallaPhinaRickardRoderickRosheaSedgarSheenaSiriusTikiVylandWolfWrysXaneYuliya
Shadows of Valentia AlmAtlasBerkutBoeyBrigand BossCatriaCelicaClairCliveConradDeenDeltheaDumaFayeFernandForsythGennyGrayHestiaKamuiKliffLeonLukasLuthierMaeMarlaMathildaMilaMycenPallaPythonRineaRudolfSaberSilqueSonyaTatianaTobinValbarZeke
Genealogy of the Holy War AltenaAnnandArdenAresArionArthurArvisAyraAzelleBrigidCedChulainnDeirdreDewDíthorbaEdainEldiganErinysEthlynFebailFeeHildaIshtarJamkeJuliaJuliusLachesisLarceiLeneLewynLexMidirPattyQuanScáthachSeliphShannanSigurdSilviaTailtiuTineTravantUllr
Thracia 776 AsbelAugustEyvelFinnGalzusKarinKempfLaraLeifLifisMareetaMirandaNannaOlwenOsianPerneReinhardtRonanSafySaiasSalemSaraTanyaTinaVeld
The Binding Blade BartreBorsBrunnyaCathCeciliaChadClarineDieckDorothyEchidnaElffinElimineFaeFirGalleGeeseGonzalezGuinivereGwendolynHughIdunnIgreneJunoKleinLarumLilinaLughMeladyMerlinusMurdockNarcianNiimeNoahOgierPercevalRaighRoyRutgerSaulShannaSophiaSueTheaWoltZelotZeissZephiel
The Blazing Blade AthosBramimondCanasDorcasEliwoodErkFargusFarinaFioraFlorinaGuyHarkenHawkeyeHeathHectorIsadoraJaffarKarelKarlaKentLegaultLeilaLimstellaLinusLloydLouiseLuciusLynMarkMatthewNergalNilsNinianNinoOswinPentPriscillaRathRavenRebeccaSainSerraSoniaUrsulaUtherVaidaWilZephiel
The Sacred Stones AmeliaArturCaellachColmCormagDozlaDuesselEirikaEphraimEwanFomortiisFordeGerikGilliamGlenInnesJoshuaKnollKyleL'ArachelLuteLyonMarisaMyrrhNatashaNeimiOrsonRennacRievRossSalehSelenaSethSyreneTanaTethysValterVanessaVigarde
Path of Radiance AshnardAstridBertramBlack KnightBoydElinciaGatrieGreilIkeIlyanaJillMarciaMiaMistNepheneeOscarPetrineRolfSanakiSephiranShinonSigrunSorenTanithTitaniaVolkeZihark
Radiant Dawn AltinaAsheraBastianCaineghisDheginseaEdwardElinciaEnaGeoffreyHaarHeatherIkeJarodJorgeKurthnagaKyzaLeanneLeonardoLetheLuciaLudveckLyreMiaMicaiahMordecaiMuarimNaesalaNailahNolanOliverPelleasRafielRanulfReysonRhysSanakiSotheTibarnTormodVikaYuneZelgius
Awakening AnnaAversaBasilioBradyChercheChromCordeliaCynthiaDonnelEmmerynFlaviaFrederickGaiusGangrelGeromeGregorHenryInigoKellamKjelleLaurentLibraLissaLon'quLucinaMaribelle"Marth"MorganMustafaMirielNagaNahNoireNowiOliviaOwainPannePhilaPriamRickenRobinSay'riSeveraStahlSullySumiaTharjaTikiVaikeValidarVirionWalhartYarneYen'fay
Fates AnankosAreteArthurAzamaAzuraBennyBerukaCaeldoriCamillaCandaceCharlotteCorrinDwyerEffieEliseFeliciaFloraForrestFugaGaronGunterHanaHansHayatoHinataHinokaIagoJakobKadenKageroKanaKazeKeatonKiragiLaslowLeoLilithMidoriMikotoMozuNilesNinaNyxOboroOdinOpheliaOrochiPeriReinaRhajatRinkahRyomaSakuraSaizoSelenaSelkieSetsunaShigureShiroSiegbertSilasSoleilSubakiTakumiVelouriaXanderYukimura
Three Houses, Warriors: Three Hopes AelfricAnnetteArvalAsheBalthusBernadettaBylethCasparCatherineClaudeConstanceCorneliaCyrilDeath KnightDedueDimitriDorotheaEdelgardFelixFerdinandFlame EmperorFlaynGatekeeperHapiHildaHolstHubertIgnatzIngridJeraltKronyaLeonieLinhardtLorenzLysitheaManuelaMarianneMercedesMetodeyMonicaNemesisPetraRaphaelRheaSeirosSetethShamirShezSolonSothisSylvainYuri
Engage AlcrystAlearAlfredCélineChloéCitrinneClanneDiamantEtieFogadoFrammeGoldmaryGrissHortensiaIvyKagetsuLapisLumeraMarniMarthMauvierMerrinNelPandreoPanetteRafalRosadoSeadallTimerraVeyleYunakaZelestiaZephia
Tokyo Mirage Sessions ♯FE Encore EleonoraItsukiKiriaMamoriTsubasa
Story Maps Book I PrefaceP: World of Zenith • 1: World of Mystery • 2: World of Conquest • 3: World of Binding • 4: World of Awakening • 5: Back to Mystery • 6: World of Birthright • 7: World of Blazing • 8: Back to Awakening • 9: Heroes Invade • 10: World of Radiance • 11: Rite of Shadows • 12: Bitter Enemies • 13: Diabolical BloodlineI: A Power AwakensI: The Rite of Blades
Book II 1: The Flame • 2: Princess of Ice • 3: Guided by a Dream • 4: Fiery Resolve • 5: Blood and Snow • 6: The True Quarry • 7: Snow and Ash • 8: Rite of Frost • 9: Hellfire • 10: The King's Demise • 11: Prince of Ice • 12: Seeping Poison • 13: A Way Home
Book III 1: Death • 2: The Dread Gate • 3: Countdown • 4: A King's Worth • 5: A Father's Legacy • 6: Realm of the Dead • 7: A Home Unknown • 8: Truth of a Name • 9: Cohort of the Dead • 10: Omnicidal Witch • 11: Where It Began • 12: Lethal Swordsman • 13: Marvelous Dream
Book IV 1: The Dream • 2: Missing You • 3: Gullinkambi • 4: On Dark Wings • 5: Twisted Reality • 6: Dreaming Reality • 7: Steeped in Twilight • 8: Wallowing in Love • 9: Violent Fantasies • 10: Lack • 11: Plumeria's Dream • 12: Triandra's Dream • 13: Reality
Book V 1: Machine Dominion • 2: Kingsbrother • 3: Forest of the Sage • 4: The Vital Blade • 5: Night and Day • 6: Treachery • 7: Bound Elsewhere • 8: Serpent's Whispers • 9: Echoes of Truth • 10: Howling Descent • 11: Deceit • 12: What Remains • 13: Specter of Niðavellir
Book VI 1: Darkness • 2: Curse Directive • 3: Calling of Blood • 4: Princess Alone • 5: Evil Ways • 6: Revealing Lies • 7: To Be Emperor • 8: Closing In • 9: Opening a Way • 10: God of Openness • 11: One Last Chance • 12: Princess and Prince • 13: Askr and Embla
Book VII 13: Time • 5: Divine Foretelling • 6: King of Light • 7: Goddess Reunion • 8: Seeing the Present • 2: World of the Past • 3: Within Wheels • 4: Ouroboros • 9: The Innocent • 10: Light's Fading • 11: Without Limits • 12: Seer of the Past • 1: Golden Seer
Book VIII 1: Healing • 2: Traitor • 3: Bait • 4: Imperial Blood • 5: A Royal Target • 6: Hand Reveal • 7: Ceremony Day • 8: The World-Tree • 9: Healing Nectar • 10: Trading Lives • 11: Quieting Blade • 12: Quieting Dose • 13: Healing Heart
Book IX 1: Heavenly Realm • 2: Mortal Verdict • 3: Celestial Trickery • 4: Misteltán
Paralogues X1: Detached Princess • 1: Family Bonds • 2: Sibling Bonds • 3: Blazing Shadows • 4: Spring Festival • 5: World of Shadows • 6: Bridal Blessings • X2: The Brink of Chaos • 7: Echoes of Mystery • 8: Ylissean Summer • 9: Nohrian Summer • 10: The Sacred World • 11: Brave Heroes • 12: Performing Arts • 13: World of Holy War • 14: Trick or Defeat! • 15: Farfetched Heroes • 16: Winter's Envoy • 17: Happy New Year! • X3: The People's Hero • 18: Love Abounds • 19: Hares at the Fair • 20: Bridal Bloom • 21: Summer's Arrival • 22: A Sketchy Summer • 23: Festival in Hoshido • 24: Arrival of the Brave • 25: The Land's Bounty • 26: Brave Redux • 27: Adrift • X4: Whispers of Death • 28: Gifts of Winter • 29: New Year's Wish • 30: Hostile Springs • 31: Greil's Devoted • 32: Regal Rabbits • 33: A Season for Picnics • 34: Bridal Belonging • 35: Summer Returns • 36: Summer Refreshes • 37: Brave Echoes • 38: A Splendid Soiree • 39: Treat Fiends • X5: Heavenly Witness • 40: Glorious Gifts • 41: Renewed Spirit • 42: A Star Is Born • 43: Lovely Gifts • 44: Familial Festivities • 45: The Start of It All • 46: Bridal Beloveds • 47: Summer Passing • 48: Overseas Memories • 49: Pirate's Pride • 50: To Stay Dreaming • 51: Dragons Harvest • 52: In the Moment • 53: A Festival Miracle • 54: Beyond Dreaming • 55: Dark Desert Rituals • 56: Love of a King • 57: Willful Rabbits • 58: Childhood Encounter • 59: Bridal Grace • 60: Summer Vibrance • 61: Summer's Dream • 62: Perilous Seas • 63: Scions of Twelve • 64: Shared Bounty • 65: Ninja Training • 66: Winter Dreamland • 67: Like Clockwork • 68: Of Lost Kingdoms • 69: Here with Me • 70: Hop-and-Go-Seek • 71: Unlikely Friends • 72: Bridal Blossoms • 73: Summer Vacation • 74: Taken by the Tide • 75: Risk and Reward • 76: Bite of Flame • 77: Divine Harvest • 78: Wyvern Ninja • 79: Holiday Handoff • 80: Gods Renewed • 81: Sage of Khadein? • 82: A Special Gift • 83: Spring Eternal • 84: No Matter Where • 85: Bridal Dreams • 86: Summer Longing • 87: Summer Firsts • 88: Invitation to Tea • 89: Winds Offered • 90: Merchant's Harvest • 91: Our Path Ahead • 92: Holiday Lessons • 93: Ring In the Year • 94: Nabata's Shield • 95: May This Last • 96: A Place to Rest • 97: Double Vision • 98: Brides to Be • 99: Flush Summer • 100: Loving Sea • 101: Timidity Trials • 102: Icy Invitation • 103: Festival Guide • 104: Family Ninja Class • 105: Yearning to Give • 106: Greetings to You • 107: Dust Storm Mercs • 108: Seeking and Finding
Locations The Sacred WorldWorld of AwakeningWorld of BindingWorld of BirthrightWorld of BlazingWorld of ConquestWorld of CrestsWorld of DawnWorld of Holy WarWorld of MysteryWorld of Mystery RenewedWorld of OriginWorld of RadianceWorld of ShadowsWorld of Thracia • World of Zenith (Askran KingdomDökkálfheimrEmblian EmpireHelJötunheimrLjósálfheimrMúspellNiflNiðavellirVanaheimrYggdrasillYggdrasillÁsgarðr)
Groups, objects, and concepts BreidablikCurse DirectiveQuieting HandsOrbOrder of HeroesRaritySummoning (summoning events)
Game modes Aether Raids (Aether Resort) • Affinity Auto-BattlesBinding WorldsBlessed GardensChain ChallengeColiseum (Allegiance BattleArena AssaultArena DuelsResonant BattleSummoner Duels) • Forging BondsFrontline PhalanxGrand ConquestsHall of FormsHeroes JourneyHeroic OrdealsLost LoreMjölnir's StrikePawns of LokiRøkkr SiegesSeer's SnareSpecial Maps (Bound Hero BattlesEmblem Hero BattlesEvent MapsGrand Hero BattlesHero BattlesLegendary Hero BattlesLimited Hero BattlesMythic Hero BattlesRelay DefenseRival DomainsSpecial Training MapsTrial Maps) • Squad AssaultTactics DrillsTap BattleTempest TrialsTraining TowerUnited WarfrontVoting Gauntlet
Related topics A Hero RisesAncient LettersAnniversary Illustrations‎Artists (0–9, A–LM–Z) • CalendarsChoose Your LegendsDivine VeinFeh PassEvent calendarsFind & Vote Heroes!A Day in the LifeMini Acrylic Figure CollectionList of status effectsList of version differences (Name chart) • Meet some of the HeroesPre-release information (Unused content) • Voting Jubilee
Fire Emblem Warriors: Three Hopes
Playable characters Scarlet Blaze AsheBalthusBernadettaBylethCasparConstanceDorotheaEdelgardFerdinandHapiHubertIgnatzJeraltJeritzaLeonieLinhardtLorenzLysitheaManuelaMarianneMercedesMonicaPetraRaphaelShamirShezYuri
Azure Gleam AnnetteAsheBalthusBernadettaBylethCatherineConstanceDedueDimitriDorotheaFelixFlaynHapiIgnatzIngridJeraltJeritzaLinhardtLorenzMarianneMercedesPetraRaphaelRodrigueSetethShamirShezSylvainYuri
Golden Wildfire AsheBalthusBernadettaBylethClaudeConstanceDorotheaHapiHildaHolstIgnatzJeraltLeonieLinhardtLorenzLysitheaMariannePetraRaphaelShamirShezYuri
Other ArvalGatekeeperRheaSothis
Non-playable characters AcheronAloisAnnaLord ArundelCount BergliezCaptain BerlingCleobulusCorneliaFlecheMargrave GautierGetzCount GloucesterGonerilGustaveHannemanCount HevringThe Immaculate OneThe ImmovableJudithLadislavaLazleyMiklanRandolphSeirosSolonThalesTomasCount VarleyThe Wind Caller
Bosses AcheronDuke AegirAnaximandrosLord ArundelCount BergliezBiasBylethCasparCatherineClaudeCorneliaCyrilDeath KnightDimitriDolofonosCount DuvalViscount ElidureEpimenidesMarquis ErebusViscount FenjaFerdinandFlaynFlecheMargrave GautierCount GeraintIngridJeraltKostasKronyaLadislavaBaron MateusViscount MenjaMetodeyBaron MüllerMysonNaderPallardóPittacusRheaCount RoweRufusSetethShahidShamirShezSolonThalesCount Varley (TBA)
Personal weapons and regalia Aegis ShieldAmaltheaAreadbharAsclepiusAthameAxe of UkonvasaraAymrBlutgangCaduceus StaffCirce StaffCrusherDahakaDark Creator SwordFailnaughtFetters of DromiFreikugelHrottiIchor ScrollThe InexhaustibleJárngreiprLabraundaLance of RuinLúinOchain ShieldRafail GemRidillScroll of TalosScythe of SarielSeiros ShieldShamshirSpear of AssalSuttungr's MysterySword of BegaltaSword of MoraltaSword of SeirosSublime Creator SwordTathlum BowThunderbrandThyrsusVajra-MushtiWind Caller's Genesis
Chapters Prologue
0: Crossed Roads • 1: A Chance Encounter • 2: Three Houses • 3: The Shadows of Adrestia Black Eagles / Crisis in Fhirdiad Blue Lions / The Battle for the Locket Golden Deer
Scarlet Blaze
Scarlet Blaze
4: The Struggle Commences • 5: Skirmish in the Fog • 6: Bridge of Betrayal • 7: The Triumph of Valor • 8: The Maiden's Peril • 9: Unrest in Enbarr • 10: Shifting History • 11: Heroic Bloodlines • 12: The Rising Darkness • 13: Severing the Past • 14A: A Clash of Ambitions • 14B: Torment of the Eagle and Lion • 15: The Hour of Vengeance • 16: Into the Chasm • Final: A Path Forward
Azure Gleam
Azure Gleam
4: To War! • 5: Skirmish in the Fog • 6: Conspiracy in the Air • 7: The King Awakens • 8: The Blood-Stained Lance • 9: Reunion at the Fortress City • 10: Fanaticism • 11: Reprisal • 12: A Trick of the Goddess • 13: Clash of Torment • 14: The Absent Emperor • 15: The Hour of Vengeance • 16: Into the Chasm • Final: The End of Tragedy
Golden Wildfire
Golden Wildfire
4: To War! • 5: The Golden Guardian • 6: The Leader's Stratagem • 7: A Contest of Beasts • 8: What Makes a King • 9: The End of the Alliance • 10: Love and Loss • 11: The Sword Swings Wide • 12: Two Kings • 13: Darkness Attacks • 14: A Symbol of the Past • 15: The Hour of Vengeance • 16: Into the Chasm • Final: Field of Beginnings
The Ashen Wolves' ReunionComing CleanCycles of NostalgiaEagles, Lions, and DeerEnshrouded MemoriesEvil's Bane and Love's ProtectionA Grand Day for the Opera CompanyAn Incurable Shut-InLike Cats and DogsLove and Hate in WartimeMercenary ComplicationsA Night of WonderA Noble Among NoblesRaiders from the NorthA Reason to FightRight Where They're WantedThe Saints' ForgeThe Seiros SnareUnder the Protection of the Golden DeerUnsettling TruthsWhat Lies WithinWildflowers for the Future
Locations FódlanAdrestiaBase CampFaerghusGarreg Mach Monastery (Abyss) • LeicesterAlmyraBrigidDagdaSrengZahras
Groups and events 10 ElitesAshen WolvesBlack EaglesBlue LionsChildren of the GoddessChurch of Seiros (Knights of Seiros) • Golden DeerInsurrection of the SevenThose who slither in the darkTragedy of DuscurWar of Heroes
Concepts and objects AwakeningCrests (Crest Stone) • Critical RushElementsHeroes' RelicsMonstersSurvey SpotsWarrior SpecialWeapon attributes
Related topics DocumentsMoviesMusic PlayerName chart • Other games (WarriorsThree Houses) • Pre-release information (Unused content) • Weapons