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FEMN Paladin.png
Artwork of the Paladin from the Fire Emblem Trading Card Game.

An esteemed knight with a balance of high strength, defense, and resistance, this class can move again after taking certain actions.

Unit type(s)
  • Mounted (all titles except Awakening and Fates)
  • Infantry (replaces Mounted when dismounted; Thracia 776, Three Houses)
  • Beorc (Path of Radiance)
  • Beast (Awakening and Fates)
  • Sword, Lance (Shadow Dragon & the Blade of Light, Genealogy of the Holy War, Thracia 776, The Sacred Stones, Shadow Dragon, New Mystery of the Emblem, Awakening, Fates, specialty in Three Houses)
  • Sword, Lance, Staff (Genealogy of the Holy War)*
  • Sword, Staff (Thracia 776)*
  • Lance (Gaiden, Mystery of the Emblem, Echoes: Shadows of Valentia)
  • Sword, Lance, Axe (The Binding Blade, The Blazing Blade)
  • Any two of (Sword, Lance, Axe, Bow) (Path of Radiance)
  • Various (Three Houses)
  • One of (Sword, Lance, Axe) (Engage)

The Paladin (Japanese: パラディン Paladin) is an advanced mounted class which debuted in Fire Emblem: Shadow Dragon & the Blade of Light and is present in almost all subsequent games. It is conventionally the promoted form of the Cavalier, with the sole exception of Radiant Dawn, in which it does not exist itself and is instead divided into the separate weapon-specialist Blade Paladin, Lance Paladin, Axe Paladin, and Bow Paladin classes.

Throughout the course of the Fire Emblem series, the weapons available to Paladins have varied and the class has had access to all four physical weapon types at some point, but the use of swords and lances is the most consistent weapon setup for the class. Paladins are a potent class with strong stats across the board, including uniquely high resistance by the standards of physical units. Regularly described as a balanced class, they possess good defensive endurance, offensive power, and skill and speed in equal measure. Additionally, as an advanced mounted class they possess high movement.

In the majority of appearances, Cavaliers class change to Paladin, though variations on the class's class-change lineage exist. Gaiden has Cavaliers promote to Paladin, then promote again to Gold Knight. In Genealogy of the Holy War and Thracia 776, Troubadours also promote to Paladin and have female-exclusive access to staves as well as swords and lances. The Sacred Stones, Awakening, and Fates provide Cavaliers with the choice between promoting to Paladin or Great Knight. In Path of Radiance, the four weapon-specific mounted classes—Sword Knight, Lance Knight, Axe Knight and Bow Knight—all promote to Paladin, and when doing so the player is allowed to choose a new secondary weapon type to be gained by the individual unit. Similarly in Engage, the three weapon-specific mounted classes (called Sword, Lance and Axe Cavaliers in this game) promote to Paladin, but the class only has access to a single weapon type out of the three. Usually this is the same weapon as the cavalier's original chosen type, but if they have acquired additional weapon proficiencies, they may choose another variant of Paladin to promote to.


For stats when dismounted in Mystery of the Emblem, see Knight (Mystery of the Emblem).

Base stats

Game HP Strength Magic Skill Speed Luck Defense Resistance Movement Constitution Weapon level
Shadow Dragon & the Blade of Light 22 8 -- 7 11 0 9 0 10 -- Sword/Lance: 10
Gaiden 28 12 -- 5 8 0 8 5 8 -- Lance
Mystery of the Emblem 22 7 -- 5 7 0 8 6 10 -- Lance: 10
Genealogy of the Holy War 40 9 5 9 9 0 9 5 9 -- Swords B Lances B/
Swords B Lances C Staves C
Thracia 776 (male) 24 (24) 5 (4) 1 (1) 6 (5) 6 (4) 0 (0) 5 (4) -- 9 (6) 5 (4) Swords D (D) Lances E (--)
Thracia 776 (female) 20 (20) 3 (2) 5 (5) 3 (3) 6 (5) 0 (0) 3 (2) -- 9 (6) 5 Swords D (D) Staves E (E)
The Binding Blade 23 7/6 -- 4/6 7/11 0 8/7 3/6 8 11/10 Swords D Lances C Axes E/
Swords C Lances D Axes E
The Blazing Blade 23 7/6 -- 4/6 7/11 0 8/7 3/6 8 11/9 Swords D Lances D Axes E
The Sacred Stones 23 7/6 -- 4/6 7/11 0 8/7 3/6 8 11/9 Swords D Lances D
Path of Radiance 23 7 2 4 7 0 8 3 9 11/8 Varies[a]/
Lances C Axes C (Titania)
Shadow Dragon 22 7 1 5 7 0 8 6 10 -- Swords E Lances D
New Mystery of the Emblem 22 7 1 5 7 0 8 6 10 -- Swords E Lances D
Awakening 25 9 1 7 8 0 10 6 8 -- Swords E Lances E
Fates 19 8 1 7 7 4 7 6 8 -- Swords/Katanas E Lances/Naginata E
Echoes: Shadows of Valentia 28 12 -- 5 8 0 8 5 8 -- Lances
Three Houses 32 17 8 12 14 10 12 8 8 -- --
Three Houses
(Prologue/Lonato variant)
32 13 8 12 8 10 12 8 8 -- --
Engage 25 8 2 10 8 3 6 3 6 7 Swords A / Lances A /
Axes A
64 7 1 7 6 9 7 4 15 -- Swords E

Max stats

Game HP Strength Magic Skill Speed Luck Defense Resistance Movement Constitution Weapon level
Shadow Dragon & the Blade of Light 52 20 -- 20 20 20 20 7 12 -- Sword/Lance: 20
Gaiden 52 40 -- 40 40 40 40 40 40 -- Lance
Mystery of the Emblem 52 20 -- 20 20 20 20 20 12 -- Lance: 20
Genealogy of the Holy War 80 24 20 24 24 30 24 20 9 -- Swords B Lances B/
Swords B Lances C Staves C
Thracia 776 (male) 80 20 20 20 20 20 20 -- 20 20 Swords A (A) Lances A (--)
Thracia 776 (female) 80 20 20 20 20 20 20 -- 20 20 Swords A (A) Staves A (A)
The Binding Blade 60 25/24 -- 28 25/24 30 25/24 25/26 15 20 Swords S Lances S Axes S
The Blazing Blade 60 25/23 -- 26/27 24/25 30 25/24 25/26 15 25 Swords S Lances S Axes S *
The Sacred Stones 60 25/23 -- 26/27 24/25 30 25/24 25/26 15 25 Swords S Lances S*
Path of Radiance 60 26/25 20 26 27 40 27 25/26 20 99 Varies[a]
Shadow Dragon 60 25 21 28 25 25 30 25 32 -- Swords A Lances A
New Mystery of the Emblem 60 25 21 28 25 25 30 25 12 -- Swords A Lances A
Awakening 80 42 30 40 40 45 42 42 10 -- Swords A Lances A
Fates 60 31 26 30 30 32 32 32 10 -- Swords/Katanas A Lances/Naginata A
Engage 77 45 21 45 37 30 35 29 20 16 Swords S / Lances S / Axes S
999 126 21 125 105 153 118 75 15 -- Swords S

Miscellaneous stats

Game Experience CRP Gold Weight mod. Capacity Vision Size
Shadow Dragon & the Blade of Light 44 -- -- -- -- -- --
Gaiden 80 3 -- -- -- -- --
Mystery of the Emblem 45 -- -- -- -- -- --
Genealogy of the Holy War -- -- 3,000 -- -- -- --
Thracia 776 (Male) -- 4 (3) -- -- -- 3 --
Thracia 776 (Female) -- 3 (2) -- -- -- 3 --
The Binding Blade -- 3/4 -- -- -- -- --
The Blazing Blade -- 3 -- -- -- 3 --
The Sacred Stones -- 3 -- -- -- 3 --
Path of Radiance -- -- -- +24/+23 -- 3 --
Shadow Dragon -- -- -- -- -- 2 --
New Mystery of the Emblem -- -- -- -- -- 2 --
Echoes: Shadows of Valentia 80 3 -- -- -- -- --
Three Houses -- -- -- -- -- -- 1
Engage -- -- -- -- -- 3 1

Class growth rates

Game HP Strength Magic Skill Speed Luck Defense Resistance Charm Constitution* Movement* Weapon level
Shadow Dragon & the Blade of Light 150% 50% -- 50% 50% 0% 50% 0% -- -- -- 50%
Gaiden 150% 50% -- 50% 50% 0% 50% 0% -- -- -- --
Mystery of the Emblem 80% 30% -- 20% 20% 0% 30% 0% -- -- -- --
Genealogy of the Holy War 100% 30% 10% 30% 30% 0% 30% 10% -- -- -- --
Thracia 776 50% 20% 3% 15% 10% 10% 15% -- -- 15% 0% --
The Binding Blade 70% 25% -- 30/35% 18/25% 25% 12% 17% -- -- -- --
The Blazing Blade 70% 25% -- 30/35% 18/25% 25% 12% 20/25% -- -- -- --
The Sacred Stones 70% 25% -- 30/35% 18/25% 25% 12% 20/25% -- -- -- --
Path of Radiance 65% 45% 20% 35% 45/50% 30% 45% 40% -- -- -- --
Shadow Dragon 40/80% 15/35% −10/0% 25/30% 10/20% 0% 15/30% −5/20% -- -- -- --
New Mystery of the Emblem 40/80% 15/35% −10/0% 25/30% 10/20% 0% 15/30% −5/20% -- -- -- --
Awakening 45/90% 20/45% 0% 20/40% 20/40% 0/45% 10/35% 10/30% -- -- -- --
Fates 10/80% 15/50% 0% 10/45% 10/45% 15/30% 10/55% 10/50% -- -- -- --
Echoes: Shadows of Valentia 0/120% 0/50% -- 0/50% 0/50% 0% 0/50% 0/10% -- -- -- --
Three Houses 30/40% 10/15% 0% 5% −10/0% 5% 5/40% 5/10% 5% -- -- Swords +2 Lances +3
Riding +3
Three Houses
(Prologue/Lonato variant)
30% 10/5% 0% 5% −5/5% 5% 5/10% 5/10% 0% -- -- Swords +2 Lances +3
Riding +3
Engage 15% 15% 0% 10% 15% 10% 15% 15% -- 0% -- --
Warriors: Three Hopes 20% 15% 0% 10% 0% 5% 10% 10% 5% -- -- --
See class growth rate for more details on the mechanics of class growths in each game.

Promotion gains

Game HP Strength Magic Skill Speed Defense Resistance Movement Weapon level
The Blazing Blade 2 1 -- 1 1 2 1 -- --
The Sacred Stones (male) 2 1 -- 1 1 2 1 -- --
The Sacred Stones (female) 1 1 -- 1 2 1 2 -- --

Class modifiers

Game HP Strength Magic Skill Speed Luck Defense Resistance Charm Movement
Three Houses 2 2 0 2 −1 (1) 0 2 2 0 4 (2)
Three Houses
(Prologue/Lonato variant)
3 2 (0) 0 1 −1 (1) 0 2 2 0 4 (2)
Warriors: Three Hopes 300 3 0 3 −1 (2) 0 3 3 0 7 (0)

Class skills

Game Skill Learning conditions
Genealogy of the Holy War
Thracia 776
The Binding Blade
The Blazing Blade
The Sacred Stones
Path of Radiance
Three Houses
Canto Innate; hidden and unnamed until Three Houses.
Path of Radiance Sol Occult skill.
Defender Awakening: Learned at level 5.
Fates: Learned from level 5 and up.
Three Houses
Aegis Awakening: Learned at level 15.
Fates: Learned from level 15 and up.
Three Houses: Class mastery. (150 class Exp required)
Three Houses Lancefaire Innate.
(Non-Prologue/Lonato variant)
Three Houses
Warriors: Three Hopes
Terrain Resistance Innate.
(Non-Prologue/Lonato variant)
Engage Pivot Learned at level 5.
Warriors: Three Hopes Sword Buster Lv 3 Innate.

Additionally, in Echoes: Shadows of Valentia, Paladins possess a passive skill marking them as Is 3ds03 mounted.pngmounted units.

Class change

Shadow Dragon & the Blade of Light

Base class Promotion method Advanced class
Bs fe01 cavalier lance 01.png
Using a Knight Crest after reaching level 10. Bs fe01 paladin lance 01.png


Trainee-like class Method Base class Method Advanced class Method Master class
Bs fe02 villager sword.png
After reaching level 3, at any Mila Shrine. Bs fe02 cavalier lance 01.png
After reaching level 7, at any Mila Shrine. Bs fe02 paladin lance 01.png
After reaching level 10, at any Mila Shrine. Bs fe02 gold knight lance 01.png
Gold Knight

Mystery of the Emblem

Base class Promotion method Advanced class
Bs fe03 cavalier lance.png
Using a Knight Crest after reaching level 10. Bs fe03 paladin lance.png

Genealogy of the Holy War

The class a unit changes into in Genealogy of the Holy War is determined by the unit and not the class; however, all units that change into the Paladin class have the following class change option:

Base class Promotion method Advanced class
Bs fe04 naoise cavalier lance.png
Bs fe04 ethlyn troubadour sword.png
Choosing the "Class change" option in a home castle after reaching level 20. Bs fe04 naoise paladin lance.png

Thracia 776

The class a unit changes into in Thracia 776 is determined by the unit and not the class; however, all units that change into the Paladin class have the following class change option:

Base class Promotion method Advanced class
Bs fe05 carrion cavalier lance.png
Bs fe05 nanna troubadour sword.png
Using a Knight Proof after reaching level 10. Bs fe05 carrion paladin lance.png

The Binding Blade

Base class Promotion method Advanced class
Bs fe06 alen cavalier lance.png
Using a Knight Crest after reaching level 10. Bs fe06 alen paladin lance.png

The Blazing Blade

Base class Promotion method Advanced class
Bs fe07 lowen cavalier lance.png
Using a Knight Crest or Earth Seal after reaching level 10. Bs fe07 lowen paladin lance.png

The Sacred Stones

Base class Promotion method Advanced class
Bs fe08 amelia cavalier lance.png
Bs fe08 amelia recruit lance.png
Recruit (2)
Using a Knight Crest or Master Seal after reaching level 10. Bs fe08 amelia paladin lance.png

Path of Radiance

Base class Promotion method Advanced class
Bs fe09 makalov sword knight sword.png
Sword Knight
Using a Master Seal after reaching level 10, or gain 100 more experience after reaching level 20. Bs fe09 titania paladin axe.png
Bs fe09 oscar lance knight lance.png
Lance Knight
Bs fe09 kieran axe knight axe.png
Axe Knight
Bs fe09 astrid bow knight bow.png
Bow Knight

Shadow Dragon

Base class Promotion method Advanced class
Bs fe11 red cavalier sword.png
Using a Master Seal after reaching level 10. Bs fe11 playable paladin sword.png

New Mystery of the Emblem

Base class Promotion method Advanced class
Bs fe11 red cavalier sword.png
Using a Master Seal after reaching level 10. Bs fe11 playable paladin sword.png


Base class Promotion method Advanced class
Ma 3ds01 cavalier playable.gif
Using a Master Seal after reaching level 10. Ma 3ds01 paladin playable.gif
Ma 3ds01 great knight playable.gif
Great Knight
Promotion choice criteria: The player can freely choose.


Base class Promotion method Advanced class
Ma 3ds02 cavalier playable.gif
Using a Master Seal after reaching level 10. Ma 3ds02 paladin playable.gif
Ma 3ds02 great knight playable.gif
Great Knight
Promotion choice criteria: The player can freely choose.

Echoes: Shadows of Valentia

Trainee-like class Method Base class Method Advanced class Method Master class Method Over class
Ma 3ds03 villager playable.gif
After reaching level 3, at any Mila Shrine. Ma 3ds03 cavalier playable.gif
After reaching level 7, at any Mila Shrine. Ma 3ds03 paladin playable.gif
After reaching level 10, at any Mila Shrine. Ma 3ds03 gold knight playable.gif
Gold Knight
After reaching level 20, at the Altar of the Destrier. Ma 3ds03 skogul playable.gif

Three Houses

Base class Certification requirements Advanced class
Any class Level 20
Advanced Seal
Lances B, Riding B
Ma ns01 paladin playable.gif
This class is available for any unit.


Base classes Promotion method Advanced class
Ma ns02 sword cavalier firene.png
Sword Cavalier
Ma ns02 lance cavalier firene.png
Lance Cavalier
Ma ns02 axe cavalier firene.png
Axe Cavalier
Using a Master Seal after reaching level 10. Ma ns02 paladin firene sword.png

Tokyo Mirage Sessions ♯FE

Base class Promotion method Advanced class
Portrait cain 01 tmsfe.png
Using a Master Seal while talking to Tiki. Portrait cain 02 tmsfe.png
Portrait cain 03 tmsfe.png
Dark Knight
Promotion choice criteria: The player can freely choose.


Base class Promotion method Advanced class
Ma fewa paladin xander playable.gif
Using a Master Seal after reaching level 15. Ma fewa paladin xander playable.gif
Crown Prince

Warriors: Three Hopes

Beginner class Method Intermediate class Method Advanced class Method Master class
Ma fewa2 soldier playable.gif
Using an Intermediate Seal after mastering Soldier.
(Female units only)
Ma fewa2 pegasus knight playable.gif
Pegasus Knight
Using an Advanced Seal after mastering Pegasus Knight or Cavalier. Ma fewa2 paladin playable.gif
Using a Master Seal after mastering Paladin.
(Female units only)
Ma ns01 falcon knight playable.gif
Falcon Knight
Using an Intermediate Seal after mastering Soldier. Ma fewa2 cavalier playable.gif
Using a Master Seal after mastering Paladin. Ma ns01 dark knight playable.gif
Dark Knight
Ma ns01 holy knight playable.gif
Holy Knight

Playable Paladins

Playable units
Name Game
Jagen Shadow Dragon & the Blade of Light, Mystery of the Emblem, Shadow Dragon
Midia Shadow Dragon & the Blade of Light, Mystery of the Emblem, Shadow Dragon, New Mystery of the Emblem
Arran Shadow Dragon & the Blade of Light, Mystery of the Emblem, Shadow Dragon, New Mystery of the Emblem
Mathilda Gaiden, Echoes: Shadows of Valentia
Sirius Mystery of the Emblem Book 2, New Mystery of the Emblem
Abel Mystery of the Emblem Book 2, New Mystery of the Emblem
Roshea Mystery of the Emblem Book 2, New Mystery of the Emblem
Oifey Genealogy of the Holy War (Second generation)
Fred Thracia 776
Amalda Thracia 776
Conomor Thracia 776
Marcus The Binding Blade, The Blazing Blade
Zelot The Binding Blade
Perceval The Binding Blade, Awakening
Eliwood The Binding Blade (Trial Maps only), Awakening
Isadora The Blazing Blade
Seth The Sacred Stones, Awakening
Orson The Sacred Stones (Chapter 5x and Creature Campaign only)
Titania Path of Radiance
Geoffrey Path of Radiance, Awakening
Petrine Path of Radiance (Trial Maps only), Awakening
Vyland New Mystery of the Emblem
Camus Fire Emblem: Archanea Saga, New Mystery of the Emblem ("The Beginning" only), Awakening
Clive Awakening
Sigurd Awakening
Quan Awakening
Finn Awakening
Eldigan Awakening
Xander Fates Conquest Revelation, Warriors
Conrad Echoes: Shadows of Valentia
Randal Echoes: Shadows of Valentia
Dimitri Three Houses Cindered Shadows
Lorenz Warriors: Three Hopes Azure Gleam
Vander Engage
Playable Paladin units in the Fire Emblem series.

Notable enemy Paladins

Enemy units
Name Game
Heimler Shadow Dragon & the Blade of Light, Shadow Dragon
Sternlin Shadow Dragon & the Blade of Light, Shadow Dragon
Camus Shadow Dragon & the Blade of Light, Mystery of the Emblem Book 1, Shadow Dragon
Orridyon Shadow Dragon & the Blade of Light, Shadow Dragon
Slayde Gaiden, Echoes: Shadows of Valentia
Lawson Gaiden, Echoes: Shadows of Valentia
Eldigan Genealogy of the Holy War First Generation
Riddell Genealogy of the Holy War Second Generation
Roberto Genealogy of the Holy War Second Generation
Eisenau Thracia 776
Farden Thracia 776
Raith The Binding Blade
Arcardo The Binding Blade
Eagler The Blazing Blade
Damian The Blazing Blade
Cameron The Blazing Blade
Eubans The Blazing Blade
Pascal The Blazing Blade
Maxime The Blazing Blade
Orson The Sacred Stones
Mackoya Path of Radiance
Petrine Path of Radiance
Rikard Path of Radiance
Bertram Path of Radiance
Dejanira Shadow Dragon
Jagen New Mystery of the Emblem, Tokyo Mirage Sessions ♯FE
Dalton Awakening
Equus Awakening
Dalen Awakening
Xander Fates Birthright Revelation, Warriors
Berkut Echoes: Shadows of Valentia
Fernand Echoes: Shadows of Valentia
Lonato Three Houses
Ferdinand Three Houses Azure Moon Verdant Wind
Sylvain Three Houses Verdant Wind
Leonie Three Houses Crimson Flower Azure Moon
Lorenz Three Houses Azure Moon Silver Snow
Enemy Paladin units in the Fire Emblem series.

Notable neutral Paladins

Other units
Name Game
Eve Genealogy of the Holy War First Generation
Eva Genealogy of the Holy War First Generation
Alva Genealogy of the Holy War First Generation
Jeralt Three Houses
Xander Warriors
Neutral Paladin units in the Fire Emblem series.

Flavor text

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Game Text
Shadow Dragon & the Blade of Light
A cavalier that has earned much EXP
and been promoted. Superior in every
way to a base Cavalier.
けいけんをつんだ S・ナイトが パラディンに
すべての のうりょくにおいて S・ナイトより
ひとまわり すぐれている。
Mystery of the Emblem
Experienced Cavaliers who
have promoted. Possesses
superior abilities.*
経験をつんだ ソシアルナイトが
おいて ソシアルナイトより
ひとまわり すぐれている。
The Binding Blade
(class roll)
A title given to cavaliers whose life have
been dedicated to the cause of justice.*
経験をつんだ ソシアルナイトが昇格する
The Binding Blade
Dedicated cavaliers with
superior abilities all around.*
The Blazing Blade
(class roll)
A title given to cavaliers whose lives have
been dedicated to the cause of justice.
経験をつんだ ソシアルナイトが昇格する
The Blazing Blade
Dedicated cavaliers with
superior abilities all around.
The Sacred Stones
(class roll)
A title only earned by those cavaliers whose
lives have been dedicated to justice.
馬をたくみにあやつる 華麗なる騎士
The Sacred Stones
Mounted knights with superior
abilities. Equip: Swords, lances.
Path of Radiance
Mounted knights whose unrivaled movement
is only one of their exceptional abilities.
Shadow Dragon
Seasoned cavaliers with superior abilities
all around.
New Mystery of the Emblem
Seasoned cavaliers with superior abilities
all around.*
A seasoned, majestic cavalier.
Has high Mov and Res.
Nohrian. A brave, honorable knight.
More experienced than a cavalier.
Echoes: Shadows of Valentia
(class roll)
renowned knights
with proven talent
and mobility in
battle. They excel
at adapting to
any circumstance.
Echoes: Shadows of Valentia
A high-ranking knight who
adapts to any circumstance.
Three Houses
An esteemed knight with a balance of high
strength, defense, and resistance, this class
can move again after taking certain actions.
Three Houses
(Prologue/Lonato variant)
An esteemed knight with a balance of high
strength, defense, and resistance, this class
can move again after taking certain actions.
High-ranking knights with a wealth
of experience. Highly mobile and
strong against magic.
Tokyo Mirage Sessions ♯FE
A strong and reliable comrade. Balanced and versatile, they adapt to aid in any situation.
Warriors: Three Hopes
An esteemed knight with a balance of high
strength, defense, and resistance.

Etymology and other languages

Names, etymology, and in other regions
Language Name Definition, etymology, and notes


From Paladin, a title applied to the foremost warriors of the court of King Charlemagne, also known as the Twelve Peers. "Paladin" is a very common role-playing game class, generally (unlike in Fire Emblem) holy warriors wielding both weapons and magic.



• Officially romanized as Paladin; as above.
• Holy Knight. This kanji name has never been applied to the class in gameplay, but is often used to refer to the Paladin class in dialogue.[1][2]








• Rittmeister
• Rittmeisterin

• Cavalry captain
• Feminine variant of the former, used exclusively for female Paladins in The Blazing Blade and Three Hopes, alongside the male Rittmeister.



The term "paladin" derives from this Italian word, itself likely descended from the Latin palatinus, a term for ancient Roman officials connected to the imperial palace on Palatine Hill.







Simplified Chinese


Holy knight

Traditional Chinese


Holy knight


Sprite Gallery
Shadow Dragon & the Blade of Light
Ma nes01 paladin enemy.gif Ma nes01 paladin playable.gif
Bs fe01 enemy paladin sword.png Bs fe01 paladin sword.png
Bs fe01 enemy paladin lance 01.png Bs fe01 paladin lance 01.png
Bs fe01 enemy paladin lance 02.png Bs fe01 paladin lance 02.png
Ma nes02 paladin enemy.gif Ma nes02 paladin playable.gif
Bs fe02 enemy paladin lance.png Bs fe02 paladin lance 01.png
Bs fe02 paladin lance 02.png
Mystery of the Emblem
Generic portrait paladin fe03.png Generic portrait paladin 02 fe03.png Ma snes01 paladin enemy.gif Paladin Ma snes01 paladin playable.gif Ma snes01 dismount knight playable.gif Knight Ma snes01 dismount knight female playable.gif
Bs fe03 enemy paladin lance.pngBs fe03 paladin lance.png
Bs fe03 promoted knight male sword.png Bs fe03 knight female sword.png
Genealogy of the Holy War
Generic portrait paladin female fe04.png Ma snes02 paladin playable.gif Ma snes02 paladin partner.gif Male Ma snes02 paladin enemy.gif Ma snes02 paladin female playable.gif Ma snes02 paladin female partner.gif Female Ma snes02 paladin female enemy.gif
Bs fe04 alec paladin sword.png
(Iron or Steel Sword)
Bs fe04 alec paladin lance.png
(Iron Lance)
Bs fe04 jeanne paladin sword.png
(Iron or Steel Sword, or Iron or Steel Blade)
Bs fe04 jeanne paladin lance.png
(Iron Lance)
Bs fe04 jeanne paladin staff.png
(all staves)
Thracia 776
Generic portrait paladin fe05.png Ma snes03 paladin playable.gif Ma snes03 paladin enemy.gif Ma snes03 paladin other.gif Male Ma snes03 dismounted promoted knight playable.gif Ma snes03 paladin female playable.gif Ma snes03 paladin female enemy.gif Ma snes03 paladin female other.gif Female Ma snes03 dismounted promoted knight female playable.gif
Bs fe05 carrion paladin sword.png
(Paragon Sword)
Bs fe05 carrion paladin lance.png
(Iron Lance)
Bs fe05 carrion dismt paladin sword.png
(Iron Sword)
Bs fe05 nanna paladin sword.png
(Lands Sword)
Bs fe05 nanna paladin staff.png
(all staves)
Bs fe05 nanna dismt paladin sword.png
(Lands Sword)
Bs fe05 nanna dismt paladin staff.png
The Binding Blade
Generic portrait paladin fe06.png Ma gba paladin playable.gif Ma gba paladin enemy.gif Ma gba paladin other.gif
Bs fe07 enemy paladin sword.png
Bs fe07 enemy paladin lance.png
Bs fe07 enemy paladin axe.png
The Blazing Blade
Generic portrait paladin fe06.png Ma gba paladin playable.gif Male Ma gba paladin enemy.gif Ma gba paladin playable.gif Female Ma gba paladin other.gif
Bs fe07 enemy paladin sword.png
Bs fe07 enemy paladin lance.png
Bs fe07 enemy paladin axe.png
Bs fe07 isadora paladin sword.png
Bs fe07 isadora paladin lance.png
Bs fe07 isadora paladin axe.png
The Sacred Stones
Generic portrait paladin fe06.png Ma gba paladin playable.gif Male Ma gba paladin enemy.gif Female Ma gba paladin playable.gif
Bs fe07 enemy paladin sword.png
Bs fe07 enemy paladin lance.png
Bs fe08 amelia paladin sword.png
Bs fe08 amelia paladin lance.png
Shadow Dragon
Generic portrait paladin fe11.png Ma ds01 paladin enemy.gif Ma ds01 paladin playable.gif
Bs fe11 enemy paladin sword.png Bs fe11 playable paladin lance.png
Bs fe11 enemy paladin lance.png Bs fe11 playable paladin lance.png
New Mystery of the Emblem
Generic portrait paladin fe12.png Ma ds02 paladin enemy.gif Ma ds02 paladin playable.gif
Bs fe11 enemy paladin sword.png Bs fe11 playable paladin lance.png
Bs fe11 enemy paladin lance.png Bs fe11 playable paladin lance.png
Generic portrait paladin fe13.pngGeneric portrait paladin risen fe13.png Ma 3ds01 paladin risen enemy.gif Ma 3ds01 paladin enemy.gif Ma 3ds01 paladin playable.gif Ma 3ds01 paladin other.gif
Generic small portrait paladin fe14.png Fates Generic small portrait paladin vallite fe14.png
Generic portrait paladin fe14.png Ma 3ds02 paladin vallite enemy.gif Ma 3ds02 paladin enemy.gif Ma 3ds02 paladin playable.gif
Echoes: Shadows of Valentia
Generic portrait paladin male enemy status fe15.png Generic portrait paladin female enemy status fe15.png Ma 3ds03 paladin enemy.gif Ma 3ds03 paladin playable.gif Ma 3ds03 paladin other.gif
Three Houses
Generic small portrait paladin fe16.png Generic small portrait paladin female fe16.png Ma ns01 paladin playable.gif Ma ns01 paladin enemy.gif Ma ns01 paladin third.gif Ma ns01 paladin other.gif
Warriors: Three Hopes
Generic small portrait paladin fewa2.png Generic small portrait paladin female fewa2.png Ma fewa2 paladin playable.gif Ma fewa2 paladin enemy.gif Ma fewa2 paladin other.gif
Firenese Elusian Corrupted Fabrications
Ma ns02 paladin firene sword.png
Ma ns02 paladin firene lance.png
Ma ns02 paladin firene axe.png
Ma ns02 paladin elusia sword.png
Ma ns02 paladin elusia lance.png
Ma ns02 paladin corrupted sword.png
Ma ns02 paladin corrupted lance.png Ma ns02 paladin corrupted female lance.png
Ma ns02 paladin corrupted axe.png
Ma ns02 paladin fabrication sword.png Ma ns02 paladin fabrication female sword.png
Ma ns02 paladin fabrication lance.png Ma ns02 paladin fabrication female lance.png
Ma ns02 paladin fabrication axe.png Ma ns02 paladin fabrication female axe.png

Official artwork


Concept artwork



  1. 1.0 1.1 For Path of Radiance, the base weapon levels depend on the original class (Sword Knight, Lance Knight, Axe Knight, or Bow Knight); upon promotion to Paladin, the player is offered a choice of secondary weapon out of the other three weapon types. The original primary weapon's base level is C, and the base level of the new secondary weapon chosen is E; the maximum of both of these weapon levels is S.


  1. "我々も栄光あるノディオンの聖騎士
    最期まで姫様をお守りいたします!" — Eve, Fire Emblem: Genealogy of the Holy War
  2. "だがエイリークなる小娘・・・ なかなかの使い手と聞いておるぞ。 女を守る聖騎士はヴァルターの槍に耐えてみせたという・・・" — Riev (Japanese version), Fire Emblem: The Sacred Stones

See also

Project Classes.png This article is part of Project Classes, a project focused in writing articles for every class present in the Fire Emblem series.
Classes in Fire Emblem: Shadow Dragon & the Blade of Light
Base classes ArcherCavalierMageMercenaryPegasus KnightPriest
Advanced classes BishopDracoknightHeroPaladinSniper
Other classes BallisticianFighterFreelancerGeneralHorsemanHunterKnightLordManaketePirateThief
Classes in Fire Emblem Gaiden
Base classes ArcherCavalierClericFighterMageMercenaryPegasus KnightPriestessSoldier
Intermediate classes KnightMyrmidonPaladinSniper
Advanced classes BaronBow KnightDread FighterFalcon KnightGold KnightHeroPriestessPrincessSageSaint
Monster classes BonewalkerGargoyleMogallNecrodragonRevenant
Other classes ArcanistBrigandCantorFell GodWitchVillager
Classes in Fire Emblem: Mystery of the Emblem
Base classes ArcherArmored KnightCavalierClericHunterMageMercenaryPegasus Knight
Advanced classes BishopDracoknightGeneralHeroHorsemanPaladinSniper
Dragon classes Divine DragonEarth DragonFire DragonIce DragonMage DragonShadow DragonWyvern
Other classes BallisticianBarbarianBerserkerBrigandDancerDark MageEmperorFighterFreelancerKnightLordManaketePirateSoldierThief
Unused classes Dark KnightGuardianSea Dragon
Classes in Fire Emblem: Genealogy of the Holy War
Base classes Arch KnightAxe ArmorAxe FighterAxe KnightBardBow ArmorBow FighterCavalierFire MageFree KnightJunior LordKnightLance KnightLight PriestessMagePegasus KnightPriestPrincePrincessSword ArmorSword FighterTroubadourThiefThunder MageWind MageWyvern Knight
Advanced classes Bow KnightDuke KnightForrestGeneralGreat KnightHigh PriestKnight LordMage KnightMage FighterMaster KnightPaladinRangerSageSniperSwordmasterThief FighterWarriorWyvern Lord
Other classes BallistaBarbarianBaronBishopBrigandCivilianDancerDark BishopDark MageDark PrinceDragon RiderEmperorHunterIron BallistaKiller BallistaPirateQueen
Unused classes ArcherAxe SoldierGreat BallistaPegasus RiderSoldierSpear SoldierSword Soldier
Classes in Fire Emblem: Thracia 776
Base classes ArcherArch KnightAxe ArmorAxe FighterAxe KnightBallistaBardBow ArmorBow FighterBrigandCavalierCivilianClericDancerDragon RiderFree KnightHunterIron BallistaLance ArmorLance KnightLoptr MageLordMagePegasus RiderPiratePoison BallistaPriestPrinceSoldierSword ArmorSword FighterThiefTroubadour
Advanced classes BaronBerserkerBishopBow KnightDark BishopDark MageDuke KnightGeneralGreat KnightHigh PriestMage KnightMercenaryPegasus KnightSageSniperRangerSwordmasterThief FighterWarriorWyvern Knight
Unused/cutscene classes Dark PrinceEmperorFalcon KnightForrestJunior LordKiller BallistaKnight LordMaster KnightWyvern Lord
Classes in Fire Emblem: The Binding Blade
Base classes ArcherBardBrigandCavalierChildCivilianClericDancerDemon DragonFighterKnightLordMageManaketeMercenaryMyrmidonNomadPegasus KnightPiratePriestShamanSoldierThiefTransporterTroubadourWyvern Rider
Advanced classes BerserkerBishopDruidFalcon KnightGeneralGreat LordHeroKingManaketeNomadic TrooperPaladinSageSniperSwordmasterValkyrieWarriorWyvern Lord
Classes in Fire Emblem: The Blazing Blade
Base classes ArcherBardBramimondBrigandCavalierChildCivilianClericCorsairDancerFighterFire DragonKnightLordMageMagic SealMercenaryMonkMyrmidonNomadPeerPegasus KnightPiratePrinceShamanSoldierThiefTransporterTroubadourWyvern Rider
Advanced classes ArchsageAssassinBerserkerBishopBlade LordDark DruidDruidFalcoknightGeneralGreat LordHeroKnight LordNomadic TrooperPaladinSageSniperSwordmasterValkyrieWarriorWyvern Lord
Classes in Fire Emblem: The Sacred Stones
Base classes ArcherBrigandCavalierCivilianClericDancerFighterFleetJourneymanKnightLordMageManaketeMercenaryMonkMyrmidonPeerPegasus KnightPhantomPiratePontifexPriestPupilQueenRecruitShamanSoldierThiefTroubadourWyvern Rider
Advanced classes AssassinBerserkerBishopDruidFalcoknightGeneralGreat KnightGreat LordHeroMage KnightManaketeNecromancerPaladinRangerRogueSageSniperSummonerSwordmasterValkyrieWarriorWyvern KnightWyvern Lord
Base monster classes BaelBonewalkerGargoyleGorgon EggMauthe DoogMogallRevenantTarvos
Advanced monster classes Arch MogallCyclopsDeathgoyleDemon KingDraco ZombieElder BaelEntombedGorgonGwyllgiMaelduinWight
Removed class Apprentice
Classes in Fire Emblem: Path of Radiance
Base classes ArcherAxe KnightBanditBow KnightChildCivilianClericFighterKnightLance KnightMageMyrmidonPegasus KnightPriestRangerSoldierSword KnightThiefWyvern Rider
Advanced classes AssassinBerserkerBishopFalcon KnightGeneralHalberdierHeroKing DaeinLordPaladinPrincess CrimeaSageSniperSwordmasterValkyrieWarriorWyvern Lord
Laguz classes Beast Tribe (CatLionTiger) • Bird Tribe (HawkHeronRaven) • Dragon Tribe (Red DragonWhite Dragon)
Classes in Fire Emblem: Shadow Dragon
Base classes ArcherCavalierClericCurateDark MageFighterHunterKnightMageMercenaryMyrmidonPegasus KnightPirate
Advanced classes BerserkerBishopDracoknightGeneralHeroHorsemanPaladinSniperSorcererSwordmasterWarrior
Other classes BallisticianEarth DragonFreelancerLordManaketeSoldierThief
Classes in Fire Emblem: New Mystery of the Emblem
Base classes ArcherBarbarianCavalierClericCurateDark MageFighterHunterKnightMageMercenaryMyrmidonPegasus KnightPirate
Advanced classes BerserkerBishopDracoknightGeneralHeroHorsemanPaladinSniperSorcererSwordmasterWarrior
Dragon classes Divine DragonEarth DragonFire DragonIce DragonMage DragonShadow DragonWyvern
Other classes BallisticianDancerEmperorFreelancerLordManaketeSoldierThief
Classes in Fire Emblem Awakening
Base classes ArcherBarbarianCavalierClericDark MageFighterKnightLordMageMercenaryMyrmidonPegasus KnightPriestTacticianThiefTroubadourWyvern Rider
Advanced classes AssassinBerserkerBow KnightDark FlierDark KnightFalcon KnightGeneralGrandmasterGreat KnightGreat LordGriffon RiderHeroPaladinSageSniperSorcererSwordmasterTricksterValkyrieWar ClericWar MonkWarriorWyvern Lord
Other classes BrideConquerorDancerDread FighterEntombedGrimaLodestarManaketeMerchantMirageOutrealm ClassRevenantSoldierTaguelVillager
Classes in Fire Emblem Fates
Base classes ApothecaryArcherCavalierDark MageDivinerFighterKitsuneKnightMercenaryMonkNinjaNohr PrinceNohr PrincessOni SavageOutlawSamuraiShrine MaidenSky KnightSpear FighterTroubadourVillagerWolfskinWyvern Rider
Advanced classes AdventurerBerserkerBasaraBlacksmithBow KnightButlerDark KnightFalcon KnightGeneralGreat KnightGreat MasterHeroHoshido NobleKinshi KnightMaidMalig KnightMaster NinjaMaster of ArmsMechanistMerchantNine-TailsNohr NobleOni ChieftainOnmyojiPaladinPriestessSniperSorcererSpear MasterStrategistSwordmasterWolfssegnerWyvern Lord
Non-human classes Astral DragonAutomatonFacelessFeral DragonStoneborn
Other classes BallisticianBlight DragonClericDark FalconDread FighterEmpty VesselGrandmasterGreat LordLancerLodestarLordMyrmidonNohrian KingOutrealm ClassPegasus KnightSilent DragonSongstressVanguardWitch
Classes in Fire Emblem Echoes: Shadows of Valentia
Base classes ArcherCavalierClericFighterMageMercenaryPegasus KnightPriestessSoldier
Intermediate classes KnightMyrmidonPaladinSniper
Advanced classes BaronBow KnightDread FighterFalcon KnightGold KnightHeroPriestessPrincessSageSaint
Overclasses ConquerorEnchantressExemplarGuruHarrierOliphantierRigainSkogulSpartanYasha
Monster classes BalorBonewalkerDeathgoyleDeimosDraculEntombedFafnirFiendGargoyleGarudaGuardianLichMogallNecrodragonRevenantTitanTomb LordWhite Dragon
Other classes ArcanistBoyBrigandCantorDagonDuma's ApostleFell DragonFell GodFire DragonGirlIllusory HeroMila's ServantVestalWitchVillager
Classes in Fire Emblem: Three Houses
Unique classes Armored LordBarbarossaCommonerDancerDeath KnightEmperorEnlightened OneGreat LordHigh LordNobleWyvern Master
Beginner classes FighterMonkMyrmidonSoldier
Intermediate classes ArcherArmored KnightBrawlerBrigandCavalierDark MageLordMageMercenaryPegasus KnightPriestThief
Advanced classes AssassinBishopDark BishopFortress KnightGrapplerHeroPaladinSniperSwordmasterWarlockWarriorWyvern Rider
Special classes Dark FlierTricksterValkyrieWar ClericWar Monk
Master classes Bow KnightDark KnightFalcon KnightGreat KnightGremoryHoly KnightMortal SavantWar MasterWyvern Lord
Monster classes Altered Demonic BeastAltered GolemBlack BeastDemonic BeastExperimental Demonic BeastFlying Demonic BeastGiant BirdGiant CrawlerGiant Demonic BeastGiant WolfGolemGuardian GolemHegemon HuskThe Immaculate OneLord of the DesertLord of the LakeTitanusUmbral BeastWandering BeastWhite BeastWild Demonic Beast
Other classes AgastyaArchbishopFlame EmperorKing of LiberationRuffianSaintVerrat
Classes in Fire Emblem Engage
Base classes ArcherAxe ArmorAxe CavalierAxe FighterAxe FlierDragon ChildLance ArmorLance CavalierLance FighterLance FlierLordMageMartial MonkNobleSentinelSword ArmorSword CavalierSword FighterSword FlierWing Tamer
Advanced classes AvenirBerserkerBow KnightCupidoDivine DragonGeneralGreat KnightGriffin Knight‎HalberdierHeroHigh PriestLindwurmMage KnightMartial MasterPaladinPicketRoyal KnightSageSniperSleipnir RiderSuccesseurSwordmasterTireur d'éliteVidameWarriorWolf KnightWyvern Knight
Special classes BarbarianCorrupted WolfCorrupted WyrmCorrupted WyvernDancerEmblemEnchanterFell ChildFell MonarchGreat Fell DragonMage CannoneerMelusinePhantom WolfPhantom WyrmPhantom WyvernRoyalThiefTrainerVillagerWardenWatcher
Classes in Fire Emblem Warriors
Playable base classes ArcherClericDancerDark KnightDark MageGreat KnightLordMageMalig KnightManaketeMercenaryMyrmidonNohr PrinceNohr PrincessOutlawPaladinPegasus KnightPriestessShrine MaidenSky KnightSongstressSpear FighterSwordmasterTacticianTricksterTroubadourWyvern Rider
Playable advanced classes AdventurerBlade LordCrown PrinceDark CrusaderDivaDivine DragonFalcon KnightGrandmasterGreat LordGuardian KnightHeroHigh PriestessHigh PrinceHoshido NobleLodestarMalig MasterMaster MerchantNohr NoblePrimaPrincessSageSniperSorcererSpear MasterStrategistSwordmasterWar ClericWyvern Lord
Enemy base classes Myrmidon (SamuraiMercenary) • Thief (NinjaOutlaw) • Cavalier (Expert Rider) • Soldier (Spear Fighter) • Pegasus Knight (Sky Knight) • Knight (Armored Knight) • Fighter (Oni SavageAxe Fighter) • Wyvern Rider (Wyvern Warrior) • Great Knight (Steel Knight) • ArcherMage (DivinerDark Mage) • Manakete (Ryujin)
Enemy advanced classes Swordmaster (Hero) • Assassin (Master NinjaAdventurer) • Paladin (Master Rider) • Halberdier (Spear Master) • Falcon KnightGeneral (Shield Master) • Warrior (Oni ChieftainBerserker) • Wyvern Lord (Wyvern Ace) • Guardian Knight (Sturdy Knight) • SniperSage (OnmyojiSorcerer) • Fafnir (Great Ryujin)
Other enemy/NPC classes Outrealm FiendVelezarkVillager
Classes in Fire Emblem Warriors: Three Hopes
Base classes FighterMonkMyrmidonSoldier
Intermediate classes ArcherArmored KnightBrawlerBrigandCavalierMageMercenaryPegasus KnightPriestThief
Unique Intermediate classes Armored LordFluegelHigh LordSilverheartWyvern Master
Advanced classes AssassinBishopDark MageFortress KnightGrapplerPaladinSniperSwordmasterWarlockWarriorWyvern Rider
Master classes Bow KnightDancerDark BishopDark KnightFalcon KnightGreat KnightGremoryHoly KnightMortal SavantTricksterWar MasterWyvern Lord
Unique Master classes AsuraBarbarossaDeath KnightEnlightened OneEmperorGreat LordSaint
Monster Classes Altered Demon BeastAltered GolemDemonic BeastExperimental Demon BeastGiant CrawlerGiant WolfGolemThe Immaculate OneTitanusWild Demon Beast
Other enemy/NPC classes AgastyaAvestaCommonerGurganLordNoblewomanPrionsa