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For the class in Mystery of the Emblem, see Berserker (Mystery of the Emblem).

FE776 Berserker.png
Artwork of the Berserker in Fire Emblem Trading Card Game.

Nohrian. A seasoned fighter. Great at getting in critical hits.

Unit type(s)
  • Infantry (all titles)
  • Beorc (Path of Radiance)
  • Backup (Engage)

Axe (all appearances)


The Berserker (Japanese: バーサーカー Berserker) is an advanced infantry class which was introduced in Fire Emblem: Thracia 776. In their initial incarnation, they were an enemy-exclusive class with high stats, while later games shifted them to a more standard and playable infantry class with more balanced stats. They are fearsome, wild axe-wielders, and the promoted form of numerous axe-wielding classes.

In combat, Berserkers are extremely dangerous, sporting enormous strength and good speed compared to their fellow axe-wielding class, the Warrior. Despite their skill stat being lacking, impacting their ability to reliably hit foes, this hides their biggest advantage: an abnormally high rate of dealing critical hits. Most games give Berserkers massive bonuses to their critical rate or skills which improve their odds of scoring critical hits under certain conditions. Berserkers are also relatively frail, as despite their good maximum HP, their defense and resistance are below average which makes them risky to use, but rewarding if luck is in their favor. Berserkers are also well-known for their mastery of terrain which other infantry units cannot handle, with the unique ability to cross both seas and mountain peaks.

As a class change option, the Berserker is primarily associated with the "criminal" axe classes: Brigands in The Binding Blade, Pirates in the five Game Boy Advance and Nintendo DS games, Bandits in Path of Radiance, and Barbarians in Awakening. In Fates, Berserkers replace Warriors as one of the class change options for Fighters.


Base stats

Game HP Strength Magic Skill Speed Luck Defense Resistance Movement Constitution Weapon level
Thracia 776 32 12 0 12 10 0 8 -- 7 12 Axes B
The Binding Blade 24 7 -- 6 7 0 6 0 6 13 Axes C
The Blazing Blade 24 7 -- 6 7 0 6 0 6 13 Axes C
The Sacred Stones 24 7 -- 6 7 0 6 0 6 13 Axes C
Path of Radiance 28 8 0 5 7 0 6 0 7 14 Axes C
Shadow Dragon 24 7 0 2 7 0 6 0 7 -- Axes D
New Mystery of the Emblem 24 9 0 2 9 0 6 0 7 -- Axes D
Awakening 30 13 0 5 11 0 5 1 6 -- Axes E
Fates 24 12 0 8 9 0 5 0 6 -- Axes/Clubs E
Engage 29 13 0 6 6 2 3 2 5 9 Axes S

Max stats

Game HP Strength Magic Skill Speed Luck Defense Resistance Movement Constitution Weapon level
Thracia 776 80 20 20 20 20 20 20 -- 20 20 Axes A
The Binding Blade 60 30 -- 24 28 30 22 24 15 20 Axes S
The Blazing Blade 60 30 -- 29 28 30 23 21 15 20 Axes S
The Sacred Stones 60 30 -- 29 28 30 23 21 15 25 Axes S
Path of Radiance 60 30 20 24 28 40 25 27 20 99 Axes S
Shadow Dragon 60 30 20 24 28 22 24 20 32 -- Axes A
New Mystery of the Emblem 60 30 20 24 28 22 24 20 9 -- Axes A
Awakening 80 50 30 35 44 45 34 30 8 -- Axes A
Fates 70 40 25 32 33 25 27 25 8 -- Axes/Clubs S
Engage 96 49 17 23 29 23 20 11 20 24 Axes S

Miscellaneous stats

Game Experience CRP Gold Weight mod. Capacity Vision Size
Thracia 776 -- 5 -- -- -- -- --
The Binding Blade -- 3 -- -- -- -- --
The Blazing Blade -- 3 -- -- -- -- --
The Sacred Stones -- 3 -- -- -- -- --
Path of Radiance -- -- -- +2 25 -- --

Class growth rates

Game HP Strength Magic Skill Speed Luck Defense Resistance Charm Constitution* Movement* Weapon level
Thracia 776 70% 20% 0% 15% 15% 10% 10% -- -- 20% -- --
The Binding Blade 58% 35% -- 25% 12% 15% 10% 10% -- -- -- --
The Blazing Blade 75% 50% -- 35% 25% 15% 10% 13% -- -- -- --
The Sacred Stones 75% 50% -- 35% 25% 15% 10% 13% -- -- -- --
Path of Radiance 80% 60% 10% 25% 40% 25% 35% 15% -- -- -- --
Shadow Dragon 80/90% 40/50% −20/0% 15/10% 10/20% 0% 0/50% −15/10% -- -- -- --
New Mystery of the Emblem 70/90% 30/50% −20/0% 15/10% 30/20% 0% 0/50% −15/10% -- -- -- --
Awakening 50/100% 25/60% 0% 15/30% 20/40% 0/30% 5/25% 5/15% -- -- -- --
Fates 30/100% 25/70% 0% 15/55% 15/55% 0/15% 0/35% 0/25% -- -- -- --
Engage 30% 30% 0% 5% 10% 0% 5% 0% -- 10% -- --
See class growth rate for more details on the mechanics of class growths in each game.

Class skills

Game Skill Learning conditions
Thracia 776
Wrath Thracia 776: Innate.
Awakening: Learned at level 5.
The Binding Blade +30 Crit Innate.
The Blazing Blade
The Sacred Stones
Path of Radiance
+15 Crit Innate; not present in the Japanese version of Path of Radiance.
Path of Radiance Shove Innate; hidden.
Path of Radiance Colossus Occult skill.
Shadow Dragon
New Mystery of the Emblem
+10 Crit Innate.
Axefaire Awakening: Learned at level 15.
Fates: Learned from level 15 and up.
Fates +20 Crit, -5 Dodge Innate.
Fates Rally Strength Learned from level 5 and up.
Engage Smash+ Learned at level 5.

Class change

Thracia 776

The class a unit changes into in Thracia 776 is determined by the unit and not the class; however, no units change into or out of the Berserker class.

Advanced class
Bs fe05 enemy berserker hammer.png

The Binding Blade

Base class Promotion method Advanced class
Bs fe06 geese pirate axe.png
Bs fe06 gonzalez brigand axe.png
Using a Hero Crest after reaching level 10. Bs fe06 gonzalez berserker axe.png

The Blazing Blade

Base class Promotion method Advanced class
Bs fe07 dart pirate axe.png
Using an Ocean Seal after reaching level 10. Bs fe07 dart berserker axe.png

The Sacred Stones

Base class Promotion method Advanced class
Bs fe08 ross pirate axe.png
Using an Ocean Seal or Master Seal after reaching level 10. Bs fe08 ross berserker axe.png
Bs fe08 ross warrior axe.png
Promotion choice criteria: The player can freely choose

Path of Radiance

Base class Promotion method Advanced class

Using a Master Seal after reaching level 10, or reaching level 21.
As Bandits are an enemy-exclusive class, this promotion is inaccessible during normal gameplay. However, attempting to promote a Bandit through hacking reveals that the promotion is fully-implemented and functional.[1]

Shadow Dragon

Base class Promotion method Advanced class
Bs fe11 bald pirate axe.png
Using a Master Seal after reaching level 10. Bs fe11 playable berserker axe.png

New Mystery of the Emblem

Base class Promotion method Advanced class
Bs fe11 bald pirate axe.png
Bs fe12 playable barbarian axe.png
Using a Master Seal after reaching level 10. Bs fe11 playable berserker axe.png
As Barbarians are an enemy-exclusive class, this promotion is inaccessible during normal gameplay. However, attempting to promote a Barbarian through hacking reveals that the promotion is fully-implemented and functional.[2]


Base class Promotion method Advanced class
Ma 3ds01 barbarian playable.gif
Using a Master Seal after reaching level 10. Ma 3ds01 warrior playable.gif
Ma 3ds01 berserker playable.gif
Promotion choice criteria: The player can freely choose.


Base class Promotion method Advanced class
Ma 3ds02 fighter playable.gif
Using a Master Seal after reaching level 10. Ma 3ds02 hero playable.gif
Ma 3ds02 berserker playable.gif
Promotion choice criteria: The player can freely choose.


Base class Promotion method Advanced class
Ma ns02 axe fighter firene.png
Axe Fighter
Using a Master Seal after reaching level 10.

Using a Master Seal after reaching level 10 and having Bows proficiency.
Ma ns02 berserker firene.png
Ma ns02 warrior firene axe.png
Promotion choice criteria: The player can freely choose.

Tokyo Mirage Sessions ♯FE

Base class Promotion method Advanced class
Portrait draug 01 tmsfe.png
Using a Master Seal while talking to Tiki. Portrait draug 02 tmsfe.png
Portrait draug 03 tmsfe.png
Promotion choice criteria: The player can freely choose.

Playable Berserkers

Playable units
Name Game
Garret The Binding Blade
Hawkeye The Blazing Blade
Dozla The Sacred Stones
Largo Path of Radiance
Darros New Mystery of the Emblem
Panette Engage
Playable Berserker units in the Fire Emblem series.

Notable enemy Berserkers

Enemy units
Name Game
Scott The Binding Blade
Guerrero The Binding Blade
Maggie The Binding Blade
Rose The Binding Blade
Georg The Blazing Blade
Gashilama Path of Radiance
Legion New Mystery of the Emblem
Mustafa Awakening
Algol Awakening
Victor Awakening
Vincent Awakening
Morristan Awakening
Zanth Awakening
Hans Fates
Tarba Fates BirthrightRevelation
Cervantes Tokyo Mirage Sessions ♯FE
Abyme Engage
Enemy Berserker units in the Fire Emblem series.

Notable NPC Berserkers

Other units
Name Game
Fargus The Blazing Blade
Neutral Berserker units in the Fire Emblem series.

Flavor text

This section has been marked as a stub. Please help improve the page by adding information.

Game Text
The Binding Blade
(class roll)
A title for those who live to fight. Strong in
mountains or at sea. Skilled in killing blows.*
山や海などに強く 必殺の一撃を得意とする
The Binding Blade
An honorific bestowed upon
fighters of incredible fury.*
山や海に強く 必殺の一撃をもつ
The Blazing Blade, The Sacred Stones
(class roll)
A title for those who live to fight. Strong in
mountains or at sea. Skilled in killing blows.
戦に生き 戦に死す覇者の称号
山や海などに強く 必殺の一撃を得意とする
The Blazing Blade
An honorific bestowed upon
fighters of incredible fury.
戦に生き 戦に死す覇者の称号
山や海に強く 必殺の一撃をもつ
The Sacred Stones
Fighters at home both in mountains
and at sea. Equip: Axes.
Path of Radiance
Relentless warriors who live for battle. They're
at home in the mountains and at sea, and
they can kill with a single mighty blow.
Shadow Dragon
Seasoned pirates who fare well in mountains
or on water and often deal critical hits.
New Mystery of the Emblem
Seasoned pirates who fare well in mountains
or on water and often deal critical hits.*
A seasoned barbarian whose
axe strikes fear in the enemy.
Nohrian. A seasoned fighter.
Great at getting in critical hits.
Mighty warriors of unparalleled
strength. They cleave foes in twain
with huge axes.
Tokyo Mirage Sessions ♯FE
An unruly, destructive brigand. Offense
excels over defense, for a merciless assault.


Etymology and other languages

Names, etymology, and in other regions
Language Name Definition, etymology, and notes


In Old Norse culture, "berserkers" were a type of warrior who fought in an induced, trance-like fury. They are the source of the modern English word "berserk".



• Officially romanized as Berserker.
• Officially romanized as Berserker; literally "crazed fighter". With regard to gameplay, this kanji name is used in The Blazing Blade, though it is also used in Garret's ending title in The Binding Blade.
• Berserk. This name is used in Engage. From Old Norse berserkr with the nominative case ending -r removed.















• Berserker; used in Fates.
• Berserk; used in Engage.

Simplified Chinese


Berserker, or literally "crazed fighter".

Traditional Chinese


Berserker, or literally "crazed fighter".





  1. Fedule, Fire Emblem: Path of Radiance Part #87 - Trial Maps - Addendum, The Let's Play Archive, Published: August 21, 2012, Retrieved: July 23, 2015
  2. File:Ss fe12 barbarian promotion.png

See also

Project Classes.png This article is part of Project Classes, a project focused in writing articles for every class present in the Fire Emblem series.
Classes in Fire Emblem: Thracia 776
Base classes ArcherArch KnightAxe ArmorAxe FighterAxe KnightBallistaBardBow ArmorBow FighterBrigandCavalierCivilianClericDancerDragon RiderFree KnightHunterIron BallistaLance ArmorLance KnightLoptr MageLordMagePegasus RiderPiratePoison BallistaPriestPrinceSoldierSword ArmorSword FighterThiefTroubadour
Advanced classes BaronBerserkerBishopBow KnightDark BishopDark MageDuke KnightGeneralGreat KnightHigh PriestMage KnightMercenaryPegasus KnightSageSniperRangerSwordmasterThief FighterWarriorWyvern Knight
Unused/cutscene classes Dark PrinceEmperorFalcon KnightForrestJunior LordKiller BallistaKnight LordMaster KnightWyvern Lord
Classes in Fire Emblem: The Binding Blade
Base classes ArcherBardBrigandCavalierChildCivilianClericDancerDemon DragonFighterKnightLordMageManaketeMercenaryMyrmidonNomadPegasus KnightPiratePriestShamanSoldierThiefTransporterTroubadourWyvern Rider
Advanced classes BerserkerBishopDruidFalcon KnightGeneralGreat LordHeroKingManaketeNomadic TrooperPaladinSageSniperSwordmasterValkyrieWarriorWyvern Lord
Classes in Fire Emblem: The Blazing Blade
Base classes ArcherBardBramimondBrigandCavalierChildCivilianClericCorsairDancerFighterFire DragonKnightLordMageMagic SealMercenaryMonkMyrmidonNomadPeerPegasus KnightPiratePrinceShamanSoldierThiefTransporterTroubadourWyvern Rider
Advanced classes ArchsageAssassinBerserkerBishopBlade LordDark DruidDruidFalcoknightGeneralGreat LordHeroKnight LordNomadic TrooperPaladinSageSniperSwordmasterValkyrieWarriorWyvern Lord
Classes in Fire Emblem: The Sacred Stones
Base classes ArcherBrigandCavalierCivilianClericDancerFighterFleetJourneymanKnightLordMageManaketeMercenaryMonkMyrmidonPeerPegasus KnightPhantomPiratePontifexPriestPupilQueenRecruitShamanSoldierThiefTroubadourWyvern Rider
Advanced classes AssassinBerserkerBishopDruidFalcoknightGeneralGreat KnightGreat LordHeroMage KnightManaketeNecromancerPaladinRangerRogueSageSniperSummonerSwordmasterValkyrieWarriorWyvern KnightWyvern Lord
Base monster classes BaelBonewalkerGargoyleGorgon EggMauthe DoogMogallRevenantTarvos
Advanced monster classes Arch MogallCyclopsDeathgoyleDemon KingDraco ZombieElder BaelEntombedGorgonGwyllgiMaelduinWight
Removed class Apprentice
Classes in Fire Emblem: Path of Radiance
Base classes ArcherAxe KnightBanditBow KnightChildCivilianClericFighterKnightLance KnightMageMyrmidonPegasus KnightPriestRangerSoldierSword KnightThiefWyvern Rider
Advanced classes AssassinBerserkerBishopFalcon KnightGeneralHalberdierHeroKing DaeinLordPaladinPrincess CrimeaSageSniperSwordmasterValkyrieWarriorWyvern Lord
Laguz classes Beast Tribe (CatLionTiger) • Bird Tribe (HawkHeronRaven) • Dragon Tribe (Red DragonWhite Dragon)
Classes in Fire Emblem: Shadow Dragon
Base classes ArcherCavalierClericCurateDark MageFighterHunterKnightMageMercenaryMyrmidonPegasus KnightPirate
Advanced classes BerserkerBishopDracoknightGeneralHeroHorsemanPaladinSniperSorcererSwordmasterWarrior
Other classes BallisticianEarth DragonFreelancerLordManaketeSoldierThief
Classes in Fire Emblem: New Mystery of the Emblem
Base classes ArcherBarbarianCavalierClericCurateDark MageFighterHunterKnightMageMercenaryMyrmidonPegasus KnightPirate
Advanced classes BerserkerBishopDracoknightGeneralHeroHorsemanPaladinSniperSorcererSwordmasterWarrior
Dragon classes Divine DragonEarth DragonFire DragonIce DragonMage DragonShadow DragonWyvern
Other classes BallisticianDancerEmperorFreelancerLordManaketeSoldierThief
Classes in Fire Emblem Awakening
Base classes ArcherBarbarianCavalierClericDark MageFighterKnightLordMageMercenaryMyrmidonPegasus KnightPriestTacticianThiefTroubadourWyvern Rider
Advanced classes AssassinBerserkerBow KnightDark FlierDark KnightFalcon KnightGeneralGrandmasterGreat KnightGreat LordGriffon RiderHeroPaladinSageSniperSorcererSwordmasterTricksterValkyrieWar ClericWar MonkWarriorWyvern Lord
Other classes BrideConquerorDancerDread FighterEntombedGrimaLodestarManaketeMerchantMirageOutrealm ClassRevenantSoldierTaguelVillager
Classes in Fire Emblem Fates
Base classes ApothecaryArcherCavalierDark MageDivinerFighterKitsuneKnightMercenaryMonkNinjaNohr PrinceNohr PrincessOni SavageOutlawSamuraiShrine MaidenSky KnightSpear FighterTroubadourVillagerWolfskinWyvern Rider
Advanced classes AdventurerBerserkerBasaraBlacksmithBow KnightButlerDark KnightFalcon KnightGeneralGreat KnightGreat MasterHeroHoshido NobleKinshi KnightMaidMalig KnightMaster NinjaMaster of ArmsMechanistMerchantNine-TailsNohr NobleOni ChieftainOnmyojiPaladinPriestessSniperSorcererSpear MasterStrategistSwordmasterWolfssegnerWyvern Lord
Non-human classes Astral DragonAutomatonFacelessFeral DragonStoneborn
Other classes BallisticianBlight DragonClericDark FalconDread FighterEmpty VesselGrandmasterGreat LordLancerLodestarLordMyrmidonNohrian KingOutrealm ClassPegasus KnightSilent DragonSongstressVanguardWitch
Classes in Fire Emblem Engage
Base classes ArcherAxe ArmorAxe CavalierAxe FighterAxe FlierDragon ChildLance ArmorLance CavalierLance FighterLance FlierLordMageMartial MonkNobleSentinelSword ArmorSword CavalierSword FighterSword FlierWing Tamer
Advanced classes AvenirBerserkerBow KnightCupidoDivine DragonGeneralGreat KnightGriffin Knight‎HalberdierHeroHigh PriestLindwurmMage KnightMartial MasterPaladinPicketRoyal KnightSageSniperSleipnir RiderSuccesseurSwordmasterTireur d'éliteVidameWarriorWolf KnightWyvern Knight
Special classes BarbarianCorrupted WolfCorrupted WyrmCorrupted WyvernDancerEmblemEnchanterFell ChildFell MonarchGreat Fell DragonMage CannoneerMelusinePhantom WolfPhantom WyrmPhantom WyvernRoyalThiefTrainerVillagerWardenWatcher