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Ss fe10 volke assassin.png
Volke as an Assassin in Radiant Dawn.

A killer who thrives in the shadows, the Assassin has excellent speed and dexterity.

Unit type(s)
  • Infantry (all titles)
  • Beorc (Path of Radiance)
  • Sword (The Blazing Blade, The Sacred Stones)
  • Knife (Path of Radiance, Radiant Dawn)
  • Sword, Bow (Awakening; speciality in Three Houses)
  • Various (Three Houses)

The Assassin (Japanese: アサシン Assassin) is an advanced class which was introduced in Fire Emblem: The Blazing Blade. It is the most common promoted form of the Thief class, appearing in five games since.

Assassins are designed to add powerful offensive abilities on top of the Thief's traditional utility functions. Though their stats remain in the same pattern as Thieves, with fantastic skill and speed but average strength, their most iconic feature is their exclusive access to the Lethality skill, which gives them the ability to instantly kill a foe if it triggers. They also tend to have significant bonuses added to their critical hit rate. However, they are still fairly frail, with below-average HP and defense, and poor resistance. Assassins are very much a luck-based class, relying on random chance of activating critical hits or Lethality, but are extremely dangerous when luck works in their favor.

In nearly every appearance, Assassins are a class change option for Thieves; in The Sacred Stones and Awakening, Myrmidons also have the option to promote to Assassin. In Path of Radiance, however, only Volke is allowed to promote to Assassin, and the game's other playable Thief, Sothe, cannot promote at all. In Radiant Dawn, the Assassin is a third-tier class which is entirely exclusive to Volke again and is not a promotion option for any class, although the extremely similar third-tier class Whisper is still an option for Rogues who promoted from Thieves. In Fates, their role is supplanted by the Master Ninja class, a similarly functioning promotion option for the Thief's Hoshidan counterpart—the Ninja. In Three Houses, they are not restricted to any character and do not necessitate needing to class change from the Thief class, although the Thief class is the easiest route to reach the Assassin class from due to its specialties; this is changed in Warriors: Three Hopes where the Assassin must be promoted into from the Thief as per the norm, and they in turn promote into the Trickster this time around.


Base stats

Game HP Strength Magic Skill Speed Luck Defense Resistance Movement Constitution Weapon level
The Blazing Blade 16 3 -- 1 9 0 2 0 6 6 Swords E
The Sacred Stones 16 3 -- 1 9 0 2 0 6 8/6 Swords D
Path of Radiance 18 5 1 5 11 0 4 2 7 10 -- (+Knives)
Radiant Dawn 60 28 10 36 38 0 22 20 7 11 Knives S
Awakening 21 8 0 13 12 0 5 1 6 -- Swords E Bows E
Three Houses 30 17 8 12 14 10 12 8 6 -- --

Max stats

Game HP Strength Magic Skill Speed Luck Defense Resistance Movement Constitution Weapon level
The Blazing Blade 60 20 -- 30 30 30 20 20 15 20 Swords S
The Sacred Stones 60 20 -- 30 30 30 20 20 15 20 Swords S
Path of Radiance 60 23 20 30 30 40 22 20 20 99 -- (+Knives)
Radiant Dawn 55 32 15 40 40 25 30 25 20 99 Knives SS
Awakening 80 40 30 48 46 45 31 30 8 -- Swords A Bows A

Miscellaneous stats

Game Experience CRP Gold Weight mod. Capacity Vision Size
The Blazing Blade -- 3 -- -- -- 8 --
The Sacred Stones -- 3 -- -- -- 8 --
Path of Radiance -- -- -- +0 25 5 --
Radiant Dawn -- -- -- +0 60 5 --
Three Houses -- -- -- -- -- -- 1

Class growth rates

Game HP Strength Magic Skill Speed Luck Defense Resistance Charm Constitution* Movement* Weapon level
The Blazing Blade 50% 5% -- 45% 40% 40% 5% 20% -- -- -- --
The Sacred Stones 50% 5% -- 45% 40% 40% 5% 20% -- -- -- --
Path of Radiance 50% 40% 15% 50% 55% 35% 20% 15% -- -- -- --
Radiant Dawn 65% 50% 5% 55% 65% 20% 35% 15% -- -- -- --
Awakening 40/80% 20/40% 0% 30/50% 25/50% 0/30% 5/25% 5/15% -- -- -- --
Three Houses 20/30% 0/18% 0% 20% 20/30% 0% 0/25% 0% 0% -- -- Swords +3 Bows +2
Warriors: Three Hopes 20% 0% 0% 30% 30% 0% 0% 0% 0% -- -- --
See class growth rate for more details on the mechanics of class growths in each game.

Class modifiers

Game HP Strength Magic Skill Speed Luck Defense Resistance Charm Movement
Three Houses 0 0 0 3 5 1 0 0 0 2
Warriors: Three Hopes 0 0 0 5 8 2 0 0 0 3

Class skills

Game Skill Learning conditions
The Blazing Blade
The Sacred Stones
Path of Radiance
Radiant Dawn
Three Houses
Lethality The Blazing Blade and The Sacred Stones: Innate.
Path of Radiance: Occult skill.
Radiant Dawn: Innate (mastery skill).
Awakening: Learned at level 5.
Three Houses: Class mastery. (150 class Exp required)
Path of Radiance Steal Innate.
Path of Radiance
Radiant Dawn
Shove Innate; hidden in Path of Radiance.
Radiant Dawn Critical +25 Innate.
Warriors: Three Hopes
Pass Awakening: Learned at level 15.
Warriors: Three Hopes: Innate.
Three Houses
Warriors: Three Hopes
Swordfaire Innate.
Three Houses
Warriors: Three Hopes
Locktouch Innate.
Three Houses Stealth Innate.
Three Houses Assassinate Class mastery. (150 class Exp required)
Warriors: Three Hopes Axe Buster Lv 3 Innate.

Class change

The Blazing Blade

Base class Promotion method Advanced class
Bs fe07 matthew thief sword.png
Using a Fell Contract after reaching level 10. Bs fe07 matthew assassin sword.png

The Sacred Stones

Base class Promotion method Advanced class
Bs fe08 colm thief sword.png
Bs fe08 joshua myrmidon sword.png
Using an Ocean Seal* or Hero Crest* after reaching level 10. Bs fe08 colm assassin sword.png

Path of Radiance

Base class Promotion method Advanced class

Event at the end of Chapter 19, if the player chooses to hire Volke. Volke only.

Radiant Dawn

Master class



Base class Promotion method Advanced class
Ma 3ds01 thief playable.gif
Ma 3ds01 myrmidon playable.gif
Using a Master Seal after reaching level 10. Ma 3ds01 assassin playable.gif

Three Houses

Base class Certification requirements Advanced class
Any class Level 20
Advanced Seal
Swords B, Bows C
Ma ns01 assassin playable.gif
This class is available for any unit.

Tokyo Mirage Sessions ♯FE

Base class Promotion method Advanced class
Portrait virion 01 tmsfe.png
Using a Master Seal while talking to Tiki. Portrait virion 02 tmsfe.png
Portrait virion 03 tmsfe.png
Promotion choice criteria: The player can freely choose.

Warriors: Three Hopes

Beginner class Method Intermediate class Method Advanced class Method Master class
Ma fewa2 myrmidon playable.gif
Using an Intermediate Seal after mastering Myrmidon. Ma fewa2 thief playable.gif
Using an Advanced Seal after mastering Thief. Ma fewa2 assassin playable.gif
Using a Master Seal after mastering Assassin. Ma fewa2 trickster playable.gif
Using a Master Seal after mastering Assassin or Swordmaster. Ma fewa2 dancer playable.gif
Promotion choice criteria: The dancer class only becomes available upon visiting a survey spot in Chapter 12 Scarlet Blaze, Chapter 12 Azure Gleam or Chapter 13 Golden Wildfire.

Playable assassins

Playable units
Name Game
Jaffar The Blazing Blade, Awakening
Volke Radiant Dawn
Petra Warriors: Three Hopes Golden Wildfire
Yuri Warriors: Three Hopes Azure Gleam
Playable Assassin units in the Fire Emblem series.

Notable enemy Assassins

Enemy units
Name Game
Jerme The Blazing Blade
Gecko Awakening
Jamil Awakening
Porcus Awakening
Kronya Three Houses, Warriors: Three Hopes
Metodey Three Houses
Manuela Three Houses Azure Moon
Petra Three Houses Azure Moon Verdant Wind, Warriors: Three Hopes Golden Wildfire
Yuri Warriors: Three Hopes Azure Gleam
Enemy Assassin units in the Fire Emblem series.

Flavor text

This section has been marked as a stub. Please help improve the page by adding information.

Game Text
The Blazing Blade
(class roll)
Masters of the killing arts. Possess
the skill to kill a foe instantly.
The Blazing Blade
Trained killers who can deal
death in a single blow.
The Sacred Stones
(class roll)
Masters of the killing arts. They have the
ability to kill a foe with a single stroke.
The Sacred Stones
Masters of the killing arts.
Equip: Swords. Skill: Silencer.
装備『剣』 スキル『瞬殺』
Path of Radiance
Stealthy fighters who possess the ability
to kill with a single blow.
Radiant Dawn
(class roll)
Stealthy fighters. They possess the
ability to kill with a single strike.
Masters of the skill Lethality.
Radiant Dawn
Stealthy killers who can extinguish
their enemies with a single strike.
They employ the skill Lethality.
A seasoned and deadly thief or
myrmidon. Wields swords, bows.
Three Houses
A killer who thrives in the shadows, the
Assassin has excellent speed and dexterity.
Tokyo Mirage Sessions ♯FE
A lethal agent of darkness. Adept to Elec skills and at terrorizing foes from the shadows.
Warriors: Three Hopes
A killer who thrives in the shadows, the
Assassin has excellent speed and dexterity.


  • In The Blazing Blade and The Sacred Stones, Assassins lose access to the Steal skill when they promote from Thieves, though they are still able to use Lockpicks. This was changed in Path of Radiance, but the class lost Steal again in Radiant Dawn.
  • Path of Radiance has an unused female version of the Assassin with slightly different stats.

Etymology and other languages

Names, etymology, and in other regions
Language Name Definition, etymology, and notes


A professional killer, usually for hire and often with political targets. The word originated as a westernized take on the Arabic حشّاشين‎ ḥashshāshīn, a medieval sect of Persian warriors who were active in the Crusades, killing selected targets on all sides of the conflict.



• Officially romanized as Assassin, as above. This name is used in all appearances except Radiant Dawn.
• Officially romanized as Assassin, as above. In Radiant Dawn, all Japanese class names are spelled primarily in kanji (i.e. 暗殺者), with a foreign-language name in katakana applied as furigana (i.e. アサシン) and used as the basis for the romanized name in the class roll.
















Simplified Chinese



Traditional Chinese





Click "Expand" to view all Three Houses portraits
Click "Expand" to view all Warriors: Three Hopes portraits

Concept artwork


Cipher artwork

See also

Project Classes.png This article is part of Project Classes, a project focused in writing articles for every class present in the Fire Emblem series.
Classes in Fire Emblem: The Blazing Blade
Base classes ArcherBardBramimondBrigandCavalierChildCivilianClericCorsairDancerFighterFire DragonKnightLordMageMagic SealMercenaryMonkMyrmidonNomadPeerPegasus KnightPiratePrinceShamanSoldierThiefTransporterTroubadourWyvern Rider
Advanced classes ArchsageAssassinBerserkerBishopBlade LordDark DruidDruidFalcoknightGeneralGreat LordHeroKnight LordNomadic TrooperPaladinSageSniperSwordmasterValkyrieWarriorWyvern Lord
Classes in Fire Emblem: The Sacred Stones
Base classes ArcherBrigandCavalierCivilianClericDancerFighterFleetJourneymanKnightLordMageManaketeMercenaryMonkMyrmidonPeerPegasus KnightPhantomPiratePontifexPriestPupilQueenRecruitShamanSoldierThiefTroubadourWyvern Rider
Advanced classes AssassinBerserkerBishopDruidFalcoknightGeneralGreat KnightGreat LordHeroMage KnightManaketeNecromancerPaladinRangerRogueSageSniperSummonerSwordmasterValkyrieWarriorWyvern KnightWyvern Lord
Base monster classes BaelBonewalkerGargoyleGorgon EggMauthe DoogMogallRevenantTarvos
Advanced monster classes Arch MogallCyclopsDeathgoyleDemon KingDraco ZombieElder BaelEntombedGorgonGwyllgiMaelduinWight
Removed class Apprentice
Classes in Fire Emblem: Path of Radiance
Base classes ArcherAxe KnightBanditBow KnightChildCivilianClericFighterKnightLance KnightMageMyrmidonPegasus KnightPriestRangerSoldierSword KnightThiefWyvern Rider
Advanced classes AssassinBerserkerBishopFalcon KnightGeneralHalberdierHeroKing DaeinLordPaladinPrincess CrimeaSageSniperSwordmasterValkyrieWarriorWyvern Lord
Laguz classes Beast Tribe (CatLionTiger) • Bird Tribe (HawkHeronRaven) • Dragon Tribe (Red DragonWhite Dragon)
Classes in Fire Emblem: Radiant Dawn
Base classes ArcherArmored AxeArmored LanceArmored SwordAxe KnightBanditBow KnightCitizenDracoknightFighterFire MageHorseLance KnightLight MageMyrmidonPegasus KnightPilgrimPriestSoldierSword KnightThiefThunder MageVendorWind Mage
Advanced classes Axe GeneralAxe PaladinBishopBlade PaladinBow PaladinClericDark SageDragonmasterDruidFalconknightFire SageHalberdierHeroLance GeneralLance PaladinLight SageRogueSniperSword GeneralSwordmasterThunder SageWarriorWind Sage
Master classes Arch SageAssassinBlack KnightChancellorDragonlordEmpressGold KnightLight PriestessMarksmanMarshallOrder IncarnateQueenReaverSaintSentinelSeraph KnightSilver KnightSpiritSummonerTruebladeValkyrieVanguardWhisper
Laguz classes Beast Tribe (CatLionLion KingTigerWolfWolf Queen) • Bird Tribe (HawkHawk KingHeronRavenRaven King) • Dragon Tribe (Black DragonRed DragonWhite Dragon)
Classes in Fire Emblem Awakening
Base classes ArcherBarbarianCavalierClericDark MageFighterKnightLordMageMercenaryMyrmidonPegasus KnightPriestTacticianThiefTroubadourWyvern Rider
Advanced classes AssassinBerserkerBow KnightDark FlierDark KnightFalcon KnightGeneralGrandmasterGreat KnightGreat LordGriffon RiderHeroPaladinSageSniperSorcererSwordmasterTricksterValkyrieWar ClericWar MonkWarriorWyvern Lord
Other classes BrideConquerorDancerDread FighterEntombedGrimaLodestarManaketeMerchantMirageOutrealm ClassRevenantSoldierTaguelVillager
Classes in Fire Emblem: Three Houses
Unique classes Armored LordBarbarossaCommonerDancerDeath KnightEmperorEnlightened OneGreat LordHigh LordNobleWyvern Master
Beginner classes FighterMonkMyrmidonSoldier
Intermediate classes ArcherArmored KnightBrawlerBrigandCavalierDark MageLordMageMercenaryPegasus KnightPriestThief
Advanced classes AssassinBishopDark BishopFortress KnightGrapplerHeroPaladinSniperSwordmasterWarlockWarriorWyvern Rider
Special classes Dark FlierTricksterValkyrieWar ClericWar Monk
Master classes Bow KnightDark KnightFalcon KnightGreat KnightGremoryHoly KnightMortal SavantWar MasterWyvern Lord
Monster classes Altered Demonic BeastAltered GolemBlack BeastDemonic BeastExperimental Demonic BeastFlying Demonic BeastGiant BirdGiant CrawlerGiant Demonic BeastGiant WolfGolemGuardian GolemHegemon HuskThe Immaculate OneLord of the DesertLord of the LakeTitanusUmbral BeastWandering BeastWhite BeastWild Demonic Beast
Other classes AgastyaArchbishopFlame EmperorKing of LiberationRuffianSaintVerrat
Classes in Fire Emblem Warriors: Three Hopes
Base classes FighterMonkMyrmidonSoldier
Intermediate classes ArcherArmored KnightBrawlerBrigandCavalierMageMercenaryPegasus KnightPriestThief
Unique Intermediate classes Armored LordFluegelHigh LordSilverheartWyvern Master
Advanced classes AssassinBishopDark MageFortress KnightGrapplerPaladinSniperSwordmasterWarlockWarriorWyvern Rider
Master classes Bow KnightDancerDark BishopDark KnightFalcon KnightGreat KnightGremoryHoly KnightMortal SavantTricksterWar MasterWyvern Lord
Unique Master classes AsuraBarbarossaDeath KnightEnlightened OneEmperorGreat LordSaint
Monster Classes Altered Demon BeastAltered GolemDemonic BeastExperimental Demon BeastGiant CrawlerGiant WolfGolemThe Immaculate OneTitanusWild Demon Beast
Other enemy/NPC classes AgastyaAvestaCommonerGurganLordNoblewomanPrionsa