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Thunder Mage

From Fire Emblem Wiki, your source on Fire Emblem information. By fans, for fans.
Thunder Mage

Ss fe10 enemy thunder mage.png
An enemy Thunder Mage in Radiant Dawn.

Mages who wield lightning-based magic. Their spells are especially potent against dragon laguz.

Unit type(s)





Shove (Radiant Dawn)

The Thunder Mage (Japanese: サンダーマージ Thunder Mage) is a basic magical class which was introduced in Fire Emblem: Genealogy of the Holy War, appearing only in it and Fire Emblem: Radiant Dawn. The class is one of three element-specialized versions of the Mage class of other Fire Emblem series games, along with the Fire Mage and Wind Mage, and as its name suggests it specializes in thunder magic and is unable to wield any other magic type.

The Thunder Mage plays near identically to standard Mages as a purely offensive magical class, differing only in being restricted to thunder magic. Thunder Mages have high magical power and speed, allowing them to somewhat reliably follow-up attack enemies, and in particular making them notably adept at killing slow, heavily-armored Knights. However, Thunder Mages have low HP and defense, making them highly susceptible to being killed or severely damged in one shot by most physical units.

In Genealogy of the Holy War, Thunder Mages promote to the Mage Fighter class. In Radiant Dawn, Thunder Mages instead promote to the Thunder Sage class, which in turn promote to the Arch Sage class.


Base stats

Game HP Strength Magic Skill Speed Luck Defense Resistance Movement Constitution Weapon level
Genealogy of the Holy War 26 0 7 9 6 0 1 5 5 -- Thunder magic B
Radiant Dawn 16 5/1 5/3 7/3 6/4 0 2/1 5 5 9/5 Thunder magic D

Max stats

Game HP Strength Magic Skill Speed Luck Defense Resistance Movement Constitution Weapon level
Genealogy of the Holy War 80 15 22 24 21 30 16 20 5 -- Thunder magic B
Radiant Dawn 30 10 20 20 20 30 10 20 20 99 Thunder magic A

Miscellaneous stats

Game Experience CRP Gold Weight mod. Capacity Vision Size
Genealogy of the Holy War -- -- 1,000 -- -- -- --
Radiant Dawn -- -- -- +0 15 3 --

Class growth rates

Game HP Strength Magic Skill Speed Luck Defense Resistance Charm Constitution* Movement* Weapon level
Genealogy of the Holy War 100% 10% 30% 30% 30% 0% 10% 30% -- -- -- --
Radiant Dawn 55/60% 15% 65% 45/50% 45/55% 20% 30/25% 45/65% -- -- -- --
See class growth rate for more details on the mechanics of class growths in each game.

Class skills

Game Skill Learning conditions
Radiant Dawn Shove Innate.

Class change

Genealogy of the Holy War

The class a unit changes into in Genealogy of the Holy War is determined by the unit and not the class; however, all units in the Thunder Mage class have the following class change option:

Base class Promotion method Advanced class
Bs fe04 tailtiu thunder mage anima.png
Thunder Mage
Choosing the "Class change" option in a home castle after reaching level 20. Bs fe04 tailtiu mage fighter anima.png
Mage Fighter

Radiant Dawn

Base class Promotion method Advanced class Promotion method Master class
Thunder Mage Using a Master Seal after reaching level 10, or reaching level 21. Thunder Sage Using a Master Crown after reaching level 10, or reaching level 21. Bs fe10 soren arch sage anima.png
Arch Sage

Playable Thunder Mages

Playable units
Name Game
Tailtiu Genealogy of the Holy War (First generation)
Linda Genealogy of the Holy War (Second generation)
Ilyana Radiant Dawn
Playable Thunder Mage units in the Fire Emblem series.

Notable enemy Thunder Mages

Enemy units
Name Game
Liza Genealogy of the Holy War
Eriu Genealogy of the Holy War
Enemy Thunder Mage units in the Fire Emblem series.

Flavor text

Game Text
Radiant Dawn
(class roll)
Mages whose thunder magic is most
effective against laguz. There are
also fire and wind mages.
Radiant Dawn
Mages who wield lightning-based
magic. Their spells are especially
potent against dragon laguz.

Etymology and other languages

Names, etymology, and in other regions
Language Name Definition, etymology, and notes

Thunder Mage

A mage is a magician, often used in fantasy in the context of one who uses magic for combat.



• Thunder Mage. This name is used in Genealogy of the Holy War.
• Officially romanized as Thunder Mage. In Radiant Dawn, all Japanese class names are spelled primarily in kanji (i.e. 雷魔道士), with a foreign-language name in katakana applied as furigana (i.e. サンダーマージ) and used as the basis for the romanized name in the class roll.


Mago Trueno

Thunder Mage


Mage foudre

Thunder mage



Thunder mage


Mago tuono

Thunder mage


Official artwork



See also

Project Classes.png This article is part of Project Classes, a project focused in writing articles for every class present in the Fire Emblem series.
Classes in Fire Emblem: Genealogy of the Holy War
Base classes Arch KnightAxe ArmorAxe FighterAxe KnightBardBow ArmorBow FighterCavalierFire MageFree KnightJunior LordKnightLance KnightLight PriestessMagePegasus KnightPriestPrincePrincessSword ArmorSword FighterTroubadourThiefThunder MageWind MageWyvern Knight
Advanced classes Bow KnightDuke KnightForrestGeneralGreat KnightHigh PriestKnight LordMage KnightMage FighterMaster KnightPaladinRangerSageSniperSwordmasterThief FighterWarriorWyvern Lord
Other classes BallistaBarbarianBaronBishopBrigandCivilianDancerDark BishopDark MageDark PrinceDragon RiderEmperorHunterIron BallistaKiller BallistaPirateQueen
Unused classes ArcherAxe SoldierGreat BallistaPegasus RiderSoldierSpear SoldierSword Soldier
Classes in Fire Emblem: Radiant Dawn
Base classes ArcherArmored AxeArmored LanceArmored SwordAxe KnightBanditBow KnightCitizenDracoknightFighterFire MageHorseLance KnightLight MageMyrmidonPegasus KnightPilgrimPriestSoldierSword KnightThiefThunder MageVendorWind Mage
Advanced classes Axe GeneralAxe PaladinBishopBlade PaladinBow PaladinClericDark SageDragonmasterDruidFalconknightFire SageHalberdierHeroLance GeneralLance PaladinLight SageRogueSniperSword GeneralSwordmasterThunder SageWarriorWind Sage
Master classes Arch SageAssassinBlack KnightChancellorDragonlordEmpressGold KnightLight PriestessMarksmanMarshallOrder IncarnateQueenReaverSaintSentinelSeraph KnightSilver KnightSpiritSummonerTruebladeValkyrieVanguardWhisper
Laguz classes Beast Tribe (CatLionLion KingTigerWolfWolf Queen) • Bird Tribe (HawkHawk KingHeronRavenRaven King) • Dragon Tribe (Black DragonRed DragonWhite Dragon)