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From Fire Emblem Wiki, your source on Fire Emblem information. By fans, for fans.

Is ns01 pavise.png
Icon of the Pavise ability in Three Houses.

Chance to reduce sword/lance/axe/brawling damage by half. Trigger % = Dex stat.

  • Class (Genealogy of the Holy War, The Sacred Stones, Awakening, Fates, Warriors: Three Hopes)
  • Personal (Thracia 776, Radiant Dawn)
  • Class (Mastery) (Path of Radiance, Three Houses)
  • Item (Echoes: Shadows of Valentia, Three Houses)
  • Special (Heroes)
  • Skill crest (Warriors)
  • Combat (Genealogy of the Holy War)


First game

Genealogy of the Holy War

Pavise (Japanese: 大盾 Great Shield), previously known as Great Shield and Cancel, is a combat skill debuting in Fire Emblem: Genealogy of the Holy War. In most appearances, when activated, it protects the user from a single attack by reducing or—prior to Awakening—completely nullifying the damage that would have been inflicted on them by that attack. The skill's activation rate has widely varied from game to game, as has its availability, but it is most commonly available to Generals and members of other advanced armored classes. Awakening split its functionality in two and restrict Pavise to working only against physical attacks, while a new skill, Aegis, offers the same protection against magical and bow attacks; Echoes: Shadows of Valentia also splits its functionality with another skill, Earth's Kiss in this case, with Pavise reducing physical damage and Earth's Kiss applying to magical damage. Additionally, only in Awakening and exclusive to enemies in Lunatic+ difficulty, an enhanced variation of this skill exists, known as Pavise+, which will always activate.

In Genealogy of the Holy War, Thracia 776, The Sacred Stones, Awakening, and Fates, Pavise is a class skill belonging to Generals and similar classes, and in Path of Radiance, Cancel is the mastery skill of the Hawk laguz. In Radiant Dawn, Pavise is a personal skill which can be equipped to any unit, while in Shadows of Valentia, it is an item skill associated with the Duma's Shield and Sage's Shield. In Three Houses, it is a class skill for the Fortress Knight. Additionally, it and Aegis are item skills of all non-weapon Heroes' Relics when equipped by a unit with the compatible crest; paralleling the durability costs of the signature combat arts of the other Heroes' Relics, this form of Pavise is more likely to trigger depending on the potency of the user's crest.


In the main Fire Emblem series

Game Icon Effect Activation Capacity Notes
Genealogy of the Holy War Is snes02 pavise.png Nullifies damage dealt by the enemy. (User's level)% -- Will not activate if foe is using Nosferatu or a Lands Sword.
Thracia 776 Is snes03 pavise.png Nullifies damage dealt by the enemy. (User's level)% -- --
The Sacred Stones -- Nullifies damage dealt by the enemy. (Enemy's level)% -- Will not activate if foe's weapon can inflict poison.
Path of Radiance Is gcn cancel.png Nullifies damage dealt by the enemy. (Skill)% 20 --
Radiant Dawn Is wii pavise.png Nullifies damage dealt by the enemy. (Skill)% 20 --
Awakening Is 3ds01 pavise.png Halves damage dealt by enemy attacks using swords, lances, axes, Beaststones, Blighted Claws and Blighted Talons. (Skill)% -- Will not activate against a Dual Strike.
Is 3ds01 pavise+.png Halves damage dealt by enemy attacks using swords, lances, axes, Beaststones, Blighted Claws and Blighted Talons. Always -- Will not activate against a Dual Strike.
Fates Is 3ds02 pavise.png Halves damage dealt by enemy attacks using swords, lances, axes, Beaststones, monster attacks, and automaton attacks. (Skill)% -- Must be triggered again for a Dual Strike.
Base cost: 2,000 G
Echoes: Shadows of Valentia Is 3ds03 skill shield.png Halves damage dealt by physical strikes. Command
(Cost: 4 HP)
-- Requires 20 SP to learn.
Three Houses Is ns01 pavise.png Halves damage dealt by enemy attacks using swords, lances, axes, gauntlets, gambits, and Crest Stones. (Dexterity)% for ability
50%/30%/10% for Major/Minor/Crest Item from equipped accessory Heroes' Relics
-- Only one instance can activate at a time.
Matching crest is required for the effect if the user equips Aegis Shield, Rafail Gem, Thyrsus, Fetters of Dromi, or dark equivalent.

In other Fire Emblem series titles

Game Icon Effect Cooldown SP cost Prerequisites Usable by Inheritable Other effects and notes
Is feh skill special.png Adjacent foe deals −50% damage. 3 200 Buckler Swords Lances Axes Breaths Beast weapons --
Game Icon Effect Activation Capacity Notes
Warriors Is fewa pavise.png May reduce damage dealt to user by swords, lances, and axes; chance increases with user's Luck. ?? -- --
Warriors: Three Hopes Is fewa2 pavise.png Nullifies damage dealt to user by swords, lances, axes, and gauntlets. (Dexterity × 0.25%) -- --


Genealogy of the Holy War

Units (As a class skill) Hannibal
After promotion: Arden
Classes GeneralBaronEmperor

Thracia 776

Units (As a personal skill) Xavier
Classes Baron

The Sacred Stones

Units (As a class skill) After promotion to General: AmeliaGilliam
Classes General

Path of Radiance

Units (As a class skill) Tibarn
Classes (Occult) Hawk

Radiant Dawn

Units Tibarn
Items Pavise



Units ArvisBlack KnightHardinHectorRaydrikZephiel
Classes General (Learned at level 15)


Unobtainable Exclusively used by enemies on Lunatic+ Mode, and by enemies in Apotheosis on all difficulties.


Classes General (Learned from level 15 and up)

Echoes: Shadows of Valentia

Items Duma's Shield

Three Houses

Class mastery Fortress Knight (150 class Exp required)
Items Aegis Shield (If user bears Crest of Fraldarius)Fetters of Dromi (If user bears Crest of Aubin)Rafail Gem (If user bears Crest of Lamine)Thyrsus (If user bears Crest of Gloucester)


Method Data
Unit (★★★★) Arden: Strong and ToughBenny: Sensitive SoulDedue: Loyal Life GuardDraug: Gentle GiantHinata: Wild SamuraiOswin: Impregnable Knight
Unit (★★★★★) Dedue: Dimitri's VassalHector: General of OstiaReinhardt: Thunder's SwordRobin: Fell Tactician


Learned Frederick (requires Frederick's Pebbles ×3)
Borrowed Requires ×1 each of Frederick's Essence and Frederick's Ribbon Tie

Warriors: Three Hopes

Class mastery (★★) Fortress Knight: BalthusCatherineDedueDorotheaFlaynLorenzMercedesRodrigueSetethShamirSylvain

Flavor text

Game Text
Genealogy of the Holy War
May protect user
from all damage
dealt by an attack.*
Thracia 776
(LV%) chance
to negate enemy's
Path of Radiance
(skill assignment menu)
In certain conditions,
nullifies enemy
Bird tribe: Hawk
Path of Radiance
In certain conditions, nullifies
enemy attacks.
Radiant Dawn
(skill assignment menu, NTSC)
Can nullify the effects
of an enemy unit's
Radiant Dawn
(skill assignment menu, PAL)
Can nullify the damage
of an enemy unit's
Radiant Dawn
(help, NTSC)
Can nullify the effects of an enemy
unit's attack.
Radiant Dawn
(help, PAL)
Can nullify the damage of an enemy
unit's attack.
Halve sword/lance/axe/beaststone/
blight damage. Trigger % = (Skill stat)
技%の確率で発動 敵からの
Always halve sword/lance/
axe/beaststone damage.
必ず発動 敵からの
Halve sword/lance/axe/beaststone/fist/saw
damage. Trigger % = (Skill stat)
Echoes: Shadows of Valentia
Halves physical damage.
Three Houses
Chance to reduce sword/lance/axe/brawling
damage by half. Trigger % = Dex stat.
Reduces damage from an adjacent foe's attack by
Reduces damage from axes, lances,
and swords. Increases with Lck.
Warriors: Three Hopes
Grants a (Dex X 0.25%) chance of nullifying
damage from enemies equipped with swords,
lances, axes, or gauntlets


  • In The Sacred Stones, Great Shield will never activate if the enemy is attacking with a poison weapon (Toxin Lance, Poison Sword). This was implemented to prevent special effects conflicts with the purple glow used by poisoned units and the yellow glow produced by Great Shield.
  • Radiant Dawn's North American help description erroneously states that Pavise nullifies the effects of an enemy attack, which is untrue as Pavise does not prevent poisoned weapons from poisoning the target. This was corrected in the PAL release.

Etymology and other languages


Names, etymology, and in other regions
Language Name Definition, etymology, and notes

• Great Shield
• Pavise

• This name is used only in The Sacred Stones.
• A pavise is a long shield of Greco-Roman origin which covers the user's entire body. This name is used from Radiant Dawn onward.


Big Shield

Used in Shaya's Thracia 776 fan translation patch.



Great Shield. Referred to as PAVIS in its internal file name in Radiant Dawn.





• Protection
• Pavois

• Protection. This name is used in all titles but Heroes.
• Shield. This name is used only in Heroes.










거대한 방패

Great Shield

Simplified Chinese


Great Shield

Traditional Chinese


Great Shield


Names, etymology, and in other regions
Language Name Definition, etymology, and notes


Used only in Path of Radiance.



Romanized as WINGSHIELD in its internal file name; literally, "winged protection".















See also

Skills in Fire Emblem: Genealogy of the Holy War
Standard skills BargainCharmDanceMiracleParagonRenewal
Combat skills AccostAdeptCriticalNihilPaviseFollow-UpStealVantageWrath
Special sword skills AstraLunaSol
Uncategorized skills CantoRecoverReturn
Unused skills Darkness SwordHoly Sword
Skills in Fire Emblem: Thracia 776
Skills in Fire Emblem: The Sacred Stones
Great ShieldPickPierceSilencerSlayerSummonSure Strike
Skills in Fire Emblem: Path of Radiance
Experience-related skills BlossomParagon
Low-HP skills MiracleResolveWrath
Mobility skills CelerityCantoMove AgainSaviorShoveSmite
Miscellaneous skills AdeptCorrosionCounterGambleGuardInsightNihilParityProvokeReinforceRenewalSerenityShadeTempestVantageVigilance
Class skills KnifeLuminaMove AgainShoveSteal
Mastery skills AetherAstraBlessingBoonCancelColossusDeadeyeFlareLethalityLunaRoarSolStunVortex
Enemy-exclusive skills DisciplineDaunt
Skills in Fire Emblem: Radiant Dawn
Command skills FlourishGambleGaldrarGlareParitySacrificeShoveSmiteStealWildheart
Counter skills CounterHowlMaelstromQuickclawShriek
Bonus damage skills BeastfoeBirdfoeDragonfoeNullify
Experience-related skills BlossomDisciplineParagon
Healing skills BlessingBoonGaldrarImbueMantleRenewalSacrifice
Low-HP skills MiracleResolveWrath
Mobility skills CantoCelerityGaldrarPassSaviorShoveSmite
Proximity skills Blood TideDauntNight TideWhite Pool
Miscellaneous skills AdeptCancelFortuneGuardMercyNihilPaviseProvokeVantage
Beorc-exclusive skills CorrosionDisarmDisciplineShadeStillness
Laguz-exclusive skills BlessingBlood TideBoonFormshiftGaldrarHowlInsightMaelstromNight TideQuickclawShriekVigilanceWhite PoolWildheart
Class skills CantoCritical +ShoveSteal
Mastery skills AetherAstraBaneColossusCoronaDeadeyeEclipseFlareImpaleIreLethalityLunaRendRoarSavageSolStunTear
Enemy-exclusive skills Aurora
Skills in Fire Emblem Awakening
Breaker skills AxebreakerBowbreakerLancebreakerSwordbreakerTomebreaker
Bonus damage skills ConquestIote's ShieldBeastbaneWyrmsbane
Experience-related skills AptitudeDisciplineParagonUnderdogVeteran
Faire skills AxefaireBowfaireLancefaireSwordfaireTomefaire
Healing skills BondHealtouchLifetakerReliefRenewal
Offensive skills AetherAstraIgnisLethalityLunaLuna+SolVengeance
Pair Up skills DefenderDelivererDual Guard+Dual Strike+Dual Support+Veteran
Proximity skills AnathemaCharmDemoiselleFocusHexSolidarityTantivy
Rally skills Rally DefenseRally HeartRally LuckRally MagicRally MovementRally ResistanceRally SkillRally SpectrumRally SpeedRally Strength
Stat-boosting skills All Stats +2Avoid +10Defense +2Hit Rate +20HP +5Indoor FighterLuck +4Magic +2Movement +1Outdoor FighterResistance +2Resistance +10Skill +2Special DanceSpeed +2Strength +2Zeal
Turn-related skills AggressorEven RhythmLucky SevenOdd RhythmPatiencePrescienceQuick BurnSlow BurnVantage
Miscellaneous skills AcrobatAegisArmsthriftCounterDespoilGaleforceGambleLocktouchMiraclePassPaviseRightful KingShadowgiftWrath
Outrealm skills AggressorAll Stats +2BondIote's ShieldLimit BreakerParagonRally HeartResistance +10
Enemy-exclusive skills Aegis+DragonskinHawkeyeHit Rate +10Luna+Pavise+Rightful GodVantage+
Skills in Fire Emblem Fates
Class skills Personal skills
Bonus damage skills Armor ShieldBeastbaneBeast ShieldGolembaneWinged Shield --
Breaker skills AxebreakerBowbreakerLancebreakerShurikenbreakerSwordbreakerTomebreaker --
Counter skills CounterCountermagic CountercurseDivine RetributionIcy BloodShuriken MasteryTriple Threat
Debuffing skills Draconic HexSeal DefenseSeal MagicSeal ResistanceSeal SpeedSeal Strength HighwaymanIcy BloodShuriken Mastery
Experience-related skills AptitudeFuture SightNobilityParagonUnderdog Pride
Faire skills AxefaireBowfaireLancefaireShurikenfaireSwordfaireTomefaire --
Healing skills AmaterasuBetter OddsCamaraderieEven BetterGood FortuneLive to ServeReliefRenewal Draconic HeirForagerGoody BasketHaikuHealing DescantMorbid CelebrationOptimisticReciprocitySweet Tooth
Item-obtaining skills ProfiteerSalvage BlowWitch's Brew CollectorMake a Killing
Mobility skills LungePassShoveSurefootedSwapWarp --
Mutual effect skills Life and DeathQuixoticWary Fighter Peacebringer
Offensive skills AetherAstraDragon FangIgnisLethalityLunaRend HeavenSolVengeance --
Pair Up skills Bold StanceDefenderDual GuardsmanDual StrikerNohrian TrustShelterTactical Advice BushidoCompetitiveDaydreamDevoted PartnerEvasive PartnerFierce RivalForceful PartnerGallantMiraculous SaveNoble CauseSisterhoodSupportive
Proximity skills AmaterasuCharmDemoiselleForeign PrincessGentilhommeHeartseekerInspirationMalefic AuraSavage BlowSolidarityVoice of Peace Fierce MienFortunate SonHealing DescantLily's PoiseMisfortunatePeacebringerPerspicaciousPlaythingsPyrotechnicsQuiet StrengthRallying CryRose's Thorns
Rally skills Rally DefenseRally LuckRally MagicRally MovementRally ResistanceRally SkillRally SpectrumRally SpeedRally Strength Fancy FootworkPerfect Pitch
Stat-boosting skills Dancing BladeDefense +2GambleHeavy BladeHP +5Inspiring SongLuck +4Magic +2Movement +1Resistance +2Rifled BarrelSkill +2Speed +2Strength +2SurveyVeteran Intuition CalmOptimistPerfectionistProdigyPuissanceVow of FriendshipWind Disciple
Taker skills DefensetakerLifetakerLucktakerMagictakerResistancetakerSkilltakerSpeedtakerStrengthtaker --
Turn-related skills AggressorArmored BlowBetter OddsCertain BlowDarting BlowDeath BlowDuelist's BlowEven BetterEvenhandedEven KeelFuture SightIron WillLucky SevenOdd ShapedPoison StrikeQuick DrawSavage BlowStrong RiposteToxic BrewWarding Blow CountercurseFearsome BlowMischievousMorbid CelebrationPyrotechnics
Miscellaneous skills AegisAir SuperiorityAwakeningClarityDragon WardElbow RoomGaleforceGrisly WoundHoshidan UnityLocktouchMiracleNatural CoverOpportunity ShotPavisePoint BlankPotent PotionQuick SalveReplicateShadowgiftSpendthriftTrampleVantage Aching BloodBibliophileBloodthirstBorn StewardBrynhildrCaptureChivalryFierce CounterFiery BloodGuarded BraveryIn ExtremisKidnapLucky CharmNohr EnmityOpportunistPragmaticUnmaskVendetta
Enemy-exclusive skills Divine ShieldDragonskinHit/Avoid +ImmobilizeImmune StatusInevitable EndResist StatusSelf-DestructStaff SavantVoid Curse
Skills in Fire Emblem Echoes: Shadows of Valentia
Combat arts AegisamiiboArchballistaArmorcrushArmor DisruptorAstral BladeCelestial BowCoral CoverCrosswise CutCurved ShotDeath BlowDestrezaDouble LionDragonhazeDuelist SwordEarth's BoonEarth's KissEncloserFlambergeFoudroyantGrounderHeaven or HellHeavy DrawHexbladeHit and RunHunter's VolleyKnightkneelerLeonine PoiseLongearcheLunar FlashLungeMistdancerOverrunPavisePenetratePlenitudeRagnarok ΩRoundhouseScendscaleShadow GambitShoveSolar ThrustSolo Triangle AttackSpeculumSubdueSunderSwapTempest LanceThunderclapTigerstanceTrance ShotTriangle AttackVendettaWard ArrowWindsweepWrath Strike
Other skills AbsolveAnathemaAnti-ArmorAnti-CavalryAnti-FliersAntihexAnti-TerrorsApotropeBanishBowrange +Dark SpikesDefensiveDeicideDisciplineDivideDragonskinDuma's GiftEerie ScreechEvade CriticalHalve AxesHalve LancesHalve SwordsHeavy ArmorHexIncarnationInfluenceLifetakerMagic +5MiracleNullify AilmentsPactPhalanxPhantasmReconstructRecoveryResistance +5SanctuarySoothing LightSophisticateTeleportationTransmuteTri-afflictionUpheavalVengeful CryWildfireWrath
Abilities in Fire Emblem: Three Houses
Class and skill level abilities Personal abilities
Bonus damage abilities Armored Effect NullCavalry Effect NullDragon Effect NullEffect NullFlying Effect NullInfantry Effect NullMonster Effect Null Monstrous Appeal
Breaker abilities AxebreakerBowbreakerFistbreakerLancebreakerSwordbreakerTomebreaker --
Debuffing abilities Seal DefenseSeal MagicSeal MovementSeal ResistanceSeal SpeedSeal Strength Blade Breaker
Experience-related abilities Model LeaderMastermind AptitudeImperial LineageLeicester LineageMastermindProfessor's GuidanceRoyal Lineage
Faire abilities AxefaireBowfaireBlack TomefaireDark TomefaireFistfaireLancefaireSwordfaireWhite Tomefaire --
Healing abilities Battalion RenewalLifetakerRenewalWhite Magic Heal + Animal FriendCatnapGoody BasketLive to ServeSongstress
Proximity abilities CharmHeartseekerSacred Power AdvocateBorn FighterGuardianHonorable SpiritInfirmary MasterLily's PoiseSongstress
Rally abilities Rally CharmRally DefenseRally DexterityRally LuckRally MagicRally MovementRally ResistanceRally SpeedRally Strength CompassionCrest ScholarPerseverance
Skill level abilities AuthorityAxe ProwessBow ProwessBrawling ProwessFaithLance ProwessReasonSword Prowess --
Stat-boosting abilities Alert StanceAvo +10Crit +20Defense +2Defensive TacticsDefiant AvoDefiant CritDefiant DefDefiant MagDefiant ResDefiant SpdDefiant StrDexterity +4Hit +20HP +5Magic +2Movement +1Offensive TacticsPomp & CircumstanceResistance +2Special DanceSpeed +2Strength +2Weight - Business ProsperityCircadian BeatConfidenceDistinguished HouseFighting SpiritHunter's BoonKing of GrapplingLady KnightLone WolfOfficer DutyPersecution ComplexPhilandererRivalryStaunch ShieldSurvival InstinctVeteran KnightWatchful Eye
Turn-related abilities Alert StanceArmored BlowBattalion DesperationBattalion VantageBattalion WrathDarting BlowDeath BlowDesperationDuelist's BlowFiendish BlowLucky SevenPoison StrikeQuick RiposteTransmuteUncanny BlowVantageWarding BlowWrath Blade BreakerMurderous IntentStaunch ShieldSurvival Instinct
Weapon abilities Axe Avo +20Axe Crit +10Black Magic Avo +20Black Magic Crit +10Black Magic Range +1Black Magic Uses x2Bow Avo +20Bow Crit +10BowfaireBowrange +Brawl Avo +20Brawl Crit +10Close CounterDark Magic Avo +20Dark Magic Crit +10Dark Magic Range +1Dark Magic Uses x2Lance Avo +20Lance Crit +10Sword Avo +20Sword Crit +10White Magic Avo +20White Magic Crit +10White Magic Range +1White Magic Uses x2
Miscellaneous abilities AegisCantoCounterattackDanceFireHealLethalityLocktouchMiasma ΔMiraclePassPaviseStealStealthTerrain ResistanceUnarmed Combat
Enemy-exclusive abilities 10 ElitesAnchorAgarthan TechnologyAir of IntimidationAncient DragonskinAncient Dragon WrathAnti-Magic ArmorBarrierCommanderCursed PowerDark Magic Uses x4Divine Dragon HornDragon-Scale WallEnclosing WallEnhanced FortitudeEssence BarrierGeneralGiant WingsHeavily Armored WallImmune StatusInfinite MagicKeen IntuitionMagic BindManifest PhantomMighty King of LegendNoncombatantParagonPath of the ConquerorPoisonSurging LightTwin CrestsUmbral LeechUnsealable MagicVital Defense
Unused abilities Black Magic Uses x4Dark Magic Crit +10DisciplineDragon Effect NullEffect NullFistbreakerInfantry Effect NullLance Avo +20White Magic Crit +10White Magic Uses x4
Special skills in Heroes
Area-of-effect skills Blazing FlameBlazing LightBlazing ThunderBlazing WindGift for MagicGifted MagicGrowing FlameGrowing LightGrowing ThunderGrowing WindOverrideRising FlameRising LightRising ThunderRising Wind
Defensive skills AegisBucklerCirclet of BalanceDual Ice MirrorsEscutcheonFrostbite MirrorGodlike ReflexesHoly PanicHoly VestmentsIce MirrorLife UnendingMiracleNegating FangPaviseSacred Cowl
Healing skills AetherAether's PathDaylightHeavenly LightImbueMayhem AetherNoontimeOpen the FutureRadiant AetherRighteous WindSol
Offensive skills AetherAether's PathArms of the ThreeArmored BeaconArmored BlazeArmored FloeAstraAstra StormBaneBlack LunaBlue FlameBond BlastBonfireBoulderBrutal ShellChilling WindChivalric AuraCirclet of BalanceCrusader's AstraCurved ShotDeadeyeDivine PulseDraconic AuraDragon BlastDragon FangDragon Fang ShotDragon GazeDragon's RoarEnclosureFierce BeastFire EmblemFlareFrost MoonGlaciesGlimmerGlitter of LightGlowing EmberGodlike ReflexesGreat AetherGustHaze SliceHero's BloodHoly PressureHoly-Knight AuraIcebergIgnisImperial AstraLethalityLight Is TimeLight's RestraintLightless LunaLodestar RushLunaLunar FlashMakings of a KingMayhem AetherMoonbowNew MoonNight SkyNimble BeastNo QuarterOpen the FutureRadiant AetherRegnal AstraReprisalRequiem PrayerRetributionRighteous WindRuptured SkySacred WindSandstormSeiðr BurstSeiðr ShellShining EmblemSiriusSturdy BeastSublime HeavenSupreme AstraSupreme HeavenTime and LightTime Is LightTwin BladesVengeanceVital AstraWarp Ragnarok
Staff specials Deluge BalmEarthfire BalmEarthwater BalmEarthwind BalmFireflood BalmHeavenly LightImbueKindled-Fire BalmSolid-Earth BalmStill-Water BalmSwift-Winds BalmWindfire Balm
Miscellaneous skills GaleforceNjörun's ZealRequiem DanceUmbra BlastUmbra CalamityUmbra Eruption
Crests in Warriors
Attack Crests Awaken CrestCombo CrestFang CrestFury CrestSerenity CrestSpecial CrestWar God Crest
Defense Crests Axe CrestBlade CrestBow CrestClaw CrestDragon CrestLance CrestMedicinal CrestPrayer CrestRelief CrestRemedy CrestTome Crest
Boost Crests Mastery CrestSanctuary CrestSkill CrestSurge CrestTalent Crest
Skills AegisAmaterasuArmored BlowAstraAwakeningCounterDef +10DracoshieldGaleforceHP +50Iote's ShieldLck +20LethalityLive to ServeLone WolfLunaMag +10ParagonPassPavisePaydayPotent PotionQuick WitRes +10Resonating PowerSkl +10SolSolidaritySp +10Str +10TrampleVengeance
Abilities in Fire Emblem Warriors: Three Hopes
Class and skill level abilities Personal abilities
Action abilities Archer's PloyArcher's WisdomArmored Cavalry's PloyArmored Cavalry's WisdomArmored Infantry's PloyDark Mage's PloyDark Mage's WisdomDual Wielder's PloyEmperor's PloyEssence of DarknessEssence of FireEssence of IceEssence of LightEssence of LightningEssence of WindFiendish BlowKing's PloyKnight's PloyLeader's PloyMage's PloyMage's WisdomMage Knight's PloyMercenary's PloyMercenary's WisdomPegasus Knight's PloyPerspectivePriest's PloyPriest's WisdomSavior of the MeekSeeker of GreatnessStormer of the LandThief's PloyThief's WisdomWarrior's PloyWyvern Rider's Ploy Azure LightningCamaraderieCareful StudyCold CalculationCourageous AriaCursed ExpulsionDark ConjurationDeceitDemolisherDivine CapriceDivine PulseDreamer's PaintbrushDualityDustcloudEasy BreezyGalvanic SurgeGoddess's BlessingGolden FistsGordian StrokeIcy PlungeIntense VelocityLightning BoundLuminous PrayerMartial ProwessMaximum AmbulationNether SighOne for the BooksPersonal SpacePersonality ShiftPrismatic ResonancePure BrawnPurifying RainQuietusRadiant LoveRondo of RosesShadowflashSnowslipSolar ProminenceThunderous RefrainTwofold RuinWicked ImpulseWind StanceWindstormWindswept
Support abilities -- Adept FlirtAdvocateAgarthan ArcanaAnimal FriendAshen DemonBlade BreakerCaptain's GritCatnapDistinguished HouseEmergent MagicEmperor's PrestigeFighting SpiritFists of JusticeGoody BasketHeavensentHunter's BoonInfirmary MasterKing of GrapplingKing's MightKnight's WisdomLeader's AcumenLily's PoiseLive to ServeLockpickLone WolfMonstrous AppealMortal CoilMurderous IntentName DropNatural WarriorNothing to ReportOverachieverPerceptionPersecution ComplexPower of the SaintsRight-Hand ManRivalrySacrosanctShrewd OperatorSongstressStaunch ShieldSurvival InstinctSwift AwakeningUnsought PowerWatchful Eye
Tactical abilities -- AmbitionBorn FighterCenter StageDeadly AimDelicate FlowerDevotionEager BladeForesightHand of TimeHealthy CuriosityHeart's DesireHonorable SpiritKing's LanceKnight's OathLife and LimbLogicianMakings of a MercMaster of ConcealmentMercenary CreedMerciful AuspicesNature's WrathNoble DutyNoble PrideObliterationOfficer DutyOutland TechniquePerfect MemoryPolymathPower of NightRaging TempestRay of SunshineReignResolute PathReverenceSecond-in-CommandSoldier's HonorSworn LanceTrue ChampionUnbending SpiritUnfeeling BladeValiant BloodlineVeteran CommanderVigilant GazeVirtuoso
Awakening-related abilities Awakening AssistBattalion VantageDarting BlowPegasus Knight's WisdomSwift AwakeningVantage Adept FlirtHunter's BoonName DropPower of the SaintsSongstressUnsought Power
Stun Gauge-related abilities Brawler's PloyBrawler's WisdomDeath BlowHeaviest HitterHeavy HitterPatienceWarrior's WisdomWyvern Rider's Wisdom Fists of JusticeNatural WarriorPerception
Warrior Gauge-related abilities Battalion VantageBlessed BreathKnight's WisdomVantageWarrior Assist HeavensentMortal CoilRivalrySurvival InstinctUnsought Power
Weapon-related abilities Apex AxeApex BowApex GauntletApex LanceApex SwordApex TomeAxebreakerAxe BusterAxe ProwessBowbreakerBow BusterBowfaireBow ProwessBrawling ProwessCavalry BusterFaithGauntletbreakerGauntlet BusterLancebreakerLance BusterLance ProwessReasonSwordbreakerSword BusterSwordfaireSword ProwessTomebreakerTome Buster --
Battalion abilities Resist ArmorResist AxesResist BowsResist CavalryResist FliersResist GauntletsResist LancesResist MonstersResist SwordsResist Tomes --
Bonus damage abilities Armored Infantry's WisdomNullify Armored EffectNullify Cavalry EffectNullify Flying EffectNullify Magic Monstrous Appeal
Healing abilities Battalion RenewalCharmLifetakerRenewalSeasoned Tactics Animal FriendCatnapInfirmary MasterLily's PoiseLive to ServeSongstress
Adjutant-related abilities Adjutant's BenefitAwakening AssistDark AssistFire AssistIce AssistLight AssistLightning AssistOne Heart One MindRally CharmRally DefenseRally DeluxeRally DexterityRally LuckRally MagicRally ResistanceRally SpeedRally StrengthVanguard's BenefitWarrior AssistWind Assist AdvocateLily's Poise
Stat-boosting abilities Absorb CharmAbsorb DefenseAbsorb DexterityAbsorb LuckAbsorb MagicAbsorb ResistanceAbsorb SpeedAbsorb StrengthApex AxeApex BowApex GauntletApex LanceApex SwordApex TomeBoost CriticalCarpe DiemDefense +Defensive TacticsDefiant DefDefiant MagDefiant ResDefiant SpdDefiant StrDexterity +Grievous BlowHP +LifeforceLucky SevenMagic +MusterOffensive TacticsPomp & CircumstanceResistance +SchemerSpeed +Strength +TableturnerTransmuteTrustWild Abandon Ashen DemonDistinguished HouseEmergent MagicFighting SpiritKing of GrapplingLone WolfMurderous IntentOverachieverPersecution ComplexStaunch ShieldWatchful Eye
Miscellaneous abilities AegisAlert StanceAnchorAppraisalArmsthriftBackboneBattalion DesperationBattalion WrathBlack Magic MasteryBlack Magic+CounterattackCounterbreakCounterstrikeDark Magic MasteryDark Magic+Deadly ScytheDefiant CritDesperationDespoilExpert GuardFireFlareHealImpairImpregnableKinshipKnucklebreakerLethalityLocktouchLunaMagic Attack Range+MastermindMiasma ΔMiraclePassPavisePoison StrikeProvokeQuick RiposteRange MasterRebellious SpiritSerene StanceShatterSmiteSolSpecial DanceStalwart StanceStealTerrain ResistanceWhite Magic MasteryWhite Magic+Wrath
Enemy-exclusive abilities Ancient DragonskinAncient Dragon WrathCrestological WisdomImmune StatusSeal MagicSeal StrengthTenacityUnsealable Magic
Combat arts
Sword combat arts Armor DisruptorAssassinateAstraAstral BladeBane of MonstersBeast FangCrosswise CutDeath BlowDestrezaDouble LionDuelist SwordEarth's BoonElectric GrounderFinesse BladeFiresweepFlambergeFlash StrikeFoudroyant StrikeGrounderHaze SliceHeaven's FallHexbladeIcebladeLightbladeMagic BladeMortal StrugglePenetratePlenitudeRagnarok ΩRoundhouseRuptured HeavenScendscaleShadowbladeShadow GambitSoulbladeSubdueSublime HeavenSunderSwift SliceSword DanceThunderclapTigerstanceWindsweepWrath Strike
Lance combat arts AirshakerArchballistaArmorcrushAtrocityBurning QuakeDark LanceDragonhazeEarthsplitterFrozen LanceGlowing EmberHeaven or HellHit and RunKnightkneelerLance JabLeonine PoiseLightstrikeLongearcheLungeMistdancerMonster PiercerOverrunParaseleneRuined SkyShatter SlashSolar ThrustSolo Triangle AttackStormbladeSwift StrikesTempest LanceThunder RushTitanic MightVendettaVengeanceWheelsweep
Axe combat arts Apocalyptic FlameArmored StrikeArmor SmasherCrushDiamond AxeDustExhaustive StrikeFlickering FlowerFocused StrikeFuryHelm SplitterInvigorating SpiritLightning AxeMonster BreakerRaging StormReturning AxeShredderSmashSpikeSwinging FuryWar Master's StrikeWild Abandon
Bow combat arts Break ShotCelestial BowCurved ShotDeadeyeDrill ArrowEncloserFallen StarFlame VolleyHeavy DrawHide PresenceHunter's VolleyLunar FlashMonster BlastPoint-Blank VolleyPrecision VolleySchism ShotSpiral ShotThunderboltTornado ShotTracking ShotTrance ShotWaning ShotWard ArrowWind God
Gauntlet combat arts Battle TranceBombardDraining BlowDual DevastatorsEviscerateFading BlowFierce Iron FistFlamewhorl KickFrozen FistLightning FistMighty BlowMonster CrusherMystic BlowNimble ComboOne-Two PunchPneuma GaleRushing BlowSteady MindWhirlwind Kick
Movement-related combat arts Draw BackFoul PlayRepositionShoveSmiteSwap
Other combat arts amiiboCoral CoverDark SpikesDefensiveEarth's KissHealing FocusPaviseTriangle AttackUpheaval
Unused combat arts AegisSpeculum