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Fire (magic)

From Fire Emblem Wiki, your source on Fire Emblem information. By fans, for fans.
Tormod casting fire magic in Fire Emblem Cipher.

Fire magic (Japanese: flame) is a weapon category and class of magic in the Fire Emblem series, first appearing in Genealogy of the Holy War as one of its five magic types. It is one of the three nature-based magics which comprise the school of anima magic.

The main distinction of fire magic is how the stats of the average fire tome are primarily oriented toward being relatively average in weight, hit, or power compared to the other schools of magic. In this respect, it can be viewed as a magical counterpart to lances, which tend to be oriented similarly. In Path of Radiance and Radiant Dawn, fire magic also deals bonus damage against beast tribe laguz such as Tigers. In accordance with the Trinity of Magic, fire magic has an advantage over wind and light magic, but is at a disadvantage against thunder and dark magic.

Fire tomes can be found in some form in every Fire Emblem game, but fire magic as a distinct, separate weapon category only appears in four games: Genealogy of the Holy War, Thracia 776, Path of Radiance, and Radiant Dawn. In all other games, fire magic is rolled into broader magic categories: black magic in Gaiden, Echoes: Shadows of Valentia, and Three Houses, anima magic in the Game Boy Advance games, and generic tomes in the Archanea games, Awakening, and Fates.

Fire magic in the Fire Emblem series

Weapon Available in: Notes
FE01 FE02 FE03 FE04 FE05 FE06 FE07 FE08 FE09 FE10 FE11 FE12 FE13 FE14 FE15 FE16 FE17
Fire Appears as a tome, black magic, or anima in other games.
Elfire Appears as a tome or anima in other games.
Bolganone Unused in Thracia 776.
Appears as a tome or black magic in other games.
Meteor Extended range, cannot be countered.
Appears as a tome or black magic in other games.
Valflame +10 magic, +10 defense, +10 resistance when equipped, major Fjalar blood only in Genealogy of the Holy War.
Unused in Thracia 776.
Appears as a tome in Awakening.
Rexflame +3 speed when equipped. Unused in Path of Radiance
Arcfire Appears as a tome in Awakening.
Cymbeline Sanaki only
Fire Tail Cannot inflict critical hits. Spirits only.
A means that the weapon is available in that game, while a indicates the contrary.

Classes capable of using fire magic

There are 24 different classes which have been able to wield fire magic as a distinct weapon type at any point in the series.

Class Wields fire magic in: Notes
FE01 FE02 FE03 FE04 FE05 FE06 FE07 FE08 FE09 FE10 FE11 FE12 FE13 FE14 FE15 FE16 FE17
Master Knight --
Baron --
Emperor --
Fire Mage --
Mage Fighter --
Mage --
Mage Knight --
Bard --
Sage --
High Priest --
Bishop --
Queen --
Dark Bishop --
Dark Prince --
Cleric --
Loptr Mage --
Dark Mage --
Fire Sage --
Thunder Sage --
Wind Sage --
Archsage Not if promoted from a Dark Sage.
Empress --
Fire Spirit --
Order Incarnate --
A means that the class wields fire magic in that game, while a indicates the contrary.

Etymology and other languages

Names, etymology, and in other regions
Language Name Definition, etymology, and notes


















See also


Weapon types
Physical weapons ArtAxeBow (Ballista)CannonballGauntletsDaggerLanceSword
Magical weapons Anima (FireThunderWind)Black magicDarkLightStaffTome (Blue tomeColorless tomeGreen tomeRed tome)White magic
Other weapons BreathCrest StoneSpecialStoneStrike, beast, and monster weapons
Anima magic
Fire magic Thunder magic Wind magic Unclassified tomes
Basic tomes ArcfireBolganoneElfireFire ArcthunderElthunderThoronThunder ArcwindElwindTornadoWind ElfireFimbulvetrFireThunder
Long-range tomes Meteor Bolting Blizzard Bolting
Regalia and personal tomes CymbelineRexflameValflame Dire ThunderMjölnirRexbolt ForsetiGrafcaliburRexcalibur ExcaliburForblazeGiga Excalibur
Tomes with secondary effects -- -- -- Aircalibur
Others Fire Tail Thunder Tail VortexWind Tail --