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Scion of Legend

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This article is about the chapter from Awakening. For the History Mode map in Warriors, see Scion of Legend (Warriors).

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Scion of Legend


Sage's Hamlet

New units




A chosen warrior come from the future to bring hope to a dying world...I am Owain! Now, atone for your deeds in the eternal hellfire of perdition! RADIANT...DAAAAAAWN!
— Owain

Scion of Legend (Japanese: 伝説の継承者 Legendary Heir) is the fifth paralogue chapter in Fire Emblem Awakening. As a paralogue chapter, its events are not integral to the game's main storyline and can be done at the player's leisure. The chapter is unlocked after clearing Chapter 13 and having Lissa married; additionally, the player must clear Chapter 14 or unlock both Paralogues 10 and 9.

In this chapter, the Shepherds come across a village under attack by ruffians seeking treasure, as well as a man named Owain who is seeking the legendary sword Mystletainn.


Main article: Scion of Legend/Script

In Valm, Lissa asks Lucina about what she was like in the future, and if she had any children; Lucina informs her that she had a son named Owain. Lissa starts to ask another question, but stops before finishing. In a nearby village, bandits are searching for a treasure, and interrogate a woman in their search; the woman says she knows nothing, so they resolve to kill her, but are interrupted by a man who kills one of the bandits first. The man reveals his name to be Owain, but he fails to kill the leader, who orders his men to continue searching the village. Chrom, witnessing this, is confused by the situation, but moves to stop the bandits.

If Chrom talks to Owain, he recognizes Owain's fighting stance as from the royal house of Ylisse, and tells Owain his name. Owain recognizes Chrom as his uncle, and reveals that he is Lissa's son from the future. Owain requests that if anyone finds the Mystletainn, that they let him wield it. If Lissa talks to Owain, he recognizes her as his mother, and presents his copy of her ring from the future as proof.

If Owain visits the southeast building, he will receive the Missiletainn from a villager. Owain is convinced it is the legendary sword Mysletainn, but the villager attempts to convince him it is a mundane sword that has gone dull, to no avail.

After the battle, if Owain survived, Lissa searches for him, but is ambushed by one of the bandits. Owain appears and quickly kills him; in doing so, he tears one of his sleeves. On his exposed arm, Lissa recognizes the Brand of the Exalt; Owain is aware that Lissa's never surfaced, and informs her of how happy she was the day Owain's did.

Chapter data

Normal Hard Lunatic

Chapter Data
Unit Data
Victory: Rout the enemy Player Partner Other Enemy
Defeat: Chrom or Robin dies 1–13+1 {{{partner}}} 4−1 21
Cm fe13 5x.png
Map dimensions:
20 columns by 22 rows

Character data

New units
Small portrait owain fe13.png
Steel Sword
NPC, talk to with Chrom or Lissa
Required characters
Chrom l ​
Available characters
Robin m ​Lissa ​Frederick ​Sully ​Virion ​Stahl ​Vaike ​Miriel ​Sumia ​Kellam ​Lon'qu ​Ricken ​Maribelle ​Panne ​Gaius ​Cordelia ​Gregor ​Nowi ​Libra ​Tharja ​Olivia ​Cherche ​Henry ​Lucina ​

Note: The returning characters list only those recruited by the time this chapter is unlocked. As a paralogue chapter, there is no set timeframe in which the chapter must be taken on; thus, it is possible to have recruited more characters than the above by the point the chapter is started. The returning characters list also does not include any characters recruitable in other paralogues, as the player may not have taken on any other available paralogue chapters yet. The list also does not include any bonus units, as they are recruitable at the player's discretion.

Item data

Name Obtainment Method
Is 3ds01 second seal.png Second Seal Dropped by Gecko
Is 3ds01 elixir.png Elixir Speak to northern Sage
Is 3ds01 spirit dust.png Spirit Dust Speak to southwestern Sage
Is 3ds01 missiletainn.png Missiletainn Speak to southeastern Sage with Owain
(mutually exclusive with the Speed Tonic)
Is 3ds01 speed tonic.png Speed Tonic Speak to southeastern Sage with anyone other than Owain
(mutually exclusive with Missiletainn)

Shop data

After clearing this chapter, the shop at this location will become available.

Armory contents

Normal stock Possible merchant items

Item Price
Is 3ds01 iron sword.png Iron Sword 520
Is 3ds01 steel sword.png Steel Sword 840
Is 3ds01 silver sword.png Silver Sword 1,410
Is 3ds01 killing edge.png Killing Edge 1,470

Event tiles

  • Column 6, row 8: Two squares south, two squares west of the NPC Sage in the northern village
  • Column 10, row 18: Three squares west of the NPC Sage in the southeastern village

Enemy data

Stats with two figures separated by a ~ are presented as a range, representing stats that vary due to random growths. The figures to the left and right of the ~ are the stat's minimum and maximum possible values respectively.

Normal Hard Lunatic(+)

Enemy Units
Name Class Lv # HP Str Mag Skill Spd Lck Prf Wlv Def Res Cha Lck Con Mov Inventory and Skills
Ma 3ds01 assassin enemy.gif Gecko Assassin 10 1 43 21 0 25 24 13 14 5 6 Silver Sword Silver Bow Second SealThis item is dropped upon this unit's defeat.
Will not move until a unit is in range of at least two of the following—him, the two nearby Barbarians, or the two nearby Dark Mages—or until one of them is fought; in either case, he begins moving.
Ma 3ds01 barbarian enemy.gif Ruffian Barbarian 20 3 37~38 15~16 0 8~9 13~14 5~6 5~6 0~1 5 Steel Axe
• The eastern two immediately begin moving unprovoked.
• The western one will not move until a unit is in range of at least two of the following—him, Gecko, the nearby Barbarian, or the two nearby Dark Mages—or until one of them is fought; in either case, he begins moving.
Ma 3ds01 barbarian enemy.gif Ruffian Barbarian 20 3 37~38 15~16 0 8~9 13~14 5~6 5~6 0~1 5 Short Axe
• The eastern two immediately begin moving unprovoked.
• The western one will not move until a unit is in range of at least two of the following—him, Gecko, the nearby Barbarian, or the two nearby Dark Mages—or until one of them is fought; in either case, he begins moving.
Ma 3ds01 dark mage enemy.gif Ruffian Dark Mage 20 1 33~34 1 9~10 7~8 7~8 5~6 8~9 7~8 5 Elfire
Will not move until a unit is in range of at least two of the following—him, Gecko, the two nearby Barbarians, or the nearby Dark Mage—or until one of them is fought; in either case, he begins moving.
Ma 3ds01 dark mage enemy.gif Ruffian Dark Mage 20 1 33~34 1 9~10 7~8 7~8 5~6 8~9 7~8 5 Ruin
Will not move until a unit is in range of at least two of the following—him, Gecko, the two nearby Barbarians, or the nearby Dark Mage—or until one of them is fought; in either case, he begins moving.
Ma 3ds01 myrmidon enemy.gif Ruffian Myrmidon 20 4 30~31 12~13 1 16~17 17~18 11~12 7~8 4~5 5 Steel Sword
Immediately begins moving unprovoked.
Ma 3ds01 dark mage enemy.gif Ruffian Dark Mage 20 1 33~34 1 9~10 7~8 7~8 5~6 8~9 7~8 5 Nosferatu
Immediately begins moving unprovoked.
Ma 3ds01 dark mage enemy.gif Ruffian Dark Mage 20 1 33~34 1 9~10 7~8 7~8 5~6 8~9 7~8 5 Elthunder
Immediately begins moving unprovoked.
Ma 3ds01 berserker enemy.gif Ruffian Berserker 3 1 48 21~22 0 11~12 17~18 9~10 9~10 4 6 Silver Axe
Gamble Wrath
Can have 0–1 skill(s) at random
Immediately begins moving unprovoked.
Ma 3ds01 wyvern rider enemy.gif Ruffian Wyvern Rider 20 4 33~34 15~16 0 10~11 9~10 8~9 13~14 0~1 7 Steel Axe
Immediately begins moving unprovoked.
Ma 3ds01 assassin enemy.gif Ruffian Assassin 3 1 37~38 16~17 0 22~23 21~22 10~11 9 4 6 Silver Sword Silver Bow
Avoid +10 Vantage Movement +1
Can have 0–1 skill(s) at random
Immediately begins moving unprovoked.

NPC data

Stats with two figures separated by a ~ are presented as a range, representing stats that vary due to random growths. The figures to the left and right of the ~ are the stat's minimum and maximum possible values respectively.

Normal Hard Lunatic

NPC Units
Name Class Lv # HP Str Mag Skill Spd Lck Prf Wlv Def Res Cha Lck Con Mov Inventory and Skills
Ma 3ds01 myrmidon owain other.gif Owain Myrmidon 10 1 Varies Varies Varies Varies Varies Varies Varies Varies 5 Steel Sword
Avoid +10 VantageIs 3ds01 outrealm skill.png VariesIs 3ds01 outrealm skill.png Varies
See Owain/Stats for more information on Owain's stats.
Ma 3ds01 sage other.gif Villager Sage 1 3 33~34 1 14~15 12~13 14~15 11~12 9~10 11~12 - Physic

Boss data

Main article: Gecko

Normal Hard Lunatic

Small portrait gecko fe13.png
Ma 3ds01 assassin enemy.gif Assassin
Level 10
Movement 6
Max HP 43 Speed 24
Strength 21 Luck 13
Magic 0 Defense 14
Skill 25 Resistance 5
Inventory Skills
Silver Sword
Silver Bow
Second SealThis item is dropped upon this unit's defeat.
Weapon Levels
Swords B Lances -- Axes --
Bows B Tomes -- Staves --


This section details unofficial strategies that may help with completion of the chapter. This may not work for everybody.

This section has been marked as a stub. Please help improve the page by adding information.

Etymology and other languages

Names, etymology, and in other regions
Language Name Definition, etymology, and notes

Scion of Legend




Legendary Heir


El heredero legendario

The legendary heir


L'héritier de légende

The heir of legend


Der legendäre Erbe

The legendary hero


L'erede leggendario

The legendary heir



← Anna the Merchant • Scion of Legend • A Man for Flowers →
Fire Emblem Awakening
Playable characters AnnaAversaBasilioBradyChercheChromCordeliaCynthiaDonnelEmmerynFlaviaFrederickGaiusGangrelGeromeGregorHenryInigoKellamKjelleLaurentLibraLissaLon'quLucinaMaribelleMirielMorganNahNoireNowiOliviaOwainPannePriamRickenRobinSay'riSeveraStahlSullySumiaTharjaTikiVaikeVirionWalhartYarneYen'fay
Non-playable characters HollandMaidenNagaOld HubbaPhila
Bosses AlgolAnguillaArdriAversaBovisCampariCanisCassiusCervantesChalardDalenDaltonDracoEquusExcellusEzraFarberGallusGangrelGarrickGeckoGrimaGyralIgnatiusJamilLepusMarthMorristanMusMustafaNelsonNombryOrtonOvisPherosPorcusPriamRaimiRisen ChiefRoddickRugerSimiaTigrisValidarVastoVictorVincentWalhartXalbadorYen'fayZanth
Background characters First exaltKe'riMarthShanty Pete
DLC characters AlmCatriaCelicaEirikaEldiganElinciaEphraimEstIkeKatarinaLeifLynPrince MarthMicaiahPallaRoySeliph
SpotPass characters Shadow Dragon CaedaGharnefLindeMerricMinervaNavarreNynaOgmaPrince MarthTiki
Gaiden AlmBoeyCelicaClairCliveDeenLuthierMycenNomahValbar
Mystery of the Emblem AthenaCatriaEtzelHardinHoraceKatarinaKing MarthLegionMaliceNorne
Genealogy of the Holy War G1 ArdenArvisAyraDeirdreEthlynJamkeLewynQuanRaquesisSigurd
Genealogy of the Holy War G2 AltenaAresArthurCedFeeJuliaJuliusLarceiSeliphUlster
Thracia 776 DagdarEyvelFinnLeifMareetaNannaOlwenRaydrikSaiasSalem
Binding Blade CeciliaLilinaLughPercevalRaighRoyShannaSophiaWoltZephiel
Fire Emblem EliwoodFlorinaHectorJaffarKarelLynMatthewNergalNinoSerra
Sacred Stones AmeliaEirikaEphraimInnesL'ArachelLuteLyonMarisaMoulderSeth
Path of Radiance AshnardElinciaGeoffreyIkeLuciaMiaMistSorenTitaniaZihark
Radiant Dawn Black KnightBromEdwardLeonardoMicaiahNepheneeSanakiSephiranSigrunSothe
Others CamusIshtarLinusLloydNarcianOliverPetrineSelenaTravantUrsula
Regalia and personal weapons AmatsuArmadsBalmungBook of NagaDouble BowExcaliburFalchion (Exalted FalchionParallel Falchion) • ForsetiGáe BolgGoddess StaffGoetiaGradivusGrima's TruthGungnirHauteclereHelswathMercuriusMissiletainnMjölnirMystletainnNidhoggNoble RapierParthiaRagnellRapierSol KattiTyrfingValflameWolf BergYewfelle
Chapters Main story Pm: Invisible Ties • P: The Verge of History • 1: Unwelcome Change • 2: Shepherds • 3: Warrior Realm • 4: Two Falchions • 5: The Exalt and the King • 6: Foreseer • 7: Incursion • 8: The Grimleal • 9: Emmeryn • 10: Renewal • 11: Mad King Gangrel • 12: The Seacomers • 13: Of Sacred Blood • 14: Flames on the Blue • 15: Smoldering Resistance • 16: Naga's Voice • 17: Inexorable Death • 18: Sibling Blades • 19: The Conqueror • 20: The Sword or the Knee • 21: Five Gemstones • 22: An Ill Presage • 23: Invisible Ties • 24: Awakening • 25: To Slay a GodE: Grima
Paralogues 1: Sickle to Sword • 2: The Secret Seller • 3: A Strangled Peace • 4: Anna the Merchant • 5: Scion of Legend • 6: A Man for Flowers • 7: Noble Lineage • 8: A Duel Disgraced • 9: Wings of Justice • 10: Ambivalence • 11: Twin Wyverns • 12: Disowned by Time • 13: Rival Bands • 14: Shadow in the Sands • 15: A Shot from the Dark • 16: Daughter to Dragons • 17: The Threat of Silence • 18: The Dead King's Lament • 19: Irreconcilable Paths • 20: A Hard Miracle • 21: Ghost of a Blade • 22: The Wellspring of Truth • 23: The Radiant Hero
Xenologues Champions of Yore 1Champions of Yore 2Champions of Yore 3The Golden GaffeEXPonential GrowthInfinite RegaliaLost Bloodlines 1Lost Bloodlines 2Lost Bloodlines 3Smash Brethren 1Smash Brethren 2Smash Brethren 3Rogues & Redeemers 1Rogues & Redeemers 2Rogues & Redeemers 3Death's EmbraceFive-Anna FirefightRoster RescueHarvest ScrambleSummer ScrambleHot-Spring ScrambleThe Future Past 1The Future Past 2The Future Past 3Apotheosis
Locations YlisseFerox (Arena Ferox) • Outrealm Gate (Outrealms) • Plegia (Dragon's Table) • YlisseValmChon'sinRosanneValm
Groups, objects, and concepts AwakeningEinherjarFire EmblemGrimleal (Deadlords) • RisenShepherds
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