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From Fire Emblem Wiki, your source on Fire Emblem information. By fans, for fans.
This article is about the stat. For the staff from New Mystery of the Emblem, see Speed Staff.
Edward has a very high speed stat that allows him to outspeed this enemy Bandit and attack him twice.

Speed (Japanese: 速さ speed), abbreviated Spd (Sp in Path of Radiance, Radiant Dawn, and Warriors), is a statistic belonging to units which determines a unit's agility in battle. It has two major purposes: it determines whether or not a unit is fast enough compared to their enemy to strike them multiple times in a single round of combat, and it influences a unit's ability to avoid enemy attacks. Broadly speaking, if a unit's speed stat is higher than that of their opponent by a certain number of points which varies from game to game, then that unit will perform a follow-up attack, a second attack after both units have performed their first attacks.

There are classes that inherently have high speed, most notably members of the Myrmidon and Pegasus Knight class families, which means that these units are predisposed to have very high rates of follow-up attacking and dodging attacks. It is common among high-speed classes to also have high skill, but in exchange for their good dodging ability these classes tend to be very defensively frail and to have mediocre strength. Similarly, it is common for bulkier and more defensive classes, such as the Knight class family, to have very poor speed.

In all games prior to New Mystery of the Emblem, a unit's speed stat is not the only deciding factor in their actual speed in battle, as it is affected by the weapons they wield. The weight of their weapons negatively impacts their speed, and is subtracted from their base speed stat to generate their attack speed, or the speed stat they will actually have in practice in battle. The heavier the weapon a unit uses, the harder time they will have follow-up attacking and dodging attacks. The weight system was removed from New Mystery of the Emblem through Fates, although Fates has a simplified form where certain weapons will increase or penalize a unit's ability to follow-up attack (but will not affect avoid).


Attack speed

Main article: Attack speed

Attack speed is a unit's practical speed stat in battle, after taking into account the weight of their current weapon. In every game until New Mystery of the Emblem, a unit's attack speed is used to calculate both their ability to follow-up attack and their avoid. With the removal of weight from New Mystery through Fates, attack speed is exactly equal to the unit's base speed stat.

Game Formula Notes
Shadow Dragon & the Blade of Light SpeedWeapon weight --
Gaiden SpeedWeapon weight --
Mystery of the Emblem SpeedWeapon weight --
Genealogy of the Holy War SpeedWeapon weight Attack speed can be negative.
Thracia 776 Weapons: Speed − (Weapon weightConstitution)
Magic: Speed − Weight
The Binding Blade Speed − (Weapon weightConstitution) (Weight − Con) has a minimum of 0.
The Blazing Blade Speed − (Weapon weightConstitution) (Weight − Con) has a minimum of 0.
The Sacred Stones Speed − (Weapon weightConstitution) (Weight − Con) has a minimum of 0.
Path of Radiance Speed − (Weapon weightStrength) (Weight − Strength) has a minimum of 0.
Radiant Dawn Speed − (Weapon weightStrength) (Weight − Strength) has a minimum of 0.
Shadow Dragon Speed − (Weapon weightStrength) (Weight − Strength) has a minimum of 0.
New Mystery of the Emblem Speed --
Awakening Speed --
Fates Speed + (effective speed modifier) --
Echoes: Shadows of Valentia SpeedWeapon weight --
Three Houses Speed − [Weapon weight − (Strength / 5)] (Weight − (Strength / 5)) has a minimum of 0.
Engage Speed − (Weapon weightBuild) (Weight − Bld) has a minimum of 0.


Certain games use speed instead of attack speed to determine a unit's avoid rate.

Game Formula Notes
Shadow Dragon & the Blade of Light Physical avoid: (Attack speed + Terrain bonus)
Magical avoid: (Luck)
Gaiden Physical avoid: (Attack speed + Terrain bonus)
Magical avoid: (Attack speed + Luck)
Mystery of the Emblem (Speed + Luck + Terrain bonus + Support bonus) If any bonus is not relevant, the bonus in question is taken to be 0.
Genealogy of the Holy War (Attack speed × 2) + (Luck) + (Terrain bonus) + (Authority bonus) + (Charm bonus) + (Lover bonus) If any bonus is not relevant, the bonus in question is taken to be 0.
In this game, Avoid can be negative, through the possibility of negative attack speed or through some tiles' avoid penalties.
Thracia 776 (Attack speed × 2) + (Luck) + (Terrain bonus) + (Support bonus) + (Authority bonus) + (Charm bonus) If any bonus is not relevant, the bonus in question is taken to be 0.
The Binding Blade (Attack speed × 2) + (Luck) + (Terrain bonus) + (Support bonus) If any bonus is not relevant, the bonus in question is taken to be 0.
The Blazing Blade (Attack speed × 2) + (Luck) + (Terrain bonus) + (Support bonus) + Tactician bonus) If any bonus is not relevant, the bonus in question is taken to be 0.
The Sacred Stones (Attack speed × 2) + (Luck) + (Terrain bonus) + (Support bonus) If any bonus is not relevant, the bonus in question is taken to be 0.
Path of Radiance (Attack speed × 2) + (Luck) + (Terrain bonus) + (Support bonus) + (Biorhythm bonus) If any bonus is not relevant, the bonus in question is taken to be 0.
Radiant Dawn (Attack speed × 2) + (Luck) + (Terrain bonus) + (Buddy support bonus) +
(Biorhythm bonus) + (Affinity bonus) + (Authority bonus)
If any bonus is not relevant, the bonus in question is taken to be 0.
Shadow Dragon (Attack speed) + (Luck / 2) + (Terrain bonus) + (Support bonus) If any bonus is not relevant, the bonus in question is taken to be 0.
New Mystery of the Emblem (Speed) + (Luck / 2) + (Terrain bonus) + (Support bonus) + (Class bonus) If any bonus is not relevant, the bonus in question is taken to be 0.
The class bonus is +10 for Swordmasters only.
Awakening (Speed × 1.5) + (Luck / 2) + (Support/Dual bonus) + (Skill bonus) If any bonus is not relevant, the bonus in question is taken to be 0.
Fates (Speed × 1.5) + (Luck / 2) + (Support/Dual bonus) + (Skill bonus) + (Class bonus) Class bonus is +5 for Master Ninjas, and +10 for Lodestars, Nine-Tails, Swordmasters, Pegasus Knights, and Witches.
If any bonus is not relevant, the bonus in question is taken to be 0.
Shadows of Valentia Physical avoid: (Attack speed) + (Terrain bonus) + (Support bonus)
Magical avoid: [(Speed + Luck) / 2] + (Support bonus)
If any bonus is not relevant, the bonus in question is taken to be 0.
Three Houses Physical avoid: (Attack speed) + (Terrain bonus) + (Support bonus) + (Ability bonus) + (Equipment bonus) + (Battalion bonus)
Magical avoid: [(Speed + Luck) / 2] + (Ability bonus) + (Equipment bonus) + (Battalion bonus)
If any bonus is not relevant, the bonus in question is taken to be 0.
Engage Weapon avoid: (Speed × 2) + (Luck / 2) + (Terrain bonus × Unit type bonus) + (Support bonus) + (Skill bonus)
Staff avoid: (Resistance × 1.5) + (Luck / 2) + (Terrain bonus × Unit type bonus)
Unit type bonus is 2 for Covert-type classes, 0 if the foe is a Mystical-type class, 1 for all others.
If any bonus is not relevant, the bonus in question is taken to be 0.

Items and skills affecting speed

Weapons, items and skills providing equipping bonus
Item Speed increase Games
Is 3ds03 ring.png Speed Ring Sets speed to 40/+5 increase/+10 increase/+2 increase when equipped. Gaiden, Genealogy of the Holy War, Echoes: Shadows of Valentia, Three Houses
Is snes02 tyrfing.png Tyrfing +10 when equipped. Genealogy of the Holy War
Is snes02 balmung.png Balmung +20/+5 when equipped. Genealogy of the Holy War, Awakening
Is snes02 gungnir.png Gungnir +10 when equipped. Genealogy of the Holy War
Is snes02 yewfelle.png Yewfelle +10/+5 when equipped. Genealogy of the Holy War, Awakening
Is snes02 mjölnir.png Mjölnir +10 when equipped. Genealogy of the Holy War
Is snes02 forseti.png Forseti +20/+5 when equipped. Genealogy of the Holy War, Thracia 776, Awakening
Is snes02 naga.png Naga +20 when equipped. Genealogy of the Holy War
Is snes03 wind sword.png Wind Sword +5 when equipped. Thracia 776
Is gba mulagir.png Mulagir +5 when equipped. The Binding Blade
Is gba spear.png Spear (Vaida's) +9 when equipped. Fire Emblem: The Blazing Blade
Is gba garm.png Garm +5 when equipped. The Sacred Stones
Is gba excalibur.png Excalibur +5 when equipped. The Sacred Stones
Is wii rexflame.png Rexflame +3 when equipped. Radiant Dawn
Is wii lughnasadh.png Lughnasadh +5 when equipped. Radiant Dawn
Is ds firestone.png Firestone +4 when equipped. Shadow Dragon, New Mystery of the Emblem
Is ds magestone.png Magestone -1 when equipped. Shadow Dragon, New Mystery of the Emblem
Is ds divinestone.png Divinestone +4 when equipped. Shadow Dragon, New Mystery of the Emblem
Is ds icestone.png Icestone +4 when equipped. New Mystery of the Emblem
Is ds wyvernstone.png Wyvernstone +7 when equipped. New Mystery of the Emblem
Is ds scorpio shard.png Scorpio Shard +1 when in inventory. New Mystery of the Emblem
Is ds binding shield.png Binding Shield +2 when in inventory. New Mystery of the Emblem
Is 3ds01 speed +2.png Speed +2 +2 when equipped. Awakening, Fates, Three Houses
Is 3ds02 sword.png Laslow's Blade +3 when equipped. Fates
All katana except Practice Katana +1 when equipped. Fates
Is 3ds02 katana.png Practice Katana +5 when equipped. Fates
Is 3ds02 katana.png Noble Yato +2 when in inventory. Fates
Is 3ds02 katana.png Blazing Yato +4 when in inventory. Fates
Is 3ds02 katana.png Alpha Yato +2 when in inventory. Fates
Is 3ds02 katana.png Omega Yato +4 when in inventory. Fates
Is 3ds02 dancing blade.png Dancing Blade +3 when equipped. Fates
Is 3ds02 heavy blade.png Heavy Blade -1 when equipped. Fates
Items providing a permanent increase
Item Speed increase Games
Is snes03 speed ring.png Speed Ring Permanent +6/+5/+3 increase when used. Shadow Dragon & the Blade of Light, Mystery of the Emblem, Thracia 776
Is 3ds01 speedwing.png Speedwing Permanent +2 increase when used. The Binding Blade, The Blazing Blade, The Sacred Stones, Path of Radiance, Radiant Dawn, Shadow Dragon, New Mystery of the Emblem, Awakening, Fates, Three Houses, Engage
Is 3ds01 naga's tear.png Naga's Tear Permanent +2 increase when used. Awakening
Is 3ds02 stat booster.png Dragon Herbs Permanent +1 increase when used. Fates
Is 3ds03 pegasus cheese.png Pegasus Cheese Permanent +2 increase when used. Echoes: Shadows of Valentia
Is ns01 stat booster.png Speed Carrot Permanent +1 increase when used. Three Houses
Items and skills modifying the growth rate
Item/skill Speed growth modification Games
Is snes01 taurus shard.png Taurus Shard +5% to growth rate when in inventory. Mystery of the Emblem, Echoes: Shadows of Valentia
Is snes01 libra shard.png Libra Shard +40% to growth rate when in inventory. Mystery of the Emblem, Echoes: Shadows of Valentia
Is snes01 scorpio shard.png Scorpio Shard +10% to growth rate when in inventory. Mystery of the Emblem, Echoes: Shadows of Valentia
Is snes01 sagittarius shard.png Sagittarius Shard +10% to growth rate when in inventory. Mystery of the Emblem, Echoes: Shadows of Valentia
Is snes01 capricorn shard.png Capricorn Shard -10% to growth rate when in inventory.
Malus not applied in Mystery of the Emblem due to a glitch.
Mystery of the Emblem, Echoes: Shadows of Valentia
Is snes01 aquarius shard.png Aquarius Shard +10% to growth rate when in inventory. Mystery of the Emblem, Echoes: Shadows of Valentia
Is snes01 starsphere.png Starsphere +30% to growth rate when in inventory. Mystery of the Emblem
Is snes03 baldr scroll.png Baldr Scroll +5% to growth rate when in inventory. Thracia 776
Is snes03 ullr scroll.png Ullr Scroll +10% to growth rate when in inventory. Thracia 776
Is snes03 fjalar scroll.png Fjalar Scroll +10% to growth rate when in inventory. Thracia 776
Is snes03 ced scroll.png Ced Scroll +30% to growth rate when in inventory. Thracia 776
Is snes03 njörun scroll.png Njörun Scroll +10% to growth rate when in inventory. Thracia 776
Is snes03 dáinn scroll.png Dáinn Scroll -10% to growth rate when in inventory. Thracia 776
Is gba afa's drops.png Afa's Drops Permanent +5% to growth rate when used. Fire Emblem: The Blazing Blade
Is gba metis's tome.png Metis's Tome Permanent +5% to growth rate when used. The Sacred Stones
Is gcn knight ward.png Knight Ward +30% to growth rate when equipped. Path of Radiance
Is gcn archer band.png Archer Band +5% to growth rate when equipped. Path of Radiance
Is gcn paladin band.png Paladin Band +5% to growth rate when equipped. Path of Radiance
Is gcn thief band.png Thief Band +5% to growth rate when equipped. Path of Radiance
Is ds growth drop.png Growth Drop Permanent +10% to growth rate when used. New Mystery of the Emblem
Is 3ds01 aptitude.png Aptitude +20%/+10 to all growth rates when active. Awakening, Fates, Three Houses
Is 3ds03 star jacinth.png Star Jacinth +30% to growth rate when in inventory. Echoes: Shadows of Valentia
Items and skills providing a temporary boost
Item Speed increase Games
Is ds haste card.png Haste +1 to all allies for the duration of the map*. Shadow Dragon, New Mystery of the Emblem
Is ds speed bond.png Speed Bond +2 for the duration of one mission when used. New Mystery of the Emblem
Is 3ds01 speed tonic.png Speed Tonic +2 for the duration of one mission when used. New Mystery of the Emblem, Awakening, Fates, Engage
Is ds rainbow tonic.png Rainbow Tonic +2 for the duration of one mission when used. New Mystery of the Emblem, Fates
Is 3ds01 kris's confect.png Kris's Confect +2 for the duration of one mission when used. Awakening
Is 3ds01 tiki's tear.png Tiki's Tear +2 for the duration of one mission when used. Awakening
Is 3ds01 defender.png Defender +1 when Pair Up is active. Awakening, Fates
Is 3ds01 rally heart.png Rally Heart +2 to all allied units in a 3-tile radius of the user for one turn. Awakening
Is 3ds01 rally speed.png Rally Speed +4 to all allied units in a 3/2-tile radius of the user/to an adjacent ally for one turn. Awakening, Fates, Three Houses
Is 3ds01 rally spectrum.png Rally Spectrum +4/+2 to all allied units in a 3/4-tile radius of the user for one turn. Awakening, Fates
Is 3ds02 tome.png Speed Thunder +4 to all enemy units in a 2-tile radius of the user for one turn, if user initiates battle. Fates
Is 3ds02 shuriken.png Kaze's Needle +4 to all allied units in a 2-tile radius of the user for one turn, if user initiates battle. Fates
Is 3ds02 inspiring song.png Inspiring Song +3 to one adjacent ally for one turn. Activated via the Sing command. Fates
Is 3ds02 speedtaker.png Speedtaker +2 when defeating an enemy.* Fates
Is 3ds02 optimist.png Optimist +4 for one turn if the user chooses to Wait. Fates
Is 3ds02 fancy footwork.png Fancy Footwork +1 to all allied units in a 2-tile radius of the user for one turn. Fates
Is 3ds02 bloodthirst.png Bloodthirst +4 for one turn when defeating an enemy. Fates
Is ns01 skill self buff.png Survival Instinct +4 for one turn when defeating an enemy. Three Houses
Is ns01 defiant spd.png Defiant Speed +8 if HP ≤ 25%. Three Houses
Is ns01 special dance.png Special Dance +4 to one adjacent ally for one turn. Activated via the Dance command. Three Houses
Weapons providing a temporary decrease after use
Item Speed change Games
Is 3ds02 dagger.png Bronze Dagger If user's attack hit the target, inflicts -1 debuff on the target after combat. Fates
Is 3ds02 dagger.png Silver Dagger If user's attack hit the target, inflicts -4 debuff on the target after combat. Fates
Is 3ds02 dagger.png Soldier's Knife If user's attack hit the target, inflicts -2 debuff on the target after combat. Fates
Is 3ds02 dagger.png Pebble If user's attack hit the target, inflicts -4 debuff on the target after combat. Fates
Is 3ds02 tome.png Iago's Tome If user's attack hit the target, inflicts -4 debuff on the target after combat. Fates
Is 3ds02 shuriken.png Brass Shuriken If user's attack hit the target, inflicts -1 debuff on the target after combat. Fates
Is 3ds02 shuriken.png Silver Shuriken If user's attack hit the target, inflicts -4 debuff on the target after combat. Fates
Is 3ds02 shuriken.png Spy's Shuriken If user's attack hit the target, inflicts -5 debuff on the target after combat. Fates
Is 3ds02 shuriken.png Caltrop If user's attack hit the target, inflicts -8 debuff on the target after combat. Fates
Is 3ds02 shuriken.png Kaze's Needle If user's attack hit the target, inflicts -4 debuff on the target after combat. Fates
Is 3ds02 shuriken.png Setsuna's Yumi If user's attack hit the target, inflicts -4 debuff on the target after combat. Fates
Is 3ds02 staff.png Enfeeble If user's attack hit the target, inflicts -4 debuff on the target after combat. Fates
Is 3ds02 draconic hex.png Draconic Hex If user survives, inflicts -4 debuff on the target after combat. Fates
Is 3ds02 seal speed.png Seal Speed If user survives/If user's attack hit the target, inflicts -6 debuff on the target after combat. Fates, Three Houses
Is 3ds02 highwayman.png Highwayman If target cannot counterattack, inflicts -3 debuff on the target after combat. Fates
Is ns01 dark magic.png Swarm Ζ If user's attack hit the target, inflicts -5 debuff on the target after combat. Three Houses
Is ns01 staggering blow.png Thorns of Ruin, Arm Press, Titanomachy Inflicts -5 debuff on targets on hit. Three Houses

Flavor text

Game Text
The Binding Blade
Speed. This affects both
evasion and attacks.*
The Blazing Blade
Speed. This affects both
evasion and attacks.
The Sacred Stones
Speed. This affects both
evasion and attacks.
Path of Radiance
The unit's speed.
This affects how many times the
unit will strike in a single attack.
Radiant Dawn
The unit's speed. This affects the
unit's dodge and how many times it
will strike in a single attack.
Speed. Affects Avo. Unit strikes
twice if 5 higher than opponent.
素早さ 高いほど回避が高い
Speed. Affects Avo. Unit strikes
twice if 5 higher than opponent.
素早さ 高いほど回避が高い
Echoes: Shadows of Valentia
Speed. Affects evasion. Unit strikes
twice if higher than opponent.
速さ 高いほど回避が高い
Three Houses
Affects avoidance rate.
Speed. Contributes to Avo. If greater
than or equal to foe's Spd+5, unit
strikes twice.


  • The speed that units move on the map in Fire Emblem: Mystery of the Emblem is dependent on their speed stat: if they have less than 6 speed they move at 17 frames per tile, if they have 6 to 13 speed (inclusive) they move at 9 frames per tile, and with more than 13 speed they move at 6 frames per tile.
  • The help description for the Speed stat in the Spanish version of Fire Emblem Echoes: Shadows of Valentia erroneously states that the user needs 5 more points to double the enemy.

Etymology and other languages

Names, etymology, and in other regions
Language Name Definition, etymology, and notes





• Speed. Used in some GUI of Fire Emblem Gaiden, Mystery of the Emblem, and games from Thracia 776 onward.
• Agility. Used in Fire Emblem: Shadow Dragon & the Blade of Light, Gaiden, Mystery of the Emblem's level up screen, and Genealogy of the Holy War. It is abbreviated as AGI in the first game's class roll.






















Simplified Chinese



Traditional Chinese





Game mechanics
Out-of-battle management Base (BarracksBase CampBase conversationEveryone's ConditionsExpeditionGarreg Mach Monastery (Abyss) • My CastleSomniel) • Bonus experienceCalendarDungeonsGameplay modes (DifficultyCreature CampaignNew Game +) • GoldLessonsMila ShrinesPeddlerPreparationsRenownShopping (ArmoryBargainsForgeItem shopMerchantOnline shopSecret shop) • Supply convoyWorld map
Battles and chapters ArenaBattle saveBossCastleChapter (Alternate routeParalogueSide quest) • ChestCombat forecastEvent tilesHidden treasureObjectivesReinforcementSkirmishTerrain (Hazards) • Trial MapTurn (Turn rewind) • Weather (Fog of war) • Village
Stats Units ActionAffinityAuthorityBiorhythmCharmClass (Class masteryClass relative powerUnit type) • Constitution (Aid) • DefenseExperienceFollow-up critical multiplierGrowth rateHit pointHoly BloodInventoryLevelLuckMagicMoraleMovementProficiencyResistanceSkillSpeedStrengthWeapon levelWeight
Weapons Brave weaponCritical rateDurabilityHitKill bonusMightPersonal weaponsRangeWeapon experienceWeapon levelWeightWorth
Unit mechanics and commands AdjutantAttack (Counterattack) • Auto-BattleBattalion (Gambit) • CantoChain attackChain GuardClass change (Reclass) • Combat artCrestsDance (GaldrarPlaySing) • Death (Decoy) • DismountDragon VeinEmblem RingsFatigueInventoryLaguz transformationLove (JealousyInheritance) • Pair UpRallyRecruitmentRescue (Capture) • Skills (Offensive skill) • SmashStaggering BlowStatus effectsSupportTalkTradeUnit (AvatarBond unitsBonus unitEinherjarLoan unitPrisonerReplacement unit) • Visit
Calculations AttackAttack speedAvoidBonus damageCritical hit (Combination bonusDodgeTriangle Attack) • Hit rate (True hit) • Random number generatorWeapon triangle (Trinity of magic)
Connectivity amiiboData transferDouble DuelDownloadable contentLink ArenaMultiplayer battleOnline shopSpotPassStreetPass
Other BarrierBirthdayClass rollGlitchesMovieMultiple endingsRankingsSound RoomTactician bonus