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(Redirected from Diadora)

FESK Deirdre 03.png
Artwork of Deirdre from Genealogy of the Holy War.

She lives hidden away in the Spirit Forest. She lost the memories of her past.






Approx. 17–18[1]



Starting class
Voiced by


Everything will be alright. I can feel it. So long as I'm at Sigurd's side, our happiness will see us through.
— Deirdre, to Ethlyn

Deirdre (pronounced /⁠ˈdɛɹdɹə⁠/[key][2]; Japanese: ディアドラ Diadora) was the daughter of Cigyun and Prince Kurth of Grannvale, possessing her father's full Naga Holy Blood as well as the minor Loptous holy blood of her mother. As a living descendant of Saint Maera and a bearer of the Loptous bloodline, Deirdre lived much of her life secluded in the Spirit Forest of Verdane under close observation, to try and prevent the bloodline's spread to the outside world; nonetheless, she eventually left the forest and met Sigurd, the man who would become her first husband. She was later brainwashed and manipulated into marrying Lord Arvis of Velthomer as part of Manfroy's plot to resurrect the dark god Loptous. She had three children: Seliph with Sigurd, and Julius and Julia with Arvis.


Early life

Deirdre was conceived by Cigyun and Prince Kurth of Grannvale during their brief affair, although Kurth was never made aware of this. She was born when Cigyun returned to the Verdane Spirit Forest village, but Cigyun did not survive her birth. Thus, Deirdre was raised in the care of the village's prophet for most of her life.[1] As with Cigyun and her ancestors, Deirdre was confined to live within the Spirit Forest village, forbidden to leave and forbidden to liase with men, in efforts to prevent the birth of more Loptrian blood bearers.[3]

Meeting Sigurd

In Grann 757, during the Verdane conflict with Grannvale, Deirdre nonetheless strayed from the Spirit Forest village and arrived at Marpha Castle, where she met Edain – then held captive by Prince Munnir – and learned from her about Sigurd. After the two parted, she was accosted by a ruffian within the castle grounds, whereupon Sigurd found her and drove the thug away. Though instantly stricken with an interest in Sigurd, Deirdre fled Marpha to return to the Spirit Forest, heeding the warnings given to her throughout her life. Later, as Sigurd's army marched into the Spirit Forest toward Verdane Castle, now controlled by Sandima of the Loptr Church, she appeared before him to offer her Silence staff in order to counter Sandima's powerful dark magic, and to confess her strong love for him; the two married after Sandima's defeat and the reclamation of Verdane.

Deirdre stayed with her husband through his skirmish with Agustria, aiding him in battle against Agustria's King Chagall and living with him in Agusti Castle. During the six months in which Agustria was under Sigurd's control, Deirdre bore her first child, and her only one with Sigurd: Seliph Baldos Chalphy. Some time after Seliph's birth, while Sigurd's army departed to combat the sudden violence from King Chagall, Deirdre stayed behind in Agusti Castle to take care of Seliph. Some time into the conflict, she felt suddenly compelled to leave Agusti and see Sigurd, and departed to do so, entrusting Seliph to Shannan; however, she was intercepted by Manfroy, who hypnotized and abducted her.

Abduction, Arvis and death

Devoid of all of her memories, Deirdre was left in the grounds of Belhalla, where she was eventually found and taken in by Arvis. While at first Arvis sought only to take care of her, the two soon become romantically involved, but her true identity as Kurth's daughter and heir was not confirmed until Arvis introduced her as his wife-to-be to King Azmur, who instantly recognized her as a member of House Belhalla.[4] The two were soon married, and neither were aware of their status as half-siblings or, until their children were born, that they were playing into Manfroy's hands.

Some time later, when Sigurd's army returned to Belhalla expecting to be welcomed, Arvis had Deirdre brought out after revealing his intent to execute Sigurd. With Arvis telling her that Sigurd was the man responsible for her father's death, Deirdre was confused by a strange feeling of familiarity with the man, but was taken away by Arvis's men before she could do anything about it. At some point in the intervening years, she had twin children with Arvis: Julia, who inherited her Naga blood, and Julius who, exactly as Manfroy had schemed, now possessed full Loptous holy blood and could function as a vessel for the revival of Loptous himself. She eventually did learn of her former marriage to Sigurd, though she never recovered her memories; even so, she didn't hate Arvis for his role in killing Sigurd.[5]

Years later, when Manfroy presented Julius with the Loptous tome and subsequently attempted to kill Julia, Deirdre attempted to protect Julia from Julius. With the last of her strength, she warped Julia as far away from Julius as possible, but was herself killed by Julius, putting up no resistance.[6]


After her demise Deirdre became a legendary figure in Verdane folklore, and began to be regarded by Verdane's people as a saint.[7] Years later, after Arvis's death, the ghosts of Deirdre and Sigurd appeared before a now-adult Seliph at a lake to Chalphy's south. Deirdre's ghost said she was proud of how Seliph had grown up, but worried about Julia and Julius.

Fire Emblem: Genealogy of the Holy War


Deirdre is a playable character during the first generation. She is recruited in Chapter 1 by having Sigurd enter the Spirit Forest. If Deirdre is defeated in battle, she will be available again at the start of the following chapter. At the start of Chapter 3, Deirdre can't leave the home castle. Once Madino is seized, Deirdre will be permanently removed from the party.

Starting stats and growth rates

Portrait deirdre fe04.png
Ma snes02 light priestess playable.gif Light Priestess
Level 3
Holy Blood SNESHolyBloodNaga.gif SNESHolyBloodLoptous.png
Movement 5
Recruitment: Chapter 1, automatically when Sigurd enters the Spirit Forest

Stats Growth Rates

Inventory Skills
1,000 Gold
Weapon Levels
Swords -- Lances -- Axes -- Bows -- Staves B
Fire magic -- Thunder magic -- FE4RankWind.png -- Light magic Dark magic --

Love growths and events

When recruited, Deirdre already has full love growth with Sigurd, and is incapable of getting love growths with any other character.


This character analysis section may not be accurate to every player's experience.

Deirdre is available early in the first generation, towards the end of Chapter 1. She starts at level 3 with very high magic and resistance. She has a very powerful pseudo-personal weapon in the Aura tome, supplemented by her high magic, which can deal massive damage to enemies. Light and dark magic in this game have the advantage on all the anima magic types, so she is an excellent candidate against mages, dealing a lot of damage to them and barely taking any in return. Deirdre also has two types of Holy Blood: Major Naga Blood and Minor Loptous Blood; the former gives her a ★ level in light magic, while the latter does nothing (as she does not wield dark magic) except boosting her growth rates like all other Holy Bloods. She starts with a Silence staff, which is very important against the final boss of the chapter she joins in, Sandima, due to his powerful spells, in particular, his long range Fenrir tome makes him dangerous to approach. Due to her B level in staves, she can also play a supporting role if she is given a staff. She also has a piece of equipment exclusive to her, the Circlet, which grants her two useful skills in Miracle and Renewal. The former increases her ability to dodge if she is in danger, while the latter gradually restores her HP at every turn. Lastly, she has a lover right off the bat in Sigurd, allowing her to perform criticals that one-shot enemies if she fights close to him.

However, Deirdre has her flaws. She has very low availability, being only playable for the end of Chapter 1, and the entirety of Chapter 2 before getting kidnapped after Sigurd seizes the first castle in Chapter 3, where she cannot leave Castle Agusti. Her HP and defense are very low, so she takes a large amount of damage and must be protected. While Renewal helps her survive, it only activates at the start of player phase, and while her speed is decent, Aura has a massive 20 weight, severely hindering her dodging abilities without Miracle. There are no other light tomes available at all throughout the entire first generation, meaning that Deirdre cannot use a lighter tome as an alternative, remaining stuck with Aura as her only usable weapon. With her poor movement of 5, she also has issues in reaching enemies to fight, and her growths are very lopsided, with very high magic and resistance but low skill, and her other growths are even worse. If she loses all her HP, she will not die, but she will be captured until the end of the chapter, and because she is not available for long, there are not many chances of training her outside of the arena, where she can have trouble in going very far. She also cannot be promoted, and in Chapter 3, she can only fight in the arena, where she may need some rings to do well, but they are expensive and she has difficulty in getting the gold to buy them outside of Sigurd's or without help from Dew. In the last chapter she's available, Deirdre can use the Physic staff obtained at the end of the previous chapter to support Sigurd and the rest of the army as they start heading towards the castle or after they lose in the arena, and as it grants 35 EXP per use, it can help her in leveling up, but the healing range is limited to 10 spaces of distance from the starting castle, and while she can heal, weapons are very limited in quantity in the first generation, with only two Heal staves that Ethlyn and Lachesis start with and Edain's Mend staff, and giving her one of these when she joins or in Chapter 2 means that one of the healers won't be able to heal other units and get the experience they need from using said staves, and Edain also needs Physic, since Ethlyn's staff rank never increases and Lachesis will only gain a higher one on promotion. Even then, after the first castle in the chapter is seized, she will be unavailable for the rest of the first generation, Ethlyn, Quan and Finn will leave after the chapter ends, and Claud will join with Fortify, which she can't use because she's missing at this point, which limits her ability to support allies. She has one personal skill, Nihil, which is not useful to her because there are no situations where it helps her, and she suffers from a lack of skills that help her in combat, especially Follow-Up, and while the critical bonus from Sigurd can help her one-shotting enemies, it is not reliable.

Deirdre cannot pass down her inventory to her daughter, Julia, as Julia is not technically a child unit, meaning that anything in Deirdre's inventory must be re-acquired if they were not transferred to someone else to be inherited, and Aura can't be inherited by anyone, since it requires an A rank in light magic, while Ced, a pre-promoted Sage, only has a B rank in it. In spite of this, training Deirdre and giving her some experience to increase her level and stats is a good idea, as it improves her son Seliph's base stats if she manages to get an increase in strength, skill, speed, luck and defense with some lucky level-ups, and her aforementioned Nihil skill, while not useful for her, is useful for Seliph to protect him from the effects of critical hits, skills, and (once he promotes to a Knight Lord) effective damage from Horseslayers.

Fire Emblem Awakening

Deirdre is playable as a SpotPass character, released in the Genealogy of the Holy War first-generation character set.

Deirdre also appears as an enemy unit in five DLC episodes – Champions of Yore 1, Lost Bloodlines 1 and 3, and Rogues & Redeemers 2 and 3 – and as a NPC in a further one episode, Lost Bloodlines 2.

Starting stats and growth rates

Small portrait spotpass deirdre fe13.png
Ma 3ds01 dark mage female playable.gif Dark Mage
Level 7
Movement 5
Recruitment: SpotPass, hire her for 4,200 G or defeat her in a skirmish

Stats Growth Rates Cap Modifiers

Inventory Skills
Nosferatu* Hex
Weapon Levels
Swords -- Lances -- Axes --
Bows -- Tomes D Staves --

Reclassing options

Small portrait spotpass deirdre fe13.png
Base classes:*
Dark Mage Sorcerer
Dark Knight
Reclass options:
This unit can reclass to any female class available through reclassing.
See reclass for more details on the reclassing system.

Growth rates when reclassed

Tactician/Grandmaster Cavalier Paladin Knight Great Knight General Mercenary/Hero Bow Knight Archer Sniper Myrmidon Swordmaster Assassin Thief Trickster

Class HP Str Mag Skill Spd Lck Def Res
Tactician/Grandmaster 110% 50% 50% 40% 50% 55% 40% 35%

Pegasus Knight Falcon Knight Dark Flier Wyvern Rider/Wyvern Lord Griffon Rider Troubadour Cleric War Cleric Mage/Sage Dark Mage Sorcerer Troubadour/Valkyrie Bride

Class HP Str Mag Skill Spd Lck Def Res
Pegasus Knight 110% 50% 40% 50% 60% 55% 35% 35%

Promotion stat gains

Archer Cavalier Cleric Dark Mage Wyvern Rider Knight Mage Mercenary Myrmidon Pegasus Knight Tactician Thief Troubadour

Class HP Str Mag Skill Spd Lck Def Res Mov Weapon level
Sniper +4 +2 +1 +4 +3 +0 +5 +3 +1 --
Bow Knight +8 +3 +0 +2 +4 +0 +1 +2 +3 Swords E

Skill set

Like all female bonus units in Awakening, Deirdre has access to all base class and advanced class skills available to standard female units.

Fire Emblem Engage


Deirdre appears as an equippable Bond Ring. She can be summoned using Sigurd's Emblem Ring.

Bond Ring data

Small portrait deirdre fe17.png
Stat modifiers
Ring level Mag Dex Res
Is ns02 bond ring c.png C +0 +0 +1
Is ns02 bond ring b.png B +1 +0 +1
Is ns02 bond ring a.png A +1 +1 +1
Is ns02 bond ring s.png S +1 +1 +2

Fire Emblem Heroes


There are two different variations of Deirdre available to Heroes, both based on her storyline appearance in Genealogy of the Holy War. The normal variation of Deirdre is one of the characters added to the game in the World of Holy War update, and became available for summoning by players on October 16, 2017. A legendary variation of Deirdre was first made available to players on August 31, 2022 as the game's thirty-eighth Legendary Hero.

Deirdre: Lady of the Forest

Starting stats

Deirdre: Lady of the Forest is only available at 5★ rarity.
Portrait deirdre lady of the forest feh.png
Rarity ★★★★★
Weapon type Is feh green tome.png
Movement type Infantry

Initial Stats Level 40 Stats

Maximum HP 16/17/18
Attack 8/9/10 Speed 5/6/7
Defense 2/3/4 Resistance 8/9/10
Weapon Divine Naga*
Assist Ardent Sacrifice
Special --

Skill set

Skill set
Skill Unlock Auto-unlock SP cost
Is feh skill weapon.png Wind ★★★★★ ★★★★★ 50
Is feh skill weapon.png Elwind ★★★★★ ★★★★★ 100
Is feh skill weapon.png Rexcalibur ★★★★★ ★★★★★ 200
Is feh skill weapon.png Divine Naga ★★★★★ ★★★★★ 400
Is feh skill assist.png Ardent Sacrifice ★★★★★ ★★★★★ 150
Is feh quick riposte 1.pngB Quick Riposte 1 ★★★★★ 60
Is feh quick riposte 2.pngB Quick Riposte 2 ★★★★★ 120
Is feh quick riposte 3.pngB Quick Riposte 3 ★★★★★ 240
Is feh spd ploy 1.pngC Spd Ploy 1 ★★★★★ 60
Is feh spd ploy 2.pngC Spd Ploy 2 ★★★★★ 120
Is feh spd ploy 3.pngC Spd Ploy 3 ★★★★★ 240

Deirdre: Fated Saint

"Deirdre: Fated Saint" redirects here. For the Legendary Hero Battle map, see Legendary Hero Battle/Battle data (page 6) § Deirdre: Fated Saint.

Starting stats

Deirdre: Fated Saint is only available at 5★ rarity.
Portrait deirdre fated saint feh.png
Rarity ★★★★★
Weapon type Is feh blue tome.png
Movement type Infantry
Legendary Hero
Earth attack 3

Initial Stats Level 40 Stats

Maximum HP 17/18/19
Attack 12/13/14 Speed 5/6/7
Defense 3/4/5 Resistance 9/10/11
Weapon Spirit Forest Writ
Assist --
Special Chilling Wind

Skill set

Skill set
Skill Unlock Auto-unlock SP cost
Is feh skill weapon.png Light ★★★★★ ★★★★★ 50
Is feh skill weapon.png Ellight ★★★★★ ★★★★★ 100
Is feh skill weapon.png Shine ★★★★★ ★★★★★ 200
Is feh skill weapon.png Spirit Forest Writ ★★★★★ ★★★★★ 400
Is feh skill special.png Chilling Wind ★★★★★ ★★★★★ 100
Is feh skill special.png Iceberg ★★★★★ 200
Is feh skill special.png Circlet of Balance ★★★★★ 500
Is feh still water 1.pngA Still Water 1 ★★★★★ 50
Is feh still water 2.pngA Still Water 2 ★★★★★ 100
Is feh still water 3.pngA Still Water 3 ★★★★★ 200
Is feh still water 4.pngA Still Water 4 ★★★★★ 300
Is feh atk res tempo 1.pngB Atk/Res Tempo 1 ★★★★★ 60
Is feh atk res tempo 2.pngB Atk/Res Tempo 2 ★★★★★ 120
Is feh atk res tempo 3.pngB Atk/Res Tempo 3 ★★★★★ 240
Is feh threaten res 1.pngC Threaten Res 1 ★★★★★ 50
Is feh threat atk res 1.pngC Threat. Atk/Res 1 ★★★★★ 100
Is feh threat atk res 2.pngC Threat. Atk/Res 2 ★★★★★ 200
Is feh atk res menace.pngC Atk/Res Menace ★★★★★ 300


FERK Athos.png

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Deirdre is a quiet and reserved woman, but cares deeply for the people around her. While speaking in relatively more formal language than others, she speaks her mind and pursues her heart. This is shown in Deirdre's dialogue with Sigurd after their first meeting, in which she offers to help fight Sandima. She also confesses her love to him despite knowing the blood that resides within her, showing her more romantic side. This is also displayed in Chapter 2 where Deirdre accompanies Sigurd's army on the battlefield, in which she affirms to Ethlyn that she is confident that, as long as she is alongside Sigurd, their happiness will see them through the war. During Chapter 3, Deirdre hears of Sigurd's victory at Madino Castle and wishes to rush to him at once, showcasing how her love also makes her a bit reckless.

While not much is known about Deirdre after Manfroy wipes her memory, her personality remained unchanged as a loving and caring mother to both Julia and Julius and wife to Arvis, as she is willing to sacrifice her life to help Julia escape the cult.


Battle quotes

I seek no quarrel with you. But if you will not leave this land in peace...
— Deirdre, as an enemy in Champions of Yore 1 in Awakening.
Must another battle field run red with blood and sorrow?
— Deirdre, when fighting Henry as an enemy in Champions of Yore 1 in Awakening.
I stand by Lord Sigurd, now and always!
— Deirdre, as an enemy in Champions of Yore 3 in Awakening.
I do not. Such things bring only sorrow to the world.
— Deirdre, when fighting Henry as an enemy in Champions of Yore 3 in Awakening.
Are we doomed to fight this war forever?
— Deirdre, as an enemy in Lost Bloodlines 1 in Awakening.
I sense something unearthly about you. Who are you?
— Deirdre, when fighting Tharja as an enemy in Lost Bloodlines 1 in Awakening.
I must cling to hope. Let this be the last day blood must be spilt...
— Deirdre, as an enemy in Lost Bloodlines 3 in Awakening.
Begone, ill creature!
— Deirdre, when fighting Tharja as an enemy in Lost Bloodlines 3 in Awakening.

Death/defeat quotes

Stop! Where are you taking me?!
— Deirdre, being captured in Genealogy of the Holy War.
How... absurdly strong... What hope did I ever...
— Deirdre, as an enemy in Champions of Yore 1 in Awakening
I must...return to Lord Sigurd while I still have the strength...
— Deirdre, as an enemy in Champions of Yore 3 in Awakening
Nngh...what skill. I must stand down while I still have strength. While I still have hope of returning to my love...
— Deirdre, as an enemy in Lost Bloodlines 1 in Awakening.
What are do?
— Deirdre, as a NPC in Lost Bloodlines 2 in Awakening.
It is perhaps it should be... Fight for peace...please...
— Deirdre, as an enemy in Lost Bloodlines 3 in Awakening.

Heroes quotes

Main article: Deirdre/Quotes (Heroes)

Other appearances

Fire Emblem Trading Card Game

Deirdre was featured on three TCG cards.

Fire Emblem Trading Card Game data for Deirdre
TCG 1-025.jpg Class: Light Priestess Level 1 Infantry Magic Attack
Energy: 3 Atk.: 2 / Counter: 1 WLv.: Staves B Light magic
Equip: Lightning Skills: Nihil
Card #025Rarity: ★★ • Artist: Mayumi Hirota
TCG 1-082.jpg Class: Light Priestess Level 10 Infantry Magic Attack
Energy: 5 Atk.: 3 / Counter: 1 WLv.: Staves B Light magic
Equip: Lightning Skills: Nihil
Card #082Rarity: ★★ • Artist: Katsuyoshi Koya
TCG AN-003.jpg Class: Light Priestess Level 15 Infantry Status Staff
Energy: 5 Atk.: -- / Counter: -- / Status: 1 WLv.: Staves B Light magic
Equip: Silence
Barrier Ring
Skills: Nihil
Card #AN-003Rarity: ★★ • Artist: Akihiro Yamada
Card scans and information translation provided by Aquantis.

Fire Emblem Cipher

Deirdre is featured on seven cards in Fire Emblem Cipher.

Fire Emblem Cipher data for Deirdre

Normal + variant

TCGCipher B06-004SR.png

Saint of Destiny, Deirdre


"Milord, do you not remember our vows? You swore to never leave my side."
"I... I am... uneasy... I have a feeling that if you and I were to part, we would never find each other again...
Attack: 60 Support: 20 Range: 1-2 Deploy Cost: 4
Class: Sage Tier: Advanced Class Change Cost: 3
Taboo Surpassing Love: [Trigger] At the end of your turn, you may flip a face-down card in your Bond Area face-up.
Seal of Naga: [Always] During either player's Beginning Phase, all non-Main Character Dragonstone units cannot be untapped.
Card #B06-004SR(+) • Artist: Fuzichoco (B06-004SR), Rika Suzuki (B06-004SR+)

Normal Promo

TCGCipher B06-005N.png

The Spirit Forest's Maiden, Deirdre


"So long as I'm at Sigurd's side, our happiness will see us through."
"Seliph, when you grow up, be sure to always cherish your friends. ...Never forget the gratitude you owe them...
Attack: 30 Support: 20 Range: 1-2 Deploy Cost: 1
Class: Light Priestess Tier: Base Class Change Cost: --
Doorway to Destiny: [Trigger] When this unit is deployed, you may select a card in your Retreat and place it in your Bond Area, if you do: Send one of your face-up bonds to the Retreat Area.
Defend Support Miracle Emblem: [Support] Until the end of this battle, your opponent's attacking unit cannot perform a Critical Hit.
Card #B06-005N, B06-005ST, P06-005PR • Artist: Fuzichoco (B06-005N, B06-005ST), AMG (P06-005PR)
TCGCipher S08-002ST.png Tragic Saint, Deirdre


"...I tried to forget you all I could, but it was all in vain. ...I no longer know what I should do..."
Attack: 50 Support: 20 Range: 1-2 Deploy Cost: 3
Class: Sage Tier: Advanced Class Change Cost: 2
Aura: [Activate] [Once per turn] [Flip one bond card] Until the end of the turn, this card gains +20 Attack.
Deirdre's Tears: [Activate] [Once per turn] [Send 1 card from your hand to the Retreat Area] Choose 1 of your Bonds, and add the chosen card to your hand.
Card #S08-002ST(+) • Artist: cuboon

Normal SR+

TCGCipher B17-097SR.png

Vessel of Divine Blood, Deirdre


"Please, grant me this. Permit me to stay by your side..."
Attack: 60 Support: 20 Range: 1-2 Deploy Cost: 4
Class: Sage Tier: Advanced Class Change Cost: 3
Pulse of Light and Dark: [Activate] [Once per turn] [Flip one bond card] Reveal the topmost card of your deck, and play it in your Bond Area. If the revealed card is not Jugdral, then you must play it face-down in your Bond Area instead.
Heiress to Naga's Blood: [Activate] Destroy all non-lord Dragonstone enemies. If this skill destroys 1 or more enemies, you may choose 1 face-down bond card, and flip it face-up.
Card #B17-097SR(+) • Artist: cuboon • Autograph: Kikuko Inoue
(Autograph credit appears only on B17-098SR+)

Normal Artbook Promo

TCGCipher B17-098N.png

Priestess of the Spirit Forest, Deirdre


"I will go with you. I'll ensure his dark spells never harm anyone ever again."
"I... I must never mingle with men.
Attack: 30 Support: 20 Range: 1-2 Deploy Cost: 1
Class: Light Priestess Tier: Base Class Change Cost: --
Spellbinding Staff: [Always] If this unit is in combat with a Tome, this unit gains +10 attack.
Attack Support Holy Blood Emblem: [Support] If you have as many as or fewer Bond cards than your opponent, you may choose 1 card from your hand, and place it in your Bond Area.
Card #B17-098N, P16-015PR • Artist: Rika Suzuki
TCGCipher B19-066N.png At the Brink of Love and Fate, Deirdre


"Julia… Please, you must live on…"
Attack: 50 Support: 20 Range: 1-2 Deploy Cost: 3
Class: Sage Tier: Advanced Class Change Cost: 2
A Secret Spell to Avert Crisis: [Activate] [Tap this unit] Draw 1 card. Choose 1 card from your hand, and send it to the Retreat Area.
The Maiden Empress: [Always] If you have 5 or more Bond cards, your Main Character gains +10 attack.
Card #B19-066N • Artist: Sachiko Wada
TCGCipher B22-029N.png Saint of the Blood of Loptr, Deirdre


"The dark god slumbers within my very blood... Through me, they have some means of bringing about the second coming of Loptous."
Attack: 40 Support: 20 Range: 1-2 Deploy Cost: 2
Class: Light Priestess Tier: Base Class Change Cost: --
Unforgettable Feelings: [Activate] [Once per turn] [Send 1 Jugdral Bond card to the Retreat Area] Choose 1 "Sigurd" from your Retreat Area, and play it in the Bond Area.
Darkness-Harboring Priestess: [Trigger] [Once per turn] When an enemy is deployed via a skill's effect, you may tap that enemy.
Card #B22-029N • Artist: Ayaka Kato
Some card information translation provided by Serenes Forest.
For more detailed strategic information on these cards, see their TCG wiki article on Deirdre .

Super Smash Bros. Ultimate

Deirdre appears as a support spirit.

SSBU Spirit Deirdre.png #640
Fire Emblem Series
Rank: ★★
Trait: Trade-Off Attacks ↑
Start battles with 30% damage and higher attack power.

Notable merchandise

Image Information Price Release date
FEH Mini Acrylic Deirdre vol.5.png Deirdre appears in volume 5 of the Fire Emblem Heroes: Mini Acrylic Figure Collection. Her volume 5 appearance is based on her standard appearance in Heroes. ¥350 July 2018JP

Flavor text

Game Text
Hero from beyond Elyos and a
priestess of the Spirit Forest.

Forbidden from interaction, she still
met Sigurd and became his wife.

They lived happily with their son
Seliph until a dark cult intervened.

Appears in Genealogy of the
Holy War.



(Deirdre: Lady of the Forest)
She lives hidden away in the Spirit Forest. She
lost the memories of her past. Appears in
Fire Emblem: Genealogy of the Holy War.
(登場:『ファイアーエムブレム 聖戦の系譜』)
(Deirdre: Fated Saint)
A central figure of the tragedy at Belhalla.
Brought three children into the world as
dictated by the whims of fate. Appears in
Fire Emblem: Genealogy of the Holy War.
(登場:『ファイアーエムブレム 聖戦の系譜』)

Meet some of the Heroes entries

Lady of the Forest Fated Saint Sigurd: Destined Duo

Deirdre: Lady of the Forest
FEH mth Deirdre Lady of the Forest 01.png FEH mth Deirdre Lady of the Forest 02.png FEH mth Deirdre Lady of the Forest 03.png FEH mth Deirdre Lady of the Forest 04.png
Ever since she was born, Deirdre lived in a deep, dark forest within the territory of Verdane. But everything changed when she encountered Sigurd, Prince of Chalphy. When the two crossed paths in the forest, they fell in love! After Deirdre helped Sigurd, she decided to leave her lifelong home to be with him. Having spent her whole life in the forest, the outside world seemed like a scary place, but nothing could stand in her way with Sigurd at her side!
Closely Associated Characters
Sigurd {{{Related_name2}}} {{{Related_name3}}} {{{Related_name4}}} {{{Related_name5}}}
Heir to Chalphy, descendant of the crusader Baldr, and Seliph's father. He's courageous and has a strong sense of justice. When he and Deirdre crossed paths, they quickly fell in love. {{{Related_blurb2}}} {{{Related_blurb3}}} {{{Related_blurb4}}} {{{Related_blurb5}}}

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Round Placement Character Votes
Portrait deirdre fe04 cyl.png
Genealogy of the Holy War
Portrait deirdre fe04 cyl.png
Genealogy of the Holy War
Portrait deirdre fe04 cyl.png
Genealogy of the Holy War
Portrait deirdre fe04 cyl.png
Genealogy of the Holy War
Portrait deirdre fe04 cyl.png
Genealogy of the Holy War
Portrait deirdre fe04 cyl.png
Genealogy of the Holy War
Portrait deirdre fe04 cyl.png
Genealogy of the Holy War
Portrait deirdre fe04 cyl.png
Genealogy of the Holy War
Total results This character has 9 entries across all Choose Your Legends polls. 4,778


  • Deirdre's Naga Brand is situated on her forehead, normally covered by her circlet.[4]
  • Deirdre shares many similarities to Emmeryn, a character from Fire Emblem Awakening. They both have kind personalities, are healers, and possess the Naga Brand on their foreheads.
  • Deirdre is the first character in the Fire Emblem series to permanently leave the player's control as part of a mandatory story event instead of a death in battle.
  • According to Deirdre's profile in the (non-canon) art book for the Ōsawa manga adaptation:[8]
    • She was 17 years old during late September, Grann 757.
    • Her height is 160 cm.
    • She was born between March 1st and March 20th.

Etymology and other languages

Names, etymology, and in other regions
Language Name Definition, etymology, and notes


As of Fire Emblem Awakening. Named after Deirdre of the Sorrows, a tragic character from the Ulster Cycle of Irish mythology.



Officially romanized as Diadora. A literal romanization of a common Japanese-language rendering of "Deirdre", as above. Romanized instead as Diadra in the Super Tactics Book.















Used in Super Smash Bros. Ultimate.






Deirdre; used in Super Smash Bros. Ultimate.




Simplified Chinese



Traditional Chinese




Main article: Deirdre/Gallery


  1. 1.0 1.1 "But Cigyun grew tired of th' forest life. She up and left thus breaking village law. She returned several years later expectin' a child. She gave birth to a little girl, but tragically didn't survive. Apparently, the village fortune-teller took after raising the child. I wonder where the child is now... If she's livin' she'd be around 17 or 18 I imagine." — A Verdane villager, Fire Emblem: Genealogy of the Holy War
  2. Sigurd and Arvis in Fire Emblem Heroes
  3. "That might be a tad difficult. You see, the villagers of the Spirit Forest do not involve themselves with the outside world. Moreover, that girl you're so fond of is strictly forbidden from associating with men. The villagers believe a great catastrophe will befall us if that were ever violated. I'll get right to the point, Sigurd. Resign yourself of that girl." — Marpha elder, Fire Emblem: Genealogy of the Holy War
  4. 4.0 4.1 "Azmur: Ahh, Deirdre. You're such a sweet child. I'm... wheeze... not long for this world, but you give me hope for the kingdom's future. I don't know when or how Kurth could have acquired himself such a wonderful daughter, but the Brand on your brow clearly identify you as a direct descendant of the Royal Family. Where in heavens have you been living all this time?
    Deirdre: I'm sorry. I don't know. I don't remember anything from my past. Not a single memory I can speak of...
    Azmur: Ahh, forgive me. You've gone through more hardship than the lot of us.
    Arvis: She had no recollections from the moment we found her near the castle grounds. Aside from her name she doesn't remember a thing. I was simply looking after her out of sympathy, but then I fell deeply in love with her. With all due respect, I never in a million years would have suspected she was of royalty.
    Azmur: The day you brought her in to the Royal Palace to announce your wedding intentions, I tell you... I could have swore my eyes were playing tricks on me! I don't know. Call it a family's intuition, but somehow I knew. And sure enough under her circlet was the Brand of Naga.
    " — Azmur, Deirdre and Arvis, Fire Emblem: Genealogy of the Holy War
  5. "In the end, although Deirdre never recovered her memory, she did discover that Sigurd was her husband, but she didn't hate Arvis at all. When her own son Julius was about to kill her, she didn't show any resistance, which is due to her subconsciously trying to repent for her crime. Regarding Deirdre's character, there are many ways one could judge her, but as for this issue, it is still too early to draw a conclusion."Designers' notes from a Genealogy of the Holy War playing guide, translated by Serenes Forest, Retrieved: April 7, 2012
  6. "Hmph... Yeah, Deirdre just sort of accepted the idea of being killed by her own son. But she did manage to muster enough power to save Julia before I could finish her off." — Julius, Fire Emblem: Genealogy of the Holy War
  7. "For the people of Verdane, Deirdre was a legendary person, and was now called 'the Saint'." — Epilogue, Fire Emblem: Genealogy of the Holy War
  8. "ディアドラ Diadora
    " — Mitsuki Ōsawa (Fire Emblem: Genealogy of the Holy War Art Book - Gekka Ginyu (Media Factory), pg. 45)
Project Characters.png This article is part of Project Characters, a project focused on writing articles for every character present in the Fire Emblem series.
Fire Emblem: Genealogy of the Holy War
Playable characters First gen. AlecArdenAyraAzelleBeowolfBrigidChulainnClaudDeirdreDewEdainErinysEthlynFinnJamkeLachesisLewynLexMidirNaoiseQuanSigurdSilviaTailtiu
Second gen. AltenaAresArthur/AmidCed/HawkCoirpre/CharlotDiarmuid/TristanFebail/AsaelloFee/HerminaFinnHannibalIucharIucharbaJuliaLana/MuirneLarcei/CreidneLeifLene/LayleaLester/DeimneNanna/JeanneOifeyPatty/DaisyScáthach/DalvinSeliphShannanTine/Linda
Non-playable characters First gen. AidaAlvaAnnandArvisAzmurBatuByronCalfCigyunEldiganEthniaEvaEveFilatGrahnyeImcaKurthMallicurManananOifeyLahnaLingShannanTravantVictor
Second gen. AnnaFelipeJakeLewynPalmarch
Bosses First gen. AndreyBeowolfBordeauxChagallCimbaethClementCuvuliDaccarDiMaggioDíthorbaDonovanDuvallElliotEldiganErinysGerrardJacobiJamkeLamiaLombardMacbethMagornMyosMunnirPamelaPapilioPhilipPizareReptorSandimaSlayderVajaWaltzZane
Second gen. AltenaAnguillaArionArvisBanbaBaranBlegBloomBovisBoyceBramselBrianCanisCoulterDagonDanannDistlerDracoEquusEriuFisherFotlaGallusHannibalHaroldHildaIshtarIshtoreIucharIucharbaJavarroJudahJuliaJuliusJuphielKanatzKutuzovLepusLizaMabelManfroyMaykovMengMorriganMuhammadMusMusarOvisOvoPorcusRiddellRobertoRodanSchmidtScipioSimiaTine/LindaTigrisTravantZagam
Background characters BaldrBragiCedDáinnFjalarGairHeimHoðrForsetiLoptousMaeraNagaNálNjörunOdSalamanderThrudUllr
Holy Weapons BalmungForsetiGáe BolgGungnirHelswathLoptousMjölnirMystletainnNagaTyrfingValflameValkyrieYewfelle
Chapters First gen. P: Birth of a Holy Knight • 1: Lady of the Forest • 2: Crisis in Agustria • 3: Eldigan, the Lionheart • 4: Dance in the Skies • 5: Doorway to Destiny
Second gen. 6: Inheritors of Light • 7: Beyond the Desert • 8: The Wyvern Knights of Thracia • 9: For Whose Sake • 10: Light and DarkE: End of the Holy War
Locations JugdralAed Desert (Dahna) • Agustria (Tower of BragiNordionOrgahil) • Grannvale (BelhallaChalphyDozelEddaFriegeVelthomerYngvi) • Isaach (Tirnanog) • Munster District (ConnachtLeonsterMunsterUlster) • MiletosSilesseThraciaVerdane
Groups, objects and events 12 crusadersAed MassacreBattle of BelhallaChild huntsCross KnightsFall of LeonsterFinal Holy WarHoly BloodHoly WarKnight brigades of GrannvaleLanceritterLoptr Church (DeadlordsLoptrian Empire) • Miracle of DahnaQuintessence
Lists ChaptersCharactersClasses (Class change) • Hidden map eventsItemsScriptsSkillsWeapons
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Fire Emblem Awakening
Playable characters AnnaAversaBasilioBradyChercheChromCordeliaCynthiaDonnelEmmerynFlaviaFrederickGaiusGangrelGeromeGregorHenryInigoKellamKjelleLaurentLibraLissaLon'quLucinaMaribelleMirielMorganNahNoireNowiOliviaOwainPannePriamRickenRobinSay'riSeveraStahlSullySumiaTharjaTikiVaikeVirionWalhartYarneYen'fay
Non-playable characters HollandMaidenNagaOld HubbaPhila
Bosses AlgolAnguillaArdriAversaBovisCampariCanisCassiusCervantesChalardDalenDaltonDracoEquusExcellusEzraFarberGallusGangrelGarrickGeckoGrimaGyralIgnatiusJamilLepusMarthMorristanMusMustafaNelsonNombryOrtonOvisPherosPorcusPriamRaimiRisen ChiefRoddickRugerSimiaTigrisValidarVastoVictorVincentWalhartXalbadorYen'fayZanth
Background characters First exaltKe'riMarthShanty Pete
DLC characters AlmCatriaCelicaEirikaEldiganElinciaEphraimEstIkeKatarinaLeifLynPrince MarthMicaiahPallaRoySeliph
SpotPass characters Shadow Dragon CaedaGharnefLindeMerricMinervaNavarreNynaOgmaPrince MarthTiki
Gaiden AlmBoeyCelicaClairCliveDeenLuthierMycenNomahValbar
Mystery of the Emblem AthenaCatriaEtzelHardinHoraceKatarinaKing MarthLegionMaliceNorne
Genealogy of the Holy War G1 ArdenArvisAyraDeirdreEthlynJamkeLewynQuanRaquesisSigurd
Genealogy of the Holy War G2 AltenaAresArthurCedFeeJuliaJuliusLarceiSeliphUlster
Thracia 776 DagdarEyvelFinnLeifMareetaNannaOlwenRaydrikSaiasSalem
Binding Blade CeciliaLilinaLughPercevalRaighRoyShannaSophiaWoltZephiel
Fire Emblem EliwoodFlorinaHectorJaffarKarelLynMatthewNergalNinoSerra
Sacred Stones AmeliaEirikaEphraimInnesL'ArachelLuteLyonMarisaMoulderSeth
Path of Radiance AshnardElinciaGeoffreyIkeLuciaMiaMistSorenTitaniaZihark
Radiant Dawn Black KnightBromEdwardLeonardoMicaiahNepheneeSanakiSephiranSigrunSothe
Others CamusIshtarLinusLloydNarcianOliverPetrineSelenaTravantUrsula
Regalia and personal weapons AmatsuArmadsBalmungBook of NagaDouble BowExcaliburFalchion (Exalted FalchionParallel Falchion) • ForsetiGáe BolgGoddess StaffGoetiaGradivusGrima's TruthGungnirHauteclereHelswathMercuriusMissiletainnMjölnirMystletainnNidhoggNoble RapierParthiaRagnellRapierSol KattiTyrfingValflameWolf BergYewfelle
Chapters Main story Pm: Invisible Ties • P: The Verge of History • 1: Unwelcome Change • 2: Shepherds • 3: Warrior Realm • 4: Two Falchions • 5: The Exalt and the King • 6: Foreseer • 7: Incursion • 8: The Grimleal • 9: Emmeryn • 10: Renewal • 11: Mad King Gangrel • 12: The Seacomers • 13: Of Sacred Blood • 14: Flames on the Blue • 15: Smoldering Resistance • 16: Naga's Voice • 17: Inexorable Death • 18: Sibling Blades • 19: The Conqueror • 20: The Sword or the Knee • 21: Five Gemstones • 22: An Ill Presage • 23: Invisible Ties • 24: Awakening • 25: To Slay a GodE: Grima
Paralogues 1: Sickle to Sword • 2: The Secret Seller • 3: A Strangled Peace • 4: Anna the Merchant • 5: Scion of Legend • 6: A Man for Flowers • 7: Noble Lineage • 8: A Duel Disgraced • 9: Wings of Justice • 10: Ambivalence • 11: Twin Wyverns • 12: Disowned by Time • 13: Rival Bands • 14: Shadow in the Sands • 15: A Shot from the Dark • 16: Daughter to Dragons • 17: The Threat of Silence • 18: The Dead King's Lament • 19: Irreconcilable Paths • 20: A Hard Miracle • 21: Ghost of a Blade • 22: The Wellspring of Truth • 23: The Radiant Hero
Xenologues Champions of Yore 1Champions of Yore 2Champions of Yore 3The Golden GaffeEXPonential GrowthInfinite RegaliaLost Bloodlines 1Lost Bloodlines 2Lost Bloodlines 3Smash Brethren 1Smash Brethren 2Smash Brethren 3Rogues & Redeemers 1Rogues & Redeemers 2Rogues & Redeemers 3Death's EmbraceFive-Anna FirefightRoster RescueHarvest ScrambleSummer ScrambleHot-Spring ScrambleThe Future Past 1The Future Past 2The Future Past 3Apotheosis
Locations YlisseFerox (Arena Ferox) • Outrealm Gate (Outrealms) • Plegia (Dragon's Table) • YlisseValmChon'sinRosanneValm
Groups, objects, and concepts AwakeningEinherjarFire EmblemGrimleal (Deadlords) • RisenShepherds
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Fire Emblem Heroes
Characters Heroes AlfonseAnnaAshAskrBaldrBrunoDagrEikþyrnirEirEitrEitriElmEmblaFáfnirFehFehnixFjormFreyjaFreyrGanglötGinnungagapGullveigGunnthráGustavHeiðrHeiðrúnHelHelbindiHenrietteHöðrHræsvelgrHrídKiranKvasirLaegjarnLæraðrLaevateinLetiziaLífLokiMirabilisMúspellNerþuzNiðavellirNíðhöggrNiflNjörðrNóttÓtrPeonyPlumeriaRatatoskrReginnRuneSeiðrSharenaSurtrÞjaziThórrThrasirTriandraVeronicaYlgrYmir
SDatBoL, MotE, NMotE AbelArlenAstramAthenaBantuBarstCaedaCainCamusCastorCatriaClarisseDarrosDraugEliceEremiyaEstGharnefGordinHardinJagenJeorgeJulianKatarinaKrisLegionLenaLindeLukeMaliceMarthMariaMatthisMedeusMerricMichalisMinervaNagaNagiNavarreNorneNynaOgmaPallaPhinaRickardRoderickRosheaSedgarSheenaSiriusTikiVylandWolfWrysXaneYuliya
Shadows of Valentia AlmAtlasBerkutBoeyBrigand BossCatriaCelicaClairCliveConradDeenDeltheaDumaFayeFernandForsythGennyGrayHestiaKamuiKliffLeonLukasLuthierMaeMarlaMathildaMilaMycenPallaPythonRineaRudolfSaberSilqueSonyaTatianaTobinValbarZeke
Genealogy of the Holy War AltenaAnnandArdenAresArionArthurArvisAyraAzelleBrigidCedChulainnDeirdreDewDíthorbaEdainEldiganErinysEthlynFebailFeeHildaIshtarJamkeJuliaJuliusLachesisLarceiLeneLewynLexMidirPattyQuanScáthachSeliphShannanSigurdSilviaTailtiuTineTravantUllr
Thracia 776 AsbelAugustEyvelFinnGalzusKarinKempfLaraLeifLifisMareetaMirandaNannaOlwenOsianPerneReinhardtRonanSafySaiasSalemSaraTanyaTinaVeld
The Binding Blade BartreBorsBrunnyaCathCeciliaChadClarineDieckDorothyEchidnaElffinElimineFaeFirGalleGeeseGonzalezGuinivereGwendolynHughIdunnIgreneJunoKleinLarumLilinaLughMeladyMerlinusMurdockNarcianNiimeNoahOgierPercevalRaighRoyRutgerSaulShannaSophiaSueTheaWoltZelotZeissZephiel
The Blazing Blade AthosBramimondCanasDorcasEliwoodErkFargusFarinaFioraFlorinaGuyHarkenHawkeyeHeathHectorIsadoraJaffarKarelKarlaKentLegaultLeilaLimstellaLinusLloydLouiseLuciusLynMarkMatthewNergalNilsNinianNinoOswinPentPriscillaRathRavenRebeccaSainSerraSoniaUrsulaUtherVaidaWilZephiel
The Sacred Stones AmeliaArturCaellachColmCormagDozlaDuesselEirikaEphraimEwanFomortiisFordeGerikGilliamGlenInnesJoshuaKnollKyleL'ArachelLuteLyonMarisaMyrrhNatashaNeimiOrsonRennacRievRossSalehSelenaSethSyreneTanaTethysValterVanessaVigarde
Path of Radiance AshnardAstridBertramBlack KnightBoydElinciaGatrieGreilIkeIlyanaJillMarciaMiaMistNepheneeOscarPetrineRolfSanakiSephiranShinonSigrunSorenTanithTitaniaVolkeZihark
Radiant Dawn AltinaAsheraBastianCaineghisDheginseaEdwardElinciaEnaGeoffreyHaarHeatherIkeJarodJorgeKurthnagaKyzaLeanneLeonardoLetheLuciaLudveckLyreMiaMicaiahMordecaiMuarimNaesalaNailahNolanOliverPelleasRafielRanulfReysonRhysSanakiSotheTibarnTormodVikaYuneZelgius
Awakening AnnaAversaBasilioBradyChercheChromCordeliaCynthiaDonnelEmmerynFlaviaFrederickGaiusGangrelGeromeGregorHenryInigoKellamKjelleLaurentLibraLissaLon'quLucinaMaribelle"Marth"MorganMustafaMirielNagaNahNoireNowiOliviaOwainPannePhilaPriamRickenRobinSay'riSeveraStahlSullySumiaTharjaTikiVaikeValidarVirionWalhartYarneYen'fay
Fates AnankosAreteArthurAzamaAzuraBennyBerukaCaeldoriCamillaCandaceCharlotteCorrinDwyerEffieEliseFeliciaFloraForrestFugaGaronGunterHanaHansHayatoHinataHinokaIagoJakobKadenKageroKanaKazeKeatonKiragiLaslowLeoLilithMidoriMikotoMozuNilesNinaNyxOboroOdinOpheliaOrochiPeriReinaRhajatRinkahRyomaSakuraSaizoSelenaSelkieSetsunaShigureShiroSiegbertSilasSoleilSubakiTakumiVelouriaXanderYukimura
Three Houses, Warriors: Three Hopes AelfricAnnetteArvalAsheBalthusBernadettaBylethCasparCatherineClaudeConstanceCorneliaCyrilDeath KnightDedueDimitriDorotheaEdelgardFelixFerdinandFlame EmperorFlaynGatekeeperHapiHildaHolstHubertIgnatzIngridJeraltKronyaLeonieLinhardtLorenzLysitheaManuelaMarianneMercedesMetodeyMonicaNemesisPetraRaphaelRheaSeirosSetethShamirShezSolonSothisSylvainYuri
Engage AlcrystAlearAlfredCélineChloéCitrinneClanneDiamantEtieFogadoFrammeGoldmaryGrissHortensiaIvyKagetsuLapisLumeraMarniMarthMauvierMerrinNelPandreoPanetteRafalRosadoSeadallTimerraVeyleYunakaZelestiaZephia
Tokyo Mirage Sessions ♯FE Encore EleonoraItsukiKiriaMamoriTsubasa
Story Maps Book I PrefaceP: World of Zenith • 1: World of Mystery • 2: World of Conquest • 3: World of Binding • 4: World of Awakening • 5: Back to Mystery • 6: World of Birthright • 7: World of Blazing • 8: Back to Awakening • 9: Heroes Invade • 10: World of Radiance • 11: Rite of Shadows • 12: Bitter Enemies • 13: Diabolical BloodlineI: A Power AwakensI: The Rite of Blades
Book II 1: The Flame • 2: Princess of Ice • 3: Guided by a Dream • 4: Fiery Resolve • 5: Blood and Snow • 6: The True Quarry • 7: Snow and Ash • 8: Rite of Frost • 9: Hellfire • 10: The King's Demise • 11: Prince of Ice • 12: Seeping Poison • 13: A Way Home
Book III 1: Death • 2: The Dread Gate • 3: Countdown • 4: A King's Worth • 5: A Father's Legacy • 6: Realm of the Dead • 7: A Home Unknown • 8: Truth of a Name • 9: Cohort of the Dead • 10: Omnicidal Witch • 11: Where It Began • 12: Lethal Swordsman • 13: Marvelous Dream
Book IV 1: The Dream • 2: Missing You • 3: Gullinkambi • 4: On Dark Wings • 5: Twisted Reality • 6: Dreaming Reality • 7: Steeped in Twilight • 8: Wallowing in Love • 9: Violent Fantasies • 10: Lack • 11: Plumeria's Dream • 12: Triandra's Dream • 13: Reality
Book V 1: Machine Dominion • 2: Kingsbrother • 3: Forest of the Sage • 4: The Vital Blade • 5: Night and Day • 6: Treachery • 7: Bound Elsewhere • 8: Serpent's Whispers • 9: Echoes of Truth • 10: Howling Descent • 11: Deceit • 12: What Remains • 13: Specter of Niðavellir
Book VI 1: Darkness • 2: Curse Directive • 3: Calling of Blood • 4: Princess Alone • 5: Evil Ways • 6: Revealing Lies • 7: To Be Emperor • 8: Closing In • 9: Opening a Way • 10: God of Openness • 11: One Last Chance • 12: Princess and Prince • 13: Askr and Embla
Book VII 13: Time • 5: Divine Foretelling • 6: King of Light • 7: Goddess Reunion • 8: Seeing the Present • 2: World of the Past • 3: Within Wheels • 4: Ouroboros • 9: The Innocent • 10: Light's Fading • 11: Without Limits • 12: Seer of the Past • 1: Golden Seer
Book VIII 1: Healing • 2: Traitor • 3: Bait • 4: Imperial Blood • 5: A Royal Target • 6: Hand Reveal • 7: Ceremony Day • 8: The World-Tree • 9: Healing Nectar • 10: Trading Lives • 11: Quieting Blade • 12: Quieting Dose • 13: Healing Heart
Book IX 1: Heavenly Realm • 2: Mortal Verdict • 3: Celestial Trickery • 4: Misteltán
Paralogues X1: Detached Princess • 1: Family Bonds • 2: Sibling Bonds • 3: Blazing Shadows • 4: Spring Festival • 5: World of Shadows • 6: Bridal Blessings • X2: The Brink of Chaos • 7: Echoes of Mystery • 8: Ylissean Summer • 9: Nohrian Summer • 10: The Sacred World • 11: Brave Heroes • 12: Performing Arts • 13: World of Holy War • 14: Trick or Defeat! • 15: Farfetched Heroes • 16: Winter's Envoy • 17: Happy New Year! • X3: The People's Hero • 18: Love Abounds • 19: Hares at the Fair • 20: Bridal Bloom • 21: Summer's Arrival • 22: A Sketchy Summer • 23: Festival in Hoshido • 24: Arrival of the Brave • 25: The Land's Bounty • 26: Brave Redux • 27: Adrift • X4: Whispers of Death • 28: Gifts of Winter • 29: New Year's Wish • 30: Hostile Springs • 31: Greil's Devoted • 32: Regal Rabbits • 33: A Season for Picnics • 34: Bridal Belonging • 35: Summer Returns • 36: Summer Refreshes • 37: Brave Echoes • 38: A Splendid Soiree • 39: Treat Fiends • X5: Heavenly Witness • 40: Glorious Gifts • 41: Renewed Spirit • 42: A Star Is Born • 43: Lovely Gifts • 44: Familial Festivities • 45: The Start of It All • 46: Bridal Beloveds • 47: Summer Passing • 48: Overseas Memories • 49: Pirate's Pride • 50: To Stay Dreaming • 51: Dragons Harvest • 52: In the Moment • 53: A Festival Miracle • 54: Beyond Dreaming • 55: Dark Desert Rituals • 56: Love of a King • 57: Willful Rabbits • 58: Childhood Encounter • 59: Bridal Grace • 60: Summer Vibrance • 61: Summer's Dream • 62: Perilous Seas • 63: Scions of Twelve • 64: Shared Bounty • 65: Ninja Training • 66: Winter Dreamland • 67: Like Clockwork • 68: Of Lost Kingdoms • 69: Here with Me • 70: Hop-and-Go-Seek • 71: Unlikely Friends • 72: Bridal Blossoms • 73: Summer Vacation • 74: Taken by the Tide • 75: Risk and Reward • 76: Bite of Flame • 77: Divine Harvest • 78: Wyvern Ninja • 79: Holiday Handoff • 80: Gods Renewed • 81: Sage of Khadein? • 82: A Special Gift • 83: Spring Eternal • 84: No Matter Where • 85: Bridal Dreams • 86: Summer Longing • 87: Summer Firsts • 88: Invitation to Tea • 89: Winds Offered • 90: Merchant's Harvest • 91: Our Path Ahead • 92: Holiday Lessons • 93: Ring In the Year • 94: Nabata's Shield • 95: May This Last • 96: A Place to Rest • 97: Double Vision • 98: Brides to Be • 99: Flush Summer • 100: Loving Sea • 101: Timidity Trials • 102: Icy Invitation • 103: Festival Guide • 104: Family Ninja Class • 105: Yearning to Give • 106: Greetings to You • 107: Dust Storm Mercs • 108: Seeking and Finding • 109: Past Preconceptions
Locations The Sacred WorldWorld of AwakeningWorld of BindingWorld of BirthrightWorld of BlazingWorld of ConquestWorld of CrestsWorld of DawnWorld of Holy WarWorld of MysteryWorld of Mystery RenewedWorld of OriginWorld of RadianceWorld of ShadowsWorld of Thracia • World of Zenith (Askran KingdomDökkálfheimrEmblian EmpireHelJötunheimrLjósálfheimrMúspellNiflNiðavellirVanaheimrYggdrasillYggdrasillÁsgarðr)
Groups, objects, and concepts BreidablikCurse DirectiveQuieting HandsOrbOrder of HeroesRaritySummoning (summoning events)
Game modes Aether Raids (Aether Resort) • Affinity Auto-BattlesBinding WorldsBlessed GardensChain ChallengeColiseum (Allegiance BattleArena AssaultArena DuelsResonant BattleSummoner Duels) • Forging BondsFrontline PhalanxGrand ConquestsHall of FormsHeroes JourneyHeroic OrdealsLost LoreMjölnir's StrikePawns of LokiRøkkr SiegesSeer's SnareSpecial Maps (Bound Hero BattlesEmblem Hero BattlesEvent MapsGrand Hero BattlesHero BattlesLegendary Hero BattlesLimited Hero BattlesMythic Hero BattlesRelay DefenseRival DomainsSpecial Training MapsTrial Maps) • Squad AssaultTactics DrillsTap BattleTempest TrialsTraining TowerUnited WarfrontVoting Gauntlet
Related topics A Hero RisesAncient LettersAnniversary Illustrations‎Artists (0–9, A–LM–Z) • CalendarsChoose Your LegendsDivine VeinFeh PassEvent calendarsFind & Vote Heroes!A Day in the LifeMini Acrylic Figure CollectionList of status effectsList of version differences (Name chart) • Meet some of the HeroesPre-release information (Unused content) • Voting Jubilee