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Killer Bow

From Fire Emblem Wiki, your source on Fire Emblem information. By fans, for fans.
Killer Bow

FESK Killer Bow.png
Artwork of the Killer Bow from the Fire Emblem Trading Card Game.

A bow that boasts a high critical-hit rate.



First game

Fire Emblem: Mystery of the Emblem

The Killer Bow (Japanese: キラーボウ Killer Bow) is an uncommon bow which was introduced in Fire Emblem: Mystery of the Emblem and has appeared in every game since. As one of the series of killer weapons, it has a greatly enhanced crit stat compared to regular bows, which gives it a very high chance of inflicting critical hits and makes it an extremely dangerous weapon.


In the main Fire Emblem series

Game Icon Level Might Weight Hit Crit Range Uses Worth WEXP Other effects and notes
Mystery of the Emblem and Archanea Saga Is snes01 killer bow.png Bow: 6 8 3 100 20 2 20 1,000 -- Deals bonus damage to flying units.
Genealogy of the Holy War Is snes02 killer bow.png Bows C 14 3 100 -- 2 50 10,000 -- Grants Critical when equipped.
Deals bonus damage to flying units.
Thracia 776 Is snes03 killer bow.png Bows B 11 9 70 30 2 20 3,200 1 Deals bonus damage to flying units.
The Binding Blade Is gba killer bow.png Bows C 9 7 80 30 2 20 1,400 1 Deals bonus damage to flying units.
The Blazing Blade Is gba killer bow.png Bows C 9 7 75 30 2 20 1,400 1 Deals bonus damage to flying units.
The Sacred Stones Is gba killer bow.png Bows C 9 7 75 30 2 20 1,400 1 Deals bonus damage to flying units.
Path of Radiance Is gcn killer bow.png Bows C 9 7 75 30 2 15 1,050 2 Deals bonus damage to Is gcn pegasus.png flying units.
Radiant Dawn Is wii killer bow.png Bows C 8 9 80 30 2 25 2,000 2 Deals bonus damage to Is wii flying.png flying units.
Shadow Dragon Is ds killer bow.png Bows C 8 6 80 20 2 20 1,600 2 Deals bonus damage to Is ds pegasus.png flying units.
New Mystery of the Emblem Is ds killer bow.png Bows C 8 -- 80 20 2 20 1,600 2 Deals bonus damage to Is ds pegasus.png flying units.
Awakening Is 3ds01 killer bow.png Bows C 10 -- 80 30 2 30 1,680 2 Deals bonus damage to Is 3ds01 pegasus.png flying units.
Fates Is 3ds02 bow.png Bows/Yumi C 7 -- 75 25 2 -- 3,000 1 −10 avoid when equipped.
Deals bonus damage to Is 3ds02 pegasus.png flying units.
Critical hits deal ×4 damage instead of ×3.
Sells for 1,000 gold.
Echoes: Shadows of Valentia Is 3ds03 killer bow.png Bows 4 4 80 20 1–3 -- Is 3ds03 silver mark.png 100 -- Grants Anti-Fliers when equipped.
Learned combat arts: Hunter's Volley (20 SP)
Three Houses Is ns01 bow.png Bows C 9 11 80 25 2 20 1,680 2 Deals bonus damage to Is ns01 eff flying.png flying units.
Engage Is ns02 killer bow.png Bows C 7 7 75 30 2 -- 3,000 -- Deals bonus damage to Is ns02 flying.png flying units.
(Lyn variant)
Is ns02 killer bow lyn.png Bows D 9 7 75 30 2 -- 100 -- Deals bonus damage to Is ns02 flying.png flying units.
(Lyn variant; enemy, arena/The Lady of the Plains)
Is ns02 killer bow lyn solo.png Bows D 7 7 75 0 2 -- 100 -- Deals bonus damage to Is ns02 flying.png flying units.
(Lyn variant; enemy, Chapter 10)
Is ns02 killer bow lyn.png Bows D 9 7 75 10 2 -- 100 -- Deals bonus damage to Is ns02 flying.png flying units.

Forged stats

This section is missing stats, calculations, or growth rates which may be currently unknown. If this information is available, please help improve the page by adding it.

Game Icon Level Might Weight Hit Crit Range Uses Worth WEXP Other effects and notes
Echoes: Shadows of Valentia Is 3ds03 killer bow.png Bows 5 4 85 20 1–3 -- Is 3ds03 silver mark.png 200 -- Grants Anti-Fliers when equipped.
Learned combat arts: Hunter's Volley (20 SP)
Echoes: Shadows of Valentia Is 3ds03 killer bow.png Bows 7 3 85 25 1–3 -- Is 3ds03 silver mark.png 250
Is 3ds03 gold mark.png 1
-- Grants Anti-Fliers when equipped.
Learned combat arts: Hunter's Volley (20 SP)
Echoes: Shadows of Valentia Is 3ds03 killer bow.png Bows 9 2 90 30 1–3 -- Is 3ds03 silver mark.png 400
Is 3ds03 gold mark.png 2
-- Grants Anti-Fliers when equipped.
Learned combat arts: Hunter's Volley (20 SP)
Three Houses Is ns01 bow+.png Bows C 10 11 80 35 2 25 2,520 2 Deals bonus damage to Is ns01 eff flying.png flying units.
Is ns02 killer bow.png Bows C 8 7 75 30 2 -- ? -- Deals bonus damage to Is ns02 flying.png flying units.
Is ns02 killer bow.png Bows C 9 7 75 35 2 -- ? -- Deals bonus damage to Is ns02 flying.png flying units.
Is ns02 killer bow.png Bows C 10 7 75 35 2 -- ? -- Deals bonus damage to Is ns02 flying.png flying units.
Is ns02 killer bow.png Bows C 11 7 75 35 2 -- ? -- Deals bonus damage to Is ns02 flying.png flying units.
Is ns02 killer bow.png Bows C 12 7 75 40 2 -- ? -- Deals bonus damage to Is ns02 flying.png flying units.

In other Fire Emblem series titles

Killer Bow Slaying Bow

Game Icon Type Might Range SP cost Refine cost Prerequisites Unusable by Inheritable Other effects and notes
(Killer Bow)
Is feh skill weapon.png Bows 5 2 200 -- Steel Bow -- Grants −1 special cooldown count.
Deals bonus damage to Is feh flying.png flying units.
(Killer Bow+)
Is feh skill weapon.png Bows 9 2 300 -- Killer Bow -- Grants −1 special cooldown count.
Deals bonus damage to Is feh flying.png flying units.
Click "Expand" to view Tokyo Mirage Sessions ♯FE information

The Killer Bow appears as one of Eleonora Yumizuru's Carnages in Tokyo Mirage Sessions ♯FE.

Carnage tmsfe killer bow.png
Icon Is tmsfe bow.png
Attack 84
Skills Unity Cost
SIs tmsfe elec.png
Is tmsfe elec.png
SIs tmsfe elec.png
Is tmsfe passive.png
Is tmsfe passive.png
Bolt Strike
Yasha Soul
Null Charm
Is tmsfe enemy performa.png Phantom Force ×1
Is tmsfe enemy performa.png Black Scale ×1
Is tmsfe prestige performa.png 3-Star Prestige ×3
Weaknesses and Resistances
Is tmsfe sword.png -- Is tmsfe lance.png -- Is tmsfe axe.png Wk Is tmsfe bow.png -- Is tmsfe fire.png --
Is tmsfe ice.png -- Is tmsfe elec.png Rs Is tmsfe force.png Wk Is tmsfe spirit.png -- Is tmsfe body.png --
Raises critical rate.
Game Icon Level Might Weight Hit Crit Range Uses Worth WEXP Other effects and notes
Warriors: Three Hopes Is fewa2 bow.png Bows C 60 -- -- -- -- 90 1,500 -- Deals bonus damage to Is fewa2 eff flying.png flying units.
Increased critical hit rate.


Mystery of the Emblem

Inventory Book 2: Castor
Armory Book 1: Chapter 16
Book 2: Chapter 17Chapter 21
Secret shop Book 2: Chapter 13

Genealogy of the Holy War

Inventory First Generation: Jamke
Dropped by Second Generation: Chapter 8 enemy Maykov (If Jamke's bow wasn't inherited)

Thracia 776

Inventory SelphinaXavier
Capture and/or steal Chapter 11, enemy Archer (×2) • Chapter 14, enemy BaldackChapter 17B, enemy Arch KnightChapter 18, enemy XavierChapter 22, enemy Bow Knight (×3)
Armory Chapter 22

The Binding Blade

Inventory Igrene
Treasure Chapter 8, chestChapter 9, village*
Armory Chapter 13Chapter 17AChapter 23

The Blazing Blade

Armory Eliwood's Tale: Chapter 24Chapter 29x
Hector's Tale: Chapter 26Chapter 31x
Secret shop Eliwood's Tale: Chapter 19
Hector's Tale: Chapter 20

The Sacred Stones

Treasure Chapter 15, hidden treasure
Dropped by
Treasure Tower of Valni Floor 5, northwest chest*Lagdou Ruins Floor 4, northeast chest*
Chapter 17
(World map)
Narube RiverRausten Court
Secret shop
Chapter 14AChapter 14B
Secret shop
(World map)
Grado KeepJehanna Hall

Path of Radiance

Dropped by Chapter 22, enemy SchaefferChapter 23, enemy Sniper
Steal Chapter 20, enemy Paladin
Treasure Chapter 13, chest

Radiant Dawn

Inventory Shinon
Disarm and steal* Part 3: Chapter 3, enemy Sniper (Normal/Hard only)
Part 4: Chapter 1, enemy Sniper (Normal/Hard only)Chapter 3, enemy Sniper
Armory Part 3: Chapter 12Chapter 13Endgame
Part 4: PrologueChapter 1Chapter 2Chapter 3Chapter 4Chapter 5Endgame
Bargains Part 2: Chapter 3

Shadow Dragon

Dropped by Chapter 14, enemy JiolChapter 21, enemy Sniper
Treasure Chapter 17, chestChapter 20x, chest
Armory Chapter 22
Secret shop Chapter 17 (×3)

New Mystery of the Emblem

Inventory Main story: CastorJakeTomasYmir
The Beginning: Roberto
Dropped by Chapter 15, enemy Sniper
Armory Chapter 21Online shop*
Secret shop Chapter 13 (×3)


Dropped by Chapter 9, enemy ArcherChapter 17, enemy Sniper
Armory Valm Castle ApproachKidnapper's Keep
Border WastesPort FeroxThe SearoadValm HarborThe Mila TreeFort SteigerValm Castle ApproachValm CastleGreat GateMila Shrine RuinsDueling GroundsMercenary FortressThe Ruins of TimeLaw's EndDesert OasisManor of Lost Souls
Double Duel Reward for defeating Sumia's Fliers


Inventory ShuraConquest
Dropped by Chapter 16Revelation, enemy Adventurer
Armory Dusk Armory: Level 2 (limit 1) • Level 3 (limit 2)
Lottery Shop Dusk Lottery: Silver Prize
Rank rewards Battle Rank: 180 (limit 1)

Echoes: Shadows of Valentia

Treasure The Astral Temple, destroy urns (0.08% chance in medium urns)
The Inner Sanctum, destroy urns (0.08% chance in medium urns; 0.78% chance in large urns)
Forging Silver Bow (100 Is 3ds03 silver mark.png, ★)

Three Houses

Killer Bow

Dropped by Chapter 14 mission Azure MoonVerdant WindSilver Snow, enemy Ashe Verdant WindSilver Snow/enemy Archer Azure MoonThe Sleeping Sand Legend, enemy Assassin
Event Death Toll, automatically at the end of the chapter if all of the merchants survived
Forging Iron Bow (Black-Sand Steel ×2, 670 G, Professor Level: C+)
Pagan Altar Chapter 1 onward, cost 700 Renown (unlimited)

Killer Bow+

Forging Killer Bow (Black-Sand Steel ×4, 1,010 G, Professor Level: C+)


This section has been marked as a stub. Please help improve the page by adding information.

Inventory Fogado
Emblem Rings Lyn, when engaged

Archanea Saga

Inventory Tomas, Roberto


Killer Bow

Method Data
Killer Bow Killer Bow+
Unit (★★★) Niles: Cruel to Be Kind
Unit (★★★★★) Niles: Cruel to Be Kind

Slaying Bow

Method Data
Slaying Bow Slaying Bow+
Unit (★★★) Jamke: Prince of VerdaneLeon: True of HeartRath: Wolf of Sacae
Unit (★★★★★) Jamke: Prince of VerdaneLeon: True of HeartRath: Wolf of Sacae
Forge Killer Bow+ (200 Arena Medal, 20 Refining Stone)

Warriors: Three Hopes

Survey Spot Chapter 6 Scarlet Blaze: Southeastern Ordelia Territory, House (If the Killer Bow was chosen)
Armory Available for purchase upon obtaining the Solicit Mid-Grade Weapons Dealer upgrade.

Other appearances

Fire Emblem Cipher

The Killer Bow is present as a skill on one card in Fire Emblem Cipher: B06-028N Prince of Verdane, Jamke. It is a manual-activation skill which, for the cost of flipping one bond card, completely disallows the opponent to play an evasion of Jamke's attacks for the rest of the turn, unless Jamke is attacking their lord unit.

Flavor text

This section has been marked as a stub. Please help improve the page by adding information.

Game Text
Genealogy of the Holy War
Thracia 776
High critical rate
Effective against
Is snes03 flying.png units*
The Binding Blade
Improves critical hit rate.*
必殺がでやすい弓 飛行系に有効
The Blazing Blade
Improves critical hit rate.
The Sacred Stones
Improves critical hit rate.
Path of Radiance
A bow with an unusually high chance of
landing a critical hit.
Radiant Dawn
An uncommon bow that has a high chance of
landing a critical hit.
Shadow Dragon
A bow whose design yields frequent critical hits.
New Mystery of the Emblem
A bow whose design yields frequent critical hits.*
Increases the likelihood of critical hits.
Deals extra damage on critical hits.
Echoes: Shadows of Valentia
A bow designed to be
especially lethal.
Three Houses
(Killer Bow)
A bow that boasts a high critical-hit rate.
Three Houses
(Killer Bow+)
This reinforced killer bow has a high critical hit
rate and has been sharpened to take down foes.
A bow especially well-suited to
inflicting deadly wounds.
Effective: Flying.
(Lyn variant)
Bow wielded by Emblem Lyn.
Easily inflicts fatal wounds.
Effective: Flying.
(Lyn variant, The Lady of the Plains)
Bow wielded by Emblem Lyn.
Effective: Flying.
(Lyn variant, Chapter 10)
An Emblem's bow. Easy to inflict a
fatal wound with. Effective: Flying.
Accelerates Special trigger (cooldown count-1).
Effective against flying foes.
飛行特効 奥義が発動しやすい(発動カウント-1)
Warriors: Three Hopes
This keenly balanced bow is exceedingly lethal.

Etymology and other languages

Names, etymology, and in other regions
Language Name Definition, etymology, and notes

Killer Bow




Romanized as KILLERBOW in its internal file names in Path of Radiance, Radiant Dawn, Shadow Dragon, and New Mystery of the Emblem.


Arco asesino

Murderous bow. For space reasons, Path of Radiance and Shadow Dragon abbreviate it to A asesino, and Radiant Dawn abbreviates it to A. asesino.

(Latin America)

Arco Letal

Deadly Bow


Arc létal

Deadly bow



Master bow. For space reasons, Path of Radiance and Shadow Dragon abbreviate it to Meisterbog. in gameplay.


Arco letale

Deadly bow. For space reasons, Path of Radiance and Shadow Dragon abbreviate it to Ar. letale in gameplay.


Moorden boog

Killer bow. Abbreviated to Moord. boog for space reasons.


Arco letal

Deadly bow


킬러 보우

Killer bow

Simplified Chinese


Critical Bow

Traditional Chinese


Critical Bow

Slaying Bow

Names, etymology, and in other regions
Language Name Definition, etymology, and notes

Slaying Bow




Forged killer bow


Arco ejecutor

Executor bow

(Latin America)

Arco cruel

Cruel bow


Arc meurtrier

Deadly bow



Mercy Arrow


Arco falciante

Slashing bow


Arco cruel

Cruel bow

Traditional Chinese


Forged critical bow


Official artwork


Heroes artwork


See also

Bows and Crossbows
Basic bows BowBowgunBow of ZoltanBroken BowBronze BowClarisse's BowEmblem BowGlass BowGordin's BowGreat BowInnes' BowIron BowKiller BowLongbow (Thracia 776)RienflecheRubber BowRusted BowRyan's BowShort BowSilencerSilver BowSlack BowSteel BowToy BowTraining Bow
Bows with secondary effects Anna's BowAstraBeacon BowBlessed BowBrave BowCleave BowCrescent BowCupid BowHunter's BowLaguz BowLunaMeisterbogenMila's BowNiles's BowQuick BowPython's BowSuperior BowUnderdog BowVenin BowViolin BowWolt's Bow
Magic-based bows Magic BowRadiant BowShining Bow
Ranged bows Double BowIron LongbowLongbowSilver LongbowSteel LongbowTowering Bow
Close-range bows Double BowIron ShortbowMini BowSilver ShortbowSteel Shortbow
Crossbows AqqarArbalestBowgunCrossbowTaksh
Regalia and personal bows FailnaughtLughnasadhMulagirNidhoggParthiaRolf's BowTathlum BowThe InexhaustibleYewfelle
Weapons in Fire Emblem: Mystery of the Emblem
Swords ArmorslayerBroken SwordDevil SwordFalchionIron SwordKilling EdgeLadybladeLevin SwordMeisterschwertMercuriusRapierSilver SwordSteel SwordSwordslayerWyrmslayer
Lances Broken LanceGradivusIron LanceJavelinKiller LanceRidersbaneSilver LanceSlim LanceSteel Lance
Axes Broken AxeDevil AxeHand AxeIron AxeSilver AxeSteel Axe
Bows Broken BowIron BowKiller BowParthiaSilver BowSteel Bow
Tomes AuraBlizzardBolganoneCutting GaleDulamElfireExcaliburFireImhulluMeteorNosferatuStarlightSwarmThoronThunder
Breaths Dark BreathFire BreathFog BreathIce Breath
Ballistae ArrowspateHoistflammePachydermStonehoistThunderbolt
Staves AnewAumBarrierFortifyHammerneHealMendPhysicRecoverRescueSilenceThiefUnlockWarpWatch
Weapons in Fire Emblem: Genealogy of the Holy War
Swords ArmorslayerBalmungBarrier BladeBerserk SwordBrave SwordBroken SwordFlame SwordIron SwordIron BladeLands SwordLight BrandLightning SwordMiracle SwordMystletainnSafeguardSilver BladeSilver SwordSleep SwordSlim SwordSteel BladeSteel SwordThief's SwordTyrfingWind SwordWing Clipper
Lances Brave LanceBroken LanceGáe BolgGungnirIron LanceJavelinRidersbaneSilver LanceSlim LanceSteel Lance
Axes Brave AxeBroken AxeHand AxeHelswathIron AxeSilver AxeSteel Axe
Bows Brave BowBroken BowIron BowKiller BowSilver BowSteel BowYewfelle
Fire BolganoneDrained TomeElfireFireMeteorValflame
Thunder BoltingDrained TomeElthunderMjölnirThoronThunder
Wind BlizzardDrained TomeElwindForsetiTornadoWind
Light AuraDrained TomeLightningNagaNosferatu
Dark Drained TomeFenrirJormungandHelLoptous
Ballistae BallistaIron BallistaKiller Ballista
Staves Broken StaffFortifyHealMendPhysicRecoverRescueRestoreReturnSilenceSleepValkyrieWarp
Unused Weapons CharmGreat BallistaSilence SwordThief
Weapons in Fire Emblem: Thracia 776
Swords ArmorslayerBeo's SwordBerserk SwordBlessed SwordBragi SwordBrave SwordBroken SwordFlame SwordGreat SwordIron BladeIron SwordKilling EdgeKing SwordLands SwordLight BrandLightning SwordLong SwordLoptr SwordMareeta's SwordMeisterschwertParagon SwordRapierShadow SwordShort SwordSilver SwordSleep SwordSlim SwordSteel SwordVenin EdgeWind Sword
Lances Brave LanceBroken LanceDragon LanceGreat LanceIron LanceJavelinKiller LanceLong LanceMaster LanceRidersbaneShort LanceSilver LanceSlim LanceSteel LanceVenin Lance
Axes Battle AxeBrave AxeBroken AxeDevil AxeHammerHand AxeIron AxeKiller AxeMaster AxePoleaxSilver AxeSteel AxeVenin AxeVouge
Bows Brave BowBroken BowGreat BowIron BowKiller BowLongbowMeisterbogenShort BowSilver BowSteel BowVenin Bow
Fire Drained TomeElfireFireMeteor
Thunder BoltingDire ThunderDrained TomeThoronThunder
Wind BlizzardDrained TomeGrafcaliburForsetiTornadoWind
Light Drained TomeLightningNosferatu
Dark Drained TomeFenrirJormungandHelPetrifyPoison
Ballistae BallistaPoison BallistaIron Ballista
Staves BerserkBroken StaffFortifyHealKiaMagic UpMendPhysicRecoverRepairRescueRestoreRewarpSilenceSleepThiefTorchUnlockWarp
Unused weapons AuraBolganoneDarkness LanceGáe BolgGungnirKiller BallistaLoptousMjölnirValflameWatch
Weapons in Fire Emblem: The Binding Blade
Swords Al's SwordArmorslayerBinding BladeBrave SwordDurandalEckesachsIron BladeIron SwordKilling EdgeLancereaverLight BrandPoison SwordRapierRuneswordSilver BladeSilver SwordSlim SwordSteel BladeSteel SwordWo DaoWyrmslayer
Lances AxereaverBrave LanceGant's LanceIron LanceJavelinKiller LanceMaltetRidersbaneSilver LanceSlim LanceSpearSteel LanceVenin Lance
Axes ArmadsBrave AxeDevil AxeHammerHand AxeIron AxeKiller AxePoleaxSilver AxeSteel AxeSwordreaverTomahawkVenin Axe
Bows Brave BowIron BowKiller BowLongbowMulagirShort BowSilver BowSteel BowVenin Bow
Anima AircaliburBoltingElfireFireFimbulvetrForblazeThunder
Light AureolaDivineLightningPurge
Dark ApocalypseEclipseFenrirFluxNosferatu
Ballistae BallistaLong BallistaKiller Ballista
Staves BerserkFortifyHammerneHealMendPhysicRecoverRescueRestoreSilenceSleepStaff of the SaintTiena's StaffTorchUnlockWardWarp
Other Dark BreathDivinestoneFirestone
Unused weapons MagestoneWatch
Weapons in Fire Emblem: The Blazing Blade
Swords ArmorslayerBrave SwordDurandalEmblem BladeIron BladeIron SwordKilling EdgeLancereaverLight BrandLongswordMani KattiPoison SwordRapierRegal BladeRuneswordSilver BladeSilver SwordSlim SwordSol KattiSteel BladeSteel SwordWind SwordWo DaoWyrmslayer
Lances AxereaverBrave LanceEmblem LanceHeavy SpearHorseslayerIron LanceJavelinKiller LancePoison LanceRex HastaShort SpearSilver LanceSlim LanceSpearSteel Lance
Axes ArmadsBasilikosBrave AxeDevil AxeDragon AxeEmblem AxeHalberdHammerHand AxeIron AxeKiller AxePoison AxeSilver AxeSteel AxeSwordreaverSwordslayerTomahawkWolf Beil
Bows Brave BowEmblem BowIron BowKiller BowLongbowPoison BowRienflecheShort BowSilver BowSteel Bow
Anima BoltingElfireExcaliburFireFimbulvetrForblazeThunder
Light AuraAureolaDivineLightningLucePurgeShine
Dark EclipseEreshkigalFenrirFluxGespenstLunaNosferatu
Ballistae BallistaIron BallistaKiller Ballista
Staves BarrierBerserkFortifyHammerneHealMendPhysicRecoverRescueRestoreSilenceSleepTorchUnlockWarp
Breath Flametongue
Weapons in Fire Emblem: The Sacred Stones
Swords ArmorslayerAudhulmaBrave SwordIron BladeIron SwordKilling EdgeLancereaverLight BrandPoison SwordRapierRuneswordShadowkillerShamshirSieglindeSilver BladeSilver SwordSlim SwordSteel BladeSteel SwordWind SwordWyrmslayerZanbato
Lances AxereaverBrave LanceBright LanceDragonspearHeavy SpearHorseslayerIron LanceJavelinKiller LanceReginleifShort SpearSiegmundSilver LanceSlim LanceSpearSteel LanceToxin LanceVidofnir
Axes Battle AxeBrave AxeDevil AxeDragon AxeFiendcleaverGarmHalberdHammerHand AxeHatchetIron AxeKiller AxePoison AxeSilver AxeSteel AxeSwordreaverSwordslayerTomahawk
Bows Beacon BowBrave BowIron BowKiller BowLongbowPoison BowNidhoggShort BowSilver BowSteel Bow
Anima BoltingElfireExcaliburFireFimbulvetrThunder
Light AuraDivineIvaldiLightningPurgeShine
Dark Crimson EyeDemon SurgeEclipseEvil EyeFenrirFluxGleipnirLunaNaglfarNosferatuShadowshotStone
Ballistae BallistaIron BallistaKiller Ballista
Staves BarrierBerserkFortifyHammerneHealLatonaMendNightmarePhysicRecoverRescueRestoreSilenceSleepTorchUnlockWarp
Other Crimson EyeDemon SurgeDragonstoneFetid ClawFiery FangHellfangLethal TalonNightmarePoison ClawRavagerRotten ClawShadowshotSharp ClawWretched Air
Unused Weapons AircaliburStone Shard
Weapons in Fire Emblem: Path of Radiance
Swords AlonditeAmitiArmorslayerBrave SwordGurgurantIron BladeIron SwordKilling EdgeLaguzslayerLongswordRagnellRegal SwordRuneswordSilver BladeSilver SwordSlim SwordSonic SwordSteel BladeSteel SwordTrainerVague KattiVenin Edge
Lances Brave LanceFlame LanceHeavy SpearIron LanceJavelinKiller LanceKnight KillerLaguz LanceShort SpearSilver LanceSlim LanceSpearSteel LanceVenin LanceWishblade
Axes Bolt AxeBrave AxeHammerHand AxeIron AxeKiller AxeLaguz AxePoleaxPractice AxeShort AxeSilver AxeSteel AxeTomahawkVenin Axe
Bows Brave BowDouble BowIron BowKiller BowLaguz BowLongbowRolf's BowSilver BowSteel BowVenin Bow
Fire BolganoneElfireFireMeteor
Thunder BoltingElthunderRexboltThoronThunder
Wind BlizzardElwindTornadoVortexWind
Light LightNosferatuPurgeRexauraShine
Knives DaggerKnifeStiletto
Ballistae BallistaIron BallistaKiller BallistaOnager
Strikes BeakBreathClaw
Staves Ashera StaffFortifyHammerneHealMendPhysicRecoverRescueRestoreSilenceSleepTorchWard
Unused Weapons BerserkBright BowDevil AxeRexcaliburRexflameUnlockUrvanWarp
Weapons in Fire Emblem: Radiant Dawn
Swords AlonditeAmitiBrave SwordBronze SwordCaladbolgEttardFloreteIron BladeIron SwordKilling EdgeRagnellSilver BladeSilver SwordSlim SwordStorm SwordSteel BladeSteel SwordTempest BladeVague KattiVenin EdgeWind EdgeWo DaoWyrmslayer
Lances Brave LanceBronze LanceIron GreatlanceIron LanceJavelinKiller LanceHorseslayerShort SpearSilver GreatlanceSilver LanceSpearSteel GreatlanceSteel LanceVenin LanceWishblade
Axes Brave AxeBronze AxeHammerHand AxeIron PoleaxIron AxeKiller AxeShort AxeSilver PoleaxSilver AxeSteel PoleaxSteel AxeTarvosTomahawkUrvanVenin Axe
Bows Brave BowBronze BowDouble BowIron BowIron LongbowKiller BowLughnasadhRolf's BowSilencerSilver BowSilver LongbowSteel BowSteel LongbowVenin Bow
Crossbows AqqarArbalestBowgunCrossbowTaksh
Knives BaselardBeast KillerBronze DaggerBronze KnifeIron DaggerIron KnifeKardPeshkatzSilver DaggerSilver KnifeSteel DaggerSteel KnifeStiletto
Fire ArcfireBolganoneCymbelineElfireFireFire TailMeteorRexflame
Thunder ArcthunderBoltingElthunderRexboltThoronThunderThunder Tail
Wind ArcwindBlizzardElwindRexcaliburTornadoWindWind Tail
Light CreiddyladEllightLightNosferatuPurgeRexauraShineThaniValaura
Dark BalberithCarreauFenrirVerrineWorm
Ballistae BallistaIron BallistaKiller BallistaOnager
Strikes BeakBreathClawFangGreat BeakGreat FangGreat TalonTalon
Staves Ashera StaffElsilenceElsleepFortifyHammerneHealMatronaMendPhysicRecoverRescueRestoreRewarpSilenceSleepTorchUnlockWard
Other Judge
Unused Weapons Slim Lance
Weapons in Fire Emblem: Shadow Dragon
Swords ArmorslayerBrave SwordDevil SwordFalchionIron SwordKilling EdgeLevin SwordMercuriusRapierSilver SwordSteel SwordWo DaoWyrmslayer
Lances Brave LanceDragonpikeGradivusIron LanceJavelinKiller LanceRidersbaneSilver LanceSteel LanceWing Spear
Axes Brave AxeDevil AxeHammerHand AxeHauteclereIron AxeKiller AxePoleaxSilver AxeSteel Axe
Bows Brave BowIron BowKiller BowLongbowParthiaSilver BowSteel Bow
Tomes AuraBlizzardBolganoneElfireExcaliburFireImhulluStarlightSwarmThoronThunder
Dragonstones DivinestoneEarthstoneFirestoneMagestone
Ballistae ArrowspateHoistflammePachydermStonehoistThunderbolt
Staves AumBarrierFortifyHammerneHealMendPhysicRecoverWarp
Weapons in Fire Emblem: New Mystery of the Emblem
Swords ArmorslayerBamboo SwordBlunt SwordBrave SwordCecil's SwordDevil SwordFalchionGlass SwordIron SwordKilling EdgeLadybladeLevin SwordLuke's SwordMeisterschwertMercuriusOgma's BladePure SwordQuick SwordRapierSilver SwordSteel SwordSwordslayerWo DaoWyrmslayer
Lances Brave LanceCamus's PikeDragonpikeDraug's LanceFlycatcherGradivusIron LanceJavelinKiller LanceLaundry PoleQuick LanceRidersbaneRoderick's LanceSilver LanceSpearSteel LanceWing Spear
Axes Barst's AxeBordcord AxeBrave AxeDevil AxeFrying PanGlass AxeHammerHand AxeHauteclereHit AxeImmortal AxeIron AxeKiller AxeLegion's AxePoleaxQuick AxeSilver AxeSteel AxeTomahawk
Bows Brave BowClarisse's BowCleave BowGlass BowGordin's BowIron BowKiller BowLongbowParthiaQuick BowRyan's BowSilver BowSteel BowToy Bow
Tomes AuraBlizzardBolganoneCutting GaleElfireEmberExcaliburFireGlowerImhulluMerric's TomeMeteorNosferatuReese's TomeSleetStarlightSwarmThoronThunder
Dragonstones DivinestoneFirestoneIcestoneMagestoneWyvernstone
Breaths Dark BreathFire BreathIce BreathMage Breath
Ballistae ArrowspateHoistflammePachydermStonehoistThunderbolt
Staves AnewAumDefense StaffFortifyGlass StaffHammerneHealMendOrdinary StaffPhysicRecoverRescueSilenceSpeed StaffStrength StaffThiefUnlockWardWarpWrys's Staff
Weapons in Fire Emblem Awakening
Swords Alm's BladeAmatsuArmorslayerBalmungBrave SwordBronze SwordEirika's BladeEliwood's BladeFalchionGlass SwordIron SwordKilling EdgeLeif's BladeLevin SwordMercuriusMissiletainnMystletainnNoble RapierParallel FalchionRagnellRapierRoy's BladeSeliph's BladeSilver SwordSolSol KattiSoothing SwordSteel SwordSuperior EdgeTree BranchTyrfingWyrmslayer
Lances Beast KillerBlessed LanceBrave LanceBronze LanceEphraim's LanceFinn's LanceGáe BolgGlass LanceGradivusGungnirIron LanceJavelinKiller LanceLogLunaMiniature LanceShockstickShort SpearSigurd's LanceSilver LanceSpearSteel LanceSuperior Lance
Axes ArmadsBolt AxeBrave AxeBronze AxeGlass AxeHammerHand AxeHauteclereHector's AxeHelswathImposing AxeIron AxeKiller AxeLadleOrsin's HatchetShort AxeSilver AxeSteel AxeSuperior AxeTitania's AxeTomahawkVengeanceVolant AxeWolf Berg
Bows AstraBlessed BowBrave BowBronze BowDouble BowGlass BowInnes' BowIron BowKiller BowLongbowNidhoggParthiaSilver BowSlack BowSteel BowSuperior BowTowering BowUnderdog BowWolt's BowYewfelle
Tomes ArcfireArcthunderArcwindAversa's NightBolganoneBook of NagaCelica's GaleDying BlazeElfireElthunderElwindExcaliburFireFluxForsetiGoetiaGrima's TruthKatarina's BoltMicaiah's PyreMireMjölnirNosferatuRexcaliburRuinSuperior JoltThoronThunderValflameWasteWilderwindWind
Staves Balmwood StaffCatharsisFortifyGoddess StaffHammerneHealKneaderMendPhysicRecoverRescueWard
Other BeaststoneBeaststone+Blighted ClawsBlighted TalonsDragonstoneDragonstone+Expiration
Weapons in Fire Emblem Fates
Swords ArmorslayerBottleBrave SwordBronze SwordFalchionDLCGanglariIke's BackupDLCIron KukriIron SwordKilling EdgeLaslow's BladeLeo's IcebladeLevin SwordLucina's EstocDLCMarth's SpathaDLCNohrian BladeParallel FalchionDLCRagnellDLCSelena's BladeSiegfriedSilver KukriSilver SwordSteel KukriSteel SwordUmbrellaWyrmslayer
Katana Axe SplitterBrass KatanaDaikon RadishDual KatanaHagakure BladeHana's KatanaHinata's KatanaIron KatanaIron KattiKodachiParasolPractice KatanaRaider KatanaRaijintoSilver KatanaSilver KattiSpirit KatanaSteel KatanaSteel KattiSunrise KatanaTakumi's ShinaiVenge KatanaWakizashiYato
Lances Beast KillerBlessed LanceBrave LanceBronze LanceBroomEffie's LanceHexlock SpearIron JavelinIron LanceJavelinKiller LancePeri's LanceSilver JavelinSilver LanceSpearSteel JavelinSteel LanceStickXander's Lance
Naginata Bamboo PoleBold NaginataBolt NaginataBrass NaginataDual NaginataGuard NaginataHinoka's SpearIron NageyariIron NaginataOboro's SpearPine BranchRaider NaginataSilver NageyariSilver NaginataSteel NageyariSteel NaginataSubaki's PikeSwordcatcherVenge NaginataWaterwheel
Axes Arthur's AxeAurgelmirBerserker's AxeBeruka's AxeBolt AxeBone AxeBrave AxeBronze AxeBölverkCamilla's AxeFrying PanHammerHand AxeIron AxeIron Star AxeKiller AxeRaider AxeSilver AxeSilver Star AxeSteel AxeSteel Star AxeTomahawk
Clubs Adamant ClubBattering ClubBrass ClubCarp StreamerDual ClubFuga's ClubGreat ClubHoeIron ClubIron MacePike-Ruin ClubRinkah's ClubRyoma's ClubSilver ClubSilver MaceSteel ClubSteel MaceThrowing ClubVenge Club
Bows Anna's BowBlessed BowBronze BowCrescent BowCupid BowHunter's BowIron BowIron ShortbowKiller BowMini BowNiles's BowRubber BowShining BowSilver BowSilver ShortbowSteel BowSteel ShortbowViolin Bow
Yumi Bamboo YumiBrass YumiDual YumiFujin YumiHarp YumiIllusory YumiIron HankyuIron YumiMikoto's YumiPursuerRaider YumiSetsuna's YumiSidelong YumiSilver HankyuSilver YumiSkadiSpellbane YumiSpy's YumiSteel HankyuSteel YumiSurefire Yumi
Daggers Bronze DaggerFelicia's PlateFruit KnifeHunter's KnifeIron DaggerJakob's TrayKris KnifePebbleDLCQuill PenRaider KnifeSacrificial KnifeSilver DaggerSoldier's KnifeStale BreadSteel DaggerVotive Candle
Shuriken Barb ShurikenBrass ShurikenCaltropChakramChopstickDual ShurikenFlame ShurikenHair PinIron ShurikenKagero's DartKaze's NeedleSaizo's StarSilver ShurikenSpy's ShurikenSteel ShurikenSting Shuriken
Tomes BrynhildrDisrobing GaleEmberExcaliburFimbulvetrFireGinnungagapIago's TomeLightningMissiletainnMjölnirMoonlightNosferatuOdin's GrimoireRagnarokRobin's PrimerDLCSpeed ThunderThoronDLCThunder
Scrolls Bird SpiritCalamity GateDragon SpiritHorse SpiritInk PaintingIzana's ScrollMalevolent TextMonkey SpiritOx SpiritPaperRabbit SpiritRat SpiritSheep SpiritSnake SpiritTiger Spirit
Turrets BallistaFire OrbLauncher
Staves Astral BlessingBifröstBouquet StaffCandy CaneElise's StaffEnfeebleEntrapFortifyFreezeHealLilith's StaffMendMushroom StaffPhysicRecover
Rods Bamboo BranchBloom FestalDumpling RodGreat FestalHexing RodLanternMoon FestalPurification RodRescueSakura's RodSilenceSun FestalWane Festal
Other Astral BreathBeaststoneBeastruneBeaststone+Big SawDark BreathDraconic RageDragon BreathDragonstoneDragonstone+GauntletMassive RockRockSawShackled Fist
Weapons in Fire Emblem Echoes: Shadows of Valentia
Swords AstraBeloved ZofiaBinding BladeBlessed SwordBrave SwordExalted FalchionFalchionGolden DaggerIlwoonIron SwordLadybladeLightning SwordMercuriusParallel FalchionRagnellRapierRoyal SwordRusted SwordSeven SwordDLCShadow SwordSilver SwordSteel SwordSwordVenin SwordWarrior's SwordDLCYatoZweihänder
Lances Blessed LanceClair's LanceDLCClive's LanceDLCDuma's LanceEmperor LanceFernand's LanceDLCGradivusIron LanceJavelinKriemhildLanceRhomphaiaRidersbaneRusted LanceSaunionSilver LanceSolSteel LanceTrainee's LanceDLCVenin LanceWayward LanceDLC
Axes AxeDevil AxeRusted AxeSplitting AxeVenin Axe
Bows Blessed BowBowIron BowKiller BowLongbowLunaMila's BowParthiaPython's BowDLCRadiant BowRusted BowSilver BowSteel BowVenin Bow
Black Magic AuraDeathExcaliburFireMedusaMiasmaMireNosferatuOcular BeamOculusRagnarokSagittaeSeraphimThunder
White Magic AnewConjureEntrapExpelFortifyFreezeInvokeLemegetonDLCPhysicRecoverRescueRestoreDLCRewarpSilenceWardDLCWarp
Other Bone SwordClawsClubExpirationFangsFire BreathNumbing ClawsScytheTackleTalonsTentacleVenin ClawsWater Breath
Weapons in Fire Emblem: Three Houses
Swords ArmorslayerAthameBlutgangBrave SwordBroken SwordCursed Ashiya SwordDevil SwordGiant KatarIron SwordKilling EdgeLevin SwordMercuriusRapierRusted SwordSilver SwordSteel SwordSword of BegaltaSword of MoraltaSword of SeirosSword of the CreatorSword of ZoltanThunderbrandTraining SwordVenin EdgeWo Dao
Lances AreadbharArrow of IndraBlessed LanceBrave LanceBroken LanceCrescent SickleGradivusHorseslayerIron LanceJavelinKiller LanceLance of LightLance of Light+Lance of RuinLance of ZoltanLúinPiercing Light LanceRusted LanceScythe of SarielShort SpearSilver LanceSpearSpear of AssalSteel LanceTraining LanceThrowing Light LanceVenin Lance
Axes Axe of UkonvasaraAxe of ZoltanAymrBolt AxeBrave AxeBroken AxeCrusherDevil AxeFreikugelHammerHand AxeHauteclereIron AxeKiller AxeMaceRusted AxeShort AxeSilver AxeSteel AxeTraining AxeTomahawkVenin Axe
Bows Blessed BowBow of ZoltanBrave BowBroken BowFailnaughtIron BowKiller BowLongbowMagic BowMini BowParthiaRusted BowSilver BowSteel BowTathlum BowThe InexhaustibleTraining BowVenin Bow
Gauntlets Aura KnucklesBroken GauntletsDragon ClawsIron GauntletsKiller KnucklesRusted GauntletsSilver GauntletsSteel GauntletsTraining GauntletsVajra-MushtiDLC
Black Magic Agnea's ArrowBlizzardBolganoneBoltingCutting GaleExcaliburFimbulvetrFireMeteorRagnarokSagittaeThoronThunderWind
Dark Magic Banshee ΘBohr ΧDark Spikes ΤDeath ΓHades ΩLuna ΛMiasma ΔMire ΒQuake ΣSwarm Ζ
White Magic AbraxasAuraFortifyHealNosferatuPhysicRecoverRescueRestoreSeraphimSilenceWardWarp
Ballistae BallistaFire OrbOnagerViskam
Crest Stones Artificial Crest Stone LArtificial Crest Stone SBlest Crest Stone ShardChalice of BloodDLCCracked Crest StoneCrest of Flames PowerCrest Stone (Beast)Crest Stone (Chevalier)DLCCrest Stone (Gautier)Crest Stone of IndechCrest Stone of MacuilCrest Stone of SeirosCrest Stone ShardDark Stone (Bird)Dark Stone (Crawler)Dark Stone (Wolf)Giant Artificial Crest StoneLost Crest StoneLost Crest Stone (Large)Pointy Artificial Crest StoneReal Seiros Crest StoneTwin-Crest Power
Unused Weapons RidillTorch
Weapons in Fire Emblem Engage
Swords ArmorslayerBinding BladeBiting BladeBlutgangBrave SwordCaladbolgDual KatanaFalchionFólkvangrGeorgiosIron BladeIron SwordKilling EdgeLancereaverLevin SwordLibérationLight BrandLyrátionMani KattiMercuriusNoble RapierOligoludiaParallel FalchionRagnellRapierRuneswordSieglindeSilver BladeSilver SwordSlim SwordSteel BladeSteel SwordTyrfingWakizashiWille GlanzWind SwordWo DaoWyrmslayerYato
Lances AreadbharBrave LanceBrionacIron GreatlanceIron LanceFensalirFlame LanceJavelinKiller LanceLúinMaster LanceReprésaillesRidersbaneSiegmundSilver GreatlanceSilver LanceSlim LanceSpearSteel GreatlanceSteel LanceSwirlanceVenomous
Axes ArmadsAymrBrave AxeBolt AxeCamilla's AxeCompact AxeFragarachHammerHand AxeHurricane AxeIron AxeIron GreataxeKiller AxeLollichopNóatúnPoleaxeRevancheSilver AxeSilver GreataxeSteel AxeSteel GreataxeTomahawkUkonvasaraUrvanWolf Beil
Bows Brave BowCroissbowFailnaughtIron BowKiller BowLendabairLongbowMaster BowMini BowMulagirParthiaRadiant BowSilver BowSteel Bow
Knives CarnwenhanCinquedeaConfectioknifeIron DaggerKardMisericordePeshkatzShort KnifeSilver DaggerSteel DaggerStiletto
Tomes BolganoneBoltingCataclysmÉlivágarElfireElsurgeElthunderElwindExcaliburFireHliðskjálfLightningMeteorNosferatuNovaObscuritéRagnarokRexcaliburSeraphimShineSurgeThaniTiramistormThoronThunderWind
Staves Divine BlessingDivine Blessing+EntrapFortifyFortify+FractureFreezeHealIllumeMendNodusObstructPhysicRecoverReflectRescueRestoreRewarpSilenceTreatWarp
Arts Divine Fist ArtDragon's FistFlashing Fist ArtInitiate ArtIron-Body ArtScrollcakeShielding ArtSilver-Spirit ArtSteel-Hand ArtVajra-Mushti
Special Dark BreathDevastationDisengageDragon FangDrain EssenceEternal ClawFangsFell ArcanaFell AssaultFell BeamFell MagicstoneFell RuinstoneFell SlaystoneFell SparkFell StoneFell SurgeFell WeightstoneFire BreathFireballFlame BreathFlame CannonFreezing BreathFog BreathHowling BeamIce BreathIceballMiasma BallMiasma BreathSummon VortexTail SmashWhirling Death
Cannonballs Armor BlastBreak BlastEldritch BlastFreeze BlastHoly BlastMagic BlastMighty BlastPiercing BlastRider BlastSilence BlastStandard BlastTornado BlastWyrm Blast
Bow skills in Heroes
Basic bow skills Iron BowSilver BowSteel Bow
Bow skills with secondary effects Arcane DarkbowArcane NáströndAssassin's BowBeguiling BowBig-Catch BowBouquet BowBrave BowBudding BowCandlewax BowCarrot BowCarrot-Tip BowClarisse's BowCocobowCoral BowCourtly BowCupid ArrowDefier's BowDevilish BowDoubler BowFiddlestick BowFiresweep BowFishie BowFortune BowGolden Yule BowGratiaGuard BowHalting BowHama YaHarp BowHelm BowInstant BowKabura YaKiller BowKumo YumiGainful BowMonstrous BowNinja YumiPeppy BowPlegian BowProtection BowRefreshing BoltRein BowReindeer BowShining BowShort BowSlaying BowSnaking BowSpendthrift BowSpringy BowStall-Game BowSunflower BowTannenbowUmbra BurstUnbound BowWhitecap BowWhitewind BowWyvern YumiVulture Bow
Regalia and personal bow skills Aptitude ArrowsArgent BowBow of BeautyBow of DevotionBow of FreliaBow of ReposeBow of TwelveBow of VerdaneBreaker BowCunning BowDamiell BowDaniel-Made BowDeep-Blue BowDeer's HeartDestiny's BowDignified BowDivine YewfelleDouble BowDusk RifleDuskbloom BowFailnaughtFirst-Dream BowFlame of MúspellFlamefrost BowFujin YumiFujin-Raijin YumiGuardian's BowGusty War BowHeartbroker BowHeired YewfelleHoly YewfelleIndignant BowThe InexhaustibleJötnar BowJust BowKeen Coyote BowLady's BowLucky BowLuna ArcMeisterbogenMermaid BowMirage LongbowMulagirNew-Height BowNiðavellir BallistaNidhoggNiles's BowParthiaPartnership BowPersecution BowQuick MulagirRampart BowRandgríðrRapid-Crier BowRebecca's BowRenowned BowRose-Quartz BowSacaen-Wolf BowSandglass BowSentinel BowSetsuna's YumiSkadiSnide BowSniper's BowSpy-Song BowSurvivalist BowSwift MulagirTanngrisnirThögnVioldrake BowVolunteer BowWarrior PrincessYlisse Ninja Bow
Weapons in Fire Emblem Warriors: Three Hopes
Swords ArmorslayerAthameBlutgangBrave SwordCursed Ashiya SwordDevil SwordGiant KatarIron SwordKilling EdgeKnight-Captain's SwordLevin SwordMercuriusRapierRidillRusted SwordShamshirSilver SwordSteel SwordSword of BegaltaSword of MoraltaSword of SeirosSword of the CreatorSword of ZoltanThunderbrandTraining SwordVenin EdgeWingthresherWo Dao
Lances AreadbharArrow of IndraBlessed LanceBrave LanceCrescent SickleFlycatcherGradivusHeavy SpearHorseslayerIron LanceJavelinKiller LanceLance of LightLance of Light+Lance of RuinLance of ZoltanLúinRusted LanceScythe of SarielSilver LanceSpearSpear of AssalSteel LanceTraining LanceVenin Lance
Axes Axe of UkonvasaraAxe of ZoltanAymrBolt AxeBrave AxeCrusherDahakaDevil AxeFreikugelHammerHauteclereIron AxeKiller AxeLabraundaMaceRusted AxeShort AxeSilver AxeSteel AxeTomahawkTraining AxeVenin Axe
Bows Blessed BowBow of ZoltanBrave BowFailnaughtIron BowKiller BowLongbowMagic BowParthiaRusted BowSilver BowSteel BowTathlum BowThe InexhaustibleTraining BowVenin Bow
Gauntlets Aura KnucklesDragon ClawsIron GauntletsJárngreiprKiller KnucklesRusted GauntletsSilver GauntletsSteel GauntletsTraining GauntletsVajra-MushtiWolf Fangs
Tomes Abyssal TomeAmaltheaBrave TomeDefender's TomeExorcist's TomeForeign TomeHeretic's TomeHrottiIchor ScrollInverted TomeIron TomeKiller TomeSage's TomeScholar's TomeScroll of TalosSilver TomeSteel TomeSuttungr's MysteryTraining TomeTattered TomeWind Caller's Genesis
Black Magic Agnea's ArrowBlizzardBolganoneBoltingCutting GaleExcaliburFimbulvetrFireMeteorRagnarokSagittaeThoronThunderWind
Dark Magic Banshee ΘDark Spikes ΤDeath ΓHades ΩLuna ΛMiasma ΔMire ΒQuake ΣSwarm Ζ
White Magic AbraxasAuraFortifyHealNosferatuPhysicRecoverRestoreSeraphimSilenceWard
Crest Stones Artificial Crest Stone LArtificial Crest Stone SCracked Crest StoneCrest Stone of SeirosCrest Stone ShardDark Stone (Crawler)Dark Stone (Wolf)