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Fire Orb

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Fire Orb

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Can be used only by magic classes. Range: 3-12


Ballista (Tome/Scroll)

First game

Fire Emblem Fates

The Fire Orb is one of three types of turret weapons that appear in Fire Emblem Fates. Fire Orbs appear as map objects which can be used by any unit capable of using tomes or scrolls. Like the game's other two turret types, the Ballista and Launcher, Fire Orbs inflict damage across multiple tiles in a plus-shaped formation, hitting a maximum of five units at once, and affect both allies and enemies of the turret's user. Different maps tend to have different stats from each other. Fire Orb objects can also be constructed in a Conquest or Revelation player's My Castle for use in castle battles; it is the only turret object that can be constructed in a Conquest My Castle.

The Fire Orb returns as a map object in Three Houses.


Game Icon Level Might Weight Hit Crit Range Uses Worth WEXP Other effects and notes
Fates -- Tomes/Scrolls E Varies -- Varies -- Varies -- -- -- Inflicts spread damage to units of any affiliation in a 3×3 + shaped radius.
Ignores the user's magic.
Targets cannot counterattack.
Leaves the targets with 1 HP if the attack would kill them.
Three Houses -- Reason E 5 5 90 0 3–12 15 -- -- Target cannot counterattack.

Individual Fates statistics

Map Range Might Hit rate
My Castle level 1 3–7 16 80
My Castle level 2 3–7 24 90
My Castle level 3 3–7 32 100
Birthright Chapter 16 3–8 15 120
Birthright Chapter 22 3–8 20 120
Birthright Chapter 24
3–10 25 120
Birthright Chapter 25 3–10 30 120
Conquest Chapter 10 3–8 15 95
Revelation Chapter 14 3–8 18 95
Revelation Chapter 17 3–7 20 110
Paralogue 10 3–7 28 105
Beach Brawl, Royal Royale 3–9 20 110



Map object Birthright: Chapter 16 (×2) • Chapter 22 (×1) • Chapter 24 (×3) • Chapter 25 (×1)
Conquest: Chapter 10 (×1)
Revelation: Chapter 14 (×1) • Chapter 17 (×1)
Conquest and Revelation: Paralogue 18 (×3)
Downloadable content: Royal Royale (×1) • Beach Brawl (×1)

Three Houses

Map object Chapter 12 MissionBlack Eagles, if Byleth sides against the Church (×1) • Chapter 21 MisionAzure Moon (×1) • Final ChapterAzure Moon (×1) • Chapter 18 MissionVerdant Wind (×1) • Chapter 18 MissionSilver Snow/Chapter 19 MissionVerdant Wind (×1)

Flavor text

Game Text
Three Houses
Can be used only by magic classes.
Range: 3-12


Etymology and other languages

Names, etymology, and in other regions
Language Name Definition, etymology, and notes

Fire Orb


Globe de feu

Fire Globe



Basic ballistae BallistaGreat BallistaHoistflammeIron BallistaKiller BallistaLauncherOnagerPachydermStonehoist
Ballistae with secondary effects ArrowspatePoison Ballista
Magic-based ballistae Fire OrbThunderboltViskam
Weapons in Fire Emblem Fates
Swords ArmorslayerBottleBrave SwordBronze SwordFalchionDLCGanglariIke's BackupDLCIron KukriIron SwordKilling EdgeLaslow's BladeLeo's IcebladeLevin SwordLucina's EstocDLCMarth's SpathaDLCNohrian BladeParallel FalchionDLCRagnellDLCSelena's BladeSiegfriedSilver KukriSilver SwordSteel KukriSteel SwordUmbrellaWyrmslayer
Katana Axe SplitterBrass KatanaDaikon RadishDual KatanaHagakure BladeHana's KatanaHinata's KatanaIron KatanaIron KattiKodachiParasolPractice KatanaRaider KatanaRaijintoSilver KatanaSilver KattiSpirit KatanaSteel KatanaSteel KattiSunrise KatanaTakumi's ShinaiVenge KatanaWakizashiYato
Lances Beast KillerBlessed LanceBrave LanceBronze LanceBroomEffie's LanceHexlock SpearIron JavelinIron LanceJavelinKiller LancePeri's LanceSilver JavelinSilver LanceSpearSteel JavelinSteel LanceStickXander's Lance
Naginata Bamboo PoleBold NaginataBolt NaginataBrass NaginataDual NaginataGuard NaginataHinoka's SpearIron NageyariIron NaginataOboro's SpearPine BranchRaider NaginataSilver NageyariSilver NaginataSteel NageyariSteel NaginataSubaki's PikeSwordcatcherVenge NaginataWaterwheel
Axes Arthur's AxeAurgelmirBerserker's AxeBeruka's AxeBolt AxeBone AxeBrave AxeBronze AxeBölverkCamilla's AxeFrying PanHammerHand AxeIron AxeIron Star AxeKiller AxeRaider AxeSilver AxeSilver Star AxeSteel AxeSteel Star AxeTomahawk
Clubs Adamant ClubBattering ClubBrass ClubCarp StreamerDual ClubFuga's ClubGreat ClubHoeIron ClubIron MacePike-Ruin ClubRinkah's ClubRyoma's ClubSilver ClubSilver MaceSteel ClubSteel MaceThrowing ClubVenge Club
Bows Anna's BowBlessed BowBronze BowCrescent BowCupid BowHunter's BowIron BowIron ShortbowKiller BowMini BowNiles's BowRubber BowShining BowSilver BowSilver ShortbowSteel BowSteel ShortbowViolin Bow
Yumi Bamboo YumiBrass YumiDual YumiFujin YumiHarp YumiIllusory YumiIron HankyuIron YumiMikoto's YumiPursuerRaider YumiSetsuna's YumiSidelong YumiSilver HankyuSilver YumiSkadiSpellbane YumiSpy's YumiSteel HankyuSteel YumiSurefire Yumi
Daggers Bronze DaggerFelicia's PlateFruit KnifeHunter's KnifeIron DaggerJakob's TrayKris KnifePebbleDLCQuill PenRaider KnifeSacrificial KnifeSilver DaggerSoldier's KnifeStale BreadSteel DaggerVotive Candle
Shuriken Barb ShurikenBrass ShurikenCaltropChakramChopstickDual ShurikenFlame ShurikenHair PinIron ShurikenKagero's DartKaze's NeedleSaizo's StarSilver ShurikenSpy's ShurikenSteel ShurikenSting Shuriken
Tomes BrynhildrDisrobing GaleEmberExcaliburFimbulvetrFireGinnungagapIago's TomeLightningMissiletainnMjölnirMoonlightNosferatuOdin's GrimoireRagnarokRobin's PrimerDLCSpeed ThunderThoronDLCThunder
Scrolls Bird SpiritCalamity GateDragon SpiritHorse SpiritInk PaintingIzana's ScrollMalevolent TextMonkey SpiritOx SpiritPaperRabbit SpiritRat SpiritSheep SpiritSnake SpiritTiger Spirit
Turrets BallistaFire OrbLauncher
Staves Astral BlessingBifröstBouquet StaffCandy CaneElise's StaffEnfeebleEntrapFortifyFreezeHealLilith's StaffMendMushroom StaffPhysicRecover
Rods Bamboo BranchBloom FestalDumpling RodGreat FestalHexing RodLanternMoon FestalPurification RodRescueSakura's RodSilenceSun FestalWane Festal
Other Astral BreathBeaststoneBeastruneBeaststone+Big SawDark BreathDraconic RageDragon BreathDragonstoneDragonstone+GauntletMassive RockRockSawShackled Fist
Weapons in Fire Emblem: Three Houses
Swords ArmorslayerAthameBlutgangBrave SwordBroken SwordCursed Ashiya SwordDevil SwordGiant KatarIron SwordKilling EdgeLevin SwordMercuriusRapierRusted SwordSilver SwordSteel SwordSword of BegaltaSword of MoraltaSword of SeirosSword of the CreatorSword of ZoltanThunderbrandTraining SwordVenin EdgeWo Dao
Lances AreadbharArrow of IndraBlessed LanceBrave LanceBroken LanceCrescent SickleGradivusHorseslayerIron LanceJavelinKiller LanceLance of LightLance of Light+Lance of RuinLance of ZoltanLúinPiercing Light LanceRusted LanceScythe of SarielShort SpearSilver LanceSpearSpear of AssalSteel LanceTraining LanceThrowing Light LanceVenin Lance
Axes Axe of UkonvasaraAxe of ZoltanAymrBolt AxeBrave AxeBroken AxeCrusherDevil AxeFreikugelHammerHand AxeHauteclereIron AxeKiller AxeMaceRusted AxeShort AxeSilver AxeSteel AxeTraining AxeTomahawkVenin Axe
Bows Blessed BowBow of ZoltanBrave BowBroken BowFailnaughtIron BowKiller BowLongbowMagic BowMini BowParthiaRusted BowSilver BowSteel BowTathlum BowThe InexhaustibleTraining BowVenin Bow
Gauntlets Aura KnucklesBroken GauntletsDragon ClawsIron GauntletsKiller KnucklesRusted GauntletsSilver GauntletsSteel GauntletsTraining GauntletsVajra-MushtiDLC
Black Magic Agnea's ArrowBlizzardBolganoneBoltingCutting GaleExcaliburFimbulvetrFireMeteorRagnarokSagittaeThoronThunderWind
Dark Magic Banshee ΘBohr ΧDark Spikes ΤDeath ΓHades ΩLuna ΛMiasma ΔMire ΒQuake ΣSwarm Ζ
White Magic AbraxasAuraFortifyHealNosferatuPhysicRecoverRescueRestoreSeraphimSilenceWardWarp
Ballistae BallistaFire OrbOnagerViskam
Crest Stones Artificial Crest Stone LArtificial Crest Stone SBlest Crest Stone ShardChalice of BloodDLCCracked Crest StoneCrest of Flames PowerCrest Stone (Beast)Crest Stone (Chevalier)DLCCrest Stone (Gautier)Crest Stone of IndechCrest Stone of MacuilCrest Stone of SeirosCrest Stone ShardDark Stone (Bird)Dark Stone (Crawler)Dark Stone (Wolf)Giant Artificial Crest StoneLost Crest StoneLost Crest Stone (Large)Pointy Artificial Crest StoneReal Seiros Crest StoneTwin-Crest Power
Unused Weapons RidillTorch