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Bamboo Branch

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Bamboo Branch

Is 3ds02 rod.png
Generic rod icon from Fates.

Restores 15-18 HP to a nearby ally and grants Lck+8 to all allies within two tiles.



First game

Fire Emblem Fates

Bamboo Branch (Japanese: 笹飾り Bamboo Decoration) is a unique rod introduced in Fire Emblem Fates. It is both a healing rod, in that it restores a fixed amount of HP to one targeted ally, as well as a support rod, in that it bestows a boost in Luck to both the targeted ally and those in a small radius for a single turn. Its primary drawback is its low durability.


Game Icon Level Might Weight Hit Crit Range Uses Worth WEXP Other effects and notes
Fates Is 3ds02 rod.png Staves/Rods C -- -- -- -- 1–2 3 0 1 Grants +8 luck to all allied units in a 2-tile radius of the user for one turn when used.


Game Effect Accuracy Experience acquired by the user
Fates Restores 15-18 HP to one ally. -- 30*

For more information on experience calculations, see Experience § Using a staff or white magic.



Rank rewards Visitor Rank: 625 (limit 1)
Treasure My Castle, obtained at random from a pool of possible items.

Flavor text

Game Text
Restores 15-18 HP to a nearby ally and
grants Lck+8 to all allies within two tiles.

Etymology and other languages

Names, etymology, and in other regions
Language Name Definition, etymology, and notes

Bamboo Rod




A bamboo decoration traditionally associated with Tanabata, on the branches of which people hang pieces of paper with poems and proverbs written on them.[1]


Rama de bambú

Bamboo Branch


Tige de bambou

Bamboo Rod



Bamboo Branch


Stecca bambù

Bamboo Stick


대나무 장식

Bamboo decoration


  1. "Sasa-kazari (Bamboo-decoration) -- People decorate branches of a cut bamboo with strips of paper (tanzaku) on which poems or proverbs have been written."MIT Japanese "culture-notes" - Tanabata, July, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Published: 5 March, 2002, Retrieved: 26 September, 2015

See also

Healing rods Bloom FestalDumpling RodGreat FestalLanternMoon FestalPurification RodSakura's RodSun FestalWane Festal
Non-healing rods Hexing RodRescueSilence
Hybrid rods Bamboo Branch
Weapons in Fire Emblem Fates
Swords ArmorslayerBottleBrave SwordBronze SwordFalchionDLCGanglariIke's BackupDLCIron KukriIron SwordKilling EdgeLaslow's BladeLeo's IcebladeLevin SwordLucina's EstocDLCMarth's SpathaDLCNohrian BladeParallel FalchionDLCRagnellDLCSelena's BladeSiegfriedSilver KukriSilver SwordSteel KukriSteel SwordUmbrellaWyrmslayer
Katana Axe SplitterBrass KatanaDaikon RadishDual KatanaHagakure BladeHana's KatanaHinata's KatanaIron KatanaIron KattiKodachiParasolPractice KatanaRaider KatanaRaijintoSilver KatanaSilver KattiSpirit KatanaSteel KatanaSteel KattiSunrise KatanaTakumi's ShinaiVenge KatanaWakizashiYato
Lances Beast KillerBlessed LanceBrave LanceBronze LanceBroomEffie's LanceHexlock SpearIron JavelinIron LanceJavelinKiller LancePeri's LanceSilver JavelinSilver LanceSpearSteel JavelinSteel LanceStickXander's Lance
Naginata Bamboo PoleBold NaginataBolt NaginataBrass NaginataDual NaginataGuard NaginataHinoka's SpearIron NageyariIron NaginataOboro's SpearPine BranchRaider NaginataSilver NageyariSilver NaginataSteel NageyariSteel NaginataSubaki's PikeSwordcatcherVenge NaginataWaterwheel
Axes Arthur's AxeAurgelmirBerserker's AxeBeruka's AxeBolt AxeBone AxeBrave AxeBronze AxeBölverkCamilla's AxeFrying PanHammerHand AxeIron AxeIron Star AxeKiller AxeRaider AxeSilver AxeSilver Star AxeSteel AxeSteel Star AxeTomahawk
Clubs Adamant ClubBattering ClubBrass ClubCarp StreamerDual ClubFuga's ClubGreat ClubHoeIron ClubIron MacePike-Ruin ClubRinkah's ClubRyoma's ClubSilver ClubSilver MaceSteel ClubSteel MaceThrowing ClubVenge Club
Bows Anna's BowBlessed BowBronze BowCrescent BowCupid BowHunter's BowIron BowIron ShortbowKiller BowMini BowNiles's BowRubber BowShining BowSilver BowSilver ShortbowSteel BowSteel ShortbowViolin Bow
Yumi Bamboo YumiBrass YumiDual YumiFujin YumiHarp YumiIllusory YumiIron HankyuIron YumiMikoto's YumiPursuerRaider YumiSetsuna's YumiSidelong YumiSilver HankyuSilver YumiSkadiSpellbane YumiSpy's YumiSteel HankyuSteel YumiSurefire Yumi
Daggers Bronze DaggerFelicia's PlateFruit KnifeHunter's KnifeIron DaggerJakob's TrayKris KnifePebbleDLCQuill PenRaider KnifeSacrificial KnifeSilver DaggerSoldier's KnifeStale BreadSteel DaggerVotive Candle
Shuriken Barb ShurikenBrass ShurikenCaltropChakramChopstickDual ShurikenFlame ShurikenHair PinIron ShurikenKagero's DartKaze's NeedleSaizo's StarSilver ShurikenSpy's ShurikenSteel ShurikenSting Shuriken
Tomes BrynhildrDisrobing GaleEmberExcaliburFimbulvetrFireGinnungagapIago's TomeLightningMissiletainnMjölnirMoonlightNosferatuOdin's GrimoireRagnarokRobin's PrimerDLCSpeed ThunderThoronDLCThunder
Scrolls Bird SpiritCalamity GateDragon SpiritHorse SpiritInk PaintingIzana's ScrollMalevolent TextMonkey SpiritOx SpiritPaperRabbit SpiritRat SpiritSheep SpiritSnake SpiritTiger Spirit
Turrets BallistaFire OrbLauncher
Staves Astral BlessingBifröstBouquet StaffCandy CaneElise's StaffEnfeebleEntrapFortifyFreezeHealLilith's StaffMendMushroom StaffPhysicRecover
Rods Bamboo BranchBloom FestalDumpling RodGreat FestalHexing RodLanternMoon FestalPurification RodRescueSakura's RodSilenceSun FestalWane Festal
Other Astral BreathBeaststoneBeastruneBeaststone+Big SawDark BreathDraconic RageDragon BreathDragonstoneDragonstone+GauntletMassive RockRockSawShackled Fist