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Is ds flycatcher.png
Icon of the Flycatcher from New Mystery of the Emblem.

A lance effective against fliers.



First game

Fire Emblem: New Mystery of the Emblem

Flycatcher (Japanese: とんぼ取り Dragonfly Catcher) is a lance that started appearing in Fire Emblem: New Mystery of the Emblem. The lance deals bonus damage to flying units.


In the main Fire Emblem series

Game Icon Level Might Weight Hit Crit Range Uses Worth WEXP Other effects and notes
New Mystery of the Emblem Is ds flycatcher.png Lances E 6 -- 70 0 1 10 800 2 Deals bonus damage to Is ds pegasus.png flying units.
Sells for 0 gold.

In other Fire Emblem series titles

Game Icon Level Might Weight Hit Crit Range Uses Worth WEXP Other effects and notes
Warriors Lances D 16 -- -- -- -- -- 6,000 -- Deals bonus damage to flying units.
Warriors: Three Hopes Is fewa2 lance.png Lances D 40 -- -- -- -- 60 1,000 -- Deals bonus damage to Is fewa2 eff flying.png flying units.


New Mystery of the Emblem

Treasure Everyone's Conditions, obtained at random from a pool of possible items (1.74% chance).


Event The Path Is Yours, clear Targeted Elimination Lv. 12 Pegasus Knight with any rank

Flavor text

Game Text
New Mystery of the Emblem
A lance effective against fliers.*
Warriors: Three Hopes
A lance so well-balanced, its wielder can rend
the wings from a wyvern mid-flight. Effective
against fliers.

Etymology and other languages

Names, etymology, and in other regions
Language Name Definition, etymology, and notes





Used in the New Mystery of the Emblem fan translation.



Dragonfly catcher











Frangi ali

Break wings


See also

Basic lances Broken LanceBronze LanceBroomCamus's PikeCrescent SickleDraug's LanceEffie's LanceEmblem LanceEphraim's LanceFinn's LanceFlycatcherGant's LanceGlass LanceGreat LanceIron GreatlanceIron LanceKiller LanceLanceLance of ZoltanLaundry PoleLogLong LanceRoderick's LanceRusted LanceShort LanceSigurd's LanceSilver GreatlanceSilver LanceSlim LanceSteel GreatlanceSteel LanceTraining Lance
Lances with secondary effects AstraAxereaverBeast KillerBlessed LanceBrave LanceBright LanceClair's LanceClive's LanceDarkness LanceDragonpikeDragonspearDuma's LanceEmperor LanceFernand's LanceHeavy SpearHexlock SpearKriemhildLaguz LanceLunaMaster LanceQuick LanceRhomphaiaRidersbaneSaunionSolStickSuperior LanceTrainee's LanceVenin LanceWayward LanceXander's Lance
Magic-based lances Arrow of IndraFlame LanceLance of LightLance of Light+Piercing Light LanceShockstickThrowing Light Lance
Ranged lances Iron JavelinJavelinMiniature LancePeri's LanceShort SpearSilver JavelinSpearSteel Javelin
Regalia and personal lances AreadbharBrave LanceDragon LanceGáe BolgGradivusGungnirLance of RuinLúinMaltetReginleifRex HastaScythe of SarielSpear of AssalSiegmundVidofnirWing SpearWishblade
Weapons in Fire Emblem: New Mystery of the Emblem
Swords ArmorslayerBamboo SwordBlunt SwordBrave SwordCecil's SwordDevil SwordFalchionGlass SwordIron SwordKilling EdgeLadybladeLevin SwordLuke's SwordMeisterschwertMercuriusOgma's BladePure SwordQuick SwordRapierSilver SwordSteel SwordSwordslayerWo DaoWyrmslayer
Lances Brave LanceCamus's PikeDragonpikeDraug's LanceFlycatcherGradivusIron LanceJavelinKiller LanceLaundry PoleQuick LanceRidersbaneRoderick's LanceSilver LanceSpearSteel LanceWing Spear
Axes Barst's AxeBordcord AxeBrave AxeDevil AxeFrying PanGlass AxeHammerHand AxeHauteclereHit AxeImmortal AxeIron AxeKiller AxeLegion's AxePoleaxQuick AxeSilver AxeSteel AxeTomahawk
Bows Brave BowClarisse's BowCleave BowGlass BowGordin's BowIron BowKiller BowLongbowParthiaQuick BowRyan's BowSilver BowSteel BowToy Bow
Tomes AuraBlizzardBolganoneCutting GaleElfireEmberExcaliburFireGlowerImhulluMerric's TomeMeteorNosferatuReese's TomeSleetStarlightSwarmThoronThunder
Dragonstones DivinestoneFirestoneIcestoneMagestoneWyvernstone
Breaths Dark BreathFire BreathIce BreathMage Breath
Ballistae ArrowspateHoistflammePachydermStonehoistThunderbolt
Staves AnewAumDefense StaffFortifyGlass StaffHammerneHealMendOrdinary StaffPhysicRecoverRescueSilenceSpeed StaffStrength StaffThiefUnlockWardWarpWrys's Staff
Weapons in Fire Emblem Warriors
Swords Acceleration SwordAmped SwordArmorbane SwordArmorslayerAxebane SwordBolster SwordBowbane SwordBrave SwordBronze SwordChrom's Training SwordClawbane SwordConduit SwordDragonbane SwordElite SwordEnlironFacinnaFalchion (Exalted FalchionParallel Falchion) • Gencross SwordGenpeer SwordHero SwordIron SwordLady SwordLancebane SwordLancereaverLegendary SwordMissiletainnOlivia's BladeRaijintoRisylSiegfriedSilver SwordSol KattiSpirit KatanaStatflip SwordSteel SwordSwordbane SwordTomebane SwordWing ClipperWo DaoWyrmslayerYatoZanbato
Lances Acceleration LanceAmped LanceArmorbane LanceAxebane LanceAxereaverBlessed LanceBolster LanceBowbane LanceBrave LanceBronze LanceClawbane LanceConduit LanceCordelia's LanceDragonbane LanceDragonpikeElite LanceFlycatcherGencross LanceGenpeer LanceHeavy SpearHero LanceHinoka's SpearHorseslayerIron LanceLancebane LanceLegendary LanceOboro's SpearSilver LanceStatflip LanceSteel LanceSwordbane LanceTomebane LanceWing Spear
Axes Acceleration AxeAmped AxeArmorbane AxeAxebane AxeBlessed AxeBolster AxeBowbane AxeBrave AxeBronze AxeCamilla's AxeClawbane AxeConduit AxeDragon AxeDragonbane AxeElite AxeFrederick's AxeGencross AxeGenpeer AxeHalberdHammerHauteclereHero AxeIron AxeLancebane AxeLegendary AxeLissa's AxeSilver AxeStatflip AxeSteel AxeSwordbane AxeSwordreaverTomebane AxeVolant Axe
Bows Acceleration BowAmped BowAnna's BowArmorbane BowAxebane BowBlessed BowBolster BowBowbane BowBrave BowBronze BowClawbane BowCleave BowConduit BowDragonbane BowDragonkiller BowElite BowFujin YumiGencross BowGenpeer BowHero BowHunter's BowIron BowLancebane BowLegendary BowNiles's BowSilver BowSpellbane YumiStatflip BowSteel BowSwordbane BowTomebane Bow
Tomes Acceleration TomeAmped TomeArmorbane TomeAuraAxebane TomeBlessed TomeBolster TomeBowbane TomeBrave TomeBronze TomeBrynhildrClawbane TomeConduit TomeCondragon TomeDragonbane TomeElite TomeGencross TomeGenpeer TomeGrima's TruthHero TomeIago's TomeImhulluIron TomeLancebane TomeLegendary TomeMoonlightPiercing TomeSilver TomeStatflip TomeSteel TomeSwordbane TomeTharja's HexThoronTomebane TomeUnsaddler TomeWingbane Tome
Stones AccelerationstoneAmpedstoneArmorbanestoneAxebanestoneBlessedstoneBolsterstoneBowbanestoneBravestoneBronzestoneClawbanestoneDivinestoneDragonbanestoneElitestoneGencrossstoneGenpeerstoneHerostoneIronbanestoneIronstoneLancebanestoneLegendarystonePiked DragonstoneRisestoneSilverstoneStatflipstoneSteelstoneSwordbanestoneTiki's TearTomebanestoneUndragonstone
Claws and breaths Blessed ClawBrave ClawBronze ClawDragonbane ClawExpirationHero ClawIron ClawPolearm's ClawSilver ClawSteel ClawTenacious ClawWeighted Claw
Weapons in Fire Emblem Warriors: Three Hopes
Swords ArmorslayerAthameBlutgangBrave SwordCursed Ashiya SwordDevil SwordGiant KatarIron SwordKilling EdgeKnight-Captain's SwordLevin SwordMercuriusRapierRidillRusted SwordShamshirSilver SwordSteel SwordSword of BegaltaSword of MoraltaSword of SeirosSword of the CreatorSword of ZoltanThunderbrandTraining SwordVenin EdgeWingthresherWo Dao
Lances AreadbharArrow of IndraBlessed LanceBrave LanceCrescent SickleFlycatcherGradivusHeavy SpearHorseslayerIron LanceJavelinKiller LanceLance of LightLance of Light+Lance of RuinLance of ZoltanLúinRusted LanceScythe of SarielSilver LanceSpearSpear of AssalSteel LanceTraining LanceVenin Lance
Axes Axe of UkonvasaraAxe of ZoltanAymrBolt AxeBrave AxeCrusherDahakaDevil AxeFreikugelHammerHauteclereIron AxeKiller AxeLabraundaMaceRusted AxeShort AxeSilver AxeSteel AxeTomahawkTraining AxeVenin Axe
Bows Blessed BowBow of ZoltanBrave BowFailnaughtIron BowKiller BowLongbowMagic BowParthiaRusted BowSilver BowSteel BowTathlum BowThe InexhaustibleTraining BowVenin Bow
Gauntlets Aura KnucklesDragon ClawsIron GauntletsJárngreiprKiller KnucklesRusted GauntletsSilver GauntletsSteel GauntletsTraining GauntletsVajra-MushtiWolf Fangs
Tomes Abyssal TomeAmaltheaBrave TomeDefender's TomeExorcist's TomeForeign TomeHeretic's TomeHrottiIchor ScrollInverted TomeIron TomeKiller TomeSage's TomeScholar's TomeScroll of TalosSilver TomeSteel TomeSuttungr's MysteryTraining TomeTattered TomeWind Caller's Genesis
Black Magic Agnea's ArrowBlizzardBolganoneBoltingCutting GaleExcaliburFimbulvetrFireMeteorRagnarokSagittaeThoronThunderWind
Dark Magic Banshee ΘDark Spikes ΤDeath ΓHades ΩLuna ΛMiasma ΔMire ΒQuake ΣSwarm Ζ
White Magic AbraxasAuraFortifyHealNosferatuPhysicRecoverRestoreSeraphimSilenceWard
Crest Stones Artificial Crest Stone LArtificial Crest Stone SCracked Crest StoneCrest Stone of SeirosCrest Stone ShardDark Stone (Crawler)Dark Stone (Wolf)