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Father and Son

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Father and Son

Cm fe08 14B.png


Grado Keep

New units

Rennac, Knoll



Previous chapter(s)

Fluorspar's Oath

Next chapter(s)

Scorched Sand

The Grado capital... It looks like it hasn't changed at all since the last time I was here. Eirika and I came here once long ago with our father. Duessel taught me the lance, and I studied history with Lyon. I never imagined I'd come back here armed for battle.
— Ephraim

Father and Son (Japanese: 父と子と Father and son) is the fourteenth chapter of Ephraim's route in Fire Emblem: The Sacred Stones.


Main article: Father and Son/Script

Ephraim's army reaches the capital of Grado, Grado Keep; Ephraim reminisces on when he visited two years prior, when Lyon taught him history, and he agreed to teach Lyon how to wield a lance. A minor earthquake occurs before Ephraim begins his assault on the capital, and Myrrh feels the source of the foul energy she has been tracking emanating from within the keep. Inside Grado Keep, Lyon speaks with an unresponsive Vigarde, asking if he has done the right thing. A soldier arrives, and Lyon's appearance changes, unnerving the soldier; the soldier informs Vigarde and Lyon that Ephraim's forces have entered the keep, and Lyon orders the Grado soldiers to fight and defeat Ephraim.

During the battle, Rennac enters the keep to loot it during the battle. If Ephraim talks to Rennac, Rennac recognizes Ephraim, and offers to be hired for 9,980 gold out of fear of Ephraim's reputation as "the Beast of Renais", which Ephraim can accept or reject. Alternately, if L'Arachel speaks to Rennac, she recognizes him and tells him to accompany her; Rennac initially refuses, citing poor treatment and low wages earlier, but reluctantly complies with her continued insistence.

When Vigarde is fought, he is unresponsive; when he is defeated and the throne seized, his body disintegrates. Ephraim and Seth are taken aback, but decide to patrol the castle regardless. Ephraim and Seth come across Lyon; Lyon claims to have planned the war from the beginning, to have befriended Ephraim and Eirika only to better destroy Renais, and to have killed Fado himself. Ephraim is shocked, and Lyon think to kill Ephraim, but finds himself too weak to attempt; Lyon then teleports away. After Lyon has left, a soldier informs Ephraim that they have found a cell block and a captive.

Ephraim and Seth arrive at the cells to find Knoll, a former arcane researcher for Grado awaiting execution. Knoll explains to them the circumstances that lead to the war: Approximately a year ago, Vigarde died of an illness, and Lyon attempted to use Grado's Sacred Stone to resurrect him. One day Lyon created what he called the Dark Stone, with which he resurrected Vigarde; in front of Knoll, Lyon then destroyed Grado's Sacred Stone, and stated the the other four stones must also be destroyed. After explaining the reason for the war, Knoll escorts Ephraim and Seth to the chamber which housed the Sacred Stones, where Grado's Sacred Twin relics are located; Knoll asks Ephraim to take them.

In Grado Keep's throne room, a messenger arrives to inform Ephraim that Eirika is under attack from two Grado armies lead by Caellach and Valter at Jehanna. Ephraim orders his army to march to Eirika's aid immediately.

Chapter data

Easy/Normal Difficult

Chapter Data
Unit Data
Victory: Seize the throne Player Partner Other Enemy
Defeat: Ephraim dies 1–12+1 {{{partner}}} {{{other}}} 42+29−1

Map Secret shop

Cm fe08 14B.png
Map dimensions:
29 columns by 31 rows

Character data

New units
Portrait rennac fe08.png
Steel Sword
Member Card
Enemy, talk to with Ephraim and pay him 9,980G, or talk to with L'Arachel
Portrait knoll fe08.png
Automatically at the end of the chapter
Required characters
Ephraim ​
Available characters
Seth ​Franz ​Gilliam ​Vanessa ​Moulder ​Ross ​Garcia ​Neimi ​Colm ​Artur ​Lute ​Natasha ​Joshua ​Forde ​Kyle ​Tana ​Amelia ​Duessel ​Cormag ​L'Arachel ​Dozla ​Ewan ​Marisa ​Gerik ​Tethys ​

Item data

Name Obtainment Method
Is gba knight crest.png Knight Crest Dropped by Vigarde
Is gba shine.png Shine Dropped by enemy Bishop (drops unequipped item)
Is gba sleep.png Sleep Dropped by enemy Bishop (drops unequipped item)
Is gba red gem.png Red Gem Dropped by enemy Druid
Is gba door key.png Door Key Dropped by enemy Knight
Is gba door key.png Door Key Dropped by enemy Knight
Is gba door key.png Door Key Dropped by enemy Knight
Is gba door key.png Door Key Dropped by enemy Shaman
Is gba chest key.png Chest Key Dropped by enemy Shaman
Is gba armorslayer.png Armorslayer Dropped by enemy Mercenary
Is gba longbow.png Longbow Dropped by enemy Sniper
Is gba swordreaver.png Swordreaver Dropped by enemy Fighter
Is gba hammer.png Hammer Dropped by enemy Fighter (reinforcement)
Is gba elixir.png Elixir Steal from Rennac or recruit him (reinforcement)
Is gba member card.png Member Card Steal from Rennac or recruit him (reinforcement)
Is gba guiding ring.png Guiding Ring Open left chest in southern room
Is gba gold.png 10,000G Open middle chest in southern room
Is gba hammerne.png Hammerne Open right chest in southern room
Is gba spear.png Spear Open north eastern chest
Is gba angelic robe.png Angelic Robe Open north western chest
Is gba body ring.png Body Ring Steal from enemy Archer
Is gba gleipnir.png Gleipnir Automatically at end of chapter
Is gba garm.png Garm Automatically at end of chapter

Shop data

Secret Shop


Name Cost
Is gba steel blade.png Steel Blade 1,250
Is gba silver blade.png Silver Blade 1,800
Is gba killing edge.png Killing Edge 1,300
Is gba killer lance.png Killer Lance 1,200
Is gba battle axe.png Battle Axe 1,000
Is gba killer axe.png Killer Axe 1,000
Is gba killer bow.png Killer Bow 1,400
Is gba barrier.png Barrier 2,250
Is gba physic.png Physic 3,750
Is gba lockpick.png Lockpick 1,200
Is gba hero crest.png Hero Crest 10,000
Is gba knight crest.png Knight Crest 10,000
Is gba orion's bolt.png Orion's Bolt 10,000
Is gba elysian whip.png Elysian Whip 10,000
Is gba guiding ring.png Guiding Ring 10,000
Is gba ocean seal.png Ocean Seal 10,000

Enemy data

Stats with two figures separated by a ~ are presented as a range, representing stats that vary due to random growths. The figures to the left and right of the ~ are the stat's minimum and maximum possible values respectively.

Easy Normal Difficult

Enemy Units
Name Class Lv # HP Str/Mag Mag Skill Spd Lck Prf Wlv Def Res Cha Lck Con Mov Inventory and Skills
Ma gba general enemy.gif Vigarde General 13 1 52 21 14 11 9 20 12 17 5 Spear Knight CrestThis item is dropped upon this unit's defeat.
Does not move; stands on a throne, the chapter's seize point.
Ma gba bishop enemy.gif Soldier Bishop 6 1 25~28 6~10 5~8 5~8 4~7 3~5 12~15 7 6 Silence Shine
Ma gba bishop enemy.gif Soldier Bishop 6 1 25~28 6~10 5~8 5~8 4~7 3~5 12~15 7 6 Sleep ShineThis item is dropped upon this unit's defeat.
Ma gba druid enemy.gif Soldier Druid 5 1 22~26 10~14 5~8 5~8 1~4 4~7 8~11 8 6 Luna Berserk
Ma gba druid enemy.gif Soldier Druid 5 1 22~26 10~14 5~8 5~8 1~4 4~7 8~11 8 6 Nosferatu Berserk Red GemThis item is dropped upon this unit's defeat.
Ma gba shaman enemy.gif Soldier Shaman 14 1 20~23 6~9 4~5 4~6 1~3 2~4 6~8 7 5 Luna Nosferatu
Ma gba shaman enemy.gif Soldier Shaman 14 1 20~23 6~9 4~5 4~6 1~3 2~4 6~8 7 5 Luna Door KeyThis item is dropped upon this unit's defeat.
Ma gba shaman enemy.gif Soldier Shaman 13 1 20~22 6~8 3~5 4~6 1~3 2~4 6~8 7 5 Luna Chest KeyThis item is dropped upon this unit's defeat.
Ma gba shaman enemy.gif Soldier Shaman 13 1 20~22 6~8 3~5 4~6 1~3 2~4 6~8 7 5 Flux
Ma gba fighter enemy.gif Soldier Fighter 12 2 26~29 9~11 4~6 6~8 1~2 3~4 1~2 11 5 Hand Axe
• The eastern one immediately begins moving unprovoked.
• The other begins moving unprovoked on turn 2.
Ma gba myrmidon enemy.gif Soldier Myrmidon 12 2 21~24 6~8 12~14 12~14 2~4 3~4 1~3 8 5 Steel Sword
Ma gba mercenary enemy.gif Soldier Mercenary 13 1 25~27 7~9 11~13 10~12 2~4 5~7 1~3 9 5 ArmorslayerThis item is dropped upon this unit's defeat.
Immediately begins moving unprovoked.
Ma gba mage enemy.gif Soldier Mage 13 1 20~23 5~8 5~7 6~7 1~3 3~4 5~7 6 5 Thunder
Ma gba knight enemy.gif Soldier Knight 13 3 24~26 8~10 4~6 1~2 2~3 11~13 1~3 13 4 Javelin Steel Lance Door KeyThis item is dropped upon this unit's defeat.
Does not move.
Ma gba fighter enemy.gif Soldier Fighter 12 1 26~29 9~11 4~6 6~8 1~2 3~4 1~2 11 5 Iron Axe
Begins moving unprovoked on turn 2.
Ma gba soldier enemy.gif Soldier Soldier 12 2 26~29 6~9 2~4 2~4 1~3 0~2 1~2 6 5 Iron Lance
Begins moving unprovoked on turn 2.
Ma gba fighter enemy.gif Soldier Fighter 13 1 27~30 9~12 5~6 6~8 1~2 3~4 1~2 11 5 SwordreaverThis item is dropped upon this unit's defeat.
Ma gba fighter enemy.gif Soldier Fighter 12 2 26~29 9~11 4~6 6~8 1~2 3~4 1~2 11 5 Steel Axe
One immediately begins moving unprovoked.
Ma gba knight enemy.gif Soldier Knight 13 6 24~26 8~10 4~6 1~2 2~3 11~13 1~3 13 4 Javelin Steel Lance
Does not move.
Ma gba archer enemy.gif Soldier Archer 12 1 23~26 6~8 6~8 5~7 2~4 4~5 1~2 7 5 Longbow Body Ring
Ma gba myrmidon enemy.gif Soldier Myrmidon 12 1 21~24 6~8 12~14 12~14 2~4 3~4 1~3 8 5 Killing Edge
Begins moving if a door to the northern hall is opened.
Ma gba myrmidon enemy.gif Soldier Myrmidon 12 1 21~24 6~8 12~14 12~14 2~4 3~4 1~3 8 5 Lancereaver
Begins moving if a door to the northern hall is opened.
Ma gba knight enemy.gif Soldier Knight 13 4 24~26 8~10 4~6 1~2 2~3 11~13 1~3 13 4 Steel Lance
Begins moving if a door to the northern hall is opened.
Ma gba archer enemy.gif Soldier Archer 13 3 24~26 7~8 6~8 5~7 3~4 4~5 1~2 7 5 Longbow
Ma gba mercenary enemy.gif Soldier Mercenary 13 1 25~27 7~9 11~13 10~12 2~4 5~7 1~3 9 5 Steel Sword
Immediately begins moving unprovoked.
Ma gba sniper enemy.gif Soldier Sniper 5 1 27~30 9~12 8~11 6~9 2~5 6~8 3~6 8 6 LongbowThis item is dropped upon this unit's defeat.
Name Class Lv # HP Str/Mag Mag Skill Spd Lck Prf Wlv Def Res Cha Lck Con Mov Inventory and Skills
Ma gba rogue enemy.gif Rennac Rogue 1 1 28 10 16 17 5 9 11 7 6 Steel Sword Elixir Member CardThis item is dropped upon this unit's defeat.
Prioritizes opening chests, then escaping.
Ma gba fighter enemy.gif Soldier Fighter 13 1 27~30 9~12 5~6 6~8 1~2 3~4 1~2 11 5 HammerThis item is dropped upon this unit's defeat.
Ma gba fighter enemy.gif Soldier Fighter 13 1 27~30 9~12 5~6 6~8 1~2 3~4 1~2 11 5 Steel Axe
Ma gba soldier enemy.gif Soldier Soldier 13 3 27~29 7~9 2~4 2~4 2~3 1~2 1~2 6 5 Steel Lance
Ma gba soldier enemy.gif Soldier Soldier 13 1 27~29 7~9 2~4 2~4 2~3 1~2 1~2 6 5 Javelin
Ma gba mercenary enemy.gif Soldier Mercenary 13 2 25~27 7~9 11~13 10~12 2~4 5~7 1~3 9 5 Steel Sword
Ma gba knight enemy.gif Soldier Knight 13 2 24~26 8~10 4~6 1~2 2~3 11~13 1~3 13 4 Steel Lance
Ma gba myrmidon enemy.gif Soldier Myrmidon 13 2 22~24 7~8 12~14 12~14 2~4 3~4 1~3 8 5 Steel Sword
Ma gba mage enemy.gif Soldier Mage 13 6 20~23 5~8 5~7 6~7 1~3 3~4 5~7 6 5 Elfire
Ma gba shaman enemy.gif Soldier Shaman 13 5 20~22 6~8 3~5 4~6 1~3 2~4 6~8 7 5 Luna
Ma gba shaman enemy.gif Soldier Shaman 13 3 20~22 6~8 3~5 4~6 1~3 2~4 6~8 7 5 Flux
Ma gba shaman enemy.gif Soldier Shaman 13 2 20~22 6~8 3~5 4~6 1~3 2~4 6~8 7 5 Nosferatu


Boss data

Stats with two figures separated by a ~ are presented as a range, representing stats that vary due to random growths. The figures to the left and right of the ~ are the stat's minimum and maximum possible values respectively.
Main article: Vigarde

Easy/Normal Difficult

Portrait vigarde fe08.png
Ma gba general enemy.gif General
Level 13
Affinity Is gba animaaffin.png
Max HP 52 Luck 9
Strength 21 Defense 20
Skill 14 Resistance 12
Speed 11 Constitution 17
Movement 5 Aid 16
Knight CrestThis item is dropped upon this unit's defeat.
Weapon Levels
Swords A Lances S Axes A Bows --
Anima magic -- Light magic -- Dark magic -- Staves --


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Etymology and other languages

Names, etymology, and in other regions
Language Name Definition, etymology, and notes

Father and Son




Father and son


Padre e hijo

Father and son


Père et fils

Father and son


Vater und Sohn

Father and Son


Padre e figlio

Father and son


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← Fluorspar's Oath • Father and Son • Scorched Sand →
Fire Emblem: The Sacred Stones
Playable characters AmeliaArturColmCormagDozlaDuesselEirikaEphraimEwanFordeFranzGarciaGerikGilliamInnesJoshuaKnollKyleL'ArachelLuteMarisaMoulderMyrrhNatashaNeimiRennacRossSalehSethSyreneTanaTethysVanessa
Creature Campaign characters CaellachFadoGlenHaydenIsmaireLyonOrsonRievSelenaValter
Non-playable characters DaraKlimtMansel
Bosses AiasBanditBazbaBeranBinksBoneBreguetCaellachCarlyleFomortiisGhebLyonMorvaMurrayNovalaO'NeillOrsonPabloRievSaarSelenaTiradoValterVigardeZonta
Background characters GradoLatonaMacGregorMonicaNada Kuya
Sacred Twins and personal weapons AudhulmaExcaliburGarmGleipnirIvaldiLatonaNidhoggRapierReginleifSieglindeSiegmundVidofnir
Chapters Pre-split P: The Fall of Renais • 1: Escape! • 2: The Protected • 3: The Bandits of Borgo • 4: Ancient Horrors • 5: The Empire's Reach • 5x: Unbroken Heart • 6: Victims of War • 7: Waterside Renvall • 8: It's a Trap!A New Journey
Eirika's Route 9: Distant Blade • 10: Revolt at Carcino • 11: Creeping Darkness • 12: Village of Silence • 13: Hamill Canyon • 14: Queen of White Dunes
Ephraim's Route 9: Fort Rigwald • 10: Turning Traitor • 11: Phantom Ship • 12: Landing at Taizel • 13: Fluorspar's Oath • 14: Father and Son
Post-split 15: Scorched Sand • 16: Ruled by Madness • 17: River of Regrets • 18: Two Faces of Evil • 19: Last Hope • 20: Darkling WoodsF: Sacred Stone (part 1part 2)
Locations MagvelCarcino (Caer Pelyn) • Darkling WoodsFrelia (Tower of Valni) • Grado (Renvall) • Jehanna (Jehanna HallLagdou Ruins) • Rausten (Melkaen Coast) • Renais (Za'ha Woods)
Groups, objects and concepts Five heroesGerik's MercenariesImperial ThreeLegend of the Sacred StonesMonstersSacred StonesSacred TwinsWar of the Stones
Lists ChaptersCharacters (Availability chart) • Classes (Class change) • Hidden treasureItemsScriptsSkillsSupportsWeapons
Related topics Creature CampaignThe Sacred Stones ComicNovelizationList of version differences (Name chart) • Pre-release information (Pre-release buildUnused content) • Sound RoomTimelineWorld map