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Refining Stone

From Fire Emblem Wiki, your source on Fire Emblem information. By fans, for fans.
Refining Stone

Is feh refining stone.png
Icon of a Refining Stone from Heroes.



First game

Fire Emblem Heroes

The Refining Stone (Japanese: 錬成石 Strengthening stone) is an item appearing exclusively in Fire Emblem Heroes. Refining Stones are one of three types of items used in the Weapon Refinery, the other types being the Arena Medal and Divine Dew; Refining Stones are used alongside Arena Medals to refine inheritable, non-regalia weapons. Refining Medals are mostly won by placing high in an Arena season, but can also be awarded by completing quests. When the player spends Refining Stones to refine non-regalia weapons, they will receive a quantity of Divine Dew equal to the number of Refining Stones used; this is currently the only method of obtaining Divine Dew.


Game Icon Uses Worth Effects and notes
Heroes Is feh refining stone.png 1 -- One ingredient needed to refine non-regalia weapons.



This list may be incomplete.
Arena Chain reward, 10 Refining Stones per Arena week
(clear the arena 5 times consecutively)
Arena Assault Rank reward, From 10 up to 30 Refining Stones (top 300,000 only)
(All rewards are distributed at the end of the arena week)
Lost Lore/Lost Lore: Spoils Rank reward, 5 Refining Stones per Lost Lore/Lost Lore Spoils event
Frontline Phalanx Daily reward, 5 Refining Stones per event
(Received on day 4)
Pawns of Loki Cummulative reward, 10 Refining stones per event
Røkkr Sieges Personal Damage reward, 10 Refining stones per round (total of 30 per event)
Grand Conquests Tier reward, 30 Refining stones per Grand Conquests event
Quests and missions Voting Gauntlet: 10 Refining Stones per Voting Gauntlet Round (total of 30 per event)

Tempest Trials: 4 Refining Stones per day

Flavor text

Game Text
Used in the Weapon Refinery to
refine normal weapons.

Etymology and other languages

Names, etymology, and in other regions
Language Name Definition, etymology, and notes

Refining Stone




Strengthening stone


Piedra de refinado

Refining stone


Pierre d'amélioration

Improvement stone



Refining Stone


Pietra levigante

Polishing stone


Pedra de refino

Refining stone

Traditional Chinese


Refining stone


Items in Fire Emblem Heroes
General items Aether StoneArena CrownArena MedalAscendant FloretBadgeBattle FlagBinding TorchBlessingsCelestial StoneConquest LanceDivine Code: PartDivine Code: EphemeraDivine DewDragonflowersDueling Crest (Dueling Sword) • First Summon TicketForma SoulForma TorchGuardian ShieldHavoc AxeHeavenly DewHero FeatherHeroic GrailLight's BlessingMemento PointMemory FragmentMidgard GemOrbRefining StoneSacred CoinShards and CrystalsSP Aether StoneStamina PotionTrait Fruit
Arena Assault items Dancer's VeilElixirFear CharmFortifying HornInfantry BootsLightning CharmNaga's TearPanic CharmPressure CharmSpecial Blade