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Upheaval (Japanese: メガクェイク Megaquake) is a rarely-occurring offensive spell in Fire Emblem Gaiden. It is one of Gaiden's more obscure features. It can be used by Jamil and Duma, but does not appear in their spell lists.
The spell rarely occurs at all, this leads to many people playing through Gaiden in its entirety and never encountering it, increasing its obscurity. In Gaiden, when used, the following text appears:
わがよびかけに おうじよ!!
てきは メガクェイク
This translates to:
O, Holy Spirit of the Earth! Respond to my call!!
The enemy chanted Megaquake!!
Upheaval returns in Gaiden's remake, Echoes: Shadows of Valentia, this time as a defined personal skill listed in Jamil and Duma's skill lists. When used, every member of the player's party takes a different, random amount of damage, between 8 and 18 HP. The player is also alerted to an impending use of Upheaval by its user becoming surrounded by a dark aura at the beginning of the player phase, before unleashing Upheaval at the beginning of the enemy phase. Unlike most offensive skills in Shadows of Valentia, Upheaval does not consume any of its user's HP. In this game, the incantation was localized as:
Spirits of the Earth, heed my call!
Upheaval returns once more in Heroes as one of Duma's personal skills.
In Fire Emblem: Three Houses, Upheaval returns as a dark magic spell, here known as Quake Σ (Japanese: メガクエイクΣ Megaquake Σ). It is an exceedingly rare spell that affects the entire map, and it is exclusively wielded by the Agarthan leader, Thales.
In the main Fire Emblem series
Game | Icon | Level | Might | Weight | Hit | Crit | Range | Uses | Worth | WEXP | Other effects and notes |
Gaiden | -- | -- | -- | -- | -- | -- | ∞ | -- | -- | -- | Used by Duma and Jamil, but does not appear in their spell lists. Cannot kill units. Damage formula: [(random number between 0–20) + 10] − (target's luck / 2) Deals a minimum of 10 damage.[1] |
Echoes: Shadows of Valentia | ![]() |
-- | 8–18 | -- | -- | -- | ∞ | -- | -- | -- | Upon use, user charges up spell and cannot act again during turn. User will unleash the attack the following turn, and cannot act again on this turn. Cannot kill units. |
Three Houses | ![]() |
![]() |
8 | 20 | 50 | 0 | ∞ | 1 | -- | 2 | Does not affect ![]() |
In other Fire Emblem series titles
Game | Icon | Type | Effect | SP cost | Prerequisites | Unusable by | Inheritable | Other effects and notes |
Heroes (Upheaval) |
![]() |
C | At start of turn 1, deals 7 damage to all foes, and if defending in Aether Raids during anima season, destroys offensive structures in user's column (does not affect indestructible structures). | 300 | -- | -- | ✗ | -- |
Heroes (Upheaval+) |
![]() |
C | At start of turn 1, deals 10 damage to all foes, and if defending in Aether Raids during anima season, destroys nearest offensive structure (does not affect indestructible structures). If user's attack > foe's attack or foe's HP ≤ 99% at start of combat, neutralizes foe's bonuses during combat. |
300 | Upheaval | -- | ✗ | -- |
Heroes (Woeful Upheaval) |
![]() |
C | At start of turn 1, deals 7 damage to all foes. Foe's first attack deals ([user's attack − foe's attack; minimum: 0] + [(foe's maximum HP − foe's HP at start of combat) × 3; maximum: 30])% damage. If foe uses a bow; dagger; red, blue, green, or colorless tome; or staff and initiates combat against an ally within 2 spaces of user, triggers Savior (Unit takes ally's space, enters combat in ally's place, and receives all after-combat effects. Will not trigger if unit cannot traverse ally's space, or multiple units can trigger Savior for same combat. If triggered, after-combat movement effects do not occur.) on user. |
300 | -- | -- | ✗ | -- |
Game | Icon | Might | Hit | Crit | Avo / Crit Avo* | Range | Cost | Other effects and notes |
Warriors: Three Hopes | ![]() |
Large | -- | -- | -- | ![]() |
25/23/21 durability | Inflicts the ![]() Base cooldown: 25 seconds. Needs 20/25 uses to level up. |
Unobtainable | Not an item. |
Echoes: Shadows of Valentia
Unobtainable | Enemy only, known by Jamil and Duma. |
Three Houses
Unobtainable | Exclusively used by Thales as the boss of Silver Snow Chapter 20/Verdant Wind Chapter 21. |
Method | Data | |
Upheaval | Upheaval+ | |
Unit (★★★★★) | Duma: God of Strength | Duma: God of Strength |
Woeful Upheaval
Method | Data |
Unit (★★★★★) | Duma: Strength and Love |
Warriors: Three Hopes
Unobtainable | Enemy only. |
Flavor text
Game | Text (English) |
Text (Japanese) |
Echoes: Shadows of Valentia | Earth magic that deals
damage to all opponents. |
敵全体にダメージを与える |
Three Houses | The highest tier of dark magic.
Attacks the entire battlefield, except fliers. |
戦場全体を攻撃 飛行系には無効 |
Heroes (Upheaval) |
At the start of turn 1, deals 7 damage to all
foes, and if defending in Aether Raids during anima season, destroys offensive structure within same column as unit. (Does not affect structures that cannot be destroyed.) |
さらに、理のシーズンの飛空城防衛時なら、 同じ縦列にある敵攻撃設備のうち、 破壊可能なものを破壊する。 |
Heroes (Upheaval+) |
At the start of turn 1, deals 10 damage to all
foes, and if defending in Aether Raids during Anima season, destroys nearest offensive structure. (Does not affect structures that cannot be destroyed.) At start of combat, if unit's Atk > foe's Atk, or if foe's HP < 100%, neutralizes foe's bonuses (from skills like Fortify, Rally, etc.) during combat. |
さらに、理のシーズンの飛空城防衛時なら、 破壊可能な最も近い敵攻撃設備を破壊する 戦闘開始時、自身の攻撃が敵より1以上高い時、 または、戦闘開始時、敵のHPが99%以下の時、 戦闘中、敵の強化の+を無効にする (無効になるのは、鼓舞や応援等の+効果) |
Heroes (Woeful Upheaval) |
At the start of turn 1, deals 7 damage to all
foes. Reduces damage from foe's first attack during combat by percentage = difference between unit's Atk and foe's Atk (min. 0) + difference between foe's max HP and foe's current HP at start of combat, × 3 (max. 30). If a foe uses bow, dagger, magic, or staff and initiates combat against an ally within 2 spaces of unit, triggers【Savior】on unit. 【Savior】 Unit takes ally's space, enters combat in ally's place, and receives all after-combat effects. Savior will not trigger if ally is on terrain that unit cannot move to or if multiple units are able to use Savior during the same combat. If Savior triggers, after-combat movement effects do not occur. |
戦闘中、最初に受けた攻撃のダメージを○×3%軽減 ○は、自分と敵の攻撃の差(最低0)+ 戦闘開始時の敵の最大HPと現HPの差 (最大30%) 周囲2マス以内の味方が、 弓、暗器、魔法、杖の敵から攻撃された時、 スキル所持者は【護り手】を発動 【護り手】 攻撃された味方の代わりに、味方のマスで戦闘を行い、 戦闘後の効果を受ける。 下記の場合、「護り手」は発動しない ・味方がいる場所が自分が進入できない地形の時 ・その戦闘で「護り手」を発動可能な味方が複数いる時 (「護り手」発動時、戦闘後移動スキルは無効) |
Warriors: Three Hopes (Unused)* |
The highest tier of dark magic.
Etymology and other languages
Names, etymology, and in other regions | ||
Language | Name | Definition, etymology, and notes |
English |
Upheaval |
This name is used in Echoes: Shadows of Valentia and Heroes. |
English (unofficial) |
Megaquake |
Used in the Fire Emblem Gaiden fan translation. |
Japanese |
メガクェイク |
Megaquake; used in Gaiden, Echoes: Shadows of Valentia, and Heroes. |
Spanish |
Turbulencia |
Turbulence |
French |
Séisme |
Earthquake |
German |
Turbulenz |
Turbulence |
Italian |
Sisma |
Quake |
Dutch |
Aardbeving |
Earthquake |
Portuguese |
Turbulência |
Turbulence |
Korean |
메가 퀘이크 |
Mega quake |
Simplified Chinese |
超级地震 |
Super-earthquake |
Traditional Chinese |
超級地震 |
Super-earthquake |
Quake Σ
Names, etymology, and in other regions | ||
Language | Name | Definition, etymology, and notes |
English |
Quake Σ |
This name is used in Three Houses. Dark magic in Three Houses is denoted with a Greek letter; in this case, Sigma. |
Japanese |
メガクェイク Σ |
Megaquake Σ |
Spanish |
Terremoto Σ |
Earthquake Σ |
French |
Séisme Σ |
Earthquake Σ |
German |
Beben Σ |
Quake Σ |
Italian |
Sisma Σ |
Quake Σ |
Korean |
메가퀘이크Σ |
Megaquake Σ |
Simplified Chinese |
巨型地震Σ |
Giant earthquake Σ |
Traditional Chinese |
巨型地震Σ |
Giant earthquake Σ |
Woeful Upheaval
Names, etymology, and in other regions | ||
Language | Name | Definition, etymology, and notes |
English |
Woeful Upheaval |
-- |
Japanese |
試練メガクェイク |
Trial megaquake |
Spanish |
Turbulencia fatal |
Deadly turbulence |
French |
Séisme tragique |
Tragic earthquake |
German |
Arge Turbulenz |
Intense Turbulaece |
Italian |
Sisma desolante |
Distressing turbulaece |
Portuguese |
Caos turbulento |
Turbulent chaos |
Traditional Chinese |
試煉超級地震 |
Trial super-earthquake |
Jamil preparing to cast Upheaval in Echoes: Shadows of Valentia.
See also
- Geosphere, an item from Shadow Dragon & the Blade of Light and its remakes with a similar effect.
- ↑ メガクェイクダメージ計算, ファミコンアナリシス (archived by the Wayback Machine), Published: June 1, 2016, Retrieved: October 18, 2017
Dark magic | ||||||||||
Weapons in Fire Emblem: Three Houses | ||||||||||||||||||||||
Type C passive skills in Heroes | ||||||||||||||||
Weapons in Fire Emblem Warriors: Three Hopes | ||||||||||||||||||||