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Great Bow

From Fire Emblem Wiki, your source on Fire Emblem information. By fans, for fans.
Great Bow

Is snes03 great bow.png
Icon of a Great Bow in Thracia 776.

Massive, simple bow



First game

Fire Emblem: Thracia 776

The Great Bow (Japanese: グレートボウ Great Bow) is a rare bow-type weapon in the Fire Emblem series, only appearing in Fire Emblem: Thracia 776. This weapon is stronger and easier to wield than the Silver Bow, but it is also as inaccurate as the Poison Bow. It is best used by units with high constitution, such as warriors.


Game Icon Level Might Weight Hit Crit Range Uses Worth WEXP Other effects and notes
Thracia 776 Is snes03 great bow.png Bows C 18 16 55 0 2 20 2,200 1 Deals bonus damage to flying units.


Thracia 776

Capture and Steal Chapter 10, enemy LargoChapter 19, enemy Arch Knight (×21, reinforcement) • Chapter 21, enemy Bow Knight (×5, reinforcement) • Chapter 22, enemy Bow Knight (×3), enemy Arch Knight (×11, reinforcement) • Chapter 23, enemy Bow Knight (×2)

Flavor text

Game Text
Thracia 776
Massive, simple
Effective against
Is snes03 flying.png units*

Etymology and other languages

Names, etymology, and in other regions
Language Name Definition, etymology, and notes
  • Great Bow
  • Greatbow
  • Used in older fan translations.[clarification needed]
  • Used in the Lil' Manster fan translation.


Great Bow


See also

Bows and Crossbows
Basic bows BowBowgunBow of ZoltanBroken BowBronze BowClarisse's BowEmblem BowGlass BowGordin's BowGreat BowInnes' BowIron BowKiller BowLongbow (Thracia 776)RienflecheRubber BowRusted BowRyan's BowShort BowSilencerSilver BowSlack BowSteel BowToy BowTraining Bow
Bows with secondary effects Anna's BowAstraBeacon BowBlessed BowBrave BowCleave BowCrescent BowCupid BowHunter's BowLaguz BowLunaMeisterbogenMila's BowNiles's BowQuick BowPython's BowSuperior BowUnderdog BowVenin BowViolin BowWolt's Bow
Magic-based bows Magic BowRadiant BowShining Bow
Ranged bows Double BowIron LongbowLongbowSilver LongbowSteel LongbowTowering Bow
Close-range bows Double BowIron ShortbowMini BowSilver ShortbowSteel Shortbow
Crossbows AqqarArbalestBowgunCrossbowTaksh
Regalia and personal bows FailnaughtLughnasadhMulagirNidhoggParthiaRolf's BowTathlum BowThe InexhaustibleYewfelle
Weapons in Fire Emblem: Thracia 776
Swords ArmorslayerBeo's SwordBerserk SwordBlessed SwordBragi SwordBrave SwordBroken SwordFlame SwordGreat SwordIron BladeIron SwordKilling EdgeKing SwordLands SwordLight BrandLightning SwordLong SwordLoptr SwordMareeta's SwordMeisterschwertParagon SwordRapierShadow SwordShort SwordSilver SwordSleep SwordSlim SwordSteel SwordVenin EdgeWind Sword
Lances Brave LanceBroken LanceDragon LanceGreat LanceIron LanceJavelinKiller LanceLong LanceMaster LanceRidersbaneShort LanceSilver LanceSlim LanceSteel LanceVenin Lance
Axes Battle AxeBrave AxeBroken AxeDevil AxeHammerHand AxeIron AxeKiller AxeMaster AxePoleaxSilver AxeSteel AxeVenin AxeVouge
Bows Brave BowBroken BowGreat BowIron BowKiller BowLongbowMeisterbogenShort BowSilver BowSteel BowVenin Bow
Fire Drained TomeElfireFireMeteor
Thunder BoltingDire ThunderDrained TomeThoronThunder
Wind BlizzardDrained TomeGrafcaliburForsetiTornadoWind
Light Drained TomeLightningNosferatu
Dark Drained TomeFenrirJormungandHelPetrifyPoison
Ballistae BallistaPoison BallistaIron Ballista
Staves BerserkBroken StaffFortifyHealKiaMagic UpMendPhysicRecoverRepairRescueRestoreRewarpSilenceSleepThiefTorchUnlockWarp
Unused weapons AuraBolganoneDarkness LanceGáe BolgGungnirKiller BallistaLoptousMjölnirValflameWatch