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The Onslaught

From Fire Emblem Wiki, your source on Fire Emblem information. By fans, for fans.
The Onslaught

Cm fe05 14.png



New units

Deen, Eda, Homer



Previous chapter(s)

The Walled City

Next chapter(s)
Side quest conditions

At least three houses inside the walls (other than Homer's) are visited

And so the Empire brings the full weight of their army to bear against us...
— Linoan, to Eda

The Onslaught (Japanese: 総攻撃 All-Out Offensive) is the fourteenth chapter of Fire Emblem: Thracia 776. In order to play the side quest after, the player must visit at least three houses within the city, excluding the house where Homer is recruited.


Main article: The Onslaught/Script

As Imperial generals Paulus and Baldack ready their troops, Eda and Linoan discuss the situation in Tarrah. Their conversation eventually turns to Deen, whom Linoan holds in very high regard, because he saved her from the house arrest she was stuck in after her father's death and protected her afterward. Eda explains to her that the rescue was Arion's idea, and to accomplish what he did, Deen had to desert the Thracian army. Eda then makes for the front lines and leaves Linoan in the castle.

The battle begins. During the battle, inside one of Tarrah's houses, Homer and Shannam have a conversation. Homer picks up on the fact Shannam is only pretending to be Prince Shannan, and then learns that Shannam is escaping from the city. Homer intends to escape as well, but he is staying for the night to have some fun before he goes. Shannam then leaves Tarrah. If Nanna visits this house later, she expresses indignation over the fact Homer is not fighting in the city's defense, convincing him to lend a hand and join Leif's army.

If Deen visits the south-western house outside Tarrah, he meets with Altena, who gifts him the Dragon Lance. Altena declares that this is Lord Arion's apology for making Deen desert the Thracian army and ruin his reputation, and although Deen wants to refuse the gift at first, he accepts it in the end.

Late into the battle, Travant and McCloy arrive to survey the battlefield alongside Arion. Travant explains that while they have come here as the Empire's allies, the plan is to swoop in and seize Tarrah after the Empire's army exhausts itself. Arion suggests fighting for Tarrah instead of seizing it, but Travant retorts that they cannot win against the Empire in an outright battle, as the Battle of Melgen - which Thracia lost - proved in the past. Arion then claims he will help his father seize Tarrah, and Travant gives him free rein to act as long as Tarrah falls into his hands.

Arion flies into the city to meet with Linoan, and he warns her that Thracian forces are about to fly into the city. He urges her to surrender to Thracia, as Thracia will protect the citizens, unlike the Empire, which is likely to commit genocide with its Loptian Order forces. Leif and his soldiers will have to withdraw, but Tarrah will be spared. Linoan accepts Arion's offer, but chooses to accompany Leif instead of staying in Tarrah, and asks Arion if she will get the city back after they overthrow the Empire. Arion does not think they can succeed in such a goal, but promises that if they do succeed, he will return the city.

Chapter data

Chapter Data
Unit Data
Victory: Defend the gate for 10 turns Player Partner Other Enemy
Defeat: Leif dies or an enemy takes the gate 6–14+3 {{{partner}}} 0+7 38+59
Cm fe05 14.png

Units are arranged based on their position in deployment order after Leif.

The east and west gates and the chipped sections of wall can be broken by an enemy that moves to do so; it consumes their turn, and turns the terrain into wasteland.

Character data

New units
Portrait deen fe05.png
Wyvern Knight
Silver Lance
Iron Blade
Dáinn Scroll
Automatically from turn 1*
Portrait eda fe05.png
Dragon Rider
Killer Lance
Slim Sword
Automatically from turn 1*
Portrait homer fe05.png
S Drink
Visit left northeastern house in the city with Nanna
Required characters
Leif ​
Available characters
Lifis ​Fergus ​Karin ​Brighton ​Machyua ​Lara ​Dalsin ​Asbel ​Nanna ​Hicks ​Finn ​Safy ​Shiva ​Osian ​Halvan ​Ronan ​Carrion ​Marty ​Dagdar ​Tanya ​Selphina ​Cain ​Alva ​Robert ​Fred ​Olwen ​Mareeta ​Salem ​Perne ​Troude ​Tina ​Glade ​

Item data

Name Obtainment Method
Is snes03 nosferatu.png Nosferatu Visit furthest southeastern house outside the walls
Is snes03 dragon lance.png Dragon Lance Visit furthest southwestern house outside the walls with Deen

Shop data

Armories and vendors

Swords Lances Axes Bows Tomes Staves Items Secret

Name Cost
Is snes03 slim sword.png Slim Sword 2,600
Is snes03 iron blade.png Iron Blade 2,000
Is snes03 silver sword.png Silver Sword 4,200

Enemy data

Stats with two figures separated by a ~ are presented as a range, representing stats that vary due to random growths. The figures to the left and right of the ~ are the stat's minimum and maximum possible values respectively.
Enemy Units
Name Class Lv # HP Str Mag Skill Spd Lck Prf Wlv Def Res Cha Lck Con Mov Inventory and Skills
Ma snes03 axe armor enemy.gif Friege Axe Armor 14 6 20~36 4~20 0~16 0~16 0~16 0~16 8~20 9~20 5~6 Battle Axe
Authority: Baldack
• All but the second-westernmost and the easternmost ones immediately begins moving to the gate.
• The second-westernmost and the easternmost ones move to break the east and west gates and chipped walls, then moves to attack units once those are all broken.
Ma snes03 ballista enemy.gif Friege Ballista 5 4 20~27 4~11 0~7 3~10 0~7 0~3 5~12 6~13 0 Ballista
Authority: Paulus
Ma snes03 iron ballista enemy.gif Friege Iron Ballista 5 1 20~27 4~11 0~7 5~12 0~7 0~3 12~19 6~13 0 Iron Ballista
Authority: Paulus
Ma snes03 lance armor enemy.gif Friege Lance Armor 12 6 20~34 4~18 0~14 0~14 0~14 0~14 8~20 9~20 5~6 Javelin
Authority: Baldack
Immediately begins moving to the gate.
Ma snes03 lance armor enemy.gif Friege Lance Armor 15 2 20~37 4~20 0~17 0~17 0~17 0~17 8~20 9~20 5~6 Great Lance
Authority: Paulus
Immediately begins moving to the gate.
Ma snes03 axe armor enemy.gif Friege Axe Armor 10 4 20~32 4~16 0~12 0~12 0~12 0~12 8~20 9~20 5~6 Hammer
Authority: Paulus
• The northwest one immediately begins moving to the gate.
• The other three move to break the east and west gates and chipped walls, then moves to attack units once those are all broken.
Ma snes03 general enemy.gif Baldack General 14 1 48 15 3 12 10 14 18 20 7 Master Lance Killer Bow Ridersbane Vulnerary
Authority: ★★★
Randomly either moves to the gate or moves only to attack units in range each turn.
Ma snes03 priest enemy.gif Friege Priest 3 2 16~21 0~5 3~8 2~7 1~6 0~5 0~5 4~9 5~6 Heal
Authority: Baldack
Ma snes03 priest enemy.gif Friege Priest 5 2 16~23 0~7 3~10 2~9 1~8 0~7 0~7 4~11 5~6 Physic
Authority: Paulus
Ma snes03 lance armor enemy.gif Friege Lance Armor 16 4 20~38 4~20 0~18 0~18 0~18 0~18 8~20 9~20 5~6 Killer Lance Vulnerary
Authority: Paulus
Moves to attack units in range.
Ma snes03 bow armor enemy.gif Friege Bow Armor 10 2 20~32 4~16 0~12 0~12 0~12 0~12 8~20 9~20 5~6 Long Bow
Authority: Paulus
Immediately begins moving to the gate.
Ma snes03 mage enemy.gif Friege Mage 8 2 18~28 0~10 2~12 2~12 3~13 0~10 0~10 4~14 6~7 Thunder
Authority: Paulus
Immediately begins moving to the gate.
Ma snes03 baron enemy.gif Paulus Baron 14 1 44 19 8 14 12 8 20 18 6 Master Axe Tornado Vulnerary
Authority: ★★★★
Randomly either moves to attack units in range or does not act each turn.
Ma snes03 bishop enemy.gif Friege Bishop 8 1 20~30 0~10 5~15 2~12 2~12 0~10 1~11 4~14 5~6 Thunder Physic Bolting Heal
Authority: Paulus
Does not move.
Name Class Lv # HP Str Mag Skill Spd Lck Prf Wlv Def Res Cha Lck Con Mov Inventory and Skills
Ma snes03 bow armor enemy.gif Friege Bow Armor 10 10 20~32 4~16 0~12 0~12 0~12 0~12 8~20 9~20 5~6 Long Bow
Authority: Paulus
Immediately begins moving to the gate.
Ma snes03 axe armor enemy.gif Friege Axe Armor 10 20 20~32 4~16 0~12 0~12 0~12 0~12 8~20 9~20 5~6 Hammer
Authority: Paulus
Moves to break the east and west gates and chipped walls, then moves to attack units once those are all broken.
Ma snes03 lance armor enemy.gif Friege Lance Armor 15 10 20~37 4~20 0~17 0~17 0~17 0~17 8~20 9~20 5~6 Great Lance
Authority: Paulus
Immediately begins moving to the gate.
Ma snes03 mage enemy.gif Friege Mage 8 10 18~28 0~10 2~12 2~12 3~13 0~10 0~10 4~14 6~7 Thunder
Authority: Paulus
Immediately begins moving to the gate.
Ma snes03 dark mage enemy.gif Friege Dark Mage 18 9 24~44 0~20 5~20 4~20 3~20 0~20 4~20 5~20 6~7 Jormungand


  • Turns 1–5
    • 2 Bow Armors; one from the starting positions of each initial Bow Armor from the west and east
    • 4 Axe Armors; one from the starting positions of each initial Axe Armor from the west and east
    • 2 Lance Armors; one from the starting positions of each initial Lance Armor from the west and east
    • 2 Mages; one from the starting positions of each initial Mage from the west and east
  • Turn 9
    • 9 Dark Mages from the upper eastern border of the map

NPC data

Stats with two figures separated by a ~ are presented as a range, representing stats that vary due to random growths. The figures to the left and right of the ~ are the stat's minimum and maximum possible values respectively.
NPC Units
Name Class Lv # HP Str Mag Skill Spd Lck Prf Wlv Def Res Cha Lck Con Mov Inventory and Skills
Ma snes03 wyvern knight other.gif McCloy Wyvern Knight 15 1 24~41 7~20 1~18 6~20 6~20 0~17 9~20 8~20 9~10 Silver Lance Javelin Vulnerary
Randomly either moves to the gate or moves only to attack units in range each turn.
Ma snes03 wyvern knight other.gif Thracia Wyvern Knight 12 3 24~38 7~20 1~15 6~20 6~20 0~14 9~20 8~20 9~10 Javelin Vulnerary
Authority: McCloy
Randomly either moves to the gate or moves only to attack units in range each turn.
Ma snes03 wyvern knight other.gif Thracia Wyvern Knight 12 3 24~38 7~20 1~15 6~20 6~20 0~14 9~20 8~20 9~10 Ridersbane Vulnerary
Authority: McCloy
Randomly either moves to the gate or moves only to attack units in range each turn.

Unlike most other NPCs in the Fire Emblem series, these NPCs can fight player units.


Boss data

Main article: Paulus
Portrait paulus fe05.png
Ma snes03 baron enemy.gif Baron
Level 14
Action --
Authority ★★★★
Max HP 44 Speed 12
Strength 19 Luck 8
Magic 8 Defense 20
Skill 14 Constitution 18
Movement 6 FCM 1
Inventory Skills
Master Axe
Weapon Levels
Swords A Lances A Axes A Bows A Staves A
Fire magic A Thunder magic A FE5RankWind.png A Light magic -- Dark magic --


This section details unofficial strategies that may help with completion of the chapter. This may not work for everybody.

If you would like to acquire the Dragon Lance (which is located in the house far away in the southwest corner of the map), take extreme caution, as Deen will have to deal with a ballista, Paulus's Tornado spell, and general thunder magic, all of which can severely injure him, if not outright killing him in one hit. You can circumvent this by using a Warp staff to send him to the house, visit to get the Dragon Lance, then use a Rescue staff to get him out of harm's way. The Nosferatu tome is similarly out of the way, though thankfully it has far less protection.

Don't be intimidated by the large number of enemy units on this map, as this is merely a defend chapter, and since Thracia 776 can have only fifty enemy units on the same map, simply unequipping some bulky and dodgy units and putting Nanna and Leif with the King Sword in the center is recommended. Be careful that they cannot be captured, however. Additionally, the amount of Axe Armors with Hammers means that Dalsin will have to be cautious. In fact, defeating Paulus to stop reinforcements isn't necessary for this reason. Do be prepared to heal your units, however.

Because this chapter has so many enemies and takes 10 turns, this makes it a great chapter to train up units. Salem can use Physics, and if preferred Magic Ups, to bring his staff rank closer to an A. Tina can also gain experience, though she is limited to Heal and her personal staves. Other units such as Mareeta and Homer can train on the hordes of enemy units, though the quantity can make this dangerous of the proper precautions are not taken.

Be prepared for the green reinforcement Wyvern Knights. They are not your friends, and three have Ridersbanes. Magic and bows should help, though they start far enough away that they may not be able to reach your units. Remember that the chapter ends on their turn 10, so they cannot attack you after turn 9. There is also a large group of enemy Dark Mages that comes from the right side, though like with the Wyvern Knights they start from far enough away that they can be avoided, especially if the player is still in the center.


Etymology and other languages

Names, etymology, and in other regions
Language Name Definition, etymology, and notes

• Open Fire
• The Onslaught

• Used in FireLizard's translation.
• Used in the Lil' Manster fan translation patch.



All-Out Offensive


← The Walled City • The Onslaught • Two Paths →
• Yearning to Breathe Free (side quest) →
Fire Emblem: Thracia 776
Playable characters AlvaAmaldaAsbelBrightonCainCarrionCedConomorDagdarDalsinDeenDiarmuidEdaEyvelFergusFinnFredGalzusGladeHalvanHicksHomerIliosKarinLaraLeifLifisLinoanMachyuaMareetaMartyMirandaMishaNannaOlwenOsianPerneRalfRobertRonanSafySaiasSalemSaraSelphinaShannamShivaSleufTanyaTinaTroudeXavier
Non-playable characters AltenaArionAugustCoirpreDryasHannibalIshtarJuliaJuliusLewynSeliphTravant
Bosses AlphandBaldackBandolBaráthBucksBovisBrookCanisCoddaCohenCulloughCoulterDracoDvorakEichmannEisenauFardenFrausGomezGustafKempfLargoLifisLinecockListMcCloyMerlockMooreMuellerMusNikalafOltophPalmanPaulusPernePorcusRaydrikReinhardtLobosRumeiSaiasSeimetolTigrisTrumanVeldWeismannWolfXavierZaomZyle
Background characters AlfionaCalfEthlynQuan
Personal weapons Beo's SwordBragi SwordBlessed SwordBrave LanceDire ThunderDragon LanceForsetiGrafcaliburKiaLands SwordLight BrandLoptr SwordMareeta's SwordVougeRepairThiefUnlock
Chapters 1: The Warrior of Fiana • 2: The Coastal Village • 2x: The Corsair Isles • 3: Kelbeth's Gate • 4: The Dungeon • 4x: Hero on the Wind • 5: Mother and Daughter • 6: The Escape • 7: The Shield of Thracia • 8: Mount Violdrake • 8x: Dagdar's Manor • 9: The Banner of Njörun • 10: Nowell Valley • 11: Fort Dandrum • 11x: Murder Holes • 12: The Bandits of Dacia • 12x: The Dandelion • 13: The Walled City • 14: The Onslaught • 14x: Yearning to Breathe Free • 15: Two Paths • 16A: Norden Line • 17A: The Gates of Leonster • 16B: Dark Forest • 17B: The Gathering Storm • 18: The Liberation of Leonster • 19: The Empire's Wrath • 20: The Scion of Light • 21: The War of Liberation • 21x: The Prison Camp • 22: Across the River • 23: The Fiend's Lair • 24: The Baron in Black • 24x: The Loptrian AltarE: Sworn Upon a Sword
Locations JugdralMunster District (ConnachtLeonsterMunsterUlster) • Thracia (FianaTarrah)
Groups, objects and events 12 crusadersAed MassacreBattle of BelhallaCaptureChild huntsDandelion BanditsFall of LeonsterFatigueFiana FreebladesHoly BloodLifis PiratesLoptr Church (BergrosenDeadlords) • Magi
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