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Is 3ds01 expiration.png
Icon of Expiration from Awakening.

Grima's shadowy breath.

First game

Fire Emblem Awakening

Expiration (Japanese: 邪竜のブレス Evil Dragon's Breath) is a breath-type attack that first appeared in Fire Emblem Awakening. It is exclusively used by the Fell Dragon Grima, in his appearances as the final boss of Awakening and as "The Creation" in Echoes: Shadows of Valentia. Being the weapon of a final boss, it is among the most dangerous weapons in both games, possessing both significant might and a very long range. In Shadows of Valentia, it is a monster weapon with the ability to ignore its target's defenses, like all breath weapons in that game.

In Awakening, Expiration has two distinct animations, which appear to be chosen completely at random every time Grima attacks and do not differ in terms of stats. One has Grima's human body summon a trail of purple spikes out of the ground to impale his foe, while the other has Grima breathe a shadowy fireball from his dragon head. This property is similar to how Idunn's Dark Breath has three separate animations. In Shadows of Valentia, it only appears as the shadowy fireball, although The Creation still uses the spikes separately as its Dark Spikes combat art.


In the main Fire Emblem series

Game Icon Level Might Weight Hit Crit Range Uses Worth WEXP Other effects and notes
Awakening Is 3ds01 expiration.png Breath -- 20 -- 80 0 1–5 -- -- 2 --
Echoes: Shadows of Valentia Is 3ds03 monster forecast.png Monster weapons 14 8 70 0 1–5 -- -- -- Nullifies the foe's defense.

In other Fire Emblem series titles

This section is missing stats, calculations, or growth rates which may be currently unknown. If this information is available, please help improve the page by adding it.

Game Icon Type Might Range SP cost Refine cost Prerequisites Unusable by Inheritable Other effects and notes
(refine: Unrefined)
Is feh skill weapon.png Breaths 16 1 400 -- Flametongue -- User can counterattack regardless of range.
If foe's range = 2, attack deals damage based on lower of their defense or resistance.
(refine: +Effect)
Is feh wpn expiration refined.png Breaths 16 1 400 500 Arena Medal
200 Divine Dew
-- -- User can counterattack regardless of range.
If foe's range = 2, attack deals damage based on lower of their defense or resistance.
Grants +3 HP.
If user's HP ≥ 25% at start of combat, grants +4 each to attack, speed, defense, and resistance to user and inflicts −1 special cooldown charge on foe per attack during combat.
(refine: +Atk)
Is feh wpn atk refined.png Breaths 18 1 400 500 Arena Medal
200 Divine Dew
-- -- User can counterattack regardless of range.
If foe's range = 2, attack deals damage based on lower of their defense or resistance.
Grants +5 HP.
(refine: +Spd)
Is feh wpn spd refined.png Breaths 16 1 400 500 Arena Medal
200 Divine Dew
-- -- User can counterattack regardless of range.
If foe's range = 2, attack deals damage based on lower of their defense or resistance.
Grants +5 HP and +3 speed.
(refine: +Def)
Is feh wpn def refined.png Breaths 16 1 400 500 Arena Medal
200 Divine Dew
-- -- User can counterattack regardless of range.
If foe's range = 2, attack deals damage based on lower of their defense or resistance.
Grants +5 HP and +4 defense.
(refine: +Res)
Is feh wpn res refined.png Breaths 16 1 400 500 Arena Medal
200 Divine Dew
-- -- User can counterattack regardless of range.
If foe's range = 2, attack deals damage based on lower of their defense or resistance.
Grants +5 HP and +4 resistance.
Game Icon Level Might Weight Hit Crit Range Uses Worth WEXP Other effects and notes
Warriors Breath E* ?? -- -- -- -- -- 0 -- --



Unobtainable Exclusively wielded by Grima.

Echoes: Shadows of Valentia

Unobtainable Exclusively wielded by the Creation.


Method Data
Unit (★★★★★) Robin: Fell ReincarnationRobin: Fell Vessel


Unobtainable Exclusively wielded by Velezark

Flavor text

Game Text
Grima's shadowy breath.
Echoes: Shadows of Valentia
Shadowy breath that
bypasses defenses.
Unit can counterattack regardless of foe's
range. If foe's Range = 2, calculates damage
using the lower of foe's Def or Res.
(Refined: +effect)
At start of combat, if unit's HP ≥ 25%, grants
Atk/Spd/Def/Res+4 to unit during combat and
inflicts Special cooldown charge -1 on foe per
attack during combat. (Only highest value
applied. Does not stack.)


  • If hacked into the player's inventory in Awakening, it is sorted in the stones section of the convoy. This is presumably due to the convoy not having a breath category.

Etymology and other languages

Names, etymology, and in other regions
Language Name Definition, etymology, and notes


Originally, "expiration" referred to the act of breathing out, the opposite of "inspiration" (breathing in). In modern English, this meaning is obsolete and "expiration" instead describes the act of dying or, more commonly, the spoiling of food. Grima's attack plays on both senses of the word.



Evil Dragon's Breath



















Simplified Chinese


Evil Dragon Breath

Traditional Chinese


Evil Dragon Breath



See also

Non-human weapons
Breaths Astral BreathFog BreathDark BreathDraconic RageDragon BreathExpirationFire BreathFlametongueIce BreathMage Breath
Stones BeastruneBeaststoneBeaststone+ShadowstoneDivinestoneDragonstoneDragonstone+EarthstoneFirestoneIcestoneMagestoneWyvernstone
Judge weapons Judge
Laguz weapons BeakBreathClawFangGreat BeakGreat FangGreat TalonTalon
Automaton weapons Big SawSaw
Monster attacks Blighted ClawsBlighted TalonsBone SwordClawsClubCrimson EyeDemon LightDemon SurgeEvil EyeFangsFiery FangFire BreathGauntletHellfangLethal TalonMassive RockNightmareNumbing ClawsRavagerRockScytheShackled FistShadowshotSharp ClawStoneStone ShardTackleTalonsTentacleVenin ClawsWater BreathWretched Air
Crest Stones Artificial Crest Stone LArtificial Crest Stone SBlest Crest Stone ShardChalice of BloodCracked Crest StoneCrest of Flames PowerCrest Stone (Beast)Crest Stone (Chevalier)Crest Stone (Gautier)Crest Stone of IndechCrest Stone of MacuilCrest Stone of SeirosCrest Stone ShardDark Stone (Bird)Dark Stone (Crawler)Dark Stone (Wolf)Giant Artificial Crest StoneLost Crest StoneLost Crest Stone (Large)Pointy Artificial Crest StoneReal Seiros Crest StoneTwin-Crest Power
Fire Emblem Awakening
Playable characters AnnaAversaBasilioBradyChercheChromCordeliaCynthiaDonnelEmmerynFlaviaFrederickGaiusGangrelGeromeGregorHenryInigoKellamKjelleLaurentLibraLissaLon'quLucinaMaribelleMirielMorganNahNoireNowiOliviaOwainPannePriamRickenRobinSay'riSeveraStahlSullySumiaTharjaTikiVaikeVirionWalhartYarneYen'fay
Non-playable characters HollandMaidenNagaOld HubbaPhila
Bosses AlgolAnguillaArdriAversaBovisCampariCanisCassiusCervantesChalardDalenDaltonDracoEquusExcellusEzraFarberGallusGangrelGarrickGeckoGrimaGyralIgnatiusJamilLepusMarthMorristanMusMustafaNelsonNombryOrtonOvisPherosPorcusPriamRaimiRisen ChiefRoddickRugerSimiaTigrisValidarVastoVictorVincentWalhartXalbadorYen'fayZanth
Background characters First exaltKe'riMarthShanty Pete
DLC characters AlmCatriaCelicaEirikaEldiganElinciaEphraimEstIkeKatarinaLeifLynPrince MarthMicaiahPallaRoySeliph
SpotPass characters Shadow Dragon CaedaGharnefLindeMerricMinervaNavarreNynaOgmaPrince MarthTiki
Gaiden AlmBoeyCelicaClairCliveDeenLuthierMycenNomahValbar
Mystery of the Emblem AthenaCatriaEtzelHardinHoraceKatarinaKing MarthLegionMaliceNorne
Genealogy of the Holy War G1 ArdenArvisAyraDeirdreEthlynJamkeLewynQuanRaquesisSigurd
Genealogy of the Holy War G2 AltenaAresArthurCedFeeJuliaJuliusLarceiSeliphUlster
Thracia 776 DagdarEyvelFinnLeifMareetaNannaOlwenRaydrikSaiasSalem
Binding Blade CeciliaLilinaLughPercevalRaighRoyShannaSophiaWoltZephiel
Fire Emblem EliwoodFlorinaHectorJaffarKarelLynMatthewNergalNinoSerra
Sacred Stones AmeliaEirikaEphraimInnesL'ArachelLuteLyonMarisaMoulderSeth
Path of Radiance AshnardElinciaGeoffreyIkeLuciaMiaMistSorenTitaniaZihark
Radiant Dawn Black KnightBromEdwardLeonardoMicaiahNepheneeSanakiSephiranSigrunSothe
Others CamusIshtarLinusLloydNarcianOliverPetrineSelenaTravantUrsula
Regalia and personal weapons AmatsuArmadsBalmungBook of NagaDouble BowExcaliburFalchion (Exalted FalchionParallel Falchion) • ForsetiGáe BolgGoddess StaffGoetiaGradivusGrima's TruthGungnirHauteclereHelswathMercuriusMissiletainnMjölnirMystletainnNidhoggNoble RapierParthiaRagnellRapierSol KattiTyrfingValflameWolf BergYewfelle
Chapters Main story Pm: Invisible Ties • P: The Verge of History • 1: Unwelcome Change • 2: Shepherds • 3: Warrior Realm • 4: Two Falchions • 5: The Exalt and the King • 6: Foreseer • 7: Incursion • 8: The Grimleal • 9: Emmeryn • 10: Renewal • 11: Mad King Gangrel • 12: The Seacomers • 13: Of Sacred Blood • 14: Flames on the Blue • 15: Smoldering Resistance • 16: Naga's Voice • 17: Inexorable Death • 18: Sibling Blades • 19: The Conqueror • 20: The Sword or the Knee • 21: Five Gemstones • 22: An Ill Presage • 23: Invisible Ties • 24: Awakening • 25: To Slay a GodE: Grima
Paralogues 1: Sickle to Sword • 2: The Secret Seller • 3: A Strangled Peace • 4: Anna the Merchant • 5: Scion of Legend • 6: A Man for Flowers • 7: Noble Lineage • 8: A Duel Disgraced • 9: Wings of Justice • 10: Ambivalence • 11: Twin Wyverns • 12: Disowned by Time • 13: Rival Bands • 14: Shadow in the Sands • 15: A Shot from the Dark • 16: Daughter to Dragons • 17: The Threat of Silence • 18: The Dead King's Lament • 19: Irreconcilable Paths • 20: A Hard Miracle • 21: Ghost of a Blade • 22: The Wellspring of Truth • 23: The Radiant Hero
Xenologues Champions of Yore 1Champions of Yore 2Champions of Yore 3The Golden GaffeEXPonential GrowthInfinite RegaliaLost Bloodlines 1Lost Bloodlines 2Lost Bloodlines 3Smash Brethren 1Smash Brethren 2Smash Brethren 3Rogues & Redeemers 1Rogues & Redeemers 2Rogues & Redeemers 3Death's EmbraceFive-Anna FirefightRoster RescueHarvest ScrambleSummer ScrambleHot-Spring ScrambleThe Future Past 1The Future Past 2The Future Past 3Apotheosis
Locations YlisseFerox (Arena Ferox) • Outrealm Gate (Outrealms) • Plegia (Dragon's Table) • YlisseValmChon'sinRosanneValm
Groups, objects, and concepts AwakeningEinherjarFire EmblemGrimleal (Deadlords) • RisenShepherds
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Weapons in Fire Emblem Awakening
Swords Alm's BladeAmatsuArmorslayerBalmungBrave SwordBronze SwordEirika's BladeEliwood's BladeFalchionGlass SwordIron SwordKilling EdgeLeif's BladeLevin SwordMercuriusMissiletainnMystletainnNoble RapierParallel FalchionRagnellRapierRoy's BladeSeliph's BladeSilver SwordSolSol KattiSoothing SwordSteel SwordSuperior EdgeTree BranchTyrfingWyrmslayer
Lances Beast KillerBlessed LanceBrave LanceBronze LanceEphraim's LanceFinn's LanceGáe BolgGlass LanceGradivusGungnirIron LanceJavelinKiller LanceLogLunaMiniature LanceShockstickShort SpearSigurd's LanceSilver LanceSpearSteel LanceSuperior Lance
Axes ArmadsBolt AxeBrave AxeBronze AxeGlass AxeHammerHand AxeHauteclereHector's AxeHelswathImposing AxeIron AxeKiller AxeLadleOrsin's HatchetShort AxeSilver AxeSteel AxeSuperior AxeTitania's AxeTomahawkVengeanceVolant AxeWolf Berg
Bows AstraBlessed BowBrave BowBronze BowDouble BowGlass BowInnes' BowIron BowKiller BowLongbowNidhoggParthiaSilver BowSlack BowSteel BowSuperior BowTowering BowUnderdog BowWolt's BowYewfelle
Tomes ArcfireArcthunderArcwindAversa's NightBolganoneBook of NagaCelica's GaleDying BlazeElfireElthunderElwindExcaliburFireFluxForsetiGoetiaGrima's TruthKatarina's BoltMicaiah's PyreMireMjölnirNosferatuRexcaliburRuinSuperior JoltThoronThunderValflameWasteWilderwindWind
Staves Balmwood StaffCatharsisFortifyGoddess StaffHammerneHealKneaderMendPhysicRecoverRescueWard
Other BeaststoneBeaststone+Blighted ClawsBlighted TalonsDragonstoneDragonstone+Expiration
Weapons in Fire Emblem Echoes: Shadows of Valentia
Swords AstraBeloved ZofiaBinding BladeBlessed SwordBrave SwordExalted FalchionFalchionGolden DaggerIlwoonIron SwordLadybladeLightning SwordMercuriusParallel FalchionRagnellRapierRoyal SwordRusted SwordSeven SwordDLCShadow SwordSilver SwordSteel SwordSwordVenin SwordWarrior's SwordDLCYatoZweihänder
Lances Blessed LanceClair's LanceDLCClive's LanceDLCDuma's LanceEmperor LanceFernand's LanceDLCGradivusIron LanceJavelinKriemhildLanceRhomphaiaRidersbaneRusted LanceSaunionSilver LanceSolSteel LanceTrainee's LanceDLCVenin LanceWayward LanceDLC
Axes AxeDevil AxeRusted AxeSplitting AxeVenin Axe
Bows Blessed BowBowIron BowKiller BowLongbowLunaMila's BowParthiaPython's BowDLCRadiant BowRusted BowSilver BowSteel BowVenin Bow
Black Magic AuraDeathExcaliburFireMedusaMiasmaMireNosferatuOcular BeamOculusRagnarokSagittaeSeraphimThunder
White Magic AnewConjureEntrapExpelFortifyFreezeInvokeLemegetonDLCPhysicRecoverRescueRestoreDLCRewarpSilenceWardDLCWarp
Other Bone SwordClawsClubExpirationFangsFire BreathNumbing ClawsScytheTackleTalonsTentacleVenin ClawsWater Breath
Breath skills in Heroes
Basic breath skills Fire BreathFire Breath+Flametongue
Breath skills with secondary effects Arcane FellstoneArcane GrimaBlackfire BreathDark BreathDragonbloomDragon's StoneGlittering BreathIce DragonstoneLantern BreathLight BreathLightning BreathNew-Sun StonePale BreathSerenity BreathSurprise BreathUmbra BurstWater Breath
Personal breath skills Astral BreathAurora BreathAwoken BreathBreath of BlightBreath of FlameBreath of FogBrutal BreathChilled BreathDazzling BreathDemonic BreathDew DragonstoneDivine BreathDivine MistDivine One's ArtsDraconic RageDragon's FistDusk DragonstoneEerie ScriptureEnveloping BreathEternal BreathEthereal BreathEverliving BreathExpirationFaithful BreathFell BreathFlamelick BreathFrost BreathFrostbite BreathFrostfire BreathGhostly LanternsGloom BreathGodly BreathGreat FlameHoshido's BreathLilac-Jade BreathLoving BreathMaritime ArtsMonarch's StoneMoonless BreathMoonlight StoneMoonstrike BreathNurturing BreathOpposing StonesOracle's BreathPrimordial BreathPurifying BreathRazing BreathRemote BreathRevealing BreathRuinous FrostSavage BreathScalding BreathShadow BreathSilent BreathSilent PowerSnow's GraceSpirit BreathStarlight StoneStone of DelightsSublime SurgeSummer's BreathSun DragonstoneTwin DivinestoneVallastoneWitch BreathWizened BreathZephyr Breath
Weapons in Fire Emblem Warriors
Swords Acceleration SwordAmped SwordArmorbane SwordArmorslayerAxebane SwordBolster SwordBowbane SwordBrave SwordBronze SwordChrom's Training SwordClawbane SwordConduit SwordDragonbane SwordElite SwordEnlironFacinnaFalchion (Exalted FalchionParallel Falchion) • Gencross SwordGenpeer SwordHero SwordIron SwordLady SwordLancebane SwordLancereaverLegendary SwordMissiletainnOlivia's BladeRaijintoRisylSiegfriedSilver SwordSol KattiSpirit KatanaStatflip SwordSteel SwordSwordbane SwordTomebane SwordWing ClipperWo DaoWyrmslayerYatoZanbato
Lances Acceleration LanceAmped LanceArmorbane LanceAxebane LanceAxereaverBlessed LanceBolster LanceBowbane LanceBrave LanceBronze LanceClawbane LanceConduit LanceCordelia's LanceDragonbane LanceDragonpikeElite LanceFlycatcherGencross LanceGenpeer LanceHeavy SpearHero LanceHinoka's SpearHorseslayerIron LanceLancebane LanceLegendary LanceOboro's SpearSilver LanceStatflip LanceSteel LanceSwordbane LanceTomebane LanceWing Spear
Axes Acceleration AxeAmped AxeArmorbane AxeAxebane AxeBlessed AxeBolster AxeBowbane AxeBrave AxeBronze AxeCamilla's AxeClawbane AxeConduit AxeDragon AxeDragonbane AxeElite AxeFrederick's AxeGencross AxeGenpeer AxeHalberdHammerHauteclereHero AxeIron AxeLancebane AxeLegendary AxeLissa's AxeSilver AxeStatflip AxeSteel AxeSwordbane AxeSwordreaverTomebane AxeVolant Axe
Bows Acceleration BowAmped BowAnna's BowArmorbane BowAxebane BowBlessed BowBolster BowBowbane BowBrave BowBronze BowClawbane BowCleave BowConduit BowDragonbane BowDragonkiller BowElite BowFujin YumiGencross BowGenpeer BowHero BowHunter's BowIron BowLancebane BowLegendary BowNiles's BowSilver BowSpellbane YumiStatflip BowSteel BowSwordbane BowTomebane Bow
Tomes Acceleration TomeAmped TomeArmorbane TomeAuraAxebane TomeBlessed TomeBolster TomeBowbane TomeBrave TomeBronze TomeBrynhildrClawbane TomeConduit TomeCondragon TomeDragonbane TomeElite TomeGencross TomeGenpeer TomeGrima's TruthHero TomeIago's TomeImhulluIron TomeLancebane TomeLegendary TomeMoonlightPiercing TomeSilver TomeStatflip TomeSteel TomeSwordbane TomeTharja's HexThoronTomebane TomeUnsaddler TomeWingbane Tome
Stones AccelerationstoneAmpedstoneArmorbanestoneAxebanestoneBlessedstoneBolsterstoneBowbanestoneBravestoneBronzestoneClawbanestoneDivinestoneDragonbanestoneElitestoneGencrossstoneGenpeerstoneHerostoneIronbanestoneIronstoneLancebanestoneLegendarystonePiked DragonstoneRisestoneSilverstoneStatflipstoneSteelstoneSwordbanestoneTiki's TearTomebanestoneUndragonstone
Claws and breaths Blessed ClawBrave ClawBronze ClawDragonbane ClawExpirationHero ClawIron ClawPolearm's ClawSilver ClawSteel ClawTenacious ClawWeighted Claw