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Is ns01 axefaire.png
Icon of the Axefaire skill in Three Houses.

Grants Atk +5 when using an axe.



First game


Axefaire (Japanese: 斧の達人 Axe Expert) is a combat skill which debuted in Fire Emblem Awakening. It is associated with the Berserker class in Awakening and Fates while in Three Houses, all advanced-rank and master-rank classes having a predisposition for axes such as Wyvern Rider and Great Knight have access to it as a base skill. Furthermore, in Three Houses, any unit who reached the maximum skill level of S+ in axe will also unlock the skill. In Awakening it boosts the user's strength or magic when equipping an axe, depending on the axe in question, while in Fates and Three Houses it increases the user's attack stat if the user is wielding an axe.


Game Icon Effect Activation Capacity Notes
Awakening Is 3ds01 axefaire.png +5 strength when active.
Instead gives +5 magic if the user has the Bolt Axe equipped.
If user has an axe equipped -- --
Fates Is 3ds02 axefaire.png +5 attack during combat when active. If user has an axe equipped -- Base cost: 2,000 G
Three Houses Is ns01 axefaire.png +5 attack when active. If user has an axe equipped -- --



Units HectorLegion
Classes Berserker (Learned at level 15)


Classes Berserker (Learned from level 15 and up)

Three Houses

Skill level Axe: S+
Classes Armored LordEmperorFortress KnightGreat KnightWar MasterWarriorWyvern LordWyvern Rider

Flavor text

Game Text
Grants Str +5 if using an axe.
(Mag +5 if using a Bolt Axe)
+5 damage dealt if using an
Three Houses
Grants Atk +5 when using an axe.


  • In Fire Emblem Fates, Axefaire is the only "faire" skill to be associated with a Nohrian class.

Etymology and other languages

Names, etymology, and in other regions
Language Name Definition, etymology, and notes


From axe + faire, "to do" in French.



Axe Expert


Maestría: hacha

Mastery: Axe


Art de la hache

Art of the axe



Axe specialist


Affinità asce

Affinity axe


도끼의 달인

Axe master

Simplified Chinese


Axe expert

Traditional Chinese


Axe expert


See also

Skills in Fire Emblem Awakening
Breaker skills AxebreakerBowbreakerLancebreakerSwordbreakerTomebreaker
Bonus damage skills ConquestIote's ShieldBeastbaneWyrmsbane
Experience-related skills AptitudeDisciplineParagonUnderdogVeteran
Faire skills AxefaireBowfaireLancefaireSwordfaireTomefaire
Healing skills BondHealtouchLifetakerReliefRenewal
Offensive skills AetherAstraIgnisLethalityLunaLuna+SolVengeance
Pair Up skills DefenderDelivererDual Guard+Dual Strike+Dual Support+Veteran
Proximity skills AnathemaCharmDemoiselleFocusHexSolidarityTantivy
Rally skills Rally DefenseRally HeartRally LuckRally MagicRally MovementRally ResistanceRally SkillRally SpectrumRally SpeedRally Strength
Stat-boosting skills All Stats +2Avoid +10Defense +2Hit Rate +20HP +5Indoor FighterLuck +4Magic +2Movement +1Outdoor FighterResistance +2Resistance +10Skill +2Special DanceSpeed +2Strength +2Zeal
Turn-related skills AggressorEven RhythmLucky SevenOdd RhythmPatiencePrescienceQuick BurnSlow BurnVantage
Miscellaneous skills AcrobatAegisArmsthriftCounterDespoilGaleforceGambleLocktouchMiraclePassPaviseRightful KingShadowgiftWrath
Outrealm skills AggressorAll Stats +2BondIote's ShieldLimit BreakerParagonRally HeartResistance +10
Enemy-exclusive skills Aegis+DragonskinHawkeyeHit Rate +10Luna+Pavise+Rightful GodVantage+
Skills in Fire Emblem Fates
Class skills Personal skills
Bonus damage skills Armor ShieldBeastbaneBeast ShieldGolembaneWinged Shield --
Breaker skills AxebreakerBowbreakerLancebreakerShurikenbreakerSwordbreakerTomebreaker --
Counter skills CounterCountermagic CountercurseDivine RetributionIcy BloodShuriken MasteryTriple Threat
Debuffing skills Draconic HexSeal DefenseSeal MagicSeal ResistanceSeal SpeedSeal Strength HighwaymanIcy BloodShuriken Mastery
Experience-related skills AptitudeFuture SightNobilityParagonUnderdog Pride
Faire skills AxefaireBowfaireLancefaireShurikenfaireSwordfaireTomefaire --
Healing skills AmaterasuBetter OddsCamaraderieEven BetterGood FortuneLive to ServeReliefRenewal Draconic HeirForagerGoody BasketHaikuHealing DescantMorbid CelebrationOptimisticReciprocitySweet Tooth
Item-obtaining skills ProfiteerSalvage BlowWitch's Brew CollectorMake a Killing
Mobility skills LungePassShoveSurefootedSwapWarp --
Mutual effect skills Life and DeathQuixoticWary Fighter Peacebringer
Offensive skills AetherAstraDragon FangIgnisLethalityLunaRend HeavenSolVengeance --
Pair Up skills Bold StanceDefenderDual GuardsmanDual StrikerNohrian TrustShelterTactical Advice BushidoCompetitiveDaydreamDevoted PartnerEvasive PartnerFierce RivalForceful PartnerGallantMiraculous SaveNoble CauseSisterhoodSupportive
Proximity skills AmaterasuCharmDemoiselleForeign PrincessGentilhommeHeartseekerInspirationMalefic AuraSavage BlowSolidarityVoice of Peace Fierce MienFortunate SonHealing DescantLily's PoiseMisfortunatePeacebringerPerspicaciousPlaythingsPyrotechnicsQuiet StrengthRallying CryRose's Thorns
Rally skills Rally DefenseRally LuckRally MagicRally MovementRally ResistanceRally SkillRally SpectrumRally SpeedRally Strength Fancy FootworkPerfect Pitch
Stat-boosting skills Dancing BladeDefense +2GambleHeavy BladeHP +5Inspiring SongLuck +4Magic +2Movement +1Resistance +2Rifled BarrelSkill +2Speed +2Strength +2SurveyVeteran Intuition CalmOptimistPerfectionistProdigyPuissanceVow of FriendshipWind Disciple
Taker skills DefensetakerLifetakerLucktakerMagictakerResistancetakerSkilltakerSpeedtakerStrengthtaker --
Turn-related skills AggressorArmored BlowBetter OddsCertain BlowDarting BlowDeath BlowDuelist's BlowEven BetterEvenhandedEven KeelFuture SightIron WillLucky SevenOdd ShapedPoison StrikeQuick DrawSavage BlowStrong RiposteToxic BrewWarding Blow CountercurseFearsome BlowMischievousMorbid CelebrationPyrotechnics
Miscellaneous skills AegisAir SuperiorityAwakeningClarityDragon WardElbow RoomGaleforceGrisly WoundHoshidan UnityLocktouchMiracleNatural CoverOpportunity ShotPavisePoint BlankPotent PotionQuick SalveReplicateShadowgiftSpendthriftTrampleVantage Aching BloodBibliophileBloodthirstBorn StewardBrynhildrCaptureChivalryFierce CounterFiery BloodGuarded BraveryIn ExtremisKidnapLucky CharmNohr EnmityOpportunistPragmaticUnmaskVendetta
Enemy-exclusive skills Divine ShieldDragonskinHit/Avoid +ImmobilizeImmune StatusInevitable EndResist StatusSelf-DestructStaff SavantVoid Curse
Abilities in Fire Emblem: Three Houses
Class and skill level abilities Personal abilities
Bonus damage abilities Armored Effect NullCavalry Effect NullDragon Effect NullEffect NullFlying Effect NullInfantry Effect NullMonster Effect Null Monstrous Appeal
Breaker abilities AxebreakerBowbreakerFistbreakerLancebreakerSwordbreakerTomebreaker --
Debuffing abilities Seal DefenseSeal MagicSeal MovementSeal ResistanceSeal SpeedSeal Strength Blade Breaker
Experience-related abilities Model LeaderMastermind AptitudeImperial LineageLeicester LineageMastermindProfessor's GuidanceRoyal Lineage
Faire abilities AxefaireBowfaireBlack TomefaireDark TomefaireFistfaireLancefaireSwordfaireWhite Tomefaire --
Healing abilities Battalion RenewalLifetakerRenewalWhite Magic Heal + Animal FriendCatnapGoody BasketLive to ServeSongstress
Proximity abilities CharmHeartseekerSacred Power AdvocateBorn FighterGuardianHonorable SpiritInfirmary MasterLily's PoiseSongstress
Rally abilities Rally CharmRally DefenseRally DexterityRally LuckRally MagicRally MovementRally ResistanceRally SpeedRally Strength CompassionCrest ScholarPerseverance
Skill level abilities AuthorityAxe ProwessBow ProwessBrawling ProwessFaithLance ProwessReasonSword Prowess --
Stat-boosting abilities Alert StanceAvo +10Crit +20Defense +2Defensive TacticsDefiant AvoDefiant CritDefiant DefDefiant MagDefiant ResDefiant SpdDefiant StrDexterity +4Hit +20HP +5Magic +2Movement +1Offensive TacticsPomp & CircumstanceResistance +2Special DanceSpeed +2Strength +2Weight - Business ProsperityCircadian BeatConfidenceDistinguished HouseFighting SpiritHunter's BoonKing of GrapplingLady KnightLone WolfOfficer DutyPersecution ComplexPhilandererRivalryStaunch ShieldSurvival InstinctVeteran KnightWatchful Eye
Turn-related abilities Alert StanceArmored BlowBattalion DesperationBattalion VantageBattalion WrathDarting BlowDeath BlowDesperationDuelist's BlowFiendish BlowLucky SevenPoison StrikeQuick RiposteTransmuteUncanny BlowVantageWarding BlowWrath Blade BreakerMurderous IntentStaunch ShieldSurvival Instinct
Weapon abilities Axe Avo +20Axe Crit +10Black Magic Avo +20Black Magic Crit +10Black Magic Range +1Black Magic Uses x2Bow Avo +20Bow Crit +10BowfaireBowrange +Brawl Avo +20Brawl Crit +10Close CounterDark Magic Avo +20Dark Magic Crit +10Dark Magic Range +1Dark Magic Uses x2Lance Avo +20Lance Crit +10Sword Avo +20Sword Crit +10White Magic Avo +20White Magic Crit +10White Magic Range +1White Magic Uses x2
Miscellaneous abilities AegisCantoCounterattackDanceFireHealLethalityLocktouchMiasma ΔMiraclePassPaviseStealStealthTerrain ResistanceUnarmed Combat
Enemy-exclusive abilities 10 ElitesAnchorAgarthan TechnologyAir of IntimidationAncient DragonskinAncient Dragon WrathAnti-Magic ArmorBarrierCommanderCursed PowerDark Magic Uses x4Divine Dragon HornDragon-Scale WallEnclosing WallEnhanced FortitudeEssence BarrierGeneralGiant WingsHeavily Armored WallImmune StatusInfinite MagicKeen IntuitionMagic BindManifest PhantomMighty King of LegendNoncombatantParagonPath of the ConquerorPoisonSurging LightTwin CrestsUmbral LeechUnsealable MagicVital Defense
Unused abilities Black Magic Uses x4Dark Magic Crit +10DisciplineDragon Effect NullEffect NullFistbreakerInfantry Effect NullLance Avo +20White Magic Crit +10White Magic Uses x4