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From Fire Emblem Wiki, your source on Fire Emblem information. By fans, for fans.

FEMN Talisman.png
Artwork of a Talisman from the Fire Emblem Trading Card Game.

Permanently increases Res by 2.



First game

Fire Emblem: Shadow Dragon & the Blade of Light

The Talisman (Japanese: 魔よけ Talisman) is a stat-boosting item in the Fire Emblem series. It permanently boosts a user's Resistance stat when used.

The Talisman is available in every game of the series other than Gaiden and the Jugdral games, in the case of Genealogy of the Holy War possibly in deference to the Barrier Ring.


In the main Fire Emblem series

Game Icon Uses Worth Effects and notes
Shadow Dragon & the Blade of Light -- 1 2,250 Permanently increases resistance by 7 points when used.
Mystery of the Emblem Is snes01 talisman.png 1 10,000 Permanently increases resistance by 3 points when used.
The Binding Blade Is gba talisman.png 1 8,000 Permanently increases resistance by 2 points when used.
The Blazing Blade Is gba talisman.png 1 8,000 Permanently increases resistance by 2 points when used.
The Sacred Stones Is gba talisman.png 1 8,000 Permanently increases resistance by 2 points when used.
Path of Radiance Is gcn talisman.png 1 8,000 Permanently increases resistance by 2 points when used.
Radiant Dawn Is wii talisman.png 1 8,000 Permanently increases resistance by 2 points when used.
Shadow Dragon Is ds talisman.png 1 2,500 Permanently increases resistance by 2 points when used.
New Mystery of the Emblem Is ds talisman.png 1 2,500 Permanently increases resistance by 2 points when used.
Awakening Is 3ds01 talisman.png 1 2,500 Permanently increases resistance by 2 points when used.
Fates Is 3ds02 stat booster.png 1 10,000 Permanently increases resistance by 2 points when used.
Sells for 1,000 gold.
Echoes: Shadows of Valentia Is 3ds03 talisman.png 1 Is 3ds03 silver mark.png 10 Permanently increases resistance by 3 points when used.
Three Houses Is ns01 stat booster.png 1 2,500 Permanently increases resistance by 2 points when used.
Engage Is ns02 talisman.png 1 2,500 Permanently increases resistance by 2 points when used.

In other Fire Emblem series titles

Game Icon Uses Worth Effects and notes
Warriors: Three Hopes Is fewa2 stat booster.png 1 3,000 Permanently increases resistance by 5 points when used.


Shadow Dragon & the Blade of Light

Treasure Chapter 15, chestChapter 23, chest
Secret shop Chapter 24

Mystery of the Emblem

Treasure Book 1: Chapter 12, chest
Book 2: Chapter 14, chest

The Binding Blade

Treasure Chapter 14, hidden in the sand
Secret shop Chapter 21

The Blazing Blade

Treasure Eliwood's tale: Chapter 25 (both versions), chestChapter 30, village
Hector's tale: Chapter 19x pt2, chest • Chapter 27 (both versions), chestChapter 32, village

The Sacred Stones

Dropped by
Arch Mogall*Gorgon*Draco Zombie*Elder Bael*
Steal from Chapter 10A, enemy Pegasus Knight*
Treasure Chapter 13B, east villageChapter 16, upper eastern chest
Secret shop
(World map)
Grado Keep

Path of Radiance

Treasure Chapter 9, villageChapter 21, chest

Radiant Dawn

Event Part 2: Chapter 2, view base conversation "Elincia"

Shadow Dragon

Treasure Chapter 15, chestChapter 23, chest
Secret shop Chapter 24 (×3)

New Mystery of the Emblem

Treasure Chapter 14, chestChapter 21, hidden in a cave
Secret shop Chapter 21 (×3)


Dropped by Chapter 14, enemy GeneralChapter 23, enemy ValidarParalogue 4, enemy VincentParalogue 10, enemy NelsonParalogue 20, enemy Ardri
Merchant (Anna) Any location
Higher chance at: Mount PrismOrigin PeakSea-King's ThroneConqueror's WhetstoneMountain VillageWarriors' TombWellspring of TruthGarden of Giants
Renown bonus 6,500 Renown points; only one copy can be obtained through this means per save file.


Dropped by Chapter 23Birthright, enemy BerukaChapter 8Conquest, enemy KilmaChapter 19Conquest, enemy Nine-TailsChapter 10Revelation, enemy Mercenary
Treasure Chapter 13Birthright, village
Event Paralogue 4, automatically at end of chapter if 4 or more NPC Knights survive
Vendor Rod Shop: Level 3 (limit 1)
Staff Store: Level 3 (limit 1)
Lottery Shop Dawn Lottery/Dusk Lottery: Gold Prize
Rank rewards Battle Rank: 300 (limit 1) • Visitor Rank: 750 (limit 1)

Echoes: Shadows of Valentia

Event Mila's Bounty 5, received for playing episode (First time only)

Three Houses

Dropped by Chapter 19Silver Snow/Chapter 20Verdant Wind, enemy Gremory
Event The Forgotten, automatically at the end of the chapter if all the Thieves were defeated
Treasure Chapter 16 missionSilver SnowAzure MoonVerdant Wind, chestChapter 22Azure Moon, chestRetribution, chest
Armory Anna's Shop (Limited: 1)


Event The Instructor, automatically at the end of the chapter if crystals remain intact[how many?]
Dropped by Chapter 6, Teronda
Treasure Chapter 15, southern chest

Warriors: Three Hopes

This list may be incomplete.
Rewards Redeem at the Reward Master upon completing 410 achievements
Anna's Shop Available for purchase from Chapter 13 onwards. (Limit: 1 per playthrough)
Renown Shop Purchasable for 6 renown (Limit: 1; restocks on New Game+)
Event Enshrouded Memories, clear the chapter

Flavor text

This section has been marked as a stub. Please help improve the page by adding information.

Game Text
Mystery of the Emblem
by 3*
The Binding Blade
Increases resistance by
2 points. Vanishes after use.*
魔防+2 使うと失われます
The Binding Blade
(Use screen)
Increases resistance.*
The Blazing Blade
Increases resistance by
2 points. Vanishes after use.
魔防+2 使うと失われます
The Blazing Blade
(Use screen)
Increases resistance.
The Sacred Stones
Increases resistance by
2 points. Vanishes after use.
魔防+2 使うと失われます
The Sacred Stones
(Use screen)
Raises resistance.
Path of Radiance
A magic item that increases
the user's magic resistance.
Radiant Dawn
An item that increases resistance by 2.
Shadow Dragon
An item that increases resistance by 2.
New Mystery of the Emblem
An item that increases resistance by 2.*
Permanently increases Res by 2.
Permanently increases Res by 2.
Echoes: Shadows of Valentia
A consecrated accessory
that increases Resistance.
Three Houses
Permanently increases resistance by 2.
Expend to grant Res+2 to user
Warriors: Three Hopes
Permanently increases resistance by 5.


  • In Shadow Dragon and the Blade of Light, there is a glitch that allows a unit to gain the benefits of the Talisman without consuming the item.
  • The Talisman is one of two permanent stat-boosting item in Echoes: Shadows of Valentia not to debut in that game, the other being the Boots.
    • Both items in question are also the only permanent stat-boosting items in Shadows of Valentia that are not provisions with a secondary fatigue-related effect.
  • While the talisman is not an item in Genealogy of the Holy War, it is referenced; Jake gives Amid and Linda a talisman in his secret conversations with them, and it increases their resistance stat by three.

Etymology and other languages

This section has been marked as a stub. Please help improve the page by adding information.

Names, etymology, and in other regions
Language Name Definition, etymology, and notes





Talisman; rendered as 魔除け in Shadows of Valentia.


















• Exorcism tool; used in Fates.
• Talisman; used in Shadows of Valentia.
• Talisman; used in Three Houses and Engage.

Simplified Chinese


• Warding accessory; used in Shadows of Valentia.
• Evil ward; used in Three Houses.
• Evil ward; used in Engage.

Traditional Chinese


• Warding accessory; used in Shadows of Valentia.
• Evil ward; used in Three Houses and Engage.



See also

Items in Fire Emblem: Shadow Dragon & the Blade of Light
Stat boosters BootsDracoshieldGoddess IconManualPower RingPure WaterSecret BookSeraph RobeSpeed RingTalisman
Healing items Vulnerary
Class change items Bishop's RingHero CrestKnight CrestOrion's BoltSkydrake Whip
Keys Bridge KeyDoor KeyMaster Key
Shop items Silver CardVIP Card
Regalia items GeosphereLightsphereStarsphere
Items in Fire Emblem: Mystery of the Emblem
Stat boosters BootsDracoshieldGoddess IconManualPower RingPure WaterSecret BookSeraph RobeSpeed RingTalisman
Healing items Vulnerary
Class change items Bishop's RingHero CrestKnight CrestOrion's BoltSkydrake Whip
Keys Bridge KeyChest KeyDoor Key
Shop items Silver CardVIP Card
Dragonstones DivinestoneEarthstoneFirestoneIcestoneMagestoneWyvernstone
Regalia items Astral ShardsBinding ShieldDarksphereEmblemGeosphereIote's ShieldLifesphereLightsphereStarsphere
Unused items Aum FragmentShadowstoneSilver Key
Items in Fire Emblem: The Binding Blade
Stat boosters Angelic RobeBody RingBootsDragonshieldEnergy RingGoddess IconPure WaterSecret BookSpeedwingsTalismanTorch
Healing items AntitoxinElixirVulnerary
Class change items Elysian WhipGuiding RingHero CrestKnight CrestOrion's Bolt
Keys Chest KeyDoor KeyLockpick
Shop items Blue GemRed GemSilver CardMember CardWhite Gem
Accessory items Delphi Shield
Unused items Bridge Key
Items in Fire Emblem: The Blazing Blade
Stat boosters Afa's DropsAngelic RobeBody RingBootsDragonshieldEnergy RingGoddess IconPure WaterSecret BookSpeedwingsTalismanTorch
Healing items AntitoxinElixirVulnerary
Class change items Earth SealElysian WhipFell ContractGuiding RingHeaven SealHero CrestKnight CrestOcean SealOrion's Bolt
Keys Chest KeyDoor KeyLockpick
Shop items Blue GemRed GemSilver CardMember CardWhite Gem
Accessory items Delphi ShieldEmblem SealFilla's MightIron RuneNinis's GraceSet's LitanyThor's Ire
Hazard items Light RuneMine
Items in Fire Emblem: The Sacred Stones
Stat boosters Angelic RobeBody RingDragonshieldEnergy RingGoddess IconMetis's TomePure WaterSecret BookSpeedwingSwiftsoleTalismanTorch
Healing items AntitoxinElixirVulnerary
Class change items Elysian WhipGuiding RingHero CrestKnight CrestLunar BraceMaster SealOcean SealOrion's BoltSolar Brace
Keys Chest KeyDoor KeyLockpick
Shop items Black GemBlue GemGold GemRed GemSilver CardMember CardWhite Gem
Accessory items Fili ShieldHoplon Guard
Unused items Heaven SealFilla's MightLight RuneMineNinis's GraceSet's LitanyThor's Ire
Items in Fire Emblem: Path of Radiance
Stat boosters Arms ScrollAshera IconBootsDracoshieldEnergy DropPure WaterSecret BookSeraph RobeSpeedwingSpirit DustStatue FragTalismanTorch
Skill items AdeptCorrosionCounterGambleGuardMiracleNihilOccultParityProvokeRenewalResolveSaviorShadeSmiteVantageWrath
Healing items AntitoxinElixirLaguz StoneVulnerary
Class change items Master Seal
Keys Chest KeyDoor Key
Shop items Blue GemCoinRed GemWhite Gem
Equipment Archer BandBeorcguardDemi BandFighter BandFull GuardKnight BandKnight RingKnight WardLaguz BandLaguzguardMage BandPaladin BandPegasus BandPriest BandSoldier BandSword BandThief BandWyvern Band
Unused items BlossomCantoCelerityDauntImpregnableInsightParagonReinforceSerenitySilver CardTempestVigilance
Items in Fire Emblem: Radiant Dawn
Stat boosters Arms ScrollAshera IconBootsDracoshieldEnergy DropPure WaterSecret BookSeraph RobeSpeedwingSpirit DustStatue FragTalismanTorch
Skill items Satori SignSkill items
Healing items AntitoxinConcoctionElixirHerbLaguz GemLaguz StoneOlivi GrassPanaceaVulnerary
Offensive items Daemon CardReaper CardSpectre Card
Class change items Holy CrownMaster CrownMaster Seal
Keys Chest KeyDoor Key
Shop items Blue GemCoinRed GemSilver CardWhite Gem
Accessory items Rudol Gem
Hazard items Shine Barrier
Unused items BeorcguardFrey BombFull GuardKnight WardLaguzguardSerenityTempestTroop ScrollWarp PowderWild Stone
Items in Fire Emblem: Shadow Dragon
Stat boosters Arms ScrollBootsDracoshieldEnergy DropGoddess IconPure WaterSecret BookSeraph RobeSpeedwingSpirit DustTalisman
Healing items Vulnerary
Class change items Elysian WhipMaster Seal
Keys Bridge KeyDoor KeyMaster Key
Shop items BullionSilver CardVIP Card
Regalia items EmblemGeosphereIote's ShieldLightsphereStarsphere
Other items Cards
Items in Fire Emblem: New Mystery of the Emblem
Permanent stat boosters Arms ScrollBond DropDLCBootsDracoshieldEnergy DropGoddess IconGrowth DropDLCSecret BookSeraph RobeSpeedwingSpirit DustTalisman
Temporary stat boosters Defense BondDefense TonicLuck BondLuck TonicMagic BondMagic TonicPure WaterRainbow TonicDLCResistance BondResistance TonicSkill BondSkill TonicSpeed BondSpeed TonicStrength BondStrength Tonic
Healing items ElixirEnergy DrinkUsed PotionVulnerary
Class change items Elysian WhipMaster Seal
Keys Bridge KeyChest KeyDoor KeyMaster Key
Shop items BullionSilver CardVIP Card
Regalia items Astral ShardsBinding ShieldDarksphereFire EmblemGeosphereIote's ShieldLifesphereLightsphereStarsphere
Other items Cards
Items in Fire Emblem Awakening
Permanent stat boosters Arms ScrollBootsDracoshieldEnergy DropGoddess IconNaga's TearSecret BookSeed of TrustSeraph RobeSpeedwingSpirit DustTalisman
Temporary stat boosters Defense TonicGaius's ConfectHP TonicKris's ConfectLuck TonicMagic TonicPure WaterResistance TonicSkill TonicSpeed TonicStrength TonicTiki's Tear
Skill items All Stats +2DLCIote's ShieldDLCLimit BreakerDLCParagonDLC
Healing items ConcoctionElixirSweet TinctureVulnerary
Class change items Dread ScrollDLCMaster SealSecond SealWedding BouquetDLC
Keys Chest KeyDoor KeyMaster Key
Shop items BullionSilver CardDLCSupreme Emblem
Map items Reeking BoxRift Door
Items in Fire Emblem Fates
Permanent stat boosters Arms ScrollBootsDracoshieldDragon HerbsEnergy DropEternal SealGoddess IconSecret BookSeed of TrustSeraph RobeSpeedwingSpirit DustTalisman
Temporary stat boosters Allegro HarpAsugi's ConfectDefense TonicHP TonicLuck TonicMagic TonicRainbow TonicResistance TonicShell HornSkill TonicSpeed TonicStrength Tonic
Healing items Azura's SalveConcoctionElixirGunter's PotionVulnerary
Class change items Dread ScrollEbon WingExalt's BrandDLCFell BrandDLCFriendship SealHeart SealHero's BrandDLCMaster SealOffspring SealPartner SealSighting LensDLCVanguard BrandDLCWitch's MarkDLC
Keys Chest KeyDoor KeyMaster Key
Shop items Gold Bar
Other items Battle SealFirst BloodDLCMaster EmblemObstacleSkill itemsDLCVisitation Seal
Items in Fire Emblem Echoes: Shadows of Valentia
Stat boosters AmbrosiaBootsFruit of LifeGolden AppleNectarNethergranatePegasus CheeseSomaTalismanDLC
Normal provisions Blue CheeseBoiled ChickenDLCBreadBread PieceButterCarrotChicken LinkDLCCold SoupDagon FilletDried MeatDried ShieldfishDrinking WaterDuma MossExotic SpiceFlourGarlicHamHard BreadHerringHoley CheeseHoneyLeftover BreadMana HerbsMedicinal SyrupMille CrepeDLCMoist BreadDLCOrangePure HoneyDLCRaw MeatSausageSoupSpicy ChickenDLCSweet CookieYogurt
Alcoholic provisions AleLeftover AleRam WineWine
Class change items PitchforkDLC
Rings Ancient RingDLCAnimus RingAngel RingBlessed RingCoral RingDemon RingGrimoire RingKeepsake RingMage RingMila's RingPrayer RingRusted RingSpeed Ring
Shields Blessed ShieldDracoshieldDuma's ShieldEleven ShieldDLCEmperor ShieldFugue ShieldHexlock ShieldIron ShieldLeather ShieldLukas's ShieldDLCRion ShieldRoyal ShieldRusted ShieldSage's ShieldSilver PlatterSilver ShieldSteel Shield
Other equipment Astral ShardsBlack Crescent MoonDLCCoral FragmentDragon ScaleDubious MaskDuma CarvingDuma's HelmHard Worker's RibbonDLCMila CarvingMila's DiademRed TricornStar JacinthDLCVagabond's HairclipDLCWarrior's Warding BellDLC
Shop items Gold MarkGold PurseSilver MarkSilver Purse
Other items A Son's JournalBear CarvingBlack PearlBonewalker OilCell KeyCogGargoyle EarGossamer HairHandmade DollLima ArmletMemory PrismMila's Turnwheel
Items in Fire Emblem: Three Houses
Permanent stat boosters Ailell PomegranateAmbrosiaBlack PearlEnergy DropFruit of LifeGiant ShellGoddess IconGolden AppleMiracle BeanPremium Magic HerbsRocky BurdockSacred Galewind ShoesDLCSacred Floral RobeDLCSacred Snowmelt DropDLCSacred MoonstoneDLCSecret BookSeraph RobeShoes of the WindSpeed CarrotSpeedwingSpirit DustTalismanWhite Verona
Temporary stat boosters Pure WaterTorch
Healing items AntitoxinConcoctionElixirVulnerary
Class change items Abyssian Exam PassDLCAdvanced SealBeginner SealDark SealIntermediate SealMaster Seal
Rings Accuracy RingCritical RingEvasion RingFetters of DromiDLCGoddess RingMarch RingPrayer RingSpeed Ring
Shields Aegis ShieldAurora ShieldHexlock ShieldIron ShieldKadmos ShieldLampos ShieldLeather ShieldOchain ShieldSeiros ShieldSilver ShieldSteel ShieldTalisman Shield
Staves AsclepiusCaduceus StaffCirce StaffHealing StaffMagic StaffThyrsus
Gems Chalice of BeginningsDLCExperience GemKnowledge GemRafail Gem
Other equipment Black Eagle PendantBlue Lion BroochGolden Deer BraceletWhite Dragon Scarf
Keys Chest KeyDoor KeyMaster KeyDLCSpellbreak KeyDLC
Shop items Bullion
Dragon Signs Aegis Dragon SignBloom Dragon SignCraft Dragon SignCrusher Dragon SignDark Dragon SignEarth Dragon SignFissure Dragon SignFlame Dragon SignGrim Dragon SignIce Dragon SignKalpa Dragon SignLight Dragon SignLightning Dragon SignShield Dragon SignSky Dragon SignSnow Dragon SignStar Dragon SignStorm Dragon SignThorn Dragon SignWater Dragon SignWind Dragon Sign
Other items Trade Secret
Items in Fire Emblem Engage
Permanent stat boosters BootsDracoshieldEnergy DropGoddess IconSecret BookSeraph RobeSpeedwingSpirit DustTalisman
Temporary stat boosters Defense TonicDexterity TonicHP TonicLuck TonicMagic TonicPure WaterSpeed TonicResistance TonicStrength TonicTorch
Healing items AntitoxinElixirMealVulnerary
Class change items Mage CannonDLCMaster SealMystic SatchelDLCSecond Seal
Shop items Silver CardDLC
Other items Adept BookAegis ShieldExpert BookNovice BookPact RingRafail GemTime CrystalThyrsus
Items in Fire Emblem Warriors: Three Hopes
Permanent stat boosters Ailell PomegranateAmbrosiaBlack PearlEnergy DropFruit of LifeGiant ShellGoddess IconGolden AppleMiracle BeanPremium Magic HerbsRocky BurdockSecret BookSeraph RobeSpeed CarrotSpeedwingSpirit DustTalismanWhite Verona
Class change items Advanced SealIntermediate SealMaster Seal
Rings Agile Dexterity RingCaptivating Charm RingCharm RingCritical RingDexterity RingEvasion RingFetters of DromiFierce Strength RingGoddess RingLightning Speed RingMesmerizing Charm RingMonstrous Strength RingNimble Dexterity RingPrayer RingSpeed RingStrength RingSwift Speed Ring
Shields Aegis ShieldAurora ShieldHexlock ShieldIron ShieldKadmos ShieldLampos ShieldLeather ShieldOchain ShieldSeiros ShieldSilver ShieldSteel ShieldTalisman Shield
Staves AsclepiusCaduceus StaffCirce StaffHealing StaffMagic StaffThyrsus
Gems Chalice of BeginningsExperience GemKnowledge GemRafail Gem
Dragon Signs Aegis Dragon SignBloom Dragon SignCraft Dragon SignCrusher Dragon SignDark Dragon SignEarth Dragon SignFissure Dragon SignFlame Dragon SignGrim Dragon SignIce Dragon SignKalpa Dragon SignLight Dragon SignLightning Dragon SignShield Dragon SignSky Dragon SignSnow Dragon SignStar Dragon SignStorm Dragon SignThorn Dragon SignWater Dragon SignWind Dragon Sign
Merc Whistle Accessories Amber SweetenerAmethyst CharmAnimal Bone DiceAzure DaggerBeast RepellentBottle of FlowersCurse-Repelling AmuletDagdan WhetstoneDrinking HornFancy HandkerchiefFirst Aid KitHunter's KnifeImperial Coat of Arms PenKnife and ScabbardLoog and the Maiden of WindMetal ClaspMushroom PowderNotes on PoisonsOdd CharmPegasus Hair CharmPortable LampPortable Tea SetRose BroochRose WaterSand from Rhodos CoastSeasoning SetSecret MedicineSharp DaggerShez DollSilver BraceletSilver RingSimple Fishing RodTactics PrimerTravelogueWarm CloakWeapon Repair OilWooden DishWooden DollWooden Training Sword
Other item types BullionChest KeyExtra Large BullionLarge BullionMerc WhistleVanguard Whistle