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“To wing, brothers! Keep up with me if you can!”
— Tibarn, to his fellow hawk laguz when charging over the Ribahn River.

Tibarn is a playable character in Fire Emblem: Path of Radiance and Fire Emblem: Radiant Dawn. He is the Hawk King of Phoenicis. Despite his collected manner, he can be blinded by his dislike of Beorc, particularly those of Begnion. He was shown, at several times, to be a savage, unforgiving warrior.


Blessed with a strong physique that is extremely rare for a hawk, Tibarn ordered the hawks to plunder both Begnion noble and merchant ships in the sea of Gazaleah in retribution for the massacre at Serenes Forest –which was perceived as an ultimate betrayal against the Laguz. They quickly came to be feared as the “Shipless Pirates” –though they would only raid Begnion ships. The neighboring Kingdom of Kilvas, however, would raid almost any ship, resulting in giving them all a bad reputation. Despite this, Tibarn would still tolerate their neighbor's actions up until The Mad King's War.

While sheltering the former king of Serenes and Reyson, Tibarn witnesses the Apostle's actions in helping aid in the search of Princess Leanne and the eventual restoration of Serenes Forest. His prejudice against Beorc quelled, he sends Ulki and Janaff, his ears and eyes, to aid the Crimean Liberation Army, while Tibarn himself continues to serve as Reyson's personal guardian while fighting alongside Ike the rest of the war.

Radiant Dawn[]

When Crown Prince Rafiel of Serenes had returned from the eastern lands of Hatari, he brought with him dire news of how the Begnion senators were the true masterminds behind the Serenes Massacre. Hearing this, Tibarn and the Serenes royals petitioned Begnion to explain themselves and reveal the truth. However, the Senate claimed the accusation was groundless and sent no reply. Enraged, Tibarn teamed up with the Kingdoms of Kilvas and Gallia to form an alliance, and sent one final warning to the senate. The senate replied by murdering the messenger, which led to an all-out war between the Laguz and Beorc.

In the war between the Laguz Alliance and Begnion, he engaged Begnion's supreme general, Zelgius, to save Ranulf from being killed. He also led the third of Yune's forces, the Hawk Army, in Part IV. In the second part of endgame he tries to attack the Black Knight on account of Lotz's death but backs off, realizing that it is Ike's fight and not his. After Ashera is defeated, the bird tribes, consisting of the Hawk, Raven and Heron tribes, were united, and Tibarn was made the king of the united bird tribes.


Headstrong and brave, Tibarn is the fearless leader of the Hawk Laguz who is surprisingly pragmatic and levelheaded. He holds a strong sense of honor shown through his interactions with Zelgius and shows respect to warriors who share many of his values. While he is not above unsavory methods such as piracy or threatening to throw Sothe off a cliff to stop a battle, he is above all else a warrior and a king who acts in the best interests of his people.

He is not one to simply forgive-and-forget a person for their crimes, as he held an intense grudge against Naesala for the Raven tribe's betrayal of the Laguz Alliance and vowed to kill him at the first opportunity. He is battle-hungry at times and is eager to rend his enemies, most notably exclaiming his excitement when facing notable enemies such as Ashnard and Lekain.

Tibarn is highly protective of his allies, mainly the Herons, as he took in Reyson and due to the crimes committed against them by the Begnion Senate, he vowed to make them pay for the Serenes Massacre.

Unlike other birds, Tibarn punches in his untransformed state, and is thus shown to be left handed, however in his animation, he has his arms crossed right handed. In a support with Ike and Reyson, it is said that his favorite foods are raw meat, insects, and cold fish. Though he initially possessed a great hatred and distrust of Beorc due to the Serenes Massacre, this was changed through his interactions with Ike, and he proudly acknowledges the bond of trust between the Hawk Nation and the Greil Mercenaries.


Path of Radiance[]


  • Endgame: Choose either Tibarn, Naesala or Giffca near the beginning of the chapter in Easy/Normal mode, or on the 2nd part of the chapter in Hard Mode.

Base Stats[]

Starting ClassAffinity
FE9 Tibarn Hawk (Untransformed) Sprite
Hawk (Untransformed)

FE9 Tibarn Hawk (Transformed) Sprite
Hawk (Transformed)
FE9Heaven Heaven









SkillsWeaponStarting Items
Savior (FE9) Savior
Cancel (FE9) Cancel
-FE9 Beak (Hawk) Beak
FE9Elixer Elixir
FE9Laguzband Laguz Band

Growth Rates[]

HP Str Mag Skl Spd Lck Def Res
145% 70% 5% 70% 65% 50% 60% 25%

Bond Support[]

Radiant Dawn[]


Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Endgame
P 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 E P 1 2 3 E P 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 E P 1 2 3 4 5 E A1 A2 A3 A4 A5

◎=Forced ○=Available □=Available for selected

Base Stats[]

Starting ClassAffinity
FE10 Tibarn Hawk King (Untransformed) Sprite
Hawk King (Untransformed)

FE10 Tibarn Hawk (Transformed) Sprite
Hawk King (Transformed)
FE10Heaven Heaven









SkillsWeaponStarting Items
Savior Savior
Tear Tear
Pavise Pavise
Shove Shove
Canto Canto
Formshift Formshift
FE10 Strike Strike - SSGreat Talon (FE10) Great Talon

Growth Rates[]

HP Str Mag Skl Spd Lck Def Res
75% 40% 5% 10% 20% 40% 40% 20%


RD Biorhythm H

Bond Support[]


Secret Book (Artwork)
Subjective: The following part of this article is based upon the editor's personal experiences and opinions, and therefore may not be applicable for all readers.

In terms of pure stats, Tibarn might very well be the best unit in the game. Like the other Laguz Royals, Tibarn comes with Formshift, allowing him to remain permanently transformed. Almost anything Tibarn attacks will die, due to his ridiculous base stats and Tear, and due to his flight he will easily reach many enemies. His base Speed is 40, which coincidentally is the magic number needed to double every enemy unit for the rest of the game. Defensively he will rarely ever even be hit due to his incredibly high avoid, and his very strong defensive stats mean he will rarely be hurt when hit (except from a Crossbow or Wind tome, the only things Tibarn needs to be wary of).

The only downsides of Tibarn are that he lacks the ability to counter effectively at 1-2 range, which is a trait shared by all other Laguz, and he joins incredibly late. However, Tibarn is so immeasurably powerful that it is more than worth making room for him on any team.

Fire Emblem Engage[]

Bond Ring[]

King of Phoenicis on Tellius, a continent in another world. A laguz shape-shifter who led a tribe that could transform into hawks. The Hawk King rallied his allies with his charisma and decisive action.
Bond Ring Tibarn
FE17 C Rank Bond RingC Rank HP +2
FE17 B Rank Bond RingB Rank HP +2 Str +1
World FE17 A Rank Bond RingA Rank HP +2 Str +1 Def +1
Micaiah Emblem Ring Dawn Maiden FE17 S Rank Bond RingS Rank HP +5 Str +1 Def +1

Fire Emblem Heroes[]

Lord of the Air
King of Phoenicis, the nation of the hawk laguz. Leads his people by dint of his overwhelming fighting ability and charisma. Appears in Fire Emblem: Radiant Dawn.

Base Stats[]

Rarity: ✯✯✯✯✯

Heroes Tibarn SpriteTitle
Lord of the Air
Heroes Flying Flying
FEH skill offense Hawk King Claw
FEH skill special Dragon Gaze
FEH Red Beast Beast


FEH skill offenseHatchling (Flier)---
Fledgling (Flier)---
Adult (Flier)---
Hawk King Claw-FEH Star Rarity 5-
FEH skill specialDragon Gaze-FEH Star Rarity 5-
Draconic AuraDragon Gaze-FEH Star Rarity 5
AFEH Death Blow 1 Death Blow 1--
FEH Sturdy Blow 1 Sturdy Blow 1FEH Death Blow 1 Death Blow 1-
FEH Sturdy Blow 2 Sturdy Blow 2FEH Sturdy Blow 1 Sturdy Blow 1-
FEH Sturdy Impact Sturdy ImpactFEH Sturdy Blow 2 Sturdy Blow 2FEH Star Rarity 5
BFEH Chill Atk 1 Chill Atk 1--
FEH Chill Atk 2 Chill Atk 2FEH Chill Atk 1 Chill Atk 1-
FEH Chill Atk 3 Chill Atk 3FEH Chill Atk 2 Chill Atk 2FEH Star Rarity 5
CFEH Even Atk Wave 1 Even Atk Wave 1--
FEH Even Atk Wave 2 Even Atk Wave 2FEH Even Atk Wave 1 Even Atk Wave 1-
FEH Even Atk Wave 3 Even Atk Wave 3FEH Even Atk Wave 2 Even Atk Wave 2FEH Star Rarity 5


Secret Book (Artwork)
Subjective: The following part of this article is based upon the editor's personal experiences and opinions, and therefore may not be applicable for all readers.
Base Set[]

Tibarn was among the first Beast units introduced into the game, leading the charge as the primary red beast unit as well as having Flier status attached for good measure. He immediately gained presence thanks to a strong offensive presence mainly due to a powerful weapon and stats that help maximize its effects, most of which is focused onto his Atk, having one of the highest base totals at neutral with a massive 55. He also has moderate Spd and solid physical bulk.

Though he has solid Spd, it ultimately only affects his opponent's ability to attack him as Hawk King Claw guarantees a follow-up attack so long as he initiates combat on an enemy at 100% HP. He also carries the beast effect of transforming either if he is not adjacent to any ally or only adjacent to a dragon/beast unit. If he transforms, his range gains one extra tile of movement plus another +2 Atk. With the right teammates, Tibarn can zoom across the battlefield, tearing through his enemies through his sheer force.

Draconic Aura boosts his Atk by 30%, granting him about 16 additional Atk when it activates and when combined with his Sturdy Impact, he can achieve a 63 neutral Atk when initiating combat, pushed to 82 with a Draconic Aura activated. Sturdy Impact also grants +10 Def and denies foes from counterattacking when initiating, making it hard for enemies to counterattack him physically. Chill Attack further impacts enemy offense for the foe with the highest Atk, inflicting a -7 Atk penalty to the enemy with the highest Atk. Finally Even Attack Wave increase his Atk, as well as adjacent ally Atk, at the start of even numbered turns, providing a self-buff that, when combined with all of the aforementioned skills, gives him an unparalleled Atk stat that basically finishes off most units except for the bulkiest of blue units.


Tibarn may have one of the highest Atk potentials in the game, but he is unable to fully demolish through physical bulky blue units such as Fallen Hardin, Brave Hector, and Lukas as they all have the physical bulk and color advantage to mitigate most of his damage. If they can be kept safe, blue mages are also a solid answer to Tibarn as he is sorely lacking in magical bulk, so units like Ophelia, Reinhardt, and Ishtar make for solid answers. Finally his status as a Beast and Flier leaves him vulnerable to weapons that address these types, namely bows. Legendary Lucina and Halloween Niles are solid answers with both the flier effectiveness and color advantage

Skill Inheritance[]

Tibarn already has powerful skills at his disposal and requires a minimal amount of external inheritance to round out his set. Reposition is a standard support for ally positioning manipulation purposes while Bonfire is a better fit as a fast charging, powerful special that benefits from his good Def stat. Chill Defense is a better fit for his Skill B as it is better to lower defenses of his opponents so he can just outright kill them without sparing them the opportunity to retaliate against him with reduced Atk damage.

Meet Some of the Heroes[]

Lord of the Air Tibarn
Tibarn lord of the air pop01 The hawk laguz of Tellius are the proud masters of the skies, led by Tibarn, the hawk king of Phoenicis!
Tibarn lord of the air pop02 Tibarn is bold and aggressive, and absolutely unflinching in battle. That said, he's also loved by his people for his devoted leadership.
Tibarn lord of the air pop03 When Tibarn transforms, he takes on the form of a hawk, freely soaring through the skies. He's so fast and powerful that some say he's the strongest of the winged laguz!
Tibarn lord of the air pop04 At first, Tibarn was deeply mistrustful of the beorc, and even fought against Ike and his friends, though he later made peace with them. Joining forces with Gallia, he fought to save Tellius!
Closely Associated Characters
Reyson Prince of Serenes, the former kingdom of the heron laguz. Brother of Leanne. Frail, but strong willed. After the Serenes Massacre, Reyson was taken into Tibarn's protection in Phoenicis.
Leanne Princess of Serenes. Reyson's younger sister. She speaks the ancient tongue and has not yet mastered the language of Tellius. After being rescued by the Greil Mercenaries, she takes refuge in Phoenicis.
Naesala King of Kilvas and leader of the raven clan. He uses his cunning as a weapon and won't shy away from dirtying his hands. An old acquaintance of Tibarn's who becomes his foe after cooperating with Begnion.

Shipless Pirate
King of Phoenicis, the nation of the Hawk Tribe of laguz. Swooping in just in time to participate in the pirate festival by coincidence. Appears in Fire Emblem: Radiant Dawn.

Base Stats[]

Rarity: ✯✯✯✯✯

Tibarn Shipless Pirate Heroes spriteTitle
Shipless Pirate
Heroes Flying Flying
FEH skill offense Sky-Pirate Claw
FEH skill special Night Sky
FEH Colorless Beast Beast


FEH skill offenseHatchling (Flier)---
Fledgling (Flier)---
Adult (Flier)---
Sky-Pirate Claw-FEH Star Rarity 5-
FEH skill specialNight Sky-FEH Star Rarity 5-
AstraNight Sky-FEH Star Rarity 5
GaleforceAstra-FEH Star Rarity 5
AFEH Heavy Blade 1 Heavy Blade 1-FEH Star Rarity 3
FEH Heavy Blade 2 Heavy Blade 2FEH Heavy Blade 1 Heavy Blade 1FEH Star Rarity 4
FEH Heavy Blade 3 Heavy Blade 3FEH Heavy Blade 2 Heavy Blade 2-
FEH Heavy Blade 4 Heavy Blade 4FEH Heavy Blade 3 Heavy Blade 3FEH Star Rarity 5
BFEH Dive Bomb 1 Dive Bomb 1--
FEH Dive Bomb 2 Dive Bomb 2FEH Dive Bomb 1 Dive Bomb 1-
FEH Dive Bomb 3 Dive Bomb 3FEH Dive Bomb 2 Dive Bomb 2FEH Star Rarity 5
CFEH Atk Smoke 1 Atk Smoke 1--
FEH Atk Smoke 2 Atk Smoke 2FEH Atk Smoke 1 Atk Smoke 1-
FEH Atk Smoke 3 Atk Smoke 3FEH Atk Smoke 2 Atk Smoke 2FEH Star Rarity 5


Secret Book (Artwork)
Subjective: The following part of this article is based upon the editor's personal experiences and opinions, and therefore may not be applicable for all readers.
Base Set[]

Pirate Tibarn is the first combat oriented flying colorless beast in Heroes and is perched particularly well to decimate foes unprepared for the incredible offensive capabilities he possesses. His impressive 41 base Atk gives him incredible damage potential and while his Spd is somewhat middling at 30, he more than makes up for this through the sheer strength of his kit skills. He also has a decent physical bulk score of 78, but his low Res at neutral 18 paints a very clear cut weakness in terms of his bulk. All-in-all, Pirate Tibarn has strong stats, but his skill kit is where he gets the most of his power and makes him one of the most powerful beast units available.
Sky-Pirate Claw gives him special cooldown acceleration and if he is able to transform under his Beast weapon's effect, he also gains an additional Atk+2 and +1 to his movement, effectively giving him cavalry range and retaining his flying ability to move over any terrain. During combat, if he is not adjacent to an ally, he gains +5 Atk, inflicts -5 Atk on his foe, and is given a guaranteed follow-up attack. Pirate Tibarn's overall offensive pressure from his weapon alone makes him a formidable threat to his enemies, but he has far more to offer still.
In combination with his base weapon, Pirate Tibarn makes excellent usage of Galeforce as he can quickly charge it in a few attacks and relentlessly tear through enemy teams unprepared for his hyper aggressive movement and damage. With a massive neutral 55 Atk, if his Atk is greater than his foe's, Heavy Blade 4 further speeds his special cooldowns and adds +5 true damage to his attacks for good measure. Dive-Bomb is a new Skill B that allows Pirate Tibarn and any other melee flier sneak in their follow-up attacks before their foe can counterattack, ensuring that Pirate Tibarn tears any of his foes asunder before they are able to retaliate. Finally Attack Smoke inflicts Atk-7 on foes within two spaces of him after he finishes combat.


Pirate Tibarn is a glass cannon built to shred enemies during his turn. When on the defensive, his paper thin Res makes him an easy target for most if not all mages. Merric and Asbel are strong counters since their weapons carry extra effective damage against flier units. Bow units also make for nice counters since they too deal effective damage. While not explicitly a weakness all the time, bad A.I. can inadvertently place him next to one of his allies, thus providing the player with an opportunity to exploit him without a majority of his preferred weapon effects.

Skill Inheritance[]

Pirate Tibarn's only empty skill is his Assist Skill which the standard Reposition fills nicely. For the most part, Pirate Tibarn is best left forcing on going all out on a build that emphasizes his performance when initiating combat. Skill A can be replaced with Sturdy Impact as the flat increase to his Atk and huge Def boost while removing his foe's counterattack make him even more oppressive during his turn. Defense Smoke also better softens his foes so he can hit even harder against them.

Meet Some of the Heroes[]

Shipless Pirate Tibarn
Tibarn shipless pirate pop01 Here's Tibarn, the hawk king of Phoenicis and lord of the skies of Tellius! He's wearing a pirate costume for his big appearance at the festival!
Tibarn shipless pirate pop02 For many years, a tragic history caused a bitter division between the beorc, a group made up of folks like you and me, and the laguz, the group that Tibarn belongs to.
Tibarn shipless pirate pop03 In retaliation for Begnion's actions, Tibarn attacked beorc trading ships from the skies, earning his crew the moniker of the “shipless pirates” in the process. The costume he's wearing now really does call those days to mind!
Tibarn shipless pirate pop04 Now, however, Tibarn enjoys friendly relations with the beorc people. He's really nailed the pirate look too, so I hope he has a great time with everyone at the festival!
Closely Associated Characters
Reyson Prince of Serenes, the former kingdom of the heron laguz. Brother of Leanne. Frail, but strong willed. He admires Tibarn's strength.
Naesala King of Kilvas and leader of the raven clan. He uses his cunning as a weapon and won't shy away from dirtying his hands. Unlike Tibarn, his approach to piracy is more predatory, and he indiscriminately attacks beorc trading ships.


“Blast! I've got to get out of here! Sorry for all the trouble.”
—Tibarn's death quote


Tibarn/Heroes Quotes


Lord of the Air (天空の覇者)
Tibarn was chosen as the first king of the unified bird clans, and brought them great respect from the other nations.

Non-Canon Appearances[]

Fire Emblem 0 (Cipher)[]

Tibarn is illustrated in the trading card game Fire Emblem Cipher with the following cards:

Choose Your Legends Placement History[]

Round Placement Character Version Votes

CYL1 148 CYL Tibarn RD Portrait
Radiant Dawn
264 CYL Tibarn POR Portrait
Path of Radiance
CYL2 58
CYL Tibarn RD Portrait
Radiant Dawn
CYL Tibarn POR Portrait
Path of Radiance
CYL3 82
(From highest)
CYL Tibarn POR Portrait
Path of Radiance/Radiant Dawn
(From combined)
CYL4 99
CYL Tibarn RD Portrait
Radiant Dawn/Path of Radiance
CYL5 93
CYL Tibarn RD Portrait
Radiant Dawn/Path of Radiance
CYL6 108
CYL Tibarn RD Portrait
Radiant Dawn/Path of Radiance
CYL7 124
CYL Tibarn RD Portrait
Radiant Dawn/Path of Radiance

CYL8 147
CYL Tibarn RD Portrait
Radiant Dawn/Path of Radiance


  • Tibarn shares his Heroes English voice actor, Joe J. Thomas, with Deen and Randal.
  • Tibarn shares his English voice actor in Radiant Dawn, Joey Pepin, with Shinon.


See main article: Tibarn/Gallery.