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“Fight on, Emblem of Radiance!”
Alear summoning Ike in Chapter 13.

The Ring of the Radiant Hero (蒼炎の勇者の指輪, Souen no Yūsha no Yubiwa lit. Ring of the Hero of Blue Flame) is an Emblem Ring introduced in Fire Emblem Engage.


The Ring of the Radiant Hero was given to the Kingdom of Solm when the twelve Emblem Rings were distributed across Elyos. The Ring of the Radiant Hero was known to be safeguarded by the Solm Royal Family itself with Princess Timerra possessing it.

The Ring of the Radiant Hero enables the wearer to wield Ike's power in combat.

In-Game Stats[]

Stat Boosts[]

Bond Level HP Strength Magic Defense Resistance Dexterity Speed Luck Build Move
1 +3 +1 +1
2 +3 +1 +2
4 +3 +2 +2
7 +5 +2 +2
8 +5 +2 +3
12 +5 +3 +3
14 +7 +3 +3
16 +7 +3 +4
17 +7 +4 +4
19 +7 +4 +5

Skills and Weapons[]

Bond Level Icon Name Description Type SP Notes
1 Defense +1 Grants Def+1. Inheritable Skill 100
1 Demolish Break destructible terrain in a single blow when using Destroy. Sync Skill (Can Inherit) 200
1 Resolve If unit's HP is 75% or less after combat, grants Def/Res+5 as long as unit's HP stays below 75%. Sync Skill (Can Inherit) 1000
1 Laguz Friend Unit takes 50% less damage, but sets unit's Avo to 0. Engage Skill Dragon: Extra -10% to damage.
1 Great Aether Use to grant Def/Res+5, but unit can't counter for 1 turn. Next turn, attack a 2-space area, heal HP=30% of damage dealt. Sword/axe only. Engage Attack Dragon: +1 damage per hit taken.
Armored: Grants an extra Def+5.
Flying: Grants an extra Res+5.
1 Hammer (Ike) Hammer of Emblem Ike. Smashes foes. Cannot follow up, or strike first if initiating combat. Eff: Armored. Engage Weapon
2 Defense +2 Grants Def+2. Inheritable Skill 300
3 Reposition Use to move an adjacent ally to the opposite side of unit. Sync Skill (Can Inherit) 200
4 Axe Power 1 Grants Atk+2 at a cost of Avo-10 when using an axe. Inheritable Skill 1000
5 Skill Inheritance Unit can inherit this Emblem's skills. Unlock
6 Axe Prof. Proficiency with axes. Required for promotion to certain classes. Unlock
7 Axe Power 2 Grants Atk+4 at a cost of Avo-10 when using an axe. Inheritable Skill 2000
8 Defense +3 Grants Def+3. Inheritable Skill 500
9 Sword Prof. Proficiency with swords. Required for promotion to certain classes. Unlock
10 Urvan Heirloom axe wielded by Emblem Ike. Grants Res+3. Engage Weapon
11 Strong Bond Unit stays engaged 1 additional turn. Unlock
12 Axe Power 3 Grants Atk+6 at a cost of Avo-10 when using an axe. Inheritable Skill 3000
13 Wrath At start of combat, for each HP the unit has lost, grants Crit+1 during combat. (Max +30) Sync Skill (Can Inherit) 2000
14 Axe Power 4 Grants Atk+8 at a cost of Avo-10 when using an axe. Inheritable Skill 4000
15 Ragnell Sacred sword wielded by Emblem Ike. Grants Def+5. Can strike close or at range. Engage Weapon
16 Defense +4 Grants Def+4. Inheritable Skill 1000
17 Axe Power 5 Grants Atk+10 at a cost of Avo-10 when using an axe. Inheritable Skill 5000
18 Resolve+ If unit's HP is 75% or less after combat, grants Def/Res+7 as long as unit's HP stays below 75%. Sync Skill (Can Inherit) 2000
19 Defense +5 Grants Def+5. Inheritable Skill 2000
20 Deep Synergy Unit's engage meter is shortened one step. Unlock