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—Alfonse talking to Sharena

Vaskrheim is an ancient, abandoned temple in the south of Askr that once used to house the divine weapon Breidablik. Shortly before the Múspell invasion of Askr, Brave Heroes summoned by a rite in Kiran's world began to appear at Vaskrheim, acting as its guardians, with more continuing to appear as time went on. It appears in Fire Emblem Heroes.
In ancient times, Vaskrheim was a temple in the south of the kingdom of Askr. Sealed away in the temple was the Breidablik, a divine weapon capable of summoning heroes from other realms.
At some time during Askr's history, the temple was abandoned, and its name largely faded from common knowledge, with the Breidablik eventually passing into the care of the Order of Heroes.
Many years later the Order's Commander, Anna, managed to use the Breidablik to bring the legendary Great Hero known as Kiran to Askr to help them in their war against the Emblian Empire.
Soon after this, and shortly before the invasion of Askr by Múspell, the kingdom of flame, a legendary rite was carried out in Kiran's home world, fulfilling the prophecy that "A legendary rite shall call forth Brave Heroes." This led to four Brave Heroes appearing at Vaskrheim, who were gradually followed by several more through the war that followed.
Brave Heroes[]
First Brave Heroes[]
The first legendary rite led to four Brave Heroes being summoned at Vaskrheim:
- Lady Lyndis of Caelin
- Princess Lucina of the Halidom of Ylisse
- Ike, Commander of Tellius' Greil Mercenaries
- Roy, son and heir of the Marquess of Pherae
Emblian forces quickly invaded the south of Askr and managed to bind them in a contract, but this contract was broken by the Order of Heroes, freeing the heroes.
Farfetched Heroes[]
Three months after the first Brave Heroes appeared, four more "offbeat" Brave Heroes from different worlds appeared at Vaskrheim:
- Dorcas, a mercenary from Bern
- Lute, a mage from Renais
- Joshua, a wandering swordsman from Jehanna
- Mia, of Tellius' Greil Mercenaries
Again, Embla managed to bind them, and they were released by the Order of Heroes.
People's Hero[]
Another three months passed, and this time a single Hero appeared at Vaskrheim, an older version of one of the first Brave Heroes, from a different rite held in Kiran's world:
- Ike, General and Leader of the Greil Mercenaries
This time, the Order of Heroes managed to arrive before the Hero appeared, without interference from Embla, and were challenged by four of the Brave Heroes who were guarding Vaskrheim: the original Brave Heroes Ike and Roy, as well as Mia and Lute.
Brave Heroes of the Second Rite[]
A year after the initial Brave Heroes appeared, four more arrived, summoned by a second rite in Kiran's world:
- Hector, Marquess of Ostia
- Princess Celica of Zofia, Warrior Priestess of Mila
- Prince Ephraim of the Kingdom of Renais
- Princess Veronica of the Emblian Empire
The Order of Heroes heard rumors that one of the Brave Heroes was the Princess Veronica but reconciled with all four after defeating them. After recruiting them however, the Order of Heroes receive a note from a world previously invaded by Princess Veronica of the main world, demanding that they hand over Veronica to them, believing her to be the Veronica of the main world. Even after convincing the other world that the Veronica with them is not the same person, she continues to question if her fate will always lead her to war, the other Heroes relate to her situation and state that only she can decide her fate, this renews her dedication to the Order of Heroes, believing that she has one thing that the original Veronica does not, allies. This convinces her to change her fate by helping the Order quell the flames of war.
Brave Redux[]
Similar to the first rite, a second rite of "offbeat" Brave Heroes are summoned:
- Loki, a mysterious adversary of the Order of Heroes
- Kliff, one of Alm's childhood friends and a member of the Deliverance
- Owain, the future son of Lissa and Lucina's cousin
- Aversa, a potent black magic-user and Validar's protege
Similar to the second Brave Hero rite, the Order investigates upon learning that Loki is among them but reconcile after defeating them in combat. Loki then proves her dedication after a competition over Kiran's affection, with Aversa, leads to them being captured. Loki uses her power to disguise herself as the Summoner, causing confusion among the enemy forces, allowing the Order to rescue them. Loki then resolves, with Aversa, to continue to support the Order of Heroes in hopes that Kiran will notice her.
Brave Heroes of the Third Rite[]
For a third year, another rite was held in Kiran's world to summon Brave Heroes. These Heroes were notable in that almost all of them had some kind of relation to a previous Brave Hero:
- Alm, heir of the Rigellian Empire
- Eliwood, Marquess of Pherae
- Micaiah, the fifteenth ruler of Daein
- Queen Camilla of Nohr
During this event, it was revealed that Vaskrheim contains a monument keeping track of all of the Brave Heroes that had been summoned up to that point.
Brave Heroes of the Fourth Rite[]
For a fourth year, the rite was held again. This year, all of the Heroes summoned came from the World of Crests during the war, with each one having come from a different world in which they had each won the war:
- Emperor Edelgard von Hresvelg of the Adrestian Empire
- King Dimitri Alexadre Blayddid of the Holy Kingdom of Faerghus
- King Claude von Riegan of Almyra and leader of the Leicester Alliance
- Lysithea von Ordelia, heir to House Ordelia
Despite the tension between the three house leaders, having already faced each other in battle and won, they put aside their differences for the sake of Askr, seeing as they are each from a different world and bringing the fight to Askr would be pointless and instead regale each other about the events that took place in their worlds. Upon discovering that their past selves from the academy are also in Askr, they debate on whether or not to reveal the details of the future to them in order to prevent a war, but they ultimately decide that it wouldn't matter as they all had made their choices before joining the academy and instead rely on Askr itself to shape their future, believing that it could possibly lead to a completely unknown result to any of them. Instead, they decide to reinstate their class houses within Askr alongside their younger selves.
Brave Heroes of the Fifth Rite[]
The rite was performed a fifth time the following year:
- Prince Marth of Altea, Hero-King of Archanea
- Princess Eirika of the Kingdom of Renais
- Marianne von Edmund, heir to House Edmund
- The Gatekeeper of Garreg Mach Monastery
Immediately after being summoned, Anna receives word of Mjölnir's forces advancing, which forces the Order to mobilize the Brave Heroes towards Midgard's Shield, and despite the overwhelming numbers, Marth and Eirika manage to station enough heroes to protect the Shield from destruction. However, they fail to place enough heroes directly at the Shield's gate, leaving Marianne and the Gatekeeper as the only line of defense when Thórr herself approaches and takes on the Gatekeeper alone while Marianne is overcome by her army. Unwilling to allow anyone pass him, the Gatekeeper stands his ground and takes Thórr on at full force, to the point where he can barely stand and is close to exhaustion, which earns him Thórr's respect, as Marth and Eirika return with reinforcements to assist him and Marianne. The Order of Heroes succeed in defending the shield and resolve to stick together as the battle wages on.
Brave Heroes of the Sixth Rite[]
The rite was performed a sixth time the following year, with the Heroes being regarded as important figures in history:
- King Chrom, Exalt of the Halidom of Ylisse
- Princess Tiki of the Divine Dragon Tribe, voice of Naga
- King Seliph Baldos Chalphy of the Kingdom of Grannvale
- Queen Byleth Eisner of the United Kingdom of Fódlan
After their first battle together, the Heroes bond over having to fight alongside such exemplary figures in history, but they contemplate on what it really takes to be a hero and if they deserve to be referred to as such, they wonder what their lives would've been like if fate had taken a different turn, Chrom believing that he would continue leading the Shepards if Emmeryn had remained as Exalt, Seliph being unable to stand up for his Father's ideals and letting the Grannvale Empire have its way, Tiki continuing her endless slumber for all eternity without Marth, and Byleth continuing her new life as a Professor at Garreg Mach Monastery. They conclude however that while they're not sure about being referred to as Heroes, they intend to live up to that name as best as they can together until Askr no longer has need for them, in hopes for a better future.
Brave Heroes of the Seventh Rite[]
The rite would be performed a seventh time, the Heroes summoned this year were known to have a deep connection to previous Brave Heroes.
- Soren, Wind Sage Tactician of the Greil Mercenaries
- Robin, Grandmaster Tactician of the Shepherds
- Queen Corrin of Valla
- Gullveig, the Golden Seer of Vanaheimr
In an alternate timeline, Alfonse and Anna are mortally wounded by Gullveig, who intends to invade Askr, leaving the Kingdom in the hands of Sharena and Kiran. Robin, Soren and Corrin who were recently summoned, converse with the Order on ways to defend Askr from Gullveig's invasion, to which they decide that Kiran must summon Gullveig herself from another world to counter her attack, despite knowing that it could easily fail, they agree that it is the only way they can save Askr, much to Corrin's displeasure. Kiran's first summon after the meeting does in fact summon Gullveig, but her appearance resembles that of Seiðr, which confuses most of the Order, but as they attempt explain the plan to her, she teleports herself away, sending the Heroes on a search party for her where Corrin voices her concern for forcing Gullveig to fight herself. Gullveig finds herself lost trying leave Askr and eventually ends up in the library, where she runs into Corrin who explains the plan to her, Gullveig agrees to the plan as she sees no alternative, but Corrin insists that they try to understand this Gullveig rather than fight her, only to be interrupted by the arrival of the invading Gullveig who refuses Corrin's plan. The summoned Gullveig states that she knows how the timeline is supposed to end but that there has never been a timeline where she had been summoned to Askr, to which Gullveig states her intention to end her life along with the rest of Askr and begins her attack, only for the summoned Gullveig to turn back time to before Alfonse and Anna were attacked, insisting that Corrin trust her. Time turns back to before Gullveig begins her invasion, but Corrin and Kiran feel the effects of the reversed timeline and become hopeful that they will succeed. Gullveig is later summoned in a similar manner as before, but with full memory of her time as Seiðr and agrees to help the order.
Brave Heroes of the Eighth Rite[]
The rite was performed an eighth time the following year:
- Bernadetta von Varley, heir to House Varley
- Duke Felix Hugo Fraldarius of the Holy Kingdom of Faergus
- Robin, Grandmaster Tactician of the Shepherds
- King Alfonse of Askr
Alfonse invites Robin, Felix and Bernadetta to speak at a presentation at the Hero Fest, a celebration to honor the Order of Heroes, as representatives of the Heroes, at Kiran's request, much to Bernadetta's dismay. Alfonse holds a meeting to discuss the topic of the presentation, which is "What is a Hero", but while discussing the topic, a Tempest enters the caste and envelops the Heroes forcing them to fight a horde of enemies on the outskirts of Askr, where they begin to ponder what makes a hero. At having a moment's rest, they each state their belief, Alfonse believes a Hero is one who forges the future as it is a Hero’s duty to protect the future for all people, to Robin, a Hero is one who forges connections and moves forward hand-in-hand with others, to Felix, a Hero is strong; they do not yield to anyone; they shape their fate with their own two hands, as one cannot protect others if they have no strength, but Bernadetta still struggles to find her answer when she is suddenly swarmed by enemies, causing her to panic and run away. Alfonse, Felix and Robin continue to fight but are nearly overwhelmed by the oncoming horde when Bernadetta suddenly appears firing a barrage of arrows at the enemy in a frenzy, giving the others a chance to finish the fight as the Tempest dissipates. Bernadetta explains that while she wanted to flee, she understands that heroes are people as well and that while it's okay to flee if you need to, it's also important not to give up hope, and if faced with a choice to flee or fight recklessly, it's okay to flee without giving up, which the others believe is what she should say at the festival, which she believes, despite her concerns, is enough to give her the courage she needs.
Brave Heroes of the Nineth Rite[]
The rite will be performed a nineth time the following year. This time the summoning consists mainly of Heroes of Zenith:
- Princess Sharena of Askr
- Eikþyrnir, the Healing Strength of Yggdrasill and member of the Healing Hands
- Baldr, the Celestial Sun Goddess of Ásgarðr
- King Byleth Eisner of the United Kingdom of Fódlan