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Love of a King is the fifty-sixth Paralogue in Fire Emblem Heroes.

The names of the three parts of this paralogue are Awkward Appearances, Family as One, and Stirring Visions.

Part 1: Awkward Appearances[]

Secret Book (Artwork)
Subjective: The following part of this article is based upon the editor's personal experiences and opinions, and therefore may not be applicable for all readers.
FEH Paralogue 56 Pt 1
Enemy pos
Portrait Líf Undying Ties Duo Heroes
Enemy pos
Portrait Veronica Bestowed Love Heroes
Enemy pos
Enemy pos
FEH Sword
Ally pos Ally pos
Ally pos Ally pos

You will have 4 units on your team. You will also have 4 opponents: Líf and Thrasir: Undying Ties Duo, Veronica: Bestowed Love, an Emblian Axe Flier, and an Emblian Sword Fighter.

Part 2: Family as One[]

FEH Paralogue 56 Pt 2
Enemy pos
Portrait Henriette Overflowing Love Heroes
Enemy pos
Portrait Gustav Majestic Love Heroes
Enemy pos
Enemy pos
Portrait Alfonse Uplifting Love Heroes
Ally pos Ally pos
Ally pos Ally pos

You will have 4 units on your team. You will also have 4 opponents: Alfonse: Uplifting Love, Gustav: Majestic Love, Henriette: Overflowing Love, and an Emblian Bow Flier.

Part 3: Stirring Visions[]

FEH Paralogue 56 Pt 3
Enemy pos
Portrait Líf Undying Ties Duo Heroes
Enemy pos
Portrait Henriette Overflowing Love Heroes
Enemy pos
Portrait Veronica Bestowed Love Heroes
Enemy pos
Portrait Alfonse Uplifting Love Heroes
Enemy pos
Portrait Gustav Majestic Love Heroes
Ally pos Ally pos
Ally pos Ally pos

You will have 4 units on your team. You will also have 5 opponents: Veronica: Bestowed Love, Líf and Thrasir: Undying Ties Duo, Alfonse: Uplifting Love, Gustav: Majestic Love, and Henriette: Overflowing Love.


  • This is the fourth paralogue to celebrate Valentines Day preceding Love Abounds, Greil's Devoted and Lovely Gifts.
  • This is the third paralogue to include special characters from the Askran Kingdom, the fourth paralogue to include special characters from the Emblian Empire and the second paralogue to include special characters from the Kingdom of Hel.
  • It's also the third paralogue to have only special characters originating from Fire Emblem Heroes.