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“That's right. And then I dropped it and SPLASH!! Right in it wasn't in the water long, but those pages were totally illegible...”
—Ewan in a support conversation with Saleh

Ewan is a playable character in Fire Emblem: The Sacred Stones. He is Saleh's student, the younger brother of Tethys, and part of Gerik's troop.


Born in Jehanna, Ewan is a sage-in-training with much potential, according to Saleh. He is the third and final Trainee unit, more exactly a Pupil.

In Eirika's route, Ewan is seen in Carcino, where Pablo starts a coup and attempts to find and kill both Innes and Klimt. Tethys has Ewan stay in the local inn until the battle subsides, much to his disappointment. After Pablo and his army is routed from Carcino, Ewan introduces himself to Eirika and offers her a way into Caer Pelyn, which she accepts.

On the way, they run into an abandoned fortress, which has been overrun by monsters. Ewan attempts to participate in the battle, but is told by either Innes or his sister to stay out of the battle, which annoys him. After disposing of the monsters in the fortress, they reach Caer Pelyn, though monsters quickly attack it. Ewan is chased by a Revenant, though he manages to escape by entering a house. He later joins the party as a permanent member upon visiting the house he is hiding in.

On Ephraim's route, Ewan has Saleh drop him off at Taizel so he can speak to Marisa. He heads into an inn to find out where Marisa is located. Upon visiting him, he joins Ephraim's forces so he can speak to Marisa. If he does so, Ewan tells Marisa that the mercenary guild had a mix-up and asks her to join Ephraim's group so they can find Gerik, which she agrees to. If Ewan speaks to Saleh in Scorched Sand, he will be relieved to see his teacher again.


Ewan is quick-witted, excitable, and enjoys playing practical jokes on Saleh. He also appears to enjoy brain teasers and riddles, as shown in his support conversations with Ross. He is troublesome and keeps causing accidents which Saleh does not like; one time he "accidentally" threw Saleh's magic tome into a river. Also, in a support conversation with Tethys, she gets him to admit shaving half of a man's mustache off, and putting a frog in another man's boot.

His conversations with Dozla show that Ewan is a daydreamer, as he thinks about creating "flying coaches" and a communication device for everyone to use (as only mages can use them) in the near future, something which Dozla both encourages and supports.


The Sacred Stones[]

Base Stats[]

Starting ClassAffinity
FE8 Pupil Map Sprite PupilGBALight Light
WeaponStarting Items
Anima Anima - EFireFire
EnergyringEnergy Ring*

* Eirika's route only
** Ephraim route only

Growth Rates[]

HP S/M Skl Spd Lck Def Res
50% 45%* 40% 35% 50% 15% 40%

*55% in the Japanese version

Promotion Gains[]

First Tier[]

Promoted Class
FE8 Male Mage Map Sprite Mage
1 +1 +0 +1 +2 +1 +2 +1 +1
Weapon Levels
Anima +30

Promoted Class
FE8 Shaman Map Sprite Shaman
1 +1 +2 +0 +1 +1 +2 +2 +1
Weapon Levels
Dark D Anima -

Second Tier[]
From Mage

Item Required Promoted Class
Guidingring Guiding Ring or Master seal Master Seal FE8 Sage Map Sprite Sage
1 +4 +1 +0 +0 +3 +3 +1 +1
Weapon Levels
Anima +40 Light D Staff D

Item Required Promoted Class
Guidingring Guiding Ring or Master seal Master Seal FE8 Mage Knight (M) Map Sprite Mage Knight
1 +4 +2 +0 +0 +2 +2 +2 +2
Weapon Levels
Anima +40 Staff D

From Shaman

Item Required Promoted Class
Guidingring Guiding Ring or Master seal Master Seal FE8 Druid Map Sprite Druid
1 +4 +0 +0 +3 +2 +2 +1 +1
Weapon Levels
Dark +40 Anima D Staff E

Item Required Promoted Class
Guidingring Guiding Ring or Master seal Master Seal FE8 Summoner Map Sprite Summoner
1 +3 +0 +1 +3 +1 +3 +1 +1
Skills Weapon Levels
Summon Dark +40 Staff E


See also: Ewan/Supports


Secret Book (Artwork)
Subjective: The following part of this article is based upon the editor's personal experiences and opinions, and therefore may not be applicable for all readers.

Ewan joins midway through the game at level 1, with poor base stats and average growths. His 5 base speed and 35% growth on top of higher ranked tomes being heavier means he'll be fighting to not get doubled by most enemies. Overall, Ewan requires a ton of investment for little to no payoff and should only be considered if the player likes training weak units and seeing them grow into stronger ones overtime, or if they want another summoner. It might be a good idea to recruit Ewan in Ephraim's route, since the player can try their luck at the arena in the chapter where he joins, while in Eirika's route it will be much more difficult to train him.

If the player manages to promote Ewan, the obvious choice would be the Mage family class, mostly to maintain his Anima magic experience, but there would be enough anima mages at that point of the game, promoted or not, if playing Eirika's route. Making Ewan a Shaman has its advantages and disadvantages. His weapon will change along his weapon rank, which will return to E. On the other hand, he'll get more bonuses for stats that Mage won't give. Promoting him to Druid is probably the best choice as he'll also regain Anima magic. In the end, Ewan can really shine in Ephraim's route, while being overshadowed in Eirika's route. Making him a quite skilled and quick Anima magic user or a lucky and resistant Dark magic user is up to the player.

Fire Emblem Heroes[]

Eager Student
A member of Gerik's Mercenaries. Tethys's brother. He reveres Saleh, his teacher. Appears in Fire Emblem: The Sacred Stones.

Base Stats[]

Rarity: ✯✯✯✯✯

Ewan Heroes spriteTitle
Eager Student
Heroes Infantry Infantry
FEH skill offense Rauðrserpent+
FEH skill special Chilling Wind
FEH Fire Tome Tome


FEH skill offenseFire---
Elfire-FEH Star Rarity 3-
Rauðrserpent-FEH Star Rarity 4-
Rauðrserpent+RauðrserpentFEH Star Rarity 5FEH Star Rarity 5
Pupil's TomeRauðrserpent+FEH Star Rarity 5FEH Star Rarity 5
FEH skill specialChilling Wind-FEH Star Rarity 4FEH Star Rarity 3
GlaciesChilling Wind-FEH Star Rarity 4
AFEH Darting Stance 1 Darting Stance 1--
FEH Swift Stance 1 Swift Stance 1FEH Darting Stance 1 Darting Stance 1-
FEH Swift Stance 2 Swift Stance 2FEH Swift Stance 1 Swift Stance 1FEH Star Rarity 5
BFEH Sabotage Spd 1 Sabotage Spd 1--
FEH Sabotage Spd 2 Sabotage Spd 2FEH Sabotage Spd 1 Sabotage Spd 1-
FEH Sabotage Spd 3 Sabotage Spd 3FEH Sabotage Spd 2 Sabotage Spd 2FEH Star Rarity 5


Secret Book (Artwork)
Subjective: The following part of this article is based upon the editor's personal experiences and opinions, and therefore may not be applicable for all readers.
Base Set[]
Skill Inheritance[]

Meet Some of the Heroes[]

Eager Student Ewan
Ewan eager student pop01 Ewan is a young mage-in-training who studies under the sage Saleh. He's also the younger brother of Tethys, a dancer who works with Gerik's band of mercenaries!
Ewan eager student pop02 Ewan's upbringing was far from a happy one. He was abandoned by his parents at an early age, with only Tethys left to look after him.
Ewan eager student pop03 Ewan wants to do something to properly thank his sister for raising them. That's why he worked hard to study magic under the tutelage of the sage Saleh of Caer Pelyn, where his talents blossomed!
Ewan eager student pop04 He might be a little mischievous, but he cares more than anyone about protecting his sister and his friends. If we can get him to help the Order of Heroes, I'm sure he'll be the life of the party!
Closely Associated Characters
Tethys A bewitching dancer who belongs to Gerik's band of mercenaries. She and Ewan were abandoned by their parents, and she worked hard to raise her young brother alone.
Gerik Known as the Desert Tiger, this accomplished warrior is the leader of a band of mercenaries. He cares about his soldiers and will never abandon a friend. He welcomed Ewan and Tethys into his group.


The Sacred Stones[]

“I'm sorry, Teacher... I never--”
—Ewan's death quote
“I'll show you all what my magic can do.”
—Ewan's final chapter quote


Ewan/Heroes Quotes

Possible Endings[]

Ewan, Enthusiastic Student (あどけなき魔道, Adokenaki madō)
Ewan continued his studies, modelling his life after the teaching of Saleh. Eventually, his education branched of into different paths. His insatiable curiosity led him on a trip to explore the world.
Ewan and Saleh
Master and student returned to Caer Pelyn to study in peace. Ewan worked hard, and in time, his power grew to rival Saleh's. As equals, the two continued their studies together and expanded their knowledge ever more.
Ewan and Amelia
After the war, Ewan and Amelia set out, as promised, on a trip around the world. Their deeds along the way made small legends in the regions they visited. In time, Amelia gave birth to a daughter, and they settled down.

Non-Canon Appearances[]

Fire Emblem 0 (Cipher)[]

Ewan is illustrated in the trading card game Fire Emblem Cipher with the following cards:

Choose Your Legends Placement History[]

Round Placement Character Version Votes

CYL1 252 CYL Ewan Portrait
The Sacred Stones
CYL2 235
CYL Ewan Portrait
The Sacred Stones
CYL3 267
CYL Ewan Portrait
The Sacred Stones
CYL4 469
CYL Ewan Portrait
The Sacred Stones
CYL5 428
CYL Ewan Portrait
The Sacred Stones
CYL6 419
CYL Ewan Portrait
The Sacred Stones
CYL7 349
CYL Ewan Portrait
The Sacred Stones

CYL8 356
CYL Ewan Portrait
The Sacred Stones


'Ewan' is an anglicized form of the name 'Eoin' which is Irish for 'born of the yew tree'. Yews are long-lived poisonous evergreens which have come to connotate both death and immortality.

The Yuan Dynasty, which began when Kublai Khan proclaimed himself emperor of China, were the successors to the Mongol empire started by Genghis Khan.


  • Ewan is one of the very few characters in Fire Emblem who can actually lose weapon rank when he promotes, as promoting him from Pupil to Shaman will result in the loss of his Anima magic proficiency.


See main article: Ewan/Gallery.