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Nico is a non-playable character in Fire Emblem: Radiant Dawn. He is a Daein boy who lives in Nevassa.


Nico is saved by Micaiah and Edward from bandits raiding the city. He is awed the fact that they are in the Dawn Brigade and exclaims that all of his friends talk about it. Later, when Begnion Occupational Army is chasing the fleeing Dawn Brigade, he stands in their way along with the other townspeople, allowing Micaiah and her group to escape. Archers under Jarod shoot him, and he collapses in the street. Micaiah senses that something is wrong and returns. She uses her Sacrifice ability to heal Nico and saves his life. The Dawn Brigade then flees the city. In localized versions of the game, Nico is not seen again until a Base Conversation in Part 3, Chapter 12. He is enthused to see Micaiah again and expresses his convictions that the Dawn Brigade will save Daein.

