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“I'm Tsubasa Oribe, 18 years old!”
—Tsubasa Oribe introducing herself

Tsubasa Oribe is a playable character of Tokyo Mirage Sessions ♯FE.


Tsubasa is an eighteen-year-old (seventeen in the Japanese version) high school student and a childhood friend of Itsuki Aoi. After awakening as a Mirage Master, she forms a sisterly bond with Caeda. She joins Fortuna Entertainment in the hopes of becoming a singer like her idol Kiria Kurono, and in hopes of finding her missing sister, Ayaha.


Five years prior to the story, Tsubasa was involved in an incident where her older sister, Ayaha, mysteriously disappeared during a concert she was holding alongside nearly the entire audience and staff on site. Tsubasa was the only survivor. Over the course of five years, Tsubasa developed a dream to become an idol to better understand her sister and perhaps learn the truth behind her mysterious disappearance.

Tsubasa joins Fortuna alongside Itsuki due to her strong Performa levels attracting the attention of Maiko. During Kiria's performance in Shibuya, Mirages lay siege in Shibuya 106, transforming into a labyrinth. Ascending the tower, Tsubasa discovers that Ayaha is alive and is possessed by a malevolent force. On the roof of the tower, they find an Aversa possessed Ayaha and Tsubasa fights her in order to break the mirage's control over her. After successfully driving out Aversa, her sister makes a full recovery and joins Fortuna as an employee. Tsubasa is overjoyed with their reunion and redoubles her efforts so she can focus on her idol debut.

Head Over Heels for Her[]

Tsubasa makes her official debut as an idol by releasing her first single Feel, drawing the attention of her classmates and many publishing companies. Her very first job is a model, a task she is apprehensive towards, but with encouragement from Itsuki, she devotes her all to the job. Unfortunately, her first job ends with her frustrating the photographer Nobu Horinozawa due to her inexperience and nervousness. Shortly after, Shibuya is affected by another Idolasphere. Nobu in turn is revealed to be the one who created it due to being possessed by Gangrel. To make matters worse, Nobu kidnaps Maiko Shimazaki as it is revealed that the two used to be a famous photographer/model duo several years ago.

After making it through the Idolasphere and encountering Nobu, Tsubasa fails once more to impress Nobu and the Mirage Masters are warped out of the Idolasphere. Despite the effect of the Idolasphere, a small group of citizens are normal due to Yashiro Tsurugi's latest concert. Realizing that Tsubasa lacks the ability to express themselves, they return to their office to improve her confidence. Yatsufusa Hatanaka, who has returned to normal, visits the office to speak to Maiko where they learn of the Maiko and Nobu's modeling books called "My Complex". Tsubasa decides to use the book as a reference and enlists Itsuki's help to give her more natural poses that suits her. With a bit of adjustments, they manage to make a suitable pose and present it to Nobu once more. Her newfound confidence and relaxed state inspires him to take her photo and also draws Gangrel out of him after Nobu realizes that Gangrel will never understand the art of photography. Tsubasa and the rest use the opportunity to fight and defeat Gangrel. With Gangrel's grip over Maiko dispelled, Tsubasa thanks Maiko for giving her the inspiration needed to be a proper model.

Tsubasa is able to successfully perform in her first real photoshoot with Nobu alongside Maiko and a new girl. Though happy with her success, even getting a compliment from Kiria Kurono, the new attack on Shibuya greatly worry the company. The company figures that the attacks must be plotted by a Mirage possessing someone powerful and influential in the entertainment industry. Luckily, another Fortuna Mirage Master returns to the industry to help: the new girl from earlier, Eleonora Yumizuru.

Tsubasa gains traction in the idol industry, landing a role as Sneeze Detective Maho directed by notorious director Kuen Tarachino. Unfortunately, her acting skills are amateurish, frustrating Kuen. As she is being chewed out by Kuen, Daitama Studio is suddenly besieged by Mirages lead by an Excellus possessed Kuen. As the Mirage Masters attempt to break through to Kuen, they help Tsubasa develop acting skills; learning to act with gusto from Touma Akagi, pouring in emotion with Eleanora, and finally performing a kiss scene with Itsuki. Tsubasa rapid progress impresses Kuen enough to expel Excellus from him, leading to a fight. To make matters worse, Yashiro Tsurugi appears and fights alongside Excellus simply to test the Mirage Master's skills. The duo is defeated and Daitama Studios returns to normal. The show completes its filming and in prescreening shows, Tsubasa's performance as Maho garners immediate acclaim. As one final surprise, Maiko reveals that Yashiro has joined Fortuna Entertainment, having acknowledged the skills of the Mirage Masters.

Side Story[]

Tsubasa's Side Story revolves around her adjusting to the entertainment industry starting with her first meet-and-greet event where she has the shake hands with fans. Itsuki tries to help her practice, but she ends up flustered even when Itsuki modestly says hello. In order to help her gain confidence, Tsubasa first takes on a job handing out invitations to her meet-and-greet. Tsubasa slowly improves over the course of her handouts and even runs out. She is excited to realize that she was so busy caught up in the moment of interacting with others that she completely forgot about her social anxiety. Her Meet-and-Greet goes off without a hitch.

Sometime afterwards, Tsubasa receives a new gig as the 15th Amrita Girl, the female model for the Amrita Shower drink. However, the director of the commercial feels that she lacks "devilish charm", the ability to tantalize an audience. Touma tells her that she is looking for the ability to give what the customers want from her, without giving it completely away. Tsubasa decides that the traits he suggesting is similar to a cat named Little Devil. Tracking down the cat to an alley, she attempts to play with it, even getting Little Devil to roll on its back. However, when she goes to pet it, Little Devil hisses at her. Tsubasa plays with the cat, drawing the crowd by her meowing with the cat, but she completely drowns them out with her roleplay. Kiria even witnesses her, stating that despite Tsubasa's ridiculous idea, believes that she has potential and even inspires her to improve. Her training with the cat gives her an epiphany of devilish charms and her commercial airs with widespread positivity.

Tsubasa's rising popularity eventually convinces Maiko to plan a solo concert for Tsubasa. Though reluctant, Maiko assures her that her performance up until that point has garnered her not only a lot of fans, but also gave her the skills to pull it off. To clinch the show, Maiko hired Chouten Sawafuji, a platinum-hit songwriter, to create a new song for Tsubasa. Unfortunately, during their meeting, Chouten immediately declines the offer, still affected by the death of Azusa Maekawa, a legendary idol who died the previous year from a Mirage attack. Kiria previously fought the Mirage, Pheros, and managed to weaken her, but she was unable to finish her, forcing her to retreat. Hearing of Chouten's scheduled appearance at Daitou TV, the Mirage Masters enter the Idolasphere there where Pheros has reappeared, now back at full strength. Just her presence alone overwhelms Tsubasa, but Itsuki encourages her, stating that she will become a new legend. Tsubasa sings Feel and counters Pheros, leading to a fight. Tsubasa and the others are able to defeat Pheros, putting Azusa to rest.

Chouten is touched by Tsubasa's spirit and decides to write her new song; Fly: You're My Wind. Forming her performa with Caeda, the two fortify their bond to fight alongside each other. Tsubasa's solo concert is a smash hit with Chouten praising her performance, declaring that she is Azusa's successor and that he would love to write another song for her. Tsubasa thanks Itsuki for his support, but Itsuki admits that it is due to her hard work that she has gotten this far. Nonetheless, Tsubasa asks for Itsuki to continue supporting her as she has become a Sacred Idol.


Tsubasa is optimistic, kind, and eager to learn the ins and outs of the idol industry. She frequently seeks to better herself and takes any opportunity she has to develop her skills. Friendly to a fault, she is kindhearted to those who are close to her and is generally polite in every setting she finds herself in. She shares a close bond with her parents and especially her older sister Ayaha. Much of her earlier motivations came from her desire to find her sister, and after their reunion, Tsubasa greatly treasures the time they spend to recover lost time.

By her own words, Tsubasa suffers from social anxiety and has trouble interacting with new people. She also lacks self-confidence, usually feeling uncomfortable in new situations, especially ones that she feels are embarrassing. A dreamer at heart, Tsubasa is motivated to improve herself every day and usually shrugs off failures and stumbles, instead focusing on fixing her own flaws in her own unique way. She is clumsy, stutters and stumbles on words when nervous or flustered, and often thinks out loud. She has unorthodox ideas when it comes to gathering skills, developing bizarre training methods to inspire her for her upcoming projects. These ideas are oddly effective and she comes away from these sessions having learned the necessary skills, much to the confusion of others.

She has been friends with Itsuki since childhood and has a crush on him, but has yet to admit her feelings. She looks forward to working with him both as a Mirage Master and an idol. She usually comes to him for advice and input on new situations and greatly values praise coming from him. Kiria is her biggest idol, having been an avid fan well before joining the business. Initially, she has a hard time being even near her, even expressing excitement that she is breathing the same air as her upon meeting her for the first time. Alongside Itsuki, Kiria is the other one of her comrades that she values praise and critique from.

Since forming a bond with Caeda, the two have become almost like sisters. While Caeda expresses some concern with Tsubasa' clumsiness, she is eager to see the girl grow and the two rely on each other both in the Idolasphere and the Bloom Garden.


Tokyo Mirage Sessions ♯FE[]

Base Stats[]

Starting Class
Pegasus Knight
CommandSessionPassive Iron Feather
Special Hairpin
Pegasus Form

Promotion Gains[]

Item Required Promoted Class
Master Seal Falcon Knight
+82 +20 +1 +6 +1 +5 +2 +2

Item Required Promoted Class
Master Seal Wyvern Knight
+94 -5 +2 +5 +5 +1 +3 -1


Command Skills[]
Type Name Description Weapon Notes
Lance Skewer Light Lance attack. Iron Feather, Steel Feather
Lance Assault Dive Medium Lance attack. Obelisk, Stingray, Alicorn
Lance Piercing Void Heavy Lance attack. Kaishu Lance, Tonbo-kiri, Tathlum
Lance Javelin Rain Medium Lance attack on all enemies. Obelisk +1, Stingray +1, Kartikeya
Lance Hamstring Light Lance attack that lowers target's Hit & Evade. Steel Feather +1
Lance Horseslayer Light Lance attack. Effective vs. Horseback Mirages. Killer Lance +1
Lance Espada Medium Lance attack. Effective vs. Horseback Mirages. Gradivus Wyvern Knight only
Fire Agilao Medium Fire magic attack. Obelisk
Fire Agidyne Heavy Fire magic attack. Kartikeya
Force Zan Light Wind magic attack. Wicked Lance, Radiant Lance
Force Zanma Medium Wind magic attack. Hayakaze
Force Zandyne Heavy Wind magic attack. Sonic Feather +1, Hayanie, Gungnir
Force Mazan Light Wind magic attack on all enemies. Killer Lance, Hayakaze
Force Mazandyne Heavy Wind magic attack on all enemies. Brave Feather, Ame-no-Nuboko, Ethereal Feather
Force Excalibur Severe Wind magic attack. Ethereal Feather
Body Life Drain Steals HP from an enemy. Blood Lance
Body Life Leech Steals a lot of HP from an enemy. Blood Lance +1, Dragoon Lance, Tonbo-kiri
Mind Sexy Dance Causes Charm on all enemies. Kaishu Yari
Recovery Dia Restores HP. Radiant Lance Starting Skill
Recovery Diarama Greatly restores HP. Sonic Feather, Alicorn
Recovery Diarahan Fully restores HP. Hayanie +1, Gungnir, Ame-no-Nuboko
Recovery Media Restores the party's HP. Silver Feather, Sonic Feather
Recovery Mediarama Greatly restores the party's HP. Hayanie, Brave Feather
Recovery Mediarahan Fully restores the party's HP Gungnir +1, Karura
Recovery Prayer Fully restores the party's HP and cures all status ailments (except Unconscious). Karura +1, Ethereal Feather
Recovery Recarm Revives one ally. Hayakaze, Winged Lance
Recovery Samarecarm Revives one ally and fully restores HP. Tathlum
Recovery Recarmdra Revives all allies and fully restores HP. Reduces your HP to 0 after. Gungnir
Recovery Posumundi Cures Poison. Steel Feather, Blood Lance
Recovery Patra Cures Confuse & Sleep. Blood Lance
Recovery Charmdi Cures Charm. Sonic Feather
Recovery Closedi Cures Seal. Alicorn, Kaishu Yari
Recovery Amrita Cures all status ailments from the party (except Unconscious). Kaishu Yari+1, Tathlum
Support Tarukaja Raises the party's Offense for three rounds. Iron Feather, Obelisk
Support Rakukaja Raises the party's Defense for three rounds. Wicked Lance +1
Support Sukukaja Raises the party's Hit & Evade for three rounds. Silver Feather, Hayanie, Karura
Support Fog Breath Lowers the enemy's Offense and Hit & Evade for three rounds. Dragoon Lance, Gradivus Wyvern Knight only
Support Concentrate Increases Magical damage for the next attack and its Session by more than double. Kartikeya +1, Tathlum
Almighty Seductive Pose Causes Charm on Bord. Only available during Kiria Side Story 3: Kiria in Wonderland
Session Skills[]
Type Name Weapon Notes
Force Elec-Wind Steel Feather, Radiant Lance, Hayakaze
Force Sword-Wind Silver Feather, Stingray
Force Fire-Wind Stingray
Force Wind-Wind Hayakaze +1
Force Elec-Elwind Winged Lance Falcon Knight only
Force Sword-Elwind Brave Feather Falcon Knight only
Force Fire-Elwind Ame-no-Nuboko Falcon Knight only
Lance Sword-Lunge Iron Feather
Lance Elec-Lunge Iron Feather, Wicked Lance
Lance Fire-Lunge Killer Lance, Wicked Lance
Lance Axe-Lunge Silver Feather +1
Lance Sword-Lunge EX Dragoon Lance Wyvern Knight only
Lance Thunder-Lunge EX Tonbo-kiri Wyvern Knight only
Lance Fire-Lunge EX Gradivus Wyvern Knight only
Passive Skills[]
Name Description Weapon Notes
Str Boost Increases Str by 2. Obelisk
Def Amplify Increases Def by 5. Tonbo-kiri Wyvern Knight only
Mag Boost Increases Mag by 2. Radiant Lance
Res Boost Increases Res by 2. Killer Lance
Spd Boost Increases Spd by 2. Silver Feather
Spd Amplify Increases Spd by 5. Brave Feather Falcon Knight only
Mana Gain Greatly increases Max EP. Winged Lance Falcon Knight only
Null Poison Prevents Poison. Steel Feather
Null Sleep Prevents Sleep. Killer Lance
Null Seal Prevents Seal. Tathlum
Null Charm Prevents Charm. Alicorn
Lance Expertise Raises the power of Lance attacks. Iron Feather +1, Dragoon Lance
Wind Expertise Raises the power of Force attacks. Sonic Feather, Winged Spear
Wind Expertise EX Greatly raises the power of Force attacks. Ethereal Feather
Healing Expertise Increases the potency of your healing skills. Radiant Lance +1, Blood Lance
Healing Expertise EX Greatly increases the potency of your healing skills. Alicorn +1, Ethereal Feather
Arrow Parry Slightly reduces the damage from Bow skills. Kartikeya
Dodge Arrow Greatly raises Evade versus Bow attacks. Karura
Resist Fire Changes Fire affinity to Resist. Hayanie
Null Fire Changes Fire affinity to Nullify. Gradivus +1 Wyvern Knight only
Absorb Force Changes Force affinity to Drain. Ame-no-Nuboko+1 Falcon Knight only
Repel Force Changes Force affinity to Repel. Ethereal Feather +1
Surefire Raises Hit rate with attacks. Wicked Lance
Yasha Soul Increases Critical rate with Physical attacks. Dragoon Lance +1 Wyvern Knight only
Mana Aid Very slightly restores EP after winning in combat. Gungnir
Sukukaja Bootup Start combat in "Sukukaja" state. Winged Spear +1, Karura
Watchfulness Slightly restores HP during your turn. (Does not work in Sub Cast). Stingray
Practice Increased Mastery gained in combat. Kartikeya
Blessed Wind Increased Mastery gained in combat. Brave Feather +1, Ame-no-Nuboko Falcon Knight only
Dragonseye Raises Hit & Evade. Tonbo-kiri +1, Gradivus Wyvern Knight only
Radiant Skills[]
Type Name Description Unlocking Requirements
Passive Feel My Voice Grants Tsubasa the singing voice to express her true feelings. Allies will recover from ailments faster in battle. During Chapter 1
Passive Feel My Soul Grants Tsubasa the courage to show who she truly is. Increases success rate of afflicting enemies with Charm. During Chapter 2
Passive Feel My Heart Grants the skills to pull off a moving performance. Increases the Hit Rate of normal attacks and all skills. During Chapter 4
Field (5 EP) Traport Returns you to the Fortuna Office from inside the Idolasphere in an instant. Stage Rank 1
Passive Gentle Embrace When the cast member performs a healing action, the amount healed is increased Stage Rank 2
Passive EP Fitness Max EP increases by 10%. Stage Rank 3
Passive First on the Scene When the action order for each turn is decided, this cast member's turn will come sooner. Stage Rank 4 + Treasure box item Nightlife Flicker in Illusory Shibuya
Passive Door of Connection "My fans deserve a heartfelt handshake!" A Radiant Skill that reveals new possibilities in Tsubasa Oribe. Tsubasa Side Story 1: Meet-and-Greet Pressure
Passive Endless Song Once per battle, Tsubasa can survive a lethal magical blow with 1 HP remaining. Stage Rank 6
Passive Door of Allure "I know just how to tease your heart!" A Radiant Skill that reveals new possibilities in Tsubasa Oribe. Tsubasa Side Story 2: Opening Your Heart
Passive Open Audition This cast member can join in on a Session even if they are in the Sub Cast. Stage Rank 8
Passive Door of Skies "I'll fly in the sky forever." A Radiant Skill that reveals new possibilities in Tsubasa Oribe. Tsubasa Side Story 3: A Wind Colored Tsubasa
Passive Knock 'em Dead When a Lance skill is used on enemies afflicted with Charm, Confuse, or Seal, a Session can occur, ignoring affinities Stage Rank 10 + Treasure box item Studio Fuse Box in Illusory Studio
Passive Smash Hit The SP Gauge increases further if a Session includes more than 2 combos. Stage Rank 11
Passive Command Repertoire Adds another skill slot to Command Skills. Stage Rank 12
Passive Soaring Girl Increases Evade against Bow affinity attacks Stage Rank 13 + Treasure box item Remembered Duty in Area of Memories
Passive Andante Heals 1 EP after walking a certain number of steps on the map. Stage Rank 14
Passive HP Fitness Max HP increases by 10%. Stage Rank 15
Passive Passive Repertoire Adds another skill slot to Passive Skills. Stage Rank 16
Passive Endless Act Once per battle, Tsubasa can survive a lethal physical blow with 1 HP remaining. Stage Rank 17
Passive Fly with the Wind Decreases the EP cost of Wind affinity skills by 10%. Stage Rank 18
Passive Healthy Relationship Protects the cast member from Poison. Stage Rank 19
Passive Session Repertoire Adds another skill slot to Session Skills. Stage Rank 20
Extra Skills[]
Type Name Description Unlocking Requirements Notes
Special Performance Debut Smile Restores the party's HP and raises Defense, Hit, & Evade for three rounds. Tsubasa Side Story 1: Meet-and-Greet Pressure
Ad-lib Performance Tsubasa's Kiss May be triggered by the use of Lance skills. Attacks all foes and delays enemy turns. Tsubasa Side Story 2: Opening Your Heart
Ad-lib Performance Fly: You're My Wind May be triggered by the use of Force skills. Attacks foes and heals half party HP. Tsubasa Side Story 3: A Wind Colored Tsubasa
Duo Arts Falling Star Heavy Lance attack. Revives all allies, including Sub Cast. Completing Tsubasa Side Story 3: A Wind Colored Tsubasa with positive affinity with Tsubasa Itsuki and Tsubasa
Duo Arts Dream Catcher Heavy Almighty attack on all enemies. Causes Charm. Fully restores the party's HP. Barry Side Story 2: Troublesome Duo Tsubasa and Eleonora (Being Almighty, this Duo Art won't prolong Session)
Duo Arts Give Me! Heavy Force Magic attack on all enemies. Fully restores the party's HP. Kiria Side Story 3 Tsubasa and Kiria
Special Performance Aerial Dance Heavy Lance attack on all enemies. Restores party HP every round for 3 rounds First time creating a Weapon
Special Performance Grand Finale Heavy Force Magic attack on all enemies. Heals party HP & EP. Power based on Session count. First Class Change

Fire Emblem Heroes[]

Madcap Idol
Energetic high schooler and idol, partnered to Caeda. She gives any job her all. Appears in Tokyo Mirage Sessions ♯FE Encore.

Base Stats[]

Rarity: ✯✯✯✯✯

Madcap Idol
Mirage Feather
New Moon


Iron Lance---
Steel Lance---
Silver Lance---
Mirage Feather-
New Moon-
MoonbowNew Moon-
A Blade Session 1-
Blade Session 2 Blade Session 1
Blade Session 3 Blade Session 2
B Chill Spd 1-
Chill Spd 2 Chill Spd 1
Chill Spd 3 Chill Spd 2
C Hone Spd 1--
Hone Spd 2 Hone Spd 1-
Hone Fliers Hone Spd 2 or
Hone Atk 2


Subjective: The following part of this article is based upon the editor's personal experiences and opinions, and therefore may not be applicable for all readers.
Base Set[]

Tsubasa joined Heroes amidst the most common flier combination, the Lance Flier. Despite this, she comes with tremendous strengths due in part to her blistering 40 neutral Spd and respectable 32 Atk, giving her excellent offensive capabilities. While her physical bulk is low and her magical bulk being passable at best, she has major strengths as her mobility makes her especially dangerous when involving her weapon. Tsubasa is best described as a patient unit as she should not be the first sent out to battle, mainly due to the abilities of her kit.
Mirage Feather grants her effective damage against Armored and Cavalry units, plus an innate +3 Spd boost, brining her neutral Spd to 43. She, alongside her fellow Tokyo Mirage Sessions ♯FE entrants, introduced a new effect activation, which Mirage Feather carries. If at least one of her allies has already acted, Tsubasa gains +6 Atk/Spd and performs a follow-up attack immediately before her foe can counterattack. With 49 neutral Spd and 54 Atk under this effect, Tsubasa can easily demolish most foes through a powerful double attack before her foe can even retaliate.
Blade Session grants Tsubasa even further Atk/Spd based on the number of allies who have already acted when she initiates. She innately gains +3 Atk/Spd and can further gain +3 Atk/Spd for each ally that has acted, capping at +9 Atk/Spd. Under the best conditions, this brings Tsubasa's overall player turn offense to a monstrous 63 Atk and 58 Spd while being unmerged neutral and not considering any other visible or in combat buffs received from allies.
Moonbow ignores 30% of her foe's Def when it activates, giving her a higher damage output. Chill Speed penalizes the foe with the highest Spd by inflicting a -7 Spd visible debuff. Hone Fliers boosts the Atk/Spd of ally fliers adjacent to her at the start of her turn by 6.


Tsubasa is weak to bows as a natural result of being a flier. Without her allies, she has no natural bulk, though at best she can resist being doubled due to her Spd. However, some units like Legendary Alm and Legendary Leif have the means to kill her either through raw power or the default ability to double regardless of Spd. Bulky Greens can take a hit from her, though most in this category are naturally armored and will take significant damage if she has met her weapon and skill activation requirements. Finally, while tricky to exploit, enemies teams using Tsubasa can inadvertently use her incorrectly, tremendously reducing her overall damage by making her attack first. While it is an inconsistent exploitation, she can be properly baited to force her AI to lose a majority of her effect strength.

Skill Inheritance[]

Tsubasa's starting kit is near flawless, requiring very little change. Filling her Assist skill with Reposition gives her an excellent ally unit positioning skill that works tremendously on all allies, especially fellow fliers. Chill Defense is a far better Skill B as her Spd under full power is going to double over just about every unit in the game, so reducing the Def of her bulkiest enemy is a far better means to increase her damage output. Skill C can be replaced with Defense Smoke to further decrease the Def of her foes if not using her on a Flier team.

Meet Some of the Heroes[]

Madcap Idol Tsubasa
Tsubasa Oribe is a cheerful and outgoing high school student. She can be a little clumsy and goofy at times, but she's a hard worker and will never give up on something she's made up her mind about!
Her older sister is the singer Ayaha. Apparently, she went missing five years ago in a strange incident where she and a crowd of about a thousand audience members vanished into thin air...
Trying to find clues about Ayaha's disappearance, Tsubasa took part in an audition for the entertainment industry, but it turned out to be a trap! She was dragged into an Idolasphere—a world similar yet different to her own—and there, she discovered she had the powers of a Mirage Master.
The Mirage from another world who partnered with Tsubasa was none other than Caeda. After securing her debut as a singer, Tsubasa began to let her inner creative power flourish and spread her wings as an artist!
Closely Associated Characters
Itsuki Aoi A young man who battles evil Mirages at Chrom's side. A kindly leader to his comrades. Friends with Tsubasa since they were young.
Kiria Kurono A singer with a slick image and many fans. Throws herself into battle alongside Tharja. Tsubasa is a huge fan of hers.
Caeda Princess of Talys who's as talented as she is charming. Marth's betrothed. She gently watches over Tsubasa as she grows into an expressive artist.



Tsubasa Oribe/Heroes Quotes


Tsubasa Oribe - Pegasus Idle
Tsubasa never quite got over her anxieties. However, her earnest efforts earned her the hearts of her fans. She gained great success, her fans calling her the "idol we want to protect." Much to Tsubasa's surprise, there seems to be a project in the works to have her form a duo with her sister.
Tsubasa Oribe - Madcap Idol
Being spokesmodel for Enter-Kingdom worked wonders for her career, and her popularity has grown rapidly since then. Still, however famous she gets, she continues to hold meet-and-greets and never forgets her gratitude to her fans.
Tsubasa Oribe - Amrita Girl
With her devilish charm and "Tsubasa's Kiss", Tsubasa wins the public's heart. The catchphrase becomes one of the most trending topics of the year, and she wins an award for Best Commercial. Her acting abilities on Maho were also highly praised, and she wins more and more roles as the days go by...
Tsubasa Oribe - Sacred Idol
Thanks to "Fly: You're My Wind," she won various awards starting with Rookie of the Year, and left her name in history as a legendary idol. However, she wasn't satisfied with just that, and continues to work hard during her lessons, aiming for even greater heights.

Non-Canon Appearances[]

Super Smash Bros. Ultimate[]

Tsubasa Oribe appears as a Spirit in Super Smash Bros. Ultimate. She uses her school uniform artwork as her default, but can be enhanced into her Carnage Form when maxing out her level.

Spirit Info
No. Name Image Type Class Slots Effect
687 Tsubasa Oribe Primary (Shield) ★☆☆☆ (Novice) 2 Can Be Enhanced at Lv. 99
688 Tsubasa Oribe (Carnage Form) Primary (Shield) ★★★☆ (Ace) 3 Jump ↑
Spirit Battle
Spirit Enemy Fighter(s) Type Power/Class Stage Rules Conditions Music

No. 687
Tsubasa Oribe
•Inkling Shield 1,600 / ★☆☆☆ (Novice) Boxing Ring (Battlefield) •Assist Trophy Squid Sisters •Hostile assist trophies will appear "Style Savvy: Trendsetters"

Fire Emblem 0 (Cipher)[]

Tsubasa Oribe is illustrated in the trading card game Fire Emblem Cipher with the following cards:

Choose Your Legends Placement History[]

Round Placement Character Version Votes

CYL1 Ineligible
CYL2 Ineligible
CYL3 Ineligible
CYL4 45
Tokyo Mirage Sessions ♯FE
CYL5 49

Tokyo Mirage Sessions ♯FE
CYL6 33

Tokyo Mirage Sessions ♯FE
CYL7 20

Tokyo Mirage Sessions ♯FE

CYL8 20
Tokyo Mirage Sessions ♯FE


Her given name, Tsubasa, is the Japanese word for wings, referencing Pegasus Knights.


  • Tsubasa's Carnage Form artwork depicts her wielding the Iron Feather.
  • Tsubasa stands at 160 cm (5 feet 3 inches), has a blood type of B, weighs at 50 kgs (110 lbs), and her three sizes are 91B-59W-87H.
  • Tsubasa is the only playable character to have more than one performance with other characters.
  • The three radiant skills Tsubasa gets access to in the story (Feel My Voice, Feel My Soul and Feel My Heart) are named after lines in her debut song "Feel".
  • Tsubasa's role as the title character in the TV show "Sneeze-Detective Maho" shares several key traits with Launch, a character from the Dragon Ball manga and anime. Most specifically, both characters have dual personalities; one amiable and friendly, and the other hostile to the point of violence. The trigger that causes both characters' personalities to shift is sneezing, and the hair color of both characters turns blonde when they assume their more hostile and aggressive personalities.
    • Tsubasa, when portraying the hostile personality, pulls out two prop pistols. This is another similarity since Launch is very prone in using firearms in her aggressive state.
  • In Heroes, Tsubasa shares her English voice actress, Kayli Mills, with The Binding Blade's Thea and Thracia 776's Mareeta as they appear in Heroes.
  • During the fourth "Choose Your Legends" event for Heroes, Tsubasa (who was paired up with her Mirage partner Caeda) reached 46th place with 4,410 votes, making her the most popular character from Tokyo Mirage Sessions ♯FE to participate in the poll.
  • In game, Tsubasa holds her lance with her right hand, but in official artworks she's depicted holding it with her left hand.
  • In a specific official artwork of the full main Tokyo Mirage Sessions cast, Tsubasa's height is depicted erroneously, as in it, she is almost as tall as Touma and much taller than Eleonora.
  • Tsubasa appears in the most animated cutscenes (9) with Itsuki being second (6) and Kiria being third (5).


See main article: Tsubasa Oribe/Gallery.