Needs Japanese name! | |
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This article is in need of an official name in Japanese. Remove this template when a name has been added. If you are unsure whether or not a name is appropriate, please discuss it on the Talk Page. If it's pertaining to Fire Emblem Heroes, it can most likely be found in its respective page on the FE Heroes wiki. |
The Fang of Closure is a Red Beast that debuts in Fire Emblem Heroes as the exclusive weapon of Elm.
Weapon Stats[]
Fire Emblem Heroes[]
Name | Type | ||
Fang of Closure |
Mt | Rng | SP | Rarity |
16 | 1 | 400 | ✯✯✯✯✯ |
Effect | |||
Grants Spd+3. At start of combat, if unit's HP ≥ 25%, grants Atk/Spd+6 to unit during combat. Unit's first attack during combat deals damage = X% of unit's Spd (X = the number of foes within 3 spaces × 10; max 30%). Reduces damage from foe's first attack during combat by X% (X = the number of foes within 3 spaces × 20; max 60%).
At start of turn, if unit is adjacent to only beast or dragon allies or if unit is not adjacent to any ally, unit transforms (otherwise, unit reverts). If unit transforms, unit can move 1 extra space. (That turn only. Does not stack.) If unit transforms, grants Atk+2. |
Characters - Character Representation - Skills - Items - Accessories - Enemy Classes - Chapters - Voice Actors - Artists - Music
Playable | Kiran - Alfonse - Sharena - Anna - Gustav - Henriette* - Askr¥ - Ash¥ - Bruno* - Veronica - Letizia - Embla¥ - Elm* - Nifl - Fjorm¥ - Gunnthrᥠ- Hríd¥ - Ylgr - Múspell - Surtr - Laegjarn - Laevatein - Helbindi - Hel¥ - Eir¥ - Ymir - Líf¥ - Thrasir¥ - Ganglöt§ - Loki - Thórr¥ - Peony¥ - Mirabilis¥ - Plumeria¥ - Triandra¥ - Freyr¥ - Freyja¥ - Eitr§ - Ginnungagap§ - Niðavellir - Reginn¥ - Ótr¥ - Fáfnir* - Þjazi§ - Dagr¥ - Nótt¥ - Eitri¥ - Seiðr¥ - Heiðr¥ - Gullveig - Kvasir¥ - Nerþuz¥ - Ratatoskr¥ - Hræsvelgr¥ - Heiðrún¥ - Eikþyrnir¥ - Níðhöggr¥ - Læraðr¥ - Rune¥ | |
Non-playable | Feh - Fehnix - Hvergel - Menja - Angrboða - Alfaðör - Alfrik - Billingr - Dvalinn - Grer - Sindri - Veðrfölnir - Njörðr - Baldr - Höðr |
(*)indicates a Hero that is currently only available as a Special Hero
(‡)indicates a Hero that is obtained via Tempest Trials
(¥)indicates a Hero that is only available in Legendary and Mythic Hero Summoning Focuses
(§)indicates a Hero that is only available as a Rearmed Hero
(‡)indicates a Hero that is obtained via Tempest Trials
(¥)indicates a Hero that is only available in Legendary and Mythic Hero Summoning Focuses
(§)indicates a Hero that is only available as a Rearmed Hero
(†) indicates a Hero that is obtained via Grand Hero Battles
(‡) indicates a Hero that is obtained via Tempest Trials
(*) indicates a Hero that is currently only available as a Special Hero
(¥) indicates a Hero that is only available in Legendary and Mythic Hero Summoning Focuses
(§) indicates a Hero that is only available as a Rearmed, Attuned, or Aided Hero
(‡) indicates a Hero that is obtained via Tempest Trials
(*) indicates a Hero that is currently only available as a Special Hero
(¥) indicates a Hero that is only available in Legendary and Mythic Hero Summoning Focuses
(§) indicates a Hero that is only available as a Rearmed, Attuned, or Aided Hero
Zenith - Midgard - Askr - Vaskrheim - Embla - World of Steel - Nifl - Múspell - Hel - Ymir - Ljósálfheimr - Dökkálfheimr - Ginnungagap - Niðavellir - Jötunheimr - Castle Barnstokkr - Vanaheimr - Yggdrasill - Ásgarðr
Important Weapons
Game Modes
Coliseum | Arena Duel - Arena Assault - Allegiance Battles - Resonant Battle - Summoner Duels | |
Aether Keeps | Aether Raids - Aether Resort | |
Story Maps | Chain Challenge - Squad Assault - Tactics Drills - Blessed Gardens - Heroic Ordeals | |
Training Tower | Stratums | |
Events | Voting Gauntlet - Tempest Trials - Tap Battle - Grand Conquests - Forging Bonds - Røkkr Sieges - Lost Lore - Hall of Forms - Mjölnir's Strike - Frontline Phalanx - Pawns of Loki - Heroes Journey - Binding Worlds - Seer's Snare | |
Special Maps | Hero Battle - Grand Hero Battle - Bound Hero Battle - Legendary Hero Battle - Mythic Hero Battle - Emblem Hero Battle - Events - Trials - Special Training - Rival Domains - Relay Defense - Limited Hero Battle |
Terminology | Hero - Hero Merit - Summon - Inherit Skill - Rarity - Bonus and Penalty - Buff - Debuff - Support - Weapon Refinery - Blessing - Combat Manual | |
Misc. | Order of Heroes - Múspellflame - Gullinkambi - Brísingamen - Gullinbursti - Steam Unit - Curse Directive - Bat - Curse of the Golden Serpents - Healing Hands - Twilit Runes - Book 3 Theme Song - Flower of Ice - Feh Pass | |
Choose Your Legends | Choose Your Legends Event - CYL1 Results - CYL2 Results - CYL3 Results - CYL4 Results - CYL5 Results - CYL6 Results - CYL7 Results - CYL8 Results - Askran Time Scramble |
Related Media
Laguz Strikes
Other Strikes
Bat Fang - Brightmare Horn - Enclosing Claw - Fang of Closure - Fang of Finality - Heralding Horn - Horn of Opening - Illuminating Horn - Judge - Nightmare Horn - Ravager - Raydream Horn - Twin-Crest Power