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“I'm scared of when you grow up. Will you still play with me? I never want you to leave me! I want to play tag and other games.”
—Fae in a support conversation with Sophia

Fae is a playable character in Fire Emblem: The Binding Blade. She is a Divine Dragon child from the hidden Manakete village of Arcadia.


The Blazing Blade[]

Fae can be found in the house in Chapter 22 of Eliwood's story or Chapter 23 of Hector's story in The Blazing Blade, making a brief cameo. She is alone there watching the house. She reveals that there is treasure buried in the sand near the bones and implies that she encountered Pent, telling him about the treasure. Her name is only mentioned if Hawkeye enters the house, in which case, she will tease him about his habit of saying "Is that so?" and reveal information about the buried items.

The Binding Blade[]

When Roy first arrives in the hidden village, Fae wants to go with them but is forbidden to do so. Despite the guardians of Nabata watching over her, first Hawkeye, then his daughter Igrene, Fae sneaks out and is captured by Bern. She is saved by Roy later on and fights with the army using her Divinestone.


Fae is bubbly, curious, a bit childish and naïve. Despite her young appearance, she is a several centuries old, full blooded dragon, a rare thing in Elibe. She ages very slowly, even more so than Sophia, who is a half-dragon. For that reason, she is careful to keep her identity a secret, to prevent her power from being abused.

Fae knows little of the outside world, and wants to explore It as much as she can, being that one of the reasons that she joined Roy's journey. She bonds with Sue who promises to show her the lands some time after the war.


The Binding Blade[]

Description: A young divine dragon from Nabata.

Base Stats[]

Starting ClassAffinity
Manakete Light
WeaponStarting Items

Growth Rates[]

HP S/M Skl Spd Lck Def Res
130% 90% 85% 65% 150% 30% 50%


See also: Fae/Supports


Subjective: The following part of this article is based upon the editor's personal experiences and opinions, and therefore may not be applicable for all readers.

Although Fae is an extremely powerful unit with very high growth rates, she faces many perils. Her base HP and Speed are all very low so even if physical units do poor damage against her, she's still getting doubled which adds up very fast due to her low base HP. Furthermore, her weapon only has 30 uses and cannot be repaired which limits her combat even more. Lastly, she has very low movement which means getting her to the frontlines is hard without another unit ferrying her. Many players will point out that she's required for the final chapter but it's very easy to have another unit rescue her and move as there aren't many enemies on the map and reinforcements appear somewhat late and have trouble catching up.

However, Fae has unique utility in stopping long-range magic (siege tomes and status staves) users dead in their tracks, as her high RES boost from her Divinestone gives her enough to take no damage and also makes her great at dodging status from staves such as the Sleep staff, making her very useful in baiting them out (she has to be last in the deployment order for this to work though, due to how enemy status staves users' AI works in The Binding Blade).

Fire Emblem Engage[]

Bond Ring[]

Hero from beyond Elyos who was the last surviving Divine Dragon. A manakete, she lived in a hidden village in the Nabata Desert. Despite her naive appearance, she is several centuries old.
C Rank Lck +1
B Rank Str +1 Lck +1
World A Rank Str +1 Dex +1 Lck +1
Young Lion S Rank Str +1 Dex +1 Lck +2

Fire Emblem Heroes[]

Divine Dragon
A surviving Divine Dragon with the nature of a child and very little life experience. Appears in Fire Emblem: The Binding Blade.

Base Stats[]

Divine Dragon
Fire Breath+ Breath
Divine Dragon
Light Breath
Draw Back
Divine Dragon
Light Breath+
Draw Back
Resplendent ✯✯✯✯✯
Divine Dragon
Light Breath+
Draw Back


Fire Breath---
Fire Breath+--
Light BreathFire Breath+
Light Breath+Light Breath
Eternal Breath--
Draw Back-
B Renewal 1--
Renewal 2 Renewal 1
Renewal 3 Renewal 2
C Threaten Atk 1-
Threaten Atk 2 Threaten Atk 1
Threaten Atk 3 Threaten Atk 2


Subjective: The following part of this article is based upon the editor's personal experiences and opinions, and therefore may not be applicable for all readers.
Base Set[]

Fae was among the first set of Heroes upon the initial launch of Heroes and was the only Green Dragon unit at the time, giving her an initial niche at the time. She is a modestly good Book I unit due to her Dragon infantry status. At 33 Atk, she can hit decently strong and has a good mixed bulk score of 71 physical and 76 magical. 28 Spd, while respectable for a Book I unit, will not save her from a host of units who easily exceed the Spd threshold to double attack her. Gaining access to a Resplendent form certainly helps push her a little forward to catch up with the rapidly evolving meta. Fae overall does have strong potential if properly invested into, but it does require a lot of expensive outside help to get her to that point. The easy means to obtain copies for merging however does make her a solid choice for merging investments given her unique combination among the 4-Star and lower unit summoning pool.
Light Breath was Fae's initial starting weapon, giving adjacent allies Def/Res+4 after she initiates combat, allowing her to be something of a supportive unit. Her unique weapon later gifted to her is Eternal Breath, which activates whenever she is within two spaces of any ally. Under this condition, she gives herself and allies within that two tile range a visible +5 increase to their four core stats while also giving her the standard adaptive damage against ranged foes. The self buff of this ability also pairs well with the refine effect in which she inflicts Atk/Res-4 onto a foe during combat and accelerates her Special cooldown per attack.
Draw Back allows Fae to pull an ally back one tile. Renewal gives her a means to sustain her HP by healing her 10 HP every other turn. Threaten Attack inflicts Atk-5 on foes within two spaces of her at the start of a turn.


Fae's biggest weakness is to a host of red units given the saturation of the color even from the earliest days of Heroes. It also does not help that there are numerous units who carry Dragon slaying effect even from the beginning like Marth, Lucina, and Alm who all carry innate color advantage as well. Other strong dragon slayers include Tiki, Deirdre, and Julia. If she does not inherit Distant Counter, she can be easily threatened by ranged units who can poke her out or slowly whittle her down.

Skill Inheritance[]

Reposition is generally Fae's better Support skill since the farther repositioning of her ally is better than the one space pull back.
On a budget, Moonbow is great in lowering foe's defensive stats so she can inflict more damage. Fury gives her the flat Stat increase to her four core stats while Renewal will help cover some of the recoil she will inevitably take. Attack Smoke or Resistance Smoke gives her better debuffs on foes in order to increase damage. Quick Riposte can also work to cover her Spd issue if trying to use her defensively.
Fae greatly appreciates Distant Counter and its stat improved counterparts as they give her more options to bait defensively and retaliate, which can be taken as her Skill A or even used as the Seal. Noontime under her weapon will activate every round of combat if trying to make her into a heavy sustain tank. Aether can also be considered as she can reliably get it working every other combat for damage and heal if timing can be properly prepped. Dragon's Ire gives her a strong defensive presence, allowing her to guarantee a follow-up attack so long as she is over 50% HP at the start of combat. Null Follow-Up also works as it can stop enemies from doubling her through skills. Joint Drive Speed helps push her Spd a little higher as well in order to further reduce the amount of units that can double her.

Meet Some of the Heroes[]

Divine Dragon Fae
We've got one cute little visitor with us today! This time, I'll be telling you about Fae, who comes from Nabata. Isn't she adorable? You'd never guess that she's actually a Divine Dragon who's worshipped back home!
In fact, Fae is several hundred years old, and she'd been keeping a low profile in Nabata to prevent her powers from being misused. Several hundred years, though... I can barely begin to imagine what that must be like.
After a while (or maybe a couple hundred years), Fae left the village to see the outside world...and was promptly captured by the army of Bern. Fortunately, she was freed by Roy and her friends from the village before she came to any harm.
After that, Fae joined Roy to see the world with him. Well, now that she's come to Askr, I hope she has time to stick around and see what our world is like!
Closely Associated Characters
Sophia A shaman of Nabata who has lived a sheltered life away from other people. Sees the future. Fae's friend.
Igrene The Guardian of Nabata. She joins Roy to find out more about the sinister arrivals from Bern. Fae's protector.

Holiday Dear
A young dragon from Nabata village. Her excitement for her first winter festival cannot be contained. Appears in Fire Emblem: The Binding Blade.

Base Stats[]

Rarity: ✯✯✯✯✯

Holiday Dear
Glittering Breath+
New Moon


Fire Breath---
Fire Breath+---
Glittering Breath---
Glittering Breath+--
New Moon--
LunaNew Moon-
A Def/Res Bond 1--
Def/Res Bond 2 Def/Res Bond 1-
Def/Res Bond 3 Def/Res Bond 2
B Vengeful Fighter 1--
Vengeful Fighter 2 Vengeful Fighter 1-
Vengeful Fighter 3 Vengeful Fighter 2
C Armor March 1--
Armor March 2 Armor March 1-
Armor March 3 Armor March 2


Subjective: The following part of this article is based upon the editor's personal experiences and opinions, and therefore may not be applicable for all readers.
Base Set[]

Winter Fae is a Green Dragon armored unit and reaps the full benefits as result. A mixed bulk of 78 physical and 86 magical makes her extremely hardy. 35 Atk is modest in giving her some looming damage threat as well. At 26 Spd, she does not naturally carry much high damage output, but as an Armor unit, this is a minor issue, especially given her strong base kit. Her only downside is her limited availability as a seasonal unit as well as the existence of Fallen Male Robin, who is in the regular summoning pool. Nonetheless, at even without merges, Winter Fae has great potential.
Glittering Breath gives her even further Def/Res, giving her an in-combat of +2 Def/Res for each ally within two spaces of her at the time, reaching a maximum of +6. It also gives her the standard dragon adaptive damage against ranged foes. It can also be refined for HP and one other stat, of which a Def refine gives her a much better mixed bulk to try and even out her physical bulk to her magical.
Luna allows her to ignore 50% of her foe's Def/Res (depending on which one her weapon is currently targeting). Defense Resistance Bond grants her Def/Res+5 if she is adjacent to an ally. Vengeful Fighter grants her Special cooldown acceleration per attack if her opponent initiates combat against her and she starts combat with at least 50% of her HP. Armor March grants her and an adjacent armor allies one additional movement tile (which does not stack) if she start her turn next to such an ally, giving herself and her allies more of a looming presence on the map due to the higher movement range.


Winter Fae's dual status as a Dragon and an Armor means that she has even more direct counters to watch out for. On the Dragon side, she still harbors the same weakness to many common dragon slayers like any Falchion user, Roy with his refine as well as his legendary, Deirdre, and Julia. On the armor slaying side, she can fall to Tobin, Micaiah and her various forms, Idunn, and Halloween Hector. Without exactly a stellar Atk stat, she can also be walled out hard by equally bulky Red units.

Skill Inheritance[]

Swap or Pivot fills Winter Fae's empty Support skill slot to help with movement/placement issues for herself and her teammates.
Replacing the rest it to the player's preference. Distant Counter helps to make her ranged adaptive damage an actual looming threat when used defensively. Special Fighter will help to activate her special sooner, of which Noontime is excellent for sustain while Aether, while slower]], adds damage increase. Smoke skills work well if not using her on an armor team.

Meet Some of the Heroes[]

Holiday Dear Fae
Here comes Fae, a Divine Dragon from the village in Nabata! She's dressed up in an adorable little outfit for the winter festival!
Isn't her hairband with antlers cute? And look, the hem of her dress is decorated with little winter-festival trees!
She's also carrying a magic wand, the main feature of which is a beautiful dragonstone—apparently, a single wave of her wand can make glittering presents appear out of thin air! Where's my present, Fae?!
Fae's always been adorable, but I think this special winter-festival outfit serves as a good reminder of just how cute she really is!
Closely Associated Characters
Sophia A shaman of Nabata who has lived a sheltered life away from other people. Sees the future. Fae's friend.
Igrene Daughter of Hawkeye and protector of Nabata. Although she has lost her family, she is stalwart in her duty. Fae's protector.

Childlike Dragon
Young Divine Dragon who has lived her life hidden in Nabata. She is loved and revered as the guardian of Arcadia. Appears in Fire Emblem: The Binding Blade.

Base Stats[]

Rarity: ✯✯✯✯✯

Childlike Dragon
Dazzling Breath


Fire Breath---
Fire Breath+---
Dazzling Breath--
Life UnendingMiracle-
Life Unending IILife Unending-
A Distant Counter--
Distant Stance Distant Counter
B Dragon's Ire 1--
Dragon's Ire 2 Dragon's Ire 1-
Dragon's Ire 3 Dragon's Ire 2-
Dragon's Scales Dragon's Ire 3
C Threaten Res 1--
Threat Def Res 1 Threaten Res 1-
Threat Def Res 2 Threat Def Res 1-
Def Res Menace Threat Def Res 2


Subjective: The following part of this article is based upon the editor's personal experiences and opinions, and therefore may not be applicable for all readers.
Base Set[]

Legendary Fae is a Blue Dragon infantry unit with an Earth Blessing and is incredibly potent. She maintains her other version's strengths with a solid mix bulk score of 77 physical and 81 magical and a solid 42 neutral Atk. Her Spd remains her only real sour point at 28. Legendary Fae makes for an excellent defensive unit whose main gimmick is a surprisingly high amount of sustain and resilience to being destroyed in a single round.
Dazzling Breath gives her an innate additional +3 Atk on top of the weapon's natural 16 might for a high 61 neutral Atk by default. If her foes initiates combat against her or has at least 75% of her HP at the start of combat, she inflicts a -5 debuff to her foe's four core stats and prevents their follow-up. If she is within two spaces of an ally, she also slows down their special cooldown. Finally she retains the standard adaptive damage against ranged units.
Her unique Legendary skill is Life Unending, a stronger version of Miracle. If active, if her HP would be reduced to 0, she can survive at 1 HP. Though it has a massive cooldown of 5, at the start of Turn 1, she will automatically prep the skill to be ready for the first instant this happens. Finally, once it activates for the first time on a map, she will gain 99 HP, meaning that she will top off her health to full, though she will only have the basic Miracle effect for the remainder of the map. The combination of this skill plus her weapon makes her incredibly difficult to immediately put down in just a single turn of action, thus players need to be prepared to assault her aggressively in order to actually take her down.
Distant Stance increase her Res by 5 if her foe initiates combat and also allows her to counterattack ranged foes, thus helping to reap the full benefits of her weapon. Dragon's Ire guarantees that she can perform a follow-up attack against a foe, which helps to increase her damage output. Finally Defense Resistance Menace gives a Def/Res-6 visible debuff to the closest foes within four spaces of her, hitting multiple foes if there are multiple in the same range. Finally, it also gives herself an additional Def/Res+6 for an even higher mixed bulk.


Legendary Fae is still weak to dragon effective weapons and while she can possibly avoid dying the first time and defeat some of them on retaliation, she needs to be cautious nonetheless. Legendary Marth's ability to prevent her counterattack through his Legendary skill bypasses some of the threat, though he will need a refreshing unit to actually kill Fae. Deirdre and Julia carry color advantage and dragon effectiveness while forcing Legendary Fae to target their much higher Res. Fatal Smoke, while uncommon, disables the recovery effect of Life Unending, meaning that it simply becomes a Miracle effect and thus, she will need to manually recharge her special in order to try and get the full recovery again, assuming she has not already fallen.

Skill Inheritance[]

Legendary Fae's kit is well crafted to be used immediately without need of replacement for any skill and her options are more for player preference rather than necessity. Her only empty skill is her Support skill which Reposition remains a great standard in helping with positioning allies out of danger of putting them in a favorable spot to initiate combat.

Meet Some of the Heroes[]

Childlike Dragon Fae
Fae is the last of Elibe's Divine Dragons—a manakete who can take on human form! She's been living in hiding in the remote village of Nabata, far away from those who would use her powers for ill.
Naturally curious, Fae eventually left Nabata to see the outside world. During this time, she got to know and grow close to all kinds of people, most of all Roy.
Fae's journey was filled with new experiences and discoveries. It was through these encounters that she came to a pivotal decision: that her divine powers should be used to protect her friends!
While she may look young, Fae has actually been around for centuries, and she's still growing! The time she spends with her friends must seem brief by comparison, but I'm sure that these precious moments are what will make her a great Hero!
Closely Associated Characters
Roy The son of Eliwood, Marquess of Pherae. Talented leader of Pherae's army. He rescues Fae from capture by the army of Bern.
Sophia A shaman of Nabata who has lived a sheltered life away from other people. Sees the future. Fae's friend.
Igrene Daughter of Hawkeye and protector of Nabata. Although she has lost her family, she is stalwart in her duty. Fae's protector.


The Binding Blade[]

“I'm so...scared...”
—Fae's Death Quote in The Binding Blade.
“...Do we have to fight...? ...Sniff...”
—Fae's final battle quote in The Binding Blade.

The Blazing Blade[]

Conversation in the house on Chapter 22[]

(if any of the Player Units visited the house)

  • Fae: You know what? I'm watching the house all by myself. Do you know how to do that? You have to sit and be good. So that's why I'm here. What are all of you guys doing? Are you hunting for treasure, like that other guy? Let me tell you a secret. There's something good buried near the bones. I know stuff like that.

(if Hawkeye visited the house)

  • Fae: Ah! It's you, Hawkeye!
  • Hawkeye: What are you doing, Fae?
  • Fae: I'm watching the house!
  • Hawkeye: Is that so?
  • Fae: Oh, guess what! A man came to see me earlier. So I told him a secret. I told him something good is buried near the bones. Yup! He looked pretty happy!
  • Hawkeye: Is that so...
  • Fae: That's all you ever say, Hawkeye! "Is that so?"
  • Hawkeye: Is that so?
  • Fae: See! You said it again!
  • Hawkeye: Is that—sorry.


Fae/Heroes Quotes


Fae - Divine Dragon (神とよばれし竜, Kami to Yoba Reshi Ryū lit. The Dragon That is Called A God)
After returning to Nabata, Fae was never heard of again. Many historians today voice their skepticism whether she really existed at all...

Non-Canon Appearances[]

Fire Emblem 0 (Cipher)[]

Fae is illustrated in the trading card game Fire Emblem Cipher with the following cards:

Choose Your Legends Placement History[]

Round Placement Character Version Votes

CYL1 194
The Binding Blade
CYL2 66

The Binding Blade
CYL3 120

The Binding Blade
CYL4 146

The Binding Blade
CYL5 118

The Binding Blade
CYL6 127

The Binding Blade
CYL7 121

The Binding Blade

CYL8 154

The Binding Blade


"Fae" is variant of the name "Fay", derived from Middle English faie meaning "fairy". It appears in Geoffrey of Monmouth's Arthurian legends in the name of Morgan le Fay. It has been used as a given name since the 19th century. In some cases it may be used as a short form of Faith. Also, "fey" means magical, fairylike, strange and otherworldly.


  • While Fae can only attack using a Divine Stone with only 30 uses, it is possible to steal a Fire Dragonstone with infinite uses in Fire Emblem: The Binding Blade for Fae to use. This can be done in either Chapter 22 or 23 by having a Thief run up to an enemy Manakete and have the thief get berserked by an enemy spellcaster (although this can be very dangerous for the thief). Should the thief choose to steal from the Manakete, he/she will end up stealing a Fire Dragonstone, something that a normal thief not berserked would not be able to do. This will glitch Fae's battle animations, and may cause the game to crash.
    • Using the Fire Dragonstone against Idunn will cause severe graphical glitches, as described above.


  • Fae shares her English voice actress, Sarah Blandy, with Kagero, Midori, Layla, and Nino.
  • On the official Japanese website for Nintendo, Fae won 13th place out of 80 in the character popularity poll for Fire Emblem: The Binding Blade. The male-female vote ratio is 1:1. The voter comments seem to mainly focus on her endearing and innocent personality.
  • Whether or not Fae is the last Dragon in Arcadia, let alone the last Divine Dragon, is inconsistent across media. The Blazing Blade and Heroes keep it vague, while Engage calls her the "last Divine Dragon" and the Elder of Arcadia calls her "the only real dragon [they] have here".
  • In a support conversation with Elffin, she reveals that "Fae" is only a nickname, and that her real name is a very long sound that humans are unable to hear.
  • In Japanese versions of dialogue, she speaks in third-person. This is preserved in older translation patches.
  • Fae's base Constitution stat of 1 is the lowest of any playable unit in the Fire Emblem series.


See main article: Fae/Gallery.