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Corrupted from Fire Emblem Engage

The Corrupted are undead soldiers who appear in Fire Emblem Engage.

They have counterparts in the form of Fabrications.


The Corrupted are corpses that were revived by the Fell Dragon's power and used as his soldiers. As animated corpses, they retain no emotion aside from aggression. However, some powerful Corrupted, such as the ones created by Veyle, look and act in ways that can be completely indistinguishable from how they were in life.

In the alternate version of Elyos, the Corrupted replaced the entire population of that world at an unknown point in time after Alear and Sombron died, with only Nel, Nil and the Four Winds being the only living beings there. The "human" Corrupted were unaware of their status as reanimated corpses and believed themselves to be living people, retaining their memories of what happened to them in the alternate timeline. Following the death of each nation's rulers, it is presumed that the rest of the population fell along with them and became Corrupted as well. After the events of the Fell Xenologue, the remaining survivors left their world with Alear to the main Elyos, leaving the alternate Elyos a dead desolate world.

List of Corrupted[]

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  • Conceptually, the Corrupted are similar to the Risen from Fire Emblem Awakening, as both are reanimated soldiers that serve under a Fell Dragon.
    • The main difference is that the Corrupted are created through magical means while the Risen are created through scientific methods.
  • The Corrupted are also quite similar to the Vallite soldiers from Fire Emblem Fates, as, like the Vallites, Corrupted can either be simple drone-like soldiers, or, in the case of characters such as Mikoto, Sumeragi, and Arete, retain at least some sentience and semblance of their original personalities.
  • They are also reminiscent of the morphs from Fire Emblem: The Blazing Blade, as they can be exact replicas of deceased characters and even show certain emotions.
  • As demostrated by Alternate Diamant and Alcryst, Corrupted can't be detected by Mage Dragons.