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“Especially we laguz. Without a fight now and then, we go a bit strange in the head.”
—Caineghis, in the Epilogue

Caineghis is a non-playable character in Fire Emblem: Path of Radiance and a playable character in Fire Emblem: Radiant Dawn. He is the King of Gallia, the nation of Beast tribe Laguz, and the uncle of Skrimir. He hopes for a day when Beorc and Laguz can live together in peace.


The valorous king of Gallia, home of the beast tribe and a pivotal Laguz nation in the war. Befitting of the name "Lion King", Caineghis is endowed with an impressive physique and nuanced political insight.

Wanting to preserve the friendship between the Kingdom of Crimea and Gallia he had fostered during Ramon's time on the throne, he declared a soldier exchange program. During that time, he met a young Titania. He also employed Greil as a mercenary and found him to be a particularly brave man, which was also how he met Ike.

Path of Radiance[]

When news of the Daein invasion reached Gallia, Caineghis quickly mobilizes his soldiers, but later laments that he was too late to prevent Greil's untimely death in battle.

After safeguarding Princess Elincia of Crimea, he continues to offer support and manpower as she sets off to the Begnion Empire by sending Lethe and Mordecai with Ike, and later sending Ranulf to help them fight as well.

Radiant Dawn[]

When preparing for the showdown with Ashera, Caineghis and Giffca were guided by a voice in their dreams, whose orders were to retrieve Greil's memorial battle axe Urvan from his grave and entrust it to Ike. After the war, he abdicates the throne to Skrimir and lives the rest of his life peacefully, with countless songs telling of his valor.


As the King of Gallia and friend of King Ramon of Crimea, Caineghis wants nothing more than to see Beorc and Laguz live together in harmony, although he admits that it is still difficult for him to trust most beorc.

Though he is famed for his impartiality, wisdom, and strength, viewing the Laguz-Begnion War with certain calmness, it has been said that he was as boisterous and brash as his nephew Skrimir in his youth. And while he does not say it out loud, he greatly looks forward to hearing of Skrimir's deeds and accomplishments.


Radiant Dawn[]


  • Part 4: Endgame: Automatically from Base, available in Endgame.

Base Stats[]

Starting ClassAffinity
Lion King (Untransformed)

Lion King (Transformed)









SkillsWeaponStarting Items
Strike - SS Great Fang

Growth Rates[]

HP Str Mag Skl Spd Lck Def Res
50% 40% 10% 40% 20% 40% 30% 10%


Bond Support[]


Subjective: The following part of this article is based upon the editor's personal experiences and opinions, and therefore may not be applicable for all readers.

Caineghis is a very powerful character. He comes in the endgame boasting a massive HP and attack. He should not have any problem defeating most enemies in one hit. His weakness to fire is also not much of a problem considering the lack of fire enemies in the Endgame.

Overall, Caineghis is a character well worth using.

Fire Emblem Engage[]

Bond Ring[]

King of Gallia on Tellius, a continent in another world. A laguz lion shape-shifter who led a tribe who could transform into beasts. He dedicated all his strength to peace between laguz and humans.
C Rank HP +2
B Rank HP +2 Lck +1
World A Rank HP +2 Str +1 Lck +1
Dawn Maiden S Rank HP +5 Str +1 Lck +1

Fire Emblem Heroes[]

Gallia's Lion King
The lion ruler of Gallia, the home of the beast tribe of laguz. Uses his wisdom and courage to seek a path toward peace with the beorc. Appears in Fire Emblem: Radiant Dawn.

Base Stats[]

Rarity: ✯✯✯✯✯

Gallia's Lion King
Lion King Fang
Glowing Ember


Whelp (Armored)---
Yearling (Arm.)---
Adult (Armored)---
Lion King Fang--
Glowing Ember--
BonfireGlowing Ember-
A Distant Def 1--
Distant Def 2 Distant Def 1-
Distant Def 3 Distant Def 2-
Distant Def 4 Distant Def 3
B Vengeful Fighter 1--
Vengeful Fighter 2 Vengeful Fighter 1-
Vengeful Fighter 3 Vengeful Fighter 2
C Distant Guard 1--
Distant Guard 2 Distant Guard 1-
Distant Guard 3 Distant Guard 2


Subjective: The following part of this article is based upon the editor's personal experiences and opinions, and therefore may not be applicable for all readers.
Base Set[]

Caineghis is built to represent the maximum potential of beast units as a stalwart beast armor unit who can not only take attacks, but dish it back with utter ferocity. His low mobility is a minor tradeoff for a heavy emphasis on combat during the enemy phase, especially given his exceptional physical bulk and astronomical base Atk. He may have average Res, but this hardly matters in the long run as his strengths, namely through his weapon, help to cover this. Even his Speed, while quite low, is easily patched. His performance all around is so universally well covered that it is hard to find any means to take down this Lion King.

Lion King Fang has the beast unit trait of transforming into his Lion form if he is either by himself or adjacent to only dragon/beast units. Regardless if he is transformed or not, he gains +4 to all four of his main stats when his foe initiates on him. If he is transformed however, not only does he gain a +2 Atk buff, but he also gains a Distant Counter effect, not only freeing up his Skill A for other options, but also opening the door for crazier skill combinations.

Bonfire is a natural fit for him, using his neutral 37 Def to significantly power up his attacks when charged. Distant Defense is his Skill A and he introduced the Fourth Tier variant, not only giving himself a massive 8 Def/Res when attacked by a ranged foe, but also eliminates visible buffs, leaving them to face off against Caineghis with just their natural raw power. Vengeful Fighter shores his low Spd, allowing not only a follow-up in the enemy phase, but also accelerating his Special cooldown. Distant Guard grants his allies a Distant Defense effect if they are within two spaces of him.


Caineghis' base kit focuses more on being attacked than initiating combat himself. He loses much bulk and some offense when he initiates, thus baiting him with bulky units is an option. He is weak to all armor weapons available, though some prefer to give him Svalinn Shield to cover his only real unit weakness. He is a colorless unit and Raventome/Triangle Adept units can actually hard check him, making them a valuable counter. Otherwise, skills that can negate his Distant Counter such as Dazzling Staff are solid options.

Skill Inheritance[]

As mentioned above, Svalinn Shield covers Caineghis' only true weakness for the initial months since his release as there are a lack of weapons that deal effective damage against beast units themselves. Swap or Pivot grants him some of the mobility he is missing. Special Fighter is another option to inflict a Guard like effect on his opponents while accelerating his special cooldowns. Skill C can range from Beast unit support skills or even Armor skills, particularly so he can be used alongside Armor Dragons with powerful movement skills like Armor March.

Meet Some of the Heroes[]

Gallia's Lion King Caineghis
Caineghis is the king of Gallia, a country of laguz. As his appearance might suggest, he can turn into a lion, complete with sharp fangs and claws!
He's won the hearts of his people with his bravery and leadership, selflessly joining the battlefield to help defend Gallia from outside threats.
That's right, he doesn't just sit on the throne all day! He's an outstanding warrior, and with those claws of his, he could tear a whole row of foes to shreds with a single blow.
Caineghis is an honorable man who never resorts to trickery and advocates for the coexistence of the laguz and beorc races. He's clearly a wise man—we could learn a lot from him!
Closely Associated Characters
Ranulf A feline warrior hailing from Gallia. Under orders from Caineghis, he helps the Greil Mercenaries after they defend Elincia, the Crimean princess.



Caineghis/Heroes Quotes

Possible Endings[]

Fearless Lion King (光焔王)
Upon returning to Gallia, King Caineghis lost no time in abdicating his throne. Countless songs still tell of his valor.
If Skrimir died
King Caineghis busily dealt with affairs of state and coped with a changing world until a new heir could be chosen.

Non-Canon Appearances[]

Fire Emblem 0 (Cipher)[]

Caineghis is illustrated in the trading card game Fire Emblem Cipher with the following card:

Choose Your Legends Placement History[]

Round Placement Character Version Votes

CYL1 319
Radiant Dawn
Path of Radiance
CYL2 218

Radiant Dawn

Path of Radiance
CYL3 81
(From highest)

Path of Radiance/Radiant Dawn
(From combined)
CYL4 258

Radiant Dawn/Path of Radiance
CYL5 297

Radiant Dawn/Path of Radiance
CYL6 292

Radiant Dawn/Path of Radiance
CYL7 235

Radiant Dawn/Path of Radiance

CYL8 220

Radiant Dawn/Path of Radiance


  • Caineghis shares his English Heroes voice actor with Haar.
  • Caineghis' name may be derived from Cynegius, a politician of the late Roman Empire who was known for destroying pagan temples.


See main article: Caineghis/Gallery.