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Seven Bracelets is the sixth and final chapter of the Fell Xenologue in Fire Emblem Engage.


Having captured Nel, Nil summons Alear to the Fallen Somniel. There, Nil reveals that the Alear of the Fell Xenologue world had encased the last remaining Emblem Bracelet, the Bracelet of the Three Houses, in an impenetrable barrier that can only be broken by Alear. Nil threatens to kill Nel if Alear does not break it, forcing them to do so. With all seven Bracelets at his disposal, Nil immediately evokes a ritual using their powers, empowering him and granting him a monstrous new Fell Dragon form. Having succeeded in his father's plans, Nil vows to kill Alear and Nel to finally end all of Elyos.

Anna fates portrait
"Just a minute! The following section contains spoilers. Viewing it will cost a lot. Are you prepared to pay for it?"

To his surprise, due to Mauvier's sacrifice, the other three members of the Four Winds join Alear's forces at the Fallen Somniel to stop Nil and avenge their fallen comrade. In spirit, the Alear of the Fell Xenologue world grants Alear an empowered Libération and tasks them with stopping Nil. A fierce battle ensues but ultimately the power of Alear, Nel, the Four Winds, and Alear's forces are able to severely weaken Nil. Defeated, Nil refuses to give up but Nel, sensing how much pain she had caused Nil, decides to impale herself on a sword in order to free him of his grudge. With her death and free from his father's grip on him, Nil is horrified by her death. Nil reveals that he is not actually her twin brother Nil, but rather another sibling altogether. As she expires, she asks for his real name, which he states is Rafal. Recalling how Lumera had revived them, Alear tells Rafal about a ritual process of imparting Nel with his own life force to revive. Alear then tells him that they will return to their world, but leave an Otherworldly Gate open for Rafal and Nel to come to their world if they wish. As Rafal begins the rite, he refuses their offer, stating that he will await for Nel to wake up. If she agreed to take their offer, he will accompany her. Meanwhile the Four Winds, knowing that they are the only humans left in their world and that their Elyos was beyond salvation, take Alear's offer to come to their world and fight for their cause.
After a brief undisclosed time later after returning to their world, Alear receives word that Nel and Rafal arrived in the Somniel, revealing that the ritual had been a success, but had taken a thousand years to complete in their world. Nel had agreed to take up their offer to fight for their cause and Rafal joined to in order to complete his penance.

"End of spoilers. It's a pleasure doing business with you!"

Initial enemies[]


  • Nel - Recruited into the main game at the end of chapter.
  • Rafal - Recruited into the main game at the end of chapter.
  • Zelestia - Recruited into the main game at the end of chapter.
  • Gregory - Recruited into the main game at the end of chapter.
  • Madeline - Recruited into the main game at the end of chapter.


*Note: These weapons will not be obtained by the player if the holder is defeated by Fell Nil's terrain destruction attack. They will also not carry over outside of the Fell Xenologue story.
*Note: The weapons in italics only drop on Normal difficulty.


Secret Book (Artwork)
Subjective: The following part of this article is based upon the editor's personal experiences and opinions, and therefore may not be applicable for all readers.

The battle begins with the player's army directly in front of Fell Dragon Nil. While he can be attacked, he has incredibly high defenses and heals a large portion of his health. He does not move, but his turns comprise of three actions, each of which is telegraphed:

  1. A sweeping attack that hits allies in a designated area.
  2. Creating up to four one-tile Vortexes of energy that summon Corrupted which take a turn to summon. The vortexes can be covered by literally having an allied unit covering that vortex thus preventing their summon.
  3. Performing a ground smashing attack that completely obliterates a large highlighted terrain.

The latter is especially dangerous as the player has one turn from when it is telegraphed to move any and all allies outside of this zone. If they are still in the zone when Nil launches the attack, any and all units, both player and enemy, is completely killed and removed from the map. While this has no effect on the grand story line as any ally unit in the zone is not permanently lost from the player's roster, it can remove vital allies from the field which can make the full fight even harder. Lastly, Alear and Nel especially needs to avoid being in the zone when this happens as their death is an instant Game Over. After performing this move, Fell Dragon Nil will move to the next landing area and repeat this process until he lands in the northern most landing spot. Simply avoiding his landing areas and bee-lining towards the northern area is a possible strategy, however the more units he kills using the zone destruction attack, the more powerful he becomes, gaining additional Revival Stones and the class Skills of any of the Corrupted Royals he defeats (with the exception of Fogado, who gives Nil his personal skill, Wear Down). The amount of tiles he lands on also increase on higher difficulties, giving Fell Dragon Nil more opportunities to power himself up. The middle area is particularly hard to move out of. Cavalry and Flying units are the best to handle clearing out this area in particular as they have greater movement range for the former or can simply fly into the ocean terrain as his destruction attack only destroys land tiles.
Once Nil has arrived at the final platform, the player can start directly attacking him without him regenerating his health. With at least one Revival Stone on Normal difficulty, increasing by one for each higher difficulty, he may take time to be defeated. He will cycle between his sweep attack and his vortex moves only from this point and deals extraordinary damage when he counterattacks. At the start of the battle, Alear receives an empowered Libération which grants Atk+15 (Atk+30 on Normal) when attacking Nil, making them indispensable when whittling down his HP.
Alongside Fell Dragon Nil, the map also has the Corrupted Elyos Royals joining him, each holding an Emblem Bracelet except for Corrupted Hortensia. Most do not require much special strategy when dealing with them except for Corrupted Timerra, whose Dark Inferno can cause fire pillars that slow down movement. At an inopportune time/location, this can actually trap allies in the zone destruction, which means she needs to be dealt with as soon as possible or outright avoided in order to minimize that risk. Corrupted Fogado also needs to be dealt with quickly since if he is close to Fell Dragon Nil, he will use Divine Blessing to grant Fell Dragon Nil another Revival Stone, which can lead to Nil having more than the maximum three Revival Stones. Defeating the Corrupted Royals on Normal mode gift the player with the strongest weapons in the game, which can be distributed out as needed. Nodus in particular is great when trying to pile Engage damage near the end. These items are not retained once the map is completed, so using them whenever possible is recommended.
Once cleared, all five Xenologue characters are recruited automatically in the player's roster.


Alear, Nel, and the Four Winds are all mandatory for this map. Alear in particular is strong due to their empowered Libération, which comes into play when in the final phase of the map. Nel continues to be a solid unit and needs a solid ring to bump up her combat prowess. Between the three members of the Four Winds, Madeline can be a bit of a crutch since mobility is the most important stat during the battle as the player needs to be constantly moving their allies towards the northernmost part of the map. Gregory is solid enough to get where he needs to go. Zelestia, with her flying status, has the best mobility option being a Flying unit, making her a solid unit for clearing up enemies in sections before Nil destroys the platforms.

The player is allowed to bring eight additional units. Mobility should be the highest priority for this map, thus units in low mobility classes like Louis are generally discouraged to prevent a unit from being trapped on an island when Nil destroys it. Flying units like Ivy, Hortensia, Chloé, and Rosado have more options to clear zones about to be destroyed by flying onto a water tile, where his attacks do not land. Cavalry units like Vander, Alfred, Fogado, Merrin, and Mauvier generally have high enough movement to quickly escape once the smash is telegraphed.

Two useful rings for added mobility include the Ring of the Holy Knight for the innate movement increase plus Canto. It is a good Ring to strap onto Madeline as she has the lowest mobility of the mandatory units. Ring of the Caring Princess can use Warp Ragnarok as a sneaky escape button in a pinch. Ring of the Dawn Maiden continues to be a powerful asset for an instant team heal through Great Sacrifice and Ring of the Instructor can help reinvigorate allies to suppress down mainly the Corrupted Royals to prevent Nil from getting the biggest boosts to his final confrontation form. The sheer number of Corrupted make the Ring of the Azure Twins valuable, especially if Sieglinde can be accessed. If the Ring of the Connector is accessible, the Engage skill Holy Aura turns any Dragon Effective weapon, such as Falchion and the Binding Blade into effective weapons against Nil as well.

