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Volume 1 Engage

Cover of the first volume

Fire Emblem Engage is an ongoing manga adaptation of Fire Emblem Engage published monthly by Nintendo in the Shonen Jump and Saikyo Jump magazines starting March 3, 2023. There's currently twenty main chapters and counting alongside bonus content per volume release.

The events of Engage as depicted in the manga differ from the game in extensive fashion. Examples of these differences are listed below.


Author: Kyou Kazuro
Publisher: Nintendo & Shueisha
Volumes (ISBN):

Differences from the game[]

  • Character backgrounds mentioned in supports are shown and described heavily throughout the manga, with Alfred, Yunaka, Alcryst, Diamant and Ivy being among them.
  • The introductory battle against Sombron is skipped.
  • The Four Hounds are shown reacting to Sombron's resurrection early in the story.
  • Vander, Clanne and Framme's impressions on Alear and how they lived life as stewards waiting for Alear to wake up is covered in detail.
  • Alear leaves the Somniel for the first time after accidentally falling from trying to save Sommie.
  • Lythos citizens make an appearance in the story.
  • Marth's abilities are tapped into earlier.
  • Alear and the others' first battle against the Corrupted occurs differently than the game.
    • The woman with flowers is the one that needs to be saved instead of Clanne and Framme. The Stewards are able to handle themselves just fine.
    • Their fight takes place in a town near the castle.
    • Alfred is shown early, reacting to the Corrupted's attack from afar.
  • The three Stewards briefly explain the continent of Elyos to Alear with a map, replacing Alfred and Lumera's respective explanations in the game.
  • Alfred, Etie and Boucheron directly show up in the story before the battle at Lythos Castle, meeting on sillier and friendly terms: such as Alear mistaking Etie and her strength for a Brodian.
  • Boucheron's trait of getting lost is used directly in the narrative as he unintentionally splits up from Etie and Alfred in the castle. As a result, he ends up spying on a Hooded Figure and a couple of Elusian soldiers.
  • Lumera's characterization and implementation as a whole differs from the game:
    • Lumera is slightly comedic in her introduction, gushing over Alear more and meeting him in the town before the Corrupted show up.
    • Her weakening divine dragon power is explored more between her and Vander, it taking its toll on Lumera is also used as an explanation for why certain enemies can bypass any protective barriers.
    • This depiction of Lumera is unable to engage with Sigurd, coughing blood the instant she attempts to. Her life energy is far too critically low to fight properly.
    • There's an added scene where she tries and fails to fight the Hooded Figure.
    • Lumera survives the battle in Lythos Castle, saved by Alear, instead having to rest from potentially serious injuries in her subjects' care.
    • She returns in a later chapter to oversee a courtroom trial while also explaining why she doesn't get involved in the Brodia/Elusia wars.
    • She then joins Alear and the Brodian army on their trek into Elusia, despite her weakened state, deciding to act now that the Fell Dragon is on the verge of returning.
  • Alfred and Alear bond in a newly added scene of the group riding a ship headed to Firene. Alfred is personally entrusted with Sigurd's ring.
  • During the fight with Nelucce, Alear, Alfred and Céline purposefully let themselves get captured to trick him.
  • Nelucce's death is changed. Instead of retreating to Zephia, Alear decisively ends their battle by killing him in a fit of determined rage.
  • Jean and Anna's recruitment paralogues are skipped, they're already apart of the group by the time they arrive in Brodia.
  • The events of Chapter 6 in Fire Emblem Engage is drastically different.
    • Yunaka is shown taking Micaiah's ring.
    • Our group enters the royal shrine and finds the ring gone. Their informant Anna assists with updating what exactly happened to the ring.
    • Teronda and his men are omitted from the manga, instead Yunaka is caught but they learn the ring was sold to a Firene merchant then bought by a Brodian noble.
    • An original character, Count Lavulite, is added. He is the Brodian noble that bought the ring.
    • Yunaka shows up again as she attempts to warn the group now that they're inside his manor.
    • A hidden cult of the Fell Dragon is established in Brodia through Lavulite.
    • Yunaka's past is exposed in front of Alear, Alfred and Celine, with her having a connection to Count Lavulite.
    • Alear, Celine and Alfred are caught off guard as the hidden room is filled with poison by the count. Yunaka manages to win the fight for them by stealing back the ring and using Micaiah's Great Sacrifice ability, putting herself at the brink of death for their victory.
  • Alear and Veyle have their first meeting in Brodia. It's quickly derailed by Alcryst and his retainers: whose hostile encounter happens differently from the game too. They immediately accuse Alear of being a pervert for the chains on Veyle's feet.
  • A minor encounter with Rodine and the Corrupted is changed to happen on the border of Brodia. Alear, Veyle, Alcryst, Lapis and Citrinne take them on.
  • Amber is introduced earlier, assisting with guiding everyone to Brodia Castle through a secret shortcut. Amber's backstory and dynamic with Alear even before learning he's the divine dragon is covered in detail.
  • The attack on Brodia Castle is already happening by the time Alear arrives. As a result of the battle happening early, Diamant's introduction is changed. Noticing his hesitation against a fire mage during the battle, Ivy learns of Diamant's fear of fire magic, and attempts to use it against him. But with the help of Roy's ring, he breaks past his fear, and in the ensuing battle, knocks Ivy off her wyvern. She then chooses to stay behind and be the only one captured, giving her men a chance to retreat with their lives.
    • Morion is introduced here, later than in the game. He attempts to execute Ivy for her transgressions. Alear has to step in and convince him to stand down, nearly getting hit by his sword in the process.
    • Ivy undergoes trial with the Brodian Nobles that want her dead, Alear and his army try and fail to defend her.
    • Kagetsu and Zelkov arrive when Ivy's alone in her cell, bringing poison: Hyacinth chose to have Ivy die for a ploy of "retribution" against Brodia. Unable to drink the poison, Ivy's bitter realization and hope from Alear's kindness happens here: replacing Chapter 9's events of the game. Kagetsu breaks Ivy out of prison and the three leave together.
    • After her escape, Ivy provides the army information by leaving behind a note in her cell containing details about Destinea Cathedral and the ritual's status.
  • Emblem Marth's scene of warning Alear about the Fell Dragon happens on the Somniel, Marth recalls the sacrifices made 1,000 years ago when Alear first fought Sombron. Marth asks him if he's truly prepared.
    • Marth brings Alear to the Arena to test him with Alear being thoroughly bested at first. But Alear gets a second wind, catching Marth off guard with a fast strike. For a moment, Marth sees Alear's past self and recalls some of their history together. Marth's promise to stay by his side happens after the mock battle.
  • The introduction of Jade is different due to Ivy's second clash not happening in the manga. Jade shows up to serve as a guide through Elusia's borders.
  • Morion's speech of not being afraid of death and that Diamant/Alcryst are next in line for the throne happens in an Elusian village during the army's 3 day trek into Elusian territory.
  • Chapter 14 includes two new characters: Lotus, a young villager the group saves, and his ailing mother. Zephia deceives them by claiming she's a Brodian mage sent by the king to cure Lotus' mother. Zephia secretly kills her and turns her into a Corrupted.
    • Instead of going to fight Hyacinth on his own, Morion suffers lethal injuries after being stabbed by Lotus' Corrupted Mother, then protecting Diamant and Alcryst from a thunderstrike with Zephia's Levin Sword.
  • In Chapter 15, a weakened, bedridden Lumera is the one to tell Alear and Diamant about Sombron's need for sovereign blood, speculating the reason why Zephia took Morion.
    • The chapter cover depicts a portrait of the Brodian royal family, including the Queen: Morion's wife and Diamant and Alcryst's mother. In the game, she is an offscreen character, only mentioned in Alcryst and Saphir's supports.
    • Before the battle, Hyacinth informs Hortensia about Ivy's "death" in Brodia, lying by claiming that the Divine Dragon tortured and tore her limb from limb, leaving her body in so terrible a state that she couldn't be recovered. This serves to enrage Hortensia. Though, unbeknownst to her, Hyacinth was the one who attempted to poison Ivy in an earlier chapter.
    • A grieving Hortensia has an added exchange with the Fell Emblem Byleth, asking him if he's ever lost someone he's cared about, and how it felt to him to fight former allies.
    • Once the army reaches Destinea Cathedral, Alfred and Celine break through the church's defenses by using Celica and Sigurd's Engage attacks.
  • Chapter 16 is much like the events of Chapter 10 in the game, as the army confronts Hyacinth, Hortensia, and a Corrupted Morion. There are, however, some differences.
    • Hortensia attempts to fight Alear, only to have Yunaka and Micaiah step in to allow him to get to Hyacinth.
    • Emblem Lyn is first introduced here, used by Hyacinth in his battle against Alear.
    • Alcryst is designated as Emblem Leif's wielder.
    • Corrupted Morion is fought by Diamant and Alcryst, adapting their battle conversations from the game, and ending the battle by having Diamant deal the killing blow. Unlike the game, where Morion is only able to say the Brodian mantra before he dies, he instead laughs and hugs his sons before fading away, apologizing that he will no longer be able to watch them grow.
    • Sombron is brought back to full power by the end of the chapter, and though he eats Hyacinth like he does in game, it's much more gruesome in the manga, and Hyacinth's severed hand with Lyn's ring is left behind.


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