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“Er, that is to say, I love to dance. In...most circumstances. There is a little grove behind my manor. Inside is a flower garden where small birds gather—it is a place dear to me.”
—Rinea, to Berkut

Rinea is a non-playable character who appears exclusively in Fire Emblem Echoes: Shadows of Valentia.


Rinea is a noblewoman from an impoverished Rigelian noble house. Despite her family's lower rank in the nobility, Rinea's beauty and charm won over Berkut, the nephew to Emperor Rudolf. The two first met at a royal ball where Berkut stumbled upon her as she began to leave. The two chatted and eventually he offered to dance with her, beginning their romance. As Emperor Rudolf's nephew, Berkut was the only known blood relative of Rudolf, thus making him the likely successor to the Rigelian Empire. Though she felt that she lacked the adequate nobility rank to be the potential future Empress of Rigel, Berkut assured her that she was worthy.

Rinea is first introduced when Alm's forces storm Zofia Castle where Berkut was stationed. Rinea showed no interest in the battle as she detested violence. Berkut was content to sitting back and watching the battle unfold with her at his side.

"Just a minute! The following section contains spoilers. Viewing it will cost a lot. Are you prepared to pay for it?"

Rinea provides emotional support to Berkut as the Deliverance launches its counter campaign against Rigel. Rinea does her best to keep him in high spirits as he loses multiple times against the Deliverance.

The Deliverance eventually makes it to Rigel Castle where the ensuing battle results in Alm killing Emperor Rudolf. With his dying breath, as well as validation by both Massena and Mycen, Alm is revealed to be Rudolf's true son and thus invalidating Berkut's right to the throne. This revelation as well as the multiple defeats at the hands of Alm leads Berkut to spiral into madness. In the basement of Duma's Tower, Berkut pleads to the War God for more power. Rinea, worried for his well being, followed him into the Tower. Upon finding him, she assured him that even though he was no longer next in line, she would still love him whether he was Emperor or not. Berkut interprets this as slight against him as further perceived unworthiness. Driven over the edge, Berkut offers Rinea to Duma in exchange for power. Fernand arrives just as the process starts and witnesses Rinea's soul painfully ripped from her body as her body ignites into flames as she is transformed into a Witch. Under the control of Berkut lost to madness, Rinea mortally wounds Fernand]].

Shortly after, Alm heads through the same path to head to Duma Tower where he encounters Berkut. A vicious battle ensues, but Alm and the Deliverance are able to mortally wound Berkut, thus weakening Rinea's Witch powers. Freed from Duma's influence, Rinea's soul calls out to Berkut. Rinea forgives Berkut for killing her and once against reaffirms that she truly loves him. Rinea asks him be with her once more so they can continue to search for his "empire." Berkut apologizes to her and accepts, telling Alm to end the War God once and for all as the pair depart into the afterlife.

"End of spoilers. It's a pleasure doing business with you!"


While uncomfortable around most strangers, Rinea still tries to put up a pleasant and polite front. She seems to feel a lot of pressure to be an "acceptable" fiancee to Berkut, even though she dislikes public life. She often frets a lot about her choice of words and being what is considered appropriate in her department.

Being the daughter of a minor Rigelian noble family that is not well-off, financially or in social standing, her discomfort with court life is exacerbated. She does, however, love to dance, and also enjoys nature and being outdoors. While typically fairly soft-spoken, if Rinea has an opportunity to talk about something she likes, she will become much more animated and verbose, a trait she is rather ashamed of. The whole ordeal of war is as uncomfortable and alien to her as court life, but she sticks it out to stay by Berkut's side. He's the only person she opens up to, and conversely, Rinea is the only person Berkut opens up to.



Fire Emblem Heroes[]

Reminiscent Belle
Berkut's betrothed. Typically on the reserved side, she loves to dance. She moves to the beat of any music playing in earshot. Appears in Fire Emblem Echoes: Shadows of Valentia.

Base Stats[]

Reminiscent Belle
Silver Goblet
Reminiscent Belle
Silver Goblet+


Silver GobletElthunder-
Silver Goblet+Silver Goblet
A Warding Blow 1--
Bracing Blow 1 Armored Blow 1
Bracing Blow 2 Bracing Blow 1
B Torrent Dance 1--
Fireflood Dance 1 Torrent Dance 1-
Fireflood Dance 2 Fireflood Dance 1


Subjective: The following part of this article is based upon the editor's personal experiences and opinions, and therefore may not be applicable for all readers.
Base Set[]

Soiree Rinea is a Tempest Trial Blue Tome Infantry unit that has the powerful utility of being a Dancer unit. As a standalone unit, her offensive stats are decent for a dancer with base 30 Atk and 33 Spd and her bulk is just enough to take a hit when needed, but nothing particularly spectacular. Her main downsides pertain to her Dancer status as she cannot obtain IVs to better distribute her stats and that there are many powerful dancers such as Legendary Azura, Peony, and Summer Festival Micaiah. While she shares this type combination with Performing Arts Shigure as well, overall, Soiree Rinea is an excellent budget dancer. Her Silver Goblet has a Distant Guard 3 effect, granting a bonus +4 Def/Res when they are attacked by a ranged unit and is within two spaces of Rinea. On top of the effect, the weapon stat forged to give her additional points to one of her stats, giving the player one method to better manipulate her stats in a meaningful way. As a dancer, she had Dance for her assist skill. Bracing Blow increases her Def/Res by 4 when initiating combat. and Fireflood Dance increases the Atk/Res of the ally she dances for by 3/4 respectively


Soiree Rinea's middling stats mostly results in mediocre damage dealt and received. Units with high bulk can easily absorb her attacks while high offense units can not only double on her, but also penetrate through her passing bulk. Both her HP and Def are low enough that both Mila and Bridal Fjorm can inflict the【Isolation】effect on her.

Skill Inheritance[]

Keeping Soiree RInea in her core Dancer build is advisable as the utility alone makes her an acceptable unit. Moonbow is a fast charging special that helps boost her damage output by ignoring part of the enemy's Res. Fury or Fortress Defense Resistance boosts her core stats to make her overall stronger or exponentially increases her overall bulk to the point that she can take hits even better. Wings of Mercy allows her to teleport across the map to help get an injured ally out of the range of danger by dancing them out. Inheriting Distant Guard doubles its effect on top of the Silver Goblet while inheriting Close Guard allows her to run both skills simultaneously, giving her allies onmibulk so long as she is close enough to them.

Meet Some of the Heroes[]

Reminiscent Belle Rinea
Rinea is a noblewoman of the Rigelian Empire. She's quite reserved, but she's a very thoughtful and caring person!
After being invited to the royal ball, Rinea was discovered by Berkut, the emperor's nephew, who promptly asked for her hand in marriage. I hear in some worlds, they call this a Cinderella story? (This Cinderella lady must be quite a formidable Hero!)
Rinea's crisp blue dress is just perfect for the ball. She's decorated her hair with some of her favorite flowers, too!
On days when the weather's nice, Rinea likes to go to the woods behind the manor and dance among the flowers, surrounded by birdsong. I'm sure she'll never forget the happy memories she made with Berkut.
Closely Associated Characters
Berkut First in line to the Rigelian throne. Prideful, but loves Rinea with all his heart.



Rinea/Heroes Quotes

Non-Canon Appearances[]

Fire Emblem 0 (Cipher)[]

Rinea is illustrated in the trading card game Fire Emblem Cipher with the following cards:

Choose Your Legends Placement History[]

Round Placement Character Version Votes

CYL2 76
Echoes: Shadows of Valentia
CYL3 56

Echoes: Shadows of Valentia
CYL4 223

Echoes: Shadows of Valentia
CYL5 224

Echoes: Shadows of Valentia
CYL6 201

Echoes: Shadows of Valentia
CYL7 182

Echoes: Shadows of Valentia

CYL8 181

Echoes: Shadows of Valentia


Rinea's name may be based on Linea, a feminine name of Scandinavian derivation, and its meaning is "lime" or "linden tree". It may also be based on the Scandinavian female name "Linnéa", which is a flower.


  • Rinea's unique Witch battle model and portrait serve as the basis for the more powerful Vestal class—differing in having longer hair, the inclusion of her bangs, and having slightly more opened eyes compared to the latter (the subtle difference in her expression indicating that she is not completely devoid of soul).
  • Rinea's Prayer Ring only truly grants her the Recovery skill. In order to activate the Miracle skill, she needs to have an actual Luck stat.
  • Rinea placed 76th on Choose Your Legends Round 2 and was the 6th most popular Echoes character.
    • Rinea placed 56th on Choose Your Legends Round 3 and was the 2nd most popular Echoes character.
    • In both CYL polls, she was the most popular character not to be in Heroes at that point.
  • Rinea is the first character to appear as an auxiliary character in Heroes, appearing in both Fallen Berkut's Special Attack still and during a Special Attack in her witch form.
  • Rinea shares her English voice actress, Dorothy Elias Fahn, with Three Houses' Mercedes.
  • Rinea is one of only two enemies in Echoes: Shadows of Valentia to have a Bond Support, the other being her fiancé Berkut.
  • Discounting the Lost Lore events and the Heroes original characters, Rinea is the first unit in Heroes to make a non-playable cameo appearance in-game prior to being made playable in any form, preceding Aelfric and Manuela.


See main article: Rinea/Gallery.