The following is a transcript for the episode "Eye Can't."
The quotations in the following transcript are owned by Paramount and are an exception to The Loud House Encyclopedia's CC-BY-SA license. This transcript is provided in full as a source of review and reference, which likely falls under fair use.
[The scene starts inside the Loud house. The parents, holding breakfast equipment, nod at each other. Rita tosses the bowls onto the table. Lynn Sr. and Rita pour cereal and milk respectively onto the bowls. They clang their mugs of hot drink together.] Lynn Sr.: "We are getting so good at that."
[Just as they're about to take a sip, Lisa rushes in.] Lisa: "Good morn--" [Bumps into her pet dog] "When did we put the trash can here?"
Rita: "Honey, that's Charles."
Lisa:[Doffs her glasses and looks at a grumpy-looking Charles.] "Ah, yes, of course. Hm." [The dog walks away] "Ah, here's the orange juice I was looking for." [She takes the orange vase off the table and walks off with it.] Rita:[To her husband] "Have you noticed Lisa has been acting a little off this week?"
[We see a flashback of Lisa bumping into a side table and becoming dizzy; followed by another flashback of her walking and bumping into the rail at the bottom of the stairway.] Flashback Lisa: "Pardon me, Father."
[Another highlight shows her sat on the stairs stroking a black and white animal.] Flashback Lisa: "Good boy, Cliff. Good boy."
[The camera zooms out, revealing that Lisa was stroking a skunk, and Cliff on the opposite side with Lincoln and Leni watching her in horror.] Flashback Leni: "Uh, Lisa, that's not Cliff."
[The skunk let's off a huge green gas. Everyone screams as the gas covers the screen. The flashbacks end.] Lynn Sr.: "Yeah, she needs new glasses."
[Lisa returns - with flowers all over her hair and still holding the vase.] Lisa: "Ah, silly me, I mistook a vase of flowers for orange juice." [Puts the vase back on the table, readjusts her glasses and spots something.] "Ah! Here's the actual orange juice."
[She goes to the Hot coffee machine, but her dad stops her.] Lynn Sr.: "That's hot coffee!" [Worried] "Sweetie, look, Mom and I think it's time for you to go to the eye doctor."
Lisa: "What? Poppycock! Now if you'll excuse me, I shall be in the living room." [With her parents astonished, she walks out the front door, but falls down the stairs, breaking a cactus.] "Ahh! Augh!" [Shouting off-screen] "I'm okay. Mother's cacti garden broke my fall." [Normally] "Hmm. When did we move all these cacti inside?"
[In the next scene, we see a close up of a cactus thorn being taken out by a pair of tweezers. Lisa is sat at her bed covered in cactus thorns.] Todd: "WHAT IS THE PROBLEM? IT'S JUST THE EYE DOCTOR."
Lisa:[Annoyed] "The problem, Todd, is that I have an irrational phobia of the ophthalmologist."
Lisa: "I said it was irrational, Todd. And I've tried to train myself to move past it, but I can't."
[ Lisa imagines herself - without glasses - strapped to a board which pulls back. She whimpers as the eye laser machine closes on her.] Boris: "Now, just a puff of air." [He starts cackling and pulls the lever.] Lisa: "No! Not the--ahhhh!" [The eye laser engages and shoots at Lisa, causing her to scream. The screaming carries on after we cut bad to reality, until she stops after another thorn is taken out.] Todd: "WHY DON'T YOU DO THE EXAM AND MAKE NEW GLASSES YOURSELF?"
Lisa:[Becomes excited] "Todd, you beautiful piece of robotic machinery, that's a great idea."
[Lisa gets to work. She starts drilling a hole in the wood and cutting a metal block. Todd activates the crusher. It crushes and heats something. The crushers open, revealing a new pair of square specs. Lisa tries them on.] Lisa: "Hmm. Mm...hmm." [Her eyes appear abnormal. She readjusts her new specs one more time. In her view, she sees everything blurred.] Todd: "HOW IS IT LOOKING?"
Lisa:[Gasps in fright, almost losing her glasses] "Well, it's not perfect, but I'd say it gets the job done." [Doffs her specs and polishes them] "Now can you give me a little space? You're way too close, Todd."
Todd:[Standing a bed's length away; Descending tone.] "RIGHT."
[The duo are at the top of the stairs.] Lisa: "Now let's show Mother and Father." [Falls down the stairs again - causing Todd to flinch - and lands flat on her face in front of her mother and father. They're both horrified.] "Ugh. Problem solved, parents." [Her parents become suspicious.] "I've forged myself a new pair of glasses, and all is well." [Opens her eyes - still abnormal through her glasses. Lynn Sr. and Rita look at each other.] Lynn Sr.: "Counterpoint, you did kinda just fall down the stairs."
Lisa: "Eh. You say tomato, I say mildly near-sighted."
Rita: "And I say tomorrow morning you are going to the eye doctor, and, maybe the pediatrician too to see if you have any damage from that fall."
Lisa:[Defeated] "Fine."
THE NEXT MORNING [The parents walk Lisa - still wearing her own glasses - out the house.] Lynn Sr.: "Lisa, thank you for being so mature about this."
[Lisa want to turn right, but Rita declines. The parents soon discover the mess that's been left on the driveway - with no van - and gasp.] Lisa:[Feigning] "Oh dear. Father, this is what happens when you neglect your vehicle." [Facepalm] "Shame." [Lana pops out from behind the house and gives Lisa a thumb up. Lisa turns back to her home.] "Oh well, I guess we can't go." [Lynn Sr. grabs her by her rucksack.] "Oh!" [Lana hides again.] Lynn Sr.:[Brings out his phone] "So that's how it's gonna be, huh? Well, too bad you didn't think of this, you little genius." [On phone] "Mr. Grouse? Five Lynn-sagnas to borrow your car. Ha-ha-ha." [He gasps in horror while he listens; Becomes annoyed] "Okay, ten, but no extra sauce."
[The three Louds are in Mr. Grouse's car. Lynn Sr. drives over a rock, causing the glove box to open, revealing a heap of leftover bones. Rita picks one up, disgusted.] Rita: "Ohh. Chicken bones?"
Lynn Sr.:[Disgusted] "Oh, yeah, honey, uh, Grouse said not to mess with those. He chews on 'em at stoplights to get the last of the meat off."
[Rita groans, lets go of the bone and closes the glove box. Lisa retreats back to her seat and picks up a gadget from her rucksack.] Lisa: "Yeah, thank you Santa, for the nifty satellite set." [Presses some buttons] "Now let's just hack into the Royal Woods transportation grid and create a little traffic, shall we?" [She cackles. The gadget's screen shows Grouse's car, a set of traffic lights and a group of traffic cars. Lisa rearranges the order so that Grouse's car lines up behind the traffic cars at the stoplight. The real traffic lights flash in various colors before they all turn red. Car horn honking sounds are being heard everywhere. The camera zooms out, revealing a complete gridlock of vehicles at a cross junction.] Lynn Sr.:[Annoyed] "Dang it! Where did all this traffic come from?" [To Rita] "We're never gonna make the appointment now."
Rita:[Nervous] "I know a shortcut. Turn here."
[The car turns right, away from the gridlock.] Lynn Sr.: "Hang on!"
[Everyone screams as the car goes over a long jump into the field. They are driving along the crops.] Rita: "See? I go this way all the time."
Lynn Sr.: "Really? 'Cause I don't think that was a road, hon."
[Lisa groans, lifts her glasses and goes back to her gadget.] Lisa: "Hmm, perhaps some precipitation will slow us down." [She cackles. The gadget's screen shows Grouse's car underneath a storm cloud.] "A little cloud seeding and voila."
[A storm cloud rumbles thunder above the car and pours raindrops over its windshield. As soon as Lisa perches on the front seat, Lynn Sr. presses a button that activates the windshield wipers. Unfortunately they break off, revealing silhouettes of the the Three Louds. Lynn Sr. sticks his head out the window, angry.] Lynn Sr.: "We are not missing that appointment!"
Lisa:[Annoyed] "Hmm."
[At the room, Lisa puts on her original glasses. She can see through them perfectly.] Lisa: "Thank you, Dr. Tran. And compliments on your doctoring skills. That was a painless exam. I'll definitely be returning for check-ups now that I've conquered my phobia. It only took a bear attack to set me straight."
Dr. Tran: "Huh?"
Lisa:[Realizes something] "Oh, I need to locate my robot, Todd, and apologize. Hmm, wherever he is."
[The camera cuts to a studio with a stage and an audience.] Leni: "Now sporting the latest in summer fashion, Todd!"
[The robot - wearing a white gown - wheels his way to center stage. He spins on an axis and strikes a pose.] Todd: "I AM REALLY WORKING IT."