The Loud House Encyclopedia
The Loud House Encyclopedia

The following is a transcript for the episode "Clyde and His Dads".


The quotations in the following transcript are owned by Paramount and are an exception to The Loud House Encyclopedia's CC-BY-SA license. This transcript is provided in full as a source of review and reference, which likely falls under fair use.

[At the McBride house, Clyde and his dads Howard & Harold are hiding in the attic.]
Howard: "Clyde, honey. Why are we meeting in the attic?"
Harold: "In the dark."
Clyde: [turns on the light] "Because-" [realizes he's speaking too loud, covers his mouth, and whispers] "Because we have to wrangle the cats to take them to the vet today, and I don't want them to hear our strategy."
[His dads gasp]
Harold: "It's time to take the cats to the vet again?"
Howard: "But I haven't healed from the last visit."
[Howard shows his injured arm from the last visit]
Clyde: "Don't panic. We can do this. Remember, there are three of us and only two of them." [His dads whimper and he takes out carriers] "We just have to get them in these carriers."
Harold: "Easier said than done."
Clyde: "Ah! Well, I present to you plan A: The element of surprise & remember, stay calm. They can smell fear."
[His dads gasp. Later, as Nepurrtiti is sleeping on the couch, Howard rappels down on a rope tied to the fan with a net and tries to swing at her, but she dodges and attacks him before going to a switch and causing the fan to spin. At Clyde's bedroom, Harold approaches Cleopawtra with a net, but she notices and attacks him, leaving him trapped in his own net. Nepurrtit approaches the couch and rests near a pillow, which turns out to be Clyde in disguise. He tries to get her, but she jumps out of the way and attacks him and the pillow. The cats return to their beds and high-five each other. Back in the attic, Clyde and his dads regroup.]
Clyde: "Onto plan B, the flank. Last I saw the cats, they were napping on the couch, which is where we'll ambush them. I'lll come from here, and you flank from here." [The dads agree. Cut to outside the McBride house, and yet again the plan fails with sounds of the cats beating up the McBrides. Back in the attic.] "OK, plan B was a bust. So I guess we'll move on to plan C."
Dads: "What's plan C?" [Clyde shows a picture of a cucumber] "Cucumber?"
Clyde: I read somewhere that cats are deathly afraid of them."
[In the living room, a cucumber is tossed at the cats, and the cats are horrified. Clyde and Harold barge in wielding cucumbers and keep throwing the cucumbers at their cats. Surrounded by cucumbers, the cats discover a box labeled "Cucumber Free Zone" and jump into it. Suddenly, it's revealed that it was a cage they jumped into. Howard locks the cage, and the McBrides begin celebrating.]
Clyde: "The internet was right, cats really do hate cucumbers."
[They high-five and laugh.]

[Sometime later, Clyde and Harold are hiding in their dark attic again.]
Clyde: "Dad, why are we meeting in the attic again?"
[Harold turns on the light]
Harold: "Because when I went to get the keys, I saw the calendar on the fridge. The cats don't go to the vet 'til tomorrow. Today we have to take your dad to the dentist, & I don't want him to hear our strategy."
Clyde: "But I still haven't healed from his last visit!"
[In the room, Howard is taking care of the cats and hears Harold calling him]
Harold: "Oh, Howie! Here, Howie!"
[In the end, Clyde and Harold chase Howard while wielding nets, but catching Howard is just as hard as trying to catch the cats.]
Clyde: "Well, time for plan B."

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