The Loud House Encyclopedia
The Loud House Encyclopedia

Andre Robinson is an African-American voice actor. He voiced Clyde from "Head Poet's Anxiety" to "Frame on You" due to his predecessor hitting puberty. He was later replaced by Jahzir Bruno due to hitting puberty himself. He also voices Andre from "Puns and Buns" onward.

Credits on The Loud House[]

Selected Filmography[]


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  • In an Instagram Q&A, Robinson revealed that his favorite Clyde episode is "Game Boys".
  • It is revealed that Robinson and Tex Hammond met each other one and a half years prior to October 21, 2018.[citation needed]
  • Robinson has voiced Clyde the longest out of all his voice actors, having voiced him for a total of 54 speaking appearances over the course of over 3 years.
    • He is also the closest of Clyde's voice actors to the character's age in real time, as assuming that Seasons 1-4 take place in 2016, Clyde was most likely born in 2005 if he was to be 11 during that time.
  • Robinson was nominated for a Young Artist Award for Best Performance in a Voice-Over Role - Teen Artist for his portrayal of Clyde McBride.[1]
  • Robinson is the second former main cast member to voice a Burpin' Burger staff member named after themselves upon hitting puberty, after Grant Palmer, who voiced Lincoln for most of Season 1 and has voiced Grant since "Snow Way Out".

External links[]


  1. ↑ Nominees 2019 - Young Artist Academy (List). Young Artist Academy. Archived from the original on 2019-05-07. Retrieved on 2020-10-19.

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