Fire Emblem Heroes Wiki
Halting Bow
Weapon Halting Bow
Weapon Halting Bow V2
Weapon type Red bow Blue bow Green bow Colorless bow
Might 8
Range 2
Effectiveness Icon Move Flying
Required Steel Bow
SP 200
Exclusive? No
String ID SID_制止の弓
Numeric ID 3871
Description Effective against flying foes. At start of combat, if unit's HP ≥ 25%, inflicts Atk/Def-5 on foe and foe cannot make a follow-up attack during combat.

Effects[ | ]

Combat effects
Effectiveness Icon Move Flying Flying effective damageUnit Unit
Temporary debuffs Atk/Def-5Foe FoeUnit Unit's HP ≥ 25%
Prevent Follow-ups Prevent follow-up

Notes[ | ]

  • The stat decrease that can be applied by Halting Bow is considered a temporary debuff.
  • Halting Bow can prevent the foe from making a standard follow-up attack.

List of owners[ | ]

UnitSkill chain
Wil Unequaled Archer Face FC
Iron Bow
Steel Bow
Halting Bow
Halting Bow+

Availability[ | ]

Summoning events

  • This skill has not been available on any focus units on any summoning events.

Distributed units

  • This skill is not available on any distributed units.

Combat Manuals

Start End Hero Currency
2024-11-05T05:00:00Z 2024-12-28T06:59:59Z Wil: Unequaled Archer Divine Code: Ephemera 11

In other languages[ | ]

Language Name
Japanese 制止の弓
German Hemmnisbogen
Spanish (Europe) Arco inhibidor
Spanish (Latin America) Arco inhibidor
French Arc restrictif
Italian Arco incerto
Traditional Chinese (Taiwan) 制止之弓
Portuguese Arco retentor

See also[ | ]
