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Tip Grand Conquests

Grand Conquests

Three armies vie for territory!

Grand Conquests is an event in which three armies fight over a territory, over the course of three battles, each lasting two days. Each player is randomly assigned to an army led by one of three Heroes at the beginning of each battle. By contributing to their army's victory players earn rewards for Areas Controlled and GC Tier, as well as by completing quests.

Current / Upcoming Grand Conquests[ | ]

Currently none.

Basics[ | ]

In Grand Conquests, three armies battle to conquer territory across a continent. When the battle ends, the armies will earn rewards, based on how many areas they control. Each Grand Conquests event has 3 battles, with each battle taking course over two days. Each battle include eleven rounds, which last four hours. After each battle, the area map will change and all participants are reshuffled into new outrealms and armies as well. Each army has 200 participants (per update announcement for version 2.4.0).

How to Participate[ | ]

Select an area that is adjacent to an enemy to enter battle and earn points. Entering battle consumes Grand Conquests-specific stamina. Use the boost option to consume more stamina and multiply score! Stamina can be restored by redeeming Conquest Lance Conquest Lances.

Controlling Areas[ | ]

The army that controls an area at the beginning of a round will accrue points. The army with the most points at the end of a round will gain control of that area.

Cooperation Bonus[ | ]

During each round, bonus points will be applied to the total points earned in an area, based on the number of allies who battle in the area during the round.

Helping Out[ | ]

Helping out can be done once per round. Helping out boosts the number of allies battling in a randomly selected area by 1, which helps boost the cooperation bonus. It's also possible to randomly receive an item when helping out.

Getting Knocked Out[ | ]

Conquest Icon Knockout

Knockout icon

Armies can be knocked out mid-round when battle conditions are calculated. If the difference between first and second place armies exceeds the threshold, the winner gains the area immediately. If this happens, a knockout icon will appear and no battles can be fought in the area for the remainder of the round. The first-place team must have a difference of 200,000 points from the second-place team in an area to knock out an area. Before the seventh Grand Conquest event, only 100,000 points were necessary to knock out an area.

GC Tiers[ | ]

GC Tier will increase based on cumulative score in battle. The higher the GC Tier is, the more points will get added to areas adjacent to the player's selected area. Other rewards are also earned based on GC Tiers.

Difficulty[ | ]

There are seven difficulties with different amounts of points and enemy levels.

Difficulty Level Enemy Information Unlocked at
Normal ★ 10 Enemies have only their attribute unrefined weapon. -
Normal ★ 20 Enemies have only their attribute unrefined weapon. -
Normal ★ 30 Enemies have only their attribute unrefined weapon. -
Hard ★ 35 Enemies have only their attributed unrefined weapons. -
Lunatic ★ 40 Enemies have all their attributed weapons and skills. GC Tier 4
Infernal ★ 40+ Enemies have all their attribute weapon and skills
and they have their actual level.
GC Tier 8
Infernal ★ 40+ Enemies have all their attribute weapon and skills,
they have their actual level and receive Atk/Spd/Def/Res+4.
Enemies can attack after warping.
GC Tier 8

Scoring[ | ]

Scoring in Grand Conquests is similar to Rival Domains as they use the same maps.

Foes defeated
The player accumulates points for each enemy defeated, capping at 20 enemies.

Difficulty Normal 1 Normal 2 Normal 3 Hard Lunatic Infernal 1 Infernal 2
Points per foe 8 9 10 12 16 20 28
Max points 160 180 200 240 320 400 560

Camps held
Points are added based on the number of camps held by the player at the end of the stage. The number of camps changes depending on the map.

Fortress defense
Points are added depending on how well the player defends their fortress. The more HP at the end of the stage, the better.

HP remaining Normal 1 Normal 2 Normal 3 Hard Lunatic Infernal 1 Infernal 2
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
1 50 55 60 80 100 120 160
2 100 110 120 160 200 240 320
3 150 165 180 240 300 360 480

Fortress offense
Points are added depending on how many times the player attacks the enemy fortress. The less HP at the end of the stage, the better.

HP remaining Normal 1 Normal 2 Normal 3 Hard Lunatic Infernal 1 Infernal 2
3 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
2 50 55 60 80 100 120 160
1 100 110 120 160 200 240 320
0 150 165 180 240 300 360 480

Unlike Rival Domains, there are no bonus points in Grand Conquests obtained upon defeating enemies using a given move type.

Total score
The score obtained in each map is added to the player's grand total score, which is used to determine rank-in-army awards. An amount of experience is also received by the player, which increases the player's Grand Conquest tier upon reaching certain thresholds. The experience is normally equal to the map score, but can never be greater than a fixed value that differs across difficulties

Both score and experience can be further multiplied by the amount of stamina used.

Difficulty Normal 1 Normal 2 Normal 3 Hard Lunatic Infernal 1 Infernal 2
Foes defeated 160 180 200 240 320 400 560
Camps held 150 165 180 240 300 360 480
Fortress defense 150 165 180 240 300 360 480
Fortress offense 150 165 180 240 300 360 480
Max score 610 675 740 960 1220 1480 2000
Max experience 500 550 600 700 800 1000 1200

Area effects[ | ]

Areas can apply or receive effects to or from other areas. When effect is applied, the current map screen will update to reflect the change.

Area Effect Description Area Effect Description
Conquest Icon Infantry BoostArea Effect Box This Area Grants Atk/Spd/Def/Res+4 to infantry units. Conquest Icon Infantry SpecialArea Effect Box This Area Grants Special cooldown charge +1 per attack to infantry units during combat.

(Only highest value applied. Does not stack.)

Conquest Icon Armored BoostArea Effect Box This Area Grants Atk/Spd/Def/Res+4 to armored units. Conquest Icon Armored MoveArea Effect Box This Area At start of turn, armored units can move 1 extra space.

(That turn only. Does not stack.)

Conquest Icon Cavalry BoostArea Effect Box This Area Grants Atk/Spd/Def/Res+4 to cavalry units. Conquest Icon Cavalry AttackArea Effect Box This Area If cavalry units initiate combat, units make a guaranteed follow-up attack.
Conquest Icon Flying BoostArea Effect Box This Area Grants Atk/Spd/Def/Res+4 to flying units. Conquest Icon Flying WarpArea Effect Box This Area Units can move to a space adjacent to a flying ally within 2 spaces.

Notes[ | ]

  • Only attacks performed by the user have the "Special cooldown charge +X" effect. This is true regardless of who initiated combat.
  • The "Special cooldown charge +X" effect will stack with the "Special cooldown charge -X" effect.
    • For example, if a unit is affected by both Status Effect Guard Guard and Status Effect Special Cooldown Charge 1 Special Cooldown Charge +1, the effects will stack and the cooldown will go down without penalty or bonus.
    • The effects will only stack when the user attacks and the cooldown will go down without penalty or bonus.
    • The "Special cooldown charge -X" effect will only take place when the foe attacks.
  • If used alongside another source of "Special cooldown charge +X", only the higher of the two charge increases will apply.
    • This means that if a unit has two "Special cooldown charge +1" effects from two different sources, the battle will play out as if only one "Special cooldown charge +1" effect is active.
  • Skills such as Spd Def Tempo 4 Spd/Def Tempo 4 and Icon Class Red Sword Spendy Scimitar will neutralize effects that grant "Special cooldown charge +X" to the foe.
  • The Icon Move Armored Armored Movement area effect applies the Status Effect Mobility increased Mobility increased status effect.
    • Any 【Bonus】 on a unit lasts until the start of that unit's next phase. If Status Effect Mobility increased Mobility increased is acquired during the enemy phase, it will disappear when the next player phase begins.
    • Status Effect Mobility increased Mobility increased does not stack with Status Effect Gallop Gallop, only the highest movement boosting value will be applied.
    • Status Effect Gravity Gravity and Status Effect Stall Stall will negate the effects of Mobility increased.
  • As a general rule, if a unit is both prevented from making, and guaranteed to make a follow-up attack, the effects cancel out, and the Spd difference decides instead (including effects that alter the Spd difference such as Status Effect Frozen Frozen).
  • A foe with effects such as Phys. Null Follow Phys. Null Follow or Status Effect Null Follow-Up Null Follow-Up will neutralize the guaranteed follow-up attack granted by The Icon Move Cavalry Cavalry Follow-up area effect.
  • The Icon Move Flying Flying warp area effect allows allies within 2 spaces to warp to a space adjacent to an flying ally.
  • Warping counts as the unit's move for the turn. The unit can still perform an attack, an Assist, or a structure destruction after warping.

Rewards[ | ]

GC Tiers[ | ]

The GC Tier increases based on the cumulative experience earned over the course of all three battles. The higher the GC Tier is, the more points get added to areas adjacent to the selected area. Additional rewards are also earned after reaching each GC Tier.

GC Tier Experience needed
to level up
Score added Items
1 1,000 0% - - - -
2 1,500 0% - Orb Conquest Lance Divine Code Ephemera
3 2,000 0% Refining Stone 100 Azure Badge 100 Scarlet Badge Divine Code Ephemera
4 2,500 10% Sacred Coin Orb Conquest Lance Divine Code Ephemera
5 3,000 10% Refining Stone 100 Transparent Badge 100 Verdant Badge Divine Code Ephemera
6 3,500 15% Sacred Coin Orb Conquest Lance Divine Code Ephemera
7 4,000 15% Refining Stone 50 Great Azure Badge 50 Great Scarlet Badge Divine Code Ephemera
8 4,500 20% Sacred Coin Orb Conquest Lance Divine Code Ephemera
9 5,000 20% Refining Stone 50 Great Transparent Badge 50 Great Verdant Badge Divine Code Ephemera
10 6,000 25% Sacred Coin Orb Conquest Lance Divine Code Ephemera
11 7,000 25% Refining Stone 100 Azure Badge 100 Scarlet Badge Divine Code Ephemera
12 8,000 30% Sacred Coin Orb Conquest Lance Divine Code Ephemera
13 9,000 30% Refining Stone 100 Transparent Badge 100 Verdant Badge Divine Code Ephemera
14 10,000 35% Sacred Coin Orb Conquest Lance Divine Code Ephemera
15 11,000 35% Refining Stone 50 Great Azure Badge 50 Great Scarlet Badge Divine Code Ephemera
16 12,000 40% Sacred Coin Orb Conquest Lance Divine Code Ephemera
17 13,000 40% Refining Stone 50 Great Transparent Badge 50 Great Verdant Badge Divine Code Ephemera
18 14,000 45% Sacred Coin Orb Conquest Lance Divine Code Ephemera
19 15,000 45% Refining Stone Sacred Coin Conquest Lance Divine Code Ephemera
20 17,000 50% Sacred Coin Orb Conquest Lance Divine Code Ephemera
21 19,000 50% Sacred Coin - Conquest Lance Divine Code Ephemera
22 21,000 55% Sacred Coin - Conquest Lance Divine Code Ephemera
23 23,000 55% Sacred Coin Orb - Divine Code Ephemera
24 25,000 60% Sacred Coin - Conquest Lance Divine Code Ephemera
25 - 60% Sacred Coin Orb - Divine Code Ephemera

Total: 30 Refining Stone, 30 Sacred Coin, 14 Orb, 14Conquest Lance, 100 Great Scarlet Badge100 Great Azure Badge100 Great Verdant Badge100 Great Transparent Badge, 200 Scarlet Badge200 Azure Badge200 Verdant Badge200 Transparent Badge120 Divine Code Ephemera

Score[ | ]

Since the sixth Grand Conquest, the army can earn points after the tenth first round. With 5 - 9 areas controlled an army earns 1 point, with 10 - 14 areas it earns 2 points and with 15 or more areas it earns 3 points. For the eleventh round, points depend on the number of areas controlled.

Score Rewards
Arena Medal Arena Medal Hero Feather Hero Feathers
1 150 2,000
2 155 2,025
3 160 2,050
4 165 2,075
5 170 2,100
6 175 2,125
7 180 2,150
8 185 2,200
9 190 2,250
10 195 2,300
11 200 2,350
12 205 2,400
13 210 2,450
14 215 2,500
15 220 2,550
16 225 2,600
17 230 2,650
18 235 2,700
19 240 2,750
20 245 2,800
21 250 2,850
22 260 2,900
23 270 2,950
24 280 3,000
25 290 3,100
26 300 3,200
27 310 3,300
28 320 3,400
29 330 3,500
30 340 3,600
31 350 3,700
32 360 3,800
33 370 3,900
34 380 4,000
35 390 4,100
36 ~ 400 4,200

Before the sixth Grand Conquest, points were earned only after the last round.

Rank in Army Awards[ | ]

Area Count Rewards
Hero Feather Hero Feathers
1-3 3,000
4-10 2,500
11-20 2,100
21-30 1,800
31-40 1,500
41-50 1,300
51-65 1,100
66-80 950
81-100 800
101-120 700
121-150 600
151~ 500

Previous Grand Conquests[ | ]

Event nameEvent dates
Banner Grand Conquests
Empty Space GHB

Grand Conquests 1
Banner Grand Conquests
Empty Space GHB

Grand Conquests 2
Banner Grand Conquests
Empty Space GHB

Grand Conquests 3
Banner Grand Conquests
Empty Space GHB

Grand Conquests 4
Banner Grand Conquests
Empty Space GHB

Grand Conquests 5
Banner Grand Conquests
Empty Space GHB

Grand Conquests 6
Banner Grand Conquests
Empty Space GHB

Grand Conquests 7
Banner Grand Conquests
Empty Space GHB

Grand Conquests 8
Banner Grand Conquests
Empty Space GHB

Grand Conquests 9
Banner Grand Conquests
Empty Space GHB

Grand Conquests 10
Banner Grand Conquests
Empty Space GHB

Grand Conquests 11
Banner Grand Conquests
Empty Space GHB

Grand Conquests 12
Banner Grand Conquests
Empty Space GHB

Grand Conquests 13
Banner Grand Conquests
Empty Space GHB

Grand Conquests 14
Banner Grand Conquests
Empty Space GHB

Grand Conquests 15
Banner Grand Conquests
Empty Space GHB

Grand Conquests 16
Banner Grand Conquests
Empty Space GHB

Grand Conquests 17
Banner Grand Conquests
Empty Space GHB

Grand Conquests 18
Banner Grand Conquests
Empty Space GHB

Grand Conquests 19
Banner Grand Conquests
Empty Space GHB

Grand Conquests 20
Banner Grand Conquests
Empty Space GHB

Grand Conquests 21
Banner Grand Conquests
Empty Space GHB

Grand Conquests 22
Banner Grand Conquests
Empty Space GHB

Grand Conquests 23
Banner Grand Conquests
Empty Space GHB

Grand Conquests 24
Banner Grand Conquests
Empty Space GHB

Grand Conquests 25
Banner Grand Conquests
Empty Space GHB

Grand Conquests 26
Banner Grand Conquests
Empty Space GHB

Grand Conquests 27
Banner Grand Conquests
Empty Space GHB

Grand Conquests 28
Banner Grand Conquests
Empty Space GHB

Grand Conquests 29
Banner Grand Conquests
Empty Space GHB

Grand Conquests 30
Banner Grand Conquests
Empty Space GHB

Grand Conquests 31
Banner Grand Conquests
Empty Space GHB

Grand Conquests 32
Banner Grand Conquests
Empty Space GHB

Grand Conquests 33
Banner Grand Conquests
Empty Space GHB

Grand Conquests 34
Banner Grand Conquests
Empty Space GHB

Grand Conquests 35
Banner Grand Conquests
Empty Space GHB

Grand Conquests 36

Gallery[ | ]

In other languages[ | ]

Language Name
Japanese 大制圧戦
German Große Eroberung
Spanish (Europe) Grandes conquistas
Spanish (Latin America) Grandes Conquistas
French Grandes Conquêtes
Italian Grandi Conquiste
Traditional Chinese (Taiwan) 大壓制戰
Portuguese Grandes conquistas