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Sonic Wiki Zone
Sonic Wiki Zone

The Cyclone[1] (サイクロン[2] Saikuron?, lit. "Cyclon") is an enemy that appears in the Sonic the Hedgehog series. It is a mass-produced hovering dragon-like enemy which appears all across the Starfall Islands.



A Cyclone, from Sonic Frontiers.

The Cyclones are thin gray robots that surround themselves with a black and red rib cage-shaped barrier each. They also have triangular red eyes and have spikes protruding out from their barriers.

Game appearances[]

Sonic Frontiers[]

In Sonic Frontiers, the Cyclones appear as enemies. They can be found on every island. In gameplay, they will cause damage to Sonic with attacks that appear as electric tornadoes.[1] Whenever the player sticks around for too long, the robot will activate its electric current.(Some, however, don't ever attack) The player can destroy the armor by performing quick combos. However, If the player gets hit or is too slow to attack, the robot will regenerate its armor.[3]

Similarily to other enemies, the Cyclones will drop items, ranging from Skill Pieces to Vault Keys.

Shadow Generations[]

In Shadow Generations, the Cyclones appears as enemies in the Chaos Island stage. Like their previous appearance, they can activate their electric tornado attack, damaging Shadow if he attempts to use Chaos Snap. However, this attack can be stopped with a preemptive Chaos Spear.

Powers and abilities[]

The Cyclones are capable of levitation and can produce electric tornadoes to attack their foes. You can only attack them when their electrical barrier is down.



See also[]


  1. 1.0 1.1 Alison & Co (28 June 2022). Sonic Frontiers New Features Revealed. Invision Game Community. Archived from the original on 28 June 2022. Retrieved on 28 June 2022.
  2. 縦横無尽な新境地アクションアドベンチャー『ソニックフロンティア』最新ゲーム情報を公開! (Japanese). Sega (29 June 2022). Archived from the original on 3 July 2022. Retrieved on 8 December 2022. "「CYCLON(サイクロン)」空中に浮いておりソニックの足場になるが、時折竜巻を発生させてダメージを与えてくる。"
  3. Brian Shea (13 July 2022). A Deep Dive On Sonic Frontiers Combat And Boss Battles. Game Informer. Archived from the original on 14 July 2022. Retrieved on 14 July 2022.
