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This article pertains to the beta elements of Shadow Generations.

Prototypes and demos[]

Summer Game Fest 2024[]


The title screen of the Summer Game Fest 2024 Shadow Generations demo.

This demo of Shadow Generations was available during Summer Game Fest 2024 event. Title screen of this demo uses completely different render of Shadow with slightly different background, and the only playable stage is Space Colony ARK and Doom Zone, with Biolizard boss fight also available.


Shadow Generations was built from the Sonic Frontiers codebase. If the player were to restore these codes, they can be used in-game.


  • Drop Dash: When enabled, its function will always set to fail on the first condition. Forcing it to succeed will allow Shadow to perform the move. The attack is missing sound effects and its speed is twice as slow compared to Sonic Frontiers (however, the player can change this in the game's files by doubling it's speed value).
  • Light Speed Dash: While the function is present, it is unknown if there is an actual way to restore it fully.
  • Spin Dash: An earlier (unused) variant than the one used from Sonic Frontiers. When used in this game, it was cause Shadow to roll for a couple seconds before coming to a complete stop.
  • Stomp Bounce: The third stomp bounce, where it sends shockwaves, is missing its sound effects. However, it does have new particle effects.
  • Wall Climbing: Enabling this function will feature unused animations and strange physics. The unique animations imply that it may have been worked on and used at some point in development before being scrapped.

Text Strings[]

While their functions seem to not exist in the game's files, there are leftover text strings from the game. Interestingly, the Cylcoop still has textures and effects for it still left over in Sonic's .pac file. Along with that, the effects for Sonic's combat moves are also left over from Sonic Frontiers.


Shadow Gens Airwall 2

Image shows Shadow Wall Climbing.


Climbable platforms from Sonic Frontiers. These still can be used in-game as this ability for Shadow is still in the game's files.


Up-Reels that are sideways, from level like the Cyber Space 4-3 Stage, are still fully functional.


A Hang Glider that was used in the Cyber Space levels. While the object is still fully usable, it uses the same sound effects as the rocket in the Radical Highway.


A volume that was used to disable the Drift ability, which the ability itself only exists as a text string.


An object that triggers the stage to end when touched, which was used sparingly in the Cyber Space Stages. It is usable, although obsolete due to better options being added into the game.

Unused Text[]


The following text here was used for testing purposes.


  • Exploring Chronos Island

A test of Shadow Generations rich presence system for Steam. The text uses Kronos Island from Sonic Frontiers as it's test string.

Caption Test[]

A bunch of Caption Test Strings can also be found in the game's files that were used to test out the Caption system.


Tutorial Text[]

An early text tutorial for the Doom Wing. This is found under QandA_TEXT_15. Its original name references an enemy under that same name. The amount of Rings the player originally needed appears it would've been a hundred, where it's fifty in the final game.

  • Black Wings that allow Shadow to glide and travel far.
  • With 100 Rings, press both the <image name="button_playerleftstep" /><image name="button_playerrightstep" /> simultaneously.
  • Rings will be consumed while gliding.

Demo Text[]

A demo for the game seemed to have been planned at one point for the game's release. The demo appears that it would've included Space Colony Ark Act 1, Metal Overlord, and unlock the player Doom Surf.

Space Colony Ark Act 2[]

Found under INGAME_ARCACT2_TITLE_3rdROM and INGAME_ARCACT2_TEXT_3rdROM. There is also a typo in the level itself.

  • Space Colony Arc Act 2
  • This Act is still in development.
  • In Act 2, Shadow will get a glimpse of a mysterious new power.
  • Complete this stage to move onto the next.

Metal Overlord[]

Found under TUTORIAL_EXP_WINDOW_TEXT_DSURF_2_3rd. According to this text, after the player finishes Space Colony Ark Act 1, they would be able to unlock Doom Surf and explore White Space to then find the boss gate for the Metal Overlord fight.

  • Shadow can now move freely on water.
  • Some areas are inaccessible because they are under development.
  • Find and fight the boss "Metal Overlord".

Miscellaneous Demo Text[]

These are all found under the ShowROM.cnvrs-text file.

  • DEMO
  • Thank you for playing
  • Pre-Order Now
  • Available Now

Unused Metal Overlord Text[]

There is a string of unused dialogue and hint that go unused in the final game. The clips themselves have not found in the game's files.

  • Metal Overlord: You're no match for me. I've become the true Sonic! The ultimate lifeform!

This text appears to be an earlier version of the beginning of the fight for the boss.

  • At my speed, rubble might fly your way. Try not to get hit.

This goes unused as the boss does not throw things at the player untill its second phase. Interestingly, it appears to be that Shadow might be talking due to the text "At my speed" present here. There is no exact clue if either Shadow were to say this or it would come from a Hint Ring.

Unused enemies[]


A simple test enemy with no assets to go along with it.

Unused dialogue[]

There are a few voice clips for Shadow that were intended to be used when beating a boss before the results screen. The only one that is used in the final game is the one for the Mephiles fight (Shadow says "There is no future for you. Ever.). In the rest of the fights, Shadow remains silent after defeating the boss.

Clip Text Boss
I am the true Ultimate Lifeform. Biolizard
Hmph. If that's all you've got, you're no match for Sonic, much less me. Metal Overloard
The Ultimate Power has already been perfected. Devil Doom

External Links[]
