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Marvel Cinematic Universe Wiki

For a variety of reasons, scenes are deleted from movies and TV series. Whatever that reason, the scene was not good enough to advance from the writers to the actors to the cameras. At many times, these scenes give a more detailed exposition of a plot point, or just add an "Easter egg" to be enjoyed. Since they provide additional plot points or exposition, deleted scenes are considered as valid as the released ones from an in-universe point of view, unless they are contradicted in the published scenes of a movie or episode. Many story concepts also get scrapped from movies and TV series. Which can vary from deleted characters to overall abandoned ideas from the scripts.

The following is a list of the deleted scenes and discarded concepts from various movies and television series in the Marvel Cinematic Universe:


Iron Man[]

  • "Convoy Ambush":

    Tony Stark in Afghanistan

    An extended version of the ambush at the beginning of the film, which includes Tony Stark briefly trying to defend himself using a soldier's assault rifle.
  • "Craps Table with Tony and Rhodey": An extended and alternate version of the Caesars Palace scenes where Stark loses $3 million playing roulette.
  • "Tony and Rhodey on Stark Jet & Military Ceremony": An extended version of Stark and James Rhodes' flight to Bagram Air Base. As Rhodes gets drunk, Stark leaves to go in another room with Trixie. In the morning, Rhodes struggles from a hangover. Stark then meets William Gabriel and an Afghani representative as the troops perform a ceremony.
  • "Champions": Ho Yinsen makes bagammon pieces and starts playing with Stark when Abu Bakaar comes in and demands to know when he will be finished. He is referring to his laundry, not the Jericho. Bakaar talks about the game with Stark and Yinsen and appears to bond with them. Al-Wazar enters and shoots Bakaar dead, and tells Stark that he has until tomorrow to finish the missile.
  • "Rhodey and General Gabriel": Rhodes talks to General Gabriel about his desire to return to Afghanistan to continue searching for Stark.
  • "Tony Comes Home": Stark returns home having been abducted and finds a watch gifted to him by Obadiah Stane, who says he is happy that Stark did not die. Stark then talks to J.A.R.V.I.S. and finds that he has 1,713 voice messages. Stark deletes them all. J.A.R.V.I.S. then exclaims that he detects presence of electromagnetic energy.
  • "Tony Begins Mark II": Stark begins construction on the Mark II armor including cutting out a slim cylinder of metal. Stark compliments J.A.R.V.I.S. about his ability to turn on all of the electronics in the room, saying that it is not bad for a bunch of one and zeros.
  • "Dubai Party": Stark and Pepper Potts throw a party in Dubai in his mansion there. Before Stark can have sex with three of the women there, he leaves in the Mark II.
  • "Pepper Discovers Tony as Iron Man": The following morning of the Dubai party, Potts finds Stark in his Iron Man armor.
  • "Obadiah Addresses Scientists": Stane visits the scientists creating his Iron Monger Armor and gives them a speech about what is at stake.
  • "Rhodey Saves Iron Man on Freeway": While Stane repeatedly kicks Stark during their battle, Rhodes arrives and rams him with a car. Stark then approaches Rhodes and rip open the roof to talk to him. This angers Rhodes, who asks why he would not just open the door.
  • "Rooftop Battle":
    Tony Stark saves Obadiah Stane

    Iron Man attempts to save Obadiah Stane

    Instead of immediately falling into the unstable Arc Reactor at the end of the fight, Stane collapses on the damaged roof as it begins to give away. Stane reaches towards Stark, who tries to pull him out of the Iron Monger Armor, to no avail. Stane then rants how both he and Stark have played their parts and are going to die, trying to pull Stark down with him. However, Stark disengages his glove and Stane falls into the Arc Reactor to his death. After the explosion, S.H.I.E.L.D. arrives at the scene and Potts finds Stark as his suit's Arc Reactor lights back up.
  • "Alternate Post-Credits Scene": An extended, alternate cut of the film's post-credits scene depicts Nick Fury alluding to "gamma accidents", "radioactive bug bites" and "assorted mutants" when revealing to Tony Stark that he is part of a larger universe with other heroes. This scene went unused in the final film due to Marvel Studios' lack of ownership over the film rights to Spider-Man and the mutant characters, which were respectively wholly owned by Universal Pictures, Sony Pictures Entertainment and 20th Century Fox at the time.
  • Instead of having Tony being waterboarded by Raza Hamidmi al-Wazar for refusing to build the missiles, Ho Yinsen pretends to attack him for disobeying. Al-Wazar walks away, convinced, before Ho comments on how he is gaining their trust. Stark then gets rudely awakened by the Ten Rings.[1]

Discarded Concepts[]

The Incredible Hulk[]

  • "Alternate Opening in the Arctic":
    Hulk suicide

    Bruce's failed suicide attempt

    In an alternate opening, a depressed Bruce Banner arrives at the Arctic to shoot himself, but transforms into Hulk before he can do so. A version of this scene is referenced in The Avengers.
  • "Bruce Meditates": Banner meditates and sets a metronome. He thinks of Betty Ross while doing so.
  • "Searching for the Flower": Martina walks by and notices Banner on the street as Banner talks with Alves, making a deal with him to supply Banner with rare flowers. As Banner walks away, Silva and his group survey him.
  • "Bruce in Brazil": Banner takes a jog through the city and gets a book about flowers. He then uses this book to talk with Mr. Blue to find a cure.
  • "Building the Lab": Banner walks through town and finds trash. He uses this trash to create a centrifuge.
  • "General Greller": On the ride back from Rocinha, Thaddeus Ross discovers that Banner is trying to find a cure. He and Emil Blonsky then arrive at Joe Greller's office where Greller reprimands Ross for lying to him as Ross claimed he was going to Brazil to grab a scientist.
  • "Nature's Mystery": Ross talks to Kathleen Sparr about Banner.
  • "Bruce Delivers Pizza": Banner delivers pizza on the Culver University campus. A group of sorority girls refuse to pay him, and he tries to intimidate them by telling them they won't like him when he's angry. They merely call him a pervert.
  • "The Computer Lab": Roger Harrington gives Banner access to the computer lab in exchange for pizza.
  • "Bruce and Stanley": Banner talks with Stanley Lieber about how Culver University had deleted all records of his and Betty Ross' work. The two are interrupted by Ross and Leonard Samson entering the parlor.
  • "Bruce and Betty Talk": Banner and Ross talk about Sterns' impressive knowledge. Ross then reveals she has a flash drive containing info on their work together. Banner is ecstatic and makes sure Thaddeus does not know of this flash drive.
  • "The Orchid": Banner marvels at Ross being able to grow the orchid. The two are interrupted by Samson.
  • "Ross and Blonsky Conspire": In an extended version of Thaddeus Ross informing Blonsky of the Super Soldier Serum, Ross and Blonsky talk about Banner and how he is "data".
  • "Dinner with Bruce": Banner, Ross and Samson have dinner and Samson retells how he met Ross. Banner then starts crying, saying how it had been a long time since he saw the light. Ross reassures Banner that he is safe.
  • "Betty and Leonard": Ross enters the bedroom and sees Samson sitting down. The two silently approach each other and hug.
  • "Bruce and Leonard":

    Leonard Samson and Bruce Banner

    Being unable to sleep, Banner leaves his room and finds Samson in front of the fireplace. Banner and Samson discuss Betty. Samson probes Banner about his mysterious anger problem.
    • Part of this scene appeared in the film's trailer.
  • "Motel Room Conversation": Having remembered he cannot have sex, Banner lays down with Ross. The two talk about his powers.
  • "Pawn Shop": Banner and Ross go to a pawn shop to sell her necklace.
  • "On the Hulk Hunt": Sparr remainds the troops not to engage Banner because he does not hulk out unless threatened. This leads to an argument between Ross and an unhinged Blonsky.
  • "Ross and Sparr": Ross and Sparr argue about the apprehension of Banner as Sparr says they need to keep his under, but Ross tells her to try and stick a needle in a man who does not want it. Ross then tells her to interrogate Samuel Sterns. Thaddeus then has an extended version of a domestic argument with Betty.
  • "Leonard Calls Betty": Samson calls Betty Ross and gives an emotional apology for ratting Banner out to the military. She forgives him, but states that she does not want to come home yet.

Discarded Concepts[]

Iron Man 2[]

  • "Alternate Opening": In an alternate opening, Tony Stark vomits uncontrollably due to his Palladium poisoning. He tries to get out of doing the air jump for the opening of the Stark Expo, but Pepper Potts convinces him. When Stark asks for a kiss before the jump, Potts kisses his helmet and throws it out of the plane, encouraging him to catch it. Stark then jumps out of the plane.
    • Part of this scene appeared in the film's trailer.
  • "Coulson at the Senate": During Justin Hammer's testimony at the Senate committee, Potts sees Phil Coulson in attendance and speaks with him. She asks if he can help with Stark's situation, but Coulson states he can't. Potts leaves to get Stark's lunch for the ride home while Hammer begins speaking about his nephew's idolization of Iron Man.
  • "The Sub-Orbital Jet": During a sub-orbital flight home from the Senate committee, Stark and James Rhodes argue about Rhodes' appearance before the panel and work with Hammer Industries. Potts tries to get Stark to pay attention to a list of tasks and suggests canceling their trip to Monaco. Stark and Potts argue about his birthday plans.
  • "Tony's Workshop": In an extended scene of Stark's workshop, he tries his 486th combination of elements from a holographic periodic table as a substitute for the palladium. As Stark changes his Arc Reactor's core, the simulation fails. Potts then arrives to confront him over donating his modern art collection to the Boy Scouts, during which Stark attempts to distract her by throwing a nanoball at her.
  • "Natalie Wears the Gauntlet":
    Natasha Romanoff & Tony Stark

    Natalie Rushman and Tony Stark

    At his birthday party, Stark holds Rushman close as he flirts with and shows her how to fire a repulsor beam from his Mark VI armored glove. Rushman successfully destroys an ice sculpture of Iron Man. Potts arrives with Stark's present and is hurt by his behavior. As she leaves, Stark and Rushman prepare to drink shots.
    • Part of this scene appeared in the film's trailer.
  • "Flying Party Girl": A drunk Stark lets Rebeca hover above him with the Iron Man repulsors during his birthday party. Rhodes orders his friend to stop showing off his suit, and Stark reluctantly tells Rebeca to shut down the repulsor's engines, causing her to land on his shoulders.
  • "Mark II Security": Rhodes presents the Mark II armor to a group of soldiers led by Major Julius Allen and orders that any modifications to the suit be authorized by him first, since he's the only person other than Stark who knows how to use it. A technician gets electrocuted while trying to get Rhodes out of the armor due to its security protocols.
  • "Element Rediscovered": In an extended scene of Stark discovering his new element, Stark places the hologram in a model of the armor and tells J.A.R.V.I.S. to retrieve information from the Oracle grid on Projects P.E.G.A.S.U.S., E.X.O.D.U.S., and G.O.L.I.A.T.H., among others. J.A.R.V.I.S. says he will run simulations. Stark says that he knows it will work.
  • "Whiplash Attacks Pepper at The Expo":

    Pepper Potts is held hostage

    An alternate ending to the final battle in which Vanko returns to the Expo and ambushes Potts, wrapping his whip around her throat. Iron Man arrives and quietly tells War Machine to fire the Ex-Wife Missile at his signal. After Stark steps out of his suit, Vanko wraps his other whip around Stark, threatening to kill both him and Potts. Potts manages to take out a nanoball from her purse and throw it to Stark, allowing him to disable the whip and attack Vanko, freeing her. Stark returns to his suit and flies Potts away as War Machine arrives and kills Vanko with the missile.
  • An extended version of Potts' interview with Christiane Amanpour on CNN from Tony Stark's Mansion takes place before Rhodes arrives. After Rhodes confronts Stark in his workshop about the Duel of Monaco and helps change his palladium core, Stark seemingly agrees to give a statement that Iron Man is willing to cooperate with the military. Upstairs as Potts is preparing with Amanpour for his statement, Stark instead converses with Natalie Rushman on the details of his upcoming birthday party, much to Rhodes' annoyance. Stark then impulsively interrupts Potts' call and issues a live statement outside the mansion to a CNN newscopter, declaring that Iron Man is back and Ivan Vanko is dead, much to Potts and Rhodes' aggravation. Amanpour then asks on CNN how Iron Man can still protect the people.[citation needed]
  • An alternative scene of Howard Stark's message to Stark features him holding his sleeping son while talking to him and additional dialogue, ending with Howard telling Stark he loves him.[citation needed]

Bonus Extras[]

Discarded Concepts[]


  • "Thor and Loki Before the Coronation": Thor and Loki share a friendly moment before Thor's coronation. Loki jokingly turns the wine into snakes, scaring a servant.
  • "Warriors Three and Sif Turn Over Their Weapons": Volstagg prepares and finds food in his beard, which he promptly eats. Hogun readies his blade and Fandral looks at himself in the mirror while surrounded by women. Sif hands over her weapons before arriving at the pre-coronation party where her and the Warriors Three talk.
  • "Thor and Frigga": Frigga speaks to Thor before the coronation, she knows he is nervous despite Thor claiming that is false.
  • "Rah Rah": In an extended scene of Thor, Loki, Sif and the Warriors Three deciding to go to Jotunheim, the group pick up their weapons and discuss how to get passed Heimdall. Meanwhile, Loki tells an Einherjar guard their plan.
  • "Loki and Heimdall": Preparing to go to Jotunheim, Thor, Loki, Sif and the Warriors Three approach Heimdall, who knows exactly what they want to do and cautions them against it. Loki and Heimdall have a bit of banter before Thor walks past Heimdall, leading the way.
    • A joke made in the deleted scene "Rah Rah" is followed up in this scene.
  • "Hospital": In an extended scene of Thor in the hospital, the doctors bring an unconscious Thor in on a gurney while a doctor checks his pulse.
  • "Frigga Confronts Odin":
    Frigga and Odin Deleted Scene still

    Frigga confronts Odin

    Frigga, angered by his decision to banish Thor from Asgard, confronts Odin and even raises her voice to the All-Father.
  • "Loki is Made King": Frigga tries to reassure Loki that he is loved and an integral part of the family, even going as far as making Loki king in his father's sleep and brother's absence.
  • "Selvig Sings with Thor": At the bar, Erik Selvig drinks from his glass then smashes it on the ground, yelling "another!" while mimicking Thor. Later, Thor amuses the drunk Selvig as they walk down the street. When Selvig collapses, Thor carries him to Jane Foster's caravan.
  • "Warriors 3 and Sif Arrive": In an extended and alternate scene of the Warriors Three arriving on Earth, Thor makes breakfast for his human friends; meanwhile, Agents Cale and Garrett watch from a distance and report the occurrence. Then Thor takes one of Foster's coffee mugs to Isabela Alvarez to replace the one he broke. Sif and the Warriors Three arrive on Earth and head to Puente Antiguo. Meanwhile, Phil Coulson sees the readings of the Bifrost Bridge and goes to investigate. Loki is notified of the warriors disappearance. While walking through town, Garrett goes to call in reports of the warriors only to be knocked out by Volstagg.
  • "Asgardians at Smith Motors": In an alternate scene of Sif and the Warriors Three arriving at Smith Motors, Volstagg introduces himself and has a talk with Foster about his legacy on Earth.
  • "Darcy's Dog": During the Battle of Puente Antiguo, Darcy Lewis finds a stray dog and names it Baker, but is forced to turn the dog over to a fleeing townman forits protection.
  • "Selvig is Saved by Thor": While the Warriors Three and Sif battle the Destroyer in Puente Antiguo, Selvig is mortally injured by a shard of glass. Thor comes to his rescue and uses a healing stone, which works.
  • "Smith Motors Ending": While Foster and Lewis send a beacon of light into the sky for Thor, Selvig works with a team of scientists hoping to create a Wormhole. He tells his team to coordinate S.H.I.E.L.D. data with data from S.W.O.R.D.
  • The name Doctor Hank Pym is mentioned as Selvig's colleague who had previous experiences with S.H.I.E.L.D.[citation needed]

Discarded Concepts[]

Captain America: The First Avenger[]

  • "Attack in Norway": In an extended scene of the Attack in Norway, Jan prepares for the invasion with Erik, but is told to get to the Castle Rock Tower. Just then, a tank plows through, killing Erik as Jan runs to the tower.
  • "The Battle at Azzano":

    Bucky in Azzano

    Bucky Barnes battles German soldiers at Azzano until he witnesses HYDRA use Tesseract weapons. Dum Dum Dugan uses a Thompson submachine gun on German troops. HYDRA's abandonment of the Nazi cause is shown more elaborately when a HYDRA Tank fires upon German troops before it captures the Howling Commandos.
  • "Steve Rogers Gets His Medal": In an extended scene of Steve Rogers looking over HYDRA maps, he is approached by Chester Phillips who hands him his medal of honor and applauds him for embarassing the government by not showing up to the ceremony. They then talk with Howard Stark about the weapons Rogers had found.
  • "Steve Rogers Meets Nick Fury": In an extended scene of Rogers waking up in 2011, he learns that his country won the war from Nick Fury.

The Avengers[]

  • "Alternate Opening - Maria Hill Interrogated by The World Security Council":

    Maria Hill

    Maria Hill is interrogated by the World Security Council about the Battle of New York and is very critical of Nick Fury's role in the ordeal, saying it all could have been avoided. She starts talking about the worst mistake made, but her mind wanders.
  • "Steve Rogers - A Man Out of Time:
    Stan Lee Avengers Cameo2

    The diner patron

    Steve Rogers watches a World War II documentary on a laptop. He then looks at a file that includes the status of Peggy Carter and the Howling Commandos. In that file, Bucky Barnes is listed as "Missing in Action." Peggy is still alive, with her address and telephone number on her file, but Rogers decides not to call her. He later walks through the city, bewildered by this new modern world that he is now in, and eats at a diner and speaks to a waitress, Beth. A patron urges Rogers ask Beth out. Later, Rogers takes a monorail train to the gym and starts beating up punching bags in his frustration.
  • "Loki And Clint Barton Strategize": In an extended scene of Loki talking to his new allies of Clint Barton and Erik Selvig, Loki questions Barton's allegiance as he failed to kill Fury. Barton claims he was using a gun, which he is not as good at. Loki asks Barton for information on the Avengers Initiative.
  • "Fury & The World Security Council": Fury is given a talking to by the council, who are mad he did not tell them about Barton being compromised.
  • "Fury & Hill Discuss The World Security Council": Fury asks Hill if she had told the council that Barton was compromised. Hill asks if that was not procedure, this makes Fury worried that she was telling the council their secrets.
  • "Bruce Banner And the Security Guard": In an extended scene of Bruce Banner crashing in New Jersey, he has a talk with the security guard, who offers him his scooter. Banner admits he is unsure which way to go, but the guard tells him his mind is already made up.
  • "Captain America Saves Family": Rogers saves a family trapped in their car from Chitauri forces.
  • "Black Widow & Hawkeye Viaduct Fight": In an extended and alternate scene of the Battle of New York on the ground, Black Widow and Hawkeye fight many Chitauri together until Captain America shows up to help. Eventually, Thor does as well.
  • "Alternate Ending: Maria Hill Interrogated by The World Security Council": Hill continues her interrogation, saying that the worst mistakle made was that the World Security Council thought the Avengers were a threat and Hill saw them as a joke. However, Fury had faith in them. She then decides to back Fury, saying that S.H.I.E.L.D. had recorded their decision to nuke New York City, so if they ever try to go after him, they will release the information. Hill then talks to Fury about her interrogation as they talk about Hill's criticizing of Fury was just an act.
  • In an extended conversation between Loki and Other, they talk about the Chitauri.
  • In an alternate scene of Hulk's rampage through the Helicarrier, Romanoff hides from Banner, only to soon be found.
  • Other's telepathic connection interrupts Loki midflight during the Battle of New York, causing him to rear back and grimace in pain. Other expresses frustration at the progress of the battle, asking if this is the small resistance Loki promised. Loki says the Chitauri lack finesse, and the Other tells him to use the Scepter. Loki realizes he left it behind on Stark Tower.
  • Thor attacks the Tesseract portal to try to close it but fails.
  • Rogers hands Officer Saunders a Chitauri Gun which he uses, finding it is effective. He then tells the other officers about this discovery.
  • Beth walks out into the rubble. She looks around and sees Saunders in the distance. However, Saunders is soon killed before Beth is grabbed herself by a Chitauri.
  • In an extended scene of Rogers saving civilians, Beth is taken with other civilians to a building where they are saved by Rogers. Beth and Rogers make eye contact.

Discarded Concepts[]

Iron Man 3[]

  • "E! Fashion Police Reviews iron Patriot": In an extended scene of Fashion Police, with the latter featuring appearances from Kelly Osbourne and Giuliana Rancic, the group reviews the Iron Patriot makeover, each holding their own opinion.
  • "Real Time with Bill Maher Segment": In an extended scene of Real Time with Bill Maher, Bill Maher reviews Iron Patriot's makeover. He then talks about the horrific Mandarin attacks.
  • "Happy vs. Savin": Being very suspicious of Eric Savin, Happy Hogan confronts him outside Stark Industries, and the two exchange insults.
  • "Let's Make Television":

    Mandarin discusses the recent bombing

    Hearing of the Destruction of the Chinese Theatre, Trevor Slattery talks on the phone with Aldrich Killian, asking to make the incident a theme. He then says to prep the set.
  • "Tony, Harley and E.J.": While recovering from his anxiety attack, Tony Stark encounters Harley Keener's bully, E.J.. Later, while running from Savin during the Battle of Rose Hill, Stark sees E.J. on his all-terrain vehicle. He tries to warn him about the water tower collapsing, but E.J. does not listen and gets caught in the wave. Eric Savin is incapacitated and Mrs. Davis arrives, Keener pulls E.J. from the water. Upon seeing that he is not breathing, Mrs. Davis tries to perform CPR on E.J.. Stark then uses his Arc Reactor to restart E.J.'s heart, nearly killing himself in the process until Keener replaces the Arc Reactor. The group then realizes Savin had escaped.
  • "Gary's Van": In many outtakes of Gary meeting Stark, the former gets very excited and greets him in various ways.
  • "Maya's Sacrifice": Killian shoots Maya Hansen and places an Extremis-injected flowering plant near the stairs to prevent her from trying to escape. Killian then leaves to prepare his next Mandarin broadcast, advising Stark to consider working for A.I.M. for Pepper Potts's sake. Stark tries to comfort Hansen in her last moments as she crawls to her computers despite his warnings. Hansen manages to transfer her Extremis dataset to Stark so he can use it. The flower then explodes and incinerates Hansen while Stark helplessly watches.
  • "Boot & Glove": In an extended and alternate scene of Tony Stark imprisoned by Killian, Stark repeatedly teases the guards while he waits for his armor to arrive.
  • "Trevor's Accents":

    Trevor Slattery performs a Russian accent

    In many outtakes of Stark and Rhodes meeting Slattery, they use Slattery's acting skills to fool a guard. In various takes, Rhodes asks Slattery to perform different accents, which includes Northern Irish, South Central which Slattery does not know, Jamaican, French, Spanish and British, only for Slattery to note that he already was British.
  • "Hey, Is that Thor?": Onboard Air Force One, Savin, in the Iron Patriot Armor, is annoyed by a passenger. He says, "Hey, is that Thor?", then knocks the man out when he is distracted.
  • In the president's situation room, Rhodes orders a team of analysts to keep investigating the Destruction of Tony Stark's Mansion, the aftermath of which is displayed via news coverage on a TV monitor. He is then told by a government agent that the Iron Patriot armor will be ready to fly soon. Looking at the monitor, the agent apologizes for what has happened to Stark, but Rhodes believes that his friend will be fine as "he has died on [him] before". Rhodes then says he is going after him, which is assumed to be Stark, but is really "The Mandarin". Rhodes knows that his friend will be "like a cowboy, not thinking clearly, a sitting duck", out wherever he is and turns to leave. The agent then turns to see a global scanning of the country, with no sign of Stark anywhere.[citation needed]
  • During the Beauty Pageant, Miss Elk Ridge is asked what she would want most of all for Christmas. Miss Elk Ridge says that she just wants everyone to love each other, starting to tear up in the middle of her speech, and the rest of the auditorium does so as well. It is revealed that Stark released tear gas from outside the auditorium, as he is shown talking in a fake western accent on a payphone, explaining to the authorities what has happened. Stark hides the tear gas canister behind the door as everyone runs out of the auditorium.[citation needed]

Chinese Version[]

  • Several extended scenes were shown in the Chinese version of the movie:
    • There is longer dialogue between Dr. Wu, Tony Stark and Ho Yinsen at the party and an alternate take when Stark leaves.
    • A new scene where J.A.R.V.I.S. and Dr. Wu talk on the phone about Stark.
    • Dr. Wu is assisted by Wu Jiaqi in removing shrapnel from Stark's chest.

Discarded Concepts[]

Thor: The Dark World[]

  • "Extended Vanaheim Scene": In an extended scene of the Battle of Vanaheim, Fandral and Hogun fight in the forest and see the Kronan Stone Man emerge. They then run back to the main battle as Thor arrives.
  • "Extended Celebration Scene": In an extended scene of the dinner party, Volstagg brags about his exploits while he plays with his family.
  • "Dark Elves Prepare for Battle": Malekith learns that the Aether is been taken into Asgard. He informs Algrim to prepare for battle.
  • "Jane Wakes Up in Asgard": Foster wakes up in Asgard and talks with Thor. She sees children playing with a Magnetic-Propulsion Ball, and takes it, but ultimately returns it.
  • "Loki's Coronation":

    Loki's fantasy

    Loki fantasizes of being crowned and ruling Asgard while holding MjĂžlnir, even casting an illusion of him doing just that, but his mother interrupts him telling him that he could not distinguish between reality and illusion.
  • "Thor and Frigga Discuss Loki": Thor walks in on Frigga using her illusory skills to talk to Loki in prison. He discusses Loki with her.
  • "Jane Learns About the Aether": Foster learns about the Aether. She talks with Thor about his mother's death until they are interrupted by Tyr, who takes Foster under Odin's orders. He is challenged by Thor, but Foster surrenders.
  • "Loki: The First Avenger": In an alternate scene of Thor and Loki walking in the hall, Loki dons Captain America's Uniform himself instead of fully transforming into Steve Rogers.
  • "Thor Battles the Einherjar": Thor fights a group of Asgardian guards, but refuses to kill any of them. He then stops Loki from killing them as well.
  • Extended dialogue during Jane's date with Richard. She talks about her relationship with Thor and he talks about his break up with his cheating girlfriend.[citation needed]
  • Odin shows Jane and Thor the book about the dark elves, including Asgardians scientists working.[citation needed]
  • In an alternate version of Frigga's death scene, Odin allows Malekith to kill Frigga as he is unwilling to give up the Aether. Frigga begs Odin to kill Malekith and his army, knowing he has the power to do so but he chooses otherwise and she is killed.[citation needed]
  • A news presenter gives a report in the weird happenings in London, including flocks of birds going missing only to reappear somewhere else.[citation needed]

Discarded Concepts[]

  • Hela was initially conceived as the main villain.[24]
  • Valkyrie was originally planned to be introduced in this film, but her appearance was ultimately scrapped. Concept artist Josh Nizzi drew some concept art for Valkyrie.[25]
  • Balder the Brave was also considered to appear in the film at one point.[14]

Captain America: The Winter Soldier[]

  • "In Pursuit of Captain America": A S.H.I.E.L.D. agent informs Alexander Pierce that they found Steve Rogers at an indoor basketball court. A group of armed S.H.I.E.L.D. agents rush in to find a bag containing Captain America's Uniform.
  • "Hill and Sitwell Talk Loyalty":

    Maria Hill receiving her orders

    Jasper Sitwell and Maria Hill discuss Rogers and Natasha Romanoff working together while on the run from S.H.I.E.L.D. Sitwell gives Hill orders from Pierce to go to New York after Nick Fury's funeral, saying Pierce believes that her connection to Rogers is a liability.
  • "Nick Fury's Circle": Romanoff and Fury discuss him not letting her know that he faked his death. Fury gives Romanoff the Photostatic Veil calibrated by Hill to Councilwoman Hawley's appearance.
  • "Widow Reveals Her Past": As Pierce is held at gunpoint, he asks Black Widow if she is really ready for her past to be exposed like she is doing to HYDRA and S.H.I.E.L.D. He mentions Budapest, Osaka, and the Children's Ward, to which Romanoff flinches, before continuing the upload.
  • In an extended television interview with Peggy Carter. The interviewer asks her about Project Rebirth, and her own personal relationship with Captain America. About the latter, Carter remarks that “he treated me like a person, which I very much appreciated,” and that she was the last person to speak to Rogers before his plane went down — which ends with her in tears.

International Versions[]

  • Cap List Full

    Steve Rogers' To-Do List

    Depending on the viewer's country, the To-Do List Steve Rogers creates to research what he missed as he slept changes (e.g., the Australian list is different from the American list).

Trailer Only[]

  • At the end of the movie, Sam Wilson asks Rogers, "When do we start?" Rogers replies, "We just did." The finished film cuts to credits before Rogers' response.

Discarded Concepts[]

Guardians of the Galaxy[]

  • "Sisterly Love": Gamora and Nebula demonstrate their sibling rivalry by fighting and talking simultaneously, with Gamora emphasizing why she was Ronan the Accuser's first choice above her sister. She then boards a ship full of Sakaarans and kills them.
  • "No, I'm the Stupid One": Rocket relays his plan of apprehending outlaws on Xandar to Groot, who is merely distracted by a bug. Rocket remarks how he is the idiot for partnering with a tree.
  • "The Kyln Will Have to Do": Denarian Garthan Saal and Corpsman Rhomann Dey argue over where to send the Guardians of the Galaxy with Saal deciding on the Kyln. They also try to fix a malfunctioning light on Dey's armor.
  • "Dancing Guard": In an extended scene before Gamora gets kidnapped, the Mean Guard dances around the Kyln as he listens to "Magic" by Pilot on Peter Quill's walkman.
  • "Fake Laugh": In an extended and alternate scene of Rocket's fake laugh, there is a quick vote over whether it can be considered real, to which he retaliates by stating that Star-Lord's plan is not. Gamora agrees that it is not even a concept.
  • After arriving on Xandar, Star-Lord flirts with Ti Asha Ra.
  • A montage set to the song "Livin' Thing" by Electric Light Orchestra set after the Guardians escape from the Kyln and before they go to Knowhere. Star-Lord and Gamora are both changing their outfits until Star-Lord makes a suggestive look at her.
  • Groot has his "Last Supper" at the Boot of Jemiah along Drax, Rocket and many other aliens included the Monstrous Inmate.
  • A drunk Drax explains his tattoos and what they represent to Rocket and Groot at the Boot of Jemiah. They get into an emotional argument about mourning the loss of family.
  • Rocket, Drax, and Groot gamble with a weird alien that has a mouth where his eyes should be.
  • The Guardians of the Galaxy are helped by the people of Xandar after their battle with Ronan, including Broker.
  • Nebula is shown surviving the battle in Xandar, walking away with a one-armed limp. There is also a quick cut to Jason Quill holding a picture of his daughter and grandson while looking up at the sky on the night he disappeared.

Unreleased Scenes[]

Discarded Concepts[]

Avengers: Age of Ultron[]

  • "The Man in the Church": Pietro Maximoff is distributing stolen food, clothes, and medicine to the people of Sokovia, also gifting Zrinka an expensive dress from Paris and a toy for her brother, Costel. Wanda Maximoff warns her brother that stealing is dangerous, as he can still be shot despite his powers. Pietro counters by wondering why Wanda didn't kill Tony Stark when she had the chance. Costel then approaches and tells the twins that "Iron Man" is waiting for them at the church, to which Wanda and Pietro are confused.
  • "Watch Your Six":

    James Rhodes updating Natasha Romanoff

    Maria Hill and Captain America discuss Ultron killing von Strucker. James Rhodes contacts Black Widow and Stark about Ultron hacking into nuclear weapons programs around the world. He is being deployed to the Middle East to help keep the peace. Stark sends Rhodes a patch to keep Ultron from hacking into the War Machine Armor. Thor attempts to contact Heimdall but gets no response.
  • "Bruce and Natasha Talk": In an extended scene of Banner and Romanoff's conversation at Clint Barton's Homestead, Romanoff suggests running away together. Banner asks what of the people who are going to die, and Romanoff responds that they are already dead. Banner tells her they are not to him.
  • "The Norn Cave":
    Avengers age-of-ultron screen18

    A Norn

    In an alternate scene of Thor and Erik Selvig at the Water of Sight, they are greeted by a Norn who possesses Thor for sustenance and answers Selvig's questions through him. The Norn tells Selvig that Ultron has the Mind Stone, one of the six Infinity Stones.
  • Baron Strucker is in his jail cell when he hears someone break in. Initially believing it to be HYDRA or the Maximoffs, he is instead confronted by an off-screen Ultron.
  • Stark and Banner examine the Ultron Program. Banner talks about how they told Ultron to solve the world.
  • A bustling African village is torn apart by Hulk while he is on his Wanda Maximoff-induced rampage. A little girl is trying to recover her ball and stumbles across him.
  • In an extended scene of the Battle of Seoul, Rogers is flung abck and lands on a car where he says hello to the driver, asking if they speak English. He then asks them to speed up to catch up to Ultron's truck.
  • In an extended and alternate scene of the birth of the Vision, Vision has an extended fight scene with Thor and the other Avengers.
  • Captain America and the Avengers land in Sokovia and see some graffiti deriding Captain America a fascist. This motivates Rogers to not wear his helmet in the Battle of Sokovia.
  • Captain America gathers Scarlet Witch, Black Widow and Hawkeye to battle the Ultron Sentries. Black Widow makes a remark about Scarlet Witch wearing her jacket. The latter suggests that they try to get civilians out of the city before it rises too high. Quicksilver runs up with a dismembered sentry arm, ready to fight, and the characters take off into the battle.
  • Quicksilver runs through a neighborhood of Sokovian balconies, urging civilians to get to safety. He stops to flirt with a girl, asking "Maybe I see you after?"

Unreleased Scenes[]

  • Tom Hiddleston shot a cameo as Loki in Thor's dream sequence. Joss Whedon revealed, "We even had a little reference to the fact that he’s taken the throne, which was Tom doing his Anthony Hopkins impression when Thor says, 'Oh, what would father say?' Then Tom does his Hopkins impression, and Thor’s like, 'That is uncanny!' It’s sort of like his subconscious is telling him that Loki was imitating his father. But he would never make that connection."[32]
  • A scene was shot of Quicksilver surviving his wounds as well as footage of him in a new costume at the Avengers Compound, in case Disney overruled Whedon's decision to kill him off.[32]

Discarded Concepts[]


  • "Hank Vaults the Suit": Hank Pym stores the Ant-Man Suit in his vault after he resigns from S.H.I.E.L.D..
  • "The Future of Pym Particles":
    Ant-Man 10 Rings 2

    HYDRA Buyer

    In an extended and alternate scene of Darren Cross' presentation of the Pym Particles, he shows them shrunken-down structures such as a cube of shipping containers and a waste dump, as well as a biotech-generated eye. One of the buyers is shown to be a member of the Ten Rings, their emblem tattooed on his neck.
  • "Scott and Cassie": At Cassie Lang's birthday party, Scott Lang sits with her on the couch. She asks if her father could visit her more, and he says that it is complicated. They both say that they will miss each other and Scott says "I Love You" in the voice of the toy rabbit that he gave her. Cassie laughs and Scott tells her that she is not supposed to laugh; Jim Paxton arrives, coughing a signal for him to leave.
  • "Fixing the Cable":
    Screenshot 7502

    Hank Pym acting old and feeble in order to trick Scott Lang

    Lang pretends to fix Pym's cable so as to disable his cameras in order to break into his house undetected. While fixing the cable, Pym drops some major hints that he set up the break-in, and Lang also sees a photo of Pym in the military and the tank key chain.
  • "Quibit Defense Matrix": Hope van Dyne argues with Pym that she could be taught Lang's knowledge of theft. Pym talks about how Lang is very skilled and undoubtetly is unaware what he actually is doing.
  • "Paxton and Gale": Paxton and Gale argue about how Lang could have escaped prison. They then go searching for him.
  • "The History of Ant-Man": Pym shows Lang more backstory on Ant-Man, including footage of one of his early missions and details on Cross and Mitchell Carson.
  • "Wish Fulfillment": Luis, Kurt Goreshter and Dave go to a casino and use Ant-Man to move the dice in order to win. They come home with tons of money and dance together.
  • Cross says that he is the future of war during his presentation of the Yellowjacket Suit.[citation needed]
  • When trying on the Ant-Man Suit, Lang tries many poses in the shower, such as one of C-3PO.[citation needed]
  • After landing on the taxi, Lang tries to steal a diamond from a pawn shop, only to be completely mauled by carpenter ants. After this experience, Lang decides he has had enough of being the size of an insect and returns the tech to the Pym Residence.[citation needed]
  • Pym says that Cross and the government with him are at the top of their game with regards to the Yellowjacket Suit.[citation needed]
  • van Dyne tells Lang that he must learn to harness the power of the Ant-Man Suit.[citation needed]
  • van Dyne says that they "are all in this for reasons bigger than any one of us" with regards to the Infiltration into Pym Technologies Headquarters heist.[citation needed]
  • When encountering Falcon, Ant-Man proclaims that Iron Man was already taken as a possible name. He also makes a comment on saving the world, telling Falcon "you know how that is".[citation needed]
  • Luis enthusiastically yells, "Kool bro!" when seeing Scott Lang show off his powers for the first time. Lang says, "Good, right?"[citation needed]
  • van Dyne scuffs away from her coffee cup and sarcastically asks what could possibly go wrong with regards to their final Infiltration into Pym Technologies Headquarters plans.[citation needed]
  • Luis whistles a different tune during his role as a security guard in the Infiltration into Pym Technologies Headquarters.[citation needed]
  • In an alternate extension of the Infiltration into Pym Technologies Headquarters scene, Carson is shown on the ground outside of Pym Technologies having escaped with the Cross Particles, but dies when he gets sucked into the building's implosion.[citation needed]
  • Lang says that it was "a lot scarier a second ago" during the Duel at Jim Paxton's House.[citation needed]
  • As a post-credits scene, Lang apprehends HYDRA operative Carson and retrieves the Pym Particles created by Cross. This was replaced with a scene from Captain America: Civil War.[citation needed]

Trailer Only[]

  • Scott Lang asks if they can change the name of his the superhero mantle "Ant-Man", to which Hank Pym says that they cannot. Lang admits that the idea sounded ridiculous after he said it.

Unreleased Scenes[]

  • In the 1980s, the original Ant-Man, Hank Pym, steals a microfilm from Castillo.[37]
    • Footage from this sequence appears during the captured Ant-Man footage displayed by Darren Cross before he presents the Yellowjacket Suit, as well as on a deleted scene where Pym explains the history of Ant-Man to Scott Lang.
  • Lang stops by a convenience store to purchase a lotto ticket while the clerk looks at him disapprovingly, implying that Lang does this on a regular basis and always never wins.[38]
  • The original cut featured an appearance from President Matthew Ellis.[39]

Discarded Concepts[]

  • Arnim Zola was at one point supposed to appear in the film. Concept art suggests he downloaded a copy of his artificial intelligence to an android body akin to his comics appearance, but his appearance was ultimately scrapped.[40]

Captain America: Civil War[]

  • "I'm Not Here to Bid":

    Helmut Zemo steals the book from an auction

    While at an auction for the Winter Soldier Book, Helmut Zemo is called out, but Zemo explains he is not there to bid. He then puts on a gas mask and waits as gas fills the room, knocking out everyone. Zemo then steals the book.
  • "Extended Peggy's Funeral": In an extended scene of Peggy Carter's funeral, the pallbearers to carry the coffin. Sharon Carter gives a eulogy about her relationship with her great-aunt. Steve Rogers and Natasha Romanoff then briefly talk. Romanoff explains that when S.H.I.E.L.D. fell, she went back to Russia and tried to find her parents. Rogers then has lunch with Sam Wilson where they joke about his dishonorable discharge. On the way back, Rogers talks with Carter.
  • "Zemo Meets Doctor Broussard": Zemo is waiting at a train station, listening to the voicemail message of his wife again. He meets with Doctor Theo Broussard, a psychiatrist hired by the Joint Counter Terrorist Centre.
  • "You Are Not Used to the Truth":

    T'Challa speaking with Natasha Romanoff

    At Joint Counter Terrorist Centre Building, T'Challa is interrogated by Romanoff, who tells him that his actions in pursuing the Winter Soldier have put him under the jurisdictions of the Sokovia Accords. T'Challa remarks that he and his prisoner have a plane to catch, with Everett Ross interrupting the conversation and revealing that Barnes will be extradited to Wakanda.
  • "Gotta Get Me One of Those": During the Battle at Leipzig-Halle Airport, Romanoff watches the fight in concern. As Captain America flees from War Machine, Barnes fends him off with the former's shield, which is then returned to Captain America by Falcon. As they run, Barnes remarks he wants a similar weapon.


  • In unfilmed storyboards, Black Widow briefly fights Captain America and knows he will not stop. When Rogers confirms this, she curses him out and they fight some more. Rogers then asks if she has her gear. When Romanoff says she does, he throws her off the ledge. She uses her grappling hook to safely land on the ground.

Discarded Concepts[]

Doctor Strange[]

  • "Lost in Kathmandu": Stephen Strange treats a dog's broken leg in Kathmandu before being mugged.
  • "The Kamar-Taj Courtyard": In an extended scene of Strange's voyage to Kathmandu, Strange is found by Karl Mordo and brought to Kamar-Taj where they walk through the courtyard and to the Ancient One.
  • Kaecilius Searches for Answers": In a church, Kaecilius talks with the priest and the two butt heads over the Bible as Kaecilius claims it makes false promises about eternal life. He then kills the priest to prove his claim.
  • "Making Contact":
    DS First Ritual 4

    Kaecilius gains some power from Dormammu

    During the first ritual to draw power from the Dark Dimension, one of the Zealots fails, proving his faith not to be as strong as the others and Kaecilius executes him.
  • "Strange Meets Daniel Drumm": In an extended and alternate scene of the Summoning of Dormammu, Strange finds himself in the New York Sanctum and looks around before finding Daniel Drumm. The Master knows what has happened as he saw it in the Astral Plane. He tells Strange to stay out of it as he was no match for what was to come.
  • "Alternate Ending": Wong finally bests Stephen Strange at trivia but Strange manages to get another laugh from Wong.

Unreleased Scenes[]

Discarded Concepts[]

Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2[]

  • "Memorial to the War on Xandar": Ego shows the Guardians of the Galaxy and Mantis a monument of Peter Quill single-handedly saving the universe during the Battle of Xandar. Quill loves it, saying that's exactly how it happened much to Gamora's annoyance. Groot is shown to be nothing more than a blob with a face while Drax is depicted as a small chimp-like creature causing Drax to assume he actually looked like that at the time and cannot work out how he did not notice.
  • "Mantis and Drax Feel the Sadness Extended": In an extended scene of Mantis and Drax on Ego's Planet, they continue to bond after she becomes proud of being ugly. Mantis states sympathy for the fact that Gamora cannot trust anyone. Mantis uses her powers on Drax so that she may feel his sadness, but she also experiences the love and care he feels for his team.
  • "Kraglin and Quill Talk Tunes":
    Kraglin Quill Zune deleted scene

    Star-Lord and his new Zune

    Kraglin Obfonteri helps Star-Lord figure out how to work his new Zune and the two talk about music.
  • "Adolescent Groot Extended": In an extended scene of outtakes of adolescent Groot, Quill repeatedly defends himself to Groot, who teases Quill about being boring.

Bonus Extras[]

Discarded Concepts[]

  • Adam Warlock was originally a major character in the film's story. James Gunn later scrapped the character when he realized that the film was already full of characters. Warlock was then relegated to a post-credits tease.[50]

Spider-Man: Homecoming[]

  • "A Film By Peter Parker": Extended footage of Peter Parker's blog during his trip to Berlin, including scenes of him bringing his homework to Berlin, discovering he has a television in his bathroom, and also one after the battle where he, as Spider-Man, goes to a Berlin nightclub and hangs out with the other party-goers, allowing a few of the girls an opportunity to be swung from his webs. Parker also inadvertently ends up saving the chancellor and is dubbed "Der Erstaunliche Klebrige Junge"[51] by the German media.
  • "Return from ATM": Having had his backpack and his clothes stolen, Spider-Man runs home with the cover of darkness. At the same time, the man that Parker thought was a carjacker is still stuck to his car, struggling to be freed. The man's neighbor informs him that the fire department have dealt with Spider-Man's webs before, and their advice is to let it dissolve with time.
  • "Cafeteria": Parker explains to the other academic decathlon members that he has no choice but to drop out of the team, claiming that Flash Thompson would be a suitable replacement. The other members disagree and briefly heckle Parker by throwing some food at him. Parker then has a conversation with Liz Toomes, who fails to convince him to come with the team to Nationals.
  • "Triskelion Cleanup":
    Ned, Michelle & Peter (Deleted Scene)

    Peter Parker, Michelle Jones, and Ned Leeds look at the Triskelion

    Parker speaks with Happy Hogan on the phone during his trip to Washington, D.C.. Parker and Ned Leeds react to the Department of Damage Control's presence around the Triskelion. Michelle Jones explains they're still cleaning up after Captain America destroyed the Helicarriers and the trio briefly discuss their thoughts on the battle.
  • "Anxious Toomes": Adrian Toomes is shown in his warehouse, sulking over his inability to gather new materials as Spider-Man has interfered with his business. Liz calls him to ask about the noise the water heater is making, and Toomes assures her that he will fix it when he comes home. Toomes hangs up and throws down a shelf on the floor in frustration.
  • "Go It Alone": Parker tells Leeds that he has to continue stopping Vulture even without Tony Stark's Spider-Man Suit, adding that he has been practicing with his homemade variation. Leeds offers to help, but Parker rebukes him, stating that the "guy in the chair" position is not a real thing. Parker and Leeds then do their secret handshake while Leeds offers Parker the best of luck on his mission, with Parker returning the sentiment towards Leeds on his upcoming quiz.
  • "Happy Calls His Mom": Having loaded the Stark Cargo Plane, Hogan calls his mother to gloat that he finally pulled off something for Stark without a hitch. However, he notices the cargo plane smoking and plummeting in the distance, and tells his mother that he will call her back later. When he ends the call, Hogan calls Stark Industries and asks to speak with Stark.
  • "Aaron Still Stuck": Aaron Davis is still stuck to his car in the parking garage, unable to free himself. He drops his car keys to the ground and is unable to pick them up, or convince a bystander to help him. After a while, Davis calls his nephew, Miles Morales, and apologizes for not being able to make it to a prior engagement.
  • "Midtown Final Segment": On Midtown News, Betty Brant and Jason Ionello report that Herman Schultz was found webbed to a school bus by students after the homecoming dance had ended, with various students taking selfies and pictures with the assailant. Morita, the principal, makes a special announcement where he warns the students to delete the images from all of their social media accounts, lest they be wary of the consequences. It is also revealed that Shocker's Gauntlet was retrieved by Tiny McKeever, who is seen wearing it during the news footage. Along with other school topics, Brant and Ionello do a segment on who Spider-Man might be under his mask, and interview Roger Harrington, Leeds and Jones. Harrington is unaware, Jones states that she is not sure but has her suspicions and Ned declares that the identity of Spider-Man is a mystery no one will ever know.
  • "Mr. Harrington in Love": A segment called "Mr. Harrington In Love" is shown, with Harrington speaking with the students on the bus, Andre Wilson, as well as the tour guide at the Washington Monument about his ex-wife, Tabitha.

Bonus Extras[]

  • Rappin' with Cap: In extended versions of Rappin' with Cap, Captain America is asked to do many other videos like "Safety First", "Food for Thought", "Your Changing Body" and "Brain Power".

Discarded Concepts[]

Thor: Ragnarok[]

  • "The God of Thunder and The Sorcerer Supreme": In an alternate and extended scene of Thor and Doctor Strange, Thor is given a key and looks for Loki. Thor arrives near some portable toilets and when he goes to one, a construction worker comes out of a toilet portable. Thor sees the toilet button transform into a lock and uses the key to open the door. When he opens it, an annoyed Loki remarks, "Took you long enough", to which Thor responds. "I had to pick up the key". Loki replies, "No one else needed a key" and Thor laughs.
  • "Thor Meets Grandmaster": In an extended and alternate scene of Thor arriving on Sakaar, Grandmaster fights a bat-like creature that is disturbing him. He then executes Carlo, who admits to gambling.
  • "Execution Interrupted": In a gag scene of Executioner's killing of a woman, Yondu Udonta appears, sees the place, and asks if any of those who knew where Kevin Feige and Louis D'Esposito's office was.
  • "Stupid Avenger vs. Tiny Avenger": In an extended scene of Thor and Hulk in captivity, Hulk wakes up from a bad dream. He and Thor then argue about their differences.
  • "Hulk Chases Thor Through Sakaar": While chasing Thor in order to stop him from leaving Sakaar, Hulk is cheered on by many Sakaarans, despite the fact that he destroys parts of the Sakaaran market.
  • "Skurge Finds Heimdall": In Asgard, Skurge looks into the distance and finds Heimdall escorting civilians away. The two make eye contact.
  • "Grandmaster and Topaz": In an extended scene of Grandmaster ordering Valkyrie and Loki, he makes a sign with his hands signaling for them to leave. When the gesture is not understood, he discusses universal gestures with Topaz and he becomes frustrated when she doesn't understand his gestures either.
  • "Race to the Wormhole": While flying through the wormhole off of Sakaar, Banner and Thor compliment each other. However, Banner talks about his fear of turning into the Hulk forever due to the wormhole's effects.
  • "Travel to Asgard": While traveling to Asgard, Thor and Banner talk about their fathers' deaths and how Thor needs his hammer, causing Banner to compare Thor with the fictional elephant, Dumbo, who thought he needed a feather to fly.
  • Guards escort Valkyrie to Hulk's quarters.[citation needed]
  • While hiding in Sakaar, Banner and Thor have a talk about the Hulk, during which Banner says alternative versions of what Hulk said to Thor and quotes a few things that Thor said to Hulk.[citation needed]
  • Hela curses upon watching Loki and the Statesman in Asgard.[citation needed]

Trailer Only[]

  • ThorRagnarokHomelessOdinDeletedScene10

    Odin, Loki and Thor facing off against Hela

    The scene when Odin dies and Hela destroys MjĂžlnir originally takes place in New York City. According to dialogue in a later deleted scene, Hela was originally supposed to kill Odin herself.

Discarded Concepts[]

Black Panther[]

  • "Voices from the Past":
    BP - Young T'Chaka (Catacombs)

    A younger T'Chaka speaking with his son

    In a flashback, while playing in the Catacombs, young T'Challa and Nakia find T'Chaka mourning over a difficult choice he had to make. The king and prince discuss the responsibilities and the burden of being a king.
  • "T'Challa Remembers His Father": T'Challa remembers when T'Chaka gave him the mantle of Black Panther, while remaining the king. Zuri remembers that T'Chaka complained about getting too fat for the suit.
  • "Nakia and Ross in Wakanda": Everett Ross sees Wakanda for the first time and engages in spy craft with Nakia.
  • "Okoye and W'Kabi Discuss the Future of Wakanda": Okoye and W'Kabi discuss T'Challa losing the duel against Erik Killmonger. W'Kabi blames T'Challa for taking Ulysses Klaue to strangers instead of immediately bringing Klaue back to his own people.
  • "UN Meet and Greet":

    Everett Ross meeting with T'Challa

    Right before his speech to the UN, King T'Challa meets Everett Ross. Ross tries to dissuade him from revealing Wakanda's wealth and power to the world, but T'Challa tells him he won't rule by fear anymore. Then Ross tries to wish the king luck in Xhosa, but ends up saying "Good luck and many shoelaces" instead.

Bonus Extras[]

  • "Come To Wakanda: Before": A 1980s advertisement for tourism in Wakanda.
  • "Come To Wakanda: After": An advertisement for tourism in Wakanda showing the real truth to the technology held in the country.

Discarded Concepts[]

Avengers: Infinity War[]

  • "Happy Knows Best": Tony Stark brings up him and Pepper Potts having a child. The two begin to spar over the details of their upcoming wedding. A hassled Happy Hogan pulls up in a golf cart with an urgent request for them to elope due to the stress of keeping the paparazzi away. As Hogan drives away to chase off another paparazzi, Stark suggests to Potts that they get Hogan a girlfriend.
  • "A Father's Choice": Thanos confronts Gamora with a vision from her past and with her lying to him about the Soul Stone.
  • "The Guardians Get Their Groove Back": After fighting over their loss at Knowhere, Star-Lord, Drax, and Mantis discover urgent coded messages from Nebula, including coordinates to Titan.
  • Wanda and Vision deleted scene pic

    Wanda Maximoff and Vision waiting the attack

    On a darkened street, Wanda Maximoff and the wounded Vision attempt to hide from Proxima Midnight and Corvus Glaive, who try to intimidate them. Proxima Midnight then uses her spear to shine light onto the street ahead.
  • When Thanos fights Star-Lord, Drax and Nebula on Titan, he separates their souls from their bodies using the Soul Stone, and then throws one of Titan's moons at his adversaries. Spider-Man is able to retrieve all of their bodies, and is then visited by Doctor Strange in his astral form, who tells him that only Mantis can reunite their bodies with their souls. She first tries it on Drax, and after a few failed attempts, manages to succeed. Mantis then helps Nebula and Star-Lord, with the latter having a mild concussion. Spider-Man apologizes to Star-Lord for causing his concussion when he accidentally hit the latter's head on a rock while returning Star-Lord's body to the ground.
  • While fighting Cull Obsidian, Bruce Banner struggles with Hulk as the two internally fight. They then agree to live. Suddenly, Banner realizes they worked out their differences. Banner hulks out, smashing through the Mark XLIV armor and defeating Cull Obsidian. He then looks in his reflection, realizing that he is now in Hulk form but still conscious.
    • This scene was a part of a action figure set of Hulk breaking through the Hulkbuster.
  • Preparing for Thanos' arrival in Wakanda, Falcon and Black Widow find Hulk. Romanoff approaches and sticks her hand out to calm him down, only to find that Banner's consciousness has been retained in Hulk form. Banner greets her.

VFX Tests[]

Trailer Only[]

  • During the Battle of Wakanda, the Avengers charge forward in unison with Hulk.
    • It was later confirmed this scene was created specifically for the trailer.

Discarded Concepts[]

Ant-Man and the Wasp[]

  • "Sonny's On The Trail":

    Sonny Burch investigating Hank Pym's plans

    Sonny Burch and Uzman follow the trail of Ant-Man, the Wasp and Hank Pym, arriving at a bookstore and witnessing security footage of Hank Pym's Mobile Laboratory shrinking.
  • "Stan Lee Outtakes": In various outtakes of Watcher Informant's car being shrunk, the informant reacts in many different ways with one-liners.
  • Tim Heidecker Outtakes": In various outtakes of Daniel Gooobler on the boat, he makes many jokes to the audience. He then gets arrested and gives officers his name in different spellings.
  • "Worlds Upon Worlds": While leaving the Quantum Realm with her husband, Janet van Dyne reveals that there are worlds upon worlds and entire civilizations living inside the Quantum Realm. They are then approached by a large creature. However, van Dyne uses a translator to broker a peace deal.

Bonus Extras[]

Captain Marvel[]

  • "Starforce Recruits": Yon-Rogg lectures a roomful of Kree students on their mission to defend all nations from the scourge of the Skrulls, leading Carol Danvers to tell them how the Supreme Intelligence rescued her.
  • "Heading to Torfa": Vers and her fellow Starforce members banter as they are preparing for their rescue mission to save Soh-Larr from the Skrulls on Torfa.
  • "What, No Smile?": In an alternate version of a scene from the movie, Vers can be seen consulting a map when she receives a dubious offer of assistance from a biker. She reacts more aggressively than in the final version.
  • "Who Do You Admire Above All Others?": Before Yon-Rogg is sent to search for Captain Marvel and the Tesseract, he has an encounter with the Supreme Intelligence who takes the form of Yon-Rogg himself. The Supreme Intelligence then questions his leadership skills.
  • "Rookie Mistake": Phil Coulson, then a novice S.H.I.E.L.D. agent, offers Nick Fury his help after the Chase of the Skrulls. Later, he opens the office door for "Keller" and leaves. It is then revealed that the real Keller was unconscious in the office, and had been secretly replaced by Talos.
  • "Black Box": Talos, disguised as Director Keller, tries to track down Vers and Nick Fury after their escape in a Quadjet from the Joint Dark Energy Mission Facility. After arguing with Whitcher, Talos finds Maria Rambeau's S.H.I.E.L.D. file, giving him the location of her countryside ranch.

Trailer Only[]

Unreleased Scenes[]

Discarded Concepts[]

Avengers: Endgame[]

  • "Goji Berries": As Tony Stark helps Pepper Potts cook lunch, she informs him that his pet alpaca, Gerald, ate all their Gojis. Tony jokes that Gerald is their alpaca and nearly drops a handful of Gojis into a salad until Potts orders him to leave the kitchen. Tony bumps into something as he goes to collect their daughter, Morgan Stark, for lunch.
  • "Bombs on Board": While pinpointing the location of the Tesseract, James Rhodes asks Steve Rogers why he didn't jump out of the Valkyrie before crashing it.
  • "Suckiest Army in the Galaxy": Rocket laughs at the Avengers for not knowing that destroying the Chitauri mothership would kill the army. Offended, Tony sneaks up behind Rocket and shaves a strip of fur off his head.
  • "Tony Time Suit Prep": Hulk, Tony, Nebula and Scott Lang develop a time suit.
  • "Hulk Meets the Ancient One": An alternate version of the scene that appears in the final film. Hulk jumps onto the roof of the New York Sanctum. The Ancient One is lying in a deck chair while sipping a drink and declares that he is five years too early to find Doctor Strange.
  • "Hulk and the Ancient One": The Ancient One explains to Hulk the effects of removing an Infinity Stone from the timeline.
  • "You Used to Frickin' Live Here": When Thor and Rocket arrive in Asgard, they sneak past the guards into the royal palace, where Rocket catches Thor urinating from a balcony, much to his disgust. Rocket scolds his lack of focus and Thor defensively points out that he saw his home destroyed and his people killed. Rocket asks for the device and where they can find Jane Foster. However, Thor is too addled to initially remember, to which Rocket declares they are "dead".
  • "Vormir Battle": Thanos' troops are on Vormir and Black Widow is shot while running with the Infinity Gauntlet to jump over the cliff.
  • "Tony and Howard": Tony and Howard Stark talk about raising children. Howard offers Tony a job, which he declines for the moment.
  • "In the Trench": The Avengers meet again during the Battle of Earth and make a plan. Tony Stark asks Doctor Strange about the One Future they win. The Avengers attack Thanos and his army.
  • "Tony at the Way Station": Upon snapping his fingers with the Gauntlet to wipe out Thanos and his forces, Tony visits the Soulworld and meets an older version of Morgan Stark. The scene was taken out following a test screening of the film, which confused audiences and didn't resonate with them emotionally.
  • "Avengers Take a Knee": After Tony sacrifices himself, Pepper kisses him on the cheek as he dies. Every hero present takes a knee to honor Stark, except Gamora, who quietly leaves the battlefield.
  • "A Good-Luck Squeezy": When Thor appoints Valkyrie as new ruler of New Asgard before departing with the Guardians of the Galaxy, Valkyrie puts her arm on his shoulder and Thor leans in as if they were about to kiss. This was improvised by both Chris Hemsworth and Tessa Thompson.
  • In a post-credit scene of the movie's rerelease, Hulk saves some people trapped in a burning building, before giving the fire chief advice on how to tackle the fire. He then answers a phone call from Steve.

Discarded Concepts[]

Spider-Man: Far From Home[]

  • "Austria Bus Stop": The students arrive at a bus stop in Austria. Julius Dell runs in asking for the restroom. The students go shopping.
  • "Peter & MJ on the Plane": In the plane back to the United States of America, Peter Parker and Michelle Jones are sleeping next to each other, with Parker's head on Jones' shoulder. They briefly wake up and smile at each other before going back to sleep.
  • QBeckDeletedScene1

    Quentin Beck sends out another energy pulse

    Quentin Beck briefs his team on their plan for the attack in London before sending out another energy pulse, acting as the arrival of the Elemental Fusion. Beck is contacted by Nick Fury and claims to be on his way to fight the Elemental, before breaking character and smiling to his crew.
  • When Aunt May greets him at the airport, Parker puts on Tony Stark's Glasses and asks her opinion on how it looks.
  • Spider-Man glides through the former Avengers Tower, he lands and stands on the sculpture atop Grand Central Terminal.

Trailer Only[]

  • Parker wears his regular Spider-Man Suit during the scenes at the charity benefit in the trailer, but wears the Iron Spider Armor in the movie.
  • Parker shoots a sarcastic thumbs up in response to Flash Thompson insulting him after praising Spider-Man.

Black Widow[]

  • "Grocery Shopping": Natasha Romanoff heads into a grocery store to prepare for her journey through Norway. She then finally arrives at her destination: a mysterious trailer in the middle of nowhere.
  • "Smile": The Taskmaster protocol is activated in a tense moment, and an iconic helmet is unveiled.
  • "Bike Chase": Tailed by assailants, Romanoff and Yelena Belova speed through the city in order to escape the Black Widows.
  • "Gulag Fight": In an extended scene of Red Guardian fighting in the Seventh Circle Prison. Shostakov squares up against several enemies, including Ursa Major, and is quickly overpowered. When all hope seems lost, Romanoff leaps in to lend a hand in the fight.
  • "Mason's Betrayal": Romanoff is called by Rick Mason who asks for her location. Romanoff realizes that Mason is being monitored by Thaddeus Ross.
  • "Come After Me": Ross and Mason discover an important message Romanoff left behind.
  • "Widows in Training":
    BW FT 14

    Black Widows continue with their training

    In an extended scene of the Black Widows training in the Red Room Academy, Belova and Shostakov awaken in captivity. Melina Vostokoff hands the Taskmaster vials while the Widows train.
  • "Walk and Talk": In an extended scene of Shostakov and Vostokoff in the Red Room Academy, they have a playful exchange. Taskmaster arrives and faces off with Shostakov.
  • "Kiss": Shostakov and Vostokoff reunite after the action and kiss.
  • It Was All Me:

    Black Widow is arrested by Thaddeus Ross

    In an extended scene of the end of the Destruction of the Red Room, Natasha Romanoff surrenders to Thaddeus Ross and his men. Taskmaster is taken by the men. As Ross's SUV drives away, he and Romanoff have a conversation as she is picking her handcuffs. When he looks away, she manages to escape the car.
  • "Ohio": Romanoff returns to the Ohio suburbs and motions at the neighborhood children.

Trailer Only[]

Discarded Concepts[]

Shang-Chi and the Legend of the Ten Rings[]

  • "Do It Yourself": Xu Wenwu returns to his empire and is says Raza Hamidmi al-Wazar is holding stability to the region. Hui then tells him that they had killed the members of the Iron Gang and all that was left was the leader, who they captured. Xu approaches him and the leader says Xu killed his family, so he should finish the job. Xu tells him to do it himself.
  • "I’m Here": Shang-Chi and Katy Chen have a conversation in an alley. Chen reassures Shang-Chi that she will always be his support system.
  • "Two Sons": Wenwu has dinner with Shang-Chi, Xialing, Chen and Razor Fist. He tells the story of Razor Fist and how he is his son.
  • "Just Friends": In an extended scene of Chen and Xu Xialing's talk, Xu admits to want to kill Chen when they first met. However, she saw Shang-Chi's love for her and asked if she loved him back. Chen responded that they were just friends.
  • "Postcard": Shang-Chi and Wenwu reunite as father and son. Shang-Chi makes it clear he disagrees with Wenwu's philosophy. Wenwu asks if he got his postcard, saying he wanted the siblings to reunite before he resorted to violence as he did not want to be the bad guy all the time.
  • "Escape Tunnel": To escape the Ten Rings Headquarters, Trevor Slattery tells the group he has an escape hole. Chen asks why he did not escape and Slattery says he lives to perform. Chen convinces him that his rationality makes no sense. The group then get to the garage and take down a guard.
  • "Greatness": In an extended scene prior to arriving in Ta Lo, Slattery and Chen talk in the car. Slattery has a heart-to-heart conversation saying to not be afraid a greatness; some are born great, some achieve it and somehave it thrust upon them.
  • "Apology": Standing in front of Ying Li's memorial, Shang-Chi talks to Xialing and apologizes for leaving her all of those years ago. He asks for forgiveness. Xialing sauys that the girl he left would have forgiven him, but she does not know that girl anymore.
  • "Pep Talk":
    Razor Fist deleted scene

    Razor Fist and Katy Chen

    Razor Fist and Chen hide under a hut during the battle. Razor Fist convinces Chen to fight back. He the returns to the battle field only to be killed.
  • "Take a Shot": Chen struggles to find the right shot. She then sees Slattery flying into battle on the back of a Dijiang. She settles herself and takes the shot.
  • "They're Waiting": Shang-Chi and Chen call Xialing, who is happy to talk with them. However, she hangs up when Razor Fist summons her.

Discarded Concepts[]


  • "Small Talk":
    Eternals deleted scene - Dane and Sprite

    Dane and Sprite have a conversation

    Sprite confronts Dane in the museum about his interactions with Sersi. They talk about Sersi and about Sprite's claims of their past before an earthquake strikes.
  • "Movies": In the Amazon Rainforest, Gilgamesh and Kingo talk about his movies despite Gilgamesh having not seen them. Kingo says he would send him some.
  • "Gravity": Phastos and Jack have a conversation about the Solar System. While thinking about gravity, Phastos realizes how he could use the Uni-Mind.
  • "Nostalgia": Sprite and Makkari reminisce about humankind. Sprite creates an illusion of Babylon for them to look at while Makkari talks about the power of humanity, pointing out how they were able to defeat Thanos.

Trailer Only[]

  • Thena practices with her weapons amidst long fluttering banners.

Unreleased Scenes[]

  • In behind the scenes, there is footage of the Eternals in a market place during their stay in the Gupta Empire.
  • An alternate ending was filmed where the surviving Eternals have their minds erased and are sent on a new mission to another planet. The scene mirrors the scene in the beginning of the film where the Eternals wake up on their ship with the difference that Eros replaces one of the characters,[78][79]
  • The mid-credits scene was cut with further scenes showing Thena, Makkari and Eros communicating with Arishem.[80]
  • Gil Birmingham shot scenes as a to-be-confirmed character which were all cut out.
    • Despite being cut out, he was billed on the teaser poster as part of the main cast.

Discarded Concepts[]

  • Early versions of the script featured 12 Eternals instead of 10. The two Eternals that got cut were Zuras and Valkin; the latter would have also went by another Eternal's name, Vampiro, as a luchador.[81]
  • An early draft of the script featured Sersi and Druig in a past relationship.[82]

Spider-Man: No Way Home[]

Unreleased Scenes[]

VFX Tests[]

  • On May 25, 2022, Matt McClurg released a previsualization shot reel of Spider-Man: No Way Home. Several discarded scenes were revealed, include:
    • At 01:57, Green Goblin arrives early among the other villains to fight the Spider-Men.[85]
    • At 01:47 and 01:54, a shot appeared showing Spider-Man and Sandman facing Electro in gigantic forms.
    • At 02:07, a shot appeared showing the other Peters entering the portal to the Statue of Liberty.

Discarded Concepts[]

Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness[]

  • "A Great Team": A journalist for WHiH World News interviews Doctor Strange and Christine Palmer about their new method. They talk and conclude they make a good team.
  • "It's Not Permanent": In an extended scene of Pizza Poppa accusing Doctor Strange to be an imposter of the Variant he's familiar with, Strange makes him punch himself multiple times, causing him to trash his cart by accident.
  • "Pizza Poppa": Pizza Poppa is relieved when the punching spell ends but vows revenge on Strange.

Unreleased Scenes[]

Discarded Concepts[]

Thor: Love and Thunder[]

  • Mighty Thor and Thor

    Thor and Mighty Thor watch Zeus leave

    "Wasting Time": Star-Lord and Mantis convince Thor to help their cause. Thor becomes convinced and tells them to get on Stormbreaker to fly away. Stormbreaker refuses to work, so they hop off and walk down the mountain.
  • "A Safe Vacation": A nonchalant Thor chats with a panicked Star-Lord and Mantis in the middle of chaos. An explosion thrusts Korg into the scene.
  • "Looking for Zeus": Thor, Valkyrie and Korg run into Dionysus while seeking an audience with Zeus.
  • "Fighting For You": Thor stays by Jane Foster's bedside until Zeus shows up. He takes a walk with Thor and the two talk about their powers. Zeus gifts Thor Thunderbolt. Thor then asks for help, but Zeus says that he is not a pure god. Meanwhile, MjĂžlnir is grabbed by Foster, giving her power again.

Trailer Only[]

Unreleased Scenes[]

Discarded Concepts[]

Black Panther: Wakanda Forever[]

  • "Outside the Scope": Okoye has a shocking standoff with Ayo and the Dora Milaje while trying to save Shuri. Okoye surrenders and walks away. Aneka then talks to Ayo about the latter's morals causing Aneka to quit her position.
    • While part of the scene was included in the initial teaser trailer, editor Michael P. Shawver stated that the scene was "held down" because the filmmakers felt it was the best to focus on Shuri's story.[103]
  • "The Upstairs Toilet": Everett Ross kidnaps and assumes the identity of Clive Reston so he could infiltrate the CIA. In order to get the Kimoyo Beads close enough to the computer, he flushes it down the toilet.
  • "Daughter of the Border": Okoye takes a walk with M'Kathu and talks to him about the future of Wakanda. M'Kathu suggests that Okoye challenges for the throne as he believed Shuri was grieving too much.
  • "Anytime, Anywhere": Shuri arrives in Haiti only to be approached by Okoye. The two talk and Okoye says she will be there to help her anytime, anywhere.

Discarded Concepts[]

  • The original script was different from the released script as it was written before the tragic death of Chadwick Boseman. It would have followed T'Challa, who was struggling after a five-year absence due to the Blip. T'Challa II would have been shown earlier in the film as T'Challa struggled to cope with the fact that he missed five years of his son's life.[104]
    • BPWF Concept Before Chadwick's Death

      Shuri donning wings

      Additionally, Shuri would have donned a suit with wings.[105]
  • Ironheart originally was supposed to build herself a slim Ironheart Armor: Mark II with a "Mark 2.5" version that would eventually attach to her during the Ambush on the Talokanil to give her a bulkier suit.[106]

Ant-Man and the Wasp: Quantumania[]

  • "Drink The Ooze": Upon entering the Quantum Realm, Ant-Man nervously drinks the ooze.
    • Despite being a deleted scene, it is identical to the official scene in the movie, but unfinished.
  • "I Have Holes": Veb runs into battle before the others and gets shot many times. He then realizes he now has holes and uses them to his advantage.
    • Despite being a deleted scene, it is identical to the official scene in the movie, but unfinished.

Unreleased Scenes[]

  • Child actor Lucas Grant originally filmed scenes as the little son of Hope van Dyne. However, changes to the film's storyline led to Grant's scenes being cut and no references to his character were kept in the finished film.[107]
  • Jentorra and Krylar had a scene in which they briefly interacted.[108]

Discarded Concepts[]

  • Hank Pym initially died in the film's story, only for his consciousness to still live on through the ants.[109]

Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 3[]

  • "A Bit Much": While preparing to take down the Guardians of the Galaxy, Adam Warlock goes into excruciating detail about what he would do to them. This prompts Ayesha to tell him it was a bit much.
  • "Drax’s Analogies and Metaphors": Drax the Destroyer gives Peter Quill some interesting life analogies and metaphors.
  • "A Lending Hand": Quill lends a hand to Neelie and gives her his cloth to clean up. Mantis remarks how he used that cloth to blow his nose earlier.
  • "The Perfect Society": High Evolutionary reveals his past and what he did to his mother as Quill calls him names.
  • "The Search for 89P13": Behemoth arrives back to High Evolutionary having checked the rubble left on Counter-Earth. He reveals he found the decapitated head of War Pig.
  • "Annoyed Peter": Quill toys around with the door to ArĂȘte Laboratories while Phlektik teases him.
  • "A Burning Escape": While escaping the ArĂȘte, Quill drops his Zune and goes back to get it before making a near-death jump.
  • "Knowhere After the Battle": The High Evolutionary is brought back to Knowhere and locked up. Kraglin Obfonteri then talks to Adam Warlock, saying he needs a new name as "Adam" is not good.

Unreleased Scenes[]

Discarded Concepts[]

The Marvels[]

  • "Captain-in-Residence": Ms. Marvel is transported to the Hoopty and soon finds it is Captain Marvel's ship. She then gets a call from Valkyrie, who believes Khan to be Danvers' wife.
  • "It's Under Control":

    Ms. Marvel asks for a scarf whip

    Danvers talks to Yan about what is to come while Ms. Marvel is fitted for a suit. She suggests they turn her scarf into a whip. Meanwhile, Monica Rambeau calls Talia and the two talk about Jump Points.
  • "Space Yoga": Muneeba teaches yoga while an exasperated Nick Fury looks on.
  • "The Chase": Chaos ensues as Ty-Rone chases Kamala in a tension-filled scene.[113]

Unreleased Scenes[]

Discarded Concepts[]

Deadpool & Wolverine[]

Unreleased Scenes[]

Rob McElhenney DW BTS

A behind the scenes photo of Rob McElhenney as a TVA Minuteman

Discarded Concepts[]

Captain America: Brave New World[]

Trailer Only[]

This section requires expansion
  • A scene featuring Leader in a building with two fallen guards, possibly killed by him and having two screens, both of which showing the logo of Stark Industries.[148]

Unreleased Scenes[]

Discarded Concepts[]


This section requires expansion

Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.[]

Season One[]

Season Two[]

Season Three[]

  • Warehouse Surprise (3.03: A Wanted (Inhu)man): Lance Hunter ambushes two employees on top of their van. He then makes a corny joke before he is shot at. He eventually defeats his enemy and gets into the truck only to see Melinda May was already there.
  • The Final Blow (3.03: A Wanted (Inhu)man): Hunter defeats Spud and finishes the job by shooting him in the head, much to May's worry.
  • Underground (3.05: 4,722 Hours): In Will Daniels' Cave, Will Daniels gives Jemma Simmons her necklace that she dropped. Later, the two eat dinner until they hear commotion outside. Daniels holds down the hatch while Simmons arms herself.
  • Doom & Hope (3.05: 4,722 Hours): Daniels shows Simmons his "bored game" that mimics basketball. Simmons starts getting so good at it that Daniels has her stop.
  • The Climb (3.12: The Inside Man): Needing to get into a different room, Bobbi Morse climbs up the side of the building.
  • Joined At The Wrist (3.12: The Inside Man): Despite being handcuffed together, Glenn Talbot and Phil Coulson still manage to knock out a guard with a joint punch.
  • Primitives In The Lab (3.21: Absolution): Simmons hides from Primitives until she hears them stop. She gets a flashlight and investigates, deeming it safe enough to leave. Simmons then looks around and finds many dead agents. She is then jump scared by a primitive and runs into the boiler room.
  • Without A Plan (3.22: Ascension): Daisy Johnson wakes up in a Containment Module surrounded by Primitive guards. Meanwhile, May and Leo Fitz hide in the vents and think of plans. They run through various plans and decide nothing will work, so they go in without a plan. May then grabs a Primitive and Fitz kicks it.

Season Four[]

Season Five[]

Season Seven[]

Unreleased Scenes[]
Discarded Concepts[]
  • M.O.D.O.K. was supposed to be introduced in season seven, but the plans were shut down by Marvel Studios.[156]
  • There were talks of a post credits scene in the finale of somebody walking into a S.H.I.E.L.D. office only for it to be Director Deke Shaw wearing an eye patch.[157]


Season One[]

  • Elena Cardenas disappears to get flan. When she comes back the explosion happens and all that is left of her is an arm and the dessert.[158]

Season Two[]


The Punisher[]

Season One[]


Season One[]

Unreleased Scenes[]

Discarded Concepts[]

  • The mysterious advertisements that appeared across the season were originally meant to be Doctor Strange's attempts to communicate with Wanda, including a "blink-and-you'll-miss-it cameo" as the pharmacist in "Breaking the Fourth Wall": this would have culminated in Benedict Cumberbatch reprising his role in the finale, leading into the events of Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness. Although Cumberbatch signed on to the role, the concept was cut before the series was shot due to raising too many logistical questions.[161]

The Falcon and The Winter Soldier[]

Season One[]


Season One[]

Unreleased Scenes[]
Trailer Only[]

Discarded Concepts[]

Season Two[]

What If...?[]

Season One[]

Unreleased Scenes[]

Season Two[]

Unreleased Scenes[]


Season One[]

  • 1.02: Hide and Seek:
    Hawkeye LARP
    An extra scene with the New York City Live Action Role Players, featuring one of the LARPers in the Hawkeye suit from the comics.
  • "Follow the Trail" (1.01: Never Meet Your Heroes): In 2012, Derek Bishop arrives home, and is greeted by his daughter Kate Bishop. He tells her and wife Eleanor Bishop that he was in a business trip in Vienna, but still had time to go down a zipline.
  • "At the Stake" (1.02: Hide and Seek): The LARPers act out the flames of Hawkeye's burning at the stake, to his dismay.
  • "Friends?" (1.03: Echoes): During karate class, Maya Lopez meets Kazi Kazimierczak, who decided to approach her because her father worked with his father in the Tracksuit Mafia.
  • "Ice Cream" (1.03: Echoes): After karate class, Maya Lopez's "uncle" Wilson Fisk says that her father is unable to pick her up due to work, so he will take her for some ice cream.
  • "Old Friend" (1.05: Ronin): At Grills' Apartment, Hawkeye sharpens Ronin's Retractable Sword while explaining his plans to Grills.
  • "Sorry" (1.06: So This Is Christmas?): As the police arrive at Rockefeller Center, Hawkeye signs "Sorry" to Maya Lopez, who proceeds to go back to her motorcycle and drive away.
  • "Until It's Done" (1.06: So This Is Christmas?): In 2012, Eleanor Bishop meets with Wilson Fisk at the restaurant, informing him that her husband had passed away, and she is left to pay for his debts. Fisk extends his condolences to Bishop and her daughter, respecting Bishop's eagerness to get down to business. Bishop clarifies that she will not be working for Fisk forever, to which he replies that she will do it until it's done.
  • "You Never Miss": In 1984, young Clint and his mother Edith Barton go to a fair, where Clint steals a wristwatch from a passerby, and uses his uncanny accuracy to win at a rigged shooting gallery. Later, Edith teaches Clint that it's ok "to do bad things to bad people", and tries to involve him in a robbery in a gas station; the kid, however, refuses to shoot the clerk, pretending to miss the shot. As a result, Edith is arrested and dragged away.
  • "Moira Comes Home": Moira Brandon unexpectedly comes back to her apartment and mistakes the two Hawkeyes for burglars. She chases them away, hitting Barton with her cane.
  • "Burning the Suit" (1.06: So This Is Christmas?): Instead of burning Ronin's Suit in his his farm, Barton does so in New York.
  • "Turnaround": As the Hawkeyes and Lucky the Pizza Dog return to her apartment, they turn around after Barton notices an unmarked vehicle outside, making Bishop reveal she received a call from someone pretending to be the police.
  • "Boomerang": Hawkeye is recognized by the clerk as he and Bishop buy arrows at a sporting goods store. She also asks for boomerangs.
  • "Kate's First Day At Work": After leaving leftover pizza and water to Lucky, Bishop goes to Bishop Security Headquarters to start her job at the reception. Once she makes the other receptionist leave to get coffee, Bishop logs into the database and tries researching on Jack Duquesne, only to find the file is restricted. Later that night she goes to Armand Duquesne III's house, and gets no answer at the buzzer.

Moon Knight[]

Season One[]

  • Don’t Go There: While walking in the streets of Egypt, Layla El-Faouly questions Marc Spector's state of mind and motivations.
  • Breaking the Cycle: Arthur delivers a prompting speech to his crew, urging them to take action alongside him.
Unreleased Scenes[]
  • There were scenes that were cut which included more imagery of the Egyptian sky.[171]
  • Arthur Harrow originally had a scene that gave him more spotlight.[171]
  • 1.06: Gods and Monsters: Marc Spector and Steven Grant have a talk among themselves and deal with Wendy Spector's abuse. This scene painted Wendy as Ammit, according to Oscar Isaac who said, "I came up with this 'Later’s gators' thing because then she says, 'After a while, crocodile.' And so for me, that’s like... she said, 'Crocodile.' She was the crocodile goddess that’s saying, 'I wish I could pre-judge you because you would never have... this never would have happened.'"[171]
Discarded Concepts[]
  • Echo was supposed to appear in the series, as Marc Spector's love interest, since Marvel Studios was looking to put the character in something. The character ultimately appeared in Hawkeye instead.[172]
  • Jeremy Slater, the head writer and executive producer of, wanted an action scene with one of Khonshu's former avatars and some of the Eternals in Ancient Egypt, but such a scene would have been too expensive to produce and was cut.[173]

Ms. Marvel[]

Season One[]

  • I Can Explain: Kamala Khan gets caught coming home from New Jersey AvengerCon by her brother instead of her mother. Aamir gives her a hug happily, relieved to know that she's okay. Her mother later catches her and walks away disappointedly.
  • Totally Jealous: In an alternate version of Zoe Zimmer explaining her encounter with Ms. Marvel, she claims she was rescued by Captain Marvel after being questioned by the school's guidance counselor, Gabe Wilson, Jr. After blatantly ignoring him, she goes over to Bruno Carrelli, Khan and Nakia Bahadir, inviting them to her study session/party, admitting that she needed Carrelli because he is smart.
  • Just Friends: In an alternate version showing the aftermath of what happened at Aamir Khan and Tyesha Hillman's wedding, Carrelli confronts Kamala, calling out her reckless behavior and mentioning that he wants to be more than friends. Later, she comes home trying to apologize to Aamir and Hillman but they refuse to hear it.
  • Beach Day:
    Beach Day Deleted Scene
    Red Dagger and Khan spend the day at the beach having fun.
  • Destiny: Having time traveled back to Partition, Khan encounters her great-grandmother and together, they attempt to save Sana Ali.
  • Toffee Bend: On the plane from Pakistan, Khan attempts to give Carrelli a response to what he said in "Just Friends". She mentions that her mom seems to have a hoard of toffee, jokingly calling it a "toffee bend".

She-Hulk: Attorney at Law[]

Season One[]

Unreleased Scenes[]
Discarded Concepts[]
  • According to Jessica Gao, the original pitch featured the Leader having a substantial role in the story, though there were discussions about either bringing Samuel Sterns back or have a new version of the Leader appear that could or could not have been related to Sterns.[174]
  • At one point there were discussions with Mark Ruffalo over the possibility of swapping him with Edward Norton for a scene in the finale. The scene would've also featured Bruce Banner meeting Abomination again for the first time since The Incredible Hulk, but the whole idea never materialized.[175]

Secret Invasion[]

Season One[]


  1. ↑ Iron Man Theatrical Blu Ray vs FX TV Version
  3. ↑ Iron Man (Archives)
  4. ↑ Iron Man - Script Reviews - Latest Movie Reviews and trailers
  5. ↑ EXCLUSIVE: Who Will Love Iron Man?
  6. ↑ Marvel Wanted Iron Man To Crossover With Spider-Man 2 (Using Doc Ock)
  7. ↑ Iron Man's Jeff Bridges Says Obadiah Stane Wasn't Originally Supposed to Die
  8. ↑ 8.0 8.1 8.2 The Incredible Hulk Writer Reveals Changes Edward Norton Made to the Script
  9. ↑ de Semlyen, Nick (June 2008). "Fight Club". Empire. pp. 66–72.
  10. ↑ The Incredible Hulk Audio Commentary
  11. ↑ The Story of Marvel Studios: The Making of the Marvel Cinematic Universe
  12. ↑ Did Marvel Originally Plan For War Machine To Kill Justin Hammer In IRON MAN 2?
  13. ↑ Hawkeye's Original MCU Origin Would've Avoided His Worst Avenger Problem
  14. ↑ 14.0 14.1 14.2 MCU Costume Designer Says One Major Thor Character Keeps Getting Cut
  15. ↑ Zack Stentz on Twitter - September 7, 2020
  16. ↑ CCI: Penn & Murphy Talk Avatar's "Hero Worship," Marvel Movies
  17. ↑ 17.0 17.1 17.2 Original 'Avengers' writer explains his dramatically different version
  18. ↑ 18.0 18.1 Joss Whedon Almost Included The Wasp & Ezekiel Stane in The Avengers
  19. ↑ Marvel Studios Offered Shang-Chi Or Mandarin For First Avengers Movie
  20. ↑ 20.0 20.1 Iron Man 3 Audio Commentary
  21. ↑ Shane Black On ‘The Nice Guys,’ Mel Gibson, And Why A Female ‘Iron Man 3’ Villain’s Gender Changed
  22. ↑ Rebecca Hall says Marvel reduced her part in 'Iron Man 3'
  23. ↑ The Iron Man 3 Kid Could Have Been Chinese, To Flatter Xi Jinping
  24. ↑ Hela Was Originally the Villain for ‘Thor: The Dark World’: Kevin Feige Talks ‘Thor: Ragnarok’
  25. ↑ Meet the Valkyrie that was almost in Thor: The Dark World
  26. ↑ This Is What Hawkeye Was Going To Do In Captain America: The Winter Soldier
  27. ↑ 'Captain America' Writer Wants Peter Dinklage As MODOK For Sequel
  28. ↑ Thanos Was The Villain In Original Guardians of the Galaxy Script
  29. ↑ Guardians of the Galaxy Writer Reveals Hit Marvel Film Nearly Didn't Star Rocket Raccoon
  30. ↑ James Gunn on Guardians of the Galaxy 2 – the promise of Nebula, Yondu and Peter Quill’s father
  31. ↑ GUARDIANS OF THE GALAXY Was Supposed to Have The Quicksilver and Scarlet Witch Scene
  32. ↑ 32.0 32.1 Joss Whedon Reveals 10 Avengers: Age Of Ultron Secrets
  33. ↑ Avengers 2 Concept Art Reveals Cancelled MegaUltron Scene
  34. ↑ Tim Roth Talks 'Abomination'; Was Considered To Reprise Role In AGE OF ULTRON
  35. ↑ Kevin Feige On the Avengers & Marvel's Movie Future | MTV News
  36. ↑ Joss Whedon on Fighting With Marvel Over ‘Avengers: Age of Ultron’: “It Got Really, Really Unpleasant”
  37. ↑ Ant-Man Originally Had A Completely Different Opening Scene
  38. ↑ First-Ever Look at New Ant-Man Deleted Scene Revealed by Peyton Reed
  39. ↑ William Sadler | A Lights, Thunder, Action! Show Interview
  41. ↑ 41.0 41.1 Red Hulk And Iron Spider Were Considered For Captain America: Civil War
  42. ↑ Civil War Concept Art Reveals Iron Man’s Team Almost Featured GIANT MAN/ANT-MAN
  43. ↑ Why Ant-Man Was Originally Team Iron Man In Captain America: Civil War
  44. ↑ ‘Captain America: Civil War’ Screenwriters Reveal a Superhero Who Almost Made the Cut
  45. ↑ No HULK In CAPTAIN AMERICA: CIVIL WAR; Current Whereabouts Are Highly Confidential
  46. ↑ Hulk Cut From Post Credit Scene In 'Captain America: Civil War'
  47. ↑ Doctor Strange: Lulu Wilson Details Her Cut Scene as MCU's Donna Strange (Exclusive)
  48. ↑ Doctor Strange: 12 revelations from director Scott Derrickson
  49. ↑ Kevin Feige Interview Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness Premiere Red Carpet
  50. ↑ Exclusive: Adam Warlock Was Originally A Major Character In 'Guardians Vol. 2'; Will Be In 'Guardians 3'
  51. ↑ Translated from German: The Amazing Sticky Boy
  52. ↑ Nick Fury Was Meant To Be Peter’s Mentor in Spider-Man: Homecoming
  53. ↑ 'Spider-Man: Homecoming' Set Visit: Everything We Learned
  54. ↑ The Art of Spider-Man: Homecoming
  55. ↑ 55.0 55.1 The big reveal, the nixed romance, and the noodle worm: What was cut from (and added to) 'Thor: Ragnarok'
  56. ↑ 'Thor: Ragnarok': Jaimie Alexander explains why Lady Sif is MIA
  57. ↑ Thor: Ragnarok Almost Had Beta Ray Bill Cameo
  58. ↑ Thor: Ragnarok Director Wishes He Could Use Deadpool
  59. ↑ Kraven the Hunter Could Have Been the Villain in Marvel’s Black Panther Movie
  60. ↑ Black Panther Almost Included Patriot, Says Ryan Coogler
  61. ↑ Namor Is ‘A Dream Antagonist’ For Black Panther: Wakanda Forever, Says Ryan Coogler – Exclusive Image
  62. ↑ Infinity War: Why The Original Thanos Lady Death Plan Changed
  63. ↑ HN Entertainment on Twitter - December 2, 2018
  64. ↑ Avengers: Infinity War originally included several young Thanos flashback scenes
  65. ↑ Expanded Thor/Rocket Infinity War Concept Art Reveals Midgard Serpent Battle
  66. ↑ Here’s Why the Living Tribunal Was Cut From Avengers: Infinity War
  67. ↑ Scarlet Witch nearly survived Thanos’s Snap in Infinity War
  68. ↑ Russos Would've Snapped All X-Men But Wolverine If They Were in Infinity War
  69. ↑ Captain Marvel: 15 Spoiler Facts From Directors Anna Boden And Ryan Fleck
  70. ↑ Avengers: Endgame Had Bigger Plans for War Machine, Still a Possibility
  71. ↑ Avengers: Endgame Robbed Fans of a Scarlet Witch-Rocket Raccoon Road Trip
  72. ↑ Avengers: Endgame Writer Reveals Who Hulk Met in Soul World
  73. ↑ ‘Avengers: Endgame’ Originally Had Thanos Decapitate Captain America
  74. ↑ 'Avengers: Endgame' almost featured the first MCU F-Bomb
  75. ↑ Black Widow: Scarlett Johansson Reveals Alternate Version of the Movie That Just Didn’t Work
  76. ↑ Black Widow Writer Eric Pearson on Budapest, Taskmaster, and Post-Credits Scene (Exclusive)
  77. ↑ Shang-Chi Movie Art Reveals Deadpool's Scrapped Cameo
  78. ↑ Eternals Spoiler Special: ChloĂ© Zhao On Faith, The Original Ending And Harry Styles
  79. ↑ 'Eternals': Lia McHugh on learning Babylonian and cut Harry Styles scene
  80. ↑ Eternals Harry Styles Deleted Scene Details: More Eros Was Cut
  81. ↑ Eternals Interview: Matthew ('Kaz') Firpo & Ryan Firpo
  82. ↑ Druig & Sersi Had A Romance In Early Eternals Movie Script Draft
  83. ↑ No Way Home's Cut Tobey Maguire & Green Goblin Rematch Is Disappointing
  84. ↑ Spider-Man: No Way Home Has Deleted Scene Featuring Iron Man's Daughter
  85. ↑ Spider-Man: No Way Home Previsualization Reel - YouTube
  86. ↑ Sony Blocked Marvel's Original Spider-Man: No Way Home Villain To Protect An Upcoming Movie
  87. ↑ How 'Spider-Man: No Way Home' Visual Effects Were Made | Vanity Fair
  88. ↑ SPIDER-MAN: NO WAY HOME Writer Addresses That Mysterio Vs. Doctor Strange Concept Art From The Movie
  89. ↑ Spider-Man: No Way Home Art Reveals Wild Deleted Scenes With America Chavez
  90. ↑ Doctor Strange 2's Deleted Opening Scene Featuring Wanda Revealed
  91. ↑ Doctor Strange Multiverse of Madness Deleted Scene: Alternate Opening Mordo Death Scene Confirmed!
  92. ↑ 92.0 92.1 Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness - Audio Commentary
  93. ↑ Doctor Strange 2 Writer Explains Why Nightmare Wasn't The Villain
  94. ↑ Doctor Strange 2 Writer Confirms They Talked About a Deadpool Cameo (Exclusive)
  95. ↑ ‘Doctor Strange 2’ Screenwriter Defends Wanda’s Evolution, Talks Cameos and His ‘Star Wars’ Script
  96. ↑ Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness - Storyboards by Soren Bendt
  97. ↑ Michael Waldron Wrote A Reed Richards Post-Credits Scene For Doctor Strange In The Multiverse Of Madness – Exclusive
  98. ↑ Christian Bale Reveals Thor: Love and Thunder Cut Scenes Featuring Peter Dinklage and Jeff Goldblum
  99. ↑ Game of Thrones Star Lena Headey Cut From Thor: Love and Thunder
  100. ↑ 'Thor: Love and Thunder': Christian Bale's Gorr scream was too scary
  101. ↑ Odd Studio on Instagram - March 24, 2023
  102. ↑ Taika Waititi interview with BBC Radio 1
  103. ↑ Black Panther: Wakanda Forever Editor Reveals Deleted Okoye Scene
  104. ↑ Black Panther: Wakanda Forever Original Story Detailed by Writer-Director Ryan Coogler
  105. ↑ Phil Saunders on Instagram - December 12, 2022
  106. ↑ Phil Saunders on Instagram - December 6, 2022
  107. ↑ Lucas Grant on Instagram - February 18, 2023
  108. ↑ QUANTUMANIA’s Katy O’Brian on Jentorra, Marvel Variants, and Why the Quantum Realm Smells
  109. ↑ Hank Pym Was Almost Killed Off in ANT-MAN 3 But Would've Still Existed in a Bizarre Way
  110. ↑ Ilara Phoneix Williams on Instagram - May 8, 2023
  111. ↑ Annihilus Was Almost Guardians Of The Galaxy 3's Villain And Rocket's Creator
  112. ↑ Kumail Nanjiani's Guardians of the Galaxy 3 cameo scrapped due to Eternals
  113. ↑ THE MARVELS' Digital And Blu-ray Release Dates Revealed; First Of Five Deleted Scenes Blasts Online
  114. ↑ Colin Stoneley on Instagram
  115. ↑ THE MARVELS Director Talks X-MEN Tease and Her Dream Cyclops / Storm Movie | Nia DaCosta Interview
  116. ↑ The Marvels Star Reveals Alternate Ending With Major Death
  117. ↑ The Art of The Marvels
  118. ↑ Rob Delaney on Twitter - August 22, 2024
  119. ↑ Ryan Reynolds on Instagram - November 13, 2024
  120. ↑ Ryan Reynolds on Twitter - November 14, 2024
  121. ↑ Ryan Reynolds on Twitter - August 27, 2024
  122. ↑ Rob McElhenney on Instagram - July 26, 2024
  123. ↑ file:Alioth approaching a Minuteman.png
  124. ↑ Power of X-Men on Instagram - July 31, 2024
  125. ↑ DEADPOOL & WOLVERINE SPOILER SPECIAL w/writer & director Shawn Levy I Happy Sad Confused
  126. ↑ Deadpool & Wolverine Screenplay
  127. ↑ Events of Thor: Ragnarok shown on a Chrono Monitor
  128. ↑ Wild Deadpool & Wolverine Deleted Scene Revealed By Ryan Reynolds Before Release
  129. ↑ Nicolas Cage's Ghost Rider Almost Returned In Deadpool & Wolverine Reveals Ryan Reynolds
  130. ↑ 130.0 130.1 130.2 ‘Deadpool & Wolverine’ Writers Unpack Major Cameos and Who Said No, and Hint at the Source of That Iconic Leak
  131. ↑ Ryan Reynolds Reveals How Close ‘Deadpool & Wolverine’ Came to Having a ‘Fant4stic’ Cameo
  132. ↑ Is Hugh Jackman Done Playing Wolverine... Again? He Gives an Update With Ryan Reynolds & Shawn Levy
  133. ↑ Wolverine Variant Concept Art
  134. ↑ X-Baby Wolverine Concept Art
  135. ↑ Weapon X Concept Art
  136. ↑ Luchadorpool Concept Art
  137. ↑ Deadpool and Wolverine vs. Deadpool Corps
  138. ↑ Gramdma Deadpool Concept Art
  139. ↑ Deadpool Variant Concept Art
  140. ↑ Wolverinepool Concept Art
  141. ↑ Female Juggernaut Variant Concept Art
  142. ↑ Caged Deadpool Concept Art
  143. ↑ Vehicles Concept Art
  144. ↑ The Art of Deadpool & Wolverine
  145. ↑ Ryan Reynolds wanted K-Pop band Stray Kids to appear in 'Deadpool and Wolverine'; reveals Hollywood strikes made it 'logistically impossible'
  146. ↑ Deadpool & Wolverine director debunks Master and Commander Easter egg, says they almost had the Titanic
  147. ↑ Deadpool & Wolverine: Scrapped concept revealed that Wade Wilson was in the MCU the entire time
  148. ↑ Captain America News on X
  149. ↑ An Exciting MCU Debut Has Been Cut From Captain America: Brave New World
  150. ↑ Christopher Oquendo Photographer on X - July 29, 2024
  151. ↑ Anthony Mackie Begins Filming 'Captain America: New World Order,' Set Photos Reveal Some Atmosphere Shots!
  152. ↑ CAPTAIN AMERICA: BRAVE NEW WORLD Originally Featured An Appearance From A Multiversal Illuminati
  153. ↑ Captain America: Brave New World Cut A Falcon And The Winter Soldier Character With The Potential To Join The MCU's Young Avengers, Marvel Producer Explains Why
  154. ↑ Why Mark Ruffalo’s Hulk Wasn’t in Captain America: Brave New World
  155. ↑ Agents of SHIELD Cut an Infinity War Reference From the Season 7 Finale
  156. ↑ Showrunners originally planned to introduce M.O.D.O.K. in the series' final season
  157. ↑ Chloe Bennet, Clark Gregg, More Give 'Agents Of S.H.I.E.L.D.' Exit Interview | Entertainment Weekly
  158. ↑ Steven DeKnight talking about Daredevil Season One
  159. ↑ Ben Barnes on Twitter
  160. ↑ Matt Shakman talk about WandaVision
  161. ↑ The Oral History of 'Wandavision'
  162. ↑ DANCING ZEMO - Marvel Studios’ The Falcon and The Winter Soldier - Disney+
  163. ↑ 'The Falcon and The Winter Soldier' and 'Moon Knight' Season 1 Coming to 4K UHD and Blu-ray
  164. ↑ Eric Martin on Twitter
  165. ↑ Loki Director Reveals Chris Hemsworth's Reaction To Frog Thor Appearance
  166. ↑ 166.0 166.1 Assembled 1.03: The Making of Loki
  167. ↑ Loki Director Reveals Tom Hiddleston's Deleted Opening Scene In Stark Tower (Exclusive)
  168. ↑ File:Void Concept Art Loki.jpg
  169. ↑ Marvel Officially Kills “Real Doctor Strange”, Wanted Death to Be “a Lot More Gruesome”
  170. ↑ What If..? Season 2 Live Q&A With Creative Team (A.C. Bradley, Matthew Chauncey, Bryan Andrews)
  171. ↑ 171.0 171.1 171.2 Oscar Isaac Moon Knight Deleted Scene
  172. ↑ Moon Knight‘s Original Love Interest Wound Up on a Different Marvel Series
  173. ↑ Moon Knight Producer Reveals Eternals' Scrapped Cameos (Exclusive)
  174. ↑ She-Hulk: The Leader Was Originally Part of Season 1 Plans (Exclusive)
  175. ↑ Marvel Considered Bringing Back Edward Norton for She-Hulk Finale (Exclusive)
  176. ↑ Stephen Samson on Facebook - July 11, 2023