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Marvel Cinematic Universe Wiki
Marvel Cinematic Universe Wiki
For the music group, see The Sneepers
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Sneepers are a race of olive-skinned aliens that inhabit the Andromeda Galaxy.


Arrival at the Kyln[]

Along with all prisoners at the Kyln, one Sneeper jeered by calling Gamora a "Murderer".[1]

Mining in Knowhere[]

To be added.[1]

Meeting in Contraxia[]

This section needs a rewrite

A Sneeper woman was the owner of the Iron Lotus, an establishment on Contraxia. The Iron Lotus was visited by the Ravager Captain Stakar Ogord and his clan in order to find a place to relax, but they were indisposed to find out that their exiled member Yondu Udonta and his clan were there as well. The Sneeper woman tried to reason with Ogord, but he replied that by allowing Udonta's faction in her establishment, she lost the favor of the other ninety-nine clans of Ravagers in the galaxy.[2]

Characteristic Traits[]

To be added.

Notable Sneepers[]


In chronological order:



Behind the Scenes[]

  • When James Gunn sent the script of "Guardians of the Galaxy Vol.2" to the Legal Department of Marvel Studios, he was advised on not using the Sneepers since the word snĂ­pur is an Icelandic term for "clitoris". However, after some consideration, the member of the Legal Department decided that "it wasn't that big of a deal", and let Gunn use the name for the alien species.[3]


External Links[]
