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For other uses, see Damage Control (disambiguation)
For alternate versions of the United States Department of Damage Control, see the United States Department of Damage Control's Organization Hub

"A joint venture between Stark Industries and the federal government, the Department of Damage Control will oversee collection and storage of alien and other exotic materials."
―NY1 Newscaster[src]

The United States Department of Damage Control, also known by its acronym DODC or simply Damage Control, is a federal executive department responsible for dealing with enhanced conflicts. Initially a subsidiary of S.H.I.E.L.D., Damage Control specialized in cleaning up the post-battle damage caused by individuals. As a response to the Chitauri Invasion, Damage Control was made into an executive department of the United States government in 2012, and in a joint venture with Stark Industries, was tasked with collecting powerful and alien technology.

One of the most important branches of the organization is in charge of law enforcement tasked with detaining enhanced people along with seizing dangerous and alien artifacts.



"We have a team called Damage Control on scene right now, at your factory and on the highway. They assess and control messes like this."
―Phil Coulson to Tony Stark[src]

The Damage Control team was present both at the highway and Stark Industries Headquarters in Los Angeles to contain and repair all damage done by the battle between Iron Man and Iron Monger. Stark and James Rhodes were later encountered Phil Coulson at a secret S.H.I.E.L.D. base. Coulson told them that Stark's fight against Stane was good but he needs to learn how to become a real fighter, before showing Damage Control at work.[1]

Ironman 6588

Damage Control mentioned on the TV news

The following day, before Stark's press conference, a news ticker-tape on KNKV News mentioned that Damage Control Officials were expected to issue a report on the Duel of Los Angeles within the following days.[2]

Under New Management[]

"Attention, please! In accordance with Executive Order 396-B, all post-battle clean-up operations are now under our jurisdiction. Thank you for your service; we'll take it from here."
―Anne Marie Hoag to Adrian Toomes' Crew[src]
SMH Trailer2 20

The D.O.D.C. is born

In 2012, following the Battle of New York, Damage Control was transferred from S.H.I.E.L.D. and made into an executive department of the United States government. Officially designed as the United States Department of Damage Control, the department, in a joint venture with Stark Industries, began the collection and salvage of all alien materials present.


Damage Control approaches Bestman Salvage

Under Executive Order 396-B, all clean up would fall under Damage Control's jurisdiction. This caused companies such as Bestman Salvage to lose their contracts.[3][4]

Watchdogs in Naperville[]

"S.H.I.E.L.D. will take all the wounded men into custody, and Damage Control will clean up."
―Daisy Johnson to Ruben Mackenzie[src]

Damage Control was called by S.H.I.E.L.D. to clean up an attack executed by the Watchdogs in the Mackenzie Residence in Naperville, Illinois.[5]

Triskelion Mess[]

"Damage Control. They're still cleaning up from when Captain America took down those skycraft carriers for no reason."
"I'm pretty sure Cap was just trying to save us from tyranny."
―Michelle Jones and Ned Leeds[src]

At some point the Department of Damage Control was called in to clean up the destroyed Helicariers and the Triskelion's rubble left from the Battle at the Triskelion in 2014. By 2016, the Department of Damage Control was still cleaning up the mess,[6] but finished later in the year.[7]

Robbery at Queens Community Bank[]

Damage Control - Queens Community Bank

Anne Marie Hoag and Foster attend the cleanup

In 2016, due to the confrontation between the Criminal Avengers and Spider-Man, the Queens Community Bank and Delmar's Deli-Grocery were seriously damaged. Damage Control was assigned to clean up the aftermath of the incident. Anne Marie Hoag and Foster arrived at the scene to supervise the cleanup.[4]

Spider-Man Investigation[]

Interrogating Peter Parker[]

Spider-Man NWH trailer 13

Agent P. Cleary interrogates Peter Parker

"Department of Damage Control. We have a warrant for the arrest of Peter Parker."
―P. Cleary to May Parker[src]

In 2024, following the revelation that Peter Parker was Spider-Man, Damage Control units, led by P. Cleary, arrived at the Parker Residence. They, along with the New York City Police Department, arrested Parker and brought him to the police station. As Parker was handcuffed to an interrogation table, he told Cleary that they could ask Nick Fury for evidence that he did not kill Quentin Beck, but Cleary told him that Fury had been in space for the past year. He then proceeded to tell Parker that despite his pleas of being innocent, the drones that killed Beck were under Parker's name. Other Damage Control agents then brought May Parker, Michelle Jones, and Ned Leeds into the station for questioning. Cleary interrogated all of them, stating that they all would need a lawyer.[8]

Finding Spider-Man[]

"I already called Damage Control, and they're on their way. This place is about to be swarming with cops!"
―J. Jonah Jameson[src]

That November, after being informed of Peter Parker's whereabouts by J. Jonah Jameson, Damage Control units arrived at a condominium complex in Long Island and were told Parker was inside, despite the latter having done nothing to warrant an arrest. However, they soon saw Doctor Octopus being thrown out of the condominium and escaped. They also witnessed Lizard break out of a F.E.A.S.T. truck parked out front nearby and were startled upon seeing it, unsure of what it was.


Damage Control at Happy Hogan's apartment

Shortly, the complex was destroyed after explosives were set off and despite having little to go on, agents began to infiltrate the area and spotted Parker in the wreckage. Parker yelled at them to call an ambulance, but they didn't hear him. Fortunately, Happy Hogan arrived in time and separated Parker from the agents by driving in between them with his car. Hogan was then forced out of the car and got handcuffed. While being taken into custody, Hogan yelled at Parker to run. Agents filed past him and fired their guns, with one able to shoot Parker in the shoulder. Emotionally distraught and angry, Parker fled the scene.[8]

Parole of Emil Blonsky[]

To be added

Arresting She-Hulk[]

She-Hulk Trailer (1)

Damage Control agents arrive to arrest She-Hulk

In August 2025, following a disturbance at the Southern California Law Awards Gala, Damage Control agents arrived in Los Angeles and surrounded the area. Upon seeing She-Hulk apprehend an Intelligencia member, they aimed their Stark Sonic Cannons at her to arrest her.[9]

Ms. Marvel Investigation[]

Learning about Ms. Marvel[]

"Bring her in."
―P. Cleary to Sadie Deever[src]

That fall, Sadie Deever and P. Cleary were at Damage Control Field Office when they saw a video of Ms. Marvel demonstrating powers at the New Jersey AvengerCon. Concerned, Cleary told Deever to apprehend the enhanced individual in.[10]

Interrogating Zoe Zimmer[]

"Middle Eastern perhaps? South Asian?"
"Deever. Let's do the tri-state sweep. Search every temple, community center, and... And mosque."
―Sadie Deever and P. Cleary[src]

P. Cleary and Sadie Deever called Zoe Zimmer inside the office for an interrogation about what happened as she had been rescued and seen firsthand the powers. When Cleary realized that Zimmer wouldn't be helpful for their cause, he concocted a theory that she had been responsible for the incident by using her friend or sister to do so. Deever then entered the room and pressed her more, discovering that Ms. Marvel was South Asian. Following this, Cleary told Deever to investigate every temple, community center and mosque, while reminding her to exercise caution as the FBI monitored the mosques.[11]

Ambushing Ms. Marvel[]

"Freeze! Hold it right where you are!"
―Sadie Deever to Ms. Marvel[src]

Sadie Deever and other agents used the Stark Industries Combat Drones to locate Ms. Marvel in Jersey City. They ambushed her in an alleyway, although she used her hard light to leap above them. One of the agents used the Stark Sonic Cannon to destroy her hard light platform, but they were unable to apprehend her as she had been rescued by an unknown party.[11]

Visiting Jersey City Mosque[]

"Department of Damage Control. We received a report of an unidentified enhanced individual operating out of this mosque."
―Sadie Deever to Abdullah[src]

The following morning, Deever and a group of agents paid a visit to the Islamic Masjid of Jersey City, claiming to have intelligence that Ms. Marvel was operating out of the mosque. Just as Deever was about to order a sweep of the premises, Nakia Bahadir protested she would need a warrant first. Deever turned to Abdullah, insisting they cooperate but Bahadir inferred that Damage Control was only interested in Ms. Marvel because she was enhanced or that she was spotted at a mosque. Abdullah concurred with her and ordered Deever to return with a warrant, forcing Damage Control to leave.[12]

Arresting Clandestines[]

Damage Control later appeared during a fight between Ms. Marvel and the Clandestines at Aamir Khan and Tyesha Hillman's wedding reception. Deever's team managed to incapacitate and arrest the Clandestines, including Kamran, while Ms. Marvel and Bruno Carrelli slipped away without being identified. The Clandestines were then transferred to the Damage Control Supermax Prison, only for the five of them to kill their guards and escape.[12][13]

Destruction of Circle Q[]

After escaping from the Damage Control Supermax Prison, Kamran went to Circle Q to meet with Bruno Carrelli and hide in his apartment above Circle Q. While they were talking, A drone sent by the United States Department of Damage Control arrived, prompting Kamran to attack it with his newly awakened powers, causing the drone to misfire a missile at Circle Q.[14] The United States Department of Damage Control and the Jersey City Police Department arrived at the scene next morning to investigate. Deever deemed the collateral damage at the scene as proof of what happens when young people gain powers and ordered his men to bring Kamran in alive so they could study him. Meanwhile, a pair of Damage Control agents spotted Kamran and Carrelli on the subway but as the boys tried to flee, only to bump into a passenger, Kamran accidentally created a hardlight construct that derailed the train, forcing the fugitives to make it out on foot.[15]

Battle at Coles Academic High School[]

"Hey, we are closing in on the enhanced individuals as we speak."
"Yes. And they're doing it in front of a high school. There's such a thing as bad press, and I don't like it."
―Sadie Deever and P. Cleary[src]
This section needs a rewrite

The United States Department of Damage Control tracked down Kamran and Ms. Marvel to Coles Academic High School. Damage Control surrounded the school and set up units. Agent Sadie Deever gets a call from her superior P. Cleary demanding that she and the Damage Control units leave because of the bad press. She pretends to obey Cleary's orders, but she decides to disobey Cleary's orders and calls in additional units. The Damage Control agents set a charge on a school door and breach into the school. They encounter a device, thinking it's a bomb, the Damage Control agents fall back to call the bomb squad only to realize it was not a bomb but a speaker. They blasted the speaker and proceeded into the school. They get taunted by Kamran who was upstairs. While searching they encounter several traps and pitfalls that were set up.

DODC agents trapped in foam

DODC agents encounter a foam trap

After going through all the traps, the Damage Control agents arrested Bruno Carrelli, Nakia Bahadir, Zoe Zimmer and Aamir Khan and put them in a DODC van outside. Outside, a crowd sent by Zoe Zimmer's live stream begins to form. They demanded Damage Control to let them go. Kamran than blasts a door outside. Deever demanded that he get on his knees. After Kamran refuses to do so, Deever orders the agents to fire at Kamran than Ms. Marvel comes out and shields Kamran from the gunfire. A sonic cannon fires at Kamran and Ms. Marvel, destroying the shield and knocking them back. Ms. Marvel than got back up and destroyed the cannon. Kamran throws a humvee at Deever but she dodges it and the humvee almost hits the crowd but Ms. Marvel saves the crowd. Kamran's powers went out of control, creating constructs. Ms. Marvel than creates a dome around Kamran. After Kamran escapes, Deever demands that the agents get Ms. Marvel but the crowd and the Jersey City Police Department protects her and she escapes. Barrie gets a call from Cleary and gives his phone to Deever. Cleary speaks to Deever, telling her she went against his orders by attacking teenagers using their name. Cleary then punishes Deever by reliving her of duty and calls in another unit of Damage Control to fix their mess. Deever orders the agents to leave the school. After the battle, the United States Department of Damage Control received a lot of backlash.[15]

Secret Invasion[]

Cull Obsidian's Arm[]

Secret Invasion D23 Trailer (43)

Several Skrulls infiltrate Damage Control

"What DNA did Gravik steal?"
"Only a few samples. Cull Obsidian,
Flora colossus."
―Nick Fury and G'iah[src]

In the aftermath of the Infinity War, Damage Control acquired the forearm of Cull Obsidian that had been severed by Wong and left behind in New York City during the Attack on Greenwich Village.[16] In 2026, Gravik sent several Skrull Resistance members to infiltrate Damage Control in order to obtain Cull Obsidian's severed forearm, which Damage Control had acquired. Impersonating several Damage Control agents, the Skrulls succeeded in collecting Obsidian's arm.[17]


Name Position Status
Anne Marie Hoag Director Active
Foster Agent Active
P. Cleary Agent Active
Sadie Deever Agent Relieved of Duty
Barrie Agent Active



Appearances for the United States Department of Damage Control


Behind the Scenes[]


Transparent Endgame Logo
The Marvel Cinematic Universe Wiki has a collection of images and media related to United States Department of Damage Control.

External Links[]
