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For alternate versions of Christine Palmer, see Christine Palmer's Character Hub

"There are other ways to save lives."
―Christine Palmer to Doctor Strange[src]

Doctor Christine Palmer is a surgeon at Metro-General Hospital and former colleague of Stephen Strange. She was Strange's girlfriend until they broke up due to his egotistic personality, but they still remained friends. She helped Strange after his accident left him without the use of his hands until she could no longer watch Strange ruin his life.

One year later, Palmer operated on Strange after a battle with the Zealots and reunited with him after not seeing him since she left him. Later, Palmer performed surgery on the Ancient One, but could not save her. Palmer's words had made an effect on Strange; who had now changed his life for the better as well as mending his relationship with her.

Although Palmer was on good terms with Strange, she was never able to be in love with him the same way he was with her; due to his personality. Accepting it would never work between them, Palmer moved on and eventually met Charlie, who she fell in love with and married. Palmer invited Strange to the wedding, and at the reception, it was disrupted by Gargantos attacking.


Work at Metro-General[]

Dating Stephen Strange[]

"We are not friends, Christine. We were barely lovers."
―Stephen Strange to Christine Palmer[src]

Palmer on a date with Stephen Strange

Christine Palmer began working at Metro-General Hospital in the ER, where she developed a relationship with Stephen Strange, a fellow surgeon who she had worked alongside.[1] On one of their dates, Palmer gifted Strange with a watch, inscribed "Time will tell how much I love you."[2]

During their relationship, Palmer would attend Strange's talks, however, she never enjoyed them as it was only about Strange. This self-obsession would then become the reason Palmer decided to end their relationship. After this relationship, Palmer decided to create a rule to never date colleagues, which she titled the "Strange Policy". Despite this, Palmer still remained one of Strange's closest friends and continued to work alongside him.[1]

Interview with WHiH[]

WHiH interviews Doctor Strange & Doctor Palmer

Palmer interviewed with Stephen Strange

"I think we make a great team. Stephen's one of the best surgeons alive."
"I'm the best actually. I mean, aside from you."
―Christine Palmer and Stephen Strange[src]

While working at Metro-General Hospital, Palmer and Stephen Strange developed a revolutionary technique for removing a vertebral bone, which would contribute to allowing paralysed patients to walk again. This technique became known as the Strange Palmer method. Palmer and Strange would sit down for an interview with WHiH World News to discuss their work, with Strange reluctantly sharing the credit with Palmer, although noting that he usually did his best work alone.

WHiH interviews Christine Palmer

Palmer talking about working as a team

When asked who the real brains were, Strange deflected from answering the question, with Palmer noting that they made a great team. When Palmer noted that Strange was one of the best surgeons alive, Strange insisted he was the best, and quickly added that Palmer was as well. However, the interviewer began to speculate if Strange's dedication to saving lives was just so he could feel good about himself, making Palmer uncomfortable. She tried to shut down the line of questioning, but Strange chose to handle it, insisting that he was simply the one you would want holding the knife during a surgery.[3]

Seeking a Second Opinion[]


Palmer telling Stephen Strange of a patient

"I think I found the problem, Doctor Palmer. You left a bullet in his head."
"Thanks. It's impinging on the medulla. I needed a specialist. Nic diagnosed brain death. Something about that doesn't feel right to me."
―Stephen Strange and Christine Palmer[src]

While working in the ER, Nicodemus West declared a patient with a bullet in his brain deceased, which caused Palmer to feel unsure about the decision. So, she decided to find Stephen Strange to get his opinion, knowing he was more qualified. Palmer called Strange out from surgery and informed him of the patient. After looking through the reports, Strange was able to realize that the patient was in fact still alive, so they rushed down to save the patient.


Palmer assists Stephen Strange in surgery

When they found West, he was about to harvest the patient's organs, but they stopped him, informing West he was still alive. Strange then took the patient and went to perform surgery, having Palmer assist him. During the surgery, Palmer thanked Strange for his help, and they were able to successfully remove the bullet from the patient, saving his life. Palmer and Strange then went to inform the family of the patient that he was alive.[1]

The Strange Policy[]

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Palmer and Strange discuss their patient

"I have a very strict rule against dating colleagues."
"Oh, really?"
"I call it the Strange Policy."
―Christine Palmer and Stephen Strange[src]

After saving the patient, Palmer told Stephen Strange that he didn't have to humiliate Nicodemus West in front of everyone, which Strange arrogantly responded that he didn't have to save the patient either. Palmer, not wanting to feed his ego, claimed that she only needed a second opinion on the patient, but Strange told her that she needed a competent opinion.

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Palmer being rejected by Stephen Strange

This then led to Palmer suggesting that Strange should become her neurosurgeon on call as he could be doing more work in the ER. However, he declined, stating that his work would save more lives, which Palmer corrected, in that there wasn't any fame for him there, as that was all that he cared about. Accepting Strange's rejection, Palmer then decided she would stick with West as her neurosurgeon.

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Palmer talks about the Strange Policy

However, this made Strange assume a sexual relationship was occurring between Palmer and West, to his disgust. Palmer declined Strange's suspicions, revealing that her strict rule about dating colleagues that was named after him. After learning about the Strange Policy, Strange sarcastically stated that he was glad something was named after him, unlike the surgical techniques he developed, which Palmer corrected in acknowledging her contribution to those techniques.

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Palmer declines Stephen Strange's invite

Strange then informed Palmer that he was talking at a Neurological Society dinner later that night, inviting her to attend. However, Palmer declined, much to Strange's confusion, believing she liked going to his talks and they had fun. Palmer told Strange that he only had fun because it was all about him. Palmer then left as the two shared banter about whose name should come first in the possibly hyphened title of their technique.[1]

Helping Stephen Strange[]

Stephen Strange's Accident[]

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Palmer taking Stephen Strange to surgery

"No one could have done better."
"I could have done better."
―Christine Palmer and Stephen Strange[src]

When Stephen Strange was found after his car crash, he was brought to Metro-General Hospital where Palmer stayed by his side as he went into surgery that lasted eleven hours.

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Palmer visits Stephen Strange in his ward

When Strange woke up, Palmer was by his side and informed him about his injuries saying that no one could have done better, which Strange believed he could have. While Strange recovered in the hospital, Palmer stayed with him and looked after him until he was able to leave. As Strange tried different operations and numerous rehabilitation techniques to heal his hands faster, Palmer continued to stay with him and watched as he went through the many operations.[1]

Rejected Assistance[]


Palmer is insulted by Stephen Strange

"There are other things that can give your life meaning."
"Like what? Like you?"
"And this is the part where you apologize."
―Christine Palmer and Stephen Strange[src]

Palmer came to Strange in his apartment and tried to convince him to stop trying to fix his hands, after he had spent all his money. Palmer tried to tell him that there were other things that could give meaning to his life. However, Strange did not want to move on but instead focus on finding other ways of healing his hands and insulted Palmer.


Palmer stops helping Stephen Strange

After Strange had insulted Palmer and refused to apologize, she decided to leave as she couldn't watch him suffer anymore. Then, in his anger, Strange continued to insult her, saying that Palmer was pitying him as she loves a sob story, which he saw himself as. Being hurt by what Strange had said to her, Palmer couldn't go on trying to helping him so she left Strange and stayed out of his life. When Strange was training at Kamar-Taj, he sent Palmer e-mails, but she never replied.[1]

Operating on Stephen Strange[]


Palmer discovers Stephen Strange bleeding

"Stephen? What am I seeing?"
"My astral body."
"Are you dead?"
"No, Christine, but I am dying."
―Christine Palmer and Doctor Strange[src]

Palmer was still working at the hospital after Stephen Strange left for Kamar-Taj. One year later, Palmer discovered Strange stumbling through the hospital, bleeding heavily, as he demanded she operates on him alone. Despite being incredibly confused, not only by Strange's presence, but his clothes and injury, Palmer stayed focused on saving his life.


Palmer while operating on Doctor Strange

When Palmer was about to begin, Strange passed out due to him entering the Astral Dimension. When Palmer was about to inject Strange with a needle, he appeared before her in his Astral body, much to her bewilderment and horror. He reminded her of their situation, so Palmer returned to operating on Strange, as he assisted her, displaying the veins inside his body to guide her when she was injecting him.

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Palmer shocking Doctor Strange's body

Suddenly, Strange left, telling Palmer to not let him die, completely unaware of a brutal fight going on around her, which caused some of the equipment and even Palmer herself to be moved from it. When Strange's heart stopped, Palmer shocked his body, which successfully brought him back to life. Palmer was frightened when Strange returned, telling her to shock him again and then abruptly leaving. Palmer did as Strange had requested, which caused the lights in the room to spark. Palmer then checked on Strange's body only to be scared once more when he awoke.[1]

Reuniting with Stephen Strange[]

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Palmer reuniting with Stephen Strange

"Oh, so you joined a cult?"
"No, I didn't. No, well, not exactly. They did teach me to tap into powers I never even knew existed."
"Yeah, that sounds like a cult."
―Christine Palmer and Stephen Strange[src]

After saving Stephen Strange's life, the two caught up as Palmer stitched him up. Strange apologized to her for the way he acted and treated her before he left and that she deserved to be treated better.

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Palmer helping Doctor Strange to the portal

Palmer then asked Strange where he had been since he left, which he informed her that he went to Kamar-Taj and met the Ancient One and learned to tap into powers which he never knew existed, making Palmer believe that Strange had joined a cult. As Strange was leaving, Palmer asked what was going on, so Strange told her about Kaecilius and that he needs to leave through a portal in the closet which made Palmer continue to not believe him.

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Palmer is left unnerved by her experiences

When the two entered the closet, Palmer was amazed by the giant portal that she thought Strange was lying about. Strange then entered the portal and left the hospital, as Palmer watched in awe and confusion. When the portal closed, Palmer turned around, trying to take in everything that just happened, only to be startled by a mop that fell on the ground, causing her to scream.[1]

Operating on The Ancient One[]

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Palmer hearing Doctor Strange once again

"Are you kidding me?"
―Doctor Strange and Christine Palmer[src]

Later on that same day, Palmer found herself exhausted to once again hear Stephen Strange call out her name, due to what she had recently just gone through with him.


Palmer starts operating on the Ancient One

But, when she turned around, she discovered the Ancient One in critical condition, so she rushed to help. Palmer assisted in the operation to save the Ancient One's life, but it was a difficult operation. When Palmer noticed that they were losing the Ancient One, they tried to bring her back but it was futile, and she died on the table.[1]

Stephen Strange's Amend[]

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Palmer notices the Cloak of Levitation

"You said losing my hands didn't have to be the end. That it could be a beginning."
"Yeah. Because there are other ways to save lives."
"A harder way."
"A weirder way."
―Doctor Strange and Christine Palmer[src]

After the Ancient One's death, Palmer went to go wash her hands, where she noticed the Cloak of Levitation hovering by itself, but she ignored it as she couldn't take any more magical things.

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Palmer comforts Stephen Strange

As Palmer and Stephen Strange washed their hands, he reached out and held Palmer's hand and she comforted him. Palmer told Strange that she didn't understand what was going on, but he informed her that he had to leave. Strange then reminded Palmer of the advice she gave him about not letting the loss of his hands be the end, but a beginning, as there were other ways to save lives, which she was right about.


Palmer kisses Stephen Strange goodbye

Suddenly, their moment was ruined when an announcement came on, calling for Palmer to report to the ER. Strange told her he didn't want her to go, both in that moment, and also from his life again. Palmer then kissed him on the cheek and left, now with their relationship mended.[1]

Moving On[]

Meeting Charlie[]

"The best surgeon and the best superhero. But you still didn't get the girl."
―Nicodemus West to Stephen Strange[src]

In 2018, Palmer survived the Snap and during the next five years, met a man named Charlie. They fell in love and agreed to get married to him.[2]


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Palmer walks down the aisle to get married

"It was never going to work out between us."
"Why not?"
"Because, Stephen, you have to be the one holding the knife. And I always respected you for it, but I couldn't love you for it."
―Christine Palmer and Stephen Strange[src]

In November 2024, Palmer invited Stephen Strange to their wedding at a church in New York City. As the ceremony began, she walked down the aisle behind four flower girls and danced with Charlie.

Stephen and Christine

Palmer asks Stephen Strange if he's happy

Later, during the wedding reception at another venue, Palmer found Strange at the bar, and asked the bartender for more wine, and Strange instead filled her glass using magic. Palmer mentioned that Charlie was a fan of Strange and asked to introduce him, but Strange stopped her and apologized for the way things had ended between them. Palmer told Strange that things would never have worked out between them, and asked Strange if he was happy. Strange replied that he was happy. She then went to talk to other guests.

Christine witnesses the battle

Palmer's reception is ruined by Gargantos

When most of her guests had gathered outside on the balcony, Palmer, her father, and Charlie rushed over to see why and witnessed Strange, Wong, and America Chavez fighting Gargantos, a tentacled being from the Multiverse. Charlie commented that the fight was incredible, and Palmer agreed with him.[2]


"It breaks my heart to see you this way."
"Don't pity me."
"I am not pitying you."
―Christine Palmer and Stephen Strange[src]

Christine Palmer is a kind and caring person who puts other people before herself. She went out of her way to help Stephen Strange after his accident damaging his hands by helping him recover and trying to get him to move on with his life even though he pushed her away and treated her badly even prior to his accident. Palmer always tries to see the good in people and help them. She is also not afraid to stand up for herself and is one of the only people who can stand up to Strange's arrogance. She also has a sense of maturity, as she is able to remain on good terms with Strange despite recognizing that their goals in life were too incompatible for a relationship.

When Palmer found Strange after not seeing him for a while, bleeding out, she remained calm and continued to operate on Strange even though she was continually frightened by Strange's Astral form randomly appearing and objects around her moving due to Strange and Lucian Aster fighting which she could not see.


  • Master Physician:

    Palmer operating on Stephen Strange

    Palmer is a trained doctor and is one of Metro-General Hospital's best surgeons, being able to perform successful surgery without having knowledge of what caused the injury. She is also very sharp, despite not being a specialist, she felt something off when her fellow doctor, Nicodemus West, diagnosed a patient with brain death prematurely. This prompted her to seek the help of a much more trusted doctor, Stephen Strange. Moreover, together with Stephen Strange, they invented a laminectomy procedure.


"I can't work in your butcher shop."
―Stephen Strange and Christine Palmer[src]
  • Metro-General Hospital: Palmer worked as a doctor at Metro-General Hospital alongside Stephen Strange. They began dated, but eventually split up, although they continued to work well together. Palmer operated on both Strange and the Ancient One in the hospital, as well as other patients.






In chronological order:


  • In the comics, Christine Palmer is the third Night Nurse, originally from a Midwestern suburb, with no connection to Doctor Strange.

Behind the Scenes[]


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The Marvel Cinematic Universe Wiki has a collection of images and media related to Christine Palmer.
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The Marvel Cinematic Universe Wiki has a collection of quotes related to Christine Palmer.

External Links[]
