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For other uses, see Void (disambiguation)

"You're in the Void. Think of it as purgatory. Reed called it a metaphysical junkyard where anything useless goes before it gets annihilated forever. And where the TVA sends people that don't play nice with the rest of the Multiverse."
―Human Torch to Deadpool and Wolverine[src]

The Void is a point located at the End of Time used to send everything pruned by the Time Variance Authority.


Discovering the Void[]

"When we prune a branched reality, it's impossible to destroy all of its matter. So we move it to a place on the timeline where it won't continue growing. Basically, the branched timeline isn't reset. It's transferred."
"To where?"
"A void at the End of Time. Where every instance of existence collides at the same point and simply stops."
―Ravonna Renslayer and Sylvie Laufeydottir[src]
HWR Presentation

Nathaniel Richards finds Alioth and the Void

With the Multiversal War over, He Who Remains tasked Alioth to live in the Void, in order to guard him in his residence. The Void became an amalgam of alternate realities that were pruned by the Time Variance Authority sent to the end of time, and all the pruned Variants organizing themselves into different communities with the common goal of surviving Alioth. Eventually, Kid Loki was sent to the Void and started learning how to survive. As more and more Loki Variants started arriving, he created his own crew, while some other Lokis chose to follow President Loki and his clan.[1]


Cassandra Nova's District[]

"In the Void, you're either food for Alioth or your work for her."
―Human Torch[src]

Under the Time Variance Authority's jurisdiction, in one of the many alternate universes they oversaw, Cassandra Nova, Charles Xavier's twin sister, tried to kill Xavier inside the womb by strangling him with her umbilical cord but Xavier psychically killed her.[2] This event alerted the TVA who pruned Nova, sending her to the Void. Nova rapidly became one of the most powerful individuals in the Void, recruiting individuals that the TVA pruned from other worlds into her community. She ended up finding the corpse of Giant-Man who had been pruned there by the TVA and had made it into her base. After some years, her community became the largest in the Void and she managed to become the de facto ruler of the dimension.[3]

Resistance Fighters[]

"Everyone here's on the run from Alioth. Most don't make it. There's a Resistance though. Other people like us that managed to survive. They're hiding out in the borderlands trying to find a way the fuck out of here."
―Human Torch to Deadpool and Wolverine[src]

Nova's reign over the Void was not without pushback, as some survivors refused to be her slaves and formed the Resistance to overthrow her. However, each and every attempt to take Nova down only resulted in loss and casualties, with Nova personally killing Magneto and destroying his helmet that allowed the wearer to withstand her psychic powers. Due to the Resistance's failed attempts, Nova continued to exert her will over the Void killing Variants who were unwilling to obey her. Nova also was able to kill a version of her twin brother and a version of Doctor Strange stealing Xavier's wheelchair and Strange's cloak and Time and Reality Stone infused Sling Ring. She also managed to find a version of the Space Throne that was pruned there and made into her throne, which she also used to keep Strange's Cloak on. At one point, she was approached by Paradox, a rogue agent from the TVA, who offered her a bargain that allowed her to deal with the Variants sent to the Void however she wanted as long as she never left her newly dominated kingdom.[3]

Loki's Arrival[]

Loki in the ground credits scene

Loki wakes up

"This is the Void. That's Alioth. And we're his lunch. Come on!"
―Classic Loki to Loki[src]

Having been pruned, Loki woke up in the Void and discovered four versions of himself. He followed them back to the Loki Palace where Loki tried to come up with a plan to escape.[4]

Sylvie Enchants Alioth

Sylvie Laufeydottir discovers she can enchant Alioth

Later on, Sylvie Laufeydottir awakened in a bus located in the ruins of a theatre, having pruned herself. She found herself in front of Alioth and was forced to run away. As Alioth got close, she touched it and was able to catch a glimpse of the Citadel at the End of Time. She kept running for her life and eventually found Mobius M. Mobius, who had been pruned earlier. The two drove away to find Loki.[1]

Ambush at the Loki Palace[]

Loki105 0394

Kid Loki's Crew talk

"Surely there's something to do."
"There is. Survive. That's all there is. All there ever was."
―Loki and Classic Loki[src]

As the Lokis talked about their past, Loki argued that Alioth could be killed and prepared to go outside of the Loki Palace. However, as he was about to leave, he was confronted by another group of Lokis led by President Loki. As President Loki confronted Kid Loki about ruling the Void, Boastful Loki revealed that he was working with President Loki in order to claim the throne, though President Loki betrayed him.

Loki Stills 47

Many Loki Variants fight each other

In a turn of events, President Loki was betrayed by his own army and wondered why Alligator Loki was there. Alligator Loki chewed off President Loki's arm as the Lokis began fighting each other. Loki, Kid Loki, Classic Loki, and Alligator Loki managed to escape the Palace as the other Lokis agreed to help Loki. Eventually, Sylvie Laufeydottir and Mobius M. Mobius caught up with them.[1]

Reunion at the End of Time[]

Journey Into Mystery 05

Loki bonds with Sylvie Laufeydottir

"When it hit me earlier, I linked to it. It was brief, but I caught a glimpse of something, and I think if I can get close enough to it, I can enchant it, and it's gonna take me to whoever's behind all of this."
―Sylvie Laufeydottir[src]

While Loki explained his plan to Sylvie Laufeydottir, Sylvie argued that Loki's plan could not work and that they should enchant Alioth instead. The group made refuge in a fallen structure as Mobius M. Mobius reminisced on his past with dealing with the other Lokis and planned to expose the truth about the TVA with everyone. Outside, Loki bonded with Sylvie and talked about their time together.

Three Lokis watch Alioth destroy the USS Eldridge

The Lokis see Alioth

Though Sylvie worried about being alone, Loki assured her that they would take the TVA down, casting a blanket around them. Loki admitted his faults in the past to Sylvie, hoping to increase his trust with Sylvie. Having spent some more time, the group went to Alioth's location as the Lokis made their goodbyes with Loki and Sylvie while Mobius said his goodbyes returned to the Time Variance Authority Office, hoping to persuade Ravonna Renslayer.[1]

Infiltration into the Citadel at the End of Time[]

Come and get me! 2

Loki taunts Alioth with Laevateinn

As Loki and Sylvie Laufeydottir walked towards Alioth, Alioth hovered towards them, howling at the two. Loki assured Sylvie before the two enacted their plan. Using the Laevateinn, Loki distracted Alioth as Sylvie tried to enchant Alioth using one of its branches. However, Alioth turned to Sylvie and attempted to kill her.


Classic Loki unleashes his illusions

Suddenly, Alioth was distracted by Classic Loki, who created an illusion of Asgard in order to give Loki and Sylvie the chance to enchant Alioth. As Alioth tried to eat the illusion, Loki and Sylvie began enchanting the creature as the illusion began to fall apart.

Journey Into Mystery 11

A rift opens to the Citadel at the End of Time

Unable to keep up the illusion, Classic Loki, in a last effort to hold back Alioth, was killed. Alioth turned its attention back to Loki and Sylvie and tried to eat them, but the enchantment overtook Alioth. A rift then opened revealing the Citadel at the End of Time as Loki and Sylvie prepared themselves to find the person who ruled over the TVA.[1]

Renslayer's Exile[]

Ravonna's Fate

Ravonna Renslayer faces Alioth

During the attack on the TVA office, Ravonna Renslayer was pruned by Hunter X-05 whilst he was being controlled by Sylvie Laufeydottir through enchantment. Renslayer was sent to the Void,[5] where she was immediately confronted by Alioth.[6]

Deadpool's Rebellion[]

This section requires expansion
This section needs a rewrite

Human Torch went out on a scout mission, and after two days, he came across a freshly pruned Deadpool and Wolverine. Human Torch revealed himself to the two heroes, but they were soon surrounded and captured by henchmen of Cassandra Nova along with the Minuteman that Deadpool had pruned and taken to her compound. On the way, Human Torch informed Deadpool and Wolverine of the Resistance. When they were brought before Nova, Deadpool's actions got Human Torch killed.

Johnny Storm, Deadpool & Wolverine

Storm encounters Deadpool and Wolverine

X-23 came across Deadpool and Wolverine, who managed to escape from Nova and searched for the Resistance. X-23 brought the two back to their hideout, where they were first encountered by Elektra, followed by Blade and Gambit. Deadpool asked if Magneto was with them, but they revealed he was killed. X-23 joined them, and they explained how they all ended up in the Void. Deadpool then stated that he wanted to join their team and get out of the Void.

The Resistance were shocked to learn that Deadpool and Wolverine escaped from Nova's compound, as they had lost so many members whenever they fought back. Gambit mentioned that Human Torch had gone missing, and when Deadpool revealed that he knew him when trying to motivate the team, they demanded an explanation, so Wolverine outed Deadpool for getting him killed. Deadpool once again asked for their help, and they explained that Juggernaut's helmet could stop Nova's powers. The Resistance saw this as a chance for them to finally get their ending, so they agreed to Deadpool's plan and prepared to fight.[3]

Resistance Assemble

The Resistance prepare to engage in battle

The next morning, the Resistance, driving in Ol' Betsy, headed for Cassandra Nova's compound. Using Punisher's rocket launcher, they destroyed the entrance and drove inside, where they were surrounded by all of Nova's Cassandra Nova's Henchmen. Wolverine felt that the Resistance would not survive, but they assured him they'd get Juggernaut's helmet as well as their ending.

The two sides charged at each other, and although they were greatly outnumbered, the Resistance were able to hold their own and eliminate many of the henchmen with ease. They managed to safely get Deadpool and Wolverine inside to confront Nova. The Resistance guarded the entrance inside and continued fighting off all of the remaining henchmen. X-23 managed to kill Juggernaut, remove his helmet and get it to Deadpool. The Resistance briefly lost the upper hand, but they still kept fighting and were able to kill all of their enemies. They then watched Deadpool and Wolverine escape the Void as Alioth approached their location.[3]


Current Residents[]

Former Residents[]

Notable Pruned Objects[]


Appearances for the Void

In chronological order:

In an indefinite temporality:


Transparent Endgame Logo
The Marvel Cinematic Universe Wiki has a collection of images and media related to Void.

External Links[]
