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Marvel Cinematic Universe Wiki
Marvel Cinematic Universe Wiki

"How long do I have with my dance partner this time?"
―Yan to Carol Danvers[src]

Yan is the prince of the planet Aladna and Carol Danvers' husband through a diplomatic act. He agreed to help the Marvels protect against an incoming attack from Dar-Benn. However, this cost him the water on his planet.


Prince of Aladna[]


Princess Carol and Prince Yan

Yan and Carol Danvers' marriage on a plate

"It is a marriage of convenience. It’s more of a diplomatic act, you know? It’s like, there was a power struggle. Matriarchal society."
―Carol Danvers[src]

Due to a legal issue, Yan was helped by Carol Danvers. The two got married to help solve the fact that the planet was a matriarchal society. However, they were more like friends as Danvers always had missions elsewhere.[1]

Return of the Princess[]


Prince Yan greets Carol Danvers

"My Princess from the star..."
"Sorry. Sorry. Sorry. Stop. Please stop. We need to talk."
"Okay, let’s talk."
―Yan and Carol Danvers[src]

In 2026, Carol Danvers returned to Aladna. Therefore, Yan had a banquet had people welcome her. When she got to the palace with the Marvels, Yan walked through the crowd to her. The two met in the circle and started dancing elegantly. As the two danced, they spoke to each other in Song about Dar-Benn's imminent arrival. Yan did not have reason to be worried, but Danvers wanted to have a chance to talk Dar-Benn down. They then stopped dancing as Yan sang how his princess from the star had returned. As he sang, Danvers abruptly interrupted him saying they needed to talk. Yan obliged, switching to speaking English. Yan agreed to get the Marvels battle uniforms.[1]

Yan Deleted Scene

Yan talks to Captain Marvel

While preparing the Marvels with their uniforms, Yan talked to Danvers, who talked about Dar-Benn's plan to rid Aladna of its water in order to restore Hala. Yan was not worried at all, telling Danvers that she could defeat Dar-Benn easily. Danvers admitted that she was not at her best. Ms. Marvel then spoke up, saying how every time they used their powers at the same time, they would swap places.[2]

Attack on Aladna[]

Yan and Army

Yan faces Dar-Benn

"Supremor, why have you come?"
"I’ve come here to pardon you for your crimes against the Kree Empire."
―Yan and Dar-Benn[src]

Yan had the uniforms made and suited up himself. He told the Marvels to stay back at first. Danvers told Yan to entertain Dar-Benn as long as he could. Suddenly, the Aladneans started vocalizing in sirens, signaling Dar-Benn's arrival. When Dar-Benn got to the surface, Yan stood in front of the Aladnean Armed Forces and asked her why she had come. Dar-Benn told him that she had come to pardon Aladna for their crimes against the Kree Empire.

Yan Defeats Kree

Yan defends Ms. Marvel

Dar-Benn then told Yan to yield, which he refused to do. She then charged up the Universal Weapon and shot it at Yan, only for the blast to be absorbed by Monica Rambeau, who jumped in front of Yan at the last second. Yan then ordered the army to attack, which they did. Using his sword, Yan attacked the Accusers and soldiers as the Marvels tried to stop Dar-Benn. Yan then jumped in front of Ms. Marvel and fought off a soldier before telling her to use the scarf on her uniform as a whip. He then continued to fight until Dar-Benn successfully siphoned the water on Aladna to Hala, winning.[1]


"To you? I will never kneel."
―Dar-Benn and Yan[src]
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To be added


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  • Expert Martial Artist: To be added
  • Sword Mastery: To be added
"Oh, wait. He doesn’t have to sing?"
"Yeah, he’s bilingual."
―Monica Rambeau and Captain Marvel[src]
  • Bilingualism: Yan is bilingual, speaking both English and Song.



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  • Sword: To be added






  • In the comics, Prince Yan was married to a Nowlanian woman named Tic.


Transparent Endgame Logo
The Marvel Cinematic Universe Wiki has a collection of images and media related to Yan.
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The Marvel Cinematic Universe Wiki has a collection of quotes related to Yan.

External Links[]
